Saturday, November 3, 2018


Greetings good citizen, seems the corporate owned media is prepping 'the sheep' for another epic disappointment. What's the 'propaganda machines' latest? WHY AREN'T DEMOCRATS WALKING AWAY WITH THE MIDTERMS?

If you've been watching the (frantic) 'get out the vote' machine, the pundits tell their listeners horror stories about what El Trumpo will do if we fail to spank him in the midterms and then they stop.

So here's the memo explaining why 'more of the same' isn't going to change ANYTHING!

If we could impeach Trump by literally casting ballots against him [go to the polls and vote him out] it would have happened 2 years ago. If the ballot provided a method of discriminating...a method to vote against what we DON'T want, TRUMP is the result of the 'binary' decision making process!

The 'unstupid' know that if we keep voting for people to make decisions for us without ever consulting us with zero consequences for selling us out that things will only continue to deteriorate.

It's time for 'Something New'.

Yes good citizen, technology has provided us with the 'opportunity' to stop doing things the 'caveman way' and let us vote directly on the LAW...and ONLY the LAW.

Who will 'lead' us? Isn't it time we let the 'marketplace of ideas' decide? Ending poverty will handle itself with the implementation of 'paychecks all around' [billionaires go 'poof'!] as money is returned to it's 'intended purpose' of facilitating specialization.

Banking goes poof along with debt and insurance. Don't be alarmed, the people that fix things are still on the payroll, the big change will be they get paid regardless so you don't have to pay them too!

Same thing with the shack, you need a place to live and it's just sitting there, why should you have to squander most of your income just to line a banker's pockets?

Storms, earthquakes, floods and wildfires are all facts of life, why should it be your problem to insure against them?

Well, NONE of that changes if you continue to use the 'sheep in a chute' decision-making process.

Just as 'God's will' has fallen under increasing suspicion [due to 'his' conspicuous and extended absence] so it is increasingly evident that the current political process holds zero consequences for those who would promise the public prosperity and deliver bags of feces, claiming post facto they didn't specify what kind of 'riches' they'd deliver!

Why vote for people who commit to nothing and aren't held accountable for their FAILURE?


Isn't ignorance wonderful? The media is telling the gullible that the economy added 250,000 jobs last MONTH. [While the pre-Morning in America Economy generated that many jobs IN A WEEK!]

Apparently the 'THEY THINK WE'RE STUPID' crowd also believes people are ignorant of what percent of 400 MILLION 250 THOUSAND is.

Welcome to the 'economic desert'! Capitalism CAN'T provide jobs for all that need them and EVERYBODY must have a job if they are to participate in society! The masses of refugees are all the evidence anyone needs that 'living off the land is no longer a viable option...unless you're impossibly stupid.

Those denied an honest living will take what they need however they can.

Only the feckless confuse/conflate need with 'want'...

But perhaps it is the growing awareness that things aren't adding up that is resulting in the rising dissatisfaction with business as usual.

WHY are there 'migrant caravans' heading towards our southern border?

Um, says here this is due to the collapse of CAPITALISM!

No job and no money results in roving bands of DESPERADOS! How 'honest' is the (corporate owned) media now?

Women and children are flocking to our southern border seeking refuge from a looter leadership that created an economy that offers them nothing.

Now the (paid) shills want us to close our eyes and hold our noses while we vote for 'more of the same'?


A system that fails to punish wrong-doing only benefits the criminals.

It is time to flush the current system down the toilet and start over with a clean slate!

Everybody works (for a paycheck) and everybody reaps the rewards of our collective efforts.

When I say 'everyone' I mean humanity around the planet! ASP is intended to be a 'global' initiative for the promotion of mankind!

Much of the corruption around the planet is fed by useless standing armies that only have one purpose, the prevent a [mind you 'one', as in single] criminal from enslaving us.

This is what 'strong on defense' really means.


This is perhaps the largest of all the elephants in the room the media routinely ignores.

Most of you will ignore this memo but when the institutions that keep the people down blow up it's going to be you beating feet for the hills with an angry mob, the WILL catch you and execute you as cruelly as possible.

Proving once again that 'we' who laugh last, laugh best!

So the real purpose of this memo is to inform you that the revolt is ON and the END is near!

The public has NOTHING to vote FOR so they are going to vote with their torches and burn the f'ers out!

Enough is enough!

If 'We' (the sane people who DON'T vote Republican) can't get along WITH YOU we will get along WITHOUT YOU!

Again it comes down to math. Only 1 in 4 Admits to being Republican so we come to the lying media that refuses to let the process work and uses heuristics and the constant drumbeat of 'a divided nation'

How the hell can we be 'divided' when 90% of us are unmistakably on the 'losing' side?

Team USA is tired of being played for chumps [by our corporate overlords who stupidly think BELIEVE we owe our jobs to THEM!]

NEWSFLASH FOR THE MORONS: You do what you do because if you don't, you'll DIE!

Civilization is a complex machine with many moving parts and often this creates confusion as to the 'importance' of certain tasks...although nobody questions banking or insurance, those are moronically viewed as 'bedrock industries' (that exist SOLELY to support slavery) gives you an idea of the values held dear by those pretending to 'lead' us!

It's going to take more than not voting to create positive change but fear not, the threats have already produced the impetus to act.

The danger here is the lack of consensus [which has been carefully cultivated, the most dangerous foe is a united one!]

THe nation divided is central to the 'divide and conquer' strategy that has worked consistently in the past.

This is how the 1 % is kicking our ass. Hope they enjoyed their run because it's over.

Direct democracy, coupled with 'qualified' leadership based on a shared vision are concepts whose time has come.

ASP, get behind it or get left on the outside looking in.

Thanks for opening your mind!


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