Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Pride & Poverty

Greetings good citizen, nobody like a 'complainer' thus does nobody like to 'complain' for fear of being labeled a 'complainer'.

When you're nostrils deep in excrement, the sage advice is 'keep your mouth shut' what do you do when it's up to your eyeballs?

How do you make it stop...or perhaps the question should be how did YOU land 'in the pit' in the first place? You don't suppose somebody 'complained', do you?

Because the average individual seems quite content to literally wallow in offal rather than speak up about the 'unfairness' of their circumstances.

What does it take to speak out [never mind act] against 'injustice'? Where is 'the line' between 'pride & poverty'?

Got a crappy deal? The 'Freakishly selfish' aren't beyond 'importing' people to empty their bedpans and mop the floors so you'd best keep your yap shut or you'll be replaced by someone who [stupidly] thought America was the place to be.

How many of you have tumbled to the idea that just maybe America isn't such a 'wonderful place' if you didn't hit the 'birth lottery'?

Figure that out all by yourself, did you?

If you haven't yet then you're a moron!

The icing on this excrement sundae?

The ones who really 'don't get it' are the ones who DID manage to be born with trust funds waiting for them!

Hard to say what's more ridiculous, the school of thought that conspires to keep the average worker so mired in debt that even their kids will get screwed when they die [covering the funeral expenses of their deceased loved ones too poor to afford the minimum amount of life insurance to bury them with.] OR that THE VICTIMS of such plots neither recognize what's been denied them nor are they willing to DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT!

WTF People!

When somebody has to choose between heating and eating, 'insurance' of any kind is a 'non-starter'. [Have to have 'disposable income' for little 'niceties' like that.]

When a FULL THIRD of the public regularly skips meals, you and I are living on the brink of collapse, if not outright revolt!

Do you chuckle to yourself when you read this, knowing nobody else is going to see it? Did they build you a 'safe place' away from the rabble that would lynch you if they knew what you had done?


Better keep your mouth shut then.

Civilization as you have come to know it is hanging by a thread and this blog contains the ONLY alternative to turning back the social clock a thousand years to conditions you can't even begin to imagine much less appreciate!

[When you eliminate all of the possibilities, whatever is left, regardless of how improbable, is the answer...]

Humanity's only hope lies in our unifying against the feckless few.

So what's it going to be good citizen?

Us or YOU?

By now you probably block these without reading them...more the pity...may your death be slow and painful.


Tuesday, November 29, 2016

What Now?

Greetings good citizen, I apologize for the late post but I just returned from having my cognitive functions tested! Took the better part of the day and the regimen was somewhat exhausting.

Good to know everything is still in top working order though!

But it begs the question, 'what the hell is wrong with the rest of you?'

Yesterday's post is spot on enough to warrant another day yet none of you are sharing this and nothing is going to happen until you do!

I appreciate every third person you know lacks the mental horsepower to grasp even a small fraction of this but the guys AND GALS that can need to get on the same page PDQ!

There is no time to stand still, especially because THEY aren't [standing still.] Their plans are proceeding ahead unfettered, thanks to the lying, cheating media.

A media that already knows we are but weeks away from an invasion to protect the rest of the world from a 'presumed' all out nuclear attack.

Murikans don't much like 'martial law' but when the UN forces land they won't have much choice.

Thing to keep in mind here is WHO controls the UN?

The freaking same people who control the US political process, the flippin' One Percent!

WHY will we have [foreign] troops patrolling the streets and enforcing curfews? Because the One percent KNOWS the majority of people see through their latest 'stolen election'...and fear what we may do about it.

They also know that well is dry, if you voted in the most recent US election it will likely be your LAST!

Again, they know the American public won't sit still for a king so they will install the 'next best thing' a military 'regent' charged with keeping the public docile by whatever means necessary.

More dire, notice the huge build-up of the Chinese military over the past couple of decades? Guess who will invade?

With our own military mired over in the Middle East and a UN mandate to keep them there, there will be little our forces can do.

What will the captains of Virginia Class submarines do, launch to drive the 'invaders' out? Once on US soil, the only way to remove them will be a body bag at a time!

Time to wake up and smell the coffee. They threw the election to the loudmouth so an invasion would be 'justified'.

Not the kind of world where its safe to have a leader prone to temper tantrums.

Worse, the invaders will NEVER leave, the One Percent will flee the prison they created for the rest of us but the invaders will be here forever!

Just ask the Native Americans.

So you can sit and wait for it all to unfold before your [still] unbelieving eyes OR you can forward this to whoever you think will pay attention!

I'm not privy to their actual plans but I wouldn't be surprised if they sprung their trap while Obama's footsteps were still echoing down the stairs as he exits the White House.

Sounds insane but if somebody asked you six months ago if the nation would elect a blow-hard reality show host with ZERO political experience to the presidency, you would have thought the same thing.

Thanks for letting me your head,


Monday, November 28, 2016

Prime the cannons!

Greetings good citizen, the 'media' our favorite punching bag and money losing proposition [nobody wants to pay to be lied to, that's why subscription rates hover at all time lows.] is dutifully belaboring the obvious once again...How will Trump, 'overcome' the 'sea' of special interest groups MONEY?

Don't you think it's time we had a policy that OUTLAWS physical currency?


Who else thinks our insane monetary policies are to blame?

Is this really why no matter who we vote into office nothing goes 'our way'?

Tie that to a public that thus far has been too chicken to strike and you have a real hoop-de-do [I don't normally pull my punches but the morals police will jump on me if I don't curb the profanity...] on your hands!

How do we 'solve' the persistent problem of 'money in politics'?

Understand, it is the 'tip of the spear' when it comes to our current situation of a largely pauperized public...

When we consider precisely WHERE this 'free cash' comes from [lower prices you never saw coupled to pay increases you never got! Cuz Joe/Jane GREEDHEAD paid it to LOBBYISTS to advance their own that thus far hasn't done YOU a lick of good but who says money is supposed to do EVERYBODY good?] does anyone else think we have a 'cash management problem?'

Sure won't hear THAT from a capitalist. Truth be told their worst nightmare is workers with cash behind them!

Individuals with a little 'financial wiggle room' don't have to 'roll over and play dead' when the boss decides to trim payroll and lump the extra work over the 'unfortunate survivors'.

Hard to find the companies that pursued those policies because their workforce was SO DISPIRITED they went out of business!

But hey, the CEO of the moment cleaned house in that momentary 'blaze of glory' before the burnt out husk hit the ground, in many cases never to rise again.

Let's couple this largely ignored 'dose of reality' [that monied special interests control our politicians AND the political 'process'...] with the 'bubble syndrome' that divides conservatives from liberals.

The basic difference [Here comes da truth] between conservatives and liberals is conservatives BELIEVE MONEY IS REAL, Liberals KNOW it ISN'T!

Heck of a divide when you put it that way but conservatives think the very rational question of 'where is Mother Nature's cash register' is ridiculous...and start spouting nonsense about 'opportunity costs'.

When you find yourself neck-deep in STUPID, who decides what is or isn't a 'good idea'?

The ONLY thing conservatives take pride in is making the rich even it will all 'trickle down' and society will 'blossom' from the overflowing 'love' these grifters use to feed their own personal 'herd' of politicians.

Yessiree Bob, those 'tax cuts' translate directly into 'contributions' to the PAC of the guy you voted for so he/she will vote AGAINST your best interests.

When the Republican'ts did the math and explained 'tax cuts pay for themselves!' What they were selling isn't exactly what YOU were getting! [as evidenced by the continually tanking economy!]

All that 'extra income' went directly to lobbyists...and stock buybacks...don't forget the has nothing to do with nothing 'stock markets'...where, ironically, own a lot of stock and for some reason you're rich...a claim that has absolutely zero basis in ironic 'money' has a similar problem!

Beginning to feel like you're getting PLAYED?

It's because YOU ARE!

Under A Simple Plan your money is for YOU and NOBODY gets it because money exists so YOU don't have to do EVERYTHING yourself! [and not to make other people rich/free from the obligation to work for a living...]

Um, A Simple Plan is basically an 'economics blog' but nobody is picking up what I'm laying down...kudos to the 'thought police' that protect YOU from 'dangerous ideas' the ones that demonstrate how YOU are being FUC*ED by the current system.

But hey, censors, you have to live here too! A Better World waits not just for me and the bulk of our disenfranchised fellow citizens, it waits for ALL of US!

Just a little something to consider before you hit the Block/Quarantine button!

Have a nice day!


Sunday, November 27, 2016

Ball of Confusion...

Greetings good citizen, probably showing my age but just walking down the aisle of a supermarket tells me how 'old' I'm getting. Tunes I, er, 'recognize' from the days of my youth keep me company as I do the march, gathering the week's groceries.

Ball of Confusion dates all the way back to the Sixties but is also a fairly apt description of the situation on the ground here and now.

We are inching towards a Global Oligarchy [failing that we are staring down the bore of global economic collapse, which is coming anyway, we're just supposed to 'pick teams' first.]

Fux News can be 'educational' if you consider where their 'fear-mongering programing' comes from...How many of you tuned in, ever so briefly last night to their two hour 'tele-drama' depicting a Black-out, er, didn't catch the beginning so I don't know if they said so but it was apparently an 'isolated to the US' incident.

Just for 'realism's' sake, let's assume the only reason the US wasn't bombed out of existence while it's communications were out and its land based ICBM's were, er, 'powerless' is that the 'black-out was indeed world wide.

Naturally, the FUX version ends when exactly two weeks later the lights come back on, everywhere at once! [A flipping miracle all by itself! but this was a 'dramatization' and therefore, somewhat less than 'accurate'.] [NOBODY's cell phone runs THAT LONG without recharging but last night's 'drama' was full of recording devices with incredible 'longevity'.]

Dem writers doz luvs themselves a 'fairy tale ending'!

But whatever. What do you suppose they were trying to accomplish with their hardly realistic teleplay?

Certain isn't a contender for an Emmy so 'award winning television' it ain't. Who eats this crap up with a shovel?

The conservo-whackos! This variety of crap is red meat for the gun-toting nut-jobs out there.

Is the media trying to 'prepare' the conservative base for a pending 'paradigm shift'?

Because that's the 'danger' good citizen. Turn off the lights, claim it is a 'terrorist attack' and then shift the national goalposts back a thousand years, with a new KING assuming command and promising to 'keep us safe'.

[Remember YOUR SAFETY means squat, you're being 'subjugated' to keep THEM SAFE! The War on Terror is FIRST AND FOREMOST between the 'Robber Barons and the *Mud people' [*read EVERYONE who is NOT a Robber Baron!]

No 'Elections', no choices, just a 'public service announcement' followed by a handful of 'starter decrees'

There is Deadly Danger of returning to a brings back a situation where 'disagreeing' with the sovereign can cost you your life!

Sucks, doesn't it but what sucks even worse is butting heads with the sovereign's proxy...or one of the proxy's deputies delivers the same result! [Right, wrong or indifferent...and dead is dead.]

If you're lucky your survivors MIGHT get a 'whoopsie, our bad' but chances are no...and once the already full of themselves get rolling, heads will roll just to bolster their 'credibility'.

The 'calculus' here is a 'zero tolerance stance' will cement their 'authority'. It's worked for centuries; we know those centuries as The Dark Ages.

Yes, good citizen, our self-professed betters actually BELIEVE 'The Enlightenment' was a huge mistake!

But most of them are [still] baffled by their progenitors 'mass abdication' during the 19th century...but they can't know what it was like not to sleep, ever. [because the most dangerous people you know were your relatives, especially the ones that lived with you!]

Which is to opine that most monarchs were thrilled to step out of harms way [and dance into the treasury of their former nation!]

Does it scare anyone else that the term 'Experiment in Democracy' [usually coupled with the word 'failed'] is bandied about like we'll all be pleased to rid ourselves of our troublesome 'rights'?

Or do such proclamations just roll off your feeble mind like water off a duck's back?

I'll be the first to tell you that you'd go mental taking everything you hear 'literally' but if you're not PAYING ATTENTION you won't have a clue what's going on when the bottom drops out!

We can still 'strike but I suspect the groundwork is already laid for a 'return of the king'...whether we want it or not!

You can stand there with your mouth open, drooling into your lap or you can DO SOMETHING!

If you don't STRIKE NOW, you won't be able to later...and even now it will likely be an 'empty gesture', the most we can hope to accomplish is forcing them to pull the trigger early.

I mean, with all of the 'conflicting messages' coming out of the bought & paid for media, do YOU [honestly] know which end is up?


You don't have a freakin' clue because you haven't been paying attention!

NOW would be a great time to take stock of the situation and consider what you'll do once the lights go off and all of the 'internet addicts' go into 'forced withdrawal' simultaneously.

Hard to estimate what that crowd will agree to just to get the net back...probably sell their children into slavery!

Doesn't help to point out that mankind was ALWAYS we're selfish and aren't ashamed to admit it!

Is THAT the kind of world you want to live in?

Thanks for letting me inside YOUR head,


Saturday, November 26, 2016

Ding-Dong, ding-dong!

Greetings good citizen, today we have news of the death of a despot, coupled with events following the death of another leader reviled by the current set of U.S. oligarchs.

Fidel Castro passed last night and the US media is echoing the cheers of Cuban capitalists ousted by the Castro's freedom fighters, just as news out of Venezuela tells of economic collapse [at the hands of rabid capitalists.]

It's like living in Bizarro world, isn't it good citizen? Americans are making a bee-line to Cuba for affordable healthcare they can't get here in the US yet our bought and paid for media cheers the death of the man that made that healthcare possible.


Um, does anyone else see the 'irony' that a good percentage of those making the trip also voted for the President Elect?

Their 'warped' thinking invokes such common expressions as 'I can't help it if they're stupid!'

Wrong, good citizen because these are the very same people who voted for Reagan then sat on their hands while their jobs were exported out from under them.

Taking the term 'stupid' to a whole new dimension yet they still can't see.

I'm telling ya, we need to pass an IQ test before we let ANYBODY vote!

Life is full of 'erroneous assumptions', like Money = Brains or everybody is 'pretty smart' when evidence to the contrary is all around us and those dangerous ones like Cop/Banker = Friend...when both of them do their level best to put the screws to you!

If YOU 'can't tell the difference' between friend and enemy then what are your chances of leveling the playing field.


Because we have literally reached the point where if you didn't win the 'birth lottery', [you were born to wealthy parents] you don't have a prayer!

The 'More for Me crowd is really taking the rest of us 'long & deep' [AND WE'RE SITTING STILL FOR IT!]

UNDERSTANDABLY, most of you [literally] 'can't imagine' a better world [than the one you see constantly on TV, do you know anybody who lives in a house as nice as those occupied by 'sitcom families'? Worse, why is the world of Police procedurals more like the one we actually live in?

I keep prattling on about a 'better world' but I suspect most of you have no idea what I'm babbling about.

But that's the trouble with selling 'intangibles', especially ones that remain 'transparent' until you actually have need of them...little things like Habeas Corpus for example.

I'll bet a majority of you don't know it remains suspended...but half of them don't know what it does so...again, WTF?

Sadly, without the lying media whispering in your ear what you should care about I suspect most people would walk around drooling in their lap playing with whatever their hands land on [and you know where your hands naturally land, don't you?]

Idle hands are the Devil's workshop!

So anyway, Ding Dong, ding-dong!

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


[Yeah, Hugo Chavez is dead and the country fell apart after he died because the capitalists ran in and grabbed whatever wasn't nailed down...and then some.

But as you well know our media doesn't do a very good job of reporting what's going on overseas, especially when it reflects poorly on the oligarchs operating system of choice.

Friday, November 25, 2016


Greetings good citizen, increasingly, the 'neck deep in stupid' axiom is popping up everywhere. Probably never gave it much thought but in light of the fact that recent 'Black Friday' sales have resulted in the stampede deaths other word for it, STUPID shoppers hoping to get their hands on some limited quantity, first come, first served 'special deal'.

Does it occur to anyone else that irresponsible actions like this SHOULD BE ILLEGAL? But NO, Republican legislators will scream 'liberal bias' if anyone even proposed legislation to ban limited time/limited quantity 'deals'.

The Conservo-whackos are OBSESSED with 'safety', but if the choice is between YOUR safety and the profits of the capitalists responsible for the mayhem [by offering limited time/limited quantity, first come first serve 'sales' DESIGNED to get you out to the stores where once there you'll probably buy a bunch of shit 'on markdown' while they're at it] then guess who the conserve-whackos feel compelled to 'protect' first? [Hint: You aren't even a 'distant second'.]

Truth be told, NOBODY is 'giving it away'. The 'limited quantity' stuff is 'close to cost' [probably weaseled a 'gimme' out of the manufacturer...and, remember, Mother Nature doesn't have a cash register so it's FREE to them!

What's the 'primary purpose' of a gift giving holiday? To bury the purchaser in DEBT. Understand, the OTHER purpose USED TO BE to provide jobs...but pick up ANYTHING off a store shelf these days and what does it say?

Made in China...[thanks capitalists, this stuff used to be made by Americans! Oh wait, isn't The Donald gonna bring those jobs back?] Naturally, like the rest of you, he too is IGNORANT of the fact that not only did THEY ship the jobs overseas, THEY SHIPPED THE EQUIPMENT NECESSARY TO PRODUCE IT WITH TOO!

We're all gonna look pretty silly trying to make half of this stuff by hand...[which is, in reality, 'impossible'.]

I have no truck with Spirit in the Sky but how the capitalists must howl with laughter over their 'cleverness' by having successfully dubbing the patron St. of 'the shopping holiday' as SATAN, anagrammed.

Worse, this particular 'crazy train' operates on 'autopilot'. How do you make the young understand you're not buying them anything has nothing to do with how much you love them?

But it's a sad reality for those among us who have to chose between eating and staying warm or buying gifts.

Numbers that are steadily growing as the 'margins' of elitist society continue to contract.

The damn shame here is there truly is 'enough for everyone to have some'.

But our self-professed 'betters' don't think you 'deserve' ANY. Sort of ironic considering they have more than they know what to do with...don't you think?

But no, you DON'T THINK!

Do you know what the difference between Ignorant and STUPID is?



[Welcome to a site dedicated to curing 'ignorance' but if you choose to remain 'ignorant' then there is nothing I can do for you! Thus is 'stupid', in many cases 'permanent'.

Making the 'world of I' a very frightening place indeed.

Those of us old enough to remember and smart enough to appreciate what was going on watched in horror as plant after plant was cleaned out, sold off and shipped overseas.

This is the power of Ownership that has left the global economy a smoking ruins.

Your basic Libertarian worships the power of ownership because as far as those insensitive bastards are concerned, all RIGHTS 'flow' from ownership/money.

Proving their VERY TENUOUS grip on reality...lie number one is 'money has value'! Money ISN'T a 'substance', it is a TOOL used to regulate access!

Holding your innate rights 'hostage' to your 'purchasing power' is insanity in the nth degree!

If those who 'control' your access to money have a quarrel with you/your segment of society, you're screwed!

Which rings that other 'bell', the one only those who seal off the avenues of 'peaceful conflict resolution' can hear, the 'revolt bell'.

Problem is how many of you will recognize the revolt when it starts?

Worse, how many of you will fall for the fake news reports that 'Authority' is putting the 'isolated incidents' down, handily no less [when they can get away with it.]

This is a 'All hands on Deck' crisis. The more pressure we can bring to bear, the quicker the crisis will be resolved.

More chilling, what if they pull a 'pre-emptive' revolt...and fold up like a cardboard box...putting comically little effort to 'resist'...will you recognize a 'fake revolt' that fixes nothing?

I'm guessing you will, but not at first.

Which is to opine I suspect most of you, not wanting your current apple cart upset, will willingly accept a quick, bloodless [2nd] coup.

If nothing changes then the 'revolt' was as 'real' as the elections.

If things get worse, it's not too hard to imagine BUT that's the beauty of revolts, we can keep having them until we 'get it right'.

How unfortunate for most of us people 'tire' of life during wartime, quickly and will accept pretty much ANYTHING so long as the fighting/killing stops.

That's why it's critical to, er, 'eliminate the Blue Wall' as thoroughly as possible, as quickly as possible.

It's HOW they keep returning to power.

Just another item to ponder as you choose between eating and gift giving...praying it doesn't get too cold in the meantime.

Considering there is nobody up there or paying know how much 'good' praying does.

But those who would rob you WANT you to restrict your efforts to PRAYER and HOPING for a better world than actually DOING SOMETHING ABOUT IT!

It really WON'T STOP until YOU put a stop to it and you don't have to even go out in the cold... just stop giving it away.

Enough said,

Here's to hoping we have something to celebrate this holiday season!

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Are we there yet?

Greetings good citizen, it's still weeks before the President elect is inaugurated and you KNOW a goodly percentage of his supporters are watching this transition process with eagle eyes, hoping against hope that they haven't made a terrible mistake!

Given the current state of 'politics' in this nation people are right to worry...or fear, both are warranted. Gone are the days of my youth when politics boiled down to a case of 'disagreeing' over fiscal policy.

Nobody questioned anybody's 'patriotism' or whether or not they were a 'good American'...which has a disturbing implication because we all know what politicians thought made for a 'good' Native American...

Lost on no one [I hope] is the trepidation we all fear of suddenly finding ourselves on the 'wrong side' of the 'political divide'.

How much of what we're witnessing is 'going along to get along?'

Truth be told good citizen, for all our proclamations of being 'independent individuals' we are herd/tribal animals first.

This is an aspect of human behavior that is commonly overlooked by the average human. [Ahem...I'm looking at YOU, Slim!]

Ever wonder why 'people' vote against their own best interests?

The answer lies in not wanting to be the 'odd man out'. How 'individualistic' of you...not mention, er, brave or fearless.

Truth be told, [remember 'truth' is one of the three things people HATE, along with cameras and mirrors] a certain vocal percentage of people are sniveling cowards. They have yet to come to terms with 'death: personal' and live their lives avoiding the 'inevitable' as vigorously as they can.

Actors can be 'brave', they know a 'death scene' isn't real.

To their credit, some of those impending doom scenes are about as real as it gets. It's less difficult than you imagine to put yourself in 'mental mortal peril' fact some of us do it all the time.

But this isn't [solely] about emotions or our legendary lack of control over them.

This is about a palace coup almost forty years in the rearview mirror and what the result of it has been.

Doubt anyone is 'surprised' that The Donald is, er, 'dialing back' some of his 'campaign rhetoric', we all knew being POTUS was just a metaphor for 'puppet on a string'. He does what he's told or the 'puppet masters' simply get rid of him and move on to the next one in line. One now guaranteed to be a 'more obedient' servant than the one who died of 'lead poisoning'.

Left to our imaginations is not 'if' Mike Pence will take over but 'when'?

Total speculation at this point but the man does have a habit of putting his foot in is mouth...regularly.

While the 'bandwagon' crowd [theory has it this group is still not as large as the media would have you believe it is] isn't up in arms over it's candidate backing away from some of his more flammable campaign promises.

When do you think we'll hear the first cries of 'where's the Great America you promised me?'

Now probably isn't a good time to mention that NOBODY ASKED what this cypher actually meant?

Was 'Great America' here all along? Will his supporters chuckle and exclaim 'aw shucks' over their own foolish assumptions that 'Murika could get any greater?

Or will they be worried that an uprising might interrupt their SSI pensions?

Never too far/far enough away from the 'world of I' are we good citizen?

Is there any irony in the fact we'd be making much better 'progress' if we were all fighting for the same thing?

How sad is it that most people simply want to be 'left alone'. Don't bother them with ANY 'pie in the sky' better tomorrow, just don't f-up their TODAY no matter how lousy it may be.

The 'sniveling cowards' our oligarchs despise don't want a 'brighter tomorrow, all they want is to be left alone...

So where does that leave us?

Same place it leaves the oligarchs, with the one most successful in 'applying pressure' winning!

Oligarchs have an 'edge' [they control the 'money hammer'] but we still have 'strength in numbers'.

Again, statistically speaking, sniveling cowards are just 25% of the population, the greatest obstacle we face is 'cluelessness'.

Too many of the young have no idea what's going on! [and it's a real bitch trying to explain it to them cuz they don't care!

Brings us full circle with 'neck deep in stupid' syndrome but we can break down this 'I don't care' barrier with the right 'tactics'.

The 'boys' may not care but the girls sure do! Advantage, Rebels!

Naturally, the answer to today's rhetorical question is 'where?' and no, not even close but it won't be long [now that the shit is ready to hit the fan!

Thanks for letting me inside YOUR head!


Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Out of sight, out of mind.

Greetings good citizen! The latest from the President elect is he's going to 'create jobs'.

Left to our collective imagination is just how bad is it out there, really?

First thing most of us don't think about is since your ability to vote is linked directly to the annual town census, how many millions didn't vote in the recent election/debacle because they lacked 'proof of residence'?

Then there is the [heavily manipulated] Labor force participation rate, literally MILLIONS of YOUNG MEN are living off their parents because there ARE NO JOBS.

Remember the conundrum of capitalism, if you can't live on what your employer pays you it's not his problem, IT'S YOURS

Since rent travels in lock-step with mortgages [in case you ever wondered how landlords arrived at how much the dump that hasn't been reno'd in forty years is worth they want to rent YOU] You are answered. The 'prevailing current mortgage payment' is the basis for all rent pricing decisions.

That's why two or even several minimum wage jobs isn't sufficient for a majority of millennials to leave their parents house.

My 21 year old is making 'move out' noises but they are exactly that. He ain't goin' nowhere until one of his buddies hits the lottery.

It won't be him, he doesn't play. He thinks it's stupid...but if he could get back just a nickel on every dollar he's spent on Magic Cards he'd have his 'first and last!'

So there lies the 'Tip of the Iceberg', tens of millions of kids who have been waiting [some more than a decade] to 'get their feet under them' and start a life 'on their own.

All money is 'funny' and it's the 'abuse' of this property that leads to the kind of 'inflationary cycle' that prices hundreds of millions out of the 'future'. Remember, King of the Hill doesn't stop once you achieve 'more than you can spend status', they forever watch one another and keep building their stack higher in a perverse competition nobody cares about but them...[which is a little misleading, the gold-diggers care too because axiom number two is ever and always 'it's easier to take it than to make it!]

That and 'A fool and his money' isn't exclusive to the young...supposedly 'wiser heads' have found themselves in the unfortunate position of being 'old enough to know better but too horny to care!'

So it is the 'stockpiles' of the 'Freakishly Selfish' that drive prices ever upward because there is no mechanism to 'retire' money that has been used/spent.

Under A Simple Plan, once spent, the money is erased from your account, NOBODY gets it! [You've already been paid for your labor by your 'true employer' society. There is no need to pay you twice.

The 'business' that produced the product doesn't 'need the money', resources are FREE, Mother Nature DOESN'T HAVE A CASH REGISTER!

Understand, when we 'convert' to the new system, all of that paper will go 'poof' will the electronic accounts it's stored in. What you HAD is gone. BETTER, you won't have the ability to, er, 'bequest' your remaining funds when you die because the ability to transfer funds between individuals is strictly prohibited. When you die, your money dies with you!

The 'inability' to transfer funds between individual is born of the fact that many lack the necessary management skills to hold on to their money. By limiting where money can be spent it eliminates MOST TYPES of 'poverty'.

Drugs will be legal and you'll be able to buy them with few restrictions. There will be dosing standards that can't be exceeded but some people will find themselves unable to fulfill their obligations because they were 'too stoned' to report on time for their job.

Once, we turn our heads, happens to the best of us...twice, you're going for treatment...strike three and you're OUT [as in exiled.]

Once should be enough for most people to clean their act up. We may not do anything the first time but your 'free ride' is officially 'spent'.

But I digress. I share that to provide you with a 'clear picture' of what I propose. Understand, even the 'airy fairy' gift social model will sprout teeth and claws if/when it starts to fall apart.

I'd rather 'lay it on the line' upfront than have the [inevitable] 'I didn't know' come popping out when Joe/Jane Slacker finally figure out the guaranteed job works BOTH WAYS!


They won't be 'stupid jobs' like selling phone service to people who already have phone service...which is what happened during the Clinton years.

Or selling postal services to people who don't ship enough to feed an ant and don't qualify for UPS/Fed ex shipper numbers which is what happened when Bush took over...ironically Obama has done NOTHING, maybe because the oligarchs realized they were chasing their tail! [but I doubt that.]

Yeah, I've seen/worked some of those 'made up' jobs and both endeavors folded up like cardboard shacks once market saturation was achieved. [Mostly because they were 'unprofitable'...a big 'job killer' under capitalism. Did you know that almost all public infrastructure jobs cost more than they yield [including/especially schools]?

It's what comes out 'the other end' that makes them worthwhile.

Sewage is a class A great idea because before 'plumbing' came along it was more than just horse shit that you had to wade through to get anywhere!

Really went off 'on a tangent' with this post, my most humble apologies!

What I'm pointing to is the crushing poverty that has been the 'by-product' of the global consolidation of MARKET SHARE!

It's what the capitalist 'players' of global monopoly have really been up to. The 'cost savings' of 'artificially manipulated' labor pools is really just an exercise in 'hand-waving'. The 'cheaper there' doesn't really exist.

With the 'consolidation' of market share came a huge boost in automation, driven by relocating old enterprises to 'updated' facilities.

So the 'labor force participation rate continues to fall...and under the current model, there is nothing 'new' to be done.

Understand, the capitalist model is based on providing life's necessities to one another. If you 'automate' ANY of those processes, the robots don't buy what they produce and the 'surplus population' rises.

Surplus populations are a disaster waiting to happen...but our 'betters' appear not to have figured that out!

Allow me to rewind for a moment, under Obama we turned the nation's police force into an ad hoc collection agency...with an emphasis on 'production'.

Under 'debt driven capitalism' paying those debts [even if you can't afford it] is 'the law'. Um, it's not what 'police forces were established to do and 'perceived abuse of legal authority' is what drives most revolts.

Did I mention the 'colossal stupidity' of our betters?

Because the factors I point to above aren't just happening here in the US, the coming 'crisis' is GLOBAL.

Now I ask you, how insane is it to base your civilization on a GAME whose objective is to BANKRUPT all of the other players?

They named the game Monopoly but it's capitalism writ large!

Last two words in any game of Monopoly are a capitalist's favorite 'Pay me!'

Hate to clue you good citizen but this isn't about YOU! [But YOU know that, otherwise you wouldn't be here!]

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


PS: This planet we NEED to share [with more than just our fellow humans ] is a mighty f'd up place but that's because we let the 'self-interested' get away with too much for too long.

Time to drop the hammer and straighten out what's left before they drive the smokin' wreck off a cliff!

There's still a lot of 'mileage' to be had from this old girl but we need to free her from the grip of the selfish few...

Monday, November 21, 2016

White Power

Greetings good citizen, as the old saying goes, when all else fails...

So it seems our hard pressed media, straining to cover the most recent 'Electoral Fail' have returned to an old staple, White Supremacy. [Now being called 'White Nationalism' but it's the same shit, different label.]

Naturally, one would have to question the 'wisdom' of pointing to the Billionaires Boy's Club and lumping in the 'Hopelessly Stupid with the Freakishly Selfish' and coming up with the sum of 'Divided America'.

Pretty damning that the Oligarchs are in fact a 'monochromatic' bunch, being 'white' is one of the prerequisites of membership...although prereq number one is being RICH! Then you can be PURPLE and they'll let you in...but they may not, er, 'have your back' if your hear what I'm saying...

So, yeah.

The 'incongruity' here [inconsistency] is obvious, they are taking the 'nationalistic fervor' of the 'Hopelessly stupid' and lumping them in with their coincidentally 'white' Freakishly, Slaver Class.

Now the Freakishly Selfish have NO 'national preference' [beyond which country is the most easily corruptible so they can cheaply hide their (usually stolen) assets there.]

This 'divide' the media is pointing to is actually better known as White Man's Disease. All white men, regardless of 'social standing' has an inborn sense of privilege, a sense of entitlement. This is most prominent among White men but all humans display this 'air of entitlement' especially when it comes to the raping of the planet.

STOP, good citizen! It's all too easy to fall into 'the f'n bums deserve what they get' trap.

NOW we genuinely have 'a few bad apples [or in our case 'actors'] on our hands.

And that 'club' I refer to really exists.

But the White Supremacist the media is prattling on about are the Hopelessly Stupid [Which is not to say the label is exclusive to the poor white man (and more than a few woman...let's not forget the 'ladies'!) Our Oligarchs have proven multiple times that they are champions at being monumentally stupid.

Kind of a 'not to be outdone' sort of thing bordering on that fine line between 'famous and infamous'.

While I'd like to be able to claim that the 'thinking man' doesn't indulge his 'White Privilege'...I'd be foolish to express such an absurd notion.

If you're white, you automatically think you deserve 'first dibs'...just because you are white.

How sad an indictment is that?

Worse, we're perfectly good with that insane idea! We still think we're 'good people'...the same way veterans feel the need to be appreciated for their willingness to murder for someone else's property rights...

Not so NOBLE when you put it that way, is it? [To their credit, it's rare to see anyone who saw combat get belligerent when they felt they weren't receiving the 'adoration' the armchair types feel they deserve!]

But I digress.

White people KNOW they have a 'superiority problem' fact the Billionaire Boys Club fears their 'less successful replacements' the most!

Tis vanity but in your mind don't you believe a revolt will be lead by a white...and most likely a man?

It's sort of a fight fire with fire notion...a belief you have to think like a white man if you want to beat a white man.

Who better to accomplish the task than another white man? All of the other 'whiteys' wouldn't question his leadership and the rest are 'used to' following a white guy.

[Damn hole keeps getting deeper no matter which direction I go...but you can't argue with the facts!]

Which is why we are having this exercise. Thanks to out 'feelings of superiority' we have indeed pitted the rest of the planet against us!

Now it's time to take a look at what it got us.

A house divided against itself CANNOT STAND.

Which also holds true for a species. If we can't get along it is only a matter of time before we wipe ourselves out.

Generally, we 'get along/tolerate' each other just's the few who see advantage for themselves in exploiting the other that we have to 'do something about'.

Not 'White Power' but PEOPLE POWER, not 'Whites First' but HUMANS FIRST!

Funny how the human anti-exploitation law promotes that logical mindset...isn't it?

We can get into which species 'deserves' to dominate AFTER we, er, 'eliminate' the 'I'm better than you' BS in our own species.

Thank you for letting me inside your head,


Sunday, November 20, 2016

Careful what you wish for...

Greetings good citizen, as I was commenting yesterday, I don't 'plan' these posts and similar to 'Diary keeping' I am literally 'emptying my head'...often just as 'surprised' as you [should there prove to be ANY actual readers] are by what falls out.

Part of the 'fun' of doing this is getting to read the 'end result'.

So there is an element of personal satisfaction that drives me to continue, I have never done this for the 'approval' of others.

But that's what they all say, isn't it?

Dunno what the little counter over by my headshot is for but it's up to 64 so either I'm generating complaints or people are liking what I have to share.

Sort of begs the question of what happens when it hits 100?

Guess we'll see [if civilization doesn't fall off a cliff before then.]

Which brings me to the disturbing part of the coming 'transition'. Have you noticed the press is doing its damnedest to 'demonize' the 'businessman' corporate America as been wailing for since the Reagan Revolution?

Naturally, El Trump is playing right into that narrative with his proclamations of 'draining the swamp'.

Bizarrely, since government is established to 'regulate' commerce we can only wonder if 'draining the swamp' will be done with the same faulty assumption that capitalists are 'fundamentally honest' that caused the banking industry to 'crash and burn'?

Like a nightmare that refuses to go away, the media is also [momentarily] 'obsessed' with the implosion of the [non-existent] Democratic Party.

Which, to clarify, is there are still a 'majority' of democratically inclined voters out there, what the nitwits in the media refuse to acknowledge is these people didn't turn out to vote because Hillary isn't a Democrat!

What's 'wrong' with the Democrats? A.) they're smarter than the oligarchs give them credit for, and increasingly, they don't think its funny no more...and B.) directly tied to A. is the FACT that what is presented as 'democrats' today has no relation to the democratic ideals the majority of us [boomers] were raised with.

Another twenty years and we'll no longer be in the 'majority' and our kids are already too stupid to care...another by-product of the failure to abandon capitalism after WWII. [Did I mention the Nazi's were rabid capitalists?]

Naturally it's outlandish ideas like this that make the average reader reluctant to comment.

But if I weren't offering an 'alternative' it would indeed sound, outrageous to my mind as well.

Because the only 'alternative' [now also relegated to history's scrap-heap] is Communism. Want a conserve-whacko to fly right off the deep end, just casually mention that 'communism' isn't 'so bad'.

They will 'go off' on a tirade...fueled by 'pure ignorance'. EVEN RUSSIANS are 'ignorant' of what 'communism' was like pre-Stalin...because Stalin was NO COMMUNIST.

Just as Modern Chinese are ignorant of how Communism is Supposed to operate because, like ourselves, those entrusted with 'preserving the system' were replaced with 'opportunists' who care more about what was in it for them than the 'ideals' of the founders.

Which is to opine that the founders of this nation would be aghast if they were summoned from their graves into the here and now.

Criminals themselves, they would still be astonished by what their 'handiwork' had wrought.

[Raised to be 'god fearing' they couldn't conceive of a world where men weren't...a major 'mis-calculation' on its own!]

Funny how the 'too clever' often think they are the only ones who can see the 'bigger picture'...when the bigger picture is clear to anyone that chooses to see. [Religion relies heavily on 'self-deception'.]

Naturally, the coming 'crisis' hinges on the extremely faulty notion that people are/remain 'ignorant' of the collapse of the 'two party system'.

This past election cycle confirmed what many of us only suspected, we, as a nation, are 'trapped' on a Republican run-away roller-coaster ride.

The ride WON'T STOP until the collective 'WE' pull the plug on the 'lie machine' ushered in by History's Actors.

Wait, it gets better. Let's assume I'M RIGHT and these posts are being dropped into a deep, dark hole, never to be read/evaluated by ANYONE!

Alternatives to the current system are reduced to ZERO [if nobody 'knows' it may as well not exist, right?] BUT THAT DOESN'T ALTER THE TRAINWRECK ONE IOTA!

Something much worse than 'the terror' is coming but apparently our self-professed 'betters' would rather face being PUBLICLY DISMEMBERED than relinquish their stranglehold on civilization.

Yeah, 'beheading' isn't going to cut it for this bunch. Probably going to force the 'perceived guilty' to ingest high explosives...hey, doing the same thing to completely innocent frogs makes the 'superstitious peasant' roll with laughter.

Wouldn't blowing a 'pig' to pieces be that much more 'amusing/entertaining'?

Worse, the 'selfish few' brought exactly this upon themselves.

In that respect, this is 'justice'.

Left to our 'imaginations' is whether they'll do the One Percenter, president-elect first [or make him watch and do him last?]

I'm not wishing anything on anyone...just telling you what you already know, the powerful have overstepped their bounds and because of THAT there will be HELL TO PAY!

Leading by example has sealed their fate.

Thank you for letting me inside YOUR HEAD...[it's only the two of us while you sit here reading this, not even God is looking/reading over your shoulder...just another thing to 'think about.']


PS: On a not even mildly amusing note, the ones really responsible for this will be long gone [in many cases to their grave] before the lid blows off...just another thing to ponder as you lie awake, wondering how much time is left.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Weekend ramblings...

Greetings good citizen, Did you know I don't use a 'formula' to craft my posts? I do admit to having an agenda [Promote A Simple Plan, implementing the Human anti-exploitation law and 'returning' money to its proper place in society.]

No, I didn't read any of this anywhere...although I suspect the idea itself is not 'original' and if it is then stupid runs a lot deeper than ANYONE suspects... Flipping that rock over [and given the absolute silence coming from my web page...the zero comments thing is starting to spook me, makes me ponder the possibility nobody is reading this and all I've accomplished is creating my own private 'echo chamber'.]

Please accept my invitation to chat it up out there people. I know blogs are like 'keeping a diary' but I think I've been fairly clear that what I'm putting out there is for both the here and now as well as for the future...when somebody, somewhere [preferably not standing among the smoking ruins of civilization] might pick up my scribblings and think to themself, hey, that's a good idea! Why didn't they try this?

I write this down for precisely that purpose. They can kill me [or withhold my ideas from the public] but they can't kill an idea!

I don't doubt there exists a 'cyber-force' whose main mission is to locate and isolate 'dangerous ideas' from spreading to an already confused and over-manipulated public [thus the long history of 'no comment'...not even the usual 'troll' stuff.

Which is to speculate that the 'ideological purity' of the operatives prohibits them from interacting with the seditious writers they locate.

But I digress...we were examining the 'unplanned nature' of my writing. Often the headlines inspire the topics I expound upon but as I write, the 'deeper context' emerges on its own.

Left for you to sort out is where the nonsense stops and the ramblings of a mad man begin?

Poe [as in Edgar Allen] would often employ the strategy of having his narrator question his own sanity to lend extra chill to his twisted tales. I am not doing that, despite some of my observations being even more twisted than Poe's.

Welcome to reality, good citizen!

Another 'common thread' [90% of posts have at least one, er, by now most of you are calling it 'harassment' but naturally, I call them 'reminders' that we are the 'authors' of our situation. It is up to us to put a stop to the 'exploitation/robbery' we call 'living' [perhaps more commonly known as the practice of dying 'one little piece at a time'.]

Equally as disturbing is the tell-tale of how the copies of A Simple Plan I post keep 'disappearing'. If you doubt the existence of the Ministry of Truth I tell you it's here! [EVEN IF THE ONLY NITWIT THAT SEES THIS IS THE ONE THAT 'EMBARGOES' IT!]


Take that you Nazi!

On the surface this looks disturbed enough and you might even be thankful the 'thought police' quarantine my stuff before you ever get the chance to read it. Naturally, this begs the question of how many others have their stuff ignored to death?

Am I wrong here? Am I mistaking 'politeness' for stupidity?

Time to prove me wrong.

Thank you for letting me inside YOUR head,


PS: 250 posts and not so much as one 'bullshit'! Either what I share is 'so profound' that it defies comment or it's so absurd it is beneath ridicule?

Again, is 'the stupid' really that deep? Once engaged most people are 'reasonably intelligent'...and more than a few of you are opinionated blowhards that have your own media shows yet I have managed to post 250 extremely controversial posts and not garnered a SINGLE EITHER direction?

Not one 'good job' or the opposite, 'you suck!'

Yeah, it's hard being green.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Arm chair quarterbacking...

Greetings good citizen, the media [those almost solely responsible for our current predicament] are amping up the message that 'America is going to be alright!' when clearly, it's not.

Let's start with faulty premise number one: The 'system' works fine, all the grumbling is just 'sour grapes'.

The 'system' specifically designed to DENY YOU ANY CHOICE [beyond who will make decisions in YOUR NAME WITHOUT EVER CONSULTING YOU] is 'flawed by design'.

Worse, while we COULD 'change the system', it's not going to happen because those who want things this way fear the repercussions of their past actions.

As well they should. When the lid flies off, a lot of people are going to be called to account for their words or deeds and be made to pay.

One of those people might well be me for my 'seditious' [a matter of perspective] behavior.

Either way, I'm not going to lose sleep over what 'might happen' nor will I hold my tongue.

If the average individual is 'confused' it's because the f'n media is hammering the 'Divided America' meme with all of its might!

[While 'backpedalling' with the 'we're all in this together card' ANOTHER 'boldface lie'...the ones whispering 'fight the power' the loudest really mean 'if those people ever figure out we are the ones screwing them...']

That's what we're [non-One Percenter/Morons] up against...which is to belabor the obvious, we're 'flanked' with the 'hopelessly stupid' on one side and the 'freakishly selfish' on the other.

We all KNOW nothing is going to change...[for the better] until WE take the bull by the horns and make it happen...but where to begin?

The Pillars of Civilization, naturally...and this time we focus on LIBERATING EVERYBODY!

[If we can't break the 'slaver mentality' our species is DOOMED!]

For those of you who are new here, the pillars are, in order, Equality, Justice and Peace. You can't have ANY without the other two.

Did you realize you are currently living in a society based on Truth, Beauty and Law [which isn't necessarily 'justice'...]

Do you see the 'flaw' in our current civilization's model? Two are 'relative' and the other is 'subjective'.

Don't beat yourself up over the, er, 'intentional shortcomings' of the current model...the 'design meeting' was an 'invitation only' event.

One needn't use too much 'imagination' to figure out who was 'invited' and why...

Yez, even in the heat of 'revolution' there were still those more concerned with their 'social status' than 'the good of civilization' [more commonly known as 'the greater good'.]

Flakily enough, this has its roots all the way back to the 'Rule in Hell than serve in Heaven' argument. Without a doubt, oh so many of our self-professed betters take their role as 'Master of Hell' oh so seriously!

[Things starting to make sense now? An 'educated' rabble really IS 'their worst nightmare!' fortunate for them they can wave a fist full of [worthless] cash at half of us to kill the other half?]

If you haven't figured it out yet, yeah, I can be 'cynical' but that doesn't mean I don't have an abundance of both 'Hope and Faith!'

Defies logic? Let me explain.

Humans have 'low tolerances' [especially for being messed with and our self-professed betters apparently don't know when to quit.

When TSHTF, it likely won't be for any single apparent reason but I have confidence that day is NOT in the 'distant future'.

What happens AFTER the wheels come flying off is anybody's guess. [The 'results' vary wildly every time it happens so this remains 'uncharted waters'.]

How sad is it that my 'faith' in the 'monumental stupidity' of our self-professed betters is what will 'deliver us'? [Beyond words, good citizen, sadness beyond words.]

All it takes is a crack and what they've been 'brewing' all these years will take over with a mind of its own.

Advice? Get the f*** out of the way!

Question is, do YOU think 'everything will be alright?'

I'm guessing you're willing to 'wait and see'.

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


PS: I stand firm in my commitment to the STRIKE and believe it is our first best hope for peaceful change, which to clarify means I also know 'time is short', if we fail to ACT while we can, we WILL BE ACTED UPON!

Just wanted you be 'clear' on that...

Thursday, November 17, 2016


Greetings good citizen, every day is a fresh start and so it is we 'begin again'.

As far back as I can remember, everything 'good' was conservative...[Mom, baseball, hot dogs, apple pie and Chevrolet, a monolithic stand-in for 'Corporate America'] while everything 'bad' [Labor unions, public education, civil defense, the justice system and public television] were all part of the vast conspiracy of the TAX and Spend Liberals.

Since the beginning conservatives have been pounding it into everyone's head that TAXES = BAD...because they sure weren't going to pay to 'regulate' themselves! If the PUBLIC [RUBES] wanted 'protection' from rapacious capitalists they were gonna be made to pay for it...and THAT'S where 'TAXES' come in.

The LESS people paid in tax, the less 'regulation/oversight' there would be.

Thus is our 'Justice System' for profit. If you can't afford Justice then, just like everything else in this life, you won't get it.

Rewind with me a moment and let's return to the All Money is Funny phenomenon. Since money means what they tell you it means, you only need to pay for what they tell you that you need to pay for.

Works out nice for 'the owners of commerce' because there is barely enough money to grease the palms of the legislators to get regulations on the books, nevermind enforcing those regulations after the fact!

Damn liberals, always wanting MORE TAXES so they can fund PUBLIC GIVEAWAYS [like free education.]

Ironically, conservo-whackos have publicly come out in favor of public education...but only after their factories stopped burning down because the only workers available were MORONS. Smarter workers increased productivity and reduced scrap...and workers educated at the public's expense were even better!

But this was still 'bad liberal policy' hell, it even smacked of that dreaded 'communism!'

But let's take this ONE STEP FURTHER...those who BELIEVE Liberalism is BAD happen to be CONSERVO-WHACKOS who detest thinking.

There IS HOPE good citizen, only ONE IN FOUR [25%] voters declare themselves to be 'allergic to thinking'!

If you are still a conservative after you 'thought about' what 'conservatism' represents, what it really means is YOU'RE HOPELESSLY STUPID!

How sad is it that Liberals have 'disappeared' from the political landscape and those claiming to 'represent' liberal values couldn't define liberalism or liberal values with a f'n dictionary!

So it is we live in a world where the drums beat it into our brains that 'government' is BAD.

[Cornerstone of the Reagan Revolution...Reagan himself is often quoted as saying 'the scariest words you'll ever hear are 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help!']

Well, considering WHO is currently running the government, the criminals would dread hearing what the agents of government are supposed to be saying to the owners of commerce, 'Cease and desist' I have a court order for you to stop [fill in the laundry list of offenses here. Contrary to 'conservative doctrine' capitalists ARE NOT 'fundamentally honest'. If profits can be increased by screwing you, they'll do it without blinking!]

That's why 'commerce loving' conserve-whackos DON'T LIKE GOVERNMENT! If the government DID WHAT IT WAS EMPOWERED TO DO, THEY'D ALL BE IN PRISON!


[Again I marvel at how quickly these posts go 'downhill'...just when you thought things couldn't get any worse!]

Leading us back to the exercise in 'hand waving' we call politics. First thing to get through your head is you DO NOT 'participate' way and in no form...although the practice of 'testing the water/keeping you guessing' by letting you vote on 'non-binding referendums' [how they must laugh] is, indirectly, 'participation''s democracy the way it was intended to work!

But you wouldn't know anything about that because they don't teach you about democracy...or money or a ton of other things, in 'school'. [that bastion of education! What are those scum thinking? How do they expect to learn anything if they can't PAY FOR IT!

[Now engage brain and return to the 'validity' of money...totally worthless.]

This is what I mean by 'if you're still a conservative after you've had a chance to think about it, you're a moron.'

So 'tax & spend liberals' are really just a creation/fabrication of the conserve-whacko doctrine machine.

It's a boogey man the keeps popping up whenever true conservo-whacko-dom oversteps the limits of civility [read early & often] and screws large numbers of the paying public out of their hard-earned pay...'Liberals' who demand somebody be held accountable are 'conjured' to 'put the rabble back to sleep' while providing the 'illusion' that something has been done to correct the problem...usually with no admission of 'wrong-doing' by the perps...that would go against conservative doctrine, that capitalists are 'inherently honest'.

Bad apples, it's all just 'bad apples'.

Never met an apple in all of my business dealings so they must be 'rare' as well, those sneaky 'bad apples'!

Yet everybody knows capitalist shorthand for Fuck you is 'trust me!'

And that's a mighty sad state of affairs, Amigo. [And no, Mexico is too far away to reach on foot which is the only way I'd be able to go!]

Let's 'recap' shall we?

Liberals, like Angels DON'T EXIST. [So the next time chuckle-head starts spouting off about 'f'n Liberals' (El Rushbo's favorite hobby horse) tell 'em to STFU!]

I once again belabor the obvious, the mouth breathing morons are conservo-whackos, basically too stupid to know any better.

The other 3/4's of us are 'uncommitted'. We thought about conservatism and it's 'off-shoots', Libertarianism and Eco- terrorism [which, again, isn't any more 'real' than liberals are...] Then there's the 'hate groups' which are starting to look appealing when we consider the tripe the mainstream parties keep expecting us to swallow.

At least the 'narrow minded' know what they're preaching!

But I digress.

Who are we really?

We have the 'born to it' EXPLOITERS [read criminals] and the rest of us...who fit somewhere between 'the hired help and vermin'. [read workers and those the exploiters can't execute without risking a revolt]

It's probably never been put to you so 'bluntly' before nor have you ever been able to fully appreciate the 'bleakness' of your situation/position.

All is NOT LOST and yes, Justice can still prevail...but it requires YOU to make a commitment.

I'm going to remind you [again] so you don't forget just who your head belongs to...

Thank YOU for letting me inside YOUR head!


PS: This one SHOULD go viral but no, it will sit here ignored like all the rest! Not your fault, preaching to the 'unaligned' is like herding cats, once people 'tune out' they pretty much 'give up'...then the conservo-WHACKOS win!

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

True or False

Greetings good citizen, the guy hasn't even taken the oath of office yet and the media is already alarmed at the 'erratic' nature of the incoming administrations transition team.

Shades of things to come, good citizen?

We all know, especially when it comes to politics, that 'True or False' are inconsequential, 'perception is King'.

This means the real question is what is the media 'preparing us' for? If their play is the 'incompetent card' then there sure is nothing like 'warming up the audience'.

Donald may fancy himself a showman but is he really up to the level of scrutiny he's about to be subjected to? If they are 'slapping him around' like this BEFORE he takes office, imagine what it will be like when he actually has to DO something?

Again, I am NOT a member of the 'give the guy a chance' club [which is actually PRAYING for that 'more of the same' the rest of us are dreading.]

We elected Donald as a 'change agent and I suspect he WON'T DISAPPOINT...which is to say there WILL BE CHANGES but I'd also opine that MOST OF US won't 'like' those changes.

The Stupid will applaud change itself, ignorant and uncaring of the ramifications those changes will carry. How ironic that stupid will blame the adversity on the opposing party which has NO SAY in what legislation gets approved.

Worse, the same cadre of morons blame Bill Clinton for signing NAFTA into law but these same morons are ignorant that they just voted in the critical element of NAFTA's passage, a REPUBLICAN CONTROLLED CONGRESS!

Now some of you may wonder what the 'elite' are doing, stealing elections around the globe [and make no mistake about it, 'Free Trade' conservatism is the rule rather than the exception.

How will we end up with a 'World Government' [one capable of 'overriding' national laws?] You just elected the necessary 'lynchpin' to make that possible. [Not to say Billary would have 'disobeyed' her 'supporters'...]

The Donald will pass the 'treaty of many P's', effectively neutering [elected] national governments, making the 'justice system' a 'division' of our new 'Corporate World'...where 'market share' will be our new-born king.

Find yourself living in an 'economic desert?' TOUGH!

It's up to YOU to make yourself 'useful' and after a certain age [you start 'slowing down' in your early forties] you won't be 'useful' to matter how hard you try. [Pull them bootstraps right off, won't matter!]

May as well volunteer to join the Mission to Mars...although radiation poisoning isn't the most pleasant way to go.

[Isn't it shocking how quickly these posts go downhill?]

But that's 'REALITY' for ya folks.

You may not like [reality] much but here you will get beaten with it mercilessly. I know most of you are swayed by patriotic nonsense and rah-rah pull your self up by the bootstraps BS.

SOME OF YOU KNOW problem A is you don't own a pair of boots and if you do, they DON'T have straps like cowboy boots do.

[now there's an oxymoron for ya, 'smart cowboy' With the exception of Roy Rogers [who wasn't really a cowboy] most of 'em are as dumb as a post.

Cowboyin' don't require a lot of thinkin'. Trail boss tells the cowboy what he wants done and the cowboy goes and does it.

But, defying all logic, the modern human can more easily relate to the image of 'honest and home-spun' tellin' em 'what-for' rather than work out the solution for themselves.

YOU know, no matter how hard you yank on your mental bootstraps, the goalposts don't shift an inch and you could yank those suckers clean off and all you'd end up with is a pair of useless boots.

And you know who gets the blame for busting 'em, don't ya?


Now here I am telling ya it's ALL 'up to you' AGAIN!

Don't you wish somebody else would step up to the plate and fix things for the rest of us?

Be more than happy to, amigo but I'd look mighty silly marching into the capitol and telling our congress critters they were ALL under arrest.

They'd look at me like I'd lost my mind...and they'd be right if I didn't have YOU behind me.

YOU actually don't have to DO anything.

Just stop reporting to work for your daily bum-blast, sit home and wait.

We'll get change all right...probably right quick too!

Actually, those 'mis-managing' our civilization won't be too anxious to step aside without multiple assurances that they won't be brought to justice AND they get to keep everything they've stolen...(even the stuff they lay claim to at the last minute.)

EVERYBODY STRIKE...and RETALIATE against those who act to break the strike!

Really is time to 'pick sides' good citizen, and those who chose the 'status quo' will get what's coming to them...especially AFTER the Human-Anti-exploitation Law is enacted!

Remember, those who 'have it made' under the current status quo are out-numbered ten thousand to one.

Might want to consider that BEFORE you go trying to kick their asses back to work! [Liable to end up with your leg sticking out of your backside while hanging by a piano wire from the nearest light pole.]

In that respect, stupid truly is its own reward!

Thank you for letting me inside YOUR head!


PS: May not seem like a 'good idea' now but think about how difficult it's going to be trying to control a government we have absolutely NO voice in? [They won't hold 'elections' for seats on the newly formed World Government]

They MAY outlaw slavery but that isn't going to help you with a job that doesnt' pay you enough to live on no matter how much you cut back... all you succeed in doing is ripping those damn bootstraps off.

PPS: What ever happened to 'I can't run for President, I'm divorced!' WTF Good Citizen! Now we have President Pussygrabber headed for the Oval Office...what were the 'little old ladies' thinking?

Don't tell ME they didn't make it to the polls in time! [More evidence of a 'stolen election'...just sayin'!]

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Ministry of Truth

Greetings good citizen, we can only wonder if the vacuous masses in Orwell's 1984 were even aware the ministry of truth existed never mind it's 'true purpose'.

One suspects the whole purpose of penning 1984 was to circulate [for the few that could appreciate it] the fact that most of us 'sleepwalk' through this life, reacting but not responding to our circumstances, oblivious that we're being manipulated.

Sadly [and this is for YOU CKM III] 'political activism' is a 'mental disorder'. Once contracted it is incurable. You may try to 'shut up', you know your 'wisdom' falls upon deaf, uncomprehending ears but you do it all the same.

You try to quit but it keeps sucking you back in.

Not a 'curse', just laying down the facts. First reader will retire the site with the notice you've moved on to that great blogosphere in the 'hereafter'.

No harm, no foul. We may set the toolbox down for a while but the 'itching' in our fingers makes us pick them up again when we know the only ones we're fooling is ourselves.

But I's reference to 'The Ministry of Truth' is born of the revelation that the POTUS has a shiny new cabinet post, he has appointed a lying liar as his 'strategist'.

If Donald's lucky he'll live through his first term and probably won't want a is this 'strategist' there to keep [him in particular] and the administration in general 'on message' [and what do you suppose that 'message' will be?]

Well, only a dozen or so weeks until the inauguration, after which we'll all find out what the One Percent have in store for the next four years.

Stolen election, hell yeah!

Have to admire the 'choreography' as well as the 'flawless execution'. Everyone played their parts superbly!

Thought experiment: Let's suppose you KNEW the electoral process was 'rigged'...who would you tell? More interesting question: How would you prove it?

Ironically, the situation itself is proof enough. Two of the most REVILED candidates in HISTORY and NOBODY had the 'common sense' to halt the proceedings and re-open the field?

These are questions that [and there's a million of 'em] 'don't get asked', a 'bad draw' is treated like precisely that. If you don't like who is running, don't vote!

And millions of us did exactly that!

Also 'boggling the mind' is how the vote, the ones that did cast ballots, came out almost perfectly even?

As it has been since the squeaker Ronald Reagan won back in 1980...and you KNOW there was a lot of things going on behind the Iran releasing the hostages just days AFTER Reagan won.

Did we trade our democracy for a handful of corporate thieves?

Because that's the 'end result' good citizen.

But here I go again, making stuff up out of the facts as we know them...

What DO we KNOW?

I'm going to guess most of you have taken the stance of if you have to ask you are probably better off NOT KNOWING!

The past has already been altered to 'fit the narrative' and those who write history color it as they choose. Just ask our Native American population.

Here's another thought experiment...guess who the 'new Indians' are? Don't have to go far to see 'em, just find a MIRROR!

Anyway, keep your ear to the ground because I'm sure I'm not the only one who noticed this 'shiny new' position and there SHOULD BE an 'explanation' of sorts coming pretty soon...although I did glean that the strategist will also serve as 'chief propagandist' for the administration.

How many of you know what 'propaganda' is without looking it up?

Propaganda is colored, diluted 'truth'. You get a tiny portion of the story all painted pretty so you remain ignorant of the 'less attractive aspects' of whatever the situation contains.

Those 'running things' are less than forthcoming already but during 'Bush the lesser's' term the REPUBLICANS legalized propagandizing the public!

They also abolished anti-usury legislation so don't buy it when they tell you laws can't be removed once enacted. [actually that's true, the 'trail of shame' remains so future lawmakers can see who did what to who, when.

How sad is it that in many cases long dead lawmakers are fortunate we don't dig them up and hang their corpses for their crimes against humanity.

Which ain't to say some future idiots won't do exactly that if only to make a point. People are WEIRD!

So even the media got its 'fig leaf'. [Not that they didn't simply lie their backsides off before propaganda was legalized...sort of a moot point anyway cuz the 'universal excuse' [claim ignorance] still holds.

What do you do when the people running things have 'Carte Blanche' to deceive you?

Think it's time for an uprising?

Strike, same thing only less blood.

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Monday, November 14, 2016


Greetings good citizen, seems as though the 'smart money' is on hitting the lottery and departing for greener pastures [wherever you think they might lie.]

The Donald isn't a young man but neither are Bernie [too soon to be talking about 2020] or Billary, who is also no 'spring chicken'.

McCain is too old and Palin is still mentally incompetent...which leaves us who?

Nobody amigo.

Which is to belabor the obvious, the next election you'll really be shooting in the dark...

Does it matter? NO! Trumps 'cabinet' is already magically filling itself!

While we all fret about who gets to sit in the 'big chair' it's the guys and gals sitting in the little ones that handle the 'business of the nation'...and you DON'T get to pick them...['allegedly'] your choice of POTUS serves as a proxy for who gets to fill what cabinet post.

But some chairs don't change from administration to administration and you have to wonder about that.

Did I mention most of you labor under the FALSE IDEA that we have a hand in this 'government thing'...but after a few election cycles it becomes apparent the MOST YOU CAN HOPE FOR is they don't make it impossible for you to survive...because if they do you've got NO PLACE TO RUN, NO PLACE TO HIDE.

The term 'tap dancing on a land mine' comes to mind good citizen but once again we are faced with the conundrum of, okay, we're in trouble but what, 'precisely' can we do about it?

I am encouraged by the 'unrest' the media says persists and can only assume my call to go on strike didn't fall on deaf ears! We salute you and I call upon all of my readers to join with the 'protesters' AND STOP WORKING!

DON'T march in the streets, they'll KILL you and you are too precious to die for the cause! [Although dead is dead and we all are going to end up there eventually. the question is how much nonsense are you willing to put up with while you're passing through?]

It is not NECESSARY to go 'toe to toe' with the military, stop the processes that bring us life as we have come to now it and the job will finish itself.

They will 'try' to stave us off by leaving 'proxies' here to fight in their absence but minions are seldom as 'committed' as those who would cheat you out of yours.

Ultimately good citizen, that's what the coming 'battle' is all about. Those who have laid 'legal claim' to that which THEY HAVE NO RIGHT TO!

It's all about 'ownership' in our hooray for me and f everybody else society of ours.

Time to 'level the playing field' and this time KEEP IT THAT WAY!

So if you've been wondering what the future holds, look in the eyes of your loved ones and ask yourself "What can I do today to make their tomorrow better?"

If the answer is nothing then I suggest you visit the nearest funeral parlor and make 'group arrangements', that way you'll be doing SOMETHING productive/positive.

But right this very minute you can join the STRIKE that is sweeping the nation! [and hopefully the planet!]


Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Sunday, November 13, 2016

Part & Parcel

Greetings good citizen, as usual the media is diffusing the blame for 'what went wrong' on Tuesday, flogging their favorite hobby horse 'divided America' to fact that poor nag has been beaten to death repeatedly since Morning in America when our new media first test drove their nonsensical [keep 'em at each other's throats'] meme.

To deflect investigation into elections that are 'stolen' before they begin.

The 'theft' of the process occurred during the primary process where no one 'worthy of the office' chose to run. That's not to say there weren't qualified individuals out there but the kind of person the average American wants to see running things doesn't have much in common with the people holding the money bag.

WHY did America vote for a repugnant, self-absorbed half-wit? Because door number two had a woman so full of herself that she may as well have been holding up a 'my way or the highway' sign!

The 'trepidation' surrounding the Trump win isn't so much with the 'loose cannon' itself, it all of the baggage that comes with it.

Republicans have literally embraced their 'clown car' image. As one pundit asked in today's NY Times, how do people who believe 'government is the enemy' expect to govern?

And that's part & parcel with the message the conserve-whacko dominated media repeatedly sends.

How DO you govern if you believe government is THE PROBLEM?

Do more than half of us believe 'government is the problem?' Perhaps more importantly, just where did that idea come from?

Is there a single culprit? Ironically, there is although he ended up with a cadre of fellow travelers. The pundit most responsible for our broken nation is none other than Rush Limbaugh!

Welcome to the 'Church of the poisoned mind' good citizen!

So much for bloviating blowhards and the 'innocent info-tainment' they purportedly pedal.

Which is to point out that it's no 'coincidence' Rush first appeared AFTER the 'palace coup' commonly referred to as the Reagan Revolution.

Did you know Rush's bloviating was offered FREE to radio stations across the nation?

Which is why it became ubiquitous. In the 'for profit' radio business, 'free content' trumps anything you have produce and pay for.

Which brings us to Trump.

We were so repelled by the choice between a retarded republican and a republican pretending to be a Progressive [whatever the hell that is?] that we narrowly avoided a disastrous first female presidency that we decided to give the mentally challenged a shot...he could hardly do worse.

EXCEPT, the 'president' is mostly a 'figurehead' and Trump has an 'empire' to oversee [squander if past performance is any indication.]

So it is The Donald's [and he appoints who he's TOLD TO APPOINT] Appointees that will be handling the 'business of the nation'.

Guess who has a 'direct line' to Trumps appointees? [Besides the people who told Donald to appoint them?]

The oligarchs...the same people responsible for the destruction of our so-called 'Democracy'.

We SHOULD thank them for that, they rationalize we weren't 'using it' so all we 'deserve' is the illusion that one [a democracy] still exists!

Which is to return to the real issue at hand...when the current 'form of government' no longer 'serves a majority' of the population.

We have truly descended into tyranny...a tyranny no different than Monarchy.

What YOU should be marveling over is why posts like this, the ones that belabor the obvious, DON'T GO VIRAL?

What's obvious?

That those WHO OWN THE MEDIA have stolen our democracy!

Go find someone that disagrees with that fact and once he spits out his first 'Ha!' pop him one right in the kisser!

[First for acting like a moron and secondly for confusing you with one!]

I know theft of the right to govern ourselves is 'non-news', hell, it isn't even 'cute' but until we raise awareness of just who the 'real enemy' is we're gonna keep getting this 'divided America' BS shoveled over us...ironically enough, the one thing they don't mind doing 'liberally'.

People are angry and we won't put up with this nonsense much longer...which is why we're going to see the 'Brown Shirts' on parade over our privately owned, 'mis-guided media' a 'fifth estate' that has NEVER served the interests of the consumer and always puts the interests of its owners FIRST!

Don't see 'the need' for a post like this to go viral?

Then you don't see the need for freedom, personal.

When no one understands freedom, then no one will have it!

We won't rid ourselves of the 'part & parcel' that equate to [what we all now dread] 'more of the same' until we bust the stranglehold the self-interested have on our system of commerce, a system that is bleeding every one of us dry!

In Hollywood they call speech like this 'on the nose' but there isn't any such thing when it comes to politics.

Think about it, good citizen.

Thank you for letting me inside YOUR head! [Don't ever forget it's yours!]


Saturday, November 12, 2016

Liberty for Dummies

Greetings good citizen...apparently the Liberty Bell isn't the symbol of freedom it's cracked up to be. Broke the first time it was rung and has been 're-cast' twice, breaking the second time on Washington's Birthday and after breaking the third time nobody bothered to fix it again.

So much for the hogwash we all heard about it ringing until it broke on the day victory was declared over the British...didn't happen.

So it turns out the icon that got itself included on several types of currency [all BS as well] is in fact a dud from the start.

Back in Revolutionary Times the word 'Liberty' had a much different meaning than it has for the citizens of our current society.

Back then they understood what 'tyranny' was and many migrated to 'the new world' to escape RELIGIOUS TYRANNY!

Since English is most of your first AND second languages [which is to point out that my US readers it is the only language most of them know] Worse, many of you only know enough to 'get by'.

Is 'bad' all you get when somebody cries 'tyranny'? For a lot of you that's as good as it gets and it is this 'poor command' of your native tongue that brands so many of us as both lazy AND stupid.

Liberty is 'freedom from tyranny' and tyranny is being 'bent to the will of another'. [Kind of like voting for what you don't understand...]

Um, I'm sure by now some of you have picked up on the fact that Saturday's pieces are real lulu's because Friday night I watch the MORON mis-inform the public regarding what's wrong with this nation!

Worse, his usual collection of misfits are no better. Last night fuckwit invited Trump to be on his show...we can only wonder what the f was he smokin'?

Constant reader KNOWS the 'problem' isn't with the 'Parties' which [ONLY] exist to prop up 'the system'

These people are 'smart enough' to have their own television shows but too stupid to see the whole system is broken?


'We' are 'prisoners' of those who would have you think that 'tyranny' [theirs in particular] is to be 'embraced' is precisely this kind of thinking that led to the original Terror the elite live in terror of a repeat of!

But the people they have tasked with their 'safety' believe keeping you at one another's throats is the way to keep you from focusing your attention on who is responsible for the lopsided outcomes these charlatan's policies result in!

Last night the 'panel' was at each others throats over whether or not the public would 'turn' on The Donald when he failed to deliver on his promise to 'restore' American Greatness...

Little does anyone realize not only did they export the jobs but they exported the EQUIPMENT TOO!

We no longer possess the 'tools' to make what we used to for ourselves. [So why did these fools fall for Trump's lies?]

What were 'our leaders' thinking?

Probably how rich they were going to be from all of those stock options they would be granted for approving the new trade regulations!

Make no mistake about it good citizen, the people who 'own' America 'relocated' their manufacturing plants to 'the cheaper there' yet another 'artificial construct of an artificial construct' [again, to explain for those of you with a 'limited comprehension' of English, MONEY IS an 'artificial construct' has NO FOUNDATION in REALITY!]

That is WHY the 'cheaper there' exists!

Because the value of money is TOTALLY ARBITRARY!

How ironic that an 'artificial construct is also called a 'legal construct'?

Although some would opine this is more 'disturbing' than ironic.

So much background music and so little forward motion!

You may not have noticed but we keep returning to the 'pillars of civilization', Peace, Justice and Equality despite the morons trying to convince you the other two pillars after Justice are 'beauty and truth'

Without EQUALITY there can be no Justice and without JUSTICE there can be no PEACE [and without PEACE there can be no prosperity! The three 'true pillars' 'interlock', one cannot stand without the others...whereas 'truth and beauty' are both 'relative', while justice, equality and peace AREN'T, they are ABSOLUTE!

What YOU need to realize is those who would screw you out of everything you have filled YOUR HEAD with so much NONSENSE that you don't know which way is up!

YOU have to stop and actually spend some time considering what I'm laying down for you here.

This ISN'T going to 'fix itself' and YOU aren't going to get Better Deal just because the One Percent suddenly start to realize the entire economy is out of whack because of THEM!

Yup, money flows 'up hill', NEVER down so 'trickle down' is BS and always has been!

The Trillions stuck at the 'top of the pyramid' is by DESIGN, when money fails to 'circulate' the rest of civilization STRANGLES!

As evidenced by our growing 'social problems'...nevermind the mindset that is 'I can half of the working class to kill the other half!'

Not funny and PS by the way, very real. The 'uber wealthy' really do think terrible things like that...and guess where the latest 'commander-in chief' comes from?

Seriously good citizen, what were YOU [actually the Dummies among us] thinking?

Anyway, food for those of you still capable of independent thought!

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


What are those, 'storm clouds'? Seriously!

Friday, November 11, 2016

On the turning away...

Greetings good citizen, it is with a saddened heart that I acknowledge the passing of that musical legend Leonard Cohen; thus is today's title is also a hat tip towards a brilliant songwriter.

Mind you, I can't carry a tune with a crane but that doesn't dampen my appreciation for artists with the ability to lay our souls bare with their words and instrumentals.

For those of you that suck at 'name that tune', 'On the turning away' [which ends with NO MORE TURNING AWAY] is just one of many stirring creations by the greatest composer of our time, Pink Floyd.

The tune points to the truly frightening human tendency to 'ignore' what we can't [and should] do something about.

We let THEM send our children to foreign lands to get maimed for NOTHING.

If you're 'soft' enough to think they are 'protecting our freedom' then you are too stupid to be making decisions for anyone else!

The Brown-shirts are coming good citizen and if we don't nip them in the bud, the herding to the concentration camps comes next.

Because you can take it to the bank that a 'coalition of concerned nations' are meeting as I type this to draft plans to invade the USA if the 'war drums' start beating with too much fervor!

While NOBODY wanted Hill-Billy back in the White House, it was foolish in the extreme to turn over the launch codes to such an, er, 'unstable' personality type.

Will we be able to resist an invasion?

Probably not.

But I think we can all appreciate the millions of needless deaths such an invasion would result in.

Left to our imagination is whether or not the 'civilian population' would be warned?

Such an undertaking couldn't hope to escape detection so yeah, at the very minimum, OUR LEADERS would know...but would they tell us?

Again, the answer is 'doubtful'...

They'd want to take advantage of your 'outrage' over being invaded! You'd fight like caged wildcats in the defense of your homes...and that's NOT what the invaders are here for.

But that's what our military industrial complex to fight like a caged animal to retain control of America's 'military might'.

Who said the battle of Armageddon has to take place in the Middle East?

But if there is a League of Global Scoundrels, that dread association of exploiters we established governments to protect us from then no such 'summit' is taking place...and the situation gets geometrically 'darker' because the 'true mission' is to severely reduce the 'surplus population'

Is the goal to dial it back to the 'good old days' when unemployment wasn't a problem because there literally weren't enough workers?

This is what comes with from that failure of the imagination that excludes huge portions of the population in order to protect a status quo intended to keep the workers [literally] 'too tired to revolt.'

I'm sure they were quaking in their knickers when the workweek got reduced from 6, 12-hour days to 5, 8-hour days, that the workforce with more 'free time' on its hands would start thinking about doing something about the shitty deal they were being handed.

Worse, people often think of nothing but what a shitty deal they've gotten and how they'd change that if they could!

But, and here is the big irony, they seldom think of exacting 'revenge', they dream of becoming part of the 'idle rich', traveling as far as they want and never running out of money to spend because they know that's when the boredom sets in.

They DON'T think about liberating their loved ones from a life of drudgery, their own kids are an after-thought, a source of worry because kids ARE demanding...and we all know our kids would DEMAND we set enough aside so they could enjoy the lifestyle we envision becoming accustomed to.

While this sound terrible it's not. we aren't really so shallow so much as it comes from living in the world of 'I', a world few of us ever venture from.

May not be able to 'set it to music' but I think I hit most of you right where you live!

Once again I implore you to think about what you CAN do and not just be content to simply sit on the sidelines thanking your lucky stars it's not you [this time!]

Thanks for letting me inside YOUR HEAD, now let me hear a rousing chorus of NO MORE TURNING AWAY!
