Monday, November 5, 2018


Greetings good citizen, the pundits are leaning heavily on the 'nobody knows, ANYTHING could happen' but we all know here on election eve that one thing won't change and that is the broken system.

Look all you want, CHANGE is NOT ON THE BALLOT.

"Vote for me and I'll set you free!" It's been what, 275 years? BS then and double BS now.

Where's your 'freedom of the press' when the people who 'report' (for a living) have to 'color' the truth to satisfy their advertisers?

Did I mention money is being seriously misused?

Free Speech has a dark side because allowing, er, 'anyone' to speak their mind takes zero regard for the facts that point at the truth.

People are supposed to be 'smart' enough to distinguish between lies and truth...but it wasn't so very long ago that most believed our lives served an imaginary being that nobody had ever seen or had concrete proof that it ever existed.

That's why 'free speech' is 'protected'. If the Con's running this criminal enterprise couldn't fabricate their own truth the excrement would have hit the powered rotational device a long time ago.

Comply or Die, don't ask questions and go along to get along. This is what the Con's consider 'good advice' [because killing 'troublemakers' NEVER ends well.]

The question without answer is why are the Con's in trouble, why is 'the game' broken?

The answer is the same as it ever was, NUMBERS.

More Con's to support [think 'law of the jungle'] the more 'prey' you need but the Con's at the top of the food chain have hit 'the John Jay zone', they have all they want and want no more, leaving their 'wannabes' twisting in the wind.

Does this stop the wannabes?

They were raised to 'make their own fortune' and that's what they're doing. 'Legitimate enterprise' is whatever they say it is and this is precisely what makes third world hell holes what they are.

Back to the greatest elephant on the global YOU know what that is? [Since this is, er, 'opinion' and consensus is absent by design, I will apologize for once more belaboring the obvious.

Humanity is [and has been for quite some time] suffering from a severe JUSTICE DEFICIT!

We (if we are to survive as a species) must replace GOLD RULES with the ancient 'Golden Rule' that points to UNIVERSAL EQUALITY.

ASP is based on implementing the Golden Rule and removing GOLD from the equation. If we can't treat everyone (and everything) 'equitably' neither we nor this planet will survive.

Man's 'Legendary' inhumanity is born of greed, fed by self-importance.

Society (and with it 'civility) depends on trust (it is the only thing that fosters cooperation.)

While the stupid believe they can coerce cooperation out of the unwilling this road leads to extinction as surely as the 'F 'em all but 6 and after I'm gone F them too!' attitude gets you.

Nobody operates in a vacuum and by our 'acts' shall we be known. The self-important will be the authors of their own demise.

Um, at the risk of repeating myself, don't get your hopes up even if we have a faux Democratic sweep of the midterms...CHANGE IS NOT ON THE BALLOT!

Keep your eye on the ball and prepare because the 'shitstorm' is about to hit. [Where 'irresistible force' collides with 'the immovable object', more simply put, where rapacious greed collides with entrenched capitalism.]

In parting, I was mentally parsing CHANCE, which is also called FATE and more commonly LUCK and how all three are inextricably linked with GOD. We 'pray' for 'good' and bear the bad, often cursing it which is no more rational than praying for good [because it so seldom succeeds.]

If it is to be it is up to WE.

Thanks once again for stopping by and opening your mind,


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