Greetings good citizen, today's topic is one we are all familiar with because it has been our life long advocation to deal with the effects of systems that fail with frightening regularity and outcomes claimed to be 'unintended and unforeseen.'
When in retrospect (most of the time) the outcome was the likely result, the culprit being a consistent disregard for the obvious.
So we return full circle to the decidedly pointed question regarding the reliability of our 'thinking parts'...are we defective, blind or both?
[When framed this way the answer becomes obvious...although we tend to discount deliberate deception because failure to think things through is a freakishly common problem.]
Seems we NEVER learn that 'having an idea' does NOT by any stretch of the imagination mean the idea solves the problem [or is even pertinent!]
Understand, we got where we are today as a society because the people who use the rest of us for hosebags take the time to 'think things through' and refine every step so it is nearly seamless.
Worse, when 'the hounds' get too close, they CAREFULLY deflect the rampaging villagers brandishing torches to a decoy location because the villagers haven't taken the time to consider the WHOLE problem.
If it 'sometimes' feels like cattle in a chute that is because it is.
The term 'stone walled' is one everybody is familiar with but for some reason nobody realizes/recognizes it when it happens to them.
[This is mostly due to our being 'too full' of ourselves.]
Then there's the [faux] mantle of authority to consider.
There is no greater deception than the dismissal that comes with "It's in the AUTHORITIES hands now!"
That the weasels among us occasionally get caught in their own traps is of little solace considering how deep the rabbit hole really is.
Now for another Captain Obvious-ism...we are living in a society plagued by a serious 'trust deficit'.
Thus the chaos.
The crisis is correctable but it comes at a price...a rather steep one.
Just as all lies are not wicked we would HAVE TO tolerate a certain degree of deceptive behavior. One of the things the current weasels have avoided at all costs is the sharpest tool in the shed, the court of public opinion.
Should you get caught in a 'falsehood', a jury of your peers would weigh the, er, 'seriousness' of the falsehood and, if serious enough [caused or provided cover for a death] then the fabricator/repeater of the falsehood would forfeit their membership in society.
If you can't TRUST your teammates, you're shoveling shit against the tide.
One of the most 'frustrating' aspects of modern life is the DECEPTION that everything is 'running smoothly' when things OBVIOUSLY AREN'T!
What causes chaos? Lies and the lying liars that tell them!
Rush Limbaugh should have been run out of town on a rail but he was a man with a mission and the people that PAID HIM to spew his toxic BS shouldn't be given a pass.
Why do YOU suppose Rush is a multi-millionaire?
Was it just his rabid support of capitalist dogma that resonated with the empty-headed [those seeking someone else to pin their failure(s) on]
No doubt about it capitalism is directly responsible for more failure than any other identifiable factor in existence.
Although dictatorship runs a close second...followed a nanosecond ahead of 'faux democracy'.
Since 'true democracy was judged [by those who would likely be branded as criminals] as 'unworkable' we have the present bastardization of democracy the Republican's foolishly call 'A Republic'.
I (personally) wouldn't want my name associated with this CF if it were at all avoidable, yet if you are wondering WTF went wrong, the answer lies in the 'ruling party's' name...
Yup, this ain't democracy and what it provides for the majority of us isn't 'freedom' no matter how liberally your look at it. [The ONLY 'freedom' the typical 'inmate' of the current system enjoys is they are not literally in irons 24/7; although that could change the moment any one of us challenges 'authority'.
The 'well of liberty' has been poisoned but the very people we rebelled against and we are to, er, 'dumb' to realize it.
Our ancestors threw off the yoke of tyranny but did next to nothing to protect us from its return.
Let it suffice to say Men, both 'good & true' were non-existent even back in the days when everybody 'professed' to be scared spitless of 'divine judgement'.
Did I mention we are a species of lying opportunist mimics?
Boy did the opportunists jump all over that 'men, both good and true' BS!
They pretended to walk gingerly so as not to knock the halo from their heads!
The ink wasn't dry on the Constitution before the (wholesale) hosebaggery began!
But YOU knew that, didn't ya?
From this vantage point it is difficult to tell which is more severe, the justice deficit or the inability to trust...
They can both be corrected but we need to be willing to pay the price...and those currently in charge (rightly) fear the judgement of their peers/the public.
Juries will consist of seven, three that 'know' you and four complete strangers. Why more strangers than, er, 'familiars'? You may be surprised to learn that to know you is to hate you is more common/widespread then you've been led to believe...thus the majority of 'strangers'. Often those who DON'T know us are the ones most likely to be willing to give us the benefit of doubt.
That said, unless you've been fair and honest with EVERYONE you've ever had dealing with it is likely (and not illegal) that those that have had dealings with you will express their real opinion of you to those that haven't had the 'pleasure'.
The defendant, like the current practice of 'jury control' can challenge any selected to be a 'familiar' juror but NOT the strangers. If you recognize one of the strangers it behooves you bring that to the administrators attention or it could go poorly for you.
Strangers are wildcards after all. The system will have records of who you have had dealing with and most likely your 'familiars' will be current or former co-workers but the system has no way of knowing who you may have had a chance encounter with during a random event.
If that don't 'keep you honest' nothing will...
Like I said, the problem is 'correctable' we just need to be willing to accept the 'price'.
Left to your imagination is the level of contribution that is made by the self-serving liars that would cheat you out of anything they can get?
Will 'society' be 'damaged' by their absence?
Rhetorical question that the rational already know the answer to.
Thanks once again for stopping by and opening your mind,
When in retrospect (most of the time) the outcome was the likely result, the culprit being a consistent disregard for the obvious.
So we return full circle to the decidedly pointed question regarding the reliability of our 'thinking parts'...are we defective, blind or both?
[When framed this way the answer becomes obvious...although we tend to discount deliberate deception because failure to think things through is a freakishly common problem.]
Seems we NEVER learn that 'having an idea' does NOT by any stretch of the imagination mean the idea solves the problem [or is even pertinent!]
Understand, we got where we are today as a society because the people who use the rest of us for hosebags take the time to 'think things through' and refine every step so it is nearly seamless.
Worse, when 'the hounds' get too close, they CAREFULLY deflect the rampaging villagers brandishing torches to a decoy location because the villagers haven't taken the time to consider the WHOLE problem.
If it 'sometimes' feels like cattle in a chute that is because it is.
The term 'stone walled' is one everybody is familiar with but for some reason nobody realizes/recognizes it when it happens to them.
[This is mostly due to our being 'too full' of ourselves.]
Then there's the [faux] mantle of authority to consider.
There is no greater deception than the dismissal that comes with "It's in the AUTHORITIES hands now!"
That the weasels among us occasionally get caught in their own traps is of little solace considering how deep the rabbit hole really is.
Now for another Captain Obvious-ism...we are living in a society plagued by a serious 'trust deficit'.
Thus the chaos.
The crisis is correctable but it comes at a price...a rather steep one.
Just as all lies are not wicked we would HAVE TO tolerate a certain degree of deceptive behavior. One of the things the current weasels have avoided at all costs is the sharpest tool in the shed, the court of public opinion.
Should you get caught in a 'falsehood', a jury of your peers would weigh the, er, 'seriousness' of the falsehood and, if serious enough [caused or provided cover for a death] then the fabricator/repeater of the falsehood would forfeit their membership in society.
If you can't TRUST your teammates, you're shoveling shit against the tide.
One of the most 'frustrating' aspects of modern life is the DECEPTION that everything is 'running smoothly' when things OBVIOUSLY AREN'T!
What causes chaos? Lies and the lying liars that tell them!
Rush Limbaugh should have been run out of town on a rail but he was a man with a mission and the people that PAID HIM to spew his toxic BS shouldn't be given a pass.
Why do YOU suppose Rush is a multi-millionaire?
Was it just his rabid support of capitalist dogma that resonated with the empty-headed [those seeking someone else to pin their failure(s) on]
No doubt about it capitalism is directly responsible for more failure than any other identifiable factor in existence.
Although dictatorship runs a close second...followed a nanosecond ahead of 'faux democracy'.
Since 'true democracy was judged [by those who would likely be branded as criminals] as 'unworkable' we have the present bastardization of democracy the Republican's foolishly call 'A Republic'.
I (personally) wouldn't want my name associated with this CF if it were at all avoidable, yet if you are wondering WTF went wrong, the answer lies in the 'ruling party's' name...
Yup, this ain't democracy and what it provides for the majority of us isn't 'freedom' no matter how liberally your look at it. [The ONLY 'freedom' the typical 'inmate' of the current system enjoys is they are not literally in irons 24/7; although that could change the moment any one of us challenges 'authority'.
The 'well of liberty' has been poisoned but the very people we rebelled against and we are to, er, 'dumb' to realize it.
Our ancestors threw off the yoke of tyranny but did next to nothing to protect us from its return.
Let it suffice to say Men, both 'good & true' were non-existent even back in the days when everybody 'professed' to be scared spitless of 'divine judgement'.
Did I mention we are a species of lying opportunist mimics?
Boy did the opportunists jump all over that 'men, both good and true' BS!
They pretended to walk gingerly so as not to knock the halo from their heads!
The ink wasn't dry on the Constitution before the (wholesale) hosebaggery began!
But YOU knew that, didn't ya?
From this vantage point it is difficult to tell which is more severe, the justice deficit or the inability to trust...
They can both be corrected but we need to be willing to pay the price...and those currently in charge (rightly) fear the judgement of their peers/the public.
Juries will consist of seven, three that 'know' you and four complete strangers. Why more strangers than, er, 'familiars'? You may be surprised to learn that to know you is to hate you is more common/widespread then you've been led to believe...thus the majority of 'strangers'. Often those who DON'T know us are the ones most likely to be willing to give us the benefit of doubt.
That said, unless you've been fair and honest with EVERYONE you've ever had dealing with it is likely (and not illegal) that those that have had dealings with you will express their real opinion of you to those that haven't had the 'pleasure'.
The defendant, like the current practice of 'jury control' can challenge any selected to be a 'familiar' juror but NOT the strangers. If you recognize one of the strangers it behooves you bring that to the administrators attention or it could go poorly for you.
Strangers are wildcards after all. The system will have records of who you have had dealing with and most likely your 'familiars' will be current or former co-workers but the system has no way of knowing who you may have had a chance encounter with during a random event.
If that don't 'keep you honest' nothing will...
Like I said, the problem is 'correctable' we just need to be willing to accept the 'price'.
Left to your imagination is the level of contribution that is made by the self-serving liars that would cheat you out of anything they can get?
Will 'society' be 'damaged' by their absence?
Rhetorical question that the rational already know the answer to.
Thanks once again for stopping by and opening your mind,
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