Saturday, November 24, 2018


Greetings good citizen, as the pins continue to be kicked out from under you faster than you can replace them the idea that your mental health is being tampered with is finally on the upswing.

Remember good citizen there was no such thing as Fox News prior to 1980...

Funny how we keep bumping our heads on something that went horribly wrong that year...could it have been 'Morning in America' [which has translated to 'Midnight in the garden of Evil intent.'

Why are you (so) unhappy? Your future is a brick wall that your face is already uncomfortably pressed up's not going anywhere and neither are you.

You can't retire, you aren't being paid enough to put anything aside. You can't make more money without working yourself to death and most of us know that kind of soul crushing existence isn't worth it...thus does the A-hole who has had everything (including their future) handed to them condemn you to 'failure' because you, er, 'didn't want it bad enough?' [To hear them tell it anyway.]

Small wonder you take your life in your hands just going down to the corner for a cup of coffee these days. The conventions that prevent us from killing one another on sight have finally been voided, humanity is on the cusp of fuck it.

That all started with the 'every man for himself' B.S. that [the conservo WHACKOS] are so proud of!

When you have no place to turn why not go on a rampage?

The law isn't there to 'help' you. It's the bulk of the problem! Those screwing society over are protected by the law.

This is what 'better lawyers' do for the feckless few [let's not forget the corrupt judges! They are the ones truly responsible for this.]

Did you know there are NO judges or Lawyers under ASP? Those who live under the law will interpret the law.

The criminal rich will be exiled, everybody else will have their bank account zeroed.

While we are 'here' let us take on the latest capitalist CF being proposed world-wide, UBI [Universal Basic income.]

Why should 'we' let [not like ANYBODY is asking YOU!] make decisions about our financial well-being without ever discussing the ALTERNATIVES, like lowering the expense picture and making life more 'affordable' but that defies [basic (F-U pay me!) capitalist principles.]

Under ASP the 'shack' [your biggest expense, housing] becomes a 'gimme' that YOU don't even need to maintain anymore! [fuk bankers! let'em get a real job like mowing lawns..alongside the soon to be defunct cops!] It will be somebody's JOB to mow your lawn! You can have your own garden (if you want) but you won't be obliged to even own a ladder. Millions will be employed rehabbing and maintaining homes.

Let's take that one step further...under ASP you won't be able to purchase 'personal transportation'.

Mimicking the Zip Car model, cars will be available for use on every street. You don't need to insure them or repair them, all you will be 'billed' for is gas based on miles traveled while logged in to your account. [Money, the smart way!] Yes you will still need to pass a driver's licensing exam and that number will be required to 'unlock' the ignition (along with other 'bio-metric' measures to be announced later to insure your ten year old doesn't go joy-riding at your expense.)

Now isn't that 'better' than giving you free money that you already know will be become part of the 'cost of living' because those doling out the 'free cash' make their money FROM YOU! HOW F'N STUPID IS THAT/(are you?)

Like voting, UBI is nothing more than eyewash to make you THINK you are getting your expense profile reduced.

ASP's 'true expense profile reduction' is also how we are going to reduce the workweek to 20 hours...and YOU will be able to afford it!

Central to this concept will be 'nuclearization'. You will, by necessity live near your work. If you can telecommute, great but that's not going to be 'big' so chances are a lot of us will [at least initially] be swapping homes.

If you live in the woods but commute to the city because that's where the 'money' is it might be time to reassess what you REALLY want out of life. Do you live in the hinterlands because it's affordable or do you relish the great outdoors? If it's the latter then your new office is likely closer than you imagined! Once the picture emerges as to what needs to be done, when, there will be jobs aplenty all across the planet.

[Putting the brakes on climate change will be a top priority!]

Work (bettering the circumstances of ALL mankind) will change radically once we put an end to working SOLELY to make the feckless RICH!

In fact, the more people wake up to the huge 'army of the unemployed' the feckless are allowing to amass (the 'plan' is to make them riot and tear civilization apart, that way nobody will object to martial law...that THEY control.

Maybe we will do something to make the feckless regret their 'cupidity'...(a-la-the terror!)

Although I don't recommend that route, there are other, 'worse ways' to make them pay.Wouldn't you love to be a fly on the wall when they learn their bank accounts have all been zeroed?

Cash will be illegal making it impossible to sell anything to anyone!

(if not being able to buy or sell is YOUR worst nightmare might I suggest that you've drank too much capitalist kool-aid?

Commerce doesn't exist to make 'a few' rich. It exists to meet the NEEDS of human society!

Don't know about you Buckwheat but I see tons of 'needy' people out there which means SOMEBODY isn't doing it right!

Why isn't YOUR HERO doing anything to solve these now ancient problems?

Oh, that's right, because the self serving A-holes have always dictated how and why we do what we do...

Wake the F-up!

That concludes today's information overload, come back tomorrow for another dose [if you can handle it!]


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