Thursday, November 29, 2018


Greetings good citizen, as you may be aware, the Faux Democrats [who now call themselves Progressives...makes you wonder which one is Flo?] have returned Nancy Pelosi [the wife of the Billionaire] to the speaker's seat.

How's that for CHANGE from the party of 'Yes We Can'?

Just 'iced' my cake [reinforced my claim that the process is 'eyewash', it's the ILLUSION of representation that does absolutely NOTHING for you.] It also spells doom for cattle that remain in the chute.

I keep appealing to my readers to 'save their children' but people my age don't read me, their kids do and they don't have kids because their parents are too 'complacent' [read STUPID] to comprehend what they are seeing or do anything about the lost generation they brought into this world to twist in the wind.

Yeah, your parents are a bunch of ignorant, self-centered STUPID fucks.

Even THEY don't know what they are going to do when they 'age out' of their jobs only to discover their ONLY OPTION will be to drive for Uber.

Problem is they also don't see that the ejector seat they are sitting on is set for fifty...and while you never get a cake or a present you know the boss KNOWS when your birthday and he probably even has a spreadsheet listing the age of all of the people under him.

When upstairs tells him he needs to reduce overhead, he pulls out that spreadsheet and knocks off his oldest and least productive people. Some people's 'longevity' is directly tied to their abilities. No one else on the floor knows how to run the old Garzinkergrabber and that's what Elmo did when he first started with the company all those years ago.

Well, the Gazinky has saved their ass countless times and Elmo is the ONLY employee that knows how to set it up [and fix it when it jams, which it does constantly.] So old Elmo enjoys a level of job security few others do.

Funny how things work, you can almost see the 'discrimination' if you take a moment to look at the 'average term of service' of the full time employees.

There isn't a shortage of 'old people', the shortage shows up in number of folks who have been with the company longer than ten years.

Elmo is the ONLY shop employee with more than ten years service, everybody else 'aged out'. There are less than a handful of people in the front office that have been with the company since it opened and out of the three of them two are part-timers that work 'mother's hours'.

Everybody else has only lasted ten years...because they were 'expendable'. It's cheaper to hire and train somebody new than it is to give an existing employee a raise.

If you are over forty, NOBODY wants you.

Hold that up to an early retirement age of 62 and do the chisanbop. That's a lot of years at minimum wage, bucko...all because it's 'cheaper' to hire and train than it is to pay YOU a 'living wage'.

This is why society in the US is bleeding to death. Only a handful of people achieve even a modest earning potential, the 'exceptions' that make 'good pay' do so by putting in the hours (many of them 80 plus) to bring home a 'decent' paycheck...that still doesn't afford them many luxuries.

Because commerce is only sees 'profit' it has no method of accounting for the 'true cost' of its stinginess.

Don't you think it's time we STOP letting others 'write their own paycheck' [using what you produce as their 'income well'?]

[Paychecks all around anyone? I think it's a fantastic idea because it eliminates the whole chain that leads to fire Smith and hire somebody to replace them not because Smith does a bad job but if Smith gets another raise he will be the highest paid, longest serving employee on the production floor so it's 'time' for Smith to 'go'...]

Your (worthless/blind) parents won't tell you this but they have seen it and they sweat their 'turn' the longer they stay where they are.

Some of you might even recall dinner table discussions revolving around starting a 'new career' with no indication as to why either parent would want to leave the place they have worked for so long.

Then they did and your world was torn up. Sometimes major but often it was kept as transparent for you as possible. Your breadwinning parent may have taken on a hellacious commute for their 'new job' but that was to keep from disrupting your life the best they could. [Besides, everybody knows Real Estate is a game of 'greater fools'. Unless an rich idiot turns up wasn't nobody gonna buy the shack you grew up in for what your parents owed on it. [Welcome to the 'prison state'.]

Aren't you lucky you stumbled on a page where an adult tells you how things really are instead of having to wait until it dawned on you that Gegner might just know what he's talking about?

So today's, er, 'news' that the midterms were just an exercise in rinse and repeat eyewash, the 'illusion of change' when nothing actually has tells us all that CHANGE, change that will SAVE YOUR FUTURE needs to come from 'us', the 'ballot box' WILL NOT PRODUCE IT.

Today's message [besides Better Living Through Drugs for all of you 'child murdering' anti-vaxer's out there (hat tip to the boys!)] is CHANGE of ANY KIND Will NOT be on the ballot...EVER.

If you weren't born with a silver anything protruding from any orifice YOU NEED CHANGE N-O-(fn)W!

You can't afford the 'trickle down' Ronnie Reagan said would 'supercharge' the economy. The rich got richer while the rest of society became roadkill on the predatory capitalist super highway.

THis won't change until YOU change it, wake the F Up!

You haven't got much longer before the fascists seize control...

So while you still have one, thanks for opening your mind!



  1. Good catch constant reader, this deserves to see the light of day once again!

  2. You haven't got much longer before the fascists seize control...

    So while you still have one, thanks for opening your mind!

  3. There isn't a shortage of 'old people', the shortage shows up in number of folks who have been with the company longer than ten years.

    Musical jobs is the 'new normal'...


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...