Friday, November 9, 2018

Two (America's)

Greetings good citizen, for a long time it has become increasingly apparent that there exists a 'fantasy' USA and the one we wake up to everyday. The one presented to us in the rhetoric of the ruling class is the verdant green nation that the pilgrims arrived in 250 plus years ago, the other is the results of what almost three hundred years of European invaders has wrought

The true disconnect is disturbing enough, one is tempted to believe those who imagine fantasy USA think this is (still) the 'land of opportunity' and if you tilt your head a certain way and squint real hard you can just see the outline of 'Fantasy America', the land the WASPS colonized all those centuries ago...but squinting like that for extended periods of time will give you a whanging headache...which might explain those buckles on the pilgrim's hats...

Ah, the lengths we go through to look 'stylish!'.

But I digress...

Today Mr. Krugman makes an interesting observation that the Senate provides rural America [which tends to be lily white and more than a touch racist (which they defend as being 'God fearing') with a bully pulpit the WASPs can use to stymie the political process.

They (the WASPs) call this 'Values voting) which is another way of flashing the rest of us a rigid middle finger as the sing their favorite song, "My way or the highway!" [mentally accompany that verse with a few twanging banjos and you get the picture.]

Country is all about 'country'...the part they downplay is THEIR COUNTRY.

Besides the rigid middle finger they are also mighty quick with the 'and if you don' like it, git the fuk out!'

Sadly this might be (in your squeeny little head) 'YOUR country' but this is OUR F'N PLANET and WE aren't going anywhere.

Once again the 'numbers' are AGAINST YOU. [Ironically this fact (like all others) doesn't even slow them down.]

Stupid is dauntless and this is what does them in (because stupid is also stupid...)

So we once again identify yet another 'design flaw' in our 270 + year old political system [that the morons who can't even spell 'Patriot'] proudly declare they would lay down their (worthless) lives for.

Yeah, the closer you look, the more apparent it becomes that we are all inmates on an insane asylum.

Life is neither good nor bad, life simply is.

Why do we allow the self-interested to make life worse for most of us?

Remember, the penalty for treason is death.

Pretending to own what belongs to us all is treason, the rest is self explanatory.

Is 'do under to others' really that difficult to understand? [For a certain type it is. The 'crime' here is letting that 'certain type' get away with it...]

There are BILLIONS of us, the NEED to share (for mutual survival) has NEVER been more dire!

Time to put the 'self-important' where they belong! [I suggest 'the desert', a place their barren minds (nevermind hearts) can appreciate.]

Rick & Morty explain capitalism as 'Slavery with extra steps'...time to put an end to that nonsense.

In the end there is only one sentient species and only ONE planet that we either learn to share or WE ARE ALL DEAD.

In order to live here 'together' we MUST eliminate those who are [no kind way to phrase it] too stupid to understand the need to share.

and that concludes this week's final post, tune in again tomorrow for the weekend edition!


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