Saturday, November 10, 2018


Greetings good citizen, today's subject is one that a quarter of the population has resigned themselves to, that of the Republican strategy of 'repeat until true' otherwise known as lying, or the milder alias of 'mis-stating the truth'.

Today we have this article from Bloomberg Financial News Billed as 'business intelligence' trading firms pay to have a Bloomberg Terminal installed in their offices. [Presumably so they can receive 'actionable intelligence' in a timely manner.]

MOST of the time these links stop working moments after I post them here so I will provide a thumbnail sketch so you will understand why I included the link.

Constant reader knows one of my main 'hobby horses' (a topic that warrants mention in almost every post) is the slow motion GLOBAL train wreck as capitalism shrinks til it can be drown in a shallow puddle.

The article in question asks (like it's an unfathomable mystery) why the 25 - 34 Y.O. demographic isn't working?

The conclusion of the LYING LIAR is that the victims have chosen not to work, rather than the truth...there are no jobs!

The public attention span is brief and getting shorter all the time compounding the 'stupid' problem exponentially as 'History's Actors' razzle - dazzle the rubes as they pull lies out of their ass during the 'rinse and repeat until true cycle.

REMEMBER the Occupy movement? Do you remember WHAT they were protesting?

No? How unfortunate.

Want to know WHY you don't remember what 'Occupy' was all about? That you know more about the camps and the organizing strategies the planners used than the actual issue/crime that drove them to civil disobedience?

Occupy was about kids that BORROWED hundreds of thousands of dollars for jobs that didn't exist!

The current generation [being labeled by Bloomberg as SLACKERS] have avoided the huge, inescapable debt making themselves at least marginally 'better off' then their unemployed and unemployable elders...many of whom still can't find work that cracks their nut.

The question that remains unanswered is that of how long it will take for the Army of the Unemployed to reach 'critical mass'?

THERE IS NO SHORTAGE OF THINGS THAT NEED DOING! [Emphasis on the NEED!] [Unemployment SHOULD BE ZERO but thanks to massive mismanagement/malfeasance.

Tip of the spear is the assumption that the educated KNOW what they are talking about...they do NOT!

I belabor the obvious when I point out it's one thing to possess a mind and another thing entirely to actually USE IT!

Eventually the 'non-thinkers' will figure out the truth but until then they will continue to listen to the liars who say what they say because that's what they are PAID to say!

Let me remind you, [those of you that haven't entirely shut down mentally must be curious as to why I keep bringing up the fact that 'treason' [lies told to deceive] is punishable by death?] How many of you have 'processed' that declaration and understand its significance?

Sure you 'comprehend' what the individual words mean but you have been 'conditioned' not to act because you fear the consequences.

Leading us to the 'irony' of regret.

If you knew what awaited you most of you would regret not acting when you had the chance.

Um, your frustration that the lid keeps refusing to blow off by itself is only making what's coming that much worse. Insult to injury, the liar's sycophants [the 'bandwagon' crowd, they don't care about the cause, if there's a crowd, they're there!] stirring up trouble because that's what they do.

Well, relax. El Trumpo has a purpose and that purpose is to blow the lid off. He has a series of triggers at his disposal but the Right Wing 'populists' [sort of a contradiction but there it is, few things are more unpopular than right wing military worship.]

Yet the right is painting itself as 'populous' in a fake it until you make it attempt to commandeer the global stage.

The plot is thin and equally as 'ill-conceived'. First automate the workforce out of existence wherever possible then rally the victims against one another as the 'scramble' to start their lives goes global in a sprawling economic desert.

Where are the jobs, Donald?

There aren't any to bring back...but you knew that, right?

Did I mention it's one thing to have a mind and another entirely to be capable of using it?

Since STUPID is a self-inflicted wound, Trump supporters have no idea what, precisely, they are supporting. [All they know is whatever it is, it's wrapped in the flag!]

Like being a 'patriot' somehow compensates for being stupid...

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


[Phew, stinks in there! Which is worrisome cuz the place is spotless!]

Sort of redefines the term 'running on empty'...

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