Monday, November 12, 2018


Greetings good citizen, those of us who find the public displays of thanking murderers for their service disturbing have to stop holding our tongues.

Soldiers? WE ARE ALL SOLDIERS, if you NEED to 'thank' somebody, thank whoever stares back at you in the mirror!

When this CF of 'self congratulations' leads to where it ALWAYS does there won't be ANYBODY to 'thank' because you will be too busy fighting for the lives of your loved ones. [You can only run until you can't.]

Governments grant 'exemptions' from military service but 'war' [like the kind the feckless are fermenting] makes no such distinctions.

When it comes down to it you will only have two choices, fight or flee...and if you can't flee the second choice defaults to 'die'.

So you fight...until you can't.

USA is a peculiar place because the mouth-breathers here haven't had to live through a war being fought in their backyard like the Europeans have [countless times.]

Funny how we cling to our European heritage without any respect for the endless tragedy that has befallen EVERY, er Nationality, (You know the "Me first' BS the head fruitcake is peddling?) Yeah, even the native peoples know what it's like to have 'war' irrevocably alter your life.

But not here! [talk about snowflakes!] Here the clueless make a public display of 'thanking' US service personnel [kind of like taking a selfie...or rubbing shit all over yourself to prove how badass stupid you are!]

Now 'thank you for your service' has gone public in a big way thanks to the Conservo-whackos and THEIR privately owned media!

You see, this is actually 'reverse shaming' to let the fearful, mindless 'followers' see who 'supports our troops' (in the endless) Global War on Terra-ism and who doesn't...

Ask the Europeans, when war comes it's not, "Okay, all of you non-combatants take cover while the soldiers fight it out!"

War, 'REAL WAR' is ALL IN.

Ask any refugee (which the typical flag-waving MORON has ZERO EMPATHY with) what 'real war' is like?

It won't be 'funny' when it's your home is a pile of rubble and your kids are among the starving wounded, will it?

Well, the 'troop praisers' are taking advantage of our ignorance just as the warmongers use 'patriotism' as a method of squelching dissent by those who have the most to lose by the ABSOLUTELY fruitless activity of making war.

18 years now and the public needs to be reminded that the horrors of war are still a fact of daily life in the oil rich Middle East.

Perhaps attacking (fake) patriotism is precisely the place to start...

What part of WE don't you understand? [To the moron 'we' stops at me and my buddy...the last thing they are is human.]

I say it like it's obvious but for most of you 'WE' starts with your siblings/children and ends with your cousins [because treachery runs rampant in our species, no more so than in other creatures but we tend to go through phases and truth (and its by-product trust) is experiencing a horrific 'ebb tide' as those who would DECEIVE you replace truth with 'truthiness' and 'sort of true' (if you see things 'my way'.)

'Qualified truth' is ALWAYS tilted...and without exception those who 'tilt the truth' are out to deceive you.

Well, the 'truth' here is we are ALL soldiers and WAR is POINTLESS, again without exception.

What does it tell you when most wars are fought over religious differences? [Often serving as camouflage because EVERYBODY KNOWS the 'war' in the Middle East is over control of the oil fields and has little to do with who is or isn't an 'infidel'.]

But again we encounter the extreme danger of a privately owned 'information system'.

Again, the average...individual doesn't squander what little, er, 'precious mental horsepower' they possess on the implications of what it means for the 'quality' of the information they consume.

In case you are still clueless as to where, precisely, the liberal/conservative 'divide' comes from...

It comes [very ironically] from the people who report what they are told to report and remain mute (possibly in terror) of what they KNOW but can never admit.

So I ask again, what part of WE don't you understand?

WE are ALL human.

When an individual takes it into his/her head to enslave the rest of us, should we send an assassin or do we need to launch the Air Cavalry to destroy half the country and murder countless innocent civilians?


The 'prohibition' against assassination exists so the guilty parties won't become targets! [For the ignorant among you, such an accord actually exists.]

Problem is not everybody obeys it.

Further lending to the problem of perpetual warfare is the existence of 'independent nations', each with their own set of rules [zero irony that most modern nations 'mimic' the US Constitution as the basis from which the feckless rulers draw their authority.]

This is NOT due to there being 'insurmountable differences' between the various 'tribes of humanity' but the continued existence of the 'ordained of God' and their distrust of one another...coupled with the rhetorical device regarding 'serving in Heaven and Ruling in Hell''s pretty obvious which one most of them choose.

While they all claim to 'serve' they are convinced they were born to rule and if it is to be hell then so be it!

Bad news is their supporters feel the same their 'despot of choice' has promised them paradise in exchange for their 'faithful service' [ironically treachery in the eyes of EVERYONE ELSE! Get that TRUMP SUPPORTERS?]

Humanity is one species and as a species we have one purpose, survival.

Making war on one another is INSANITY, praising soldiers for participating in war is idiocy...and it looks like we have a whole nation of clueless idiots on our hands.

Now we are back to the 3 things [that people hate] and I'll add a fourth, COWARDICE!

The next time some moron tries to wrap themselves in the flag (at everyone else's expense) tell 'em to STFU! [And belittle them for the morons they are!]

Rinse and repeat good citizen: This won't stop until YOU stop it!

Thanks once again for opening your mind,


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