Greetings good citizen, Like most writers I have a bad habit of repeating myself. I wish I could stop but in the end there is only so many things you can expound upon at a 'relatable' level.
I won't even bother trying to guess at how many time I have beaten unity into the dust because no matter how many times I plead for unity the people who fear a species working off the same page preach our differences just as ardently [because their lives/freedom DEPEND on keeping the rest of us at each other's throats.]
They know a united humanity has no use for them, hell, we'd even stop making war and hunt down the criminals instead. {Isn't that what we SHOULD BE DOING?} Rhetorical question good citizen, of course we should!
But the folks running things have zero interest in Justice [or peace for that matter.]
Stop for a moment and consider what the world is like now that Apple & Amazon have both achieved trillion dollar status? Phones that tell you what to think and the last retailer standing once the brick & mortar world passes on.
What's left? Sure can't call it a society.
Without unity we have a telecommunications giant that spreads discord through disinformation because it's what the customer craves and a retailer that sells to the dependents of government [for their income/jobs if they have one.]
Money is a 'legal construct' that government has an unending monopoly on. That's why it only looks like government runs society but a government uninterested in justice isn't a government is it, it's a criminal gang bent on exploiting a helpless society.
So it is they keep the 'slow witted ones' gazing at their navels by telling them who to hate and why. [Works much better than you'd think, doesn't it? The secret lies in the lack of thinking!]
We were wired for short attention spans considering the monotonous nature of the singular task we were given, mental horsepower would have just distracted us and the last thing 'they' wanted is having to replace whole batches of laborers who wanted to know if that's all there is?
If it seems like we're a mindless bunch, that was pretty much the intent. We didn't need to think beyond 'dig we must'.
Where do you suppose the capitalist focus on 'I'm not paying you to think!' comes from?
Your abject inability to string two concepts together is what makes you 'valuable'.
So it is we return to the critical factor keeping the criminals from being brought to justice...unity.
Often likened to sheep humanity is a race of near slavish how do 'rogues' get the upper hand?
It all starts with 'lawyering'...which boils down to bending the law to YOUR will.
Pick a 'gray area' and head for it at full speed, if you do it right you can bend the law into whatever you want!
[Did any of you pick up on how Trump's SC nominee is sidestepping every question put to the point that we can only hope that the Senators ENTRUSTED WITH PROTECTING THE NATION will tell this slippery snake that he is obviously not the man for the job!
Leadership is reserved for those with vision. It is not for those who can 'stonewall' the best!
Numbnuts doesn't see the job as doing his part to preserve a just and fair nation, he sees it as pathway just dripping with 'sweet payola' as the he is paid to decide legislation that could enrich him beyond his wildest dreams...
Except this variety of treachery has already led society to the brink of collapse. We have ALREADY PASSED the point where participating in commerce is futile.
No workers = no products and no products = no sales. Government can't even 'handout' its way out of that one!
It all traces back to 'failure to launch' and an entire generation the planet has no use for...[due completely to mismanagement/stupidity!]
Thus the key to unity starts with the TRUTH.
How do we unite when the public square is controlled by criminals that will go to any length to avoid prosecution?
Again, we are compulsively compliant so it shouldn't be too difficult to weed out the, er, lone wolves.
Once again even going 'psssst...wanna have some fun?' will be enough to do you in. Humans have used our predisposition for merriment/mischief against the less guarded among us for time out of mind, which is how this whole shitshow got started in the first place.
'I Started a Joke' is a cautionary tale about how innocent seeming pranks can go horribly wrong.
We now live in a 'trust no one' world and it was brought to us by the X-files...under the 'mischievous guise' of Fox broadcasting.
Oh yes good citizen, the demise of Western Democracy has an antagonist and that antagonist is in the process of selling itself off in a disingenuous ploy to pretend it was absorbed into other media entities when the exact opposite is the case.
Have I pointed out that you suck at connecting the dots?
But thinking is beyond your paygrade so it's not really your fault. The blame lies with those who are supposed to protect you from being exploited.
The fact that those people aren't people at all is the beginning of a whole nother problem, isn't it?
United we stand but united we aren't (because the CRIMINALS among us fear prosecution!) [We may be sheep but were savage sheep when it comes to dispensing justice to traitors!]
Can you parse that or will you just shake your head and think somebody's gonna teach that guy a lesson...and that's the tragedy, good citizen. YOU are to focused on 'go along to get along' to pull your own bacon out of the fire.
With that final slap I will leave you to contemplate what kind of mark it will leave...
I won't even bother trying to guess at how many time I have beaten unity into the dust because no matter how many times I plead for unity the people who fear a species working off the same page preach our differences just as ardently [because their lives/freedom DEPEND on keeping the rest of us at each other's throats.]
They know a united humanity has no use for them, hell, we'd even stop making war and hunt down the criminals instead. {Isn't that what we SHOULD BE DOING?} Rhetorical question good citizen, of course we should!
But the folks running things have zero interest in Justice [or peace for that matter.]
Stop for a moment and consider what the world is like now that Apple & Amazon have both achieved trillion dollar status? Phones that tell you what to think and the last retailer standing once the brick & mortar world passes on.
What's left? Sure can't call it a society.
Without unity we have a telecommunications giant that spreads discord through disinformation because it's what the customer craves and a retailer that sells to the dependents of government [for their income/jobs if they have one.]
Money is a 'legal construct' that government has an unending monopoly on. That's why it only looks like government runs society but a government uninterested in justice isn't a government is it, it's a criminal gang bent on exploiting a helpless society.
So it is they keep the 'slow witted ones' gazing at their navels by telling them who to hate and why. [Works much better than you'd think, doesn't it? The secret lies in the lack of thinking!]
We were wired for short attention spans considering the monotonous nature of the singular task we were given, mental horsepower would have just distracted us and the last thing 'they' wanted is having to replace whole batches of laborers who wanted to know if that's all there is?
If it seems like we're a mindless bunch, that was pretty much the intent. We didn't need to think beyond 'dig we must'.
Where do you suppose the capitalist focus on 'I'm not paying you to think!' comes from?
Your abject inability to string two concepts together is what makes you 'valuable'.
So it is we return to the critical factor keeping the criminals from being brought to justice...unity.
Often likened to sheep humanity is a race of near slavish how do 'rogues' get the upper hand?
It all starts with 'lawyering'...which boils down to bending the law to YOUR will.
Pick a 'gray area' and head for it at full speed, if you do it right you can bend the law into whatever you want!
[Did any of you pick up on how Trump's SC nominee is sidestepping every question put to the point that we can only hope that the Senators ENTRUSTED WITH PROTECTING THE NATION will tell this slippery snake that he is obviously not the man for the job!
Leadership is reserved for those with vision. It is not for those who can 'stonewall' the best!
Numbnuts doesn't see the job as doing his part to preserve a just and fair nation, he sees it as pathway just dripping with 'sweet payola' as the he is paid to decide legislation that could enrich him beyond his wildest dreams...
Except this variety of treachery has already led society to the brink of collapse. We have ALREADY PASSED the point where participating in commerce is futile.
No workers = no products and no products = no sales. Government can't even 'handout' its way out of that one!
It all traces back to 'failure to launch' and an entire generation the planet has no use for...[due completely to mismanagement/stupidity!]
Thus the key to unity starts with the TRUTH.
How do we unite when the public square is controlled by criminals that will go to any length to avoid prosecution?
Again, we are compulsively compliant so it shouldn't be too difficult to weed out the, er, lone wolves.
Once again even going 'psssst...wanna have some fun?' will be enough to do you in. Humans have used our predisposition for merriment/mischief against the less guarded among us for time out of mind, which is how this whole shitshow got started in the first place.
'I Started a Joke' is a cautionary tale about how innocent seeming pranks can go horribly wrong.
We now live in a 'trust no one' world and it was brought to us by the X-files...under the 'mischievous guise' of Fox broadcasting.
Oh yes good citizen, the demise of Western Democracy has an antagonist and that antagonist is in the process of selling itself off in a disingenuous ploy to pretend it was absorbed into other media entities when the exact opposite is the case.
Have I pointed out that you suck at connecting the dots?
But thinking is beyond your paygrade so it's not really your fault. The blame lies with those who are supposed to protect you from being exploited.
The fact that those people aren't people at all is the beginning of a whole nother problem, isn't it?
United we stand but united we aren't (because the CRIMINALS among us fear prosecution!) [We may be sheep but were savage sheep when it comes to dispensing justice to traitors!]
Can you parse that or will you just shake your head and think somebody's gonna teach that guy a lesson...and that's the tragedy, good citizen. YOU are to focused on 'go along to get along' to pull your own bacon out of the fire.
With that final slap I will leave you to contemplate what kind of mark it will leave...
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