Thursday, February 28, 2019


Greetings good citizen, the papers are reporting that nation's 'deal-maker' walked away from the negotiations in Vietnam when Mr. Kim demanded the US lift sanctions [it is only assumed that there wasn't any conciliatory counter-offer considering what happened last time.

We weren't there so we don't know what really happened, all we have is 'history' to go by and the fact that Preznint Pussygrabber is a perpetual bankrupt because he doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground. The only 'deals' he knows how to make are bad ones, just like his decisions.

Do we need to chase the rabbit of soliciting sex with a porn star then paying to cover it up [not just once but apparently multiple times?]

25th amendment anyone? What the F is wrong with REPUBLICANS? [We shouldn't even be asking that question considering the past forty years, which is littered with DINO'S because the real ones all died with the labor unions.]

It started when the corporate owned media painted the Democrats as 'Anti-Business' when the typical mouth breather suddenly couldn't find work because the pro business conservatives were strip mining the nation and lining Congress's pockets via 'inside information'.

It got so bad even the term 'working class' was banished from the political lexicon for three decades only to resurface as 'the working poor' in the most recent election cycle.

Now it's a given that if you 'work for a living', you're poor.

The Seventies were filled with muggers because US industry had already begun moving East, not the East Coast but the Far East.

If your job doesn't pay you enough to live on, it's not society's problem, it's YOURS [because business is business and the need to stay 'competitive' comes before EVERYTHING, including 'social stability'.

Did I mention we are doing the money thing WRONG?

Do I need to?

If they can't get the little things right, how the hell can we trust them to live up to their responsibilities?

Short answer is we can't.

Just like Bozo's failed summit [and everything else about this presidency.]

Telling is how the media, which forced Elliot Spitzer out of politics by exposing his involvement with the Emperor's Club, why do you suppose the media is giving Pussygrabber a pass, could it be the old 'it's okay if you're a Republican?'

Really have to alter the rules regarding money, starting with abolishing cash and shuttering the stock markets. [It's all 'theft' anyway.]

But stupid is to dumb to figure that out...

Anyway Head, I'm TRYING to help...I can explain it but I can't understand it for you...


Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Raising Humans

Greetings good citizen (despite the proper greeting for most of you, if we were being honest and to take it from the feckless's point of view, would range from being labeled 'rabble' to 'a waste of' (fill-in-the-blank) resource you require to survive but 'peasant' is the traditional term the self serving use to refer to their victims.

So it is we arrive at Today's offering which goes by various names depending on which part of this cesspool you hail from.

New York isn't far from Boston yet here the acronym that strikes numbing fear into a parent's heart is DSS.

Still lost? Here's a clip from today's piece:
The ultimate challenge, though, may not be whether ACS can develop more supportive programs—or even whether it can get poor families to trust the agency again. It’s whether society as a whole can stop criminalizing poverty and embrace the idea that poor families are worthy of compassion. Even the best preventive services will flounder if they continue to be surrounded by a broader landscape in which caseworkers, investigators, attorneys, and family court judges treat poor parents as criminals. Even the most generous of programs cannot make up for government policies that force poor children to live in unsafe housing, drink lead-poisoned water, and go without adequate health care and education. “The whole existence of ACS lets us pretend that we’re protecting children,” said Emma Ketteringham, the managing director of family defense at the Bronx Defenders, a legal nonprofit that represents parents with ACS cases. “But if child protection was at the center of our priorities, that would require the government to rethink its relationship vis-à-vis children.”

On the whole, however, government policy continues to adhere to the Social Darwinist conviction that the wealthy are most deserving because they are wealthy, and the only reason poor people are poor is because of some personal flaw. The overarching narrative, Martin Guggenheim said, is that “the only thing wrong with poor children is their parents.” Overcoming that ideology will require us as a society to confront a harsh reality. “The truth about what’s wrong with poor children,” Guggenheim said, “is they were born in America, in a system that doesn’t care about them.”

Apparently Mr. Guggenheim would be out of a job if he pointed out his superiors were criminals and slavers. [Poverty is frequently used to justify slavery, the slaver claims they are providing their 'property' with a 'better life'.]

Let me echo what I've stated a million times already, if your 'job' doesn't pay you enough to live on it's not your employer's problem, it's YOURS!

The people who think you can live on nothing OWN the government and it's their children [who would otherwise be unemployable] that populate these government agencies. Do you suppose part of the problem here is a huge lack of empathy?

Read the beginning of the article and ask yourself what these morons are trying to accomplish? I grew up resenting my parents for being poor and later forgave them, it wasn't their fault. Doesn't it look to you like these morons are reinforcing that resentment with a sledge hammer? [Let's remove these kids from their squalor for a couple of hours and show them what they COULD HAVE HAD if Mommy and the fella of the week weren't such slackers!]

Privation breeds hatred and this kind of across the board abuse [by our alleged 'betters'] only reinforces the kid's hatred of a life they have no chance of achieving! This is like rubbing a puppy's nose in its poop when it fouls the carpet. Worse, Don't do it and they will take your kids away to a place where nobody loves them, radically INCREASING the odds that they will die of neglect at the hands of a minimum wage slave with zero qualifications.

Talk about stupid, this puzzle box has razor blades sticking out of every edge but this is what you get when criminals run society.

Foul? Unfair? Wait a minute Slim: the 'More for me' mindset created this cesspool, the "I've got mine, F the rest of 'em" attitude results in precisely this! Let 'the few' own and the rest suffer.

How ironic that the very people that take the lion's share for themselves are the same ones that came out in the media raging against (a now forgotten) Two America's. [Worse, they now, spirit in the sky-like, want to make Murika 'Great Again!'

Well, it's been 2 of the nation's weirdest years Donald, are we there yet?

Once they got what they wanted [ironically tax relief] they shut up.

Now only POOR HUMANITY [legions of the damned!] remains while the criminals shiver in their strongholds, fearful because there are so many of us!

Poorly nourished and even less educated, minds fouled by false beliefs in a god that doesn't exist or that their poverty is their fault, that they failed when their only crime was being born to a society that has no 'use' for them.

How do you 'fix' this?

Take the sand out of the sandbox [which makes more sense if we call it what they call it, money] and end the predation.

Poverty is proof that your commerce system is 'mismanaged' and Fix number one is the total elimination of CASH. Then you erase all of the accumulated excess and start over by establishing a 'level' playing field. No 'banks' no 'markets' where all money is's the most blatant swindle invented and the Feds are TOO STUPID to realize it!

Then you include EVERYONE. Guaranteed jobs [not toting guns and collecting what isn't there for people who are only interested in their own well-being.] there is no shortage of things that 'need' doing and we'd be doing them if the morons were honest about the PURPOSE of money!

MONEY exists not to enrich the 'owners' but to make specialization possible...end of story. Fingers in the till is theft, that money was NEVER yours.

That said, parenthood (as it has traditionally practiced) is a major factor in the 'mis-education' of leads to a blind leading the blind situation where the parent's pass down their superstitions and falsehoods their parents taught them because they didn't know better.

Worse, it also results in nationalism as parents teach their children how their ancestors defeated the 'bad people' when the children are too young to process that only a few people were bad, the rest were simply suffering from stupidity brought on by ignorance.

The swiftest way to achieve the equality so vital to the survival of humanity is to remove the 'responsibility' of molding young minds from the hands of all but the most carefully trained.

Humans are humans, hatred is a 'learned thing'. Remove prejudice and it will cease to be the primary factor used to judge those we have no experience with.

[There will STILL be a 'tendency' to gravitate towards those most like us BUT if we can eliminate the teaching that has become the ancestral burden of almost every race it MAY be possible to put our humanity where it belongs, first!]

It's not going to happen 'organically' because Spirit in the sky doesn't exist. We are ALL 'god's children' is a phrase that rolls easily off the swindler/slavers tongue.

We ARE all HUMAN, with most of us being no more special than any other but that's not what out parents taught us...worse, it's not what our teachers taught us [and this doesn't differ with economic system either, capitalists and communists both revile the 'poor' because both dogmas are run by criminals that put themselves first.

ASP has this base covered. If you are given a 'big job' with an equally out-sized paycheck but you are TOO STUPID to do it correctly, you aren't keeping the job...or the pay. But fear not, the guy who swamps out the toilets lives in a house just like yours and he's not skipping meals so he can pay his landlord or his bookie [because there is nothing to 'bet' on and the ONLY way to get money in your account is to work for it!

The tests will promote the intelligent and the unambitious don't have to test...although the only the best will 'win' the job...and this MIGHT trickle down to toilet swampers too. Custodian isn't difficult but it does require a degree of fastidiousness that not everybody is comfortable with.

Lawnmower doesn't care who pushes it but you still have to do a uniform job or you will find yourself guarding some forlorn stretch of badlands, watching naked people march towards the horizon before the timer runs out and when the timer dings you'll be required to shoot the stragglers.

Don't shoot them, you'll get to march for the horizon and live however you want to, the best you can.

It's all about choices and the one thing that remains is NOBODY SkATES. Pull your weight or volunteer [for Lord of the Flies Island.]

Or you can do nothing and let the predators condemn your kids to a life of poverty...because they don't care if you succeed or fail either.

Easy Street is an invention of the owners and the price of having owners is destitution for everyone else.

It ain't worth it.

But who cares what I think?


Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Thought War (the endless battle for 'hearts & minds')

Greetings good citizen, as you go about your routine, whatever that may be, Preznint Pussygrabber is in Hanoi for his second meeting with Rocketman, the youthful leader of North Korea that bested him so handily in the first.

I will once again plead my case for invoking the 25th amendment, especially if this turns into a repeat drubbing by a clever young man with little to lose.

That said, the kabuki dance matters little, it's the 'handlers' behind the scenes we need to worry about.

Yesterday I stood you in front of the mirror and pointed out who ULTIMATELY is the problem here but that is only HALF of the problem considering your tongue is in your shoe, a decidedly good thing considering where your head spends most of its time...

Let's backtrack a little to yesterday and ponder the subject of women in the military vs the need for a military in the f'n first place.

Look across the landscape, what do you see? Nature in retreat because human psychopaths WHO ARE INCAPABLE of defining what money/commies/god are [STOP] Take a moment and look at your definition of what each of those things are, now roll them over in the light and see if any of them would hold even a single drop of water. You wouldn't know a commie if it bit you because, like god and money THEY ARE ALL FICTIONS, LIES WE ARE TAUGHT to manipulate us! No good citizen, YOU supply the bogeymen, the feckless just push the buttons stoking your fear/hatred of the (literal) unknown/fiction.

Is THIS any way to run an airline (manage a society of interdependent creatures?)

The penalty for treason is DEATH. Choose your words carefully because like GOD [Who nobody has EVER seen] TREASON will come storming out of the woodwork like it was never gone and the people wearing the blue suits will be the first ones up the light poles, followed closely by ANYONE wearing a robe.

No more fiction, JOB ONE never changes while the lies are constantly 'evolving'.

Listen up puddin' head! You may have delusions of grandeur but alone you'd last maybe a month when, in the course of doing EVERYTHING yourself, you'd eventually run afoul of what happens when you are forced to 'cut corners' and you get crushed to death (or worse pinned under) something you had no business trying to move by yourself.

There is no I in team but there is definitely a U in suck!

If you don't want to work/live together you will perish alone (and if we're lucky, you'll die asking yourself why nobody would help you...and just maybe your baseless high opinion of yourself would answer you. [Another lie you are taught by those who would swindle you out of everything you had.]

How reckless of your parents not to point out that you aren't designed to operate by yourself?

Which has also proven to be our collective downfall, cooperation requires trust and we are currently cursed with a justice system that provides zero penalty for 'untrustworthiness'. Swindlers will destroy society then laugh at their own cupidity!

They aren't 'smarter' than the rest of us, actually the opposite is true, their advantage is they know you are willing to trust them and they know they should be executed for being untrustworthy.

The same YOU that isn't cut out for operating on your own for extended periods. Most fatalities prior to professional caregiving (sadly for profit) was due to the bodies inability to nourish itself while resting so our internal repair system could deal with your injury, a situation compounded when the sickness was caused by sacrificing your systemic well being so others wouldn't have to do without.

Repeat the mantra: Survival is JOB ONE!

If the people 'managing' society CAN'T BE TRUSTED, they must be removed and replaced with system THAT DOESN'T IGNORE JOB ONE!

A civilization without trust is already doomed.

Think on that one for a while...

Until next time head. [I'd thank you for letting me in but it seems I've never succeeded in penetrating that thick skull that only understands ME & more.]


Monday, February 25, 2019


Greetings good citizen, as the national/planetary IQ sinks below measurable levels the 'push for equality' progresses on the ONLY place ANYONE actually cares about and that is in the already contentious arena between the sexes.

Thus do we arrive at Today's headline, where the increasingly irrelevant Supreme Court has ruled that females should no longer be exempt from registering for the draft.

Judge Gray H. Miller of Federal District Court in the Southern District of Texas took note of the Supreme Court’s 1981 ruling that the exclusion of women from the draft was “fully justified” because women then were not allowed to serve in combat. But the Pentagon abolished those restrictions in 2015, opening the way for women to serve in any military role for which they could qualify.

“While historical restrictions on women in the military may have justified past discrimination, men and women are now ‘similarly situated for purposes of a draft or registration for a draft,’” Judge Miller wrote in his ruling. “If there ever was a time to discuss ‘the place of women in the Armed Services,’ that time has passed.”

A landmark decision for sure and it shines a bright spotlight on the (male) argument that the only ones 'fit' to make decisions are those willing to fight and die for those decisions.

Well, females in our modern 'automated' Armed forces are just as capable as men of pushing fact, they are better at it because they are predisposed to heartlessness. ['Life is cruel and so am I' is the female credo!]

I know I speaketh to morons but this is exactly the opposite of the way 'equality' is supposed to go. Rather than breeding for killers shouldn't we be working on eliminating robotic button pushing murderers, claiming they are defending US from whatever puss for brains can dream up?

Remember 'US'? It's the thing [that doesn't exist] until something threatens the Status Quo?

That's the ONLY time there's an US. The homeless are their own worst enemies, so are the dopers that come back from multiple tours in the sandbox hooked on opiods and eventually die from buying unsafe garbage off the streets, no US there either.

No jobs, still no us, just people that have 'failed to make themselves useful' to someone that only wants to pay as little as they can get away with.

Do you know where you fit into this puzzle?

It only happens because YOU let it! [Ironically no 'us' again and there's the rub!]

It will keep on happening until YOU own up to your part in it and start defying the weasels.

Want a real 'eye-opener'? Read the rest of the article.

Anyone else notice the media has ABRUPTLY developed a major case of willful blindness?

Speculation has it if the press keeps the pressure on the nation's billionaire moron-in-chief that the blowback might take out some of the mindless, self-serving blowhards that so richly deserve it.

They don't want to face YOUR judgement, they are perfectly happy to take their chances with the imaginary God they conjured up.

So it is we, er, conclude with that now tedious question to which there is no good answer to and that is the one where we ask 'how stupid are you?

See ya tomorrow Head,


Sunday, February 24, 2019


Greetings good citizen, as we fix our gaze upon the Iron busted Maidens of Misinformation across the global corporate owned media spectrum we have the Conservatives asking themselves if the Democrats [the older of the two parties] are (or have been subverted) by the Communists when the average knothead can't explain what a Communist actually is.

Zero irony that the ONLY thing the typical Christian knows about Muslims is that they call their 'god' Allah when everybody knows God's (real) name is Jesus! The ONLY thing the typical mouth breather knows about Communism is that communists come from Russia [and while this hurts their little head, they also come from China [who got all our jobs so they must be 'good commies', how's that for insane?]

For the mental midgets out there the Democrats are the party of # 3 (Jefferson) while # 16 (Abraham Lincoln) was the FIRST 'Republican.'

If you are looking for when U.S. politics went off the rails [was usurped by the money] you can trace it back to the establishment of the Party of political followers of John Jay. [Let those who OWN the land, rule the land!]

How many of you know today's Republicans used to be the Federalists?

'Morning in America' marks the advent of this 'fundamental concept' being applied to the rest of the planet.

But let us not digress, the 'Kabuki Dance' we call politics is (in case you haven't figured it out) merely the 'illusion of self-government'.

How fortunate for the morons running this shit show that their 'subjects' are 'easily distracted' (often by trivial matters.)

Increasing awareness of this blatant manipulation is critical to overcoming it.

This is why Preznint Pussygrabber keeps muddying the water by repeating to his miniscule 'base' that the news is 'fake', only his lies are real.

The 'true crisis' facing the nation is why our elected officials refuse to invoke the 25th amendment and remove this psychopath from office.

Making a 'mistake' is forgivable but refusing to correct the mistake isn't, and heads must roll [literally] if the charade is to retain credibility.

You, good citizen, are under siege by those who would eliminate your ability to protect yourself from whatever they decided to do to you.

Those elected to defend 'us' no longer act in the interests of the collective, they have become servants of the paycheck like any who find themselves in the pay of a tyrant.

Your meal ticket and not your 'values' dictate your actions. This must NOT stand!

[Thus the H.A.E. which eliminates anyone from exploiting anyone else via their paycheck...and the whole system works to maximize freedom while minimizing corruption, alas, the mind is a funny, fickle thing.]

So yeah, the 'road to freedom' starts off with equality and eliminates corruption by banishing cash and it's substitutes from society.

It starts with HONESTY regarding the 'purpose of money' and educating our children regarding how money can be used to enslave them.

If there is a bigger crime than treason, it is this particular brand of feigned ignorance that is most worthy of summary public execution.

Until YOU stand up and disarm the swindlers, burn the banks and torch the insurers, execute the judges and stone the thugs with badges [safer to burn them out but 'stoning' is a figure of speech.]

This shitshow runs on 'injustice' and your tolerance of it.

Consider that the next time you look in the mirror and wonder who is looking back at you.

You should be disgusted by what you've become.

Um, try not to do this 'back to back' but until I start seeing some progress, this is where we are at, all of us alone in a ginormous puddle of shit.

Alone we are helpless, together we are unstoppable!

We don' need no stinking badges nor are we afraid of them.

The ONLY thing you have to lose is your tyranny!


Saturday, February 23, 2019


Greetings good citizen, those not transfixed by the boobs on Fox (who cares if it's news, did you see the boobs on that bitch!) [Nope but I'm looking at the biggest one I've ever seen outside a bra and it's standing right here!] are wondering what it's going to take to get congress to invoke the 25th amendment? Pence may be little better than his running mate but at least the worst of his crimes to date are carrying water for the Felon-in-Chief.

Want to know what 'FAKE NEWS' is? It's ANY douchebag that claims there will be riots if Preznint Pussygrabber is impeached.

We've seen the photos of Trumps base. The two 'foot soldiers' arrested thus far are both in their early SIXTIES with long histories of MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES!

What do you want, scare tactics or reality? Apparently our legislators are having difficulty telling one from the other.

Trump supporters are a bogeyman created by the corporate owned media, the watchdog for the status quo [Me rich, you not! Remember them?]

Understand, those who 'pretend' to represent us aren't afraid of the electorate, like the rest of us they intuitively know there is something phony behind the muzzle the media wears. Only the willfully ignorant believe things are 'as advertised'.

Remember 'Tarzan's credo'? Of course you do, it's everywhere you go, wearing a blue suit and body armor...(just to show YOU they mean business.) That credo is COMPLY OR DIE.

Now students, what is 'tyranny'?

Rhetorical question, but you knew that.

Gone is the assumption that 'men, both good and true' still walk among us, those standards evaporated with powdered wigs and dueling pistols. Today it's all about leverage and deceit.

Everybody knows...

Yet the media likes to pretend the old days are still with us, just as the MAGA cap wearing morons believe all it takes to Make Murika GREAT Again is for everyone to wrap themselves in the flag and mumble the Lord's Prayer under their breath...[endlessly.]

It's not what they do when they aren't accepting the wisdom of the 'fair and balanced' Fox news propaganda/infotainment/agitprop.

When they are alone with themselves what do they think about? They rack their minds trying to pinpoint where it all went wrong but they can't find the answer because it is buried under a mountain of lies, starting with money and 'knacks' and why the ballot box produces nothing.

They get two steps from the cast iron boobs and their head turns into one.

With heads filled with conflicting information their minds keep returning to the lies that don't make sense but if that's not it, what is?

So it is that the 25th amendment is useless because the competence to invoke it doesn't exist, not on Main Street and not on Capitol Hill.

I leave this conundrum for the cognizant to puzzle over. Every problem has a solution, the puzzle here is how we focus the masses on the battle for equality, [with liberty and justice for all.]

I'll close with 'the equation' one more time: without Equality there can be NO JUSTICE and without justice there can be NO PEACE!

Without peace there can be no prosperity! Roll that one around in your noggin while you contemplate a planet at war with itself (solely) for personal enrichment.

Until next time,


Friday, February 22, 2019


Greetings good citizen, life is filled with moments such as this one where an elephant successfully hides in plain sight making us ask (not for the first OR the last time), how stupid are you?

The authorities called it a free health check. Tahir Imin had his doubts.

They drew blood from the 38-year-old Muslim, scanned his face, recorded his voice and took his fingerprints. They didn’t bother to check his heart or kidneys, and they rebuffed his request to see the results.

“They said, ‘You don’t have the right to ask about this,’” Mr. Imin said. “‘If you want to ask more,’ they said, ‘you can go to the police.’”

Mr. Imin was one of millions of people caught up in a vast Chinese campaign of surveillance and oppression. To give it teeth, the Chinese authorities are collecting DNA — and they got unlikely corporate and academic help from the United States to do it.

Um, the correct number would be hundreds of millions although it's one of those mental pushpins that only the cognizant know to include. It got past the writer AND the editor so we have to wonder if the reporter stated this more accurately and the editor knew his superiors wouldn't like the implications raised by the acknowledgement that such efforts existed because the Chinese knew right where to turn for 'technical assistance' with such massive undertaking.

The U.S.A.

The question is not about 'brainpower', the Chinese are on the moon now, there's no more pretending they are 'backwards, GODLESS heathens. [Look at all the 'good' society is reaping from the god-fearing pedophiles and homosexuals.]

Let's dot that 'i' and point out that the Church has FOR CENTURIES been the stronghold of sexual deviants and cross that 't' by adding that the Government has long provided safe haven for Slavers and criminals, both using different 'unassailable' law books.

A.S.P. cuts them both cleanly out of the picture. The 'Church', while not banished will not be paid profession and 'culting' will be punishable by exile.

YOUR relationship (with the deity of your choice) is Personal and YOU are charged with KEEPING IT THAT WAY!

Proselytizing is an exile offense.

Government, on the other hand, will be a function of society.

There is zero separation between the survival of mankind on this planet and an individual land mass or continent. ASP is intended to be 'universal' with the feckless being rooted out and exiled wherever they are found.

The 'credo' of ASP is One people, One planet! [Still a crap shoot that we survive to make it more than one planet without wiping humanity from the pages of history.]

Again, those who lead must begin to 'think bigger' [and teach the children to do the same. Thus far the multiple failures of humanity can be attributed to deadly 'myopia'.

We must break the world of 'I's grip upon our psyche if we are to (ever) achieve our potential.

Did I lose you? Children can understand this. What's wrong with you, Narcissus? Can't tear your eyes away, eh?

Thanks once again (and no I don't think those marks are ever going to go away) but this isn't and never has been about YOU!

It's ALWAYS been about 'us'.


Thursday, February 21, 2019

Humans, United.

Greetings good citizen, with precious few posts left before Blogger slips under the waves of erasure come the beginning of April, please allow me to ride my most durable Hobby horse to the center of the Arena for one last performance.

Survival is job one and the feckless distracting the rest of us from uniting [and quite literally 'cleaning house', the feckless's greatest fear is of losing control!] We are witnessing civilization and society collapse just so 'a few' can laugh at the rest of us as they make the task of survival personal.

They know they are playing a fools game, that they will not survive on their own but, for the moment, they are 'winning'.

The end of us will be the end of them but they [because they are stupid] harbor delusions of starting over again with the few that survive their predation because they will never be brought to justice.

Hide as they may, everybody knows Lawyers, guns and money is nothing more than a short chronological list of what's wrong with those running the planet's civilization.

Problem A. are Lawyers, the self-professed legal experts of society, Problem B. are not the guns themselves but the paid thugs that have neither the brains nor the balls to take on society's 'real criminals'.

Don't even get me started on the literal 'legal fiction' responsible for so much misery and injustice, the infamous 'be-all, end-all' known as Money.

Naturally, the top three aren't the only issues blocking 'unity'. The principle obstacle to unity is Equality which our self-professed betters apparently can't comprehend. Up for debate is if this 'failure to understand' is cultivated or if it is genuinely due to a lack of mental horsepower?

Seems the feckless's idea of 'equal' and the rare non-bigoted moron's idea are two entirely separate concepts.

Ironically the feckless's idea of equality starts with privilege, only the privileged are 'equal' and do you know how they defend this?

By calling themselves 'the elect of god!'

Pharaoh thought he was God, just to give you an idea of how old this idea is.

Yes good citizen, the rampant 'inequality' that threatens the stability of society is directly attributable to the 'divine intervention'...of a deity that nobody has EVER seen.

No shortage of whack-jobs that claim to have regular conversation with this unseen being that provides the sole basis for this theft.

Just because I jokingly refer to this place as some race's insane asylum doesn't mean that on a certain level it isn't true...

[Not only does the non-existent 'WE' need a new definition of CRIMINAL but we also need a revised standard for INSANE as well as a new standard for COMPETENT!

Allowing the few to kill off the many isn't a 'solution', it is a recipe for endless disaster, an endless loop of 'more of the same.'

Why can't today's adults see that they are laying a trap for their children?

Perhaps it is too much to hope that today's lost generation will rise up and join together as one when the generation after mine sought to turn life into a game of 'King of the Hill'.

As the papers are finally telling us, the only hope for our salvation is not embracing the 'God of the Privileged' but turning away from it!

Only Humans are capable of saving our kind, we are THE ONLY ONES interested in doing so.

We must end the rule of the criminally insane! NOW!

Thanks once again for letting me inside your mind,


Don't forget to 'vote'! [For me!]

Wednesday, February 20, 2019


Greetings good citizen, often what separates the adults from the children is what catches your eye.

While scanning this morning's NY Times online edition today's Top story in the business section gave me a jolt.

As the article continues it seems those with too much money and no idea of what to do with it are following the ancient advice of Baron Rothschild and looking to buy [who knows what?] in areas that have been picked clean/laid to waste.

What hit my cynical eye was were do we get our hands on one of these 'maps'?

Just as an astonishing number of morons truly believe that they are 'Middle Class' (or some hyphenated variant) wouldn't those who consider themselves above the natturing masses be shocked to find themselves living in the epicenter of an 'opportunity zone'.

Remember [although most of you won't] that 'working class' completely disappeared from the public political lexicon post 'Morning in America'. Zero irony that it didn't re-appear until the last election cycle along with the long neglected 'working poor', both 'distinctions' are the by-products of conservative political/economic 'dogma' [because it doesn't really qualify to be called 'thinking'.]

Do you live in an opportunity zone? [Would you want to?]

What do you suppose would be the 'primary attraction' of locating a(n) assembly operation inside an economic desert that stretches from sea to (murky/polluted) sea?

Cheap labor? How many of you comprehend that it is money's 'flexible nature' that allows the criminal banksters to create 'opportunity zones' wherever they want?

Think you aren't being CHUMPED? You can buy 8 Chinese dollars for one US dollar BUT you can't SPEND Chinese dollars in the US. Flipping this equation over, one Chinese dollar buys FOUR TIMES what a US dollar buys, but that's only in China!

Does anyone think the Banksters should be drawn and quartered? If a pig is a pig and a duck is a duck then a buck is a buck no matter WHERE it is!

But no, our (and there is only one word for it) TREACHEROUS banking overlords use geography to create these artificial economic inequalities that are tearing civilization apart just so 'a few' can be rich.

This is, no matter how you parse/slice it, CRIMINAL.

Now what are you going to do when the feckless owners tell us Trump {against all odds} won re-election by the narrowest margin in electoral history!

That's going to be their play. We have yet to see what they are slamming through the legislature during the current 'State of Emergency' (which won't be wasted!) W. used 9-11 to bring back loansharking via the Patriot Act because none of the morons READ IT FIRST!

Somewhat ironic that the criminals even bother with the 'minutia' of establishing fig leaves for such patently illegal actions.

Hold still cuz this is gonna make you ears ring, I'm gonna swat ya hard enough to knock what passes for your head clean off your shoulders and you youngsters are going to think you don't deserve this but it's the world you will bring your kids (intentional of not) into.


See ya tomorrow for more of the same,


Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Lawyers, guns and money...

Greetings good citizen, depending on your mindset the news that the destruction of our species proceeds apace isn't news nor is it, er, 'avoidable'.

Bernie has 'announced' and for all of the discontent with the incumbent, nobody on the Republican side of the divide sees the need to provide the Evangelicals with an alternative to Preznint Pussygrabber.

Not that they give a shit, but I digress, you don't care that they don't care and that sort of puts the whole situation into perspective, it appears nobody 'cares'.

So we return to today's title and ask if Lawyers, Guns and Money are a feature or a glitch?

First, to clarify the vague part, guns, we need to add 'badges' to the list.

Doesn't the list make more sense now?

Stop. We're not done yet!

Criminal is a relative term and these days you need a scorecard to figure out who is one what side of what.

Like invading armies of old, societies modern felons have chosen the wear uniforms that signify their power over the allegedly 'consenting' governed.

Apparently 'implied consent' is good enough for our felons purposes.

But usurpers don't ask for permission, they just take it...and woe unto anyone that challenges them.

Gotta understand the playing field if you don't want to become roadkill!

The 'feature/glitch' behind this, er, 'strategy' is the ability to make it someone's [generally big and stupid] job to enforce to 'the letter' rather than 'the spirit'.

It is here that 'justice' falls flat on its face because the people doing the enforcing only have the letter to guide them and our language isn't up to the job!

They aren't smart/wise enough to parse the spirit in it's multiple disguises. That's why enforcement is a 'fool's errand'. It's also why 'cops' will go the way of their ancestor, the Dodo!

How fortunate for the feckless that the public is too stupid to understand that we ask too much of the clueless who like wearing badges and acting surly because of the 'power of the badge'.

Because I said so is NEVER a 'reason'...because all that means is "I have a gun and you don't."

Bizarrely, the conversation becomes much more civil when both of you have guns and an equal chance of drawing.

Nature favors the prepared mind but 'prepared' and 'just' are two entirely different concepts and the feckless, right wrong or indifferent, don't give a shit about someone/anyone else's idea of 'right'.

Their 'switch' is set permanently on 'do or die'. Just because you aren't an 'immediate threat' doesn't mean they will let you live. The dead don't get even. The dead's relatives do but as long as you keep making corpses, that's one less gunning for revenge.

As 'awareness' of this kill or be killed decision matrix spreads, it is no longer an crapshoot that the blue lights behind you are 'friendly'. Too many 'routine stops' have ended in fatalities on both sides of fence and you only get to be 'wrong' once.

Wanna save society? Take ALL of the badges away NOW!

But let's kick this conversation back to where the 'trouble' starts, with the people that tell the gun totin' badges what to do.

The law starts with money and it cost a ton to get into nevermind through Law School. While not a 'hard' prerequisite MOST judges start off as Lawyers because it's 'beneficial' to at least be 'acquainted' with the law and how the courts work if you hope for a successful career on the bench.

[Out west where the 'educational infrastructure' was lacking and judges 'run' for office [rather than being elevated to the bench by their frat brothers] it is usually 'law enforcement professionals' that throw their hats in the ring to become judges, where once again the name of the game is 'he with the deepest pockets wins!']

The LAW be DAMNED! unsurprising how little knowledge of the law matters when whatever you say, goes... [Did I just describe tyranny?] Y.B.Y.S.A. I did!

Not that there is much 'difference' between the 'appointed' judge and the 'elected' one. Both start life 'rubbing elbows' with the existing structure, letting one another know that they are the type of individual they can 'work with'.

Trump doesn't pick judges names out of a hat, the names are handed to him and the process is completely political.

Now that we are at/near the pinnacle of this turd pile, let's return to the pile itself, who controls what and where 'your vote' fits into the entire heap.

Most wealthy people are only rich 'on paper' meaning their wealth comes from their 'holdings' and their fortunes rise and fall in tandem with the stock markets.

This is how the feckless control society's 'money power'. It also explains why Capitalism hasn't been scrapped...and that will never happen 'willingly'.

Understand, because it is OBVIOUS to anyone with a brain that the stock markets are complete fictions, dealing in the same.

The planets 2000 or so Billionaires are 'thralls' to this fiction/lie. When your position depends on believing/perpetuating lies, why do most stockbrokers have ulcers? Too many lies and the fear of being 'exposed' (which they are regularly threatened with.)

Yes, good citizen, Like Money, life as we have come to know it is mostly a lie. [Now you know what your 'vote' does, all the 'voter's log' measure is how many 'buy the lie'. Voter participation has been dropping steadily since the coup of 1980.

It all starts with the Shazam where wealth is 'fabricated' from thin air.

Since money is whatever the infamous they tell you it is, it's best to think of it as 'intention' made physical.

The will to accomplish a goal is 'monetized' and the wheels are set in motion. How unfortunate for most of us that those sitting in the 'fat seats' have enough to give those who hand out buckets of cash the rigid middle finger because they already have theirs?

Worse, these 'middle men' know that 'desperation' is good because it drives 'expectations' it is you have a growing swath of humanity labelled 'the working poor', meaning literally their jobs don't pay them enough to live on...and the middle men think this is the 'sweet-spot' college told them they needed to hit!

Did you know that median pay has 'hovered' at around $11 an hour since 1978? It's creeping up but not faster than [heuristic adjusted] inflation. Prices aren't rising as fast as you think they are because you are getting more 'value' because the packaging is more attractive/efficient than the old type that did the IDENTICAL job.

Did I mention life is FICTION?

Um, did I mention society is managed by lying morons?

Anyway, Bernie is running so we are SAVED!

How many of you morons think one man can do anything about this shitshow?

Free college, raising the minimum wage and medicare for all does what besides kick the expense can further down the road?

Cut the work week in half, guarantee employment and make housing and transportation gimmes and watch the [global] economy do a 180!

Real problems only respond to REAL SOLUTIONS!

Move OVER Bernie, I hereby officially announce that I am tossing my hat in the ring for planet-wide leader. Perhaps the ONLY one with vision enough to stop the shit show and set humanity on a sustainable course!

Understand, the 'cabal' behind the fiction we call life is also global and I am the only one offering an alternative.

I don't need your 'vote' because you will vote directly on the laws that you will live under using the guidelines I provide.

A thumbnail of ASP is available under the 'more' tab of Humanity United's webpage.

An educated human is my best supporter!

End Tyranny now, Vote Gegner for planetary leader!

Monday, February 18, 2019


Greetings good citizen, as the clock runs out on this forum (April 1 and addios!) readership has dropped radically now that there isn't a trigger to promote posts. If you find something readable when you visit then good on you but most of you are allergic to 'sifting' and there is a powerful amount of dreck out there.

In this, 'Good Citizen' has become my badge of quality. Add in my handle, all of that complaining about your poor, abused head and the near constant assault on your intelligence [but you deserve that!] and you are assured that you have stumbled upon something worth reading.

That said, this is not a post about the eminent demise of the Futurist, it is about the de facto demise of democracy that we have had forced upon us by the self-serving.

Naturally 'everybody knows' our political system is DOMINATED by MONEY. Turn off the spigot and the political system will collapse, totally and utterly.

Unfortunately, the self serving aren't that easily defeated. How many of you recognize the fact that to 'stop' money from entering the political process we must first outlaw CASH! 99% of criminal activity is 'cash & carry'.

You'd think this would have been apparent to those running things but they are 'cash stupid/addicted' too.

Then there is the predatory commerce system, the one that is choking to death due to the dearth of paying customers...yeah, that economy that idiot boy insists is 'booming', like he'd know!

Commerce exists to serve humanity, not the a-holes that 'claim to own' it.

Um, since these claims are, er, 'honored' by our decidedly corrupt legal system, this makes our law-makers CRIMINALS!

NOBODY owns the planet's resources, they belong to ALL of us! [Newsflash: NOBODY is 'worthless', we all have the RIGHT to contribute and participate in the bounty of our collective efforts.

You won't find ANY of this in capitalist literature that preaches the gospel of 'ownership is freedom' [this twisted dogma also instructs that denying ownership is tyranny! It never acknowledges we would all need our own Earth to permit even ONE of us to OWN ANYTHING!

OWN is the most useless word in our arsenal/vocabulary and its adverse effect upon civil society should be reinforced at every opportunity!

As we all eventually become aware of, we don't need to 'own' anything [not even our nonsensical selves because 'alone' we are worthless!] We merely need to use stuff while we are here.

Mayhaps immortals would see this differently but we don't suffer from that curse! We do suffer from those who feel they have the right to deny the rest of us of what doesn't belong to them!

Lots of criminal behavior going unpunished...AT THE MOMENT.

Let go of that spring and it's going to tear everything in its path apart!

No, it's not that Google intends to purge blogger, it is our need to purge the corrupt government of the criminals that control it.

If you fail to recognize this you will fail to win humanity's birthright. Liberty, which literally means freedom from tyranny.

There can be NO liberty as long as single tyrant stands!

Look up these words and connect with them, your children's future depends on it!

Thanks once again for opening your mind to the truth. It is never my mission to tell you WHAT TO THINK, it is ever and always to provide you with SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT!


Sunday, February 17, 2019

I Know...

Greetings good citizen, the world is a mess and the majority of you can't bring yourself to care, which is only half the problem. Those that are 'riled up' are upset over shit that has nothing to do with nothing! How do you measure a 'non-problem'? Well, the MAGA Cap wearing morons commend Preznint Psychopath J. Pussygrabber for slamming the brakes on human trafficking [where in the USA was this a problem?]

The proper term for the 'human trafficking' debacle is AT WILL EMPLOYMENT!

But I digress.

I see the landfill more commonly referred to as the Nation's Capital is still standing and all I can do is shake my head in amazement. What does it take to get through to you, er, whatever you have become now that you are no longer 'useful'?

Yeah, like ripping a band-aid off quickly to 'minimize the pain', the fact that humanity is 100% useless is the elephant most of you [yes, even the cognizant] refuse to see.

Since Darwin's 'discovery' why aren't we overrun with human-ape hybrids? [Logically speaking, if we truly 'descended' from the apes we would be able to breed with them, producing 'smart-apes' that would be exploited for their raw animal power. [Again, humans were 'detuned'. Your typical simian is 8X stronger than a human, pound for pound.]

The ONLY reason we ride on top of the food chain is numbers. We do a better job of protecting our young.

Science, like your HEAD is only useful IF YOU ACTUALLY USE IT!

The mark just left upside your noggin is likely permanent, leading us full circle to our designed purpose.

Once the mines played out, the 'mine bosses' abandoned us in place. Not a very 'sentimental' universe, is it? I suspect the 'conceit' of believing there exists a smarter, wiser species persists because the exploiters can see where their recklessness is leading...a 'mined out' universe.

How moronic is it that they will worry about that one when they get there?

Is 'impatience' really the problem or is it greed that makes 'sustainability' so repellant?

The 'wiser', er, [word failure again, the 'right' word isn't in our vocabulary] beast would strive for 'balance' while the dumber beast will kill itself trying club the universe into submission.

Not for nothing is the question of whether or not our creators are still out there, chasing the universe's finite fuel supply to its logical conclusion, leaving behind a chain of abandoned mines populated by various useful idiots.

Yeah, the Roman Model had a 'precedent'. We learned it from our 'creators'.

Funny these 'meta-posts' land on or around Sunday but the now ancient 'conditioning' is tough to break!

Life USED TO BE much more 'regimented' than it is today and I wonder, not for nothing, if THAT is responsible for the general malaise described as humanity being 'off-course'? [While it is couched in the media as the Nation being rudderless, you needn't look to closely to see it is planet wide.]

[AGAIN I urge you to look/think as a member of humanity and NOT as a, er, citizen of the political unit that controls the local Real Estate.]

Nationalism is a poison that only serves those who exploit the rest of us [the Slavers.]

Isn't slavery illegal? Tell that to the BANKSTERS!

Thanks once again for letting me inside YOUR head, at least I hope it's yours, if it isn't that means you are 'headless!'


Saturday, February 16, 2019


Greetings good citizen, um, I was likely composing yesterday's post when bozo was in the Rose Garden, telling the vegetables about the crisis that forced his hand.

So here we are with an EMERGENCY on our hands and the already non-functional government is likely preparing to do battle in the courts rather than rounding up a psychiatric evaluation team so congress can invoke the 25th amendment.

Poor RBG, 83 and she doesn't dare step down because the nation would get yet another sock puppet on the bench whose sole purpose would be to prop up the failed commerce system via the law.

Sort of makes you wonder if they keep the supremes in an artificial environment like they are doing with the astronauts preparing to go to Mars?

How can any of the so-called 'Justices' see the world we live in and pretend everything is alright? This cesspool that they pretend isn't here is a testament to what their actions have created.

That said, their treason will not go unpunished [assuming the unlikely victory of the forces of a united humanity.]

Courtesy dictates that the criminals will let 'their vassals' (the Supremes) walk free. Sadly, decorum dictates that they be executed most brutally. Will the criminals turn a blind eye or will appearances once again trump justice?

The hope here is that by invoking the 25th amendment Mr. Pence will straighten up and fly right. Damning is fact that Pence isn't leading the charge to have his running mate declared mentally incompetent, jeopardizing his own position in the succession.

Um, speaking of opportunity, Since Nancy Pelosi sits in chair number 3 she could depose the worst administration in history and become the nation's first female Chief Executive in one fell swoop.

Weirdly, here we are on the cusp of one of the strangest events in history which is likely to end in disaster.

If Nancy were to assume the helm of the nation the media corrupted public would riot immediately, chaos would prevail not only in the streets but on the air!

Were you savvy enough, you could tune in the local network news and watch Fox for two very conflicting views of A Nation in Crisis.

The corporate owned media would be puzzled by the rioting while Fox's bevy of angry busty bimbos would be declaring a communist takeover by the Democrats.

Seriously good citizen, how STUPID are you?

Unspoken is how the streets would run in blood if the succession went the way it is intended...because the founders were incapable of seeing a 'wired' nation and how that (mis-information) pipeline would serve to divide the public.

UNDERSTAND, the PURPOSE of keeping the public distracted is so they don't band together and LYNCH the people bilking them for all they are worth.

They have told a trusting public exactly what it wants to hear knowing full well they were lying through their teeth...but the only thing honesty would have gotten them was precisely what they were trying to avoid. [Hung in the main square by a mob of mindless morons.]

A strong case could be made that the public can't handle the truth, (thus the corrosive/destructive fiction.)


Time (for the cognizant) to circle back and ask the question nobody is asking: Why wall off the Emerald City? [especially when it will have zero effect on the flow of refugees?]

There is only one answer and that answer is the flip-side of the 'cheaper there' gambit, that the refugees are taking the jobs that no longer exist away. So building a physical WALL to keep them out will provide the 'appearance' of addressing the problem created by robots.

Just as 'allowing' you to vote for the handpicked candidate of THEIR choice provides the appearance/illusion of self-governance.

[Worse, when THEIR candidate betrays you the media blames the PARTY for the problem when Party is all a charade, an act!]

So we return to the question at hand: HOW STUPID ARE YOU?

You know the rest...

If Washington isn't on fire by sundown I am DONE with all of you!


Friday, February 15, 2019

May Day!

Greetings good citizen, didn't even make it to the mail when I encountered This RED FLAG waving at me from Firefoxe's 'Pocket' app. It's mere weeks until they shutter this place so spreading the alarm here is almost as bad as writing it on a Post It with the header : Note to Self

But this is what I do, so for those of you intrepid enough to make the trip, here is your 'reward'.

A record 7 million Americans are 90 days or more behind on their auto loan payments, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York reported Tuesday, even more than during the wake of the financial crisis.

Economists warn that this is a red flag. Despite the strong economy and low unemployment rate, many Americans are struggling to pay their bills.

“The substantial and growing number of distressed borrowers suggests that not all Americans have benefited from the strong labor market,” economists at the New York Fed wrote in a blog post.

A car loan is typically the first payment people make because a vehicle is critical to getting to work, and someone can live in a car if all else fails. When car loan delinquencies rise, it is usually a sign of significant duress among low-income and working-class Americans.

['Repo men' are doing better than ever]

“Your car loan is your No. 1 priority in terms of payment,” said Michael Taiano, a senior director at Fitch Ratings. “If you don’t have a car, you can’t get back and forth to work in a lot of areas of the country. A car is usually a higher-priority payment than a home mortgage or rent.”

People who are three months or more behind on their car payments often lose their vehicle, making it even more difficult to get to work, the doctor’s office or other critical places.

The New York Fed said that there were over a million more “troubled borrowers” at the end of 2018 than there were in 2010, when unemployment hit 10 percent and the auto loan delinquency rate peaked. Today, unemployment is 4 percent and job openings are at an all-time high, yet a significant number of people cannot pay their car loan.

Most of the people who are behind on their bills have low credit scores and are under age 30, suggesting young people are having a difficult time paying for their cars and their student loans at the same time.

One would hope the over 40 crowd simply knows better, that they were screwed by a financial system that lended to them KNOWING full well the ROI wasn't there. It is here you can learn if you are a ignorant twat or if you have half a deference to the cognizant, that's as far as I will parse that one.

You don't often see the 'shorthand' acknowledged although there seemed to be no shortage of people eager to tell the rest of us how stupid they are. Now I've mixed two thoughts and you're confused, this I will fix.

The 'shorthand' here refers to 'no wheels, no work' unless you are an urban dweller with access to 'reliable' public transportation, something it increasingly isn't. It's not a coincidence that spotty public transportation systems drive motor vehicle sales, not by any stretch of the imagination.

Oh, and the cold hearted money-grubber that feels if you can't live on what he pays you, it isn't his problem will also accept no excuses when you tell them the train made you late for work.

How much does it suck that the coward will apologize to you for firing you but 'the rules are the rules?' [Bob should give them all a 'flying wedgie', Dilbert readers will understand this reference.]

When he makes the snide remark that you should have taken the earlier train and scoffs when you reply it was the earlier train! or points to the long service employee who walks to work and can see his house [from the restroom] and says Bozo is never late, why can't you be like Bozo?

And the answer is Suburbia. For many of us the only job we could walk to would be some form of kitchen help. Personally, there's not even that. It's 3 miles to the nearest restaurant [along a major secondary road that is not set up for pedestrians] It would be a four mile hike in both directions just to bag groceries!

Only the intellectually challenged would continue to insist the fault was mine for not taking those factors into consideration before settling where I did because my situation is more 'typical/normal' of most workers.

In a brighter future the transportation piece of the puzzle will become a 'gimme' ALTHOUGH the 'new normal' will be communities built around employment centers so most workers WILL be able to walk to their 20 hours a week, full time jobs.

How will they live on twenty hours pay? Better than they do now because their living arrangements will also become a 'gimme'.

A.S.P. is right there for the asking and it solves the crushing problems capitalism creates! [including the rampant crime capitalism causes!]

How stupid are you that you don't see how 'honorable commerce' creates the crime infested cesspit we all are forced to live in so 'A Few' can be 'rich'?

How stupid are you? If you are one of those 'honorable businesspeople' the answer is a lot dumber than you think!


Empty your mind (shouldn't take much) and consider what will happen when society collapses?

That 'for want of a nail' shit is real, baby!

It ain't nails that's killing our outmoded commerce system, it's customers that capitalism is starving to death over.

There aren't enough 'paying jobs' so by extension there aren't enough paying customers to keep this shitshow rockin'.

If YOU can't live on what you are being paid, it isn't YOUR PROBLEM, it's SOCIETY'S!

Because the equation now shifts to 'if you can't make it, take it' and now we have the 'refugee crisis' in a nutshell.

The people running from their homes are being chased out by the marauders that commerce decided it didn't need to work for them.

Back to STUPID for a moment...the 'walking dead' aren't dead, they are starving to death (and would quickly become too weak to move, much less eat you!) But the whole idea that the world is filled with Zombies is the capitalist's admission that capitalism creates a huge 'surplus population' that, in their tiny minds, 'feeds off the productive capitalist'.

That's why their Zombies don't decay or fall over from exhaustion.

The JOKE here is they created this 'useless underclass' that is attacking 'the decent people' that commerce chooses to provide incomes to.

This is twisted beyond belief but the people responsible are also.

Reality check again; Those responsible for this also happen to run the, not the Orangutan in the Oval Office, the meatheads who are telling him to declare an emergency! [There's more to this than meets the eye, and this time it will provoke nationwide riots on a scale never seen before!]

The last time they pulled this STUNT we got the Patriot Act and lost habeas corpus! [followed a short time later by the return of legal loan sharking...thanks W.!]

Um, I have piled the plate perilously high but I have faith the cognizant already know what I set forth here. Those of you that don't or fail to appreciate the significance of today's post don't have much either direction.

The END is nigh!



Thursday, February 14, 2019

Prime directive

Greetings good citizen, probably 'late to the party' but the persistence of the Me Too movement highlights the one thing driving society to the brink [of collapse] faster than money and that is our unofficial 'Prime Directive'.

We exist to breed, our entire life is centered on this single activity and how 'fitting' is it to explore something that ocassionally surpases everything else on Manslow's hierarchy of needs, on the day tentatively dedicated to that [undeniably] crazy little thing called 'Love'.

Ironically, the problem is equal to attacking a porcupine, the just isn't a handle you can grab.

Intellectually, we all know what the 'biological imperative' is and being the one 'motivator' more powerful than money makes our expectations of propriety and decorum seem 'silly' because the 'wild thing' isn't even marginally 'rational'.

It is here the conservative 'wall' meets liberal 'openness'. While sex is 'taboo' (to talk about) [which is why the planet is loaded with freaks that don't know how to behave!] It is also why most of us know the 'rules' but only the 'trustworthy' obey them. Like money, those controlling society don't want you to understand it.

Funny spot to circle back to the 'failure of leadership' issue, isn't it?

Raise a society that implies 'rules are for chumps' and this is what you get.

Put it together's a problem that balloons as you approach the apex of society [people who routinely 'skirt the rules' by buying what they want then condemning those who can't afford to do likewise!] Didn't we just circle back to 'rules are for chumps'?

In order to enjoy EQUALITY society wide we need to ELIMINATE those unwilling to live by the rules intended to make society 'civil'.

Um, this harsh truth should result in the immediate cessation of the SETI project. If we were to make contact with other sentient beings it is likely they would exterminate us the same way the Europeans nearly exterminated the Native population because they were 'savages'.

Just an opinion here, while the victors write history it is fairly obvious who were the savages, given how the situation has turned out.

Or as I pointed out yesterday, the Roman Empire lives on through today's mimics!

The name changed but the 'tactics' remain the same...and it will remain that way until 'something better' comes along. How unfortunate for stupid that they believe better will only happen when it's 'better for them'.

I will also remind you that Rome is a 'failed State', built on a faulty model with nothing to recommend it.

Only the few can 'buy' their way out of this 'Me Too' environment. The rest will live a life of near constant peril thanks to humanities gross mismanagement of its social structure.

Equality is the foundation upon which Justice relies. If you can't hack equality prepare to pay the price...which is extinction.

Happy Valentines Day,


Wednesday, February 13, 2019


Greetings good citizen, as we churn out the last few posts until Blogger goes tits up I will once again take the inquisitive a few steps back from 'too close' to illuminate what's being done versus what needs doing.

The (curious that we keep returning here) media constantly touts how our right to choose who leads us makes us 'free'. Does anyone know what 'free' means in context? Last election we were allowed to choose between two despicable candidates, one an orange-tinted escapee from a mental institution and the other was Wall Street's 'P.C.' plant, the wife of 'the Triangulator' who single handedly shredded Roosevelt's New Deal and LBJ's Great Society.

Lost in translation is what we choose 'leaders' to do. All sixteen Conservo-whacko candidates (the incumbent draft dodger included) ran to be 'Commander-in-Chief' when the last thing this nation needs is a military leader. We don't need a warrior, we need a peacemaker that isn't totally blind!

But for psychological reasons Movement Conservatism hinges on being the strongest, baddest and fiercest Lunatic on the planetary block.

Again, I belabor the obvious to the cognizant. Does anyone else find it curious that the unelected leadership of the U.S.A. cleaves to the Roman model of 'cultural appropriation' to dominate the planet by entrenching (failed) American values in the lands they usurp? Then they scratch their heads, baffled as to why the people hate them?

Could it be due to the 'gift' they, er, give [that nobody asked for] is wrapped in shit and falls apart the minute you look at it too closely?

Handcuffs and a muzzle, who'd a thunk!

Oh, don't forget the blinders, one of the essential compliments to the 'freedom collection' because the biggest enemy of freedom is THINKING! The LESS you understand, the 'free-er' you are! If we TELL YOU you're free, you're free!

Just understand that you're free to do precisely what you are told or we will kill you and everyone and thing you love because that's how we play the 'freedom game' and no, why do you think you need a choice? We already gave you a very clear one, comply or die!

Anyone else see a problem here? We are constantly being told we are the freest nation on the planet when nothing could be further from the truth.

Those who hold YOUR FREEDOM in CONTEMPT only pretend to be baffled by your dismay over their 'generous gift'.

Obeying tradition, it is here we will pivot on our heel and examine what kind of 'leader' we will never see on a ballot.

Our leader knows the job isn't 'enforcer-in-chief' but head problem solver and the first problem our leader will attack is the self-interested's control of the legal process. He will turn the lawmaking process over to the people that will live under the laws, not above them. [This means YOU! You won't need a lawyer because the law WON'T be complicated! [Splitting hairs makes you an automatic winner of an all expenses paid, one way naked Nature walk so 'quibble' at your own peril!]

Being superfluous, he will send the bought and paid for [so-called legislators] packing. Some of them a lot lighter than others! The ONLY thing permitted on the naked, one way nature walk is your birthday suit. Forget about your meds, they will only prolong the trip which usually only lasts 4 days. If you aren't among the meanest on the planet the trip will likely be shorter with many completing their journey in less than 24 hours while some will complete the trip in less than that many minutes but the journey isn't the same for everybody.

So we will see 'multi-tasking' in action. Critical to returning society to sanity will be removing the structure that supports the 'comply or die' apparatus, The Blue Wall and the Kangaroo courts.

While they don't teach this in THEIR schools, we have become ROME. Soon China will become the new Rome and once that is complete there will be no place to run and no place to hide.

Worse, the 'faux romans' have been 'colonizing' Chinese leadership for centuries.

The thing to remember here is Rome IS a FAILED STATE and a prime example of TYRANNY!

Again, I belabor the obvious for the cognizant but the rest of you might want to ponder that for a moment. Humans are nothing if not mimics and the game hasn't changed since the dawn of our introduction to this planet's mines.

Not only is our culture 'unique' but it has been poisoned from the start be greed and power lust....but you already knew that, didn't you.

Thanks once again for opening your mind, humanity's best hope is an educated consumer!


Tuesday, February 12, 2019


Greetings good citizen, our current commerce system is 'debt driven', creating financial quicksand almost everywhere you look. This, er, 'hazard' isn't a problem if you have a fire hose connected to the endless ocean of money the imagination possesses. Money is a legal fiction and for the most part so is debt.

Now today we return to perhaps one of the most vexing of all of the elephants in the room and that's the trillions of dollars worth of debt humanity has racked up yet a vast majority of humans live in abject poverty.

Heuristics aside I just googled the latest numbers on how much debt a human child is born with and this is all plus or minus a billion because the 'true size' of planetary debt is highly subjective.

According to Bloomberg the infant born ANYWHERE ON THE PLANET in the next ten minutes from your reading this will start life with a tab of $86,000 US, plus or minus a billion. Global debt stands at 184 TRILLION divided by 7.5 billion humans.

How screwed up is it that there are only roughly 2,000 billionaires...y'all think there might be something desperately wrong with our commerce it failed, miserably?

So we begin with the reality that 'debt' is subjective...and apparently f'n NOBODY is paying ANYTHING off [largely because debits against you are credits towards numbnuts fortune, he doesn't want those erased although they should be!

Just wanted to start our 'numbers fun' post with the 'general' picture because it adds 'depth' to Today's offering provided by none other than NY TImes columnist Paul Krugman!

After all, Republicans spent the entire Obama administration inveighing constantly about the dangers of debt, warning that America faced a looming crisis unless deficits were drastically reduced. Now that they’re in power, however — and with the deficit surging thanks to a huge tax cut for corporations and the rich — they’ve totally dropped the subject.

According to ABC News, Mick Mulvaney, Trump’s acting chief of staff, explained to G.O.P. members of Congress why debt wouldn’t get a single mention in the SOTU: “Nobody cares.”

And you know, he’s kind of right. It’s not just Republicans who suddenly seemed to stop caring about debt. For years deficit scolds dominated discourse inside the Beltway; much of the news media treated the urgency of fiscal austerity as an unquestioned fact, abandoning the usual rules of reportorial neutrality and plunging into outright advocacy. Yet since Trump’s election those voices have become oddly muted.

What we’ve just seen confirmed, then, is what some of us were trying to tell you from the beginning: All that wailing about debt was hypocritical.

Naturally, saddling a newborn with $ 80K of debt from the get go is only going to mushroom, so by the time that child is 10 it will be well over a hundred thousand and unless the kid's parents are the La Gree's the poor kid hasn't earned cent number one...and they aren't leaving home until they have a job they can support themselves on.

Now Mr. Krugman keeps his focus on government debt but the people wringing their hands [needlessly] over this tangentially understand that they are 'on the hook' for that MONEY.

Now comes the part most of you hate and that's the F-U Pay me part. If we stopped everything in its tracks and demanded everybody pay up, right here and now [even the bankers is laughing because besides the bucket full of smashed assholes that pay themselves saying I've got twice what he's got and point at the richest guy in the room, in case you were wondering where all of this debt is coming from] because almost nobody is 'good for it'.

What does that tell you? Is everything on the up and up or is somebody down and dirty?

It's right there staring you in the face and YOU KNOW what needs to be done about it.

We are all broke and MOST of us suffer for it...because the laws surrounding money are screwy and so flexible that only a few prosper despite many working their hearts out for next to nothing.

Diligence and sacrifice while the few pose and pretend.

THE LAW belongs to all that agree to live under it.

If you don't agree, you need to join in with the like minded and hold the people flaunting the law to account!

It is impossible to enjoy civil society if the people making the rules don't respect those rules themselves!

No doubt about it, we're 'Broke' and that's because the few are robbing the many. This must not stand.

YOU are NOT ALONE. mistake number one is basing your entire decision making process on what's 'good' for you and yours when you NEED to be thinking about the almighty WE and how your petty desires 'mesh' with the well being of society at large.

Admit it, the planet is too small for even one King (or Queen) If you can't get along with humanity maybe you should take the Red Pill and find out what's underneath it. [The cognizant understand this, the rest will scratch their empty head and miss the darkness entirely!]

Life is a cooperative venture, if you are in this for you, you are definitely in the wrong place.

Final note on today's title, debt is a meaningless four letter word until somebody tries to collect.

Thanks for letting me demonstrate that the lump between your shoulders serves a purpose besides being the location of the fill hole for your poop chute.


Either you are one of us or it's ALL you...your choice!

Monday, February 11, 2019


Greetings good citizen, one of the things apparent to most people (even those sleepwalking through this existence) is the tension created by waiting for the other shoe to drop. It is so thick you can almost taste it...and it tastes like shit.

Why are people 'antsy' over the rhetoric spewing out of the planet's capitols? Because Team USA is leading the charge back towards Authoritarianism. Unsurprisingly, some (soon to be former) Nation States have already become the defacto 'kingdoms' of self-made potentates.

If you start counting the number quickly becomes alarming as a cadre of royals conspire to 'win back' the thrones their ancestors fled [for good reason.] Zero irony they were the problem then just as they are the problem now.

Who is agitating to keep the 'refugees' out? The very same people who exported the nation's main industries...creating vast economic deserts in the process...see what happens when you fail to 'keep an eye' on spiteful, selfish children?

Maybe not for much longer, [Reagan found his grave first or he'd be on the 'short list'.] but there's a hank of rope out there waiting for the individual [Neutron Jack] that led the charge to divest the USA of it's 'independence loving' workforce.

After secretly passing legislation that banned sympathy strikes Reagan went on to fire Union Air traffic controllers wholesale and the unions were ALL broken in that single act! If any of them went on strike in support of another union the fines would wipe out the member's pension funds! How's that for a gun to your the banksters took all that money and the former union members PRESIDENT REAGAN sold out have NOTHING!

Tyranny never sleeps so it is we 'tip-toe' from day to day, hoping against hope that today isn't the day they decide to blow us and our children to kingdom come...although it would be preferable to what we are being forced to put up with just so 'a few' can be rich.

In retrospect, the COWARDS running our unions should have chosen their only and best weapon, SOLIDARITY!

The workers of this nation were sold out and today, like back before the original crash of 1929, union organizing will get you blacklisted (if it doesn't get you KILLED) 30,000 pro union workers were murdered by company security personnel for supporting the 40 hour workweek.

Now you can't find a 'full time' job, talk about a fuckaree!

What's the lesson here? Anyone that claims to be protecting you is really trying to screw you because the one you need protection from is THEM!

St. Ronald Reagan, whose 'peer group' were the children of the Robber Barons [he was also a lifelong Republican, a 'do nothing'] stole the union's only leverage and handed it over to very people HE was charged with protecting the public FROM!

Zero coincidence these are same people that 'write history' and they are already painting the treacherous Reagan as a Saint.

Funny how the Royals keep making the same mistake, they think that because they are the law that the law can't touch them. History has proven them wrong repeatedly but still they persist, thinking somehow people will accept being shit on as their 'natural place in the order of things.'

Not quite as bizarre is their belief that their initial inaction means they deserve a fate they didn't ask for.

Now do you see why 'treachery' is ever an always an execution offense?

Be True!

Thanks once again for letting me inside your mind,


PS: Isn't it ironic that pointing out to you what should be readily apparent to you is considered 'dangerous'?


Sunday, February 10, 2019


Greetings good citizen...why the feckless believe they can keep getting a pass on their naturally mean disposition by insisting they are 'joking' whenever anyone takes offense to their pointed insults speaks volumes about the state of social discourse in what passes for a society these days.

A.) more truth is said in jest and B.) If you can't say it nicely maybe you shouldn't say it at all!

We can all take a joke but not every nasty comment that spews out of the brainlesses mouth is humorous by ANY stretch of the imagination.

Well, now that I've warmed you up guess who the cannon is pointed at today?

One battery is pointed at the media and the other is aimed at the feckless's politicians (because they sure aren't 'yours' no matter how hard they 'pretend'.)

Stupid is permanent because you can't teach somebody that already knows. All the FOOLS who think Trump is 'their boy' are stupid beyond belief.

Remember, these fucktards pretend to be your champions only to fail you repeatedly because YOUR desires aren't important enough to be acted upon despite a majority of society suffering due to neglecting these issues. [and no, a 'border wall' isn't affecting anyone INSIDE the US!]

How many of you are unclear on the concept of 'divide and conquer'?

Since the Republican/conservative revolution of 1980 (that for some unknown reason they stopped calling 'Morning in America' [because it was actually Midnight for Democracy] the lying press has been telling the too dumb to know better populace that we are 'divided' on what direction the 'non-existent We' want a nation that doesn't belong to us to go.

AGAIN I will make the 'outrageous' claim that 'the cognizant' [how many are we talking here? A few dozen...maybe less] are completely aware that they are being played and that PARTICIPATING IN THE FARCE means nothing is going to change.]

(That said, some of you fear that if you stop participating it will trigger a reaction most of us would rather not deal with. They do keep their eye on the 'voters list' probably more closely than you'd imagine. My life long history of voting Democrat has cost me although I have no proof of that.)

Like I said, I'm broken because I have repeatedly refused to go along to get along and that hasn't gone unnoticed. [But this isn't about me, it's about US...and no, I don't have a mouse in my pocket and I don't have any illusions either.

I WON'T tell you WHAT to think, it is my purpose to give you something to think about...and the wise will give it due consideration IF THEY WANT TO LIVE!

But hey, I can't MAKE YOU listen...not a secret that there are those who think otherwise and those people don't have YOUR BEST INTERESTS at heart, nevermind in mind.

In case you haven't noticed we are headed for a planet that is both leaderless AND rudderless. Nobody will be able to lead us because the feckless will put their life under a microscope, pointing out every flaw and magnifying every failure.

Now the Virginia Lt Governor has two accusers. Will the conservatives just keep lining up while averting their eyes from Preznint Pussygrabber?

A.) a majority of conservatives are female and B.) apparently it's okay if you're a 'celebrity'...and a Republican!

Anyone want to check the voting records and see which party the women accusing the Democrat are affiliated with? Because so far neither one wants to press charges or have their accusation scrutinized.

A reputation is easily so damaged and almost impossible to repair.

Never did anything, er, 'insensitive' as a child? Well if it was caught on film it will haunt you for the rest of your days.

But fret not, good citizen! There is a solution to this political CF.

Let the qualifications speak for they do under A.S.P.

You won't run on 'promises', you will run on your plan! Design a shitty plan and you aren't going to win. This also eliminates 'meat puppets' but life under ASP isn't anything like it is now, with the feckless constantly complaining that NOBODY can TAKE A JOKE these days!

Is PC really the/your 'enemy'? Um, PC will become a misstatement, it will no longer be acceptable to ridicule something and then pin it on your ideological opponent, when it really says that you have no decency.

You're a rotten person for implying it and an even worse one for 'pretending' it is humorous BECAUSE nice people would find the idea troubling!

It truly is the 'assault on decency' that is behind the divisions splitting our society.

While we're here let's address another 'elephant' that waltzed into the room shortly after the end of the last Ice Age.

Did humans really need to remain 'united' now that there wasn't an abundance of very large prey to take down?

Some of you don't 'appreciate' civil society because you STUPIDLY believe God will, er, protect and provide for you.

Not a single thought for the division of labor, which ruined the hunting grounds for the 'rugged individual'. You can see it in Alaska today, too many people trying to live off the land [again totally oblivious to the commercial interests strip mining the State to the bones.]

Did the show Yukon Men trip a wire? The show is gone and you can't help but wonder if the false image it created of 'Alaskan abundance' had something to do with it. Did the, er, 'actors' unite and tell Fox/Discovery to screw because self-styled 'survivalists' began flocking to the overhunted and overfished 49th state?

When did television stop being 'wholesome?'

When capitalist douchebags started using it to exploit the hopelessly gullible.

Where is 'your government' now?

ASP, and idea whose time has come!

No more parties and no more war and no more exploitation!

Finally, equality, liberty (ASP deposes ALL tyrants) and justice for ALL [and that includes YOU, Ladies!]

If you can't wrap your head around that, you're part of THE PROBLEM!


Saturday, February 9, 2019


Greetings good citizen, Today's post is inspired by my son who schooled me yesterday when he pinned the SnowFlakes on the LEFT, the scion of the fabled 'Limousine Liberals'.

Ignorance abounds in our society besides opinions being pulled out of every backside that have zero basis in fact.

So it is today's youth believe liberals are panty-waists that champion the PC environment that led to today's resurgent White Supremacist movement.

That said, there is a ton of deception and perception management floating around out there [History's Actors are grabbing whatever they can get their hands on and throwing it in stupid's face and stupid buys it! Maliciousness knows no bounds, least of all decency.]

That said, let us draw our compass. To the north we place money/power, to the south one finds, naturally, it's opposite, that of poverty and oppression. One is bad enough but they seem inseparable. If you have poverty it is usually due to oppression born of a lack of justice. Guess it's one of those unwritten things that nobody pays attention to until they find themselves victims of it.

What am I referring to? That the many suffer so the few can know, those lucky few born with 'the knack'

It is faulty to think that money is in the center of the compass because too few understand money or legal constructs or that money is nothing more than a legal construct!

Yes, totally 'funny', even funnier is it is a legal fiction, counterfeit in every way!

That said it is the single most powerful psychological tool in play because it runs the Empire!

Built by the feckless, for the feckless.

[This is why money needs to be 'reined in' and properly regulated.] Life is too ' dangerous ' without an effective 'regulator'. I often neglect to fill in the obvious but when dealing with certain topics, especially one as widely misunderstood as money, you can't leave anything to chance.

This is how the compass got so screwed up and believe me there will be people that will insist up is down just to fuck with people and nothing else! Don't forget about that a-hole!

Seriously, society will be a lot more civil when people who screw with you are made to pay the price of their cupidity. [they honestly think messing with others is a way of being 'cute'...they are. If someone asks if you think you're funny you have to answer the question very carefully because if you aren't joking you are headed for a one-way, naked nature walk.

The penalty for treachery is death...especially if you intended to 'prank' somebody. Simple problem, simple solution: don't do it!

But I digress [with frightening regularity.]

North is rich, South is poor. To the East is Left/Liberal/smart and to the West is Right/conservative/stupid.

Like money, liberal and conservative are both artificial constructs, smart & stupid aren't.

The left figures things out while the right just stands there letting events unfold as they will...and when shit goes sideways it just stands there paralyzed because 'do nothing' is all it knows.

So it is there are more lefties out there that don't realize it because the right ridicules everything they suggest, mostly because thinking hurts their tiny brains.

Which isn't fair and that's entirely the point, much of what the right does can't stand up to scrutiny and if there is one thing the (myopic) right hates it's answering questions when most of their 'assumptions' were indeed 'guesswork' because you can't teach anyone that believe they already know! [This is why Right = Stupid.]

So is the 'center' where we all want to be? Nope, the center is empty, has to be or our compass won't spin, therefore rendering it useless.

Back to my conversation with my son.

I am decidedly liberal and my son is the product of a low income upbringing. The cognizant already see where this is going! I asked him if he thought he was a snowflake...and he didn't answer.

He sort of hedged and said it depends.

I have never gone out of my way to shelter him from life so where he got this sense of 'fragility' from I once again turn my suspicious eye towards the public school system [where 'snowflakes' first emerged.]

I have written several posts damning what passes for education here in the US. This study to the test BS has to stop! Somehow educators no longer teach children to think, they teach them to regurgitate.

Um, where there is smoke, there's fire... I didn't shelter my children because I knew the value of being able to 'use your head' and always had them figure things out for themselves. Um, in that I am guilty of not checking to see what conclusions they reached, thus the awkward encounter with my son last night.

He picked up on his peers fears and thinks he should feel that way too.

Yeah, 'groupthink' is far more prevalent than one would imagine. In that I have always marched to my own drummer and perhaps it's why I see what so many are blind to/take for granted.

Not what you were expecting? Caught me off guard too and set me to thinking about our collective 'compass' and how mine isn't in synch with the average morons. The one described above is one of my own making. If it upsets you, oh f'n well.

Would it surprise you that 'history's actors' have their own compass? No, I suspect the average dreamer wouldn't be surprised about anything those so unlike the rest of us operate.

This is perhaps the greatest mistake most of us make, assuming those who have spent their lives living at true north have ANYTHING in common with us.

Would it surprise you to learn that your hatred of others was learned from them and their teaching? [Who do you think funds the film industry?] Much of what you think you pick up from the eye that never blinks. A quick side by side comparison of programming from the 'golden age' of television vs. the dreck they put on today is like day and the darkest of nights!

When did TV stop being 'wholesome'? Roughly 1970.

The people running the media are creating a living hell for the rest of us...and True North is funding/greenlighting all of this dreck! [as evidenced by all of the 're-treads' being made!] Even your memories aren't safe from the feckless!

Thanks once again for letting me inside 'your' mind...[is it still yours even if you don't use it?]


Friday, February 8, 2019


Greetings good citizen, IF the purpose of government is to protect the citizen/consumer/worker from the privations inflicted upon them by owner/privileged/rich, since the 'experiment' is now the oldest form of government on the planet don't you think they should have worked the kinks out of it?

It's not possible to casually dismiss the capture of our political system by the very people it was established to protect us from.

For your consideration, I humbly submit this post from today's NY Times columnist, Paul Krugman

Trump’s economists clearly had a hard time fitting the reality of Nordic societies into their anti-socialist manifesto. In some places they say that the Nordics aren’t really socialist; in others they try desperately to show that despite appearances, Danes and Swedes are suffering — for example, it’s expensive for them to operate a pickup truck. I am not making this up.

What about the slippery slope from liberalism to totalitarianism? There’s absolutely no evidence that it exists. Medicare didn’t destroy freedom. Stalinist Russia and Maoist China didn’t evolve out of social democracies. Venezuela was a corrupt petrostate long before Hugo Chávez came along. If there’s a road to serfdom, I can’t think of any nation that took it.

So scaremongering over socialism is both silly and dishonest. But will it be politically effective?

Will ignoring the growing tendency towards Authoritarianism make it go away? By tying hard line conservatism to patriotism (which is in fact the 'Road to Serfdom') the foolish believe that the all powerful State will both care for and protect them from non-existent enemies. [Liberals and Commies to be specific.]

Not to hear the State tell it though. The meat-puppets for the state are ever vigilant against those who want to prevent commerce from 'liberating' its owners from any obligation to anyone but the share owners...who are, coincidentally, the owners.

We the People have already slid a long way down the road to Authoritarianism, led by the Royal Wannabes! Apparently some ambitions never die because some parents aren't willing to talk some sense into precious little darlings. They fear putting limits on them will rob them of a chance that never actually existed in the first place.

Oh the hells that have been created by living vicariously through our HERE there be MONSTERS!

In keeping with today's title, the deceptions keep piling up as the original misdirections are revealed as lies.

One needn't stare too hard at America's 'invitation only' constitutional convention [which also established the US INJUSTICE system] to see that the founders were 'the privileged' of their day and regarded those not seated at the table to be 'unworthy' (not just of power but of rights.) A circumstance that persists to this day.

Speaking of don't have any and our guardians, the media, hopes you remain ignorant of their failure to point this out.

The cognizant don't need reminding but the average rube walks through life assuming every fantasy they have ever been taught is true and the look of shock on their face when life teaches them otherwise is simply priceless.

'News' is relative. If your paycheck relies on suppressing certain public interest stories well survival remains job one for all of us so you go along to get along and devil take the hindmost [so why the fuk aren't you running? Oh, that's right, there is NO ESCAPE!]

Here lies the true irony, you don't want to fight and will put up with almost anything just to avoid it but in the end you will fight like a caged animal for the last few seconds of your futile, feeble life.

The ironic part is those who die 'giving it their all' will die fulfilled! They will have realized their 'true potential' (even if they fought poorly.)

This could be a much different world if we weren't so afraid of fighting for equality and our fair share. That's why we pay thugs to not prey on us [when the thugs should be exiled but the thugs made sure that wouldn't happen by making their keepers establish prisons.]

True exile takes advanced perimeter denial techniques and a transport system capable of delivering society's rejects to the exile site from anywhere on the planet. Because unlike 'shunning', exile is a one way trip.

Ever wonder 'why' we both ignore real criminals and coddle the ones that commit crimes any sane society would execute them for? [I'm looking at YOU Banksters!] It's because our society is run by criminals who hope that by showing 'leniency' they will be afforded the same when they are finally caught and held accountable.

I have long expounded upon the fact that 'treachery' is the number one crime that any human can commit, it is even more heinous (in my opinion) than murder.

So what do we do with a POTUS that can't speak a single sentence without telling a falsehood?

Send him on a one way, naked walk into the need to cut his tongue out, he's unlikely to run into anyone that is more interested in listening to him than eating him.

Understand, the feckless cling to state sponsored execution SOLELY to provide the 'illusion of justice' that the decidedly unjust system pretends to provide.

People crave justice, not necessarily savage justice [although that's what lies beneath professional sports, if it weren't for our 'bloodlust' nobody would watch!] I love golf despite (almost) nobody getting hurt on the actual course. Most casualties in golf happen just outside the 19th hole after perp and vic are both well 'lubricated'.

We want justice to be permanent and we want disrespect to have consequences. There is no greater 'disrespect' than treachery and our current justice system has no penalty for betrayal.

Betrayal is the 'seed' of all crime. [This would turn onto a monster of a post if we chased that rabbit all the way down its hole!] Again, these posts are written for the cognizant. It is assumed if you have read this far you have more than a half watt of mental horsepower.

The criminals 'pretend' to provide justice while turning a blind eye to rampant (State Sponsored) treachery.

Imagine a world created and ruled by 'rational people' who understand that society is the result of ALL of OUR efforts and the need to SHARE the fruits of those efforts EQUALLY!

Death to the 'traitors', exile 'em all!

Thanks for stopping by and opening your mind!
