Greetings good citizen, every day is a fresh start and so it is we 'begin again'.
As far back as I can remember, everything 'good' was conservative...[Mom, baseball, hot dogs, apple pie and Chevrolet, a monolithic stand-in for 'Corporate America'] while everything 'bad' [Labor unions, public education, civil defense, the justice system and public television] were all part of the vast conspiracy of the TAX and Spend Liberals.
Since the beginning conservatives have been pounding it into everyone's head that TAXES = BAD...because they sure weren't going to pay to 'regulate' themselves! If the PUBLIC [RUBES] wanted 'protection' from rapacious capitalists they were gonna be made to pay for it...and THAT'S where 'TAXES' come in.
The LESS people paid in tax, the less 'regulation/oversight' there would be.
Thus is our 'Justice System' for profit. If you can't afford Justice then, just like everything else in this life, you won't get it.
Rewind with me a moment and let's return to the All Money is Funny phenomenon. Since money means what they tell you it means, you only need to pay for what they tell you that you need to pay for.
Works out nice for 'the owners of commerce' because there is barely enough money to grease the palms of the legislators to get regulations on the books, nevermind enforcing those regulations after the fact!
Damn liberals, always wanting MORE TAXES so they can fund PUBLIC GIVEAWAYS [like free education.]
Ironically, conservo-whackos have publicly come out in favor of public education...but only after their factories stopped burning down because the only workers available were MORONS. Smarter workers increased productivity and reduced scrap...and workers educated at the public's expense were even better!
But this was still 'bad liberal policy' hell, it even smacked of that dreaded 'communism!'
But let's take this ONE STEP FURTHER...those who BELIEVE Liberalism is BAD happen to be CONSERVO-WHACKOS who detest thinking.
There IS HOPE good citizen, only ONE IN FOUR [25%] voters declare themselves to be 'allergic to thinking'!
If you are still a conservative after you 'thought about' what 'conservatism' represents, what it really means is YOU'RE HOPELESSLY STUPID!
How sad is it that Liberals have 'disappeared' from the political landscape and those claiming to 'represent' liberal values couldn't define liberalism or liberal values with a f'n dictionary!
So it is we live in a world where the drums beat it into our brains that 'government' is BAD.
[Cornerstone of the Reagan Revolution...Reagan himself is often quoted as saying 'the scariest words you'll ever hear are 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help!']
Well, considering WHO is currently running the government, the criminals would dread hearing what the agents of government are supposed to be saying to the owners of commerce, 'Cease and desist' I have a court order for you to stop [fill in the laundry list of offenses here. Contrary to 'conservative doctrine' capitalists ARE NOT 'fundamentally honest'. If profits can be increased by screwing you, they'll do it without blinking!]
That's why 'commerce loving' conserve-whackos DON'T LIKE GOVERNMENT! If the government DID WHAT IT WAS EMPOWERED TO DO, THEY'D ALL BE IN PRISON!
[Again I marvel at how quickly these posts go 'downhill'...just when you thought things couldn't get any worse!]
Leading us back to the exercise in 'hand waving' we call politics. First thing to get through your head is you DO NOT 'participate' way and in no form...although the practice of 'testing the water/keeping you guessing' by letting you vote on 'non-binding referendums' [how they must laugh] is, indirectly, 'participation''s democracy the way it was intended to work!
But you wouldn't know anything about that because they don't teach you about democracy...or money or a ton of other things, in 'school'. [that bastion of education! What are those scum thinking? How do they expect to learn anything if they can't PAY FOR IT!
[Now engage brain and return to the 'validity' of money...totally worthless.]
This is what I mean by 'if you're still a conservative after you've had a chance to think about it, you're a moron.'
So 'tax & spend liberals' are really just a creation/fabrication of the conserve-whacko doctrine machine.
It's a boogey man the keeps popping up whenever true conservo-whacko-dom oversteps the limits of civility [read early & often] and screws large numbers of the paying public out of their hard-earned pay...'Liberals' who demand somebody be held accountable are 'conjured' to 'put the rabble back to sleep' while providing the 'illusion' that something has been done to correct the problem...usually with no admission of 'wrong-doing' by the perps...that would go against conservative doctrine, that capitalists are 'inherently honest'.
Bad apples, it's all just 'bad apples'.
Never met an apple in all of my business dealings so they must be 'rare' as well, those sneaky 'bad apples'!
Yet everybody knows capitalist shorthand for Fuck you is 'trust me!'
And that's a mighty sad state of affairs, Amigo. [And no, Mexico is too far away to reach on foot which is the only way I'd be able to go!]
Let's 'recap' shall we?
Liberals, like Angels DON'T EXIST. [So the next time chuckle-head starts spouting off about 'f'n Liberals' (El Rushbo's favorite hobby horse) tell 'em to STFU!]
I once again belabor the obvious, the mouth breathing morons are conservo-whackos, basically too stupid to know any better.
The other 3/4's of us are 'uncommitted'. We thought about conservatism and it's 'off-shoots', Libertarianism and Eco- terrorism [which, again, isn't any more 'real' than liberals are...] Then there's the 'hate groups' which are starting to look appealing when we consider the tripe the mainstream parties keep expecting us to swallow.
At least the 'narrow minded' know what they're preaching!
But I digress.
Who are we really?
We have the 'born to it' EXPLOITERS [read criminals] and the rest of us...who fit somewhere between 'the hired help and vermin'. [read workers and those the exploiters can't execute without risking a revolt]
It's probably never been put to you so 'bluntly' before nor have you ever been able to fully appreciate the 'bleakness' of your situation/position.
All is NOT LOST and yes, Justice can still prevail...but it requires YOU to make a commitment.
I'm going to remind you [again] so you don't forget just who your head belongs to...
Thank YOU for letting me inside YOUR head!
PS: This one SHOULD go viral but no, it will sit here ignored like all the rest! Not your fault, preaching to the 'unaligned' is like herding cats, once people 'tune out' they pretty much 'give up'...then the conservo-WHACKOS win!
As far back as I can remember, everything 'good' was conservative...[Mom, baseball, hot dogs, apple pie and Chevrolet, a monolithic stand-in for 'Corporate America'] while everything 'bad' [Labor unions, public education, civil defense, the justice system and public television] were all part of the vast conspiracy of the TAX and Spend Liberals.
Since the beginning conservatives have been pounding it into everyone's head that TAXES = BAD...because they sure weren't going to pay to 'regulate' themselves! If the PUBLIC [RUBES] wanted 'protection' from rapacious capitalists they were gonna be made to pay for it...and THAT'S where 'TAXES' come in.
The LESS people paid in tax, the less 'regulation/oversight' there would be.
Thus is our 'Justice System' for profit. If you can't afford Justice then, just like everything else in this life, you won't get it.
Rewind with me a moment and let's return to the All Money is Funny phenomenon. Since money means what they tell you it means, you only need to pay for what they tell you that you need to pay for.
Works out nice for 'the owners of commerce' because there is barely enough money to grease the palms of the legislators to get regulations on the books, nevermind enforcing those regulations after the fact!
Damn liberals, always wanting MORE TAXES so they can fund PUBLIC GIVEAWAYS [like free education.]
Ironically, conservo-whackos have publicly come out in favor of public education...but only after their factories stopped burning down because the only workers available were MORONS. Smarter workers increased productivity and reduced scrap...and workers educated at the public's expense were even better!
But this was still 'bad liberal policy' hell, it even smacked of that dreaded 'communism!'
But let's take this ONE STEP FURTHER...those who BELIEVE Liberalism is BAD happen to be CONSERVO-WHACKOS who detest thinking.
There IS HOPE good citizen, only ONE IN FOUR [25%] voters declare themselves to be 'allergic to thinking'!
If you are still a conservative after you 'thought about' what 'conservatism' represents, what it really means is YOU'RE HOPELESSLY STUPID!
How sad is it that Liberals have 'disappeared' from the political landscape and those claiming to 'represent' liberal values couldn't define liberalism or liberal values with a f'n dictionary!
So it is we live in a world where the drums beat it into our brains that 'government' is BAD.
[Cornerstone of the Reagan Revolution...Reagan himself is often quoted as saying 'the scariest words you'll ever hear are 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help!']
Well, considering WHO is currently running the government, the criminals would dread hearing what the agents of government are supposed to be saying to the owners of commerce, 'Cease and desist' I have a court order for you to stop [fill in the laundry list of offenses here. Contrary to 'conservative doctrine' capitalists ARE NOT 'fundamentally honest'. If profits can be increased by screwing you, they'll do it without blinking!]
That's why 'commerce loving' conserve-whackos DON'T LIKE GOVERNMENT! If the government DID WHAT IT WAS EMPOWERED TO DO, THEY'D ALL BE IN PRISON!
[Again I marvel at how quickly these posts go 'downhill'...just when you thought things couldn't get any worse!]
Leading us back to the exercise in 'hand waving' we call politics. First thing to get through your head is you DO NOT 'participate' way and in no form...although the practice of 'testing the water/keeping you guessing' by letting you vote on 'non-binding referendums' [how they must laugh] is, indirectly, 'participation''s democracy the way it was intended to work!
But you wouldn't know anything about that because they don't teach you about democracy...or money or a ton of other things, in 'school'. [that bastion of education! What are those scum thinking? How do they expect to learn anything if they can't PAY FOR IT!
[Now engage brain and return to the 'validity' of money...totally worthless.]
This is what I mean by 'if you're still a conservative after you've had a chance to think about it, you're a moron.'
So 'tax & spend liberals' are really just a creation/fabrication of the conserve-whacko doctrine machine.
It's a boogey man the keeps popping up whenever true conservo-whacko-dom oversteps the limits of civility [read early & often] and screws large numbers of the paying public out of their hard-earned pay...'Liberals' who demand somebody be held accountable are 'conjured' to 'put the rabble back to sleep' while providing the 'illusion' that something has been done to correct the problem...usually with no admission of 'wrong-doing' by the perps...that would go against conservative doctrine, that capitalists are 'inherently honest'.
Bad apples, it's all just 'bad apples'.
Never met an apple in all of my business dealings so they must be 'rare' as well, those sneaky 'bad apples'!
Yet everybody knows capitalist shorthand for Fuck you is 'trust me!'
And that's a mighty sad state of affairs, Amigo. [And no, Mexico is too far away to reach on foot which is the only way I'd be able to go!]
Let's 'recap' shall we?
Liberals, like Angels DON'T EXIST. [So the next time chuckle-head starts spouting off about 'f'n Liberals' (El Rushbo's favorite hobby horse) tell 'em to STFU!]
I once again belabor the obvious, the mouth breathing morons are conservo-whackos, basically too stupid to know any better.
The other 3/4's of us are 'uncommitted'. We thought about conservatism and it's 'off-shoots', Libertarianism and Eco- terrorism [which, again, isn't any more 'real' than liberals are...] Then there's the 'hate groups' which are starting to look appealing when we consider the tripe the mainstream parties keep expecting us to swallow.
At least the 'narrow minded' know what they're preaching!
But I digress.
Who are we really?
We have the 'born to it' EXPLOITERS [read criminals] and the rest of us...who fit somewhere between 'the hired help and vermin'. [read workers and those the exploiters can't execute without risking a revolt]
It's probably never been put to you so 'bluntly' before nor have you ever been able to fully appreciate the 'bleakness' of your situation/position.
All is NOT LOST and yes, Justice can still prevail...but it requires YOU to make a commitment.
I'm going to remind you [again] so you don't forget just who your head belongs to...
Thank YOU for letting me inside YOUR head!
PS: This one SHOULD go viral but no, it will sit here ignored like all the rest! Not your fault, preaching to the 'unaligned' is like herding cats, once people 'tune out' they pretty much 'give up'...then the conservo-WHACKOS win!
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