Saturday, November 17, 2018


Greetings good citizen, this may very well be my most disturbing post because it strips away the BS and gives you your...options in stark relief. Easier to go with the flow, how unfortunate for most of us that going with the flow caused the CF we have today and nothing gets done about it because today's 'inequities' are defended as 'the way we have always done it'.

If we strip, er, 'existence' down to it's LCD we need to eat to live and that involves killing other lifeforms, which gave birth to 'teamwork' that cemented humanity into a 'social being'. We collected much larger amounts of food as a group than we could individually, but (as the legions of Rome eventually learned) there was/is only so much 'food' to go around.

Oops, we skipped an important 'inflection point'.

IF 'you' didn't belong to a 'cooperative society' YOU would be obliged to tend to EVERY single need of survival as best you could. You MIGHT have a mate to assist you BUT assistance is a fickle proposition in itself. Few creatures rend assistance without consideration for it being returned.

Throughout nature if you are crippled ODDS are it's game over.

Even other 'social creatures' don't, er, 'waste time/resources' caring for the elderly and infirm.

It is this QUALITY that sets humanity apart, this 'reverence for experience' is what put us at the top of the food chain.

YOU [dumbo] are taught NONE of this [STRIKE ONE] The freakishly selfish who pay themselves lavishly don't want you thinking about the criminality involved in this treachery (because even among the 'uncivilized' treason is punishable by death.)

[Sorry, many 'backchannels' until we get to the needle sharp point.]

Deception/treachery is at the heart of the SELFISHNESS behind modern society. [Why is there no consensus on what money is and what its for?] (mentally repeating what YOU think it is isn't a 'consensus', it's self deception a its worst!)

IF you had to do everything yourself you wouldn't have time to do pretty much anything else and your continued survival would rely on your being cautious beyond reason and hyper-alert (to danger) at EVERY moment [yes, even when you are asleep.]

This inability to let your guard down led to a significantly abbreviated lifespan but if you weren't EXTRA careful your own stupidity would kill you quick.

How lucky you are that your fellow humans (supposedly) learned to value life and committed to caring/protecting one another?

Did you just have a 'what planet is this guy from?' moment. He can't be talking about here but yes I am so you have to wonder how 'commerce' became so predatory if we are a species dedicated to 'mutual survival'.

[STRIKE TWO] Only 'some' of us recognize the importance of inter-reliance and self-sacrifice.

THE FREAKISHLY SELFISH (a learned trait) never get beyond looking out for Numero Uno.

How many of you remember (back in the ancient times of 'EST') a best seller of the same title [Looking out for number one]?

Rings a bell huh? Well, now you're soaking in it.

Do I need to point out that this also coincides with the 'hangover' of the civil rights movement [a, er, 'battle' that is FAR from over...what whitey doesn't seem to realize is THEIR rights are hanging in the balance as well. Why is it that white folk are freakishly self-centered?]

But I once again digress [and yes, Gegner is 100% white bread...I just don't think that makes me 'special'.]

[Still digressing!]

Mutual aid was, er, curtailed once survival became the driver of COMMERCE [STRIKE THREE.]

It takes a mind to grasp the concepts in play here [albeit, not much of one...which highlights how we got here in the first place.]

If we RETURNED to the premise that put us on top of the food chain [by restoring money to its singular useful purpose!] we could end the scourges of poverty and homelessness driven by the useless BANKING SYSTEM!

The purpose of civilization is mutual survival and NOT 'self enrichment'!

Why is it NOBODY QUESTIONS the 'purpose of civilization'?

The entire point of life is not so YOU [or 'a few'] can be rich, it is humanity living in balance with the planet...and if we can't manage that [and the freakish are quick, with zero evidence to back them up, to claim it is impossible [just so they won't have to work for a living!]

Yeah, the living hell 99% of us have been condemned to is the DIRECT result of the 1% NOT WANTING TO GET THEIR HANDS DIRTY!

Either we all pull together or provisions will be made so you will be 'free' to make your own way with those who are 'like-minded' [just don't delude yourself that any of them are going to 'help' you...]

Shall I point it out once again because stupid truly is its own reward!

Failure to think things through is how we got where we are today...sadly no one is learning the lessons taught as this tragedy unfolds.

The mind is a 'funny thing' isn't it?

Do us all a favor [mostly yourself] and choose humanity!

Can't say it any plainer than that.


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