Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Rinse & repeat

Greetings good citizen, now that it is legal to 'propagandize' the public by those who control the government...and I don't believe anyone has any illusions about who those people are (regardless of what the media tells us.) We all need to be 'aware' that 'propaganda' is neither 'true or the truth'.

Propaganda is 'supposed to be' like 'advertising' where it becomes the consumer's responsibility to find out what is true and what is 'exaggeration'.

Many of us marvel that the government [a wholly owned subsidiary of The One Percent] went through the 'formality' of legalizing its lies, I mean, why bother? They've been lying to us for years (and there isn't anything anyone can do about it so WTF?)

Do they think we WON'T hang them if they legalize their lies? As matters currently stand, it is no longer a question of 'if' but 'when'...

In a media awash in 'sensationalism', most of us have stopped trying to sort fact from fiction (with most of us defaulting to tossing most of what we hear and more of what we see into the rubbish bin.)

With everybody 'tuned out' there can be no such thing as a 'national conversation' where the forces of change are welded into a mighty force to be reckoned with. Try to start a revolt today and three quarters of the public would remain ignorant, they'd literally 'tune it out' as something that they didn't care about or didn't concern them.

Sort of brings me to a point I tried to make the other day, that another big reason there HASN'T BEEN a revolt is because people are already convinced there is nothing to 'revolt for'.

Sounds counter-intuitive...ask just about anyone and they will tell you they aren't happy with the way things are going and MOST PEOPLE ARE AFRAID OF WHERE THIS NATION/WORLD IS HEADED!

Yet most don't see the point in revolting if what we currently have is 'as good as it gets'.

I believe A Simple Plan proves that to be a false dictum! BUT, it has ALWAYS been legal for those in power to lie to the people they profess to 'serve'.

So the reasonably recent propaganda law remains a head scratcher...who thought they needed a 'fig leaf'?

Just one more of the mysteries attached to 'Morning in America', which was sort of a 'palace coup' that nobody acknowledges. With that said, 'revolutions' can occur with the affected parties being none the wiser!

Got to admit, things certainly have changed and very little of it was 'organic'. Worse, it wasn't just here! A wave of 'conservatism' has swept the world and washed away any 'opposition' to rapacious capitalism.

How do we throw the 'crazy train' into 'reverse'? I already answered that one and it's our only play. We Strike!

And this isn't a 'sick out' where we all don't show up on a given day. I'm talking an all out commitment to a better deal for us ALL!

Even the 'thieves' [the ones we don't hang'] will reap a better world than the one so artificially expensive that even they were considered 'collateral damage'!

When less than one percent of the population controls over 60% of the wealth, you're talking a LOT of losers in this game of 'winners and losers they've saddled us with.

So we return to the issue at hand. Why hasn't there been a 'revolt'? And the answer is THERE WAS ONE...but it wasn't led by the forces of 'good' [as in the greater], it was spearheaded by the HAVES and the HAVE MORES!

The end result is the badly broken 'global economy' we have today!

What began as an effort to 'expand' markets turned into an exercise in market consolidation, a.k.a. 'monopolization', the original tool intended to make capitalism 'work'.

How sad that it doesn't?

What it insures is the rich remain rich while the worker gets deeper in debt. How long do you think we can play that game before the public gets sick of it?

Long time or do you think we're approaching the 'tipping point'?

Because in the end it doesn't matter WHAT 'YOU THINK!' If you don't like it there is NOTHING you can DO about it!

Just a little something to ponder as you meander through the wreckage of what once passed for our civilization...

Thank you for letting me inside your head,


Tuesday, August 30, 2016


Greetings good citizen, in yet another 'outrage' to grip the nation the latest 'tempest in a teapot is today's 'incident' where a half-black football player refused to stand for the national anthem.

Some of you are wondering just where/when everything went to shit in this country and I point to the Vietnam war and the beginning of the 'divide'. The "My country, right or wrong" crowd took center stage [just before Morning in America] wrapped themselves in the flag and began 'belittling' everybody that spoke up against what these mental midgets perceived to be 'disrespect' for THEIR country and THEIR flag.

This was the beginning of the 'US vs THEM' divide, you were either 100% loyal and would NEVER doubt the motives of the 'justice system' and those who 'silently and selflessly' served this nation 'with honor & dignity' [if by association alone! Most of 'em can't spell honor nevermind pick it out of a line-up! It's that cops not 'ratting' on other cops thing in action.]

If they want to hold the flag while I PISS ON IT, fine by me but these self-anointed 'Guardians of America' and all they pretend it stands for [those far more concerned with image than the truth] have their teeny-tiny craniums jammed permanently in their capacious rectums!

Naturally, they claim there is nothing 'wrong' with the justice system in this nation [because many of the flag waving freaks WORK FOR IT!] Yup, the loud protests coming out of the 'silent majority' are actually coming from the 'thin blue wall'. a.k.a the 'perps' in the drama surrounding the collapse of liberty in this nation that continues to unfold.

You're still 'free' to say and write [for now] what you want but your ability to defend your liberty shrinks with each passing hour.

Has any of you looked up 'liberty' yet? How many of you already knew Liberty means 'freedom from tyranny' without my telling you? [how many of you know what 'tyranny' is? Go ahead, look it up!]

You're all lying sacks of what makes the grass grow green! Liberty is something they print on our money along with that affront to atheists everywhere 'in God we Trust' ironic is it if you complain about the reference to 'spirit in the sky' on our decidedly 'secular' nation you'll be attacked by the same 'freedom loving defenders of the flag' that have their panties in a bunch over a black athlete 'disrespecting' the nation that 'MURDERS HIS PEOPLE'.

Looks like SOMEBODY is doing their DAMNEDEST to throw gasoline on the Black/White divide in this nation...and who do you think that might be?

How many times do I have to tell you?

[Hint:] You have the right to remain silent...not that it matters. If we SAY 'you did it', you did it and that's all there is to it!

Yup good citizen, the 'crisis' in this country is the current state of the justice system, across the board! Rotten from the top to the bottom...although in fairness, not 100%. There are SOME who do their jobs the way they are supposed to be done, it's the 'peer pressure' that makes them parrot the 'patriotic BS' their supervisors make them participate in.

Again, 'you don't have to do it...but if you don't, you will most certainly wish the fuc* you did!

Respect is a 'two way street' and it follows certain 'rules'. Things get unhinged when 'respect' is demanded from the barrel of a gun. They can only shoot us one at a time, if a lot of us are shooting back they won't be standing long.

Never mind the old adage, THEY have to sleep SOMETIME! In fact law enforcement is famous for its early morning 'raids'. Like all things, that sword cuts in both directions.

Something to keep in mind when the time comes. Fifty years of TV hasn't been TOTALLY worthless.

Look at this country [and truth be told, it's the whole world] Shattered economy, widespread poverty, failing educational system and justice for sale while the environment heads for collapse.

Now tell me you believe the only thing 'wrong' these days is people are 'too picky', if you look past the little things [like murder and theft] we're doin' okay!

Amazingly, there are people who actually believe the 'protesters' are to blame [Mind you these are the same people who will lie to your face and insist that when THEY die, they're goin' to Heaven and the rest of us are headed to Hell...

How blind do you have to be not to recognize we're already there?

And maybe that was TMI...time to call it for this session, it's my birthday and I have other things that need doing!

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Monday, August 29, 2016


Greetings good citizen, many times I have pointed to the Corporate Owned Media and denounced them for, er, 'coloring the truth/facts' and the latest thing to strike a nerve is the whole premise of Billions.

Watched the season finale on demand last night. While I enjoy the, er, 'drama' the rest of the premise doesn't line up very well with 'reality'.

For dramatic purposes the show's 'antagonist' is portrayed as a sharp, ruthless 'bootstrapper' who made a fortune when the towers collapsed on 9/11.

Left purposefully vague is whether or not he was just a trader of if he was sitting on a pile of his own cash that he parlayed into a fortune.

Now the 'protagonist' is a US attorney whose wife works for the legend in his own mind/founder of a multi-billion dollar hedge fund.

What you can't quite suss out is why this self-made guttersnipe is targeted zealously for doing what every other Wall Street firm does? Is it his 'lowly origins' that make him such a juicy target?

Because MY PROBLEM with this 'premise' is it leaves less sophisticated viewers with the impression that 'normal' billionaires are 'okay', that they are 'better bred' and wouldn't 'stoop' to the 'underhanded tactics' of guttersnipes like Axe.

The Donald is a billionaire and he pulls some pretty crazy crap even on his made for TV 'reality show'...and The Donald WAS BORN with silver spoons sticking out of pretty much EVERY ORRIFICE he has!

You see, one of the shows 'sub-plots' is how Axe and his rough & tumble bride 'struggle to blend in' with a stratum of society they weren't born into. [And if you ask me, that is where the 'real story' is!]

Now, Mitt Romney, CEO of Bain Capital is another Billionaire and he too is a 'child of privilege' fact, most billionaires are! [Thus my problem with the premise of the TV show.] He sort of 'threw' his bid to become POTUS out the window by being caught on tape expressing his (and that of his peers) opinion of the 'average working class American'.

W. came out on NATIONAL TELEVISION and told the world his 'constituency' was 'THE HAVES AND THE HAVE MORES!'

Naturally his didn't pull that boner until AFTER he had been re-elected to his second term.

[Yet there are still 'flakes' out there who claim W as 'their president' (and some of 'em have nuthin'!) Which only makes my point, we are neck deep in 'stupid' around here!]

So, while I have been open regarding my opinion that 'Hollywood is 'bankrupt' [they have been reduced to mining the 'unsympathetic' for 'fresh perspectives' to present to the audience.]

Am I making 'too much' out of this play to make the heartless raider the product of a boring, working class background?

Because what you believe dictates what you are and more importantly, what you'll tolerate.

We have far more serious issues facing our society but this 'manufactured perception' problem happens to be front & center at the moment and we really can't afford the distractions.

For the first time in presidential history, the media is playing off the 'fear' that either of the two undesirable candidates will become the ONLY choice...and it's working like a charm.

I belabor the obvious when I point out that characters like Bobby Axelrod are rarer than hen's teeth in the real world and it could be successfully argued that an 'ethical Bobby Axelrod' would be a mathematical impossibility but hey, it's all in fun, right? That's why they call it 'fiction', right?

Probably quibbling but I think the character would be 'more interesting' is he were portrayed as the privileged, miserable, unappreciative SOB's most of them really are!

The evidence of their hubris surrounds this 'portrayal' of the 'ruthless, money-obsessed outsider' as the cause of all of our problems sort of rankles somewhat because they are so rare and we live with the evidence that the 'well-heeled' are NOT 'demonstratively better/more sympathetic' to the working family's plight.

I'm sure this occurred to most of you and like me, you brushed it aside as 'the price of entertainment'

Perhaps the thing to keep in mind here is it's a 'work of fiction' NONE of it is TRUE!

Sort of feel compelled to apologize for wasting your time but it's one of those things that was eating at me and lessons come in all shapes and sizes.

There is something to be learned here even if, on the surface, it looks like 'mental masturbation'.

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


Sunday, August 28, 2016

Stumbling along...

Greetings good citizen, instead of focusing on the distant future, recent events have conspired to shift our attention towards the more immediate timeline.

Morning in America has/is taking a more desperate turn and we don't have a lot of time to prepare. The worst part is those without the wherewithal to secure provisions to tide them over are going to feel this pinch in spades!

Our political process along with our hopes of effecting peaceful change lay in ruins so now we approach the 'confrontation' between people desperate for change/relief and a 'status quo' bent on imposing their will.

Definitely a clash of 'irresistable force' (the sheer number of 'desperate people) crashing into the 'immovable object' of entrenched wealth and privilege, a tiny sliver of the population that is armed to the teeth!

Ever wonder what all of this 'open carry' BS was about? The plan is to cut down the 'paupers' [who ironically don't have the money for guns and ammo] and claim they were 'rioting'!

Twisted, I know and in the end they don't care what you make of it. We've already seen what they've done using their bought and paid [you'll print what I tell you to print and ONLY what I tell you to print!] for media.

You will be told it was 'self-defense' when only one in a hundred were even part of the protest, the rest will be 'collatral damage.'

Why would you 'riot' when you know it's a 'death trap'?

Short answer, you wouldn't. So here's a heads up to think twice about when and where you're gonna go if you head out to run an errand.

Will there be a lot of people there? Maybe go later when there's less likelihood of an 'incident'.

Well, in the beginning it will be easy because the stupid are easily aggitated. But there are only so many truly stupid people who will buy the idea of playing the role of 'target' just because the media waves a red flag in front of their faces!

In fact, you can already see their 'play' in action. The recent explosion of 'death by cop' against innocent civilians (and the justice department's refusal to prosecute) will get the 'poor' protesting ANGRILY in the streets...where things will get 'out of hand'.

They're 'good to go' already and inexplicably, the cops aren't keeping their weapons holstered...really makes you wonder...

For those of you reading this and scratching your head let me draw you a picture. THEY KNOW people are becoming restless but they aren't about to, er, 'smooth the waters'...because the message of Morning in America is You will do/take it and like it! If you DON'T do it, we will make you WISH YOU HAD!

So a 'strike' will NOT be without its 'risks' but challenging the majority of the world's population is pretty dang dumb thing to do in the first place.

But let me remind you we aren't suffering 'a shortage of dumb' by any stretch of the imagination!

How pathetic for the rest of us it seems those running this C.F. have been snorting concentrated 'dumb' for a real long time...

Don't be blind-sided although more than a few will be. We tend to ignore trouble as long as we can keep a safe distance and keep on doing what's expected of us.

Even if what's expected of us is contrary to our best interests [which, increasingly, has become the 'name of the game'.]

So another one under the 'heads up' category is we may not make it until November 9th, they could pull the trigger ANYTIME before that! [Leaving us facing a full scale 'palace coup'!(like Morning in America but 'different']

The 'puppets' will be, er, 'dropped' and a new puppet will be installed in its place...and there is only ONE play here, the 'new boss' will be wearing a uniform and instead of serving his country, his country will be expected to SERVE HIM!

[Mind you, the oligarchs will still have their hand stuck so far up this guy's backside if you look closely you can see their fingers sticking out of his mouth!]


They'll ignore us/wait us out [at first] but the resultant shortage of EVERYTHING cuts both ways.

Now we come to the 'wild card' of the military. Our sons and daughters WILL NOT cut us down in the streets but the Mrecs they place in command over our kids won't have a problem instituting 'military justice' [summary execution of those who refuse to follow a 'direct order' even when that order is against their oath!]

Um, this game is a considerably different one from the original quest for a 'peaceful' revolution. Martial Law will change everything!

And will mark 'open season' on the oligarchs!

Now, BEFORE the junta seizes power, the oligarchs will clear our, [the insiders anyway, they'll sacrifice a few people they thought were a little too 'liberal' for their tastes and the mob wil make mincemeat out of them [led by THEIR minions! People on our side aren't YET that 'blood thirsty' but what's coming is going to change that.

Let me remind you once more 'why' this is's happening so 'a few' can be rich.
To which I reply, 'hang 'em high!'

I notice many of my pieces sort of 'crescendo' towards the end but there isn't a delicate way to reveal the depths of depravity the other side takes for granted.

It's their embrace of this heartlessness that they believe gives them 'the edge'...but they will learn the hard way that not everybody follows them because they are our 'god given' leaders.

It's that troublesome 'bandwagon' effect that has long caused 'mis-placed loyalty' just to be part of the 'winning team'.

Well, that 'team' isn't a 'team' at all. There is no 'I' in team and the oligarchs are all about 'I'.

When it's time for sacrifice it won't be them who make it, the minions are expected to fall on their swords FOR THEM...but even the dumbest of the dumb have limits.

Once again I am compelled to apologize for the rambling nature of this post but what's coming will also defy 'rhyme or reason for those of you studiously avoiding the rumblings of the ground and the message told by the 'jungle drums'.

Wake up and smell the coffee, good citizen, a fresh new day is almost upon us and we need to seize that M.F. and squeeze it as hard as we can because THE FUTURE OF OUR SPECIES hangs in the balance.

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


Um, what's that in the back? I see have a hole in your head!

Well, I'm sure it will heal up (eventually.)

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Up the revolution!

Greetings good citizen, as I have shared on more than one occasion it occurs to me that the primary reason we have not experienced a 'second revolution' in this nation (as well as all those other nations modeled upon this one who are pretty well convinced our nation is on the 'wrong path'.

What's the problem, you ask?

If we made a list and held it to our chin it would hit the floor...and that's just the things we all AGREE are wrong!

But 'the system' is supposed to be how we address the problems facing our society but, unsurprisingly, we find the eyetem has been 'broken' by those who use their 'influence' to get things 'their way'.

Global warming, the proverbial 'Elephant in the room' has been 'backburnered' by those who have a vested interest in the 'status quo'.

Other nations are forging ahead with alternative energy but buying wind turbines and solar panel made in China won't sit well with the people that lost their jobs here DEVELOPING that technology in the first place!

But I digress. One of the realities we've come to accept is we can't use the system to fix the system and because of that our system sucks!

But more importantly, if we COULD 'fix the system', what would we fix?

Because the other 'Elephant in the room is the playing field needs to be leveled...really bad!

Why do people believe we are headed in the 'wrong direction'? It is because the 'average guy' gets it stuck to him for not putting the screws to everyone he meets.

More importantly, at the lower end of the spectrum you HAVE TO 'tread lightly' can't AFFORD to mistreat others or the next thing you know you'll wake up in a 'burning bed'.

The guys with the 'power' to stick it to you are protected behind a wall of laws that serves NO ONE but THEM!

The part that sticks in EVERYBODY'S craw is NOBODY should be able to get away with treating others like that! If we have to 'watch it' they should have to too!

People got behind the, er, 'last round' of revolutions for precisely that reason, for far too long being 'king' had privileges that were beyond the pale.

They also liked the idea of 'accountable' unfortunate is it for us that most modern/post royal leaders only suffer 'loss of office' as the penalty for their crimes against the people?

While the 'colonies' that would eventually become the 'United States' had broken fresh ground on the political landscape, the people of Europe didn't know what to do when their 'kings' sprang off of their thrones and stepped aside while their 'Divine leadership' was replaced by a 'popularly elected' leader...who was 'accountable' to the people in a way no king ever had been.

This didn't make sense [historically inconsistent] and some people were [rightly] worried that something was 'wrong' with this picture and it turns out those who thought something was...not kosher were right!

Because the king was still issuing the orders via his 'elected' mouthpiece and for the very first time in history, the state of the nation/kingdom 'WASN'T HIS FAULT!' He no longer took the blame for his harebrained ideas and policies because they were enacted by his 'proxy' who did what he was told if he knew what was good for him!

BUT alas, part of the 'deal' they made with those who did their bidding and took the heat for their, er, 'more unpopular' ideas had to be exemption from prosecution...a quid pro quo arrangement.

While the 'pat' response to any that attempted to expose this masquerade would be to claim the renegade was suffering from a mental breakdown, the idea that more than one could go 'rogue' simultaneously had to be nipped in the bud before it became a problem.

Well, what I am trying to communicate is there's a 'cartel' of very powerful individuals running the whole show via their 'elected proxies' and there isn't a friggin thing we can 'do' about it.

We didn't elect these people so we don't possess the power to 'defund/defang' them.

So as I began to opine earlier, there hasn't been a revolt because there isn't a way to fix the system, the 'primary obstacle' to revolting in the first place!

But let's suppose we DID, ever so 'temporarily' have the power to 'turn the tables' on these ruthless scum...what would you DO to 'level the playing field and KEEP IT LEVEL?'

We're a little more 'sophisticated' than our browbeaten forebearers...once it was enough to have the king off your back but now what we want more than anything is a level playing how do we 'level the playing field'?

That is why I developed the 'Human Anti-exploitation Law...which basically outlaws the 'employer/employee relationship. Nobody has the right to make their living off of somebody else's labor, it is another form of 'slavery'.

So how will we live if we can't work for Massa?

Don't be a 'simp' [simpleton] you work for who you've ALWAYS worked for, the customer! The H.A.E.L just cuts out the 'middle man' and let's you preform a clean 'fair trade'.

Money allowed the 'division of labor' that brings us modern society. With money it was no longer necessary for you to do EVERYTHING yourself! You could do what you were 'good at' and buy what you needed from people who did what they did because that's what they were good at!

That is money's SECOND useful makes it so you don't have to do EVERYTHING yourself! It's other useful purpose is it limits access...but only when the playing field is 'level'...

So it is the H.A.E.L. ALSO outlaws lending money at interest because this practice is...EXPLOITIVE! (it turns the debtor into an 'income stream' for the lender) Thus banking would become an internal function of industry.

How does the H.A.E.L. level the playing field at the executive level? ALL jobs, regardless of responsibility level, pay 'hourly'. Commission and bonuses (along with cash) are illegal.

All well and good but what do we do with the 'puppeteers'?

Excellent question! we cease the practice of 'electing' decision makers and instead will vote directly on the laws themselves!

How do we prevent the weasels from writing legislation designed to defeat the popular election process (via 'tricky wording')?

Well, our non-elected leaders...these people will 'win' their jobs by demonstrating their abilities in competitions intended not only to display their problem solving abilities but also their character...and I'd rather have someone with 'talent and demonstrated character' running the show than a professional liar any day!

You see, good citizen, there IS 'something to revolt for AND a way to 'fix' seemingly unfixable problems.

Gone are the days of 'Men, both 'good and true' who were actually evil and double dealing self-interested cons!

How do we bring these scumbags to their knees?

Demonstrations are something THEY invented. They want you 'marching in the street' so their minions can cut you down for 'unlawful' behavior.

We don't want to become 'easy targets' that do nothing more than make headlines while our quarrel is lost in the chaos of protest.

The 'smart' way to handle this is to go on strike.

They keep pulling this BS because YOU keep putting up with it!

STOP (giving them what they want, your labor and the products thereof) and let them know YOU won't TAKE IT ANYMORE!

And that, good citizen, means 'STIKE!'

I have already explained in previous posts how it is likely to go. If we stick to our commitment, they WILL lose!

Still one of the 'quietest' places in the blogosphere...makes you wonder, ya know?

Anyway, I hope this 'clarifies' things for those of you who were asking about the strike set for November 9th, 2016

Thanks for being patient with me and thanks for letting me inside your head,



Greetings good citizen, it's that day again and I'll be out of pocket this morning taking my daughter to school so she can begin 'dorm life'!

I'll be posting later today due to this time constraint. I appreciate your patience!


Friday, August 26, 2016

Solution Set

Greetings good citizen, as is my custom, I just posted a comment on SAR that repeated perhaps the most important lesson I have to impart to you all.

THIS BS KEEPS HAPPENING BECAUSE YOU PUT UP WITH IT! No harm in sharing that although I may face sanctions for posting what needs to be done along with 'when' we should do it. It is one thing to call for revolt and another altogether to add a 'timetable'.

Mind you, 'aggitating' for a peaceful revolt, such as calling for a 'general strike'...because only a moron would go up against the military with little more than 'torches and pitchforks'...well, shot guns...but even the most rudimentary of body armor is proof against those. isn't illegal, per se BUT it is still, er, 'hazardous to your health'.

We aren't going to win this one by going toe to toe with the military. If we shut commerce down and start the clock ticking [they know civilization is only 9 meals deep] we stand a greater chance of achieving the reforms A Simple Plan offers.

How will we know our demands are being met?

Wall Street 'disappears', banks nationwide go 'poof' and your mortgage does your 'landlord'.

The proverbial 'playing field' suddenly becomes 'level' more self-interested, er, 'morons' with more than they know how to spend abusing humanity wherever they go.

Their credit cards will be revoked. Better, yours will be 'wiped clean'...but you may as well throw them away because there is but one way to get money and that is to work for it. [Unless you're over 50, then you will be eligible to draw a pension.]

{Can't get too excited, many of the 'long term unemployed' need training and we will need the old to stick around and bring the new people 'up to speed' on how to do the job right.

Yez, good citizen, not only will the workday be shortened to accomodate a [much] larger workforce but the process will be lengthened to insure quality.

Then there is the 're-localization' of industry, where plants and resources are brought back into service after having been sent 'off-shore' to enhance capitalist profits.

Better, there will be more 'opportunity' to serve local markets with 'homegrown' products.

Farm to table will become a reality for a larger share of the formerly 'non-affluent' public.

Understand, we literally need to 'rebuild our entire civilization with an emphasis on 'local sustainability'.

Naturally, resources are where you find them and we will still need to move raw materials to where they're needed although we also need to move finished goods to far flung markets...and in this respect, nothing has proven 'more efficient' than rail [although waterways enjoy high efficiency as well.]

Like in the old days, if you NEED IT tomorrow, you'd PLAN AHEAD rather than ship RED...which will still be possible but would be discouraged due to environmental concerns. That said, 'airships' will make a comeback. We can do it right if the emphasis is on 'safety' instead of profitability. [Using Helium instead of Hydrogen and not using adhesives that share the same chemical properties as ROCKET FUEL!]

Seriously good citizen, what a 'wonderful' [different] world it would be if we shift the focus from profits to people!

With a little bit of planning we can eliminate much of the waste 'for profit' society encourages. Perhaps we would become 'thankful' again for the bounty we would all share!

But if YOU aren't getting YOUR share then you will know somebody hijacked the strike to restore their 'privilege' to abuse your rights!

That's the 'flipside' to the aftermath. Either way there will be tens of thousands of exiles/executions...and it won't be until after the dust settles that you will know which side came out 'on top'.

If you're offered the, er, excrement covered end of the stick, refuse to accept it!

What's the worst that can happen? They kill you? Better to abide in heaven than to 'serve' in hell!

The only way they win is if YOU let them!

Don't let your species down. If we fail to unite, the planet is doomed.

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Thursday, August 25, 2016


Greetings good citizen, today's topic is something near and dear to us all yet we seldom, er, 'consider' it despite it being the filter we use to assess all we experience.

Yes, one of the shortest words in our language is also what we use to understand the world around us and let's us make sense of what we experience...'the world of I'.

Most of us have become so used to using ourselves as the 'yardstick' we measure the world with that we do it unconsciously! Yet there YOU are, front and center in everything you do!

It is here we find the most vexing of stumbling blocks...not everybody experiences/filters the world the same way causing, er, let's call it 'wiggle room' for lack of a better term.

Understand, most of us will reach identical conclusions provided the same data. How comfortable you are in your own skin governs your 'confidence level' and with so many sources telling you wrong is right, it's only natural that you would begin to doubt your own judgement.

Throw in the 'bandwagon effect' [we all want to be on the winning team even if we despise what it represents!] and our mind becomes 'unreliable' as we, er, suppress our primary conclusions. How can I write stuff like this? I keep my own council and make my own case you were wondering. I also made up my own 'team', one we all belong to, I call it 'team human' and it helps me keep both oars in the water.

As the 'exploiters' cripple the minds of the gullible with frightening regularity it is small wonder we now live in a world filled with people who relish being told what to think...

Compound that with people's disturbing new tendency to 'personalize' their grievances and you begin to see how 'right and wrong' have become too confusing for the average individual to deal with.

I don't need to tell you that a world where people are unable to separate right from wrong is a very dangerous place indeed!

Stop and consider for a moment the, er, 'hazardous' environment 'Morning in America' has created (today's political landscape is a perfect example) Where you have been told from an early age that black is white and it's 'okay' if you're American [usually genocide].

Then you take a look at the military situation where we have been engaged in faux 'wars' for decades [including the current one where the enemy is an 'idea'...] Then you marvel that cops are killing civilians for nothing [same thing they do every day when they put on their 'other uniform'...]

Beginning to see what the 'hijacking' of our political system has done to civilization in general?

Which is to point out that the ability to reach 'the masses' simultaneously is not necessarily a net 'good thing'.

Worse, the sound of 'one hand clapping' has deafened us all to our own internal decision-making ability.

Blame the 'organization man' that planted the seeds of 'thinking is beyond your paygrade!'

Let's just say we've been in trouble for a Looooooog time and it ain't gonna turn around until we grab those bootstraps the Libbies are always yapping about and pull ourselves up short!

Whoa! you have a 'PERFECTLY GOOD' internal BS meter that you've been told from an early age to ignore. People say things like 'what do you know?' are usually trying to put one over on you! [not all of the time so you have to be careful with this.]

Key to our collective salvation is trusting your own judgement and maybe joining the only team nobody can throw you off of, team human!

You have to use that thing between your ears for more than a hat rack!

Am I trying to get over on you for telling you to trust yourself?

Now how it works...but it's a pretty safe bet that anyone that tells you your judgement is, er, 'questionable' is messing with you.

The world is bigger than just you but YOU are the yardstick you use to 'measure/make sense of' the world around you!

Trust yourself and remember that we are all in this TOGETHER!

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Why is it spinning in here? Do I smell smoke? Naw, it's burning dust! I guess you haven't used THAT in a while, have you?

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

One note song...

Greetings good citizen, throughout nature the rule is 'adapt or perish'. If you don't change with changing conditions you will find yourself deprived of your customary diet/habitat and will follow them into extinction.

Um, I know I'm already on the 'diverging track' but bear with me as I point at the 'elephant in the room', the one where the people in charge only have ONE playbook [it says 'more for me!] and they aren't entertaining any 'new ideas' at the moment. [Like a 'one note song'...]

Our world is changing. We are, er, 'normally/historically' an iceball but it seems as our sun's core accumulates iron and other, heavier elements, things here on the third planet are 'warming up'.

Now there isn't anything we can do about the sun getting hotter but there is something we can do about the greenhouse gases that are making the 'warm-up' worse. [The 'conditions' we rely on to 'thrive' really are 'razor thin'...]

Instead of smaller, more fuel efficient vehicles, the group currently 'in charge' continues to use the last century's playbook and keeps turning out 'gas guzzlers'.

EVERY brand of vehicle now puts out a it was necessary!

In order to 'initially' adapt to the dual crises of the scarcity of fossil fuels and solar driven atmospheric warming that is destroying agriculture around the globe, we need to adopt 'alternative energy' in a big way! THEN WE NEED TO REDESIGN OUR ECONOMIES SO THE NEED FOR TRANSPORT IS MINIMIZED! Transporting goods 'halfway around the planet' isn't 'more efficient' when they can be made locally just as easily! AND AS CHEAPLY!

Since all money is 'funny' cost is actually non-existent, except the extra pollutants added to the atmosphere to move this stuff 12,000 miles unnecessarily!

ALL economies are LOCAL.

Capitalism is extremely 'wasteful' because much of what is produced is done 'on spec' [speculation, what they THINK will 'sell'.] We Really can't afford to keep doing this! but this is the 'one note song' they refuse to deviate from. The one that goes 'more for me!' over and over again!]

This is why nobody can live in an 'economic desert.' [Yet many are forced to!]by that 'tone deaf' operating system we have no choice in using. But enough 'complaining', it doesn't fix anything.

We need to focus on what crops/animals tolerate the heat and how to cultivate them as well.

While 'free range' is all the rage in animal husbandry, it may soon be a non-starter as the deserts get larger and the range dwindles to nothing...Tough nut to crack when our oceans are nearly fished out. We need to start managing what's left much more carefully!

BUT those running our civilization think we either aren't experiencing a problem or there's 'plenty of time' to act.

Naturally, the 'problem' is warming isn't the only thing that's happening...and another ice age would end us!

[Only a relative handful of humans/animals survived the last ice age.]

Is it really a case of 'que sera, sera' or do you think with a little bit of planning and foresight we can [most of us anyway] get through this?

Because those currently in charge aren't lifting a finger [to save as many of us as possible...and you have to wonder about that.] Do you really want to get into a debate about who is 'worth saving' and who ISN'T?

Because in my opinion anyone that thinks even one of us 'isn't worth saving' is the one we should abandon as 'defective'.

Using that 'logic' what does this say about the oligarchs and their minions, our 'elected leaders'?

Yup, scratch them all!

The headlines tell us our 'trigger happy' police and the courts that curiously don't find anything wrong with this...think we should scratch them too?

No brainer! Exile!

What's that? NOW the clueless are interested in 'addressing' our problems?

What part of 'too little, too late' don't you get?

We've 'gone along to get along' our entire lives, never quite comfortable with what we were required to turn a 'blind eye' to but if you didn't...let's just say they had ways to make you wish you had.

What started off as being 'rewarded' for our compliance turned into tip-toeing across broken glass just so we didn't lose the little bit we managed to accumulate...and even that turned into a 'losing battle'.

Well. like the old saying goes, when you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hold on!

Understand, the 'calvary' isn't coming. If we are going to be saved we have to do it ourselves!

Are you with me?

I can't hear you...


Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Mental Defect...

Greetings good citizen, don't be alarmed by the title despite the fact I may very well be referring to you!

Which is to say, these days, with our media being mighty quick on the judgement trigger (if you're not sure they're quick to TELL YOU what to make of a given situation...often without half of the facts!)

So good citizen, if somebody's 'a little off' how do you tell? Is it a situation like the conversation between Tony Stark and Dr. David Banner regarding Loki, where the Hulk's alter ego opines 'you can smell the crazy coming off that guy!' Or is it more subtle, those butterflies the pit of your stomach or the small hairs on the back of your neck standing up?

The problem with either 'tell' is you have to be in the physical presence of the cause in order for them to activate. Trump sounds perfectly normal and even when he's spouting crazy at twenty knots it doesn't cause a physical reaction so how do you tell when someone is a few fries shy of a 'Happy Meal'?

If you're close enough to touch them you're inner warning system goes off [how unfortunate for most of us that this is 'too close for comfort'?]

So, in a manner of speaking, 'crazy' does manifest itself in the psyche and most of us can detect it just by its proximity.

This is what they're always talking about when they tell you 'trust your instincts'...if something doesn't feel 'right' then it probably isn't.

Problem is some people's alarm system is TOO sensitive so they teach themselves to ignore the MULTIPLE POSITIVES they receive more or less repeatedly.

But I digress, BIGTIME!

What I set out to do is express my pleasure that my post 'Owned' appears to be 'well received'...although from this side of the fence it's hard to tell if people are agreeing that we need to do more to promote decency and respect or if I'm witnessing Libertarians making themselves mental over my proposal to abolish 'ownership'?

Just lots of traffic, daily and that post in particular...

NOW I can circle back and talk about 'mental defects'. From infancy forward we are 'spoon-fed' horrendous amount of FICTION. Basically LIES but the people who repeat them believe what they're saying is true!

NOBODY, even those who claim to speak for him, can produce a signed 'Bill of Sale' from the creator, meaning what, precisely?

It means nobody OWNS 'anything'! There was nobody to BUY it from and 'finding a thing first by no means makes it YOURS!

Naturally, there are those who would 'disagree' with my 'logic' and even sing-song 'finder's keepers' loser weepers! for us all to, er, 'ponder' because they don't care if you 'enjoy' the rendering, what they're saying is they don't care if you disagree! it's THEIRS and YOU can't have it!

All fine and well if you're the first one here but the world has been here a LONG time and there isn't much (of value) that hasn't already been spoken for.

So you're supposed to respect the (frivolous) claim of some long dead guy that they were here first and now it belongs to whoever his WIFE spit out from between her loins?

I'm calling Mental Defect here because if YOU CAN'T SHARE then there is something SERIOUSLY WRONG WITH YOU!

The world DOESN'T WORK if you are incapable of taking turns and accepting others have a right to the bounty of the planet too!

In fact people who lack this basic sense of 'empathy' are called 'Psychopaths!'

Now hold that thought and consider for a moment the people running for public office...the ones who refuse to acknowledge the working class even exists! [Ironically, the only one who admits to the working class actually HAS 'employees', don't mean he gives a crap about them and the record shows he doesn't!] But the other one is following her parties mandate to serve some mythical 'middle class' that too many people only 'think' they are part of.

Ask any stranger on the street if they are part of the 'middle class' and they'll smile and nod their acknowledgement even if they don't have two nickels to rub together!

Like owning, believing something doesn't make it true!

In fact, our whole civilization is based on a lie! A very selfish lie a that!

What lie is that? [A fair question as each lie requires dozens of others to prop up the original one!]

Why the 'lie of ownership' of course!

If we fail to 'unlearn' this lie our species is doomed to FAIL!

If you want to get down to cases it boils down to 'rich and poor, smart and stupid. We need to eliminate rich so everyone gets their fair share and work to erase 'ignorance' the biggest contributor to a world overflowing with stupid!

The goal being 'smart & happy!' instead of the other goal the self-centered few aimed at, 'stupid and miserable'

Problem is the 'mental cases' run the world.

This isn't a lost cause, we can still prevail, we just have to 'use our smarts!'

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


Monday, August 22, 2016

Mailing it in...

Greetings good citizen, while state capitols are [generally] well maintained, one need not venture too far into the hinterlands to find 'obsolescence' that is virtually ubiquitous. We're not talking out of date so much as 'ancient'...yet still serving it's original purpose (barely) and we can only wonder WHY?

Mother Nature DOESN'T have a cash register...the yahoos running construction companies do but they can go F themselves! The job needs to be done and that's ALL the reason you need to do it.

But wait! The public can't afford the repairs! How did this happen in a world overrun by multi-billionaires?

Well, 'overrun' is a bit of a stretch but there are more or less 1,400 members of the billionaire club with many of them having holdings valued at multiple billions.

No irony should be lost that this is totally 'accounting presto-chango', the 'very rich' just make it up as they go along.

Now the, er, 'interesting' thing about billions is that the average person doesn't (as in almost never) equate that with what it represents, a 'thousand million'.

Saying Bill Gates is worth 60 Billion doesn't convey the fact that it means Bill Gates has 60 THOUSAND MILLION basic purchasing units we call 'dollars' [which we will soon be using as toilet paper.]

National budgets have been tallied in the Trillions for decades now, coincidentally, ever since 'Morning in America'...[beginning to see a connection?]

Again, because of the change in verbiage, the average individual doesn't equate this with what it represents...a THOUSAND BILLION...AND EACH BILLION IS A THOUSAND MILLION.

But I digress, the point here is 'word games'. The Decimal point is meaningless.

Repeat after me, ALL MONEY IS FUNNY! [funny = counterfeit, fake, worthless...worse, GOLD is NOT MONEY!]

Money has but ONE TRUE PURPOSE, it exists to 'REGULATE ACCESS'. [period]

It is not a placeholder, it is not useful to 'accumulate' [although it does create the problem of putting a price tag on things that ought to be free but numb-nuts has 'spare cash' so they, er, 'offer to pay' [usually for more than their share or to get whatever it is ahead of schedule...thereby 'abusing' money.]

Not only do we have an abuse problem we also have a major 'etiquette' problem when it comes to 'the root of all evil'.

Understand, look at where this 'free-sliding' placeholder BS has left us?

It has left us in a world that can't be maintained because the few have abused they system so much it has 'pauperized' the rest of us!

We can't repair our crumbling infrastructure because of our screwy monetary system!

[Too few have WAYYYYYYYYY too much; leaving the rest of us without the means to pay for maintenance]

(All our 'free cash' goes to providing income streams for the 'wannabe rich' segment of the population.)

The question, the one right up there with 'What kind of world do YOU want to live in?' is 'HOW do we 'fix' this?'

And the short answer is, WE CAN'T!

Not with the legal system the way it currently is and certainly without a MAJOR CHANGE in our mindset regarding what money is and how it can be used.

Truly, money is ONLY USEFUL to the INDIVIDUAL, neither commerce nor society needs it.

For all these chest beating morons that call themselves 'job creators', they need to cut the baloney because there is only ONE 'job creator' and that is Mother Nature; we do what we do because it needs doing!

PART of what we do is NECESSITY, don't do it and our species will PERISH, the other part makes the parts we 'must do' easier/more enjoyable.

MONEY doesn't come into play at any point in this process...not that the chiselers want you to know that!

So I ask again, how do we 'fix' this problem that promises threatens to end our civilization?

No joke good citizen, deadly serious here!

Worse, the 'problem' has existed since the beginning of capitalism, actually since the beginning of money itself.

The owners of commerce have always been, er, 'permitted' to accumulate the 'free cash' the system needs to function.

That is why under A Simple Plan when you 'spend' your money, NOBODY gets it, it is just 'erased' 'accounting function' that exists to keep the books straight and the playing field fairly level.

Now how will we institute A Simple Plan as our operating system?

The Strike. We stop 'co-operating' until we get a deal worth co-operating for. This 'so a few can be rich' BS ain't cutting it!

You know what the BEST PART of instituting A Simple Plan is? It will end war!

Humanity will FINALLY be on the same team! [Giving rise to the question of why we aren't in the first place, probably a deeper, more serious question than it appears on the surface.]

First things first, unite humanity [fairly easily done once we wrest control from the self-interested few...who CAN'T do it on their own!]

Without our 'compliance' their whole deal falls apart!

I'm sure you've never thought about this before but it's high time you recognized your 'complicity' in this, er, 'arrangement'.

YOU 'make it possible' and YOU can put an end to it simply by refusing to go along with the rigid middle finger being stuck up your backside...permanently!

[I apologize for the crude mental image but it is your head after all!]

Gotta drive the point home somehow and a hammer doesn't work.

You, on the other hand, will be scratching that itch for a long time to come!

Um, seems we drifted off the original topic which was to raise awareness that our 'political process' is so broken we no longer notice that the people who are supposed to be 'in-charge' aren't doing anything [never mind the jobs we elected them to do!]

AGAIN I ask, 'How do we 'Fix' this?'

[broken record time...]


Thank you for letting me inside your head!


Um, not to get you nervous or anything but what's that? I've never seen anything like it!

I don't think it's 'natural'...other things are green and slimy but not humans.

Might want to have that looked at...just sayin' ya know?

Sunday, August 21, 2016

High & Dry

Greetings good citizen, people are beginning to wonder what would happen should Mr. Trump 'abort' his ill-fated run for the Oval Office? Never mind 'What would Jesus do, What would the Republicans do?

This brings us full circle to theories regarding rioting and civil unrest as the game changes to one of absolutes, 'it's Hillary or nothin', folks!

Which isn't 100% 'true' because both the Greenies and the Libertarians have managed to get their candidates on the ballot in all 50 states.

You WOULD have an 'alternative' BUT they'd be 'lame ducks' in a Republican controlled congress bent on preventing any action that would help this nation recover from forty years of Republican rule.

Oh what to do, what to do?

Don't know about you but I don't see a way to fix this problem using the ballot box because it cost hundreds of millions of dollars [make the check payable to: THE CORPORATE OWNED MEDIA, thank you!] to run even a mediocre political campaign for the highest office in the land.

Would they, in an attempt to maintain 'a facade of propriety', dust off one of their 'failed candidates' to run against the HILL-Billy? Maybe they'd try fighting one political 'dynasty' with one of their own and throw Jeb in the ring, heck, like Hillary, it's his TURN!

This is what our political process has become, it is not about the welfare of the people or the Republic itself, it has become a travesty of 'representation'.

Well, my question is when are we going to get a Native American in the Oval Office? Short answer is NEVER because they don't raise 'presidential timber' ON THE RESERVATION! It's not the kind of environment that teaches you you're better than everyone else...a 'prerequisite' for the Oval Office since 'Morning in America!'

But if we did manage to get one of the Original peoples on the ballot I'm sure they'd win hands down because nobody likes what the invaders have done to our home!

More disturbingly, it has become apparent that our political process ignores the 'kitchen table' issues that once preoccupied the nation and moved on to less relevant yet much more 'derisive' issues like who is sleeping with whom and which restroom will they use?

This isn't 'politics', it's BS! Yet we have backed a presidential candidate based on his [mock] revulsion over this very issue!

No irony should be lost that this candidate's party FABRICATED THE WHOLE ISSUE IN THE FIRST PLACE!

Worse, the only candidate in the past five election cycles to even say the words 'working class' is the candidate from the party solely responsible for its plight! [Making us ask once again, WHO ARE THESE 'PROGRESSIVES' AND JUST WHAT DO THEY REPRESENT?]

What happened to my Democrats? The letter after a candidate's name no longer means what it used to.

I defy you to point to ONE Liberal in politics today...because there ISN'T ONE! Even Bernie falls quite short of the mark.

Should shock the heck out of most of you that by today's standards, St. Ronnie was a Liberal!

Just to give you an idea of what 40 years of Republican/one percent rule will do to a country...

NEVER elect an ACTOR to the highest post in the land, you may never recover! But 'hindsight' is always 20/20, isn't it.

Needless to say, I'm not the only one predicting we are in for some major shocks ahead of the upcoming 'sham elections'.

How bad/sad is it when furniture stores are offering 'free furniture' if voter turnout exceeds 75% [Like Social Security being set at age 65, most of a generation will be dead by then and most people die before collecting a fraction of what they paid in.

So voter turnout has averaged around 40% this century...which also provides us with yet another shining example of 'capitalism at its finest!'

With that said, good citizen, the only way to end this nightmare is to put an end to the practice of voting for people that make decisions in your name without ever consulting's too precious!

It is time we vote directly on the law and suffer NO ONE to place themselves 'above the law'.

It's time for A Simple Plan [so named because it really is 'simple'! We 'almost' got it right last time...just a few small tweaks should do it!]

Thank you for letting me inside your head,


Saturday, August 20, 2016

Get a Grip!

Greetings good citizen, Here I am 'agitating' for a strike to end the 'mismanagement of our species' by the self-interested...and it is the one scenario where they don't have a counter-move for, BUT!

What they do have is a deeply embedded 'recovery system' in place. Our self-professed betters are the original 'Surrender Monkeys' because it is in the chaos of 're-organization' that they re-assert their control.

All the while chanting 'up the revolution!'

We consider the revolt in the Colonies that eventually became the USA as 'unique' because monarchy was 'replaced' by meat-puppetry, yes good citizen, even back in the beginning our 'elected leaders' did the bidding of their shadowy overlords. Washington is ON RECORD as wanting nothing to do with the job but he 'served' anyway.

Historians hail his 'sense of duty' but if we were to go digging where things are best left alone we'd probably find some disturbing behind the scene facts that would shatter our carefully constructed 'core beliefs' about the founders.

But I digress, but not much because one needs to be aware that most revolutions are 'hijacked' shortly after their success by those offering to 'put the nation back together'.

Again the thinking is rebels are good at tearing nations down but they aren't 'realistic' enough to build a new nation.

So people revolt thinking they are going to get a 'fresh start' only to end up with the same old, same old because the faces may have changed but the players (or more succinctly, the forces behind them) HAVEN'T!

Well, this time the cards are on the table and A Simple Plan is revolutionary in how the system will be altered, beginning with it's unconventional ban of cash or anything similar to it!

ALL CRIME IS CASH AND CARRY! If your 'customer' can't pay there's no point in stealing, is there? Well, you COULD still do it because you could but then the 'final destination' will also change, significantly!

Gone are warm, well-lit prison cells with regular meal times. Get exiled [and PS by the way, there will be NO prisons so if we can't trust you to live among us...guess where you're headed?

Conjure a mental image of a windswept desert plain...and you're buck naked. This is where you will live out the remainder of your miserable life...although if it's any consolation, you won't be 'alone'...not for long anyway.

Before you start thinking happy thoughts, Exile will be 'separate but equal'...the only people you will encounter are members of your own gender...[and some of you will be fine with that!]

Don't even get started on 'cruel and unusual'. This is what mankind did BEFORE there were prisons and society did a much better job of raising 'decent, respectful individuals' before the 'for profit' hotels for hellions came along!

Don't laugh, some people actually plan on 'retiring' to least they won't be living in their cars, being harassed by the cops and plundered by their fellow denizens of the street.

Happens in Japan more than you'd like to think about.

Relatively speaking, prison is a pretty cushy deal compared to life in a shelter.

But again I digress.

The 'attractive' part of A Simple Plan is it's not a 'police state', in fact there won't be 'police', it won't be a job...per se.

The laws will be 'Simple and few' with most of the things people fight about becoming the realm of 'society'. A Simple Plan cares for you from the cradle to the grave...end of story. Your success is 'assured' because your failure will be your doom.

Wait, don't go all Orwellian on me, this isn't 'comply or die' [like the Republican's want it!]

You WON'T BE ABLE to borrow or lend money and the very act of claiming somebody 'owes' you is an EXILE OFENSE! Taking what isn't yours then claiming it was 'payment' will have the same results.

And yeah, there will be people that will cart you off to 'a place where you'll be 'free' to live any way you like!

Will there be 'due process'? Yes, but what there won't be are lawyers and judges...those little inventions are part of the 'prison scam'. [Better known as how to make crime profitable...]

Pathetic, isn't it? The sleazy scumbags will 'monetize' ANYTHING!

Another thing that will take getting used to is NOT paying for 'everything forever!'

Then there is the, er, 'personal factor'. A mechanism intended to let the individual redress personal grievances one on one. The hitch here is the challenged has the 'right to refuse' and there isn't anything you can do about that.

You get to call them a coward every time you see them after that and there's NOTHING THEY can do about that...and the rules provide the challenged with an 'edge', the choice of combat! [Which can tip the odds in their favor if they are clever about it!]

Yes, 'dueling' will become legal but we aren't talking about main street at high noon...there will be dueling arenas constructed specifically for the purpose of single combat and NO, these are private affairs! No 'spectators allowed', no 'seconds' either ('the pro's' will handle those duties.)

While EITHER combatant can specify that the duel be 'non-fatal'; accidents happen and should a participant die, those are the chances you accept.

UNDERSTAND, dueling left many families bereft of a means of support and that's why the practice ended...this will no longer be the case.

Since society supports your 'sanctioned children*' from the cradle to the grave, YOU are granted the 'right' to defend your honor...

THAT SAID, dueling arenas are intended to GATHER DUST!

The possibility of being 'called out' is intended to make you more 'careful' of how you behave and of the image you project in 'polite company'.

But I swerve off the intended path yet again! [I am attempting to describe life under A Simple Plan 'in a nutshell' so you'll have an idea of what you're being asked to buy into.

It's all fine and well to say you have a better idea but the facts tell the story!

So, a guaranteed job for life once you finish grade school and free higher education for life. YOU WILL get to select from the fields you demonstrate an aptitude for. Work hours will be adjusted to accommodate all so jobs will always be 'available' and all jobs will pay a 'living wage'.

Considering the subtraction of the many items you are currently required to pay for it might take a while to settle on what, precisely constitutes a 'living wage' so it is better to 'err to caution' and OVERPAY you!

Fat wallets you WILL NOT doesn't exist and your money is for YOU! The only place to spend your money is at the store and even then they don't get it, it is simply erased!

While some might opine this is making life 'unnecessarily complicated', it's not like we don't need the work AND it teaches YOU to 'live within your means'.

[In a world without the 'regulating effect' of money you'd NEVER get a seat at a restaurant or a room at a hotel! If they were FREE, the 'opportunists' among us WOULD NEVER LEAVE!]


Saturday may not be the best day to insert this thumbnail sketch of life under A Simple Plan due to light traffic...but if I've piqued your curiosity a full copy should still be online under my blog of the same title [A Simple Plan]

Why some turkey chose that for a movie title I'll never know but it definitely erases any trace of my proposal should you be inclined to look for it...that said, searching Google should produce a shortlist that gives the desired result.

Just look for my name, Gegner! [a.k.a George Anderson]

Um, I figured 'sanctioned children' would ruffle some feathers so an 'explanation' is provided below.

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


* Over population is a very real threat. You will only have 'permission' to replace yourself and your spouse...but I speak from experience that two is 'just right' and joy enough for any parent.

Further note...if you can't conceive 'naturally', then you will have to play the hand you have been dealt.

Many females that wait until they are 'established' to start families, that is no longer necessary. You will be invited to have your children while you're 'young & healthy' as opposed to old and barely fertile.

The kicker added here is 'marriage' is obsolete. That said, children are NOT TOYS! You will be required to pass a mental competency test before becoming pregnant. [Making many of you marvel afterwards that you passed, what were either of you thinking?]

Friday, August 19, 2016


Greetings good citizen, what do you suppose is holding humanity back from achieving harmony and prosperity?

If there is one concept you could eliminate, what would it be?

For your consideration, I submit the idea of purging 'ownership' from the vocabulary!

What am I saying! Doesn't 'ownership' equal 'freedom' (to do as you please with YOUR property?) Funny but in the end nobody 'owns' nuthin. It is the 'illusion of ownership' that is being sold to the gullible dupes who literally 'buy-in' to the idea of 'owning'. [We truly are neck-deep in STUPID around here!]

Back in the beginning, when there was so much 'real estate' the idea of owning ANY of it boggled the mind, people didn't see the need to 'posess' a chunk of ground. Personal possessions were another matter entirely. If you 'made it', it was yours!

So people 'abusing' stuff you worked hard to create caused problems [it also drove branches of our species into some of the most inhospitable regions on the planet just to escape that problematic tendency we call 'opportunism'.]

So how can you have posessions and not 'own' them?

Now we arrive at a concept the dim-witted don't like but we all share this trait and it's called 'decency'. You don't abuse other people's crap and you don't take what isn't yours!

No 'bill of sale or receipt' necessary, it's a concept we call 'respect'.

We all 'respect' what may happen if we take what doesn't belong to us, so most of us don't do it. Still there are some, er, 'retards' out there that like to play fast and loose with the rules, pretending they 'didn't know' it was somebody elses' stuff.

Now, you wouldn't mind if someone came along behind you and ate your poop, wouldn't bother me (in the respect I was 'missing' something anyway) but if knothead is sleeping in your bed, another story altogether!

So, either you have 'decency & respect' or you don't...and if you don't, word is going to get around...and then you'll find yourself shunned!

In a world where 'respect & decency are in short supply [because the self-serving have seized the justice system that now kills with impunity!] Don't you think these two 'values' are worth 'nurturing'?

It really does come down to the question of 'what kind of world do YOU want to live in?'

One where you're pauperized by all the stuff you're forced to own so you can participate in society. [Some places won't let you vote if you don't own/rent property, same thing with a driver's license!]

Or one where participation is your RIGHT and your efforts help create a better world for us all!

A world where more workers means less hours of the day devoted to making ends meet! {and a better quality of life overall!}

A world where you can 'slow down' and do it right the first time!

There are many benefits to be reaped from eliminating 'ownership' from our species, but we have to accept it means we have to 'SHARE' what there is.

Our reckless 'for profit' operating system is destroying the planet and likely the galaxy. If we fail to replace it with a sustainable model like 'A Simple Plan' we will destroy this planet, our only home.

Um, tell a 'rabid capitalist' or worse, a Libertarian that you don't think ownership is a wise idea and suddenly they're threatening to eat your food and shit in your bed. [A word of caution to those of you considering voting 'Libertarian' as your 'protest vote'.]

Is that why we let these self-serving scumbags get away with it?

That's what I put forth to you good citizen. It's all about the kind of world YOU want to live in...

Thanks for letting me inside your head...hey, it's purple in here! Calm down a minute and take deep breaths!

Did you take your meds this morning?

Ah well...tomorrow then!


Thursday, August 18, 2016

Is Thinking optional ?

Greetings good citizen, this could be one of the most difficult essays I've ever tackled, it is one where I ask YOU good citizen, 'What are you thinking?'

One of the 'points of pride' of this page, one in a vast blogosphere competing for your attention, is my candor regarding my 'mission' mission is not to TELL YOU WHAT TO THINK, it is to provide you with SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT!

So when I look out across the rubble strewn landscape I often ask myself, 'what are they thinking?'

I, er, 'discount' much of what I witness from the corporate owned media because it's usually the 'wrong' message/part of the story. What bothers me is what are the people I know on Facebook thinking when they parrot the ugliness being fed to them by the corporate monster-making machine?

[If YOU are parroting their BS then YOU are a MONSTER that THEY 'created'!]

Which is to tell you something you're definitely old enough to know...THINKING ISN'T 'OPTIONAL'!

I'm a member of the 'Never Hillary' club but that doesn't mean I support the other side of the same coin, Trump!

If there is one lesson to be learned from this 'charade' the media calls an 'election' that message is 'WE'RE DOING IT WRONG!'

The question I have...and this is pointed at my 'Facebook Friends' (although 'peers' is closer to the mark.) Did YOU drink the 'Fiscally conservative, socially Liberal Kool-Aid' that was so popular when we were young?

Worse, are you a 'closet Libertarian?'

Do YOU vote conservative because they support a 'strong military'? Does the conservative stance on 'Law & Order' [resulting in our burgeoning Police State] only strengthen your conservative ardor?

Have you come to believe that the non-working public is generally a waste of perfectly good 'butt-wipe'?

Did you spend your 'downtime' listening to Rush Limbagh?

Because I've got some bad news for have a head full of rocks, making you about as smart as said rocks.

EVERYTHING Mr. Trump is complaining about is ALL DUE TO [your beloved] CONSERVATIVE IDEAOLOGY!

It is the very definition of INSANITY to keep voting for 'more of the same', each time expecting a different outcome.

Now, most of you are OLD ENOUGH to have early stage Alzheimers, are you so STUPID that you are unable to think outside the box?

If the 'left/right' choices don't work, pick the middle!

The left doesn't exist and the right is absolutely INSANE so, what are you gonna do? Hold your nose and pick one or do you think it's high time we change the system?

If the choices presented to you are 'unacceptable', DON'T ACCEPT THEM!

This need not be difficult. [In fact it's crap like this that brands our species as 'lazy'.]

Understand, I fully appreciate the 'real problem' facing us is the 'lack of choices', even YOU aren't 'completely stupid'.

Nobody wants to 'stand up' because standing out is what gets you killed and a dead patriot does no one any good.

So let's examine this hand we've been dealt and think about our 'options', shall we?

We can march in the streets and beg for the self-interested to cut us down, en mass [they'd like nothing better!]

OR we can just stop participating, go on strike and let the chips fall where they may.

They'll play 'stupid' at first, then they'll 'order' us back to work. Then they'll threaten to fire us and replace us with 'scabs'. Then they'll follow through on that threat.

And that's when the riots will start. [Our 'counterplay' to their 'strike breaking' playbook is blocking transportation so the scabs can't report.] We won't be 100% effective but it will work 'well enough'.

Now, I'm open to suggestions but like all potential solutions, they 'must be effective'. We don't have the time to 'circulate a petition' and 'lobby' politicians to gain their support, both are 'non-starters'.

Things won't change because we 'wish' they would. Change comes when all of the alternatives are exhausted. If they were 'listening' we wouldn't need to have this conversation.

Making the fact we are here in the first place more than somewhat disturbing.

Remember, it's NOT my purpose to tell you what to think, my goal is to provide you with 'SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT!'

Thank you for letting me inside your head,


PS: To my overseas readers, this isn't a USA party, you too are invited because it's a Human Party!

On of the central pillars of A Simple Plan is that it will eventually be 'universal' (because anti-exploitation is EVERY human's right!)

Election day is November 8th here in the US...when they 'coronate' the 'queen' (or, the horror, the new Oaf) the strike begins!

Please join us if you want a better planet for us all!

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Magical Thinking

I'm already behind schedule but I think I can manage a 'quickie'!

Yesterday I received an e-mail advising me that as a loyal FIOs customer I was getting 'free Showtime' until Nov. 30th. This caused me to surf the channels where I wouldn't ordinarily be and I came across The Donald giving a speech in troubled Wisconsin.

He speech was touted as one in support of Law Enforcement and showman that he is, The Donald even evoked the 'War on Cops', citing something like 600 plus police fatalities thus far this year.

Could our mental midget be confusing the nearly 700 CIVILIAN deaths at the hands of police with being exactly the opposite of the true problem. If there were that many police fatalities it would be ALL OVER THE NEWS, so I think it's a safe bet that Donald [once again] got his facts reversed.

Anyway, in a prime example of chutzpah, he then proceeded to stump for black votes!

Um, I [for the first time] watched his whole 'stump speech' and sat there agog because EVERYTHING THAT HE COMPLAINED ABOUT WAS DUE TO REPUBLICAN POLICIES!

Donald is older than me so he remembers 'Morning in America' and he, like me, lived through the aftermath. HE KNOWS the first time he ever heard the acronym NAFTA it came tumbling out of the mouth of Saint Ronnie himself!

What he's counting on is the morons who came AFTER 'Morning in America' will only remember what they've been taught, that NAFTA was signed into law by that DINO Bill Clinton

He also remembers when Democrats were just there isn't a good answer to when those currently PRETENDING to be Democrats decided to adopt the NAZI pejorative of calling themselves 'progressives'...a term dating back to and closely linked to EUGENICS! [Remember all that 'Master Race' BS? They gloss it over in the history books but it was large and in charge back then!]

Anyway, he wasn't done with the 'magical mystery tour'...the next thing you know he's promising to break ties with China, thereby creating new and better paying jobs here!

It is a classic 'kiss in the dark' move ALL politicians make because when they DON'T deliver there isn't a friggin' thing YOU can do about it!

Hell, it you'll elect ME grand Pooh-bah I'll give everyone a BAR OF GOLD!

Which is to point out I can promise anything that comes to mind (including the 'second coming') because if I don't deliver there isn't a damn thing the voting public can do about it!

In this respect we once again question the 'veracity' of his quest for the Oval office [which I still believe he maintains this 'fraud', quite ironically, to avoid prosecution for his previous frauds!]

Again, the oligarchs 'promised' the job to Hillary and they're going to deliver so The Donald can be as 'silly' as he wants when it comes to 'deluding the customer'.

Will his followers 'punish' him for leading them on? Maybe. There may also be riots the likes we haven't seen in quite some time but that may not be all Donald, the public is 'angry' and The Donald is merely reminding them WHY...

Wonder when the public is going to realize that NOBODY voted for the B-list actor back in 1980 and we got him anyway?

You have been lied to and it's a pretty safe bet most people know it will be 'interesting' to see how things urn out come November.

Are there any 'wildcards' in play...will one of the two choices be suddenly removed from the picture at the last moment?

Won't find out until we get there, will we?

Thanks for letting me inside you head!


[Looks okay, you're a little 'dazed' but that should wear off in fifteen or twenty. If not, have a stiff shot of something that curls your toes!]

Tuesday, August 16, 2016


Greetings good citizen, as 'the War on the Poor' escalates, rioting connected to the latest shooting death of a civilian during a traffic stop yielded a new wrinkle, guess who was, er, 'put on notice'? THE MEDIA!

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel said that its reporters and photographers were chased from the scene of the protests, and one of its reporters was punched. A local television station, CBS 58, said its journalists on the scene were attacked and its equipment stolen while covering the demonstrations. Another station, TMJ4, said it had pulled its crews from the streets because of threats of violence.

Other news organizations were similarly removing their journalists from the field and assessing how to cover the story while ensuring that their reporters were not caught in the crossfire of gunshots, bricks and rubber bullets.

It is not an idle question when we ask WHY 'Homeland Security' purchased a billion rounds of 9 mm ammunition...what are THEY 'preparing for'?

No explanation has been offered, good citizen but it appears those bullets are being returned to the taxpayer, one at a time, [usually lodged somewhere in their vitals.]

So it is we have police officers shooting civilians and walking away uninvestigated with judges and prosecutors turning a 'blind eye'.

One of the 'Blue Walls' biggest complaints is how the average officer 'puts it ALL on the line' to bring perps to, er, 'Justice' but their high priced lawyers get them off on a 'technicality' and the 'guilty' [in their mind] walk.

The public has quite a different perception. (Especially the portion of the public that is being used to fill 'for profit' prisons.)

So we have the long-simmering 'War on the Poor'. You don't have to be a person of color to play but 'white trash' gets a pass more often than not...less they do something stupid...and we all know there is no shortage of that going around!

Says something when those living in abject poverty remain stubbornly unaware/ignorant of what is responsible for their suffering.

So, before the recent eruption of 'Backlash/Blowback' caused by decidedly 'Heavy-Handed' tactics puts YOU in the crosshairs, are YOU even remotely aware of why we live in a world INFESTED with 'poor people'?

What I'm pointing to here is NONE OF THIS happens in a 'vacuum', it's all related!

Dang, 'thar she blows' [again!] You know, you really do have to use that thing for more than a 'hat rack'!

Damage is done anyway, may as well let 'er rip! People have finally smartened up to how the media is working for the, er, 'Enemy' of the poor and is largely responsible for the criminals NOT BEING BROUGHT TO JUSTICE!

Many of you remain ignorant of 'The War on the Poor', hell, most of the poor only know is that if they didn't have BAD LUCK they wouldn't have ANY!

The 'voice of reason' [which is how the media presents itself,] IS NOT on the side of those society has made DESTITUTE!

[Don't make me rub your nose in it!] Capitalism is a game where there are too few 'Winners' and a whole boatload of 'Losers'

Well, the 'losers' are finally coming around to the fact that the deck has been stacked against them and that things ARE ONLY GOING TO GET WORSE if THEY don't DO SOMETHING about it!

Now WHAT could they be after? What is it EVERY human thirsts for? Come on, YOU KNOW THIS!

It's the thing vigilantes are made of and we call it 'Justice'! [Solemn reminder, Justice is one of the most 'relative terms' out there. How fortunate for us all that we have built in mechanism that tells us when Justice has been served!

[this 'mechanism' is one of humanity's 'saving graces'...]

If the courts refuse to dispense it, the public is more than willing to 'make it's own!'

The 'purges' of the past will keep being repeated so long as justice is denied.

The 'question' is, will this incident prove to be a 'tipping point'...will the war escalate or will those who have placed themselves 'above the law' back off and let the clockwork of justice work unimpeded?

NOBODY kills 'with impunity'.

Um, this place is a wreck, man, that's gotta hurt! Busted up pretty bad in here. You NEED to lie down and just rest!

Er, thanks for letting me inside your head...although I suspect I'm talking to myself now because most of you bailed two paragraphs ago...or the moment you saw the words 'War on the poor'

Tomorrow then?


Monday, August 15, 2016


Greetings good citizen, you know I just rejected this phrase as a title for a different topic, partly because it wasn't specific enough and partly because it has become ubiquitous!

Don't you find yourself exclaiming WTF a dozen times a day [if not more] ?

Hell, the term has become so common they even used it as a movie title!

Can't say we weren't warned though...they told us they were 'history creators' and that we would 'marvel' over their actions! As we dawdled/wasted time trying to 'make sense' out of their last action, they would be doing something else, 'equally as confounding' so we could scratch our collective heads and stare in disbelief, exclaiming WTF! the whole time...

Mind you, the phrase didn't become commonplace because it wasn't deserved, it fits the situation perfectly! Many times we would stare in disbelief, muttering WTF (sometimes followed by NOW and other times followed by NEXT) because these actions were taken to 'shake you up' and rattle your faith in 'human decency'. Much of what we found ourselves goggling at was an 'outrage'. Who were they to do such things and then question our 'values'?

Well, it worked. While you were, er, 'distracted' they stripped you of both your citizenship AND your 'rights' (which were tenuous even under the best of circumstances.)

I'll prove I can get a WTF out of you too. These days, thanks largely to the current 'above the law' policing/justice system, your so-called 'rights' depend on the arresting officer BECAUSE 90% OF JUDGES ARE 'POLITICAL APPOINTEES'!

So if you haven't before maybe you should be asking yourself what a person's 'political affiliation' has to do with their interpretation of the law?


Just as religion has NO PLACE in Government, Politics has no place in maybe that's why things are so...goofy?

But that's just the tip of the iceberg and you know it! If we were to compile a list, just off the top of your head it would be staggering...with most of you chiming in 'oh yeah' as people mentioned outrages that had been pushed aside by other outrages.

If you believe people 'complain a lot' you'd be correct, what you might have to allow for is much of it is for 'good reason'.

Doesn't help that pseudo-conservatives put 'complainers' down as malcontents that aren't satisfied with anything...(and you only have to disagree with them ONCE to have that moniker hung on you!)

Although, to be fair, so polarized are today's politics that one seldom takes exception to just one miniscule portion, most people that despise conservatism revile the whole package, making you go WTF again as you marvel 'who ARE these people?'

If we're all in this together, what planet do these people wake up on?

Anyone? Bueller? Anyone?

While the corporate owned media doesn't want you asking yourself these kinds of questions it eventually becomes 'the elephant in the room'. Who are these whack-jobs and what are they doing to our country?

I mean WTF? Right?

In order to understand how we got here one needs to keep in mind that creation made possible by 'Morning in America' ; the 'Right-wing echo chamber' that serves to propagandizes neophyte conservative apostates in the ways of conservo-whacko-dom and other precepts of 'magical thinking'.

Like 'tax cuts pay for themselves' and enriching employers will 'super-charge' the economy...yeah, that same economy that is currently on 'life support' because of you can't export jobs and import goods for long before the bottom falls out.

What part of 'ALL ECOMOMIES ARE LOCAL' don't these morons understand?

Because the part that is playing out now is 'no one can live in an economic desert'.


But I preacheth to the choir.

[Hopefully I'm getting you good and agitated too. If we don't DO SOMETHING about it, It WON'T STOP!]

A worthy exercise indeed! Start pondering all of the things that made you think WTF and then consider 'why did this happen?'

Did the answer come back 'So a few could be/remain rich'?

Because that IS 'the answer'.

Um, things got pretty messy in here yesterday and I'm trying to avoid a repeat {I honestly don't think your 'gray matter' can take much more punishment. The sensory overload is bordering on 'overwhelming!}

Nope, a couple of minor leaks but that shouldn't even cause a headache!

Alright then! Thank you for letting me inside your head! [WTF!]


Sunday, August 14, 2016

A Perfect World

Greetings good citizen, let me be the first to side with the majority of the writing community and opine there is no such place, kind of like Heaven where all but the simplest of us have difficulty imagining. [I know I can't! Not even a tiny bit!]

Here's a cute question: how many of you imagine being RICH in Heaven? [Even death doesn't cure STUPID!] How many of you fancy the idea you'll have 'servants' in Heaven?

Okay, how many of you think Heaven is roughly equivalent to being lobotomized?

So we return to A Perfect World where the wildcard is 'Perfect for who?'

Do you really want to go there? Sorry, I don't read minds...I have no way of knowing what YOUR 'Perfect World' would be like, the only thing I think I'd be able to nail is there aren't any mosquitoes there...

After that we run the gamut of it being perpetually 'your favorite season', it always being the weekend (despite that 'getting old' a lot quicker than you'd think) and an endless parade of eye candy taunting you from dusk 'til dawn.

Well, last time I checked there weren't any individual planets we could craft to our individual tastes despite there being no shortage of individuals who are convinced they 'own' this planet and screw what you think!

[Sort of begs the question of what if this place exists to 'teach us how to share?']

Don't laugh! I'd be the first to mark that one down as an epic fail but, ironically, the current spike in selfishness is due to overpopulation and the resultant 'navel gazing' of trying to escape a world that doesn't need you breeds.

It's a fact that people 'make you crazy' [largely because they are 'annoyingly self-absorbed'] but a, er, 'insufficient' amount of human interaction results in serious mental instability...which indicates the 'world of I' isn't the 'sanctuary' you'd hope it would be.

You have to be real comfortable in your own skin to withstand long periods of isolation and even then spending long periods of time with just your thoughts will make you appear 'strange' to those that have remained immersed in mainstream, er, 'mind-pollution'.

Meaning YOU will have had time to ponder things that NEVER OCCUR to those trying to keep up with the piles of garbage slung in their direction every minute of every day.

Like I pointed out yesterday, your mind filters EVERYTHING it receives, seeking 'useful information' (often survival related.) This is a 'throwback' to ancient times when we were genetically coded to recognize anything that even resembled a 'face' because that's the part that was going to EAT you!

But you get the idea...this is what they're referring to when people say they need to 'decompress'.

But I digress...

What would a 'Perfect SHARED World' look like?

Interesting question because the slightest advantage is leveraged into making the world more 'becoming/hospitable' to the wielder of that 'advantage'. Not about 'sharing' at all. SO we take ANOTHER 'step back and try to imagine a quiet place nobody already holds sway over.

But we'd be doing it wrong. You're not going to learn how to share by being satisfied with a tiny slice of someone else's pie! You want YOUR SHARE...NOW!

Now there's a contradiction I'll bet you didn't see coming? How do we share without sharing?

The fundamental concept of sharing is's not all me and screw you! we agree to put up with a certain amount of not getting things the way we would prefer them so the other guy will allow you to have things 'more or less the way you like.

Um, this is the sticky business of 'division' and the media campaign to convince you that you are unique and deserve your own space [to do whatever you want, emphasis on 'whatever'!] in a world unable to accommodate such 'luxury' [if you don't own it...]

So, a ''finite world' we all at least want our 'share', problem is nobody KNOWS what that is! Sure we have computers that could figure out how much, er, 'space' each of us is, er, 'entitled' to but it's the 'quality of that space' that would sow the seeds of contention as well as accusations of 'unfairness'.

So, are we 'doomed'? It's never going to get 'better than this?'

Wait a minute...if we shrug and say what are you gonna do? We've failed before we've even begun!

The KEY to building a world, er, [word doesn't exist so I have to use two] 'accommodating/accepting' of everyone's RIGHTS, (yup, the key lies in conception!) Is creating a playing field that is 'truly level'.

Impossible you aren't thinking outside the box!

Where would YOU begin? [I know, stupid question. If it were up to YOU we'd be 'stacking the deck' in your favor!] So let's assume it ISN'T 'up to you' and we're crafting a deal you'd have to 'live with' too.

Wouldn't you want to have the 'same rights as everybody else?'

Despite 'lip service' to the contrary, that is NOT the case today!

But you don't need me to tell you that. We all want the problem to be fixed but we don't agree on how to do it...which is a media born lie [if we discount the 'misgivings of the terminally stupid' who won't ever get off the dime they don't even know they're standing on!

Which is to say some people will have matters decided 'for them' because they can't grasp what is at stake.

If your objection to Justice and equality starts with 'I don't know' then you're right! Step aside and let those who do move forward.

Short of everybody getting their own planet (or a lobotomy) Leveling the playing field is the single most important factor towards creating 'A Perfect (shareable) World.

Thank you for letting me inside your head. This was pretty simple stuff, you'd think nothin would happen but it looks like a bomb went off in here! Sorry about the mess...take two Quaaludes and come back tomorrow.
