Saturday, February 9, 2019


Greetings good citizen, Today's post is inspired by my son who schooled me yesterday when he pinned the SnowFlakes on the LEFT, the scion of the fabled 'Limousine Liberals'.

Ignorance abounds in our society besides opinions being pulled out of every backside that have zero basis in fact.

So it is today's youth believe liberals are panty-waists that champion the PC environment that led to today's resurgent White Supremacist movement.

That said, there is a ton of deception and perception management floating around out there [History's Actors are grabbing whatever they can get their hands on and throwing it in stupid's face and stupid buys it! Maliciousness knows no bounds, least of all decency.]

That said, let us draw our compass. To the north we place money/power, to the south one finds, naturally, it's opposite, that of poverty and oppression. One is bad enough but they seem inseparable. If you have poverty it is usually due to oppression born of a lack of justice. Guess it's one of those unwritten things that nobody pays attention to until they find themselves victims of it.

What am I referring to? That the many suffer so the few can know, those lucky few born with 'the knack'

It is faulty to think that money is in the center of the compass because too few understand money or legal constructs or that money is nothing more than a legal construct!

Yes, totally 'funny', even funnier is it is a legal fiction, counterfeit in every way!

That said it is the single most powerful psychological tool in play because it runs the Empire!

Built by the feckless, for the feckless.

[This is why money needs to be 'reined in' and properly regulated.] Life is too ' dangerous ' without an effective 'regulator'. I often neglect to fill in the obvious but when dealing with certain topics, especially one as widely misunderstood as money, you can't leave anything to chance.

This is how the compass got so screwed up and believe me there will be people that will insist up is down just to fuck with people and nothing else! Don't forget about that a-hole!

Seriously, society will be a lot more civil when people who screw with you are made to pay the price of their cupidity. [they honestly think messing with others is a way of being 'cute'...they are. If someone asks if you think you're funny you have to answer the question very carefully because if you aren't joking you are headed for a one-way, naked nature walk.

The penalty for treachery is death...especially if you intended to 'prank' somebody. Simple problem, simple solution: don't do it!

But I digress [with frightening regularity.]

North is rich, South is poor. To the East is Left/Liberal/smart and to the West is Right/conservative/stupid.

Like money, liberal and conservative are both artificial constructs, smart & stupid aren't.

The left figures things out while the right just stands there letting events unfold as they will...and when shit goes sideways it just stands there paralyzed because 'do nothing' is all it knows.

So it is there are more lefties out there that don't realize it because the right ridicules everything they suggest, mostly because thinking hurts their tiny brains.

Which isn't fair and that's entirely the point, much of what the right does can't stand up to scrutiny and if there is one thing the (myopic) right hates it's answering questions when most of their 'assumptions' were indeed 'guesswork' because you can't teach anyone that believe they already know! [This is why Right = Stupid.]

So is the 'center' where we all want to be? Nope, the center is empty, has to be or our compass won't spin, therefore rendering it useless.

Back to my conversation with my son.

I am decidedly liberal and my son is the product of a low income upbringing. The cognizant already see where this is going! I asked him if he thought he was a snowflake...and he didn't answer.

He sort of hedged and said it depends.

I have never gone out of my way to shelter him from life so where he got this sense of 'fragility' from I once again turn my suspicious eye towards the public school system [where 'snowflakes' first emerged.]

I have written several posts damning what passes for education here in the US. This study to the test BS has to stop! Somehow educators no longer teach children to think, they teach them to regurgitate.

Um, where there is smoke, there's fire... I didn't shelter my children because I knew the value of being able to 'use your head' and always had them figure things out for themselves. Um, in that I am guilty of not checking to see what conclusions they reached, thus the awkward encounter with my son last night.

He picked up on his peers fears and thinks he should feel that way too.

Yeah, 'groupthink' is far more prevalent than one would imagine. In that I have always marched to my own drummer and perhaps it's why I see what so many are blind to/take for granted.

Not what you were expecting? Caught me off guard too and set me to thinking about our collective 'compass' and how mine isn't in synch with the average morons. The one described above is one of my own making. If it upsets you, oh f'n well.

Would it surprise you that 'history's actors' have their own compass? No, I suspect the average dreamer wouldn't be surprised about anything those so unlike the rest of us operate.

This is perhaps the greatest mistake most of us make, assuming those who have spent their lives living at true north have ANYTHING in common with us.

Would it surprise you to learn that your hatred of others was learned from them and their teaching? [Who do you think funds the film industry?] Much of what you think you pick up from the eye that never blinks. A quick side by side comparison of programming from the 'golden age' of television vs. the dreck they put on today is like day and the darkest of nights!

When did TV stop being 'wholesome'? Roughly 1970.

The people running the media are creating a living hell for the rest of us...and True North is funding/greenlighting all of this dreck! [as evidenced by all of the 're-treads' being made!] Even your memories aren't safe from the feckless!

Thanks once again for letting me inside 'your' mind...[is it still yours even if you don't use it?]



  1. The people running the media are creating a living hell for the rest of us...and True North is funding/greenlighting all of this dreck! [as evidenced by all of the 're-treads' being made!] Even your memories aren't safe from the feckless!

  2. Which isn't fair and that's entirely the point, much of what the right does can't stand up to scrutiny and if there is one thing the (myopic) right hates it's answering questions when most of their 'assumptions' were indeed 'guesswork' because you can't teach anyone that believe they already know! [This is why Right = Stupid.]

  3. That said, let us draw our compass. To the north we place money/power, to the south one finds, naturally, it's opposite, that of poverty and oppression. One is bad enough but they seem inseparable. If you have poverty it is usually due to oppression born of a lack of justice. Guess it's one of those unwritten things that nobody pays attention to until they find themselves victims of it.

    What am I referring to? That the many suffer so the few can know, those lucky few born with 'the knack'

  4. This is perhaps the greatest mistake most of us make, assuming those who have spent their lives living at true north have ANYTHING in common with us.

    Would it surprise you to learn that your hatred of others was learned from them and their teaching? [Who do you think funds the film industry?] Much of what you think you pick up from the eye that never blinks. A quick side by side comparison of programming from the 'golden age' of television vs. the dreck they put on today is like day and the darkest of nights!

  5. It is faulty to think that money is in the center of the compass because too few understand money or legal constructs or that money is nothing more than a legal construct!

    Yes, totally 'funny', even funnier is it is a legal fiction, counterfeit in every way!

  6. So it is today's youth believe liberals are panty-waists that champion the PC environment that led to today's resurgent White Supremacist movement.

    That said, there is a ton of deception and perception management floating around out there [History's Actors are grabbing whatever they can get their hands on and throwing it in stupid's face and stupid buys it! Maliciousness knows no bounds, least of all decency.]

  7. That said, let us draw our compass. To the north we place money/power, to the south one finds, naturally, it's opposite, that of poverty and oppression. One is bad enough but they seem inseparable. If you have poverty it is usually due to oppression born of a lack of justice. Guess it's one of those unwritten things that nobody pays attention to until they find themselves victims of it.

    What am I referring to? That the many suffer so the few can know, those lucky few born with 'the knack'

  8. [This is why money needs to be 'reined in' and properly regulated.] Life is too ' dangerous ' without an effective 'regulator'. I often neglect to fill in the obvious but when dealing with certain topics, especially one as widely misunderstood as money, you can't leave anything to chance.

    This is how the compass got so screwed up and believe me there will be people that will insist up is down just to fuck with people and nothing else! Don't forget about that a-hole!

  9. [This is why money needs to be 'reined in' and properly regulated.] Life is too ' dangerous ' without an effective 'regulator'. I often neglect to fill in the obvious but when dealing with certain topics, especially one as widely misunderstood as money, you can't leave anything to chance.

    This is how the compass got so screwed up and believe me there will be people that will insist up is down just to fuck with people and nothing else! Don't forget about that a-hole!

  10. That said, let us draw our compass. To the north we place money/power, to the south one finds, naturally, it's opposite, that of poverty and oppression. One is bad enough but they seem inseparable. If you have poverty it is usually due to oppression born of a lack of justice. Guess it's one of those unwritten things that nobody pays attention to until they find themselves victims of it.


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...