Greetings good citizen, it has fallen out of favor but the meaning isn't lost. We all have heard the expression the 'hurrier I go the behinder I get!'
Well another 'axiom' for our failing times is the comparison to 'running in place' while actually LOSING ground. This is what happens when the only factor controlling the 'medium of exchange' is the primary pillar that supports the belief in the existence of
You keep HOPING and the feckless keep kicking the goal post further down the field so they can get more. With each kick 'the more' becomes less and less valuable because it is being diluted.
How does society 'get out in front' of this dastardly cycle?
'We' have to stop letting Me-Me play with the Bezel. That percent of a percent of a percent (your share) multiplied by ten zillion (what you owe me) is really starting to mount up!
Worse, just as time being a function of motion (regardless of direction...a 'subset' of this is matter, the eternal 'now' is stable because it is comprised of matter's state 'in the moment', direction is of no consequence only position and relative speed.
Wanting to 'turn back the hands of time' and actually doing it are two entirely different issues, just as 'wanting' a thing to have a certain value and actually making it so can only exist in your own mind and nowhere else.
Thought experiment [How do you like the 'deep end' of the pool?] Different over here, isn't it?
Well, Quester, the question of the day is how many dollars do you think it will take to create a singularity? [Artificial Intelligence that man can control.]
What if that 'money' was yours? Would you spend it chasing such a foolish goal? Let's reverse the equation and return the singularity to it's potentiality, that regardless of funding, one day it will come into existence (regardless of how briefly) will it change the course of mankind relative to the universe?
Have you returned to 'just smart enough to know you're stupid' yet? [Hurry up, I'm getting impatient!]
The 'goal/lesson' of the thought experiment? Money and intelligence are two very separate issues...and it is near impossible to use money 'intelligently' thanks to our unquenchable DESIRE. No matter how much we have, we always want MORE...and if it's not 'more' it's something we let slip by us [like time] that is impossible to recapture.
ARE YOU FOLLOWING ME? [Do try and keep up, eh?]
Our 'civilization' is collapsing because the morons DON'T KNOW WHAT MONEY IS MUCH LESS WHAT IT'S FOR!
Is your initial reaction 'denial'? Because that's been their reaction. They point to expanding numbers as proof the economy is operating 'flawlessly' while they ignore EVERY indication to the the falling rate of homeownership [now 'dismissed' as a chimera, a 'government created' measure of prosperity when we all know we have to live somewhere and not being able to afford 'shelter' makes you 'homeless'.
How about the real elephant in the room, eating (on a semi regular basis.) Food pantries around the world have limited hours of operation and how much you can have due to being overloaded with people in dire need of assistance...and this is with 45% of Americans on some type of nutrition assistance program...and before Skippy has a nutty over his money being used to feed 'useless people' think PLAGUE, MORON!
Did I mention the vast majority of morons don't have a clue what money 'is' nevermind what it's for?
The 'stakes' aren't we can't all be rich, it's a question of survival!
Funny how the 'famously stupid' keep pooh-poohing the notion that our out of control population is affecting the eco-system when we see exactly that happening every single day.
Why does this keep circling back to 'Who are you going to believe, Bonzo or your lying eyes?'
You are regularly deceived good citizen but it's your 'simple mind' that is to blame, not your eyes.
Thanks once again for letting me inside your mind,
Well another 'axiom' for our failing times is the comparison to 'running in place' while actually LOSING ground. This is what happens when the only factor controlling the 'medium of exchange' is the primary pillar that supports the belief in the existence of
You keep HOPING and the feckless keep kicking the goal post further down the field so they can get more. With each kick 'the more' becomes less and less valuable because it is being diluted.
How does society 'get out in front' of this dastardly cycle?
'We' have to stop letting Me-Me play with the Bezel. That percent of a percent of a percent (your share) multiplied by ten zillion (what you owe me) is really starting to mount up!
Worse, just as time being a function of motion (regardless of direction...a 'subset' of this is matter, the eternal 'now' is stable because it is comprised of matter's state 'in the moment', direction is of no consequence only position and relative speed.
Wanting to 'turn back the hands of time' and actually doing it are two entirely different issues, just as 'wanting' a thing to have a certain value and actually making it so can only exist in your own mind and nowhere else.
Thought experiment [How do you like the 'deep end' of the pool?] Different over here, isn't it?
Well, Quester, the question of the day is how many dollars do you think it will take to create a singularity? [Artificial Intelligence that man can control.]
What if that 'money' was yours? Would you spend it chasing such a foolish goal? Let's reverse the equation and return the singularity to it's potentiality, that regardless of funding, one day it will come into existence (regardless of how briefly) will it change the course of mankind relative to the universe?
Have you returned to 'just smart enough to know you're stupid' yet? [Hurry up, I'm getting impatient!]
The 'goal/lesson' of the thought experiment? Money and intelligence are two very separate issues...and it is near impossible to use money 'intelligently' thanks to our unquenchable DESIRE. No matter how much we have, we always want MORE...and if it's not 'more' it's something we let slip by us [like time] that is impossible to recapture.
ARE YOU FOLLOWING ME? [Do try and keep up, eh?]
Our 'civilization' is collapsing because the morons DON'T KNOW WHAT MONEY IS MUCH LESS WHAT IT'S FOR!
Is your initial reaction 'denial'? Because that's been their reaction. They point to expanding numbers as proof the economy is operating 'flawlessly' while they ignore EVERY indication to the the falling rate of homeownership [now 'dismissed' as a chimera, a 'government created' measure of prosperity when we all know we have to live somewhere and not being able to afford 'shelter' makes you 'homeless'.
How about the real elephant in the room, eating (on a semi regular basis.) Food pantries around the world have limited hours of operation and how much you can have due to being overloaded with people in dire need of assistance...and this is with 45% of Americans on some type of nutrition assistance program...and before Skippy has a nutty over his money being used to feed 'useless people' think PLAGUE, MORON!
Did I mention the vast majority of morons don't have a clue what money 'is' nevermind what it's for?
The 'stakes' aren't we can't all be rich, it's a question of survival!
Funny how the 'famously stupid' keep pooh-poohing the notion that our out of control population is affecting the eco-system when we see exactly that happening every single day.
Why does this keep circling back to 'Who are you going to believe, Bonzo or your lying eyes?'
You are regularly deceived good citizen but it's your 'simple mind' that is to blame, not your eyes.
Thanks once again for letting me inside your mind,
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