Sunday, August 21, 2016

High & Dry

Greetings good citizen, people are beginning to wonder what would happen should Mr. Trump 'abort' his ill-fated run for the Oval Office? Never mind 'What would Jesus do, What would the Republicans do?

This brings us full circle to theories regarding rioting and civil unrest as the game changes to one of absolutes, 'it's Hillary or nothin', folks!

Which isn't 100% 'true' because both the Greenies and the Libertarians have managed to get their candidates on the ballot in all 50 states.

You WOULD have an 'alternative' BUT they'd be 'lame ducks' in a Republican controlled congress bent on preventing any action that would help this nation recover from forty years of Republican rule.

Oh what to do, what to do?

Don't know about you but I don't see a way to fix this problem using the ballot box because it cost hundreds of millions of dollars [make the check payable to: THE CORPORATE OWNED MEDIA, thank you!] to run even a mediocre political campaign for the highest office in the land.

Would they, in an attempt to maintain 'a facade of propriety', dust off one of their 'failed candidates' to run against the HILL-Billy? Maybe they'd try fighting one political 'dynasty' with one of their own and throw Jeb in the ring, heck, like Hillary, it's his TURN!

This is what our political process has become, it is not about the welfare of the people or the Republic itself, it has become a travesty of 'representation'.

Well, my question is when are we going to get a Native American in the Oval Office? Short answer is NEVER because they don't raise 'presidential timber' ON THE RESERVATION! It's not the kind of environment that teaches you you're better than everyone else...a 'prerequisite' for the Oval Office since 'Morning in America!'

But if we did manage to get one of the Original peoples on the ballot I'm sure they'd win hands down because nobody likes what the invaders have done to our home!

More disturbingly, it has become apparent that our political process ignores the 'kitchen table' issues that once preoccupied the nation and moved on to less relevant yet much more 'derisive' issues like who is sleeping with whom and which restroom will they use?

This isn't 'politics', it's BS! Yet we have backed a presidential candidate based on his [mock] revulsion over this very issue!

No irony should be lost that this candidate's party FABRICATED THE WHOLE ISSUE IN THE FIRST PLACE!

Worse, the only candidate in the past five election cycles to even say the words 'working class' is the candidate from the party solely responsible for its plight! [Making us ask once again, WHO ARE THESE 'PROGRESSIVES' AND JUST WHAT DO THEY REPRESENT?]

What happened to my Democrats? The letter after a candidate's name no longer means what it used to.

I defy you to point to ONE Liberal in politics today...because there ISN'T ONE! Even Bernie falls quite short of the mark.

Should shock the heck out of most of you that by today's standards, St. Ronnie was a Liberal!

Just to give you an idea of what 40 years of Republican/one percent rule will do to a country...

NEVER elect an ACTOR to the highest post in the land, you may never recover! But 'hindsight' is always 20/20, isn't it.

Needless to say, I'm not the only one predicting we are in for some major shocks ahead of the upcoming 'sham elections'.

How bad/sad is it when furniture stores are offering 'free furniture' if voter turnout exceeds 75% [Like Social Security being set at age 65, most of a generation will be dead by then and most people die before collecting a fraction of what they paid in.

So voter turnout has averaged around 40% this century...which also provides us with yet another shining example of 'capitalism at its finest!'

With that said, good citizen, the only way to end this nightmare is to put an end to the practice of voting for people that make decisions in your name without ever consulting's too precious!

It is time we vote directly on the law and suffer NO ONE to place themselves 'above the law'.

It's time for A Simple Plan [so named because it really is 'simple'! We 'almost' got it right last time...just a few small tweaks should do it!]

Thank you for letting me inside your head,


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