Saturday, September 8, 2018


Greetings good citizen, constant reader knows that the 'management' of what passes for civilization is criminal and because these same criminals also control the courts there isn't a 'civil' solution to our predicament.

What started off as the 'tiny' trickle to keep themselves ahead of the 'less deserving' turned into a torrent as the younger generation has adopted a 'leave no man behind' philosophy and the ranks of the privileged grow exponentially [largely due to their inability to avoid being blackmailed.]

Somewhat ironic to acknowledge that most of what we're witnessing is due to failure being rewarded. [Banking system collapse anyone?]

Naturally that draws our attention to the 'unhinged' housing market and the underlying falseness of the alleged economic recovery.

Earlier this morning I posted an article from my mail server's homepage to facebook that lamented the failure of 'work'...and went on to claim how the high cost of childcare was dictating not only the number of children this LAWYER could have but whether or not they could afford another!

The price tag on a law degree [even from Whatsamatta U?] is six figures, essentially a mortgage with which the less fortunate also have zero hope of EVER paying it off [given HELOCS run off the 'equity' one is supposed to be building in the home BUT you can't survive without your credit cards and their usurous interest rates. So it is everybody uses their HELOC to knock down the credit card debt debt and they use the credit cards to keep gas in the tank and food on the table until the next payday.]

Ironic this whole chain of events starts with student debt.

So it isn't 'work' that has failed, is it?

The system itself turned predatory as just about EVERYTHING was 'monetized' and then turned into an 'income stream' for the feckless. We all watched in horror as the healthcare system was 'privatized' and didn't even notice they were privatizing the prisons (don't forget the military!) behind our backs!

The LESSON for 'dimwits are us' here is, as constant reader already knows, the situation isn't a Democrat Problem or a Republican one [despite the party of the one percent (hint, starts with an 'R') being behind it all.]

Just as there is no such thing as a Cadillac driving Welfare Queen there is likewise no such thing as a Limousine Liberal, both are whole cloth fabrications of Bible thumping morons. Just like their other cast of fictional characters.

The finger pointing game the not so bright keeps playing is merely cover for the real culprits, the criminally insane who will stop at nothing to avoid prosecution under the laws they use to protect themselves.

Law, by THEM FOR YOU! The irksome 'anything goes' atmosphere that pervades today's society is born of the fact that the laws exist to hogtie you! Most of the laws enacted since 1980 DO NOT APPLY to the people who wrote them! They specifically exempted themselves...and no, that's not 'fake news'. [The 'connected' are protected via badges, robes and special low numbered plates.]

You are well aware that the current environment is a tattered web of lies but the system keeps chugging along...and it will keep on chugging until it doesn't and that moment could come at any moment.

That's what YOU need to 'prepare' for. The streets will be filled with half-wits ready to shoot anyone that gets in their way...and if nothing gets in their way they are going to start hunting for 'scapegoats' to punish...and that's when you will be obliged to sneak up behind stupid and blow his brains out.

Job one, once it hits the fan is 'don't get killed' [especially by some snipe hunting moron!]

The clear and present danger, good citizen, is this whole merry-go-round could stop cold without any notice and the resulting confusion will create bedlam...all so a few could be 'rich'.

You [as in ALL of YOU] are being systematically robbed. Wake up!

This has been a public service announcement and yes it IS an actual EMERGENCY but NOBODY is prepared for it so find cover and stay there while the criminals make their 'getaway' [absolutely zero irony that there's nowhere to run, nowhere to hide but stupid is its own reward.]

Remember to duck & cover!


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