Greetings good citizen, once upon a time, when I was just a tad, there was a show on TV titled The BIG picture. I have never seen a single episode of Howdy Doody but I was a follower of The Big Picture, which, if you remember, was a blatant postcard of US militarism around the globe.
It went off the air around the same time the shit started getting serious over in southeast asia. [Vietnam, the 'forgotten war' for anybody that actually fought in it.]
Don't you miss 'wholesome' programming like it was back then, before big money and anything goes stepped in and started to mock everything we, er, 'held dear'?
Well, it wouldn't be a session with Gegner if we didn't digress, would it?
Most of you no longer think in terms of the 'Big Picture'...or at least in terms of presenting a 'united front' in conquering the issues facing mankind.
The LAST TIME 'humanity' was united [albeit, truth be told, the true force behind landing on the moon was the Space Race between Capitalism and Communism.
Seems once the capitalists proved their point [and Nikita Khrushchev became the very first Soviet Premier to walk out of the Kremlin alive in 1963, shortly after JFK threw down the capitalist gauntlet, 'they' [the capitalists] lost interest in our celestial neighborhood. The tepid interest in conquering Mars today is being driven by the absolutely flat investment environment here on the 'consolidated Earth'.
If the media didn't make a big deal out of it (back then) who are we to take notice of it now?
Something you should asking yourself every second of every day. [Who are these clowns and why are they telling me this?]
Well, Fox news is spraying the none too bright down with a firehose of propaganda every minute of every day and nobody even asks 'why'?
Aren't you curious?
How many of you understand the message contained in Orwell's 1984?
Those who control the past, control the future...
Well, the 'open hostility' being leveled at the LIBERALS is due to Conservo-whacko LIES blaming every bad policy decision (made by conservative, bible thumping moron Republicans like Nixon (opened the 'door' to China), Reagan, (NAFTA and the 'privatization' of healthcare, education, prisons and the military) and team Bush (The Patriot ACT, the suspension of habeas corpus, the elimination of usury legislation and 'the fourth crusade', resulting in war without end)...on the Lib-tards and today's 'viewing public', morons who barely remember their own name, swallow it whole because they saw it on the NEWS [so it must be true!]
[Note to morons: No such law exists...and you can only wonder 'why?']
We, er, consume information recklessly and this causes our emotions to overrule our ability to reason...(the few of us capable of such analytical processes.)
More 'rigorous' education is necessary and that isn't possible as long as the few are 'permitted' to DECEIVE the rest of us.
The feckless don't want you examining their motives or even thinking about them for that matter which is why all of the complaining in the world will NOT alter our woefully lacking educational system.
The feckless have a vested interest in you NOT being able to think clearly.
They don't need/pay YOU to think, they tell you this constantly! They need you to DO WHAT YOU ARE TOLD...WITHOUT QUESTION.
This MIGHT actually be an equitable arrangement if it weren't already a proven fact that our self-professed betters ARE as dumb if not dumber than we are!
Reminder: The first step in solving ANY problem is recognizing it EXISTS!
I don't think there is a soul alive today that wasn't raised using 'new' educational techniques. The 'modern math' we learned as kids is nothing like the math my children were taught and you have to wonder WHY that is?
Let's step into the 'Way-back Machine' and rewind all the way to the beginning of this blog and the original question that started it?
Why did the mad rush of technological advancement stop on a dime?
Bueller? Anyone? Bueller?
Is the answer 'those who control the past, control the future?'
Time to be very, very afraid, good citizen.
You needn't be a genius to figure out that those who are filling our children's heads with nonsense are 'up to something'.
Left to you imagination good citizen is where, precisely, does 'National security' end and YOUR security begin?
Only scoundrels and thieves require the 'cloak of secrecy' and both have become the domain of Democracy since the CONSERVATIVE REVOLUTION! [See Palace coup of 1980]
UNDERSTAND: There won't be a counter-coup until YOU stand up and overthrow the usurpers!
Just because monarchy is gone doesn't mean 'The Palace' has become an 'intrigue free zone'.
The 'Mantle of Authority' is easily usurped and must be ZEALOUSLY guarded to insure it isn't abused.
[Naturally, like truth, 'abuse' is a highly subjective term...but I point at the ongoing collapse of capitalism and the FACT that not ONE government ANYWHERE is doing ANYTHING about it is highly suspect.]
Are there usurpers afoot?
What do you think?
Thanks once again for opening your mind to the possibilities that all isn't what it seems.
It went off the air around the same time the shit started getting serious over in southeast asia. [Vietnam, the 'forgotten war' for anybody that actually fought in it.]
Don't you miss 'wholesome' programming like it was back then, before big money and anything goes stepped in and started to mock everything we, er, 'held dear'?
Well, it wouldn't be a session with Gegner if we didn't digress, would it?
Most of you no longer think in terms of the 'Big Picture'...or at least in terms of presenting a 'united front' in conquering the issues facing mankind.
The LAST TIME 'humanity' was united [albeit, truth be told, the true force behind landing on the moon was the Space Race between Capitalism and Communism.
Seems once the capitalists proved their point [and Nikita Khrushchev became the very first Soviet Premier to walk out of the Kremlin alive in 1963, shortly after JFK threw down the capitalist gauntlet, 'they' [the capitalists] lost interest in our celestial neighborhood. The tepid interest in conquering Mars today is being driven by the absolutely flat investment environment here on the 'consolidated Earth'.
If the media didn't make a big deal out of it (back then) who are we to take notice of it now?
Something you should asking yourself every second of every day. [Who are these clowns and why are they telling me this?]
Well, Fox news is spraying the none too bright down with a firehose of propaganda every minute of every day and nobody even asks 'why'?
Aren't you curious?
How many of you understand the message contained in Orwell's 1984?
Those who control the past, control the future...
Well, the 'open hostility' being leveled at the LIBERALS is due to Conservo-whacko LIES blaming every bad policy decision (made by conservative, bible thumping moron Republicans like Nixon (opened the 'door' to China), Reagan, (NAFTA and the 'privatization' of healthcare, education, prisons and the military) and team Bush (The Patriot ACT, the suspension of habeas corpus, the elimination of usury legislation and 'the fourth crusade', resulting in war without end)...on the Lib-tards and today's 'viewing public', morons who barely remember their own name, swallow it whole because they saw it on the NEWS [so it must be true!]
[Note to morons: No such law exists...and you can only wonder 'why?']
We, er, consume information recklessly and this causes our emotions to overrule our ability to reason...(the few of us capable of such analytical processes.)
More 'rigorous' education is necessary and that isn't possible as long as the few are 'permitted' to DECEIVE the rest of us.
The feckless don't want you examining their motives or even thinking about them for that matter which is why all of the complaining in the world will NOT alter our woefully lacking educational system.
The feckless have a vested interest in you NOT being able to think clearly.
They don't need/pay YOU to think, they tell you this constantly! They need you to DO WHAT YOU ARE TOLD...WITHOUT QUESTION.
This MIGHT actually be an equitable arrangement if it weren't already a proven fact that our self-professed betters ARE as dumb if not dumber than we are!
Reminder: The first step in solving ANY problem is recognizing it EXISTS!
I don't think there is a soul alive today that wasn't raised using 'new' educational techniques. The 'modern math' we learned as kids is nothing like the math my children were taught and you have to wonder WHY that is?
Let's step into the 'Way-back Machine' and rewind all the way to the beginning of this blog and the original question that started it?
Why did the mad rush of technological advancement stop on a dime?
Bueller? Anyone? Bueller?
Is the answer 'those who control the past, control the future?'
Time to be very, very afraid, good citizen.
You needn't be a genius to figure out that those who are filling our children's heads with nonsense are 'up to something'.
Left to you imagination good citizen is where, precisely, does 'National security' end and YOUR security begin?
Only scoundrels and thieves require the 'cloak of secrecy' and both have become the domain of Democracy since the CONSERVATIVE REVOLUTION! [See Palace coup of 1980]
UNDERSTAND: There won't be a counter-coup until YOU stand up and overthrow the usurpers!
Just because monarchy is gone doesn't mean 'The Palace' has become an 'intrigue free zone'.
The 'Mantle of Authority' is easily usurped and must be ZEALOUSLY guarded to insure it isn't abused.
[Naturally, like truth, 'abuse' is a highly subjective term...but I point at the ongoing collapse of capitalism and the FACT that not ONE government ANYWHERE is doing ANYTHING about it is highly suspect.]
Are there usurpers afoot?
What do you think?
Thanks once again for opening your mind to the possibilities that all isn't what it seems.
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