Greetings good citizen/fellow human, before Hollywood's retreat from stereotyping
immigrants, the American underclasses, Native Americans along with everyone in between, the term 'White man speak with forked tongue' was burned into the memory of a generation.
Now it's not P.C. to portray American Indians as speaking English like that but today's piece deals not with race relations but the steady rollback of protections the legal community world wide USED TO provide.
The NY Times top story today is the 'mutual termination' of the Start agreement. Not only did the papers quote inside sources as opining that the treaty was being violated anyway and ending it would be a necessary 'starting point' to craft a new, stronger treaty but it seems both sides of the agreement were glad to see it end.
The U.S. is eager to deploy new weaponry that the START agreement currently prohibits in the former Warsaw pact vicinity. Zero irony that the negation of the Start treaty allows soviet mid range missiles to be deployed so close to defensive batteries as to eliminate their effectiveness.
But STUPID knows better! WTF?
Again, we have this whole 'cold war' thing all wrong just as our thinking regarding all global conflict is 'tainted' by the criminal class.
Who is fighting who?
Bueller? Anyone? Bueller?
The name of the game has ALWAYS been Tyrants vs Peasants, better understood as Rich vs Poor.
One has to marvel that they have succeeded in convincing the public that the 'Police Action' in the Middle East is motivated by their god hating our god..although both religions claim to worship THE SAME GOD!
The economic forces at work provide all the explanation one needs. Those who control the wealth on BOTH SIDES feed the conflict while arming the faithful to fight for their, er, 'way of life'.
How's that for a doozie? [Did I mention human 'followers' are STUPID.]
So it is we are observing the forces of 'tyranny' moving to thin the herd by raining chaos upon us because the alternative is surrendering control along with everything they have stolen.
What am I talking about? Isn't it time [now that the whole planet is 'in play'] that we put an end to private ownership and democratize the process of deciding who gets access to what?
Boil away the BULLSHIT and war is ever and always a dispute between two PEOPLE! War machines around the planet have built untold wealth for the feckless but that shit has to STOP!
Man has to stop being man's enemy because what we are seeing TODAY is the few getting ready to wipe out people that have been pushed to the limit. The only way for the feckless to avoid their appointment with the hangman is to hunker down in their bunkers and let STUPID do the work for them.
First and foremost this is NOT AN ACCIDENT! The repeal of anti-usury legislation coupled with other 'features' of the Patriot Act like the 20 year suspension of Habeas Corpus and the return of torture were INTENTIONAL moves to push the public to the breaking point!
Can't imagine nuclear war...good because you aren't supposed to imagine it never mind expect it.
Although talk about flies on the wall, it would be something to watch as they find out first hand that their experts didn't know their ass from a hole in the ground concerning their 'assumptions' about the effects of radiation.
Not that YOU will have to deal with any of that. Even if you are exceeding careful chances are excellent you are going to catch a fatal dose within the first 24 hours resulting in death most horrible, a fate so bad most will commit suicide by ANY means available [think drinking drano!]
Did I mention the likelihood is quite high that this place is some race's insane asylum?
Tink or twim, we are truly 'on our own'.
If we can't STOP the lunatics we WILL suffer extermination at their hands.
How unfortunate for the survivors (and there will be survivors, at least for a while) that the whole process is likely to resume along the same lines. [Talk about 'one trick ponies'!] Teach the children and some loons will teach their kids nonsense because that's what they were taught...
Thanks once again for letting me inside your mind,
immigrants, the American underclasses, Native Americans along with everyone in between, the term 'White man speak with forked tongue' was burned into the memory of a generation.
Now it's not P.C. to portray American Indians as speaking English like that but today's piece deals not with race relations but the steady rollback of protections the legal community world wide USED TO provide.
The NY Times top story today is the 'mutual termination' of the Start agreement. Not only did the papers quote inside sources as opining that the treaty was being violated anyway and ending it would be a necessary 'starting point' to craft a new, stronger treaty but it seems both sides of the agreement were glad to see it end.
The U.S. is eager to deploy new weaponry that the START agreement currently prohibits in the former Warsaw pact vicinity. Zero irony that the negation of the Start treaty allows soviet mid range missiles to be deployed so close to defensive batteries as to eliminate their effectiveness.
But STUPID knows better! WTF?
Again, we have this whole 'cold war' thing all wrong just as our thinking regarding all global conflict is 'tainted' by the criminal class.
Who is fighting who?
Bueller? Anyone? Bueller?
The name of the game has ALWAYS been Tyrants vs Peasants, better understood as Rich vs Poor.
One has to marvel that they have succeeded in convincing the public that the 'Police Action' in the Middle East is motivated by their god hating our god..although both religions claim to worship THE SAME GOD!
The economic forces at work provide all the explanation one needs. Those who control the wealth on BOTH SIDES feed the conflict while arming the faithful to fight for their, er, 'way of life'.
How's that for a doozie? [Did I mention human 'followers' are STUPID.]
So it is we are observing the forces of 'tyranny' moving to thin the herd by raining chaos upon us because the alternative is surrendering control along with everything they have stolen.
What am I talking about? Isn't it time [now that the whole planet is 'in play'] that we put an end to private ownership and democratize the process of deciding who gets access to what?
Boil away the BULLSHIT and war is ever and always a dispute between two PEOPLE! War machines around the planet have built untold wealth for the feckless but that shit has to STOP!
Man has to stop being man's enemy because what we are seeing TODAY is the few getting ready to wipe out people that have been pushed to the limit. The only way for the feckless to avoid their appointment with the hangman is to hunker down in their bunkers and let STUPID do the work for them.
First and foremost this is NOT AN ACCIDENT! The repeal of anti-usury legislation coupled with other 'features' of the Patriot Act like the 20 year suspension of Habeas Corpus and the return of torture were INTENTIONAL moves to push the public to the breaking point!
Can't imagine nuclear war...good because you aren't supposed to imagine it never mind expect it.
Although talk about flies on the wall, it would be something to watch as they find out first hand that their experts didn't know their ass from a hole in the ground concerning their 'assumptions' about the effects of radiation.
Not that YOU will have to deal with any of that. Even if you are exceeding careful chances are excellent you are going to catch a fatal dose within the first 24 hours resulting in death most horrible, a fate so bad most will commit suicide by ANY means available [think drinking drano!]
Did I mention the likelihood is quite high that this place is some race's insane asylum?
Tink or twim, we are truly 'on our own'.
If we can't STOP the lunatics we WILL suffer extermination at their hands.
How unfortunate for the survivors (and there will be survivors, at least for a while) that the whole process is likely to resume along the same lines. [Talk about 'one trick ponies'!] Teach the children and some loons will teach their kids nonsense because that's what they were taught...
Thanks once again for letting me inside your mind,
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