Friday, November 30, 2018


Greetings good citizen, given the cesspool modern society IS, WHO would take it into their head to make a career out of keeping the public abreast of the latest scandal?

Regardless of what the 'raw story' is, no reporter is 'free' to report what they know. The 'talking head' is precisely that, an physically attractive individual with reasonably good diction and enunciation that reads whatever is put in front of them with a degree of 'gravitas'. [Even if they are mentally picturing the pope naked to prevent them from guffawing over the ridiculousness of the text in front of them.]

Again, this is for those who get lost in thought because they don't go there very often. We once again go screaming off the reservation to observe the source of the lies that make up the world we wake up to everyday.

The above is precisely the, er, description of the 'readers' who are in fact ACTORS plying their craft.

[Just because they call themselves 'journalists' doesn't make it true.]

Like Don Henley's song says, "I just have to look good, I don't have to be clear." News people don't go into details because all they know is what's on the paper/prompter in front of them.

Wait, what about the news you buy? The people in the print media have more control/knowledge of the story they are reporting on, right?

Se habla EDITOR?

NOTHING a reporter writes get to press without first being 'cleared' by an editor.

Like a 'judge' in a courtroom, the editor's primary function isn't grammar but the level of controversy/liability the paper would face for revealing a shitshow that has been going on since the beginning of civilization.

Criminality isn't the problem here. Causing a riot that resulted in the lynchings of powerful wealthy people is what they are...charged with avoiding.

[Not that the wealthy criminals don't need lynching it's that the criminals are vengeful and have people who go around murdering people that displease them...and news people are at the top of the list of people that tend to get killed.]

Remember: ONLY rogues and scoundrels require the 'cloak of secrecy' when the government invokes 'national security' to cover up what they don't want the public to find out about.

Take today's headlines about the incumbent's former attorney confessing to lying to Congress...what do you suppose is going to come out of that?

We already know the 'pathological liar' will deny there was any involvement we also know, like El Rushbo you can't believe a single word he says. He is the proverbial 'Boy who cried Wolf', he lies with such frequency that he can contradict himself in the same sentence.

So when the 'media' reports we are a 'divided society' we have to wonder what the hell they are talking about? EVERY news item involving REPUBLICANS is about corruption or criminality...causing the public to be united in their opinion that the Justice system [for profit or otherwise] is worthless and that the government is run by CRIMINALS.

This is no longer up for debate. It is universally agreed that those elected to any public office take their marching orders from the criminal elements of society.

Where does today's 'tightrope' enter the discussion? [I once again needn't draw pictures for the erudite.] With just about every 'news item' being related to corrupt government officials or government agencies pursuing objectives that nobody (directly) told them to pursue...most of which is traced back to 'political appointees' with zero 'expertise' in the divisions they have been named the head of.

It is also this same media that demonizes the (fake) political opposition leaving the clueless electorate to vote for the only remaining option, the criminals!

So, anyone else think we have an 'information problem' on our hands?

It's actually a crisis but most of you remain (blissfully) unaware of the scope and breadth of the situation.

How sad that ignorance is no longer an option?

Act or be acted upon.

But you need not listen to me, what do I know?

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Thursday, November 29, 2018


Greetings good citizen, as you may be aware, the Faux Democrats [who now call themselves Progressives...makes you wonder which one is Flo?] have returned Nancy Pelosi [the wife of the Billionaire] to the speaker's seat.

How's that for CHANGE from the party of 'Yes We Can'?

Just 'iced' my cake [reinforced my claim that the process is 'eyewash', it's the ILLUSION of representation that does absolutely NOTHING for you.] It also spells doom for cattle that remain in the chute.

I keep appealing to my readers to 'save their children' but people my age don't read me, their kids do and they don't have kids because their parents are too 'complacent' [read STUPID] to comprehend what they are seeing or do anything about the lost generation they brought into this world to twist in the wind.

Yeah, your parents are a bunch of ignorant, self-centered STUPID fucks.

Even THEY don't know what they are going to do when they 'age out' of their jobs only to discover their ONLY OPTION will be to drive for Uber.

Problem is they also don't see that the ejector seat they are sitting on is set for fifty...and while you never get a cake or a present you know the boss KNOWS when your birthday and he probably even has a spreadsheet listing the age of all of the people under him.

When upstairs tells him he needs to reduce overhead, he pulls out that spreadsheet and knocks off his oldest and least productive people. Some people's 'longevity' is directly tied to their abilities. No one else on the floor knows how to run the old Garzinkergrabber and that's what Elmo did when he first started with the company all those years ago.

Well, the Gazinky has saved their ass countless times and Elmo is the ONLY employee that knows how to set it up [and fix it when it jams, which it does constantly.] So old Elmo enjoys a level of job security few others do.

Funny how things work, you can almost see the 'discrimination' if you take a moment to look at the 'average term of service' of the full time employees.

There isn't a shortage of 'old people', the shortage shows up in number of folks who have been with the company longer than ten years.

Elmo is the ONLY shop employee with more than ten years service, everybody else 'aged out'. There are less than a handful of people in the front office that have been with the company since it opened and out of the three of them two are part-timers that work 'mother's hours'.

Everybody else has only lasted ten years...because they were 'expendable'. It's cheaper to hire and train somebody new than it is to give an existing employee a raise.

If you are over forty, NOBODY wants you.

Hold that up to an early retirement age of 62 and do the chisanbop. That's a lot of years at minimum wage, bucko...all because it's 'cheaper' to hire and train than it is to pay YOU a 'living wage'.

This is why society in the US is bleeding to death. Only a handful of people achieve even a modest earning potential, the 'exceptions' that make 'good pay' do so by putting in the hours (many of them 80 plus) to bring home a 'decent' paycheck...that still doesn't afford them many luxuries.

Because commerce is only sees 'profit' it has no method of accounting for the 'true cost' of its stinginess.

Don't you think it's time we STOP letting others 'write their own paycheck' [using what you produce as their 'income well'?]

[Paychecks all around anyone? I think it's a fantastic idea because it eliminates the whole chain that leads to fire Smith and hire somebody to replace them not because Smith does a bad job but if Smith gets another raise he will be the highest paid, longest serving employee on the production floor so it's 'time' for Smith to 'go'...]

Your (worthless/blind) parents won't tell you this but they have seen it and they sweat their 'turn' the longer they stay where they are.

Some of you might even recall dinner table discussions revolving around starting a 'new career' with no indication as to why either parent would want to leave the place they have worked for so long.

Then they did and your world was torn up. Sometimes major but often it was kept as transparent for you as possible. Your breadwinning parent may have taken on a hellacious commute for their 'new job' but that was to keep from disrupting your life the best they could. [Besides, everybody knows Real Estate is a game of 'greater fools'. Unless an rich idiot turns up wasn't nobody gonna buy the shack you grew up in for what your parents owed on it. [Welcome to the 'prison state'.]

Aren't you lucky you stumbled on a page where an adult tells you how things really are instead of having to wait until it dawned on you that Gegner might just know what he's talking about?

So today's, er, 'news' that the midterms were just an exercise in rinse and repeat eyewash, the 'illusion of change' when nothing actually has tells us all that CHANGE, change that will SAVE YOUR FUTURE needs to come from 'us', the 'ballot box' WILL NOT PRODUCE IT.

Today's message [besides Better Living Through Drugs for all of you 'child murdering' anti-vaxer's out there (hat tip to the boys!)] is CHANGE of ANY KIND Will NOT be on the ballot...EVER.

If you weren't born with a silver anything protruding from any orifice YOU NEED CHANGE N-O-(fn)W!

You can't afford the 'trickle down' Ronnie Reagan said would 'supercharge' the economy. The rich got richer while the rest of society became roadkill on the predatory capitalist super highway.

THis won't change until YOU change it, wake the F Up!

You haven't got much longer before the fascists seize control...

So while you still have one, thanks for opening your mind!


Wednesday, November 28, 2018


Greetings good citizen, once upon a time, when I was just a tad, there was a show on TV titled The BIG picture. I have never seen a single episode of Howdy Doody but I was a follower of The Big Picture, which, if you remember, was a blatant postcard of US militarism around the globe.

It went off the air around the same time the shit started getting serious over in southeast asia. [Vietnam, the 'forgotten war' for anybody that actually fought in it.]

Don't you miss 'wholesome' programming like it was back then, before big money and anything goes stepped in and started to mock everything we, er, 'held dear'?

Well, it wouldn't be a session with Gegner if we didn't digress, would it?

Most of you no longer think in terms of the 'Big Picture'...or at least in terms of presenting a 'united front' in conquering the issues facing mankind.

The LAST TIME 'humanity' was united [albeit, truth be told, the true force behind landing on the moon was the Space Race between Capitalism and Communism.

Seems once the capitalists proved their point [and Nikita Khrushchev became the very first Soviet Premier to walk out of the Kremlin alive in 1963, shortly after JFK threw down the capitalist gauntlet, 'they' [the capitalists] lost interest in our celestial neighborhood. The tepid interest in conquering Mars today is being driven by the absolutely flat investment environment here on the 'consolidated Earth'.

If the media didn't make a big deal out of it (back then) who are we to take notice of it now?

Something you should asking yourself every second of every day. [Who are these clowns and why are they telling me this?]

Well, Fox news is spraying the none too bright down with a firehose of propaganda every minute of every day and nobody even asks 'why'?

Aren't you curious?

How many of you understand the message contained in Orwell's 1984?

Those who control the past, control the future...

Well, the 'open hostility' being leveled at the LIBERALS is due to Conservo-whacko LIES blaming every bad policy decision (made by conservative, bible thumping moron Republicans like Nixon (opened the 'door' to China), Reagan, (NAFTA and the 'privatization' of healthcare, education, prisons and the military) and team Bush (The Patriot ACT, the suspension of habeas corpus, the elimination of usury legislation and 'the fourth crusade', resulting in war without end)...on the Lib-tards and today's 'viewing public', morons who barely remember their own name, swallow it whole because they saw it on the NEWS [so it must be true!]

[Note to morons: No such law exists...and you can only wonder 'why?']

We, er, consume information recklessly and this causes our emotions to overrule our ability to reason...(the few of us capable of such analytical processes.)

More 'rigorous' education is necessary and that isn't possible as long as the few are 'permitted' to DECEIVE the rest of us.

The feckless don't want you examining their motives or even thinking about them for that matter which is why all of the complaining in the world will NOT alter our woefully lacking educational system.

The feckless have a vested interest in you NOT being able to think clearly.

They don't need/pay YOU to think, they tell you this constantly! They need you to DO WHAT YOU ARE TOLD...WITHOUT QUESTION.

This MIGHT actually be an equitable arrangement if it weren't already a proven fact that our self-professed betters ARE as dumb if not dumber than we are!

Reminder: The first step in solving ANY problem is recognizing it EXISTS!

I don't think there is a soul alive today that wasn't raised using 'new' educational techniques. The 'modern math' we learned as kids is nothing like the math my children were taught and you have to wonder WHY that is?

Let's step into the 'Way-back Machine' and rewind all the way to the beginning of this blog and the original question that started it?

Why did the mad rush of technological advancement stop on a dime?

Bueller? Anyone? Bueller?

Is the answer 'those who control the past, control the future?'

Time to be very, very afraid, good citizen.

You needn't be a genius to figure out that those who are filling our children's heads with nonsense are 'up to something'.

Left to you imagination good citizen is where, precisely, does 'National security' end and YOUR security begin?

Only scoundrels and thieves require the 'cloak of secrecy' and both have become the domain of Democracy since the CONSERVATIVE REVOLUTION! [See Palace coup of 1980]

UNDERSTAND: There won't be a counter-coup until YOU stand up and overthrow the usurpers!

Just because monarchy is gone doesn't mean 'The Palace' has become an 'intrigue free zone'.

The 'Mantle of Authority' is easily usurped and must be ZEALOUSLY guarded to insure it isn't abused.

[Naturally, like truth, 'abuse' is a highly subjective term...but I point at the ongoing collapse of capitalism and the FACT that not ONE government ANYWHERE is doing ANYTHING about it is highly suspect.]

Are there usurpers afoot?

What do you think?

Thanks once again for opening your mind to the possibilities that all isn't what it seems.


Tuesday, November 27, 2018


Greetings good citizen, Most of you remain blissfully unaware of the amount of bullshit that has been packed solidly between your ears by the, er, 'people that love you'.

You can't have a reliable 'belief system' based on lies.

Think you can? You're already lost.

Ironically, you got lost the moment you listened to those who intended to 'set you straight'. {Remember, these are humans we are talking about and humans all have one thing they love to do more than sex and that is LYING!}

I was raised in a 'god fearing' community and (back then) it was perfectly natural for everyone to go to why is it, in the past hundred years or so, that the reverse become the norm?

Now you get people who vociferously defend their faith while only seeing the inside of a church for weddings and 'rational' is that?

Saying you BELIEVE when your actions say otherwise.

Yeah, it should frighten you more than a little that those who defend their 'faith' by saying they keep it in their hearts when they have no formal acquaintance with the actual tenants they so vocally proclaim! [nor the mental horsepower to process the 'true meaning' of the scriptures [not that it actually matters, considering the source.]

Worse, what do most conservatives have in common? Their 'unshakable faith' in Jesus Christ.

Wanna know what's wrong with our full of itself society? Their pillar of truth rests not on rock, but on LIES!

Wait a minute, what if I believe/adhere to conservative ideology and I don't believe in 'Spirit in the sky'?

Then you are either a simpleton incapable of distinguishing good from bad and like the deluded 'home christians' have been set on the 'wrong path' by the greed oriented Libertarians. Your Bible is The WEALTH OF NATIONS and society exists to make the industrious rich! Congratulations, now report to the awards desk for you cerimonial hemp necktie.

So to further understand [and most conservatives don't want to defend their ideology (mostly because it's full of contradictions.)] just how detached you are from reality you need to examine what YOUR TRUTH is.

Do you know? Most don't. We (most of us) 'inherit' our belief system from our parents (even if we despise them) failing that, we 'adopt' our beliefs from those we, er, 'respect'.

Did I mention that the mind is a horribly wicked thing? Worse, we, as humans, tend to 'project' mightily; often without being aware we're doing it!

[Full STOP] It is often at inflection points such as this one, where I have made the point that we often craft our own unique 'belief systems then defend them because what good are your beliefs if you can't defend them...and often this is when we discover huge 'flaws' in the 'logic' we used in constructing those beliefs.

So it is that under A Simple Plan (ASP) 'community' will return and these events will 'teach' ALL humans what it means to be human AND EQUAL.

Most, er, 'gatherings' will center on food, the greatest social glue there is [attendance will be mandatory.] If you have to work you will be required to attend a separate [but identical] event for those similarly unable to attend.

You can't expect the 'pillar of truth' to 'stand' in sand, much less mud.

Nothing is more human than breaking bread together, it is truly a 'leveling' experience.

It is here I will add that preacher/priest/minister or anyone that claims to speak/teach THEIR 'belief system' to others will not be paying occupations.

Like a lot of Justices of the Peace, the title will be a honorific and nothing more.

And since cash is illegal there will be no way to 'tithe' or 'donate' to the deity of ANYONE'S choice. [Charity has been abolished. Society takes care of us all, there is no NEED for you to PRETEND to do it too.]

Object, want to be 'free' to sing the praises of your (imaginary) 'merciful god'? Volunteer for Lord of the Flies Island where you can do whatever you can get away with. [Trust me, don't like the rules here, you really aren't going to like the rules there.]

The new 'law of the land' is believe whatever you want just KEEP IT TO YOURSELF. GOD is a PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP.

Get caught telling others that YOUR god said we need to kill the way ticket to 'believe whatever the fuk you want land!'

Perhaps that is the most vexing part of this whole conservo-whacko magical BS is it puts GOD ahead of HUMANITY!

We endured a THOUSAND YEARS OF DARKNESS for 'the love of god' and when it became apparent it was a bloodbath fostered by the mentally unstable, the reign of terror ended.

Conservo whackos want to bring it back...along with the living hell of the End Times while THEY wait for Jesus to return...again.

With zero proof, how far are YOU willing to support this madness?

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head, now do us both a favor and LET ME THE FUK OUT!


Thinking is useless if you don't actually do it.

Any sentence that starts with 'I don't think' is essentially true.

Monday, November 26, 2018


Greetings good citizen, I suspect few of you truly appreciate the consequences of lying to your children...not that it was anything YOU had control over. The lie that is biting modern civilization in the ass as the world descends into CHAOS [the proper term for general confusion and wanton destruction, ANARCHY is something the intelligent among us pray would take hold, rules without many people do you think would vote to screw themselves? (It can be done...but under anarchy it can be fixed, no such luck under capitalist dominated FAKE democracy, where the only thing you vote for is which 'pill' will influence your future.)

Even then, you've gotten the red pill jammed up your backside whether you wanted it or not.

YOU (the vast majority of us) are LABOR, how the fuck does MANAGEMENT keep winning almost every election?

Worse, you don't even question this [because in the end nothing will change until people succeed in uniting...and when they finally do there will only be one (vague) enemy and that will be civilization itself.

Have to admit, the feckless have become expert in heading off unity.

There is no 'consensus' regarding what is destroying civilization when the 'answer' is right under everyone's noses...

Do you know what the answer is?

The almost total breakdown of TRUST.

Can't trust the church, it's a lie all by itself.

Can't trust the government, it's supposed to protect you but due to rampant corruption the only people it protects are the OWNERS!

Can't trust commerce because it's run by the criminals that run the government via their bought and paid for meat-puppets.

Oh, icing on the cake, you can't trust your friends because they are scared spitless of losing what little they have managed to steal and they know a single 'misstep' in our highly PC many of you were shocked to learn the PC police were running the crusade against P.C.?

Or did I just let the cat out of the bag?

You detest 'political correctness but it's getting worse, not better as fascism keeps pushing to the fore.

Who is behind this force that is shredding society?

The fascists. [I call 'em conservo-whackos but they call themselves 'Freedom loving Patriots']

Newsflash for YOU (moron) they only have the power that YOU give them! If you, er, 'accept' their BS claims then they become a force to be reckoned with but if you reject the labels they put on just about everything [how many of you have noticed that NONE of this is their fault? Despite them being the ones with their hair on fire and their fingers pointing at everything but themselves?]

Jeremiah was a bullfrog and El Rushbo is a liar. [News to no one.]

You, if you continue to refuse to use your own mind, are a STOOGE...and the only thing lower than a stooge is a traitor.

That's what the people running around blaming everybody but themselves for figments of their imagination (mostly shit that never happened or if it did it was so long ago as to be irrelevant today.) are, traitors that aren't patriots but LIARS!

Your inability to sort truth from fiction will spell the end of civilization.

Once again I ask the barely cognizant to remember WHY I end these when I do.

Thanks once again for stopping by and opening your mind,


Sunday, November 25, 2018


One of the most common [English] names, who, oh who could I be pointing at?

Being biblically bent it is unsurprising that I am pointing at the author of the pro-capitalist bible, "The Wealth of Nations".

Long before Michael Douglas portrayed Gordon Gekko in Wall Street, Adam Smith was preaching [and our founders were listening, attentively because it was music they hadn't heard before!] the gospel of (selfish) Greed is Good.

If your JOB doesn't pay you enough to live on it's not your employer's problem, IT'S YOURS!

Your typical 'greedhead' tunes out here because they believe it is YOUR inability to 'manage money' that makes you destitute while completely ignoring the lavish habits of those who 'reward themselves' (far) beyond their contribution.

Um, the 'holes' in Smith's economic theory are large enough to sail aircraft carriers through yet capitalists (of the greed is good) bent insist it is the BEST long as THEIR NAME is on the 'Owners' documents.

While you can't see the 'circle' it is here that the entire purpose of our 'justice system' EXISTS to protect ownership rights and NOTHING ELSE!

How many of you chuckleheads are sitting nodding to the hypnotic tune of 'greed is good, oh so good...toooo MEEEeeeeeeeee!'

Um, sorry to remind you but it's time to perform that anal-opto-rectomy on yourself!

I know you hate doing surgery without anesthetic but the scalpel is so hard to hold when you're higher than the International Space Station.

and if you don't do it, YOU GONNA DIE!

Alas I preach to the deaf (and blind as the deaf have no problems reading this...although there is a considerable percentage that are incapable of comprehending the message here.)

Tell them that greed is bad and the 'limit switch' inside their mind trips and shuts it down.

We live in a 'cooperative' world, that means we MUST SHARE what there is or we will cease to survive.

If you believe your fellow humans are your 'competitors' (and not your 'teammates') then YOU are broken.

{once more into the breech!} REMEMBER why I end these where I do!

[Thankfully, the cognizant don't need reminding.]

Later head,


Saturday, November 24, 2018


Greetings good citizen, as the pins continue to be kicked out from under you faster than you can replace them the idea that your mental health is being tampered with is finally on the upswing.

Remember good citizen there was no such thing as Fox News prior to 1980...

Funny how we keep bumping our heads on something that went horribly wrong that year...could it have been 'Morning in America' [which has translated to 'Midnight in the garden of Evil intent.'

Why are you (so) unhappy? Your future is a brick wall that your face is already uncomfortably pressed up's not going anywhere and neither are you.

You can't retire, you aren't being paid enough to put anything aside. You can't make more money without working yourself to death and most of us know that kind of soul crushing existence isn't worth it...thus does the A-hole who has had everything (including their future) handed to them condemn you to 'failure' because you, er, 'didn't want it bad enough?' [To hear them tell it anyway.]

Small wonder you take your life in your hands just going down to the corner for a cup of coffee these days. The conventions that prevent us from killing one another on sight have finally been voided, humanity is on the cusp of fuck it.

That all started with the 'every man for himself' B.S. that [the conservo WHACKOS] are so proud of!

When you have no place to turn why not go on a rampage?

The law isn't there to 'help' you. It's the bulk of the problem! Those screwing society over are protected by the law.

This is what 'better lawyers' do for the feckless few [let's not forget the corrupt judges! They are the ones truly responsible for this.]

Did you know there are NO judges or Lawyers under ASP? Those who live under the law will interpret the law.

The criminal rich will be exiled, everybody else will have their bank account zeroed.

While we are 'here' let us take on the latest capitalist CF being proposed world-wide, UBI [Universal Basic income.]

Why should 'we' let [not like ANYBODY is asking YOU!] make decisions about our financial well-being without ever discussing the ALTERNATIVES, like lowering the expense picture and making life more 'affordable' but that defies [basic (F-U pay me!) capitalist principles.]

Under ASP the 'shack' [your biggest expense, housing] becomes a 'gimme' that YOU don't even need to maintain anymore! [fuk bankers! let'em get a real job like mowing lawns..alongside the soon to be defunct cops!] It will be somebody's JOB to mow your lawn! You can have your own garden (if you want) but you won't be obliged to even own a ladder. Millions will be employed rehabbing and maintaining homes.

Let's take that one step further...under ASP you won't be able to purchase 'personal transportation'.

Mimicking the Zip Car model, cars will be available for use on every street. You don't need to insure them or repair them, all you will be 'billed' for is gas based on miles traveled while logged in to your account. [Money, the smart way!] Yes you will still need to pass a driver's licensing exam and that number will be required to 'unlock' the ignition (along with other 'bio-metric' measures to be announced later to insure your ten year old doesn't go joy-riding at your expense.)

Now isn't that 'better' than giving you free money that you already know will be become part of the 'cost of living' because those doling out the 'free cash' make their money FROM YOU! HOW F'N STUPID IS THAT/(are you?)

Like voting, UBI is nothing more than eyewash to make you THINK you are getting your expense profile reduced.

ASP's 'true expense profile reduction' is also how we are going to reduce the workweek to 20 hours...and YOU will be able to afford it!

Central to this concept will be 'nuclearization'. You will, by necessity live near your work. If you can telecommute, great but that's not going to be 'big' so chances are a lot of us will [at least initially] be swapping homes.

If you live in the woods but commute to the city because that's where the 'money' is it might be time to reassess what you REALLY want out of life. Do you live in the hinterlands because it's affordable or do you relish the great outdoors? If it's the latter then your new office is likely closer than you imagined! Once the picture emerges as to what needs to be done, when, there will be jobs aplenty all across the planet.

[Putting the brakes on climate change will be a top priority!]

Work (bettering the circumstances of ALL mankind) will change radically once we put an end to working SOLELY to make the feckless RICH!

In fact, the more people wake up to the huge 'army of the unemployed' the feckless are allowing to amass (the 'plan' is to make them riot and tear civilization apart, that way nobody will object to martial law...that THEY control.

Maybe we will do something to make the feckless regret their 'cupidity'...(a-la-the terror!)

Although I don't recommend that route, there are other, 'worse ways' to make them pay.Wouldn't you love to be a fly on the wall when they learn their bank accounts have all been zeroed?

Cash will be illegal making it impossible to sell anything to anyone!

(if not being able to buy or sell is YOUR worst nightmare might I suggest that you've drank too much capitalist kool-aid?

Commerce doesn't exist to make 'a few' rich. It exists to meet the NEEDS of human society!

Don't know about you Buckwheat but I see tons of 'needy' people out there which means SOMEBODY isn't doing it right!

Why isn't YOUR HERO doing anything to solve these now ancient problems?

Oh, that's right, because the self serving A-holes have always dictated how and why we do what we do...

Wake the F-up!

That concludes today's information overload, come back tomorrow for another dose [if you can handle it!]


Friday, November 23, 2018

Globalization [X]

Greetings good citizen, not only are politicians playing stupid but the media isn't calling them on the global collapse of capitalism.

This morning's headlines are calling for politicians to 'somehow' stem the 'refugee crisis' so they can curb rising 'populism.'

For those of you that don't speak 'Fucktardo', populism is the new code for nationalism.

El Rump is playing the America first card BECAUSE refugees (from the economic desert) created by [the GLOBAL consolidation of market share] because, increasingly, the refugees are taking jobs that the locals consider as 'theirs' and as long as capitalism reigns those jobs will always go to the lowest wage seeker.

I will once again belabor the obvious and explain that the morons running things are handling money all wrong.

What 'stupid' doesn't get is there shouldn't be any such thing as 'rich'. That's NOT what money is for.

'Rich' is proof of criminality.

Wonder how many Trumpsters joined him at Mar-a-lago for their catered holiday feast? [The twerp that told the world if Jesus said Trump was a criminal, he'd have to beg god's pardon and ask HIS PRESIDENT if it were true; do you suppose he'd cut Satan the same slack? [God could be lying about him too...]


Those with their eye on the ball can see these cause and effect reactions for themselves and don't need me to draw pictures for them.

I am compelled to include them here so the reader doesn't have to do a 'cold start' and try to figure out where I'm coming from.

What angers me is how the media assumes you are aware enough to understand that the 'refugees' they keep talking about from all across the planet are NOT the victims of war despite the feckless media using a term more closely associated with those fleeing political/civil unrest rather than economic strife...despite capitalism creating an 'unnatural disaster', worldwide.

Victims are victims and capitalism has victimized whole societies around the planet.

Humanities future relies on mutual aid, if we cannot 'trust' the people running things [the current bunch all win the hemp neckwear award!] then humanity will fail to survive.

Treachery is still the number one problem facing humanity.

Let 'a few' be rich! Who is the moron that coined that one? [Although the clown that penned W's 'haves and the have more' speech should be given a flying wedgie award for sheer mental opaqueness.

We may never know despite the moron credited with both 'we launch in five minutes' [into a live mic no less] was also credited with Cesar's 'If not us, who, and if not now, when?' which was more recently immortalized in Churchill's 'Darkest hour' speech...

That fact that both literally bounced off an uncomprehending public tells us an 'all inclusive' decision-making process is above our species cognition level.

Which is to say after the new leadership wipes out poverty and inequality then they can lay down a merit based process for determining the course of mankind's survival [as war becomes a relic of the feckless past.]

We shall no longer be led by the self-serving who cater to the self-interested.

Looks silly when you see it here but it's where we have to go...but only if you want your grandchildren to live.

[Why am I tempted to say, 'go back to sleep, everything will be fine!' We know this works on Trump supporters but they are so few, a lot of effort for such a minimal return.]

Just keep thinking 'you're' in the majority and everything will be alright.

The thing you'll have to parse for yourself is if I'm delusional or are you the one that has 'reality issues'?

Thanks once again for stopping by and opening your mind,

Like the mug says, I can explain it to you but I can't understand it for you...


Thursday, November 22, 2018

Turkey (s)

Greetings good citizen, I'm expecting a houseful for a holiday feast then we are traveling to my father-in-laws for dessert.

In this I count myself blessed. I have a family that is the envy of most of my peers and I have learned to value that closeness. [I say 'learned' because my home life wasn't anything like what it is now.]

Everybody's situation is different and in this we all 'make our own bed'. I am not spending the holiday with any of my siblings, they have other fish to fry (although one of my sibling's children and her child will be joining us for dinner and dessert so it's not about blood, it's about choices.)

Part of the breakdown of modern civilization is due to the 'either you accept me as I am or kiss-off!' attitude that pervades our species. We have come to value our 'individuality' more than membership in our families...and we blame the family for not accepting us!

Thus do we refuse to join together with those who have loved us unconditionally from the beginning.

Ouch! I'm sure that's a thorn that has pricks all around it!

Those who felt 'unloved' by their families fail to appreciate it was a 'self-inflicted wound'...and nobody misses the 'drama and tension' caused by often firey and tearful accusations of being uncaring or unloving.

It's never been about getting love but giving it. Sometimes it's ALL we have to give and when it isn't enough there isn't anything anybody can do about it except have their heart broken by the one we love that doesn't care that we love them because its not enough for them.

If we were to boil away the BS we would find the true problem with society is failure to appreciate being loved for who we are and not for what (or how much) we have.

So ends the parable of happiness coming from within, I am blessed because I belong to a family that has shown me what love is.

May we all be so fortunate!

Happy Turkey Day [Happy Thursday or whatever it is where you are!]


Wednesday, November 21, 2018


Greetings good citizen, I belabor the obvious when I point out that most of you are suffering from 'tolerance fatigue', the hopelessly stupid can't comprehend what part of 'He's the President' the rest of us don't understand while the rational struggle with keeping themselves from physically slapping some sense into the MAGA-MORONS!

You only have one nerve left and numbnuts is on it, bigtime.

Perhaps it's the 'one trick pony' part of the equation the feeble seem unable to cope with.

In their teenie minds, President = God (on earth) as demonstrated by the fool on Last Week Tonight's Finale.

Someone that , er, 'deluded' shouldn't be walking around unsupervised because he's already proven he listens to the little voices in his head...and they are neither friendly nor rational.

Problem is what should be a rare occurrence is becoming more prevalent as people become confused between the lies they are told and the facts that keep proving they are being lied to.

Do YOU know what causes psychosis?


Repeatedly being told black is white will fuck you up, bigtime.

You know it's not true and the people telling you it know it too. Their real goal is to make you DOUBT yourself! [COULD it be true?]

That's how a party that represents just 25% of the population has a super majority in both houses of Congress...because you believe the independents are voting conservative now that there isn't a democrat to get behind since they were defunded by the people that control the money.

Which is the CRUX of all our, er, 'troubles'.

Money needs to be wiped out and redistributed rationally...better, we need a mechanism that removes money from the system once it has been 'used'.

How many of you morons know such a device has never been instituted and that dollar number one is still out there some ten thousand years after it was 'spent'?

Well, it's little 'inconsistencies' like this that make life a complicated mess when life itself is very, very straight-forward. Cooperate and thrive or buck the tide and perish.

Yeah, the 'illusion' that most people support the meat-puppet-in-chief is precisely that, an illusion created by the 'go along to get along' crowd.

This whole kabuki dance centered on pseudo-patriotism is an attempt to cow those of us with more backbone than the average stiff into submission even though those who keep their eyes front and their heads low don't really like what they are being forced to submit to in public.

Need I point to humanity's 'mimic' quality again? If you can make it seem like everybody is doing it, you win!

When criminals control your justice system there is no justice.

How did criminals seize control of the justice system? Through their control of the EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM!

What lends 'credibility' to the current FAKE justice system is it's claim that it is rooted on a 'refined understanding' of the most basic and ancient concepts of justice...without referencing a single specific statute...not even the golden rule that ASP is based on!

Our justice system is NOT based on it will NEVER be 'just'.

Our current justice system teaches only some of us can own, everybody else must borrow it from the bank at exorbitant rates!

That's NOT justice.

This planet is ours to share, NOBODY 'owns' ANY of it!

But I digress [albeit only a little.]

How much longer will you TOLERATE the self-serving to steal our future while they wastefully squander our collective inheritance?

For as long as they tell you they are 'god's chosen' without ANY proof?

Thanks once again for opening your mind, (careful some of this just might sneak in there and wreak havoc!)


Tuesday, November 20, 2018


Greetings good citizen, as our civilization is tossed and buffeted by the feckless (mostly to escape justice) we have to ask ourselves "is it even possible to make this land our 'home' (again?)"

We may not have been too keen on who we had to share this place with but our little corner of it was truly ours. If we didn't bother the neighbors, they (usually) didn't bother us.

All of that is gone.

We must accept that the world is a very different place than the one the propagandists conjure up when they are demonizing the 'Other'.

What you need to recognize is the propagandist is holding up a mirror and the 'people' he's demonizing is YOU! You most likely don't see yourself they way the rest of the world does and it certainly doesn't help that the propagandist exaggerates more than a little to make YOU appear grosser than you really are...but they deal in hatred so this is understandable.

Why is there so much hatred and fear? Because the feckless [who are robbing us blind] fear being held accountable for their predation against their own kind.

YOU are immersed in a boiling cauldron of hate and fear, to the point where you are too fearful to even protest that what you're seeing is all exaggerated.

Take today's headline about the guy who tracked his girlfriend to a hospital and shot her. This is EVERY DAY BS! This is life in a decidedly immature society, one made more so by the same people that foster immaturity and encourage 'labeling' because it causes divisions.

What makes me say this? Look at what the winner of the Giant Douche contest is doing! We all know kids who are twice as mature as this 70 year old!

If you've ever wondered what F, Scott Fitzgerald was referring to when he told us that the rich are NOT like you and me, Trump's the 'poster child'/in the flesh representation of that truth.

Seriously good citizen we have to question our entire legal system if a man such as 'The Donald' is permitted to walk among us freely [nevermind being provided with global news coverage as he displays his immaturity to the whole planet!]

We need to lose this entire process [of electing representatives rather than deciding directly] because the most recent outcome proves just how toxic and ineffective this process truly is.

IF we voted directly on the issues we'd know for certain why things kept going wrong and probably enact legislation to limit who got to participate in the decision-making process.

But I digress, albeit not by much. It is important to demonstrate that there is a way to restore (not return) to 'normalcy'.

The 'nostalgic' days of yore NEVER EXISTED which is why they seem 'so attractive' to the feeble minded.

We have much to 'repair' on the road back to 'normalcy' but we must face reality and admit that the feeble are likely to remain so.

[The aim here is to replace fantasy with reality and a focus on how life truly is remarkable without embellishing it with lies.]

Yup, free speech is a 'license to lie' and we must revoke that tendency wherever it is found.

Normalcy won't return of we don't embrace genuine values like truth, justice and equality [for ALL!]

Ironically one would be tempted to scream 'grow the fuk up!' but that isn't 'clear' enough to achieve our goal of social maturity.

Stop the lies and embrace the truth.

Thanks once again for opening your mind,


Monday, November 19, 2018


Greetings good citizen, some of you know this blog is, er, occasionally used to promote my literary works although I seldom mention my three books.

Well, yesterday I was clicking around the channelverse (looking for something that wasn't totally toxic) and what did I encounter but an, er, 'opinion piece' regurgitating an old meme that I first heard as a young man, that the first human to live to be 150 has already been born.

I find it far more compelling to contemplate if humans will still exist, not in 150 years but in fifty.

It is a theme I seem doomed to keep repeating. People (apparently) get lost in thought because they don't go there very often!

Like colonizing Mars, the capitalist pursuit of the 'perfect employee' is what's driving robotics and the quest/race for AI [in the asinine pursuit of only having to tell the machine what you want ONCE.

We wordsmiths perpetually bemoan 'the imprecision of speech', a phenomenon AI will only make worse. [We need 'better tools' just as we need 'better systems' to enable the survival of more humans on an already stressed out planet.]

Put a fork in it, capitalism isn't just DONE, it's burnt to a crisp!

I was just about to go off on a tirade about my, er, 'manifesto' to save humanity but first things first, my second novel deals with precisely the topic of longevity...albeit on more personal terms.

It is unlikely that anyone already born will survive the next fifty years never mind a hundred and fifty [I don't care how rich they are.]

War has a way of turning the social clock backwards in unanticipated ways.

How disturbing that there is no shortage of either despots or psychopaths [currently kept in check by a fatalist cabal of 'me firsters'.]

Anyway, my second novel takes on the topic of the planet's first 'immortal', starting with the likelihood that they will be among the richest of the rich...because it is money that drives 'will' [and my, er, 'protagonist' is not just A banker, he is THE banker.]

Rhetorical question good citizen, why do you think banking operates the way it does? [Rhetorical because it DOESN'T MATTER what YOU think!]

Now the, um, TV program proceeded on the premise that EVERYBODY would suddenly be 'longevid'. This is false even on the surface. Technology is losing the war of the mutant microbes [again due to the 'profit motive', more money in treating the symptoms than curing the disease.]

It is likely we, as a species, have already made a fatal misstep in the battle to remain on top of the food chain.

'Immortality: personal' is another situation altogether. In my novel my protagonist went into this with intent that he'd be the ONLY one to reap the benefits of immortality...and while he, er, succeeds in reversing the aging process he is presented with a series of problems as he reinvents himself so he can insert himself ahead of his own heirs.

In this he is NOT subtle.

If you want to learn whether or not he murders his own children you'll have to buy the book [Edge of Eternity, available on Amazon KDP.]

For those of you cutting to the chase and thinking 'why doesn't he just announce that he's immortal?' he MAY have succeeded in cheating death but he can still be killed. How many people would you let know that you held the secret of immortal life, and what would you think of someone that refused to share it with you? You'd want to kill them, wouldn't you?

It is a page turner (as more than one reader has complained.)

Back to TV.

The 'major malfunction' preventing our current society from being capable of absorbing more people into a rapidly dwindling workforce is the lie of the 'booming economy'.

The 'I got mine' crowd (purposefully) only employs enough people to keep the 'shitstem' running, the rest resort to 'any means necessary' just to survive.

Did you see the Mexicans protesting the arrival of the Guatemalan caravan, there aren't enough jobs for them, they don't want to be forced to compete with the destitute from another country because the CAPITALIST just LOVES it when workers compete for jobs!

This is the same thing that will happen to the already destitute and already here. They will be knocked back to BELOW where they were when they first arrived.

This is why capitalists HATE minimum wages. A 'TRUE capitalist' is a slaver are heart. He'd be fine paying workers nothing.

This is why NOBODY can live on The Minimum Wage no matter where they live! The cost of living EVERYWHERE is at least TWICE the minimum wage.

Did I mention the 'Justice deficit'?

So tell me again how we are going to suddenly find ourselves in a population that won't die and CAN'T retire?

Capitalism is based on your 'timely' death. Longevity will collapse a system that doesn't work even faster than the population is.

My proposal is on the table and under ASP those who live to be 150 'have the option' of retiring at 50 [and enjoying the rest of their lives] or 'staying busy' for as long as they want to.

Given the rapid onset of Alzheimer's in most people I suspect only a fortunate, gifted few will survive their centennial.

If I am wrong it raises the daunting prospect of dealing with a large and mostly near vegetative population incapable of performing even the most basic tasks of caring for oneself...bringing euthanasia screaming to the fore.

If our collective response to these very real problems remains sticking our fingers in our ears as we chant "I can't hear you!" over and over again I seriously doubt mankind has fifty years remaining on this planet.

That said there is a very real possibility humanity will not survive the Trump Presidency [largely due to INCOMPETENCE!]

Um, Friday was my Father's birthday...and today was my Mother's. If you are inclined, join me in wishing the departed the rest and reward they deserve in the 'endless sleep' we call death.

On that morbid note, we will be joining them sooner than you think if we don't stop following the dictates of the terminally STUPID!

ASP, an idea whose time has come! [There is NO SHORTAGE if things that NEED doing!]


Sunday, November 18, 2018


One of the cornerstones of conservative ideology is "life isn't fair" and this stance is combined with 'God's Will' to justify all kinds of injustice and inequity.

[The 'reality check' here is the 'I got mine' crowd regularly defends their crimes as being 'good fortune' or 'divine intervention' when neither could be further from the truth.]

Those who prosper while the many suffer have bribed the corrupt so justice turns a blind eye to their predations...(for a small 'cut of the action'.)

There was a piece in today's NY Times about the tribulations of being a female employee in the federal prison system which only confirms once again that the WRONG PEOPLE are toting guns and wearing badges.

If what passes for our 'justice system' doesn't scare you it damn well should!

Wait, nothing worse than failure to be specific because those a-holes are just the 'base of the pyramid'. The 'fish of justice' rotted just like anything else, from the head down.

Judges, lawyers and politicians all take their marching orders from the criminals. The POLICE take their marching orders from the POLITICIANS.

Consider yourself a 'tactician' faced with the job of cleaning up a corrupt organization that has infiltrated and infested an entire civilization.

How would you 'severe the head' from the beast?

Can't keep it hanging around that's the first thing. We need to PERMANENTLY REMOVE the rotten pieces so the rest will heal.

What is an owner but a specious claim? Even if we were immortal we couldn't keep ANYTHING for eternity. Part of the claim of ownership hinges on 'it's not like it's forever'...but while I'm here I want it MY WAY, SCREW ANYONE ELSE!

It is a wish we should promptly grant, sending the petitioner immediately onward in their quest to find 'eternity'.

Those who would deprive us all and commodify what WE ALL NEED TO LIVE revoke their membership in society. [Because if you want to live you must now comply with THEIR TERMS, meaning you either join them [in exploiting everyone else] or you die for your failure to comply.

That is the game as we all have come to understand it.

So now you have to put your 'tactician's hat' back on and determine if you can cut the head off or if you can simply lynch the weakest link into submission?

IF you score a coup and capture the local top two you put the rest on high alert. Reinforcements will pour in from all 'unaffected areas' which means you need to dilute their ability to respond by making your initial strike as broad as possible.

While we would like to think the 'intelligence services' would be relied upon to support a revolt to save the people of this nation the same 'process' used to select police is also performed ferret out idealists who may not support tyranny.

Ironic that most conservatives couldn't spot a tyrant even if we gave them a mirror!

Here's another 'kicker' to add into your calculations...a majority of law enforcement are ardent conservatives...who value 'loyalty' above all else.

This personality type is INCAPABLE of recognizing evil because it's WHAT THEY ARE!

Look at the world today and tell me this is a faulty assessment? [NOT (just) 'bad apples' but BAD IDEOLOGY!] (you ARE what you EST! remember?)

The 'Justice deficit' civilization suffers is due to making/allowing criminals to become law enforcement.

Big problem here is the 'laws' of a society belong to the people who agree to live under them, something that isn't POSSIBLE when the CRIMINALS claim exclusive discretion over the justice system.

Yes good citizen and you know it's true that somebody out there who has never held a law book in their hands is smirking right now as the tell anyone that will listen 'Justice is what I say it is!'

Makes a mighty powerful argument for assassination, doesn't it?

Why does the majority let ITS CHILDREN suffer while a few gloat?

Tis a 'mystery', wrapped in a conundrum, shrouded by a conspiracy.

Is the 'truth' out there? [You know it is. The question is will 'justice' be served?]

That is up to YOU...

Thanks once again for stopping by and opening your mind,

Now you know who is your friend and who to [always] watch your back around...


NEVER trust preachers or lawmen because both serve evil.

Saturday, November 17, 2018


Greetings good citizen, this may very well be my most disturbing post because it strips away the BS and gives you your...options in stark relief. Easier to go with the flow, how unfortunate for most of us that going with the flow caused the CF we have today and nothing gets done about it because today's 'inequities' are defended as 'the way we have always done it'.

If we strip, er, 'existence' down to it's LCD we need to eat to live and that involves killing other lifeforms, which gave birth to 'teamwork' that cemented humanity into a 'social being'. We collected much larger amounts of food as a group than we could individually, but (as the legions of Rome eventually learned) there was/is only so much 'food' to go around.

Oops, we skipped an important 'inflection point'.

IF 'you' didn't belong to a 'cooperative society' YOU would be obliged to tend to EVERY single need of survival as best you could. You MIGHT have a mate to assist you BUT assistance is a fickle proposition in itself. Few creatures rend assistance without consideration for it being returned.

Throughout nature if you are crippled ODDS are it's game over.

Even other 'social creatures' don't, er, 'waste time/resources' caring for the elderly and infirm.

It is this QUALITY that sets humanity apart, this 'reverence for experience' is what put us at the top of the food chain.

YOU [dumbo] are taught NONE of this [STRIKE ONE] The freakishly selfish who pay themselves lavishly don't want you thinking about the criminality involved in this treachery (because even among the 'uncivilized' treason is punishable by death.)

[Sorry, many 'backchannels' until we get to the needle sharp point.]

Deception/treachery is at the heart of the SELFISHNESS behind modern society. [Why is there no consensus on what money is and what its for?] (mentally repeating what YOU think it is isn't a 'consensus', it's self deception a its worst!)

IF you had to do everything yourself you wouldn't have time to do pretty much anything else and your continued survival would rely on your being cautious beyond reason and hyper-alert (to danger) at EVERY moment [yes, even when you are asleep.]

This inability to let your guard down led to a significantly abbreviated lifespan but if you weren't EXTRA careful your own stupidity would kill you quick.

How lucky you are that your fellow humans (supposedly) learned to value life and committed to caring/protecting one another?

Did you just have a 'what planet is this guy from?' moment. He can't be talking about here but yes I am so you have to wonder how 'commerce' became so predatory if we are a species dedicated to 'mutual survival'.

[STRIKE TWO] Only 'some' of us recognize the importance of inter-reliance and self-sacrifice.

THE FREAKISHLY SELFISH (a learned trait) never get beyond looking out for Numero Uno.

How many of you remember (back in the ancient times of 'EST') a best seller of the same title [Looking out for number one]?

Rings a bell huh? Well, now you're soaking in it.

Do I need to point out that this also coincides with the 'hangover' of the civil rights movement [a, er, 'battle' that is FAR from over...what whitey doesn't seem to realize is THEIR rights are hanging in the balance as well. Why is it that white folk are freakishly self-centered?]

But I once again digress [and yes, Gegner is 100% white bread...I just don't think that makes me 'special'.]

[Still digressing!]

Mutual aid was, er, curtailed once survival became the driver of COMMERCE [STRIKE THREE.]

It takes a mind to grasp the concepts in play here [albeit, not much of one...which highlights how we got here in the first place.]

If we RETURNED to the premise that put us on top of the food chain [by restoring money to its singular useful purpose!] we could end the scourges of poverty and homelessness driven by the useless BANKING SYSTEM!

The purpose of civilization is mutual survival and NOT 'self enrichment'!

Why is it NOBODY QUESTIONS the 'purpose of civilization'?

The entire point of life is not so YOU [or 'a few'] can be rich, it is humanity living in balance with the planet...and if we can't manage that [and the freakish are quick, with zero evidence to back them up, to claim it is impossible [just so they won't have to work for a living!]

Yeah, the living hell 99% of us have been condemned to is the DIRECT result of the 1% NOT WANTING TO GET THEIR HANDS DIRTY!

Either we all pull together or provisions will be made so you will be 'free' to make your own way with those who are 'like-minded' [just don't delude yourself that any of them are going to 'help' you...]

Shall I point it out once again because stupid truly is its own reward!

Failure to think things through is how we got where we are today...sadly no one is learning the lessons taught as this tragedy unfolds.

The mind is a 'funny thing' isn't it?

Do us all a favor [mostly yourself] and choose humanity!

Can't say it any plainer than that.


Friday, November 16, 2018


Greetings good citizen, the 'incompetence' of those keeping the wheels of society 'greased' borders on criminal but those society allegedly serves aren't in control of what is or isn't criminal.

Worse, the ones that do get to decide are both beholden to and in the pocket of the criminals in question.

Today's headlines reflect this colossal mismanagement of our society by those more interested in helping themselves first.

If you have eyes to see and a mind to comprehend the picture is mighty damning.

One of today's headlines points at how some of those made homeless by the rampant wildfires are camping out in Wal-Mart's parking lot.

Damning evidence number one is climate change and the resulting drought that made the woodlands surrounding these densely populated areas tinder dry.

Why didn't anybody clear cut the brush that is fueling these wildfires?

Argument number one is 'where's the money going to come from?'

[How many ways do I have to explain it, ALL money is funny! It comes from nowhere and that is precisely where it returns to.]

The 'equation' is simple, you do what you're paid to do and if brush needs to be cleared then that's what you get paid to do.

Total fallacy that the money needs to be 'returned' to its origins. Mother nature has been feeding us for hundreds of thousands of years [on this planet] and she hasn't asked for a single cent in all that time so why does STUPID think we need to 'replace it'?

Okay, tip of the iceberg, now we encounter the second problem, the 'hangover' of the fiscal mismanagement known as CDO's and what it did to the housing market pretty much planet wide.

Besides being insufferable mimics and rabid opportunists we are also hedonists beyond compare!

Humanity's unwritten motto is Fun, Fun, Fun in the surf and sun!

We live to 'party' (which is perfectly fine so long as SOMEBODY ELSE is paying!)

Why do you suppose somebody has to 'foot the tab' for the party?

Because the people running things know nothing would get done if they didn't force you to drop the bottle and pick up your shovel.

Mind you, above a certain level the 'party' never stops, which is how they know what will happen if they don't keep YOU on a 'short leash'.

[Happy Birthday Dad!] Were he still with us he'd be 108 today.

Pardon the interruption, the mind is a funny thing, isn't it?

Anyway, thousands of home burned down in a market that wasn't producing new homes because nobody could afford them...and we return to the same factor responsible for not clearing the brush...$ (actually STUPIDITY...)

Why does nobody ask how the Pharaohs afforded the pyramids? [They sure as shit didn't have that kind of 'money' to throw around although I am of the opinion that the pyramids aren't what scientists speculate they are.]

Once again we encounter 'thinking' being above the average individual's paygrade.

Walk it back, how did the kings pay for their castles? Same way the Pharaohs did, they were both 'land rich'...although the Pharaohs didn't build the pyramids, the, er, 'gods' did. [If I'm right, 'our creator' was a pirate miner with an unlimited amount of 'slave labor' at their disposal.]

That said, it wouldn't take a large slave population to make it 'self sustaining'. There is only one thing we enjoy more than getting over on somebody and that's the wild thing...[Full stop, end of discussion!]

How sad is that?

The argument for being the offspring of some race's cast offs continues to strengthen...[Trouble with going off topic, it tends to creep!]

Back to 'mismanagement' [although most (including those 'trusted' to carry out society's transactions) have no idea they are doing it 'wrong'.

They are keenly aware that what they are doing is 'inefficient' but deviating is above their paygrade because we have clueless morons managing the managers!

How do 'we' fix this?

We can't without a revolt. The incompetent need to be removed and new 'systems' implemented that utilize feedback loops to adjust performance and improve efficiency.

There is nothing 'efficient' about 'we can't afford that!'

Perhaps the principle difference between 'liberalism and conservatism' was one viewed money realistically and the other had a fantastic (as in fantasy) view. [With liberals being the practical ones, acknowledging that money's basis is fiction and that money exists SOLELY to facilitate specialization.]

Note to morons: without specialization YOU would be DEAD. Dr's wouldn't exist, nor would teachers...or cops for that matter (with the good comes the bad...) There would be no judges, no roads and no electricity and war without end as nomads fought for the resources they needed to live because the world can only support so many 'predators'.

Especially stupid ones.

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head, now it's time to go outside and shovel.

Mismanagement, only YOU can put a stop to it and that means you have to STOP going to the polls and 'hoping for the best'.

A-hole doesn't care what YOU want.


Thursday, November 15, 2018


Greetings good citizen, constant reader knows when I use the keyword 'Kabuki' it means I'm referring to 'political theater'.

What should distress you regarding this newfound and, trust me, momentary 'bipartisanship' is what's behind it.

Last night I came across an article that pointed at the 'reality' of the crashing capitalistic system yet YOU probably missed it despite my sharing it on facebook...

[How tragic so few of my friends read!]

Is this the 'New America' where if the story isn't (specifically) about them, they couldn't be bothered?

Is that what keeps you glued to your cell?

Did that leave a mark? I doubt it because you didn't read this either.

Let me return to those who seldom miss a post and the alarming implications of [even the feckless media is calling it 'the one thing' both sides can agree on and that's 'sentencing reform'?

US citizens are starving to death and these asshats want to make sure the destitute aren't landing in cushy jail cells so they can get three, um 'meals' a day and FREE healthcare!

Our prisons are overflowing with 'non-violent' offenders that probably shouldn't be behind bars in the first place [but how else will the shareowners get their dividends?, FULL PRISONS MEAN FULL PROFITS!]

Need I point to man's LEGENDARY 'inhumanity' to their fellow man? [Just because you don't have a bill of sale with your name on it doesn't mean you're 'free'. (I'm looking at YOU Whitey!)]

Well, the collapsing commercial crisis is the same thing on the other side of the 'for profit prison system'.

How do you explain to the, er, 'complacent' that there are the 'comfortable' and then there is the rest of us. The comfortable are RICH, the rest of us are NOT!


[Said the guy who is amazed that most don't fall down dead because they forgot how to breathe...]

Zero irony this is all the 'proof' the morons need to justify the existence of a 'divine architect!'

Too bad for humanity that thinking doesn't operate on the same principle...

Look at the scope of the problems facing our planet and our species and marvel that 'sentencing reform' is the ONLY thing the [FAKE] 'parties' can agree on. [Constant reader knows 'R' & 'D' need to be replaced with 'O', if they all take their marching orders from the MONEY then what's the difference?

We are in serious trouble good citizen and YOU can no longer afford the luxury of telling yourself, who cares? [although we get it, just you ain't going to do much either, we need to wake those in danger of self asphyxiation to the peril also.

Which is to opine that sometimes intelligence is its own handicap.

Ah me.

Thanks for stopping by and opening your mind, [If you can come up with a way to wake stupid up I do hope you'll share!]


Wednesday, November 14, 2018


Greetings good citizen, today's topic is one we are all familiar with because it has been our life long advocation to deal with the effects of systems that fail with frightening regularity and outcomes claimed to be 'unintended and unforeseen.'

When in retrospect (most of the time) the outcome was the likely result, the culprit being a consistent disregard for the obvious.

So we return full circle to the decidedly pointed question regarding the reliability of our 'thinking parts'...are we defective, blind or both?

[When framed this way the answer becomes obvious...although we tend to discount deliberate deception because failure to think things through is a freakishly common problem.]

Seems we NEVER learn that 'having an idea' does NOT by any stretch of the imagination mean the idea solves the problem [or is even pertinent!]

Understand, we got where we are today as a society because the people who use the rest of us for hosebags take the time to 'think things through' and refine every step so it is nearly seamless.

Worse, when 'the hounds' get too close, they CAREFULLY deflect the rampaging villagers brandishing torches to a decoy location because the villagers haven't taken the time to consider the WHOLE problem.

If it 'sometimes' feels like cattle in a chute that is because it is.

The term 'stone walled' is one everybody is familiar with but for some reason nobody realizes/recognizes it when it happens to them.

[This is mostly due to our being 'too full' of ourselves.]

Then there's the [faux] mantle of authority to consider.

There is no greater deception than the dismissal that comes with "It's in the AUTHORITIES hands now!"

That the weasels among us occasionally get caught in their own traps is of little solace considering how deep the rabbit hole really is.

Now for another Captain Obvious-ism...we are living in a society plagued by a serious 'trust deficit'.

Thus the chaos.

The crisis is correctable but it comes at a price...a rather steep one.

Just as all lies are not wicked we would HAVE TO tolerate a certain degree of deceptive behavior. One of the things the current weasels have avoided at all costs is the sharpest tool in the shed, the court of public opinion.

Should you get caught in a 'falsehood', a jury of your peers would weigh the, er, 'seriousness' of the falsehood and, if serious enough [caused or provided cover for a death] then the fabricator/repeater of the falsehood would forfeit their membership in society.

If you can't TRUST your teammates, you're shoveling shit against the tide.

One of the most 'frustrating' aspects of modern life is the DECEPTION that everything is 'running smoothly' when things OBVIOUSLY AREN'T!

What causes chaos? Lies and the lying liars that tell them!

Rush Limbaugh should have been run out of town on a rail but he was a man with a mission and the people that PAID HIM to spew his toxic BS shouldn't be given a pass.

Why do YOU suppose Rush is a multi-millionaire?

Was it just his rabid support of capitalist dogma that resonated with the empty-headed [those seeking someone else to pin their failure(s) on]

No doubt about it capitalism is directly responsible for more failure than any other identifiable factor in existence.

Although dictatorship runs a close second...followed a nanosecond ahead of 'faux democracy'.

Since 'true democracy was judged [by those who would likely be branded as criminals] as 'unworkable' we have the present bastardization of democracy the Republican's foolishly call 'A Republic'.

I (personally) wouldn't want my name associated with this CF if it were at all avoidable, yet if you are wondering WTF went wrong, the answer lies in the 'ruling party's' name...

Yup, this ain't democracy and what it provides for the majority of us isn't 'freedom' no matter how liberally your look at it. [The ONLY 'freedom' the typical 'inmate' of the current system enjoys is they are not literally in irons 24/7; although that could change the moment any one of us challenges 'authority'.

The 'well of liberty' has been poisoned but the very people we rebelled against and we are to, er, 'dumb' to realize it.

Our ancestors threw off the yoke of tyranny but did next to nothing to protect us from its return.

Let it suffice to say Men, both 'good & true' were non-existent even back in the days when everybody 'professed' to be scared spitless of 'divine judgement'.

Did I mention we are a species of lying opportunist mimics?

Boy did the opportunists jump all over that 'men, both good and true' BS!

They pretended to walk gingerly so as not to knock the halo from their heads!

The ink wasn't dry on the Constitution before the (wholesale) hosebaggery began!

But YOU knew that, didn't ya?

From this vantage point it is difficult to tell which is more severe, the justice deficit or the inability to trust...

They can both be corrected but we need to be willing to pay the price...and those currently in charge (rightly) fear the judgement of their peers/the public.

Juries will consist of seven, three that 'know' you and four complete strangers. Why more strangers than, er, 'familiars'? You may be surprised to learn that to know you is to hate you is more common/widespread then you've been led to believe...thus the majority of 'strangers'. Often those who DON'T know us are the ones most likely to be willing to give us the benefit of doubt.

That said, unless you've been fair and honest with EVERYONE you've ever had dealing with it is likely (and not illegal) that those that have had dealings with you will express their real opinion of you to those that haven't had the 'pleasure'.

The defendant, like the current practice of 'jury control' can challenge any selected to be a 'familiar' juror but NOT the strangers. If you recognize one of the strangers it behooves you bring that to the administrators attention or it could go poorly for you.

Strangers are wildcards after all. The system will have records of who you have had dealing with and most likely your 'familiars' will be current or former co-workers but the system has no way of knowing who you may have had a chance encounter with during a random event.

If that don't 'keep you honest' nothing will...

Like I said, the problem is 'correctable' we just need to be willing to accept the 'price'.

Left to your imagination is the level of contribution that is made by the self-serving liars that would cheat you out of anything they can get?

Will 'society' be 'damaged' by their absence?

Rhetorical question that the rational already know the answer to.

Thanks once again for stopping by and opening your mind,


Tuesday, November 13, 2018


Greetings good citizen, constant reader knows I am NOT a proponent of the colonization of 'near space' mostly because I disagree with the 'quaint notion' that light is the 'speed limit' of the universe.

Earlier 'futurists' speculated that space exploration would be built on warp drives and star gates because the distances involved are so vast.

Don't you think we should have our 'finest minds' working on solutions to those problems before they become collateral damage in the greedhead's quest to bankrupt us all?

[F-U, I got MINE (and yours too...but it's mine now!)]

So it was I caught an episode of 'Pigs in Space' last night, Fox Corps 'space opera' about the colonization of Mars.

A colony is established by a publicly funded science foundation and wasn't last night's episode about the the arrival of the first intrepid mining expedition. Sort of boggled the mind actually but the A-holes running things here think nothing of ten thousand mile long supply chains, why not kick that up to (a few) million? [WHAT on Mars would make a eight month long space journey worth it? Gold, which is commercially worthless, would be cost prohibitive to transport such distances...but like the diamond industry, the greedheads do have the humans here fooled into thinking gold is 'natural money'. [The hopelessly stupid even believe 'gold' is 'god-given!']

As long as moronic humans believe that there is no limit on the foolishness they will accept as true.

What did the Miners do to 'maximize' their payload (of mining equipment), they cut back the amount of water they brought with them, how's that for too stupid to live? [The leader of the mining expedition TOLD the scientists they would HAVE TO 'share' their water with them thanks to a 'treaty' signed back on Earth...]

Did I mention capitalists are F'n nuts?

When did humanity lose sight of the fact that job one is survival? Around the same time MONEY was introduced to the Troglodytes.

Feels like I'm talking to myself when I say, "We HAVE TO STOP FOLLOWING THE LEAD OF THE FREAKISHLY STUPID!"

I have taken that message to heart, you...not so much.

That said, most of you are still trying to master this thinking thing, which until recently was completely alien to you.

How ironic is it to find ourselves beholden to the Moron-in-Chief for overloading your gullibility circuits?

The mind can only accept a certain amount of bullshit before it rebels and Numbnuts has more than exceeded that mental limit switch.

How fortuitous that our minds are hardwired to protect us from predators of our own kind?

The 'friction' created by the now familiar 'booming economy' BS that follows tax cuts that did NOTHING for the working stiff is mentally being recognized for what it is...HAPPY TALK!

Only took you 50 years to catch on although some have never caught on but that's just evidence of evolutionary self selection...for extinction.

Most of us accept evolution as a natural process but the feckless don't believe in nature so they often ignore factors that will expose their lies.

Now it's 'crunch time' and the predators are facing a 'shit or get off the pot' moment.

Will the keep 'nudging' until critical mass results in widespread destruction or will they 'strike' and eliminate most of us, resetting the playing field as the surviving rabble get cowed into accepting their former shitty circumstances, while taking a giant step backwards personally?

This is the 'Dark Side' of the Naturalist movement, those who believe in the Natural Order of things, the leaders prosper while the rest (suffer) although the prosperous interpret this as 'making due with what's left.'

How bizarre?

Well, this is what 'I don't pay you to think!' produces.

You'd think it would be obvious but ANYONE that doesn't want/care about your thoughts DOESN'T have your (or anyone else's) interests at heart.

LEADERSHIP is critical to changing this 'My way or the highway' SLAVER mindset.

This is HOW we ended up following the dictates of the 'self-interested' while sacrificing our own!

Adam Smith is the greatest SWINDLE ever pulled off against our kind!

[Yeah, we'll wait while you google Adam Smith...]

More than a little ironic that the 'Holier than thou' Protestants were behind the original Gordon Gekko that championed the tragic 'Greed is Good' meme.

Shift mental gears with me for a moment because immediately before Pigs in Space came on they aired an episode of Star Talk...and who did NDT have on for a guest?

The late Anthony Bourdain!

Mr. Bourdain is perhaps one of the finest examples of humanity to ever be granted a pulpit which he used to demonstrate that there was much more to life than money.

It seems Mr. Bourdain shared an observation that I'm developing. What was the driver behind humans becoming 'social' creatures.

Neil DeGrasse Tyson pooh-poohed the idea that 'more successful hunts' brought mankind together [more men meant taking down bigger game, feeding more people!]

Cooperation meant sharing, one of the core premises of human civilization and one of the aspects most despised by the 'greedheads'...F-U Adam Smith!

The wealth of Nations wins a place alongside the machinations of Machiavelli and the Sadistic scribblings of Ayn Rand, humanity at its worst as described its most aberrant.

NONE of these conservative non-thinkers could see beyond the tip of their nose.

If YOU accept this as 'the world we live in' YOU are WRONG!

This is the world we will all DIE in. [If we don't make an extreme course correction.]

While I look like Chicken Little screaming 'the sky is falling' anybody that doesn't have their cranium jammed up their rectum can see for themselves that things have gone terribly off course. [That nagging, persistent feeling that we are headed in the 'wrong direction' and that we are drawing closer and closer to our doom.]

I can't derail the Crazy Train by myself...but it would only take a few of us to change the course of history...

Are you in?

Thanks once again for opening your mind!


Monday, November 12, 2018


Greetings good citizen, those of us who find the public displays of thanking murderers for their service disturbing have to stop holding our tongues.

Soldiers? WE ARE ALL SOLDIERS, if you NEED to 'thank' somebody, thank whoever stares back at you in the mirror!

When this CF of 'self congratulations' leads to where it ALWAYS does there won't be ANYBODY to 'thank' because you will be too busy fighting for the lives of your loved ones. [You can only run until you can't.]

Governments grant 'exemptions' from military service but 'war' [like the kind the feckless are fermenting] makes no such distinctions.

When it comes down to it you will only have two choices, fight or flee...and if you can't flee the second choice defaults to 'die'.

So you fight...until you can't.

USA is a peculiar place because the mouth-breathers here haven't had to live through a war being fought in their backyard like the Europeans have [countless times.]

Funny how we cling to our European heritage without any respect for the endless tragedy that has befallen EVERY, er Nationality, (You know the "Me first' BS the head fruitcake is peddling?) Yeah, even the native peoples know what it's like to have 'war' irrevocably alter your life.

But not here! [talk about snowflakes!] Here the clueless make a public display of 'thanking' US service personnel [kind of like taking a selfie...or rubbing shit all over yourself to prove how badass stupid you are!]

Now 'thank you for your service' has gone public in a big way thanks to the Conservo-whackos and THEIR privately owned media!

You see, this is actually 'reverse shaming' to let the fearful, mindless 'followers' see who 'supports our troops' (in the endless) Global War on Terra-ism and who doesn't...

Ask the Europeans, when war comes it's not, "Okay, all of you non-combatants take cover while the soldiers fight it out!"

War, 'REAL WAR' is ALL IN.

Ask any refugee (which the typical flag-waving MORON has ZERO EMPATHY with) what 'real war' is like?

It won't be 'funny' when it's your home is a pile of rubble and your kids are among the starving wounded, will it?

Well, the 'troop praisers' are taking advantage of our ignorance just as the warmongers use 'patriotism' as a method of squelching dissent by those who have the most to lose by the ABSOLUTELY fruitless activity of making war.

18 years now and the public needs to be reminded that the horrors of war are still a fact of daily life in the oil rich Middle East.

Perhaps attacking (fake) patriotism is precisely the place to start...

What part of WE don't you understand? [To the moron 'we' stops at me and my buddy...the last thing they are is human.]

I say it like it's obvious but for most of you 'WE' starts with your siblings/children and ends with your cousins [because treachery runs rampant in our species, no more so than in other creatures but we tend to go through phases and truth (and its by-product trust) is experiencing a horrific 'ebb tide' as those who would DECEIVE you replace truth with 'truthiness' and 'sort of true' (if you see things 'my way'.)

'Qualified truth' is ALWAYS tilted...and without exception those who 'tilt the truth' are out to deceive you.

Well, the 'truth' here is we are ALL soldiers and WAR is POINTLESS, again without exception.

What does it tell you when most wars are fought over religious differences? [Often serving as camouflage because EVERYBODY KNOWS the 'war' in the Middle East is over control of the oil fields and has little to do with who is or isn't an 'infidel'.]

But again we encounter the extreme danger of a privately owned 'information system'.

Again, the average...individual doesn't squander what little, er, 'precious mental horsepower' they possess on the implications of what it means for the 'quality' of the information they consume.

In case you are still clueless as to where, precisely, the liberal/conservative 'divide' comes from...

It comes [very ironically] from the people who report what they are told to report and remain mute (possibly in terror) of what they KNOW but can never admit.

So I ask again, what part of WE don't you understand?

WE are ALL human.

When an individual takes it into his/her head to enslave the rest of us, should we send an assassin or do we need to launch the Air Cavalry to destroy half the country and murder countless innocent civilians?


The 'prohibition' against assassination exists so the guilty parties won't become targets! [For the ignorant among you, such an accord actually exists.]

Problem is not everybody obeys it.

Further lending to the problem of perpetual warfare is the existence of 'independent nations', each with their own set of rules [zero irony that most modern nations 'mimic' the US Constitution as the basis from which the feckless rulers draw their authority.]

This is NOT due to there being 'insurmountable differences' between the various 'tribes of humanity' but the continued existence of the 'ordained of God' and their distrust of one another...coupled with the rhetorical device regarding 'serving in Heaven and Ruling in Hell''s pretty obvious which one most of them choose.

While they all claim to 'serve' they are convinced they were born to rule and if it is to be hell then so be it!

Bad news is their supporters feel the same their 'despot of choice' has promised them paradise in exchange for their 'faithful service' [ironically treachery in the eyes of EVERYONE ELSE! Get that TRUMP SUPPORTERS?]

Humanity is one species and as a species we have one purpose, survival.

Making war on one another is INSANITY, praising soldiers for participating in war is idiocy...and it looks like we have a whole nation of clueless idiots on our hands.

Now we are back to the 3 things [that people hate] and I'll add a fourth, COWARDICE!

The next time some moron tries to wrap themselves in the flag (at everyone else's expense) tell 'em to STFU! [And belittle them for the morons they are!]

Rinse and repeat good citizen: This won't stop until YOU stop it!

Thanks once again for opening your mind,


Sunday, November 11, 2018


Greetings good citizen, Tis the season for listening to Christmas carols and pondering the message they send. Drenched with majesty, glory and literally dripping in references to royalty, at least the old time stuff. The newer holiday progressed from being centered on St. Nick to today's laments about the 'meaning of Christmas'.

So it is, perhaps least memorably because it is centered in conservo-whacko ideology, we have El Rushbo's WAR ON CHRISTMAS where saying 'Happy Holidays' became a affront to God Fearing Christians...(of a conservative bent.) Catholics are Christians too but they aren't the 'right kind' although Catholics who carry water for their conservative brethren have joined in the bashing of other faiths that celebrate religious events that just happen to coincide with the winter solstice. [Did I mention we are neck deep in stupid?]

For all of their 'indignance' over those who acknowledge the right of others to celebrate the advent of winter their way [by defaulting to the greeting 'Happy Holidays', we don't wear tags and no longer know one another well enough to be familiar with who follows which social religious traditions...although, once upon a time, we settled among others of our 'given' religion, mostly because religious persecution followed the Pilgrims to the, er, 'New World' and the 'odd man out' didn't fare well. Those that did survive the ordeal did so by 'blending in.'

Ritual is (mostly) repetition and while it may have been rough at first, eventually you'd get the hang of what as expected and 'familiarity' did the rest.

So what is the 'major objective' of religion?

We are taught religion exists enlighten us to God's ways, that we are supposed to learn from all of the ritual and rigamarole that make us members of a particular CLUB!

ALL (as in bar none) religions teach that theirs is the 'One True Way'. What varies widely are the consequences for following the 'wrong' religion.

Most Christian sects preach that disloyalty to the, er, 'brand' will be punished by something more severe than the hell that is this life, it is punished by eternal life among the wicked, literally torment without end.

Zero irony that most of us don't appreciate we're already there.

Worse, one needn't search or scrutinize too vigorously to see that we are fully immersed in wickedness.

For example, When Elmo wishes it was Christmas every day only the flippin capitalists would turn that into a tragedy! Worse, completely out of touch with the Spirit of the Season, they changed the young puppet-child's mind by showing him how everybody would be miserable if we, er, 'celebrated' Christmas everyday.

What am I babbling about? What is Christmas? If you're a (clueless) Christian the holiday celebrates the birth of our 'Savior', although as one gets older it becomes increasingly vague precisely what we were supposedly 'saved' from. Add in the onus of 'having' to gift family members (and if you can't because you live on the bottom of the economic totem pole) it turns a time of joy into one of misery!

Again, due to the (criminal) 'gross mismanagement' of the 'incentive system' the true 'message of the holidays' is lost, replaced with misery and resentment.

So what have we learned about these 'clubs' intended to 'save' us from eternal misery?

Look at the political minefield for the answer.

Religions divide.

Is THAT the message our um, multiple 'Gods' want us to take away from the 'holidays'?

Now that we all worship the 'SAME GOD' (capitalism) can't we all set our 'petty differences' aside?

Apparently not. Man is nothing if not stubborn and man 'anchors' himself with routine and ritual that becomes 'tradition'.

How pathetic is it that one of those 'traditions' is hatred of the other?

On the whole, the people that cleve to the idea that the universe would be greatly improved by the extermination of humanity can't be faulted but it's not mankind that is 'damaged', it is those who rule that are at fault.

This shitshow can be fixed but YOU must get off of your dead backside and make it happen!

As much as we are all taught Spirit in the sky can do anything it wants the reality is nothing happens if you 'wait' for the (imaginary) Almighty to fix things.

We've been given the 'golden rule' (that gold has nuthin to do with nuthin') now we have to implement it planet-wide. Anything less is a failure.

Thanks once again for letting me inside your (amazingly spotless) mind,


Saturday, November 10, 2018


Greetings good citizen, today's subject is one that a quarter of the population has resigned themselves to, that of the Republican strategy of 'repeat until true' otherwise known as lying, or the milder alias of 'mis-stating the truth'.

Today we have this article from Bloomberg Financial News Billed as 'business intelligence' trading firms pay to have a Bloomberg Terminal installed in their offices. [Presumably so they can receive 'actionable intelligence' in a timely manner.]

MOST of the time these links stop working moments after I post them here so I will provide a thumbnail sketch so you will understand why I included the link.

Constant reader knows one of my main 'hobby horses' (a topic that warrants mention in almost every post) is the slow motion GLOBAL train wreck as capitalism shrinks til it can be drown in a shallow puddle.

The article in question asks (like it's an unfathomable mystery) why the 25 - 34 Y.O. demographic isn't working?

The conclusion of the LYING LIAR is that the victims have chosen not to work, rather than the truth...there are no jobs!

The public attention span is brief and getting shorter all the time compounding the 'stupid' problem exponentially as 'History's Actors' razzle - dazzle the rubes as they pull lies out of their ass during the 'rinse and repeat until true cycle.

REMEMBER the Occupy movement? Do you remember WHAT they were protesting?

No? How unfortunate.

Want to know WHY you don't remember what 'Occupy' was all about? That you know more about the camps and the organizing strategies the planners used than the actual issue/crime that drove them to civil disobedience?

Occupy was about kids that BORROWED hundreds of thousands of dollars for jobs that didn't exist!

The current generation [being labeled by Bloomberg as SLACKERS] have avoided the huge, inescapable debt making themselves at least marginally 'better off' then their unemployed and unemployable elders...many of whom still can't find work that cracks their nut.

The question that remains unanswered is that of how long it will take for the Army of the Unemployed to reach 'critical mass'?

THERE IS NO SHORTAGE OF THINGS THAT NEED DOING! [Emphasis on the NEED!] [Unemployment SHOULD BE ZERO but thanks to massive mismanagement/malfeasance.

Tip of the spear is the assumption that the educated KNOW what they are talking about...they do NOT!

I belabor the obvious when I point out it's one thing to possess a mind and another thing entirely to actually USE IT!

Eventually the 'non-thinkers' will figure out the truth but until then they will continue to listen to the liars who say what they say because that's what they are PAID to say!

Let me remind you, [those of you that haven't entirely shut down mentally must be curious as to why I keep bringing up the fact that 'treason' [lies told to deceive] is punishable by death?] How many of you have 'processed' that declaration and understand its significance?

Sure you 'comprehend' what the individual words mean but you have been 'conditioned' not to act because you fear the consequences.

Leading us to the 'irony' of regret.

If you knew what awaited you most of you would regret not acting when you had the chance.

Um, your frustration that the lid keeps refusing to blow off by itself is only making what's coming that much worse. Insult to injury, the liar's sycophants [the 'bandwagon' crowd, they don't care about the cause, if there's a crowd, they're there!] stirring up trouble because that's what they do.

Well, relax. El Trumpo has a purpose and that purpose is to blow the lid off. He has a series of triggers at his disposal but the Right Wing 'populists' [sort of a contradiction but there it is, few things are more unpopular than right wing military worship.]

Yet the right is painting itself as 'populous' in a fake it until you make it attempt to commandeer the global stage.

The plot is thin and equally as 'ill-conceived'. First automate the workforce out of existence wherever possible then rally the victims against one another as the 'scramble' to start their lives goes global in a sprawling economic desert.

Where are the jobs, Donald?

There aren't any to bring back...but you knew that, right?

Did I mention it's one thing to have a mind and another entirely to be capable of using it?

Since STUPID is a self-inflicted wound, Trump supporters have no idea what, precisely, they are supporting. [All they know is whatever it is, it's wrapped in the flag!]

Like being a 'patriot' somehow compensates for being stupid...

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


[Phew, stinks in there! Which is worrisome cuz the place is spotless!]

Sort of redefines the term 'running on empty'...