Thursday, February 28, 2019


Greetings good citizen, the papers are reporting that nation's 'deal-maker' walked away from the negotiations in Vietnam when Mr. Kim demanded the US lift sanctions [it is only assumed that there wasn't any conciliatory counter-offer considering what happened last time.

We weren't there so we don't know what really happened, all we have is 'history' to go by and the fact that Preznint Pussygrabber is a perpetual bankrupt because he doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground. The only 'deals' he knows how to make are bad ones, just like his decisions.

Do we need to chase the rabbit of soliciting sex with a porn star then paying to cover it up [not just once but apparently multiple times?]

25th amendment anyone? What the F is wrong with REPUBLICANS? [We shouldn't even be asking that question considering the past forty years, which is littered with DINO'S because the real ones all died with the labor unions.]

It started when the corporate owned media painted the Democrats as 'Anti-Business' when the typical mouth breather suddenly couldn't find work because the pro business conservatives were strip mining the nation and lining Congress's pockets via 'inside information'.

It got so bad even the term 'working class' was banished from the political lexicon for three decades only to resurface as 'the working poor' in the most recent election cycle.

Now it's a given that if you 'work for a living', you're poor.

The Seventies were filled with muggers because US industry had already begun moving East, not the East Coast but the Far East.

If your job doesn't pay you enough to live on, it's not society's problem, it's YOURS [because business is business and the need to stay 'competitive' comes before EVERYTHING, including 'social stability'.

Did I mention we are doing the money thing WRONG?

Do I need to?

If they can't get the little things right, how the hell can we trust them to live up to their responsibilities?

Short answer is we can't.

Just like Bozo's failed summit [and everything else about this presidency.]

Telling is how the media, which forced Elliot Spitzer out of politics by exposing his involvement with the Emperor's Club, why do you suppose the media is giving Pussygrabber a pass, could it be the old 'it's okay if you're a Republican?'

Really have to alter the rules regarding money, starting with abolishing cash and shuttering the stock markets. [It's all 'theft' anyway.]

But stupid is to dumb to figure that out...

Anyway Head, I'm TRYING to help...I can explain it but I can't understand it for you...



  1. If they can't get the little things right, how the hell can we trust them to live up to their responsibilities?

    Short answer is we can't.

  2. We weren't there so we don't know what really happened, all we have is 'history' to go by and the fact that Preznint Pussygrabber is a perpetual bankrupt because he doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground. The only 'deals' he knows how to make are bad ones, just like his decisions.

    Do we need to chase the rabbit of soliciting sex with a porn star then paying to cover it up [not just once but apparently multiple times?]

  3. Did I mention we are doing the money thing WRONG?

    Do I need to?

    If they can't get the little things right, how the hell can we trust them to live up to their responsibilities?

    Short answer is we can't.

  4. It got so bad even the term 'working class' was banished from the political lexicon for three decades only to resurface as 'the working poor' in the most recent election cycle.

    Now it's a given that if you 'work for a living', you're poor.

    Why does nobody think this is screwed up?

  5. Do we need to chase the rabbit of soliciting sex with a porn star then paying to cover it up [not just once but apparently multiple times?]

  6. It got so bad even the term 'working class' was banished from the political lexicon for three decades only to resurface as 'the working poor' in the most recent election cycle.

    Now it's a given that if you 'work for a living', you're poor.

  7. Now it's a given that if you 'work for a living', you're poor.

    The Seventies were filled with muggers because US industry had already begun moving East, not the East Coast but the Far East.


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...