Greetings good citizen, one of politics' third rails is mentioning the obvious, that the female population (especially in adulthood) out numbers the male.
There are already tremors in the current politisphere pointing a finger at sufferage as the primary cause of today's political upheaval but at the risk of oversimplifying a complex situation, if your Mom doesn't have your back, who does?
That said, we are faced with another perplexing phenomenon, a majority of conservatives are female.
Perhaps it is due to social conditioning that conservative females prefer to vote for male representation (that shits all over them but what are you going to do? Let the 'liberals' give away the store?)
Zero irony that because most conservatives are female doesn't alter the WHACKO indictment one iota. [A head full of lies tends to cause that.]
Like religion (and its principal by-product, hatred) our politics are 'learned' [precisely the same way we learn to be STUPID by being TAUGHT lies as facts!]
Not true say you? Explain where money's 'value' comes from? [Because it is isn't acceptable!]
The lies told to preserve the status quo are ardently defended by the female population. [Why do the words "forgive them because they know not what they do/have done" spring to mind?] "Hit the road, Jack" anyone?
Education comes from somewhere, problem is we don't QUESTION 'where' [although scary Betsy De Vos explains quite a bit!]
What do (sc)AMWAY and Trump's USA have in common?
Both are based on impractical assumptions about economics and exploit the basest of animal traits. [Humans ARE animals, lest we forget.]
How unfortunate what sets us apart from our fellow creatures is as much of a handicap as it is an asset?
Humans are 'smart' but only comparatively speaking. The problem of not being 'smart enough' remains.
Used to be that the smart would bring the less bright up, help them along...until the truly clever saw opportunity in 'keeping it to themselves'.
That's why we are where we are today...and why treachery is no longer prosecuted.
How tragic is it that all social advancement stops as soon as lies are accepted as the truth?
Treason is truly one of the greatest crimes.
Politicians are traitors, plain and simple. They sell you down the proverbial river while buttering their own bread (on both sides...because it's the Washington Way!)
The system creates the need for politicians and government has become a tool for 'stasis'. The army of cops don't exist to protect YOU, they exist to protect the CRIMINALS! [By being the muscle behind F-U, pay me!]
Deception you say? What deception?
Didn't they teach you ANYTHING in School? Suppose we ask THE WIFE of the CEO of SCAMWAY the answer?
NOT just this part or that part, the whole damn thing!
How can that be? Money has been around for as long as the bible...what's that? why are you hesitating? Did you just bump into ANOTHER LIE?
Just because we've been doing it for THOUSANDS OF years [like SLAVERY (which exists to this day!)] but hell yeah, MONEY is not anything like it is described.
It's 'primary value' lay in its ability to make YOU jump through hoops to obtain it.
Money = 'peaceful compliance' and nothing more. How 'easily bought' you are...traded your children's welfare for a few coins...disgusting! [I'm looking at YOU MOM!]
Yet YOU are taught that with enough MONEY you can have ANYTHING you want (including slaves!)
So what's this have to do with females?
The females know.
Unhappy with Trump? Men don't like men that are full of themselves, worse, they don't cotton to women that think they are 'owed something' and Hillary was exactly that.
Now, by 'deduction'...who put 'The Donald' on the throne?
Cameras, mirrors and the TRUTH are the 3 things people hate.
Thanks once again for opening your mind and expanding your awareness just remember, that, by itself, doesn't mean you learned anything.
There are already tremors in the current politisphere pointing a finger at sufferage as the primary cause of today's political upheaval but at the risk of oversimplifying a complex situation, if your Mom doesn't have your back, who does?
That said, we are faced with another perplexing phenomenon, a majority of conservatives are female.
Perhaps it is due to social conditioning that conservative females prefer to vote for male representation (that shits all over them but what are you going to do? Let the 'liberals' give away the store?)
Zero irony that because most conservatives are female doesn't alter the WHACKO indictment one iota. [A head full of lies tends to cause that.]
Like religion (and its principal by-product, hatred) our politics are 'learned' [precisely the same way we learn to be STUPID by being TAUGHT lies as facts!]
Not true say you? Explain where money's 'value' comes from? [Because it is isn't acceptable!]
The lies told to preserve the status quo are ardently defended by the female population. [Why do the words "forgive them because they know not what they do/have done" spring to mind?] "Hit the road, Jack" anyone?
Education comes from somewhere, problem is we don't QUESTION 'where' [although scary Betsy De Vos explains quite a bit!]
What do (sc)AMWAY and Trump's USA have in common?
Both are based on impractical assumptions about economics and exploit the basest of animal traits. [Humans ARE animals, lest we forget.]
How unfortunate what sets us apart from our fellow creatures is as much of a handicap as it is an asset?
Humans are 'smart' but only comparatively speaking. The problem of not being 'smart enough' remains.
Used to be that the smart would bring the less bright up, help them along...until the truly clever saw opportunity in 'keeping it to themselves'.
That's why we are where we are today...and why treachery is no longer prosecuted.
How tragic is it that all social advancement stops as soon as lies are accepted as the truth?
Treason is truly one of the greatest crimes.
Politicians are traitors, plain and simple. They sell you down the proverbial river while buttering their own bread (on both sides...because it's the Washington Way!)
The system creates the need for politicians and government has become a tool for 'stasis'. The army of cops don't exist to protect YOU, they exist to protect the CRIMINALS! [By being the muscle behind F-U, pay me!]
Deception you say? What deception?
Didn't they teach you ANYTHING in School? Suppose we ask THE WIFE of the CEO of SCAMWAY the answer?
NOT just this part or that part, the whole damn thing!
How can that be? Money has been around for as long as the bible...what's that? why are you hesitating? Did you just bump into ANOTHER LIE?
Just because we've been doing it for THOUSANDS OF years [like SLAVERY (which exists to this day!)] but hell yeah, MONEY is not anything like it is described.
It's 'primary value' lay in its ability to make YOU jump through hoops to obtain it.
Money = 'peaceful compliance' and nothing more. How 'easily bought' you are...traded your children's welfare for a few coins...disgusting! [I'm looking at YOU MOM!]
Yet YOU are taught that with enough MONEY you can have ANYTHING you want (including slaves!)
So what's this have to do with females?
The females know.
Unhappy with Trump? Men don't like men that are full of themselves, worse, they don't cotton to women that think they are 'owed something' and Hillary was exactly that.
Now, by 'deduction'...who put 'The Donald' on the throne?
Cameras, mirrors and the TRUTH are the 3 things people hate.
Thanks once again for opening your mind and expanding your awareness just remember, that, by itself, doesn't mean you learned anything.
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