Saturday, August 13, 2016

Name Calling

Greetings good citizen! May as well start at the beginning because 'labels' have power; my choice of referring to you as 'citizen' is recognition of the fact I consider YOU to be an 'equal'.

Naturally, not everyone who calls you 'citizen' respects you or automatically assumes you are intelligent. The fact that you're here and still reading beyond the first paragraph is all the proof I require...the stupid don't like me much, most of this stuff is WAY over their heads.

The older generation still cringes if you call someone a 'Commie', so 'conditioned' are they to react to those we were promised 'hated our freedom'. Is there any irony lost that their replacement, the Muslims, are accused of precisely the same crime?

The original title for this post was to be WTF? but upon closer consideration I decided it wasn't specific enough.

Words are powerful tools, in the hands of a craftsman they can become fearsome weapons...but I belabor the obvious.

When you think about it (and we seldom do) we spend much of our time 'labeling' things. 'Classifying' (and it's close cousin, 'judging') are somewhat of an obsession for we sentient types.

Breaking free of this 'obsession' is what marks the, er, (more labels, sorry) difference between the 'enlightened' human and the 'mean/coarse' human.

We won't stop 'classifying' EVERYTHING we encounter but some of us are able to refrain from rushing to judgement, and that's what separates us from our more common 'judging' peers.

Um, what you need to understand is we do this SO MUCH we seldom stop to consider 'why' we do this...and if affects EVERYTHING we do or say!

So not realizing you're doing it is more than a little 'dangerous' because expert manipulators are using this tool to control your behavior!

Now there's a word I hate, 'Expert'! I personally don't believe ANYBODY is an 'expert' because the assumption is 'infallible knowledge' and even a casual examination of our world reveals that even God isn't an 'expert'...which started the whole We aren't worthy of questioning the creator' meme...

Another thing that 'rankles' is why this, er, 'mechanism' isn't being used for positive outcomes rather than being used to keep us from recognizing that the perps are running our civilization off a cliff while we are OBSESSED with hating people we don't know anything about.

And that's another STUNNING SIMILARITY!

How DAMNING is it that most people wouldn't recognize a communist even if one beat them to death?

Sort of the same thing with our Muslim, er, 'enemies'. While you are more likely to be familiar with Islam if you are a member of a minority in Whitebread Merika, most of you only know what you've learned from the eye that never blinks [made that much worse because it was more likely 'parody' and stereotype than actual fact!]

Did I mention we 'judge' everything? [And like most judges, our 'judgement' is highly suspect, tainted as it is by our 'imperfect knowledge'.]

We may be the top of the food chain but we still have a mighty long way to go if you hear what I'm saying...

With that said I have to once again apologize for being 'boorish' [a perpetual complainer] I defend my actions under the 'Somebody has to do it' rubric. If no one holds a mirror up to society then you will remain 'ignorant' of these, er, disturbing habits until one of them whacks you right between the eyes but by then it's too late to suddenly realize 'you've been 'played'.

We all know words have power and that EVERYBODY is trying to 'get over' on you. Hell of a place but 'on guard' is a perpetual state for our kind. We can only let our guard down with those we trust and even then not all the way!

Another damning indictment but it's the 'nature of the beast', try not to let it wear you down.

Hey, here we are and nuthin' broke!

A first!

Thanks for letting me inside you head...and above all, enjoy your weekend! [It happens to be Saturday here so those of you coming upon it later be warned!]


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