Wednesday, September 26, 2018


Greetings good citizen, hard to tell what's more disturbing, that the guy that ran to be Commander-in-Chief continues to demonstrate just how much of a buffoon he is in front of the leaders of the rest of the world or that his supporters think it's all 'fake news' intended to discredit and disparage THEIR PRESIDENT.

Trump hasn't lifted a finger to 'help' his supporters and his reckless handling of policies he doesn't understand will scuttle global commerce for years to come but that doesn't dampen his supporters ardor. This, while the sane among us cringe at the blowback already created by his (handler's) crusade against sound government and cooperation. [He's not smart enough to be doing this on his own.]

His electoral victory was the result of backdoor deals and chicanery coupled with a population that didn't want THAT WOMAN as the nation's 'first female president'.

Trump is in the White House being laughed at because it played to the agenda of the usurpers behind the Reagan Revolution. They wanted Hillary to be president but knew if they 'coronated' her [like they did the Donald] there'd have been a revolt.

It's already reached the point where most people believe we'd be better off conducting a lottery to choose our next leader, screw popularity, it's monkeys and dartboards time! Who needs qualification when we were FOUNDED on the belief that ANYONE could grow up to be President (or at the very least, Commander in Chief, how much brains does it take to scream attack?)

Is continued support for the 'buffoon presidency' the result of the 'someday it might be me' syndrome used to defend against the legal community's *reluctance to combat 'income inequality'?

[*I'd say 'refusal' but you know how those legal types detest absolutes.]

When you deal in partials the argument that even bad things have their 'good side' sounds more 'reasonable'.

The legal profession is nothing but professionally 'applying' lipstick on pigs...(for fun and profit.)

Even when the bad outweighs the good it is argued that it isn't 'all bad' [the only thing that is All bad to a lawyer is the fictional Satan just as the only thing that is beyond corruption is that other work of fiction, the lord almighty!

But I digress, we're dissecting the Buffoon in chief today, Spirit in the Sky is not today's target.

Every once in a while we have to turn the camera around and look at who is taking the picture. I, er, point to (and ridicule) a lot of 'Sacred Cows' in my essays because I (and it's my damn blog) believe we are all HUMAN first and foremost.

The enshrined chimera that is spoon-fed to our youth in a misguided effort to make the 'better adults' is akin to trying to make Superman out of Kryptonite.

So it is we are raised on myths of equality and justice when nothing could be further from 'reality' because the legal community has made its bread and butter off of 'truthiness'. It isn't 'true' but it could be and in a society that more closely resembles an open cesspool, they tell us we should all be f'n thankful it isn't worse...(but then it gets worse and it's rinse and repeat time until it becomes intolerable.)

Limits are to be pushed and the only thing guaranteed under our current social set-up is 'dissatisfaction'.

It 'works' until it don't and we don't see the need to deal with it until then...

If that makes me, er, 'jaded' perhaps you'd do well to find a mirror yourself because it is you that is living in a 'fantasy world'.

I gave Trump a chance but like Obama, he blew it.

It's not about R's and D's, its about humans and morons. [People that think and people that WON'T...stupid is a self-inflicted wound!]

Wisdom for the wise and thorns for the fools...

Thanks for stopping by and opening your mind,


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