Sunday, September 30, 2018


Greetings good citizen, today's offering is not about baked good but market share which is often taught to the feckless (and their none too bright underlings) by appealing to their 'greed'.

[They are even taught to think of the cookie as 'theirs' although a more succinct description would be 'total' yet the capitalist likes to keep the cookie 'fuzzy' by asking students to 'grow' their cookies...]

Again with the head full of nonsense baloney! Markets are finite so what they are really asking is how the student would go about capturing more market share for their greedy selves...and yet nobody finds fault with this!

How bout you Dumbo? Should they be finding fault?

Damn straight they should and that traces all the way back to the belief that resources are infinite in an extremely finite world.

Ignorance drives the educational process and profound ignorance drives the financial system. I just read an ad for NFL half dollars selling for $10 a piece, talk about fools and their money...but that's the 'given' when it comes to tangible currency, if you will accept money that you can touch as 'real' then YOU are a FOOL!

Money is ever and always an IDEA! Just as how much (really ANYTHING) is 'worth' varies from buyer to buyer.

How 'bout that minimum wage, eh? What's up with that? Raise wages and prices rise to make more billionaires...but stupid doesn't realize that or are we talking Democrats here [who, like Unicorns, no longer exist except in the angry mind of the typical conservo-whacko...]

Is this what 'foolishness' results in?

A society that refuses to engage in a rational discussion because their 'belief systems' interfere/conflict with reality?

Um, many 'born catholics' left the church over the pedophile scandal, which has (unsurprisingly) filtered down into if you are a catholic, you're a pedophile. How the hell do you have a dialog with morons who think like that? [Zero irony that this springs out of the past when Catholics were reliably pro-labor Democrats [notice how the pro-labor part disappeared from the newly rebranded 'Progressives'?] While the stupid and damn proud of it Conservatives, who most notable difference is holding 'prayer meetings' at the start of every day [because Conservo-whackos (LIKE Muslims) see no problem with religion being an integral part of government...and from there it is but a small step from government imposing penalties on 'non-believers'.

The 'uniqueness' that set the United States apart ISN'T 'democracy', it's 'religious freedom' that extends to the right to be FREE OF RELIGION!

History has shown what 'European religion' did to the natives of this that what YOU want for YOUR children?

What's this have to do with cookies or market share or heads full of nonsense?

I don't need to explain it to the competent and the thicket of falsehoods is too dense for the average person to see through so either you get it or you don't.

You have been manipulated, from birth BY the people who profess to love you and only had your 'best interests' in mind so YOU wouldn't 'stand out' as the only rational being in your crowd.

Many that are branded criminals are guilty primarily of 'non-conformance' because nobody cared enough to poison their young mind.

But now we strike a little too close to home. [Why is Gegner 'different'?]

When seeing things for what they are is a crime you live in a criminal society and will eventually pay the price.

That said, I long ago chose to live on my feet.

If your cookie is not 'infinite' then we are all in a heap of trouble, aren't we?

Thanks once again for allowing me to open your mind,


Saturday, September 29, 2018


Greetings good citizen, despite all the admonitions to 'just be you' you are not and pretty much never have been 'you'. What passes for you is a reflection of whatever the media has taught you to emulate.

I read an opinion piece this morning that points at Friends as the lynchpin responsible for the rise of the 'anti-intellectualism' movement. If the picture is anything to go by I'm older than today's opinion provider and I stick with my nominee, the Simpsons.

In recent months I have repeatedly pointed to a well known human trait, that of mimicking what captures our curiosity, especially things we can use to get a rise out of others. [If the target takes offense our defense is we saw it on TV (which is supposed to make it okay for 'consumption' by the general public.) but everybody knows the bosses fired the 'censors' a long time ago and now you can't tell the difference between broadcast TV and cable...where you nominally agreed to a lower (moral) standard in pursuit of more 'realistic' artistry.]

Either way your chain is getting jerked and if you don't like it, tough.

What's 'worrisome' about you getting 'mislead'? It's how we got a billionaire president who 'masqueraded' as a 'regular guy/self-made man' when neither one is true...but he made you believe it by promising things he never delivered on. [Notice how TV has conditioned you to lower your expectations?]

The staggering part is anybody paying attention has seen he lied but some of you are still shoveling the manure, convinced the pony just has to be under there somewhere! [Otherwise how could there be this much shit?]

Naturally, one of the prerequisites of populism is having a gullible audience and since TV fostered a precipitous drop in intellectualism, the gullible stand ever ready to be mislead!

Do you ever look around you and wonder if everyone is an idiot? [Part of my 'major malfunction' is I DON'T watch TV so I'm not, er, 'brainwashed'.] I would imagine most of my readers are likewise afflicted. TV is for 'entertainment' and it stops being entertaining if I have to completely disengage my mind just to watch.

For my 'fellow travelers' [those who find themselves surrounded by morons wherever they turn] I wish to tell you that the damage done by the brain drain isn't permanent. The duped will quickly see that they have been lied to but lack the mental horsepower to figure out what to do about it.

This is the danger we face, this is where the Zombie Apocalypse will come from, the mindless whipped into a frenzy by the feckless will attack likely during an election and the resultant martial law will result in chaos nationwide!

But we have been headed this way for the past couple of decades, since the last of the adults have left the public stage.

When you hear of rioting, take cover. They are hoping to catch YOU out and about, flee if you can and if not use ANY available weapon. You're smart, you'll at least make some of them pay...[better to die on your feet than to beg for mercy that isn't there!]

When the [TV] 'addicts' figure out they've been duped (again) they are going to need leadership and that's where YOU come in.

Ironically the feckless will likely exterminate the idiots once they have performed their singular purpose. That's an order bound to go sideways even with the most diligent planning but 'Man Plans and FATE laughs!'

Even the feckless are basically stupid.

Um, tis shopping day and the 'non-dupes' don't need my advice so I'll cut this short and let you get on with the important things you have to do.

Um, if you suspect you're one if the Zombies I refer to above, do yourself a favor and turn the 'idiot box' OFF!

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head, [see, I'm not watching TV, I'm writing this!]


Friday, September 28, 2018


Greetings good citizen, I titled this blog 'The Futurist' to spark a dialog about the future but apparently not only do people not read anymore they also don't feel the need to contribute either.

Admittedly I shouldn't complain, the only people who comment these days are trolls trying to get a rise out of the other side which is hardly productive.

So I continue to post with the notion that at least my ideas are seeing the light of day rather than festering inside me, doing no one any good.

The most difficult factor to overcome is the bizarre notion that it is what it is and it can't be changed...or worse, that changing it will inevitably make it worse.

Why do you insist on living your life like you have to cross a room barefoot over freshly broken glass? FEAR of getting a splinter (that you're gonna get anyway) immobilizes you.

Put some shoes on and get moving damn you!

People like variety but bizarrely they fear change, probably why most of you are insane.

[First step to solving any problem is admitting it exists!]

Nobody is happy with the current wringer they find themselves trapped in BUT they prefer it to a wringer where they don't know what's coming and for truly bizarre reasons they can't imagine life without their heads in a wringer!

[Did I mention insane? Check.]

For the most part discussing changing the shit-stem is merely mental masturbation because we don't have access to either the controls or the moving parts. We can get access but that involves removing the people who currently operate that part of the system from their, er, 'assignment'. Those people don't know what they are doing, they were told what they are supposed to do and if anything went wrong to 'stop and call'...depending on what it is, the number they were given to call isn't the decision-maker it's an underling so they have to call someone else to find out what to do about the control point being seized.

Naturally the default reaction will be to call the police. So before you seize any controls you have to 'neutralize' to token local police force.

[This also answers the question of why concentrations of control points host large police forces.] (the 'expectation' is nobody will try to seize control of a control point...)

The police don't exist to protect you, they exist to protect the controls along with the people that put your head in the wringer!

Alone this problem is insoluble and united it still won't make it to the ballot box which leaves you where?

The current system exists to PREVENT putting rapacious capitalism on trial!

IF you (or anyone else) has a better way those whose power and wealth relies on the current set up aren't interested in hearing it. [Under A Simple Plan EVERYBODY works for a paycheck. Your money is for you from the cradle to the grave and when you die NOBODY gets it, your account is simply erased because EVERYBODY makes their own way!]

So the puzzle we, the oppressed and exploited face is how do we even open a dialog about the system that oppresses and exploits us?

Isn't the first part of this problem convincing a majority that a problem even exists? [Because the feckless media keeps blaming everything but the outdated system for the multiple crises facing society!

Money and capitalism have one thing in common, people DON'T UNDERSTAND EITHER ONE!

There will NEVER be a conversation centered on "Why do I have to pay for this?"

Mother Nature doesn't have a cash register...

So the nominal owner ends up with all the profits and the 'specialists' MONEY EXISTS TO SUPPORT continually gets the short end of the stick! [I'm pointing to the 'working poor' for those of you too feeble to comprehend this train of logic.] EVERY cog in the process does what it does so it doesn't have to do EVERYTHING themselves!

GOVERNMENT exists to insure nobody gets short changed...and now the feckless have paid the media to convince the morons that GOVERNMENT is 'the problem!'

Worse, the feckless have also seized control of the curriculum so school no longer teaches our youth the 'purpose of government'.

IGNORANCE is only compounded by the self-inflicted wound of stupidity and refusing to believe they have been lied to.

But a society with deep roots in the 'mystery of faith' is accustomed to illogical arguments defending the defenseless.

3/4's of you are convinced the system we've got is 'as good as it's going to get and if you got a bad deal learn to deal with it because there's no way to change it. [I'd dare say the percentage has slipped to 50% as the feckless see no downside to pushing as hard as they can. If they derail democracy they have autocracy waiting in the wings! [Think you're unhappy now? Try nowhere to run and nowhere to hide on for size in a world that perpetually burns. (because fire is the poor man/victim's only ally.)

I mean you can keep doing nothing and events will unfold on their own or you can step up and give you kids a fighting chance...

So far I'm not feeling you and it's a shame the kind of world your kids are going to inherit.

Thanks once again for stopping by and opening your mind (those of you that still have one...)


Thursday, September 27, 2018


Greetings good citizen, the Commander-in-Chief (aren't you glad he isn't the POTUS?) has attacked China for 'targeting' red states for counter-tariffs when the Red States support conservatism largely due to their religious beliefs.

Bizarre how the hard working farmer compares themselves to the 'born to it' trust fund crowd. The two are NOTHING alike yet they both claim they got where they are through hard work. [The mother experiences a certain degree of discomfort but the child remembers nothing of the experience so calling it 'hard work' is more than a little bit disingenuous.]

So it is we have conservatives who pride themselves on KNOWING THE VALUE of 'hard work' despite the leadership having never done a minutes productive labor and the Red States who believe, like their chimera God, that conservatism and it's deep and abiding distrust of anything different OR 'non-conforming' [now there's the rub, isn't it?] represents 'who they are'.

Dark skin, name end in a vowel (or an s.) You'll never be 'one of us', you'll always be a wannabe.

Like many topics, the conservative 'rabbit hole' is deep, dark and winds all over the place, not that the other 'faith based' ideologies are any better despite copying one another in they convoluted logic, often twisting in opposite directions only when similarities become apparent solely to differentiate themselves, otherwise it's a pattern.

Worse, they are all 'clubs', just like the 'God's Chosen' BS.

Not a rule but those of you old enough remember the strong Catholic/protestant divide between Democrats (Catholic) and Republicans (Protestants)

Since religion is on the decline among the younger generation the divide has blurred since the Conservative BANKERS defunded the pro-labor Democrats and replaced them with Progressives, the same label the Nazis used in their rise to power...but THAT's 'just a coincidence'.

[Although like their 'brown shirt' predecessors, you have to pass a 'sniff test' to join the ranks of the elite 'inner circle'.]

The global collapse of religion is presenting a serious threat to those whose continued rule relies on the 'status quo'. All religions are predicated on 'blind faith', the whole exercise is even called 'the mystery of faith'.

Comply or die children, either you became a 'believer' or you paid for your 'heresy' with your life...that's who we/YOU are dealing with here...and that is precisely the 'Genie' they want to put back in the bottle.

Did I mention these people are twisted, murdering freaks? [The 'good news' is there aren't as many of them as they want you to think there are.] It is here we circle back to the whole 'mystery of faith' thing.

What's this have to do with leadership? Shit rolls downhill just as the dictates of the advocates for the divine do.

Add blind faith to any equation and suddenly your neck deep in a genuine 'zombie apocalypse' although the zombies seeking to exterminate you aren't [technically] 'dead', it's just their ability to reason has been short circuited by those who would kill them for disobeying.

This is why organized religion was banned by the Communists, it's too dangerous to liberty. Remember God only loves you if you pray to him the way you are told! Disobedience is death!

Why doesn't anybody want to talk about that?

Let's circle back a half a step to the 'freak' part.

We could and the erudite are already there and hammer home the lesson that stupid is a self-inflicted wound cause by REFUSING to think (a.k.a FAITH!)


That's all for today folks! {Your forbearance in opening your mind is sincerely appreciated,}


Wednesday, September 26, 2018


Greetings good citizen, hard to tell what's more disturbing, that the guy that ran to be Commander-in-Chief continues to demonstrate just how much of a buffoon he is in front of the leaders of the rest of the world or that his supporters think it's all 'fake news' intended to discredit and disparage THEIR PRESIDENT.

Trump hasn't lifted a finger to 'help' his supporters and his reckless handling of policies he doesn't understand will scuttle global commerce for years to come but that doesn't dampen his supporters ardor. This, while the sane among us cringe at the blowback already created by his (handler's) crusade against sound government and cooperation. [He's not smart enough to be doing this on his own.]

His electoral victory was the result of backdoor deals and chicanery coupled with a population that didn't want THAT WOMAN as the nation's 'first female president'.

Trump is in the White House being laughed at because it played to the agenda of the usurpers behind the Reagan Revolution. They wanted Hillary to be president but knew if they 'coronated' her [like they did the Donald] there'd have been a revolt.

It's already reached the point where most people believe we'd be better off conducting a lottery to choose our next leader, screw popularity, it's monkeys and dartboards time! Who needs qualification when we were FOUNDED on the belief that ANYONE could grow up to be President (or at the very least, Commander in Chief, how much brains does it take to scream attack?)

Is continued support for the 'buffoon presidency' the result of the 'someday it might be me' syndrome used to defend against the legal community's *reluctance to combat 'income inequality'?

[*I'd say 'refusal' but you know how those legal types detest absolutes.]

When you deal in partials the argument that even bad things have their 'good side' sounds more 'reasonable'.

The legal profession is nothing but professionally 'applying' lipstick on pigs...(for fun and profit.)

Even when the bad outweighs the good it is argued that it isn't 'all bad' [the only thing that is All bad to a lawyer is the fictional Satan just as the only thing that is beyond corruption is that other work of fiction, the lord almighty!

But I digress, we're dissecting the Buffoon in chief today, Spirit in the Sky is not today's target.

Every once in a while we have to turn the camera around and look at who is taking the picture. I, er, point to (and ridicule) a lot of 'Sacred Cows' in my essays because I (and it's my damn blog) believe we are all HUMAN first and foremost.

The enshrined chimera that is spoon-fed to our youth in a misguided effort to make the 'better adults' is akin to trying to make Superman out of Kryptonite.

So it is we are raised on myths of equality and justice when nothing could be further from 'reality' because the legal community has made its bread and butter off of 'truthiness'. It isn't 'true' but it could be and in a society that more closely resembles an open cesspool, they tell us we should all be f'n thankful it isn't worse...(but then it gets worse and it's rinse and repeat time until it becomes intolerable.)

Limits are to be pushed and the only thing guaranteed under our current social set-up is 'dissatisfaction'.

It 'works' until it don't and we don't see the need to deal with it until then...

If that makes me, er, 'jaded' perhaps you'd do well to find a mirror yourself because it is you that is living in a 'fantasy world'.

I gave Trump a chance but like Obama, he blew it.

It's not about R's and D's, its about humans and morons. [People that think and people that WON'T...stupid is a self-inflicted wound!]

Wisdom for the wise and thorns for the fools...

Thanks for stopping by and opening your mind,


Tuesday, September 25, 2018


Greetings good citizen, the public has been patient (to a fault) waiting for the economic miracle wrought by the division of labor concept to ease the economic hardships created by a life that hinges on MONEY.

Ironically nobody [with a pulpit to shout it from] finds it odd that those who benefit the most, do the least.

Did you think it was a 'done deal', that what we have today is 'as good as it gets'?

The thing you can't see around is the hand calling for patience while the feckless quarantine progress so they and theirs can enjoy opulence the way they believe is should be, personally.

Once again we run directly into the crisis of allowing the self-interested to achieve personal satisfaction and believing their job is done...[with a hearty 'I got mine', punctuated with a rigid middle finger!]

The ramrod that keeps pushing humanity down is wielded by the banker and defended by the lawyer...they should (and will be) exiled for their crimes against humanity.

How about the politicians who just stand there and smile, pretending they were elected to do nothing...maybe they'd think differently if their paycheck was reduced to match their performance.

How disturbing is it good citizen that EVERYBODY KNOWS the easiest, surest road to riches is taking dictation for those who rule over us all?

No, not 'the people', the owners of commerce...despite none of it actually being 'theirs'.

In a 'just' future, claiming to own anything will automatically revoke your membership in society.

Don't you think the first lesson everyone should be REQUIRED to learn is there is no such thing as 'ownership', we are ALL 'USERS'.

As 'users' we have a shared responsibility to use frugally, sustainably and wisely.

But alas, this isn't and never will be a 'perfect world'.

Still, it could be a hell of a lot better.

You aren't getting yours because the ramrod of oppression/exploitation prevents you from acting to better your circumstances.

There is no 'complaint dept' (although the voting booth is held up as one) so your issues remain precisely that, yours.

What do YOU do when those who are supposed to be working on your problems turn, give you a big shit eating grin and extend their rigid middle finger in your general direction...every day, all day?


That's what you've always done, why change now?

The answer you don't want to admit is you KNOW what's coming, we've had this dance before.

It's already begun.

Speak out and get shot...the law does nothing because the law shot you so it must be a 'good shoot'.

It started the way it always starts, guilty because we've all done something and even if this time they are wrong, maybe God is feeling you need a lesson...or some foolishness like that. [Wouldn't have nothin to do with bozo being called on the carpet and getting reamed because his 'production' is low, would it?]

Ever wonder why beat cops don't carry hand grenades? Not because of the safety hazard they obviously present but because most cops are ex-military and they all know what fragging is.

How would the politicians explain why police lieutenants keep getting fragged (usually while in conference with the chief)

[Yeah, I can wear your shoes too, traitor!]

Everybody know shit rolls downhill and no conversation that starts with the line, "What kind of fantasyland do YOU live in patrolman? Your ticket count is abysmal, can you explain that?"

Yup EVERY profession operates on the basis of 'need' and questions low production even though EVERYBODY knows police of any kind are jobs program, just like the military. BOTH are 'unnecessary'.

Which just goes to show you, crime doesn't start at the bottom, it starts at the TOP. ALL of the stuff that happens at the bottom is the RESULT of BS started by those mismanaging our society. you still think you can 'vote' your way out of this?

What kind of stupid are you? Normally that question would be rhetorical but of late I have encountered those whose entire thought process is faulty at best...(and not just in 'my opinion'.)

It's 'kinda' not their fault, they have been fed a line of BS and chose to accept it as gospel [like most people's relationship with spirit in the sky.]

Murika good, commerce good, commie bad, liberul bad, conservative good, save things! Stupid = happiness!

How bout you haters? White = good, Black = bad? How do you spot the 'good guy' in a Western? Think that was an 'accident'?

Anyone else think the shaman's preferred garb (black) is an accident? Is it because he is 'covered in sin' or is it because he is a sinner and unrepentant? [Church scandal anyone?]

Naturally this circle back to 'what is truth (sin)?' Do you know it when you see it? How can you be sure?

Seems we have lost our 'metrics' and the profoundly stupid are unable to remember the the equation is a simple, if it promotes PEACE and EQUALITY it is GOOD and if it promotes GREED AND HATRED it's BAD.

Now you have it spelled out for you so you have no excuses...

Thanks for letting me inside your mind,


What's worse, the ones who do it or the ones who point it out?

YOU decide...

Monday, September 24, 2018


Greetings good citizen, 'The Giant' stirs uneasily in its slumber as it slowly begins to realize it's been hog-tied while it slept.

The Giant doesn't panic because no chain forged by the feckless is strong enough to bind it and the fools have used thread that will snap like they aren't even there when the Giant decides to move.

So it is Mr. Moore's latest effort tanked this weekend but the most aggressive of the 3M brand is a plodder, not a sprinter. A slow opening will be compensated for as the 'dead space' between the last Summer Blockbuster and next big tent movie for the holiday season. Weeks of nothing loom before us as Hollywood's intellectual bankruptcy manifests itself with re-treads from the past that are well beyond their 'sell-by' date.

But the feckless are nothing if not 'nostalgic', forever pining for times that never existed and memories of what never happened.

It is this disturbing display of dissonance that is waking the Giant from its slumber. The Giant doesn't remember it like that and it has the scars to prove it.

At the deepest level the Giant is disturbed by the lies and it knows if it doesn't act to stop the plotters it will lose a significant portion of its bulk.

Nobody respects a skinny, fat-headed giant.

In fact what the giant finds the most disturbing is that they plan on carving him into a thousand pieces, then he won't be a giant anymore.

In unity there is strength, in pieces he is nothing...and that's what the feckless have finally figured out.

A lone dissenter is easily silenced, and army of dissenters is another matter altogether. Humanity instinctively bands together which is why the media works so hard sowing discord.

Yup, those who claim provenance over the truth are no more your 'ally' than those who claim dominion over the law. Both are vested in asserting their own agenda which is the domination of our species.

This is why a for profit media only serves the predatory capitalist.

Ironically, Mr. Moore's anti-capitalist rhetoric was pointed to as the reason his latest film performed poorly. For reasons unknown the old, "the system may suck but it's the best one we've got" was trotted out by the critic in Variety's harsh review.

We are told [by the for profit media] that 'most adults' agree with notion that capitalism may be 'flawed' but it's better than any of the alternatives...[of which there is only one and it is IDENTICAL to the SHITSTEM we use except the 'owners' pretend the workers own the means of production while the self-appointed 'managers' produce and distribute the money...which is where both systems fall apart.

That is why A Simple Plan addresses the problems created by the (it shouldn't exist in the first place) Banking Industry.


Not only paychecks all around but total systemic transparency with nobody paying themselves outrageous sums just because they can.

Now THAT's the power of UNITY [with a healthy dose of Equality thrown in!]

With a level playing field EVERYONE prospers.

How sad this is 'unacceptable' to our self-professed 'betters'. [They feel they stole it fair and square and should be allowed to keep it (so nobody else can have any!)

How shameful it never belonged to them in the first place?

Libbies argue that they 'own' themselves when a greater lie has never been told. Alone each of us is dead, it is only united that we prosper! [Individualism is central to Libbie philosophy. Why do morons think answering to you and you alone is they way to go?]

(Sing the refrain children! 'How STUPID are YOU?')

This is tantamount to worshiping an entity that would let a cesspool like this one exist! How do they think they will be treated in the 'afterlife' if their god lets them be treated like dirt in this one?

This is a test...yeah, that's what they tell themselves. INGRATITUDE guarantees you eternal damnation!

Be 'grateful' for your shitty circumstances that other humans are responsible for...and accept that God trusts you to forgive those that screwed you while you wait to DIE!

Either we are some races abandoned lunatics or the people in charge are...

Regardless, I suspect the creator race infected us with its fringe belief systems.

They certainly taught us God to keep us working for our 'Heavenly Reward' [Just like a Libbie to use your own greed against you.]

Who are these 'Libbies' I refer to obliquely? We used to call them Neo-Cons but now they call themselves Republicans.

People who VOTE Republican call themselves 'Independents', which they think is pretty sly because they can blame their electoral fuckups on Liberals who flocked to the Independent banner when their party vanished after it was defunded for not playing ball with the money.

Hello, why do NONE of you remember this?

Worse, why do any of you think there is still such a thing as a Democrat in politics today?

{I ask of people who believe an imaginary spirit guides them from above and will take their immortal soul to Heaven IF they are 'good'...but only if they practice the 'right' religion, the one that puts MONEY above all else.

You know where this is going so I will spare you.

Keep on pumping, too bad there isn't any place to put the drain hose that ISN'T swamp!


Sunday, September 23, 2018


Greetings good citizen, as the more for me crowd sits on the hands of justice and grabs everything that isn't nailed to the ground (for themselves) civilization itself is collapsing because the forces of good are in disarray.

Like 'truth', 'good' is also a highly relative term. What's GOOD for civilization is, by definition, BAD for CRIMINALS.

If you ever wondered what a society lead by criminals would look like I preach to the choir when I point to our current circumstances.

The thing YOU need to be aware of is this can only go two ways...and we're already three quarters of the way down the wrong path...thanks to the criminals in charge!

The paid shills of the for profit media keeps dividing the public by focusing on racial/political differences and blaming the resultant chaos on that when it's the media's, er, 'disregard' for the criminal leadership that is responsible for the festering wounds our tattered society bears.

'More for me' always starts at the top. [Where there is nobody to tell the criminal that they can't have what isn't theirs...]

But I digress...the purpose of today's offering is to illuminate the 'the crosswords' society is facing.

Permit me to belabor the obvious a bit [it's how I roll, sorry] and point to the 'disinformation system' [which the public foolishly believes is 'infallible']

The criminals are very good at covering their tracks and making sure the internet doesn't give away their plans is the least of their accomplishments.

I know I'm going to blow some minds, people live with their minds neatly compartmentalized. They know what a 'king' is and if they were asked for synonyms for the word it is likely they would stop at Monarch, Ruler and Liege...some might throw Oligarch in there and they wouldn't be wrong.

Is a Don a king or is this leader an Emperor? [A king of kings...]

How about 'warlord'...doesn't have the same connotation as king but when you're face to face with one it makes little difference. Like the nobles of old, they operate with the 'blessing' of local chieftain.

Laws? Rights? They ARE the law and YOU have NO rights...this is what Mr. Moore was referring to in is 'get out the vote' plea. It's also what I was pointing at when I chided that we can't 'fix this' using the ballot box. You've brought a pen to a gunfight...and you're gonna die because YOU listened to STUPID!

I keep screaming about a return of monarchy but you lack the imagination to comprehend what I'm screaming about...and sometimes there is nothing worse than failing to be specific.

Look at the collapsing third world, where criminal 'warlords' hold absolute sway over their little 'fiefdoms'.

How many of you think 'that couldn't happen here'?

Because you think that it already is.

What YOU fail to recognize is how it begins...with the 'removal of opportunity'.

Law of survival number one, NOBODY can live in an economic desert...or, more succinctly, faced with 'slim pickings' survival personal often relies on YOU becoming a 'predator'.

This is social mismanagement 101. Keep the public at its own throat while you suck everything out of the area...dropping it in the hungry maws of THEIR KIDS (trust fund.) [They are innocent in their minds, they didn't do it for themselves, they did to to be 'good parents'.]

See how 'useful/crucial' controlling the public square has been for the criminals?

We COULD HAVE 100% employment TOMORROW but the 'will' to make that happen doesn't exist. All of those charities would go bust and we can't have that! Besides, how would they cover the taxes they pretend to pay? [Criminals don't work and they don't pay taxes...but YOU knew that, right?]

When you're living under a warlord it will be a little late to wonder 'how did I/we get here?'

In the meantime the 'illusion of freedom' is played out as elections come and elections go and nothing changes [the term for this is 'being hung with your own rope' but where did they get that rope?

Look inside you for the answer!

You think you are working for change but nothing happens...and after a while it dawns on you that nothing is going to happen...

How's that for 'stuck'?

Did I mention we could go on strike?

Well that was then and this is now, it's too late to strike.

It's NOT too late for ropes and ladders though! [Don't forget the torches, it all starts with burning out the collaborators!]

[Momma's don't let your babies be guardsmen!]

Ever wonder where summary execution for disobeying an order came from? [Think being ordered to murder your's also where summary execution's kissing cousin, fragging comes from.]

The feckless are evil and we must purge them from society!

But first things first or we will have to wait a long time for another chance...

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


That's the hell of it good citizen, happy, sad, will always be 'your head'...don't squander your time wishing you did something while you still could have, you will ALWAYS be able to act!

Even a pyrrhic victory is still a victory. [You don't have to win, you just have to make sure THEY don't!]

Saturday, September 22, 2018


Greetings good citizen, as Mahar of the 3M gang was on last night and he had MM on as a guest to pump his latest film we have the rationale behind today's offering.

Insanity is an 'opinion' and 'crazy' is something we all know when we see it.

Republican's have become 'one trick ponies' believing there isn't anything a tax cut can't solve. Ironically being the party of denial wasn't winning them any friends so they charged at their single issue with the ferocity of an axe murderer pursuing a nubile teenager.

Here's the 'insane' part. Since taxes exist SOLELY to provide the capitalist owners with an income stream for what doesn't belong to them in the first place. This also serves to upend any possibility of a balanced economy. Since NOBODY can agree on what money is, nevermind what it's for...we end up with conundrums like this.

Taxes could be set to ZERO and the wheels wouldn't stop. The 'value' of money is already zero but that doesn't stop people from MURDERING one another for it.

What makes our bankrupt society run?

F-U Pay Me!

How many of you 'voted' for that?

Nor will you EVER.

Is this a question of money or insanity?

How bizarre the answer is BOTH.

Every one of us was born into this Faustian nightmare and all it's going to take to stop it in its tracks is the honest question of 'what are we doing?'

The question isn't insane, how we handle it is.

Does anyone know what the original question is?

It is 'survival personal'.

If we were vegetables all we would need to survive was soil, rainfall and sunlight...(and naturally favorable temperatures & atmosphere.)

But sentient life requires vegetables and lower life forms to survive. [Isn't hierarchy a bitch but without one we, er, haven't found the other.]

Not that sentient life that DOESN'T prey on lower lifeforms doesn't exist, it's just highly unlikely.

But we are drifting away from the point of this parable and that is the incredibly stupid things people believe thanks to 'go along to get along'.

Compounded by whole generations that never questioned the rationale behind the things they did.

Now let's return to where all of this started and the 250 year old practice of voting for people to make decisions in your name without ever consulting with you.

ORIGINALLY, in a far less complicated world, it was thought that keeping the number of representatives down would avoid/minimize conflict. Then the OWNERS of newspapers got into the act and started using their pulpit to 'steer' voters in the direction they favored.

Once the 'money' saw what the papers were doing they bought up the papers and the rest is history.

Hitler teaches us the power of public opinion and that lesson wasn't lost on the feckless who were already expert in using 'the 4th Estate' to guide if not outright influence 'public policy'.

UNDERSTAND: Since they are pushing society into its own cesspit the dial has been cranked to 'insane' leaving the public desperate for a return to 'rationalism'.

But can an insane society recognize rational after being immersed in bedlam since its inception?

We would have to return to the beginning and dismantle the BS the self-serving have normalized at the barrel of a gun...and that begins with money.

If there were no taxes [and there shouldn't be...any so there goes 'death' on it's own...again.]

There's a lesson on taxes being associated with death (as being inevitable) for those with a mind to grasp why the concepts association was made in this way.

It's back to Grandpa's (insane) knee and teaching the children so they will know what to EXPECT.

It's NOT 'Death and Taxes', it's OWNERSHIP and TAXES!

Under a 'free' society taxes are unnecessary. Taxes only exist so the owner can extract money [from society] for what doesn't belong to THEM!

If WE can't fix this we are doomed.

How do you fix this with the ballot box and the answer is YOU CAN'T!

This issue will never be on the ballot because the feckless don't want it there. [Change frightens them, especially changes they don't control.]

In this we encounter that famous thing philosophers are always eluding to and that is the 'human condition'.

Do you know what the 'human condition' is?


Ain't gonna fix that one with no ballot box. Only truth and it's assistant, education (based in truth) can win that one.

Problem with 'truth' is it's 'relative' and has many facets...and many of those facets play to the 'me-first' among us.

Zero irony we need to use the barrel of a gun to sweep away the self-serving BS the feckless have erected in the path of survival.

The ONLY road forward is UNITED And that is impossible if we are not EQUALS for without EQUALITY there can be no JUSTICE.

How sad for us all that we have squandered all of this time in pursuit a chimera we call 'truth'. Unity, equality and justice can be measured, the truth can't even be imagined never mind quantified!

I can only hope this post doesn't sail clean over the heads of those who have one to use.

Thanks for opening your mind,


Friday, September 21, 2018


Greetings good citizen, as 'the sovereign' has traveled through Europe, From Spain to the Netherlands, to Britain then to the US and now guess where it's landed?

Links are hit or miss lately so I'll Provide you with one here then insert part of the article to which it leads to give you a hopefully clearer picture...

The country’s aggressive territorial claims and island militarization have put neighboring countries and the United States on the defensive, even as President Trump’s administration is stepping up efforts to highlight China’s controversial island-building campaign.

In congressional testimony before assuming his new post as head of the United States Indo-Pacific Command in May, Adm. Philip S. Davidson sounded a stark warning about Beijing’s power play in a sea through which roughly one-third of global maritime trade flows.

“In short, China is now capable of controlling the South China Sea in all scenarios short of war with the United States,” Admiral Davidson said, an assessment that caused some consternation in the Pentagon.

Returning to 'the point', shifting the center of global economic power to its new home is essentially complete.

The question facing the planets, er, depending on your POV, either 'residents' or 'infestation' is whether or not the feckless will deem it necessary to destroy civilization (again) so they can turn back the hands of time?

Back to when? To the days when people feared letting royalty catch them looking at them lest they be exterminated on the spot for looking 'threatening'.

Yeah, that part hasn't changed. They want to return to absolute power but they are already fearful, just like their ancestors were.

So it is we have this global exercise in 'sabre-rattling' that is INTENDED to bring the rest of the world to heel.

Fun facts good citizen? Did you know the Chinese military already dwarfs the US 'volunteer force' somewhat amazing considering the economic desert created by the act of shifting global economic power to its 'new home'.

Somewhat ironic that El Trumpo is being investigated for turning a blind eye to alleged 'Russian interference' in the 2016 election cycle considering how Nixon's opening the door to China turned out, isn't it?

Shall we sing the refrain children? [How f'n STUPID are you?]

It's not only the refrain, it's something you should be repeating to yourself everytime a paid shill tells you black is white and up is down...oh and it's 'raining money' somewhere over the rainbow...

Scientists investigating this baffling economic phenomenon...what's that? Nobody is investigating nevermind paying attention to the location of the global feckless?

Don't you think somebody should be? [The survival of the human race on this planet DEPENDS ON knowing who these people are and what they are up to 24/7!]

Considering this is happening right under your nose doesn't it make you wonder what else you have missed because you weren't paying attention?

How can we even hope to save ourselves if we are too stupid to realize our intelligence is being insulted [routinely.]

Will the last person leaving the planet please remember to turn the lie machine off?

Enough said, thanks once again for letting me inside your head...oh and you MAY want to lift your head and actually look around every once in a while, eh?


Thursday, September 20, 2018


Greetings good citizen, as I read today's news offerings my mind touched upon what the goal might be for those manipulating the perceptions of the human race?

For a species whose only rudder was a book of lies (that was read to the illiterate and uneducated at every social gathering) how ready was humanity for a media that routinely lied to protect its owners?

As we have seen a long history of self-service by those who CLAIMED to be 'protecting society'. One need not squint and look at it sideways to observe that they have been mostly focused on protecting themselves...

Again the theory (even to this day) is we are helping EVERYBODY [it only looks like we are helping ourselves more...] You have a house, we have a house! [I wouldn't let my dog live in YOUR house which doesn't alter the fact that we both have houses...I just happen to own mine...but chin up, you SHOULD have yours paid off before you DIE.]

But I digress.

Refocusing, we return not to Tricky Dick and beginning of 'The Imperial Presidency' but to Orson Welles and his Halloween stunt of live broadcasting the plot of the War of the Worlds that created widespread panic and had people 'hallucinating' that the attack was happening in 'real time'.

When we look back at the timing of the whole prank we are struck by the question 'How Stupid do you have to be?'

Let's pause a moment and ask that question again nearly a hundred years later...

Now let's hold up the mirror on 'fake news'. Since we are 'used' (condition from birth) to being lied to we have to ponder where this comes from?

The object of the lies are clear enough, exploitation. Was it clever humans that learned to use our (incredible) gullibility against us or did 'someone else' train them in the art of deception?

For this we need to KNOW the TRUTH regarding our origins. Mankind should have drown itself trying to catch raindrops in its mouth considering how STUPID most of us are.

But that's not the 'evidence' we've been left to work with. Both the clergy and its accomplice, the royals have a long history of lying in support of their long alleged 'superiority'.

We are [and pretty much always have been] just smart enough to know we're stupid.

WHO is keeping us from unlocking our potential?

The feckless (a.k.a. the Me First crowd) has a vested interest in not raising 'awareness', they WANT YOU stupid...and the more gullible the better.

So it is we have stopped in our tracks while the not too bright try to figure out how to put the genie back in the bottle.

You'd think more avenues of communication would save us because the average person would be exposed to more choices than just the official lies like those spit out by Fox News.

They are robots reading scripts, regurgitating what they are paid to say and somehow the none too bright public tends to forget that they are listening to paid schills.

Do YOU understand the 'mission objective' of our betters is to keep you 'fearful and subservient?'

The name of the game hasn't changed, it's always been 'comply or die'. The 'astounding' part of this is how YOU remain OBLIVIOUS.

It's go along to get along writ large.

So it is we arrive at our destination. I have led the horse to let's see if it will drink?

The first step in solving any problem is recognizing it exists!


Wednesday, September 19, 2018


Greetings good citizen, the following was received in my inbox this AM, I suspect at least some of you have already read it and perhaps had the same questions run through your mind that disturbed me...but first the heartfelt message from the radical member of the 3M team.

I direct your attention to the conclusion of this unsolicited message as the true cause for its transmission.

I ask one simple question in my new film: how the hell did we let this happen and what the hell do we do now?

This Friday, September 21, when “Fahrenheit 11/9” hits theater screens all across America, you'll see that I pull no punches while exploring these questions.

That's because we are in a state of emergency.

Democracy is not a guarantee. Freedom is not inevitable. All of the myths and heroic tales we've told ourselves about America have been exposed. The mask has been removed. And in the battle for the future of America, there is no guarantee of victory.

Hope, alone will not save us. In order to prevail, we need action.

Our Revolution has spent the last two years committed to direct action. They are building a revolution to take on President Donald Trump and the sick system that gave us him in the first place. Here's how:

Creating grassroots political power with hundreds of thousands of members across the country and around the world.

Organizing to vote out the political establishment and vote in the next generation of progressive leaders.

Fighting for policies the majority of Americans support but are told over and over again are unrealistic –
issues like Medicare for All, tuition-free public college, and getting big money out of politics.

The hard truth is that if we don't act now, we'll all be screwed. The President of the United States has no respect for the rule of law, the Constitution or even the concept of democracy itself. But neither do the corporations that are spending millions of dollars to give themselves and their rich friends trillion-dollar tax cuts. Our water, air, land – and our democracy – are being auctioned off to the highest bidder. Powerful special interest lobbies push their profit-driven agendas through every level of government.

Grassroots political power is the only [*non-violent] way forward. From Kansas to Missouri, New York to Florida, the revolution is growing – and it is not coming from the Democratic Party or from the liberal establishment. The revolution is coming from the people.

Can you help Our Revolution build this movement in our communities? Donate today to build on their organizing efforts for progressive change.

* included by me

As I posit in the lede; does anyone who isn't totally stupid believe we can VOTE our way out of this? Let's talk numbers here shall we? This is a nation of hundreds of millions...what kind of chance do 'hundreds of thousands' stand?

At least one HUNDRED MILLION are firmly on the side of truth and justice, the other Hundred million are 'on the fence', unsure if the situation is 'fixable', even temporarily, leaving a final hundred (+) million that live in permanent cognitive dissonance thanks to the mis-education system.

To answer Mr. Moore's rhetorical question of 'How did we get here?' we have this from today's Washington Post:

I tip my 10-gallon hat to the Texas school board, which just voted to “streamline” the public-school curriculum in a way that will surely Make America Great Again.

The board, on which Republicans have a two-thirds majority, agreed with recommendations that it is “not necessary” for students to learn about Hillary Clinton, Helen Keller or the father of modern conservatism, Barry Goldwater, the Dallas Morning News reported.

Eleanor Roosevelt and Betty Friedan were also deemed “not necessary” by a working group, which undertook an intriguing ranking of historical figures: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln fell short of perfect scores, but “local members of the Texas legislature” scored a perfect 20 of 20, as did “military and first responders.”

The board decided to save 40 minutes of third-graders’ time by sparing them a lesson on how government services are paid for. But it did preserve the one teaching that “Arab rejection of the State of Israel has led to ongoing conflict.”

My favorite: the decision to strike from the fourth-grade curriculum a lesson about “holding public officials to their word.” (Killing this topic, deemed “not being grade appropriate,” should save kids 30 minutes, the board estimates.)

Um, how many of you remember being taught that in the fourth grade? Show of hands that all? [NO, my hand wasn't up!]

How many of you still think 'more education' is the answer to a society that is headed straight over the edge?

There are far more questions than answers and that's definitely NOT how it should be.

If you don't know what's going on, they are putting one over on you, same as it ever was!

Naturally, that's why the foolish are keen on getting you out to vote when you SHOULD be in the streets with your shotguns, ropes and ladders!

Mr. Moore is correct, we are in a state of national emergency as you read this. Will his new film urge you to go home and turn you flag upside down? [Flying the flag upside down is a universal sign of distress and from what we are all seeing the whole freaking nation is in distress!]

There should be upside down flags EVERYWHERE! (Pretty much planet wide!)

What is missing from the above Wa Po post?

Not one word about MONEY!

Do any of you find that peculiar? You should because the only thing schools teaches is how to 'work with money', not what it is or where its value comes from.

Governments issue money and when governments are gone money will come from the crown because slavery is king among the feckless and fecklessness is 'ME FIRST' writ huge!

Lots of things popped up on radar this morning but S.A.S.T. only permits us to tackle a couple at a time so this is all for today.

Thanks for stopping by and topping off your mind,


Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Bad Faith

Greetings good citizen, had a late start this AM as we old people need to jump through hoops to give our physicians a fighting chance of preventing an early/sudden departure. Those of you that don't believe liberalism is an untreatable mental disorder will agree that I caught a lucky bonus catching a rare Tuesday editorial by the mighty Paul Krugman where he once again scores a bullseye by nailing the intellectual dishonesty that makes sound government so crucial to maintaining social stability.

“Bad faith” is, by the way, a legal term, referring to “entering into an agreement without the intention or means to fulfill it, or violating basic standards of honesty.” In politics, it usually means pretending to be committed to principles you abandon the moment they become inconvenient. Bad faith in this sense pervades almost everything the modern G.O.P. says and does.

I resist the urge to 'clarify' my last statement [sound government,] constant reader doesn't need it and puddin' head won't get no matter how fine I parse it.

With that said I will cut to the chase and belabor the obvious, the radicals who want to enslave humanity KNOW they are doing this and it IS DELIBERATE!

Worse, they are going to keep on pushing [to re-institute monarchy] even if we rise up against them.

The people who reject this fact also foolishly believe that Roe V Wade is 'settled law' and can't be turned around.

Don't look now but these A-holes have already (successfully) repealed the f'n Magna Carta and removed your 'right' to face your accuser and oblige them to produce evidence of your guilt.

Innocent until proven guilty only goes for the privileged, the rest of us can be accused of anything at any time and nobody has to prove anything.

We are but a half step away from returning a King to 'the' throne.

Understand, whoever they sit on the throne won't last a week so it won't be the 'real king', like today it will be some moron that doesn't know better and who doesn't have a choice in the matter. Trump fits both of those requirements perfectly.


Again, no need to add anything.

Thank once again for letting me inside your head,


Monday, September 17, 2018

(Sunshine) Patriot

Greetings good citizen, the road to common ground has been seized by those who would rule over us and they are directing their synchopants to shun those who defy their will.

How are they doing this? Dog whistles, not literally supersonic frequencies but through the use of codewords designed challenge the feeble minded's values.

The simple don't know much so they cling voraciously to what little they THINK they are sure of.

How ironic the things they cling to the fiercest are the product of jingoism...

Baseball, hotdogs, apple pie AND (perhaps most important of all) Chevrolet.

The forth one used to be MOM but in marketing NOTHING is 'sacred'...sadly, the feeble don't know that.

[It must seem like I'm constantly talking down to you but failure to be specific paves the road to misunderstanding/miscommunication. YOU aren't 'simple', I'm just being thorough.]

That said there is little difference between the simple-minded and the preoccupied.

That's why the airwaves are saturated with public awareness announcements [basically distractions intended to keep you from focusing on the multiple elephants you've been taught to ignore all your life.]

The first step to solving ANY problem is admitting it exists in the first place.

Zero irony that one man's problem is another's bread & butter.

So how do we target the origins of the crisis that is leading the planet into civil war?

Bizarrely it is a trait implanted in us by our masters, the same one that causes us to fight one another with little or no provocation. The defense of 'home' was a all hands effort and the duty of every member of the 'tribe' we are bonded with.

[Here again we encounter the reason why treason traditionally carries the death penalty.]

If you want the feeble minded to take a swing at you all you have to do is challenge their loyalty...the most effective 'bait' is the issue of 'patriotism'. [Men no longer feel the need to 'prove' their manliness but will consistently rise to defend their 'home' which they moronically equate with their 'country'.]

We are all born 'soldiers' even if we never don a uniform...that's why thanking 'the volunteers' for their service rankles because it diminishes our service! Odd that few recognize this trait as demonstrated by how regularly many of us run afoul of it...but thinking isn't our strong suit, is it?

Today's patriots are no different than their ancestors, it's not 'Murika' they're fighting for but HOME!

Um, when viewed with clear eyes we can all see this is the height of stupidity, your home isn't a place, it's your people...and if your people aren't criminals they shouldn't be threat to anyone...IF they aren't criminals.

The feeble don't know much but they know they are patriots! They love their country (maybe even more than their mom!) and they will kick the ass of anybody that challenges that love [even if it means getting their ass handed to them because that's what Patriots do!]

Again, the low wattage personality type is 'easily lead' and all the 'voice that never lies' has to tell them is some people are being disrespectful to the people who fought and died for this GREAT NATION...and they have the predictable reaction.

We [humanity] needs to slit the throats of those using the media to wind up the simple minded.

They are only reacting to what they hear on the 'dog whistle station' [Fox communications.]

Blind patriotism was behind the rise of post WWI Germany and it's behind the pre-apocalypse collapse of planet wide democracy.

Once back in power our royal betters won't hesitate to kill the 'surplus' for the 'safety' of the 'good people'.

So are you simple enough to pass for stupid?

That's what it's going to take to stay alive...

What's the LCD of patriotism? Stupidity.

Do you have what it takes to survive the return of monarchy?

Thanks once again for opening your mind, just one more thing to be thinking about that is more important than who 'unfriends' you because you displayed your 'pinko' humanity loving qualities...


Sunday, September 16, 2018


Greetings good citizen, while our civilization has fallen apart due to our youth abandoning opportunities to 'socialize' in favor of devoting themselves to mastering their 'electronic babysitter'.

Folk from my generation were at least somewhat perplexed by their parent's being 'overly concerned' with what the neighbors we have birthed a generation that is more inclined to burn their neighbors out if they intrude/comment on/ridicule their private domains.

The 'cure' for this will be hard to swallow considering how much of the (failing) economy has shifted to the 'circus' side of the ledger. [Again, oldsters will catch the reference to Rome's increasing dependence on 'Bread and Circuses' to keep the populace, er, 'docile'.


While the 'desocialization' of our youth is a huge contributing factor to the looming collapse of 'modern' civilization, the opportunists among us have seized on 'void' created by a distracted populace to roll back social reform by more than a THOUSAND YEARS!

Not only have the scion of the rich rolled back the New Deal, they also repealed the Magna Carta AND NOBODY LIFTED A FINGER TO STOP THEM!

Maybe your dungeon master didn't give you permission to care about the 'real world'...and maybe the only 'world' that is real to you anymore exists on your hand held. That said, the 'real world' has no place, nevermind a 'need' for you...and that isn't going to end well by any stretch of the imagination.

While you no longer give a shit what the neighbors think, you have become accustomed to eating regularly and civilization is STILL only 9 meals deep...[on the third day all hell broke loose! ]

Which is to belabor the obvious [my 'specialty' thank you] desperate situations make for desperate acts and desperation is a terrible thing.

Not that the feckless care about what position they put you in, you can't touch them and they know it!

Our 'electronically induced' withdrawal from society has been seized upon by Royal wannabes who know not what they do...not that it's any excuse. You don't get a pass for your 'ignorance' nor will a shattered society forgive theirs.

The 'simple lesson' offered here is one you should have learned in kindergarten and that is actions have consequences, which is why it is imperative to 'follow the rules.'

[Quiz many of you just had the question 'there are rules' flash through your mind?]

The ones with the guns make the rules [seems we finally reached the realization that guns trump money (and just about anything trumps Trump.)]

Equally as, er, strange to folks of my generation is the reality that gold is no more valuable than a bitcoin, a bastardization of two monetary terms in a FEEBLE attempt to lend legitimacy to an empty concept.

You can't eat bitcoins anymore than you can eat gold and you can't eat promises either.

How do you feel about the feckless holding your food hostage now? [Think they will taste good with a robust Red?]

Zero irony that the zombie shows on TV is merely a parody of what life will become once the food chain collapses after the feckless scuttle it to open their escape route.

No zombies that 'magically' defy a world literally swimming in voracious bacteria, those zombies ARE you trying to find ANYTHING to keep you alive a few days longer. Will the feckless be 'merciful' and dispatch you to meet your maker with a bullet to the head?

Not likely. They know you have about thirty days tops even if you turn full cannibal. You'll die an agonizing death from eating spoiled meat.

Is that the future you want for your children? [So a few can be rich?]

Time to wake up and seize the day while you still have a chance!

[At the very least stop 'stupid' from throwing ALL of the food out!]

I apologize, today's offering is grim indeed...but only if you think about it.


Saturday, September 15, 2018

Cascading systemic failure

Greetings good citizen, as 'The West' succumbs to the predation of (and by) its betters the rest of us have adopted a watch and see attitude as we wait for the rich to make us rich, ya know it's that 'trickle down' thing Reagan was always talking about.

The rational among us have known all along that even HE didn't understand HOW it was supposed to happen. The system has always been predatory and all he did was release the restraints on a rapacious beast, then he turned it loose upon an unsuspecting public.

It is PAINFULLY OBVIOUS that most of you don't understand how capitalism works. The only part you understand (barely) is the 'F-U Pay me' part.

Now 'our betters' (who have taken to calling themselves the haves and the have mores) think it's our fault for not knowing/understanding that the money that is supposed to be 'raining' from on high must first be sucked out of YOUR pockets!

[Ironically it doesn't have to be, they COULD just print more but the grifters understand the danger of 'too much money chasing too few goods and the chaos that causes. That's why prices are slowly going insane and markets around the planet are soon going to crash again [due to a dearth of customers] as the 'non-insiders' realize there is no 'safe place' when playing a game controlled EXCLUSIVELY by the self-interested.

Are YOU and insider? The new president of the San Francisco FED obviously (is if the news is true) but now we have to deal with onset of 'fake news' because the media has been jerking our chain (to keep us safe) since Gutenberg. The specific 'us' they're protecting varies from story to story but the truth is a potent tool and the public isn't to be trusted with it.

Well, the 'truth' that money is a lie and we are being robbed not of just our 'wealth' but our security and that of our children's is totally lost on the...foolish that trust too much.

Reagan instituted a 'REVERSE NEW DEAL' which was in fact the opposite of what Roosevelt implemented [Roosevelt created the most prosperous society this planet has ever seen after the incognito royals crashed the global economy by spreading the ruse that everybody was going to get rich from buying stocks on margin!]

But our 'betters' feared for THEIR children so they short-circuited the electoral system and put their own, er, 'puppets' in charge.

[Those damn trust funds are devilish hard to fill under a 90% tax rate! and O.O.C. inflation caused by the destabilization of the money supply [Nixon] required desperate measures.]

Remember, a conservative 'coup' is a conspiracy theory, especially if you backup to the Kennedy Assassination(s) followed by the Johnson 'abdication' resulting in the Nixon debacle (apparently Tricky Dick ALMOST rolled over on his backers and blew the whole coup to pieces but they whisked him into exile without murdering his whole family. Like Saint Ronnie, he left office and was never heard from again (probably because he spent the rest of his life heavily sedated.)

Anyhoo, while the corporate owned media wants you to believe this collapsing CF is completely 'organic' nothing could be further from the truth.

Capitalism is PREDATORY and DOESN'T WORK if left 'unrestrained'.

Believe me, if they thought they could get away with executing every other person they'd be doing it because that's what they did when they were nobles. Capitalism abhors surplus in case you haven't figured that one out by now, counterintuitive I know, more is considered better but only 'more for ME'. More production capacity is (under capitalism) a 'waste'.

The capitalist considers anything beyond THEIR NEEDS a 'waste' of resources.

Can you say mentally ill?

Good, I knew you could!

Understand what you're up against?

It's gonna take a couple of days but when you finally 'get it' it's going to hit you like a bag of hammers and your position will suddenly become 'clear'. It will also illuminate what you must do to survive on this planet with the rest of humanity.

ASP, an idea whose time has sad to point out it's that or extinction...and our 'betters' will chose EX every time [Where do you think 'rule in hell' comes from?]

Little humorous anecdotes that mental patients take to heart and the next thing you know we have genocide on our hands just so a psychopath can have a 'taste' of the 'good life'...

Is this what you want for YOUR kids?

Believe me, they want YOU to SERVE their kids...and NOTHING MORE.

They consider YOU expendable. If you refuse they will just keep going until they find someone cowardly enough to buckle under.

In this they find fear to be a very useful tool.

That's enough for today, don't want to overload your mind, the deep end is a scary place because the truth lives here.


Friday, September 14, 2018


Greetings good citizen, as the criminal element becomes more brazen in their manipulation of what passes for the justice system WE are entering the 'end game' of a now ancient political kabuki dance.

Kings through the ages have exempted themselves from the law and for generations they have gotten away with it because the systems of government EXIST primarily to protect the 'arbiter of justice' [whoever the sitting leader of the moment is.]

The criminals know this and take steps to control who sits in the seat of authority (insuring whoever it is answers to them, lest they be prosecuted under some of the laws they wrote to crucify their competitors with!)

In this the dance has become more precarious because justice isn't determined by 'legal precedent' but by force majeure. Thus do today's judges refuse to prosecute cases that would present them with an 'ethical dilemma', put them in the position of having to explain their decisions with a shrug and a 'because I said so'.

Me Tarzan, you not. We've all been hearing this a little too much and it's not sitting well.

This, quite naturally, is the stuff revolts are made of and in the past there was always somebody on the rebel side insuring that regardless of the outcome that the 'justice system' remained 'intact'.

Revolts fail because people who were lawyers BEFORE the revolt remain lawyers AFTER the revolt.

The head and even the system changes but the people responsible for excesses that led to the carnage remain THE SAME!

That's why under ASP the professional practice of law ends. Because the law belongs to those who must live under it!

NOBODY is 'above the law' (which is how EVERY shitshow begins.)

How many of the 'mouthbreathers' believe that the president can't be prosecuted for criminal acts both while in office and BEFORE they became president?

Bad news good citizen, since mouth breathers are 'stupid beyond belief' they BELIEVE that (if not all elected oficialdom) the President 'should be' untouchable.

And now you know why we live in a land without justice.

Newsflash for the morons reading this, NOBODY is 'above the law' (not even imaginary Spirit in the Sky.) I apologize to my readers for the insult but I had to get that one out there, this blog is more catharsis for myself than enlightenment for the lost.

While I want to think this (blog) is having an impact, even I am not that foolish. The most I can hope for is 'the good' will not be completely blindsided by what's coming and just maybe some of you will be in a position to put a stop to the feckless as they push aside/shout down the reformers in their mission to keep the rest of us in shackles. [Whosoever controls the law controls YOU AND 'your money!'

Who is JD Power and why should I give a fuck?

Most of us know this a a marketing tactic ginned up by an ad executive because people will buy 'perceived quality' and the Japanese had some mighty extreme quality issues when their products first hit these shores.

JD power is NOBODY and their credential are totally fake.

Actually JD Power is some clown from around here [Massachusetts] who made a fortune off of what is now a hugely successful marketing ploy. It is here we run head first into the question of why JD power has NEVER been made to prove the claims of their bogus 'awards' and the 'legal system' that lets them get away with this...

Haven't you ever wondered what, precisely the term 'initial quality' is supposed to mean and how 'prestitious can it be if the first time you've ever heard of it was in a commercial for a brand notorious for marketing JUNK?

Is that 'really' different?

Nope. THe truth is ALWAYS the truth, even when it's ugly.

Have I mentioned we've [meaning ALL of us] got a king kong sized 'legal problem' on our hands?

These people WON'T help us set things right because they are afraid of being prosecuted for their misdeeds as well as of being executed by the people they committed those misdeeds for.

Justice won't help us establish justice, we have to start fresh...and the first thing to throw in the burn barrel is that book of lies that pretends to be the 'word of god'.

The 'religious' among you must be conflicted by my seeming obsession with a topic you hold dear to your very being but it was crafted specifically to 'enslave' you and must be rejected.

You won't get your cranium out of your rectum so long as you 'believe' that God is preparing a place for you in his 'kingdom' AFTER YOU DIE!

Why does nobody see the parallel here? If the 'KINGdom of GOD' is such a grand place, why don't we have KINGS here?


Paradise isn't what you've been told it was and after you're dead it won't matter. WAKE the F UP!

This concludes this session of 'belaboring the obvious', hope it opened your crusted over eyes a little.


TGIF, eh? [The G is for Gegner...]

Thursday, September 13, 2018


Greetings good citizen, it has fallen out of favor but the meaning isn't lost. We all have heard the expression the 'hurrier I go the behinder I get!'

Well another 'axiom' for our failing times is the comparison to 'running in place' while actually LOSING ground. This is what happens when the only factor controlling the 'medium of exchange' is the primary pillar that supports the belief in the existence of

You keep HOPING and the feckless keep kicking the goal post further down the field so they can get more. With each kick 'the more' becomes less and less valuable because it is being diluted.

How does society 'get out in front' of this dastardly cycle?

'We' have to stop letting Me-Me play with the Bezel. That percent of a percent of a percent (your share) multiplied by ten zillion (what you owe me) is really starting to mount up!

Worse, just as time being a function of motion (regardless of direction...a 'subset' of this is matter, the eternal 'now' is stable because it is comprised of matter's state 'in the moment', direction is of no consequence only position and relative speed.

Wanting to 'turn back the hands of time' and actually doing it are two entirely different issues, just as 'wanting' a thing to have a certain value and actually making it so can only exist in your own mind and nowhere else.

Thought experiment [How do you like the 'deep end' of the pool?] Different over here, isn't it?

Well, Quester, the question of the day is how many dollars do you think it will take to create a singularity? [Artificial Intelligence that man can control.]

What if that 'money' was yours? Would you spend it chasing such a foolish goal? Let's reverse the equation and return the singularity to it's potentiality, that regardless of funding, one day it will come into existence (regardless of how briefly) will it change the course of mankind relative to the universe?

Have you returned to 'just smart enough to know you're stupid' yet? [Hurry up, I'm getting impatient!]

The 'goal/lesson' of the thought experiment? Money and intelligence are two very separate issues...and it is near impossible to use money 'intelligently' thanks to our unquenchable DESIRE. No matter how much we have, we always want MORE...and if it's not 'more' it's something we let slip by us [like time] that is impossible to recapture.

ARE YOU FOLLOWING ME? [Do try and keep up, eh?]

Our 'civilization' is collapsing because the morons DON'T KNOW WHAT MONEY IS MUCH LESS WHAT IT'S FOR!

Is your initial reaction 'denial'? Because that's been their reaction. They point to expanding numbers as proof the economy is operating 'flawlessly' while they ignore EVERY indication to the the falling rate of homeownership [now 'dismissed' as a chimera, a 'government created' measure of prosperity when we all know we have to live somewhere and not being able to afford 'shelter' makes you 'homeless'.


How about the real elephant in the room, eating (on a semi regular basis.) Food pantries around the world have limited hours of operation and how much you can have due to being overloaded with people in dire need of assistance...and this is with 45% of Americans on some type of nutrition assistance program...and before Skippy has a nutty over his money being used to feed 'useless people' think PLAGUE, MORON!

Did I mention the vast majority of morons don't have a clue what money 'is' nevermind what it's for?


The 'stakes' aren't we can't all be rich, it's a question of survival!

Funny how the 'famously stupid' keep pooh-poohing the notion that our out of control population is affecting the eco-system when we see exactly that happening every single day.

Why does this keep circling back to 'Who are you going to believe, Bonzo or your lying eyes?'

You are regularly deceived good citizen but it's your 'simple mind' that is to blame, not your eyes.

Thanks once again for letting me inside your mind,


Wednesday, September 12, 2018


Greetings good citizen, today's offering asks without hope what have we got? As was inevitable, feeble attempts have been made to assuage the fears of the general public, not that they're buying it but a revolt would be a darn difficult thing to explain away with the midterms right around the corner.

Especially when the plan is to hand the non-existent Democrats another loss in the face of the most hated administration in the history of the nation.

Again, not that it matters. You have to mentally change the R's and the D's to O's. NONE of the vetted candidates represent an agenda their campaign contributors didn't dictate.

Oaths of fealty and pledges to support a platform that the candidates had no hand in crafting is what turned 'representative government' into the shitshow it evolved into.

The caption under most sitting representatives would say, "If I weren't doing this I'd be forced to get a real job like you stupid slobs!"

You barely vote, so there's not much chance you'd revolt. I'm not seeing the downside here.

Worse, the only one you know that voted against the idiots is you. The plant asshole is voting for more of the same, it's why he's the plant asshole! You'd think inauguration day 2017 was 2nd Christmas, nobody has seen the asshole this happy...ever!

Which is to belabor the OBVIOUS. Since the 'campaign contributors' have NOTHING in common with you, you get how much 'representation'?

Come on now, you can do the math, it's not that minus zero is zero.

The only way to FIX the Kabuki dance, this 'Illusion of Representation' is DIRECT DEMOCRACY! YOU need to vote directly on the laws you agree to live under...ALL of them.

THAT is the ONLY reason YOU have to be OPTIMISTIC about ANYTHING!

Now that you have SOMETHING TO REVOLT FOR you need to get off your dead ass and DO IT!

If 'we' can't get along with each other then we are doomed, better to find out now than later.

We are rapidly approaching the nexus where individual greed will choke the planet to death, making all of the finger pointing in the world an exercise in extreme foolishness (and the universe will be better off rid of us...but our self-professed 'betters' already think that.)

There is a (tiny) window where we can still snatch a 'win' out of this clusterfuck but that window is dwindling and we need to act before it is too late.

The 'good news' is the reality that we are in no danger of a singularity wiping us out due to our extreme ignorance! We know less than nothing and the fools are damn proud of it!

When all else fails, hope drives us ever onward!

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


Tuesday, September 11, 2018


Greetings good citizen, the debate rages on whether a head shot is more reliable or should you aim for the heart instead?

This is the context for today's offering as we weigh the pros and cons of each 'preference'.

Let me add that the target, in this particular instance, is the near impossible to kill 'idea' that spawns an 'ideology'.

Via military force the US repeatedly removed the 'head' of radical islam with zero results because hydra-like, there were always two other 'heads' waiting to take the vanquished one's place.

This would lead us to the other tactic of blasting the heart into a million pieces.


What is the 'common element' of all 'ideologies'?


The common element of ALL ideologies is there is (and can only be) 'ONE TRUE ONE!'

There are five 'main' religions and countless minor ones. What all of these ideologies have in common is their adherents are convinced that THEIR faith is the 'one TRUE one.'

Not ALL religions call for the extermination of the non-believer but it is with great irony that the one faith its adherents describe as 'beautiful' DEMANDS that the faithful kill any that refuse to bow to its tenants.

For this reason Christians find Islam repugnant...but let's not forget the 'rift' in Christianity created by the Protestants who rebelled against their church whose name literally means 'universal'. [It gets even stickier when you look at the 'foundation' of catholicism, Judaism the alleged founders of the 'One God Theory'.]

Where Islam isn't dominant the 'kill command' is reduced to 'shun' but since Islam also 'splintered' the finger points in several directions as shun becomes exterminate again while 'the infidel' pleads for Allah to be 'merciful'.

In a world awash with 'mental patients' most people don't feel strongly enough about a deity that 'religiously' ignores them to kill anyone over it. {only 'broken' humans NEED a 'God Crutch' and usually the god crutch exists solely to bear the blame for something 'its creation' did.}

Because if God doesn't exist then there is nobody to blame but you...

[This is also why the maniacs are so intent on killing the unbeliever! Take away my god and that means I'm to blame for all of those terrible things I did in his name...]

See the conundrum? All of these 'crazy ideas' reside in the head but they are taken to heart!

How do you cut the heart out of a poisonous ideology?

With the bright light of THE TRUTH! Just as 'time' is a function of motion and cannot exist independently [good thing the universe is a perpetual motion machine, isn't it?] this also precludes it being 'navigated' outside of 'memory'. You can 'time travel' but only in your head! [Writers...ENOUGH ALREADY!]

But enough about physics college educated morons don't understand.

Did you know Einstein was astonished that not everybody saw life as 'pictures' in their heads [I don't.] But like the mighty E, my thoughts on time and why we aren't living with perpetual cascading paradoxes falls into the 'everybody SHOULD' know this. It really isn't that tough. [It is sort of a head scratcher to consider why HE didn't see this but these days half of Hollywood CLAIMS have higher IQ's than the author of 'the theory of relativity'.

Sadly for the rest of us none of them knows how to sling a keyboard into a decent story.

But I digress...

The 'god problem' disappears with the admission that god is a myth created to keep the superstitious peasants fearful and obedient.

Zero irony that God has been used countless times as the justification for genocide. We conquered America (all of it) FOR (our) GOD!

Perhaps written history will finally kill superstition but even the Bible is constantly being 'rewritten'.

The central premise behind 1984 is 'those who control the past, control the future.'

We are already far along that path with the 'creative re-imagining' of the Reagan years being used to establish the foundation for a 'New American Century' [based on the insane scribblings of Ayn Rand.]

If you no longer 'recognize' the nation you were raised in it is completely understandable once you accept the nation of your birth was taken down the rabbit hole that leads to the merciful bullet to the head administered by a 'loving' Big Brother, who only wants you to live a happy, productive life on as little as you can manage with.

Want is the enemy! [and has been for a long 'time', 23rd psalm anyone?]

Do you know what that means?

You are not to WANT ANYTHING. That way you can appreciate fully the 'gift' of life. Want leads to questioning and questions lead to strife so it is our 'betters' have set themselves on the path to eradicate want from the lower classes...that are too stupid to know they are lesser beings.

It's true good citizen. Our betters are convinced our 'inability' to automatically recognize THEIR SUPERIORITY is due to our STUPIDITY!

Needless to say, no 'vanity' in our self-professed better's family, they shared it equally!

Conceit is ignorances' kissing cousin and both form the foundation for stupidity...stupidity our species can't afford [to keep following.]

How do we break the grip of the profoundly stupid over our civilization?

Ironically [and a very rich one at that] it is time to put 'god's children' on a reservation...just like THEY DID for the natives people of the planet.

The answer to today's puzzle is the heart is reached through the head. To break the iron grip of ignorance we must seize control of the educational process and eradicate the lies our children are taught that make them want to kill the 'other'. [Other = unbeliever]
Quite an undertaking but far from impossible as we see the desperates grip on authority slipping with each passing day.

A lot to parse here but I know constant reader is up to the task.

Happy Tuesday, wherever you are!


Monday, September 10, 2018


Greetings good citizen, small wonder schizophrenia is so prevalent among our kind. We are raised to believe we are equal (on the surface) but even your 'whiteness' doesn't save you from being sorted into a social strata dictated by your birth.

Today we 'pretend' that we live in a 'classless' society, the working class [better known as the 'troublemakers' to the upper classes that pretend to no longer exist] were the first to go.

It is considered 'bad form' to refer to class although even the 'rich' have divided themselves into the 'Haves' and the 'Have-Mores'.

Understand, if YOU are neither then you aren't even in the equation! You (and your needs/circumstances) are off radar.

Nobody is paying attention...the perfect example of this is OUR REVOLUTION, one that arrives in your inbox unbidden and invites you to listen in on conference calls where you have no hand in setting the agenda [because your 'betters' have already decided what's important and what will have to wait until AFTER the 2nd coming...(yeah, the 'enlightened' have those freaks mixed in too.)

Aren't you a Christian child? (because if you aren't then the "If you believe you have received this e-mail in error" disclaimer applies, kindly disregard what we share here...or become a Christian.]

Zero irony that the 'illusion of change' is considered just as good as the 'illusion of representation' (to the foolish 'faithful'.)

Reagan lead the charge with his declaration that the scariest words in the English language are "I'm from the government and I'm here to help!"

Like everything else credited to a guy that needed a script to take a piss, the scariest words in any language are the ones that follow the abandonment of hope and those words are 'It's in HIS hands now...' [as anyone who has ever mumbled a desperate prayer knows.]

Only flaming Rand-tards fear government assistance because they think they will have to 'pay' for it.

I truly wish we DID have to pay for it because this whole clusterfuck would have collapsed a long time ago.

Once again I will belabor the obvious, we have to stop following the freaking CLUELESS! [Especially the ones that claim they are following 'God'.]

How unfortunate for the sane among us that cameras attract the weak minded like moths to a flame?

But I digress.

Class didn't vanish just because we (actually THEY) 'pretended' that the civil rights act wiped out class lines!

While the 'haves' know it's impossible to eliminate class, the 'have mores' have been chafing to turn the class spotlight off. If we're all equal it doesn't matter who has more money, right?

Did I mention that STUPID goes all the way to the top? [It's actually worse than that, they think believe WE are stupid and we have all seen where that kind of thinking leads...]

Being largely helpless/leaderless doesn't make them right.

It does, however, allow them to act with a brazen degree of impunity.

Which is the POWER OF case you were wondering if this was going anywhere. Above a certain class and nobody lifts a finger to stop them because errors at that level can't be erased, only excused and that is 'unlikely' without intervention...(not the divine kind either.)

Yeah, we still have those among us who are, er, 'above reproach', even the law doesn't dare touch them.

So if you are one of the feeble that BELIEVES Class is dead you are not part of the solution...which makes you part of the problem.

Not everything is 'black and white' but there are only two poles on the decision tree and we must choose one, share or slave?

Which will YOU choose?

[Too much for your mind to process but in the end it's all about the choices we make.]

Thanks for playing,


Sunday, September 9, 2018


Greetings good citizen, the trouble with writing is any idiot that picks up a pencil thinks they can write...and technically they are correct. The distinction between a 'real' writer and being a moron with a pencil/keyboard is HAVING SOMETHING TO SAY!

It is also true we all have a story and a point of view but life is the same old same old for most of us and if you dress it up too much it automatically comes across as BS.

[Woe unto the BS artist that fails to recognize the only person buying their tripe is them.]

So it is we also have a surplus of 'boors'.

Have you taken a gander at the wasteland that passes for 'entertainment' lately? Just saying, ya know...

Naturally we can't ignore that IQ plays a significant role in what the public finds 'interesting'. The truth [the bulk of it] is boring and also highly subjective. Watch the History channel for ten minutes and you find yourself wondering just who wrote this fantasy piece that was obviously 'dressed up' to hold a general audience's interest...and geared to a third grade intellect.

Same thing with the Science Channel, there is so much speculation you find yourself guffawing over most of it [You have to keep reminding yourself, "It's their job to make it 'exciting' so the 'truth' is sort of relative/guesswork."

Einstein had it right, we know one millionth of a percent of nothing. [Which leaves us where regarding a 'singularity?'

The 'fantasy' of an all-knowing 'artificial intelligence'...[How will we create such a thing when WE don't know ANYTHING?]

Said the man who believes the first step towards knowledge is admitting that you don't already know...

Confused? Parse Rumsfeld's 'Unknown unknowns...'

Add a stiff jolt of willful ignorance into the mix and you have the recipe for repetitive disaster, par excellence!

What you don't know/blythely ignore WILL eventually KILL YOU...and anyone else unfortunate enough to be standing close to ground zero.

So 'On Guard, mother fucker! [The life you save will most likely be your own...(IF you are extremely lucky!)]

But I digress...

The 'trick' to writing well is keeping the subject matter interesting and within the realm of 'believability'. [Tasing the God of Thunder anyone?]

The 'alternative' (which are many, each raising an equally implausible conundrum) would have been to seize control of Thor's mind but where does that put the Grandmaster on the scale of mad diety's?) Would Thor, like Odin have eventually picked the lock on the enchantment?

If you look around good citizen there are holes everywhere you look in our 'official narrative', the very one being used by the feckless to drive society back into servitude.

[For those of you incapable of seeing where this whole thing is headed. How bizarre it's right where we came from and still you refuse to believe it!]

So as I argue with my eldest sibling about 'commercially successful' writing [99% of success today is controlling the public square, thereby dictating 'truth'.]

Which is to opine Democracy isn't failing, capitalism is and the people who control what passes for Democracy refuse to put the commerce system on trial...

Anyone who isn't a 'HACK' writes for themselves because a 'good' writer has something to say!

My audience judges whether or not what I have to share is worth listening to and I stick to my commitment that it isn't my purpose to tell YOU what to think but to provide YOU with something to think ABOUT!

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


My prose is choppy because editing your own stuff is tough at best and time is limited, conversely, the thinking is unparalleled. You won't find this level of clarity anywhere else.