Tuesday, September 11, 2018


Greetings good citizen, the debate rages on whether a head shot is more reliable or should you aim for the heart instead?

This is the context for today's offering as we weigh the pros and cons of each 'preference'.

Let me add that the target, in this particular instance, is the near impossible to kill 'idea' that spawns an 'ideology'.

Via military force the US repeatedly removed the 'head' of radical islam with zero results because hydra-like, there were always two other 'heads' waiting to take the vanquished one's place.

This would lead us to the other tactic of blasting the heart into a million pieces.


What is the 'common element' of all 'ideologies'?


The common element of ALL ideologies is there is (and can only be) 'ONE TRUE ONE!'

There are five 'main' religions and countless minor ones. What all of these ideologies have in common is their adherents are convinced that THEIR faith is the 'one TRUE one.'

Not ALL religions call for the extermination of the non-believer but it is with great irony that the one faith its adherents describe as 'beautiful' DEMANDS that the faithful kill any that refuse to bow to its tenants.

For this reason Christians find Islam repugnant...but let's not forget the 'rift' in Christianity created by the Protestants who rebelled against their church whose name literally means 'universal'. [It gets even stickier when you look at the 'foundation' of catholicism, Judaism the alleged founders of the 'One God Theory'.]

Where Islam isn't dominant the 'kill command' is reduced to 'shun' but since Islam also 'splintered' the finger points in several directions as shun becomes exterminate again while 'the infidel' pleads for Allah to be 'merciful'.

In a world awash with 'mental patients' most people don't feel strongly enough about a deity that 'religiously' ignores them to kill anyone over it. {only 'broken' humans NEED a 'God Crutch' and usually the god crutch exists solely to bear the blame for something 'its creation' did.}

Because if God doesn't exist then there is nobody to blame but you...

[This is also why the maniacs are so intent on killing the unbeliever! Take away my god and that means I'm to blame for all of those terrible things I did in his name...]

See the conundrum? All of these 'crazy ideas' reside in the head but they are taken to heart!

How do you cut the heart out of a poisonous ideology?

With the bright light of THE TRUTH! Just as 'time' is a function of motion and cannot exist independently [good thing the universe is a perpetual motion machine, isn't it?] this also precludes it being 'navigated' outside of 'memory'. You can 'time travel' but only in your head! [Writers...ENOUGH ALREADY!]

But enough about physics college educated morons don't understand.

Did you know Einstein was astonished that not everybody saw life as 'pictures' in their heads [I don't.] But like the mighty E, my thoughts on time and why we aren't living with perpetual cascading paradoxes falls into the 'everybody SHOULD' know this. It really isn't that tough. [It is sort of a head scratcher to consider why HE didn't see this but these days half of Hollywood CLAIMS have higher IQ's than the author of 'the theory of relativity'.

Sadly for the rest of us none of them knows how to sling a keyboard into a decent story.

But I digress...

The 'god problem' disappears with the admission that god is a myth created to keep the superstitious peasants fearful and obedient.

Zero irony that God has been used countless times as the justification for genocide. We conquered America (all of it) FOR (our) GOD!

Perhaps written history will finally kill superstition but even the Bible is constantly being 'rewritten'.

The central premise behind 1984 is 'those who control the past, control the future.'

We are already far along that path with the 'creative re-imagining' of the Reagan years being used to establish the foundation for a 'New American Century' [based on the insane scribblings of Ayn Rand.]

If you no longer 'recognize' the nation you were raised in it is completely understandable once you accept the nation of your birth was taken down the rabbit hole that leads to the merciful bullet to the head administered by a 'loving' Big Brother, who only wants you to live a happy, productive life on as little as you can manage with.

Want is the enemy! [and has been for a long 'time', 23rd psalm anyone?]

Do you know what that means?

You are not to WANT ANYTHING. That way you can appreciate fully the 'gift' of life. Want leads to questioning and questions lead to strife so it is our 'betters' have set themselves on the path to eradicate want from the lower classes...that are too stupid to know they are lesser beings.

It's true good citizen. Our betters are convinced our 'inability' to automatically recognize THEIR SUPERIORITY is due to our STUPIDITY!

Needless to say, no 'vanity' in our self-professed better's family, they shared it equally!

Conceit is ignorances' kissing cousin and both form the foundation for stupidity...stupidity our species can't afford [to keep following.]

How do we break the grip of the profoundly stupid over our civilization?

Ironically [and a very rich one at that] it is time to put 'god's children' on a reservation...just like THEY DID for the natives people of the planet.

The answer to today's puzzle is the heart is reached through the head. To break the iron grip of ignorance we must seize control of the educational process and eradicate the lies our children are taught that make them want to kill the 'other'. [Other = unbeliever]
Quite an undertaking but far from impossible as we see the desperates grip on authority slipping with each passing day.

A lot to parse here but I know constant reader is up to the task.

Happy Tuesday, wherever you are!


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