Thursday, November 8, 2018


Greetings good citizen, I belabor the obvious when I used the term 'unfit', the part that isn't obvious is the kabuki dance that put a man so deeply out of touch with reality in the seat of authority in the first place.

Yesterday I pointed at someone who has faded almost completely from public memory although once he was as reviled as El Rushbo.

Who am I referring to? Karl Rove, who many felt should have been prosecuted for his part in the conservative takeover of the USA.

To this day I remain uncertain if his 'History's Actors' speech was meant for public consumption but out of it came two clear statements of fact, number one being there is an 'organized conspiracy' to delude the public and second that it goes above what the public is taught is the land's 'highest authority'.

Who is above the government/law? The Owners.

Should those who own [a tiny minority) ever feel threatened by the majority they had one mighty ally they could rely on and that was STUPID!

Not sure how accurate or complete the net is on 'recent history' so I am unsure how much to tell you about Mr. Rove. SOME of the people of my generation will recognize the name but few will associate it with 'History's Actors' or even recall that, er, 'confession' even exists.

Very much like Steve Bannion, Karl Rove was W's campaign manager. Upon arriving in Washington he was appointed his DEPUTY 'chief of staff', code at the time for a recent arrival on the political stage, the propaganda minister is a product of our modern mass media environment we find ourselves drowning in every waking moment.

Few consider that psychologists were fascinated with the effects 'the power of suggestion' produced on broad audiences, especially those that were unaware they were being 'propagandized'!

Out of this fascination came such programs as Rush Limbaugh, a failed attorney who excelled at peddling bullshit. Not only could he sell it but he could make it up on the fly to suit almost any situation.

A word about El Rushbo, the critical ear, one practiced at detecting deception, could tell automatically that this guy was full of it but I think the public, one that FALSELY believes it is both 'modestly prosperous' and 'reasonably intelligent' (because they have been taught they were!) is incapable of sorting fact from fiction.

One of the first things psychologists learned was that listeners would automatically suck up compliments as being directed at them. Another thing that astounded them is people would ignore negative remarks, which is why few remember the 'history's actors' confession...and even fewer seem to remember W's very public admission that HIS (the Republican party's) constituency was THE HAVES AND THE HAVE MORES!

Fascinatingly enough, bone stupid protestants actually interpreted this to mean themselves!

Equally as mystifying is Trump's feat of making the hopelessly stupid believe HE is 'one of them'. [You have to be some kind of simple to believe that.]

Nothing about Trump or his life is ANYTHING EVEN REMOTELY like the experiences of your typical individual but the average moron walks around believing they are something they are not because the media teaches them they are special and what they want matters!

Ever wonder why everybody you meet is so full of THEMSELVES? It is the result of a reckless and rampant 'culture' of sell, sell, sell!

Step one is becoming friends and step two is suggesting maybe you need a change, a little pick me up. Hey here's an idea! Why not BUY SOMETHING!

Well, it don't stop there good citizen and the people who grumble 'kill your TV' ARE on to something.

If you're not being sold products you are being sold answers to why things aren't right around here.

How many of you know that during W's administration it became legal to propagandize the US public?

No act of congress required. W just used presidential fiat and 'decreed' it. Did the same thing with protections against usury [predatory lending] How's that for the Imperial Presidency, or turning back a page in history...or the power of ignorance because few people are even aware of where payday lenders or unbridled rampant lies come from. Well, W made it legal to LIE.

What is W most famous for? Come on now, he's the guy you were propagandized into believing you wanted to have a beer with! [Like Trump, he'd be horrified to actually sit down in public and spend the twenty minutes it takes to leisurely drink a beer as you might with a peer.

That's because like El Trumpo, you have as much in common with him as you would a Martian.

But the media sells it and the, no 'polite' way to put it, the STUPID just suck it in like its true because they can no longer sort fact from fiction.

If there is one 'danger' facing society today it is the subversion of the individual's ability to reason by today's modern political operatives.

Military Industrial Complex my ass! The real danger comes from the manipulators who would convince you to shit in a waffle cone and then sell it to you as gelato!

Despite it being yours, you would 'buy' it too!

I have posited many time why the wheels haven't come flying off, things have been going horribly wrong for along time yet it seems nobody could be bothered to do anything about it.

It's not a rhetorical question to ask is THIS the result of unending immersion in propaganda, much of it wrapped in the freaking flag?

It is not an 'empty' question to ask how stupid is the average dolt?

I will once again admonish you to remember WHY I end these where I do...

Thanks for opening your mind,


We are neck deep in stupid and that's not an 'accident' either! Who is in charge of what our kids are taught? The F'n politicians!

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