Saturday, April 29, 2017

Blind, deaf and dumb

Greetings good citizen, if you're fed up with pieces about 'navel gazing' you may as well skip this one too because the purpose of 'introspection' is lost on you.

If you remain [willingly] blind to the 'toxicity' of your environment then you're sort of asking for what happens next.

Think all of this Prepper squawk is nonsense then you aren't paying attention...and they're going to need a healthy crop of [wage] slaves after the inevitable. (why do you think everywhere you look you see 'prep' and people putting articles out there showing the public the 'basics' of prepping.

Everybody knows the wheels are about to fly off this thing we pretend is 'civilization' what most don't know is it's only gonna bounce a couple of times before it burns like crazy.

And the only 'prep' for that is not to be there when it happens.

Most of you tune out the prepper 'noise' for what it is, an annoyance...but that means you're also ignoring the larger picture and that won't do [unless you're already at the stage were you've intellectually made peace with the idea that you're dying won't make much of an impact on the future of the species one way or the other...and you can no longer see a 'downside' to death:personal, you're even contemplating having the undertaker wire your middle finger to permanently display 'the salute of contempt' the world has waved in your face your entire life...]

Because WITHOUT a major COURSE CORRECTION, our species is headed off a cliff it may never recover from.

Imagine if you will what a world WITHOUT fossil fuels would be like?

Not so tough you say, it might even be 'romantic' to return to steam power but understand, the world's population has TRIPLED since the days when we heated our homes with coal and used it in industry's boilers to power commerce!

Our nuclear age doesn't have enough jobs to keep [enough of] us 'living the dream' and part of what's pushing us off a cliff is the reality that only a few can 'make something of themselves' under the current set-up, a number that will diminish SIGNIFICANTLY once the 'low hanging fruit' is exhausted.

We either get with the program and alter the current system to something considerably more sustainable or suffer the calamity that will upend our society just so 'a few' can remain rich...

Which is [seriously] no longer an option.

The disenfranchised will not rest until 'parity' is achieved [and if that results in extinction then so be it.]

Does 'prepping' still sound stupid? It should because it could ALL BE AVOIDED with a tool we've never used before, one called 'proper management'.

Like most posts, this argument could go on and on but time is pressing once again so I'm going to let her fly with minimal editing and hope constant reader can use their considerable skills to reap what I sow...

Thank you CR for letting me inside your mind!


Friday, April 28, 2017


Greetings good citizen, no irony should be lost that the lack of 'tax revenue' is blamed for every social ill it would probably blow your mind if I told you that logically speaking, there is absolutely ZERO need for taxation in any way, shape or form.

EVERYBODY has their knickers in a knot over the latest 'Tax Plan' which apparently isn't a 'plan' at all, it's a 'giveaway' based on how rich you ALREADY ARE!

Much of what we're told is a charade, and exercise in Oooo, look at this! or Oooh, look over there!

Why the 'charade'? The uber rich spend it like they have a fire hose connected to the Mint. They gotta 'refresh' the pile every once in a while and go through the motions that 'the government' GAVE THEM more money to...well, you can fill-in-the-blank with whatever you like...

It appears El Trumpo's most recent 'giveaway' is precisely that.

Conservatism [used to be] based on 'fiscal restraint'...although conservatives never met a war they didn't like...and there's a lot more than money on the line when it comes to war but somehow the human cost never comes into the equation...unless it's 'death by remote control' then having mindless robots slaughter people from thousands of miles away with ZERO ACCOUNTABILITY is done in the name of 'saving the lives of our troops'.

Now conservatism is based on 'fake outrage' over just about anything...and often both sides of the same outrageous issue.

If it's stupid and you care, it's conservative!

Not that they have a lock on stupid...not by a longshot. Those, er, 'pretending' to represent the other side are also hopelessly 'out of touch' with reality, championing issues that make zero difference.

Worse, most of you KNOW 'neither party' is talking your language...but you have no idea what to do about it, do you?

Here's a bitter pill...what if the objective was to get you to 'tune out'?

There is no point in even paying attention BECAUSE there is NOTHING you [the individual] can DO about ANY of it!

Of course, going on strike by your onesies will only result in 'termination personal' so you may as well off yourself...for all anyone else cares.

Wake up and smell the Novocaine! Those whose interests are PROTECTED by keeping the rest of us DIVIDED are using their MEDIA [which they own! so if they want to keep getting their paychecks, they DO WHAT THEY'RE TOLD! Which is to point out 'FREE PRESS MY ASS'!] It's why the fourth estate turns a blind eye to this 'in your face', what are YOU gonna do about it? BS!

No such thing as 'free' under capitalism...even the 'welfare' programs exist to support the commerce system that regularly ROBS YOU!

Sounds 'mean' when we say it like that but the reality is no less, er, 'cruel'...that only the chumps work and pay. Most of the rest live on hand-outs and the people causing all the problems live like kings not because of what they 'contribute' but who they're related to.

There really should be a 'bounty' on this worthless slime.

But they have the 'prozac' levels just right in the water supply. You know something is out of place but you just can't seem to bring yourself to actually do anything about it...

Like YOU weren't frustrated enough, look at me, trying to 'herd cats!'

Nothing more obstinate than a monkey that THINKS it has it made.

Taxes exist to pay for stuff that's FREE to them! {how's THAT for STUPID?]

More pathetic is most of YOU are TOO STUPID to figure this out!

Confused? Damn right you are!

If you refuse to pay attention I can only do so much on my own.

[Lucky for you] it's not that I've got something better to do.

So thank you for letting me inside wherever this is,


Thursday, April 27, 2017

The poisoned well

Greetings good citizen, capitalism, the thing you know little about and understand even less is like drinking from a poisoned well. It gets inside you and apparently the 'poison' eats your brain because you can't see an alternative to drinking the poisoned well water.

It's ALMOST right, it's failures in the justice system and laws governing the use of the medium of exchange that foster poverty and exclusion.

The system [our figurative 'well'] operates on the premise that EVERYONE works and contributes and everyone gets to draw from the well.

Chiseler threw a wrench into the works and started protesting what HE did was 'more valuable' than what others did, (ignoring the fact its the 'mundane stuff' that needs doing the most!) and since his brother-in-law's step-father invented the wheel, HE shouldn't be subjected to the same sort of treatment the 'less noble' peasants are expected to put up with.

Sort of a 'tip of the iceberg' thing but I'm just throwing out one example...and soon EVERYBODY had a 'claim to fame' and a reason why THEY shouldn't have to do what was expected of everybody else.

The other problem 'poisoning' the well is OWNERSHIP.

Nobody wants your dirty underwear but, contrarily, nobody OWNS land or letting 'some' use this as their 'income stream' is in fact a criminal enterprise.

But the system of commerce [poisoned well] permits this criminal behavior despite NOBODY having a bill of sale from Spirit in the Sky granting them the exclusive right to 'sell' what belongs to us a handsome profit no less.

Nope, the original '[good] idea was that EVERYBODY contributes and NOBODY 'Skates'...but then the opportunists started punching holes in an already crowded labor market and you have what we have today, a BADLY BROKEN ECONOMY where MOST don't work at all and a FEW work too much while just a handful fills their pockets at EVERYONE'S expense!

A few tweaks and we could 'correct' ALL of the 'problems' nobody in authority seems particularly interested in addressing...

The H.A.E. [Human Anti-Exploitation Law] that prohibits the legalized slavery an 'employment contract' provides camouflage for (but accomplishes oh, so much more!) Who would we work for if we no longer worked for an employer?

Who do your current employers work for now?


Where would we get the money to 'replace' our 'owner class'? Same place THEY get it [the answer is Thin Air]

HUGE difference. YOU [nor anyone else] would be paid in ANYTHING TANGIABLE because YOUR MONEY IS FOR YOU!

Since all crime is cash & carry, the ability of individuals to 'trade for money' between each other would be prohibited.

Money is only useful TO THE INDIVIDUAL and forms the primary basis for CORRUPTION [How sad is it the feckless state uses it for coercion as well?]

Oh, another 'side-effect' of the 'your money is for you' policy, all pretense of TAXATION ends! [along with the practice of cash fines. so you'd no longer be able to commit crimes and walk away after you paid the fine...[Society does NOT need 'taxes' to operate any more than Mother Nature has a cash register! WTF people!]

Making life considerably more 'civil'.

Then we come to the most vexing part of the equation, how 'shelter' is held hostage by the banking industry!

Bad enough rents are locked to the prevailing mortgage payment in a given area, doesn't matter if ANYBODY can afford it [homelessness off the charts anyone?] but banks alternate between demands only a Rockefeller could meet to giving mortgages to anyone who can fog a mirror when it suits them, consequences be damned.

Do you think 'banking' should be an internal function of your labor group/specialty?

One thing is for certain, where you hang your hat should be a 'gimme', convenient to your (primary) place of work [primary because working multiple gigs will be the rule rather than the exception...if you're talented enough...mostly due to the new 20 hour work 'week'.]

Yup, one of the things that keeps the poisoned well constantly crashing is because people can 'get by' on very little indeed.

The system is divorced from reality. We have DESTROYED 'the economy' due to the relentless pursuit of profits, monetary profits instead of what commerce is INTENDED TO ACCOMPLISH, provide society as a whole with the goods and services it needs and desires!

ROBOTS don't buy what they make!

As you 'process' this information it should be dawning on you that we have been PLAYED FOR CHUMPS for a VERY LONG TIME!

But we all know what the game is, don't we, it's 'comply or die'.

Reducing the work-week allows more people to 'participate' in society, that long neglected aspect of 'social development' [Does anyone else see the gaping holes in what passes for the 'educational system'? Our current education system completely neglects the importance of the individual's role in society!

A failure of this magnitude is unforgivable...but most school systems don't teach 'civics' anymore either. Anyone else notice how civics became a casualty of 'Morning in America' and 'cowboy politics'?

We have become a nation of 'navel gazers' that can't see beyond our own reflection!

If we are to survive, this must be corrected but like something you can all relate to, 'TERM LIMITS' those in control of the political arean have zero interest in SOCIAL UNITY!

Did I mention the WELL is POISONED...Don't Drink the WATER!

The toughest problem with attempting to 'repair' civilization is there are many moving parts and the average person only has so much 'attention span'. Some of you are up to the task but the vast majority aren't.

This is the 'downside' of specialization...makes you wonder if we weren't 'engineered' this way?

While it is obvious to anyone with two brain cells still in communication with one another that THIS ISN'T the 'planet of origin' the presence of mind to even ponder this fact escapes most of's 'significance' eludes them.

You don't go to war with the army you wish you had, you go with the army you've got!

Thanks for letting me inside YOUR head,


Wednesday, April 26, 2017


Greetings good citizen, we live in a time where BOTH 'human trafficking' and psychological slavery co-exist'.

The first is relatively 'rare' in our modern times and it's recent spread [yes, real human slavery is on the RISE] is being driven by the relentless pursuit of PROFITS.

The second variety of slavery is the mental kind that is being driven by those who don't think others deserve the same 'treatment' they do.

Don't 'jump to conclusions' here, YOU may very well have been raised in a 'Slaver' household and taught Slaver values when you were some of those values might persist...or you adopted them from other children that had Slaver parents.

The quick test is asking yourself if you think Welfare is a 'waste of money'?

There are million reasons to believe this is true, principal among them is it lacks the 'participation' element that is so essential to inclusion in human society.

Slaves 'participate' but in a BAD way, slavery is inflicted upon those who don't DESERVE freedom. How ironic many slaves are unaware of their true nature.

Worse, many slaves THINK LIKE SLAVERS, that certain 'types' of people don't deserve to be treated like other kinds.

Can you 'exorcise' the slaver that lives in your head, for it truly is a demon that afflicts far too many!

I personally suspect this 'slaver' mentality is a carry-over from our previous existence, when our 'filtered' [for intelligence] were 'abandoned' here so the smart people could start over without the hinderances of having all of the whiny, stupid people that would never understand THAT THEY were their own worst enemy blocking the way forward.

But who cares about 'theory'?

Reality is YOU have a 'slaver mentality' if you consider, however so slightly, that other people aren't as good as you.

And THAT is the stumbling block we must overcome because UNITED WE AIN'T and so long as you believe in your heart that the only 'good people' are the same kind as you, we're DOOMED.

Time presses and duty calls

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Exercise in futility

Greetings good citizen, if we gaze back over history we would observe that, to date, there hasn't been a single successful revolt. Sure the US in no longer a fife of the British Empire but other than 'ownership' little else has 'changed'.

True, we also changed our operating system [more so due to 'unforeseen difficulties' than genuine innovation.] The, er, 'safeguard' that money would control the process has ALWAYS been in place...and we see what that has 'produced'. We find ourselves in the same position we were when we were subjects of the King, a situation where your 'rights' diminished significantly in proportion to who was watching.

Just like today.

Not just here, in the famously corrupt US, but around the world.

Why is this the case? Because criminals keep gaining control of the 'justice system'.

Um, guess what? If YOU don't know WHAT TO EXPECT both during and after a revolt, all you're doing is substituting one group of self-interested a-holes for another.

So where is the 'solution' to this unmitigated problem? We need to place the law BEYOND THE REACH of the 'self-serving'.

It actually starts with the Human Anti-Exploitation Law, that provides every human with EQUAL PROTECTION against EXPLOITATION. [First pillar of civilization is EQUALITY, if no mechanism exists to ensure equality there won't be any.

The 'special' will re-assert themselves and claim they deserve 'special treatment' so society can function [no so much 'properly' but to their liking...] which is invariably the case when criminals move in.

They are 'exceptional' so they need EXCEPTIONS...and JUSTICE MAKES NONE! [Usually the 'exceptions' these criminals seek is exemption from prosecution, often under laws they themselves have crafted!

Somewhat doubtful (considering we're neck deep in stupid) but the fact that nobody seems able to figure out how to insure the corrupt don't seize control of the 'public interest' (and milk it for all its worth!) is the primary reason revolt is the court of last resort.

Perhaps the 'wise' among us will spring out of the woodwork and chide us that the only thing revolt accomplishes is who is putting the screws to you.

Thus is it imperative YOU know what you're revolting for.

YOU want to enjoy the 'full protection of the law'...well, that isn't going to happen so long as a few can 'exempt themselves' from the laws. Justice means JUSTICE FOR ALL not just those the criminals decide need 'punishing'.

Which beings us to 'prison'. This is one of the cruelest forms of punishment disguised as 'correction'. Prison has very little do with 'rehabilitating' those convicted of criminal activity. Prisons exists to offer 'the appearance/illusion of mercy'.

There is NOTHING merciful of being locked up for economic purposes. If we examined the convictions of a vast majority of those incarcerated we'd hang the judges.

Although that is 'unfair' the exponential growth in our nation's prison population is the direct responsibility of mandatory sentencing laws passed by the last Republican dominated congress.

Not that there is an alternative to this and then there are the 'posers' who pretend to be progressives but end up voting in lockstep with conservatives because some of their constituents are republicans...

But I digress.

Revolting is both useless and senseless if the only thing that it accomplishes is who puts the screws to you.

We could 'vote' somebody to be king, washing our hands of the whole mess while the con-artists go back to picking one another off vying for the throne.

Zero irony should be lost that NONE of these a-holes give a crap about YOUR rights or your circumstances so it would be a major step backwards, probably resulting in a royal decree making tax delinquents slaves...although they already are but they would delight in their clever redundancy!

[Small things for small irony wasted on no one.]

Often, 'the brighter than average' will ask themselves, why this and why now?

Well, not only is today El Trumpo's '100th day' but he also made a move on 'the mouse that sleeps next to a giant.'

Since the 'stalemate' in Korea some six decades ago, the US has ignored the mess they created to 'halt the spread of communism' [a doctrine that is indistinguishable from modern capitalism!]

Communism was eradicated when Joe Stalin took over from Lenin and exterminated them. It was the beginning of 'comply or die' that continues to this

How do we stop the feckless 'hooray for me and screw you!' crowd?


Compliance is complicity, collaboration is DEATH!

[No post is complete without a 'screaming off the reservation' episode!]

Understand, there SHOULDN'T be a nuclear exchange between the US and North Korea. If Kim Jong ding-a-ling launches we will have plenty of time to knock the missile out of the if it DOES strike a US city, it will be because they WANTED IT TO!

And if El Trumpo launches in 'retaliation' it will be because HIS MASTERS TOLD HIM TO!

Remember, the 'problem' here is not global communism but over-population...and the nitwits in charge do loves them hammers!

Sadly, there is a component of our population that will swallow the story that the NOT COMMUNIST FOR 20 YEARS Russian government is acting to 'subvert democracy' in the US when YOU KNOW who is really behind the dismantling of our civil protections [all in the name of 'safety' and, most importantly, 'national security!']

Naturally, it's NOT the NATION'S security they are concerned with, it is preventing being prosecuted for their crimes against humanity that has the current crowd shaking in their socks.

What passes for government has been overrun by criminals. Tens of thousands will be exiled should we purge the miscreants from our midst...and the ONLY way to insure the feckless don't return to power is to expel them... and everyone like them!

Yes, it takes a certain KIND of a-hole to purposefully put their own interests ahead of those of our species. Well, for a long time we couldn't afford to let the self-interested act selfishly, now the planet is suffering and extinction is a very real possibility...but you won't believe that until one of the morons on TV tells you its true.

which brings us full circle to our little 'title exercise'.

If YOU refuse to act, NOTHING will change.

Stand up and do makes all the difference!

Thank you for letting me inside YOUR head,


Monday, April 24, 2017

Fish or cut bait?

Greetings good citizen, today's title is indicative of the conundrum we face as a society. The public is increasingly becoming aware that this whole 'charade' will continue because just like the bankrupt that has been informed his check was declined insists that he can't be broke, he still has checks left!

As long as the feckless maintain their Iron Grip on the Justice System, we will remain their thralls [because it is the 'inability' to prosecute them] that cements their control of the 'money supply'.

You bust your backside for what they get for doing nothing...worse, you 'compete' with them on the 'so-called' open market for EVERYTHING with a substance YOU can't afford to squander.

How sad is it we live in a 'greater fool' economy?

Take the housing market. You may be able to sell your house for twice what you paid for it but it will cost you twice that to replace it!

Sort of redefines the 'lose-lose' proposition...a problem of what happens when those who stick their hands out and say 'gimme' don't suffer from because THEY AREN'T CHUMPS!

Naturally, in our 'greater fool' scenario, SOMEBODY has to play FOOL and guess who that is?

Right in one! Man, did I tell you already you're GOOD at this?

Still, doesn't solve the problem of the freakishly selfish basically pricing YOU [along with everybody else who can't say 'F-U pay me'] out of the market.

If you can't live on what THEY pay you, tough! It's not their problem, IT'S YOURS!

The 'economic playing field' needs to be somewhat level or 'civil unrest' upends what passes for civilization!

Plain and simple. We're not seeing it [largely because many incidents go our long absent unemployment lines.]

Back in the day, if you didn't appear at your appointed time you got suspended [forfeited payment.]

St. Ronnie drove unemployment into the stratosphere. Lines that were already down the block, headed for the edge of town would have stretched to the next county under the archaic system, designed to keep the economically sidelined 'honest'.

Now they mail you checks, and soon you'll get a check for doing NOTHING because the economy is going to collapse if they don't rope in 'customers' from somewhere.

My 7th grade history teacher asked my class if we knew why WELFARE existed? We didn't so he enlightened us.

He began with the exclamation 'It's easier to TAKE IT than to MAKE IT.'

GIVING the 'economically dis-advantaged' a way to procure what they needed 'legally' acted to curb crime.

Well, who knew our self-professed betters, criminals all, would take this strategy to heart?

In no time at all the race for how many millions can I pile up turned into billions and continues the head for trillions to this day!

How did millionaires become billionaires? THEY WEREN'T PROSECUTED!

No irony should be lost that the people who got cheated are the ones that landed in the pokey, usually for trumped up, victim-less crimes.

Something else our corporate owned media studiously the world's number of billionaires rises so does the percentage of the population in PRISON!

It's not 'unrelated'. The people who have had their LIVES STOLEN [so a few could be rich] languish in prison [a for profit prison no less!] because their jobs were automated out of existence and replaced with NOTHING.

Not a way to run a 'viable civilization', a lesson the feckless few never learn but again it's that 'slaves are expendable' mentality that is driving civilization right over a cliff.

Wake up and smell the FRAUD!

YOU (and by extension, your children) are getting SCREWED!

DO nothing and your fate (along with everyone else's) is sealed.

Pretty sure most of my acquaintances have written me off as a lunatic and that's the price you pay for speaking out against the that 'isn't so bad' [as long as YOU DON'T THINK ABOUT IT!]

Thus do I feel compelled to remind you that it is not my purpose to tell you what to think. My aim is to provide you with something to think about.

Um, while I am [ironically U.S. doesn't recognize 'citizenship' per se] a 'resident' of the United States, my message, like the cabal running civilization off a cliff, is GLOBAL.

Who knew the world's bankers would succeed where the great military leaders failed?

Take a good look and adjust accordingly.

Money is meaningless, especially now.

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Sunday, April 23, 2017


Greetings good citizen, how pathetic is it that shorthand for society in general remains 'a collection of 'superstitious peasants'?

Understand those who want things the way they are worked long and hard to get these same peasants to embrace their point of view, although some would opine their thirty year long project to undermine rationality was a success with their election [coronation] of The Huckster.

If we could 'talk/posture' our problems away El Trumpo is definitely the man for the job. How sad is it he GOT THE JOB because those currently in power don't want anything (of consequence) to change?

Trump campaigned on a platform other politicians wouldn't touch with a ten mile long pole and he also was Brassy enough to make those promises knowing he'd never succeed in moving 'More for ME capitalism a single millimeter!

Was it 'genius' for an 'outsider' to run on a pocketful of empty promises? Guess that depends on who you ask. the disappointed public or the entrenched interests currently stonewalling the crap out of our hapless huckster president.

Worse, El Trumpo will do what he's told if he hopes to survive his stint of 'public service'. [Under the theory the ONLY reason he ran was to avoid prosecution for the Trump University scandal.]

I suspect half of his 'foot-in-mouth' problems actually are his way of protesting being put in this position.

Anybody notice how the campaign for 2020 hasn't started yet? It's NOT because they expect the most disappointing president EVER to get re-elected either [although he might get 're-appointed' if his health holds up!]

Just pointing out that the last campaign season was in full swing already, last election we put up with 4 years of idiots campaigning for a position nobody actually wants because the problems the POTUS faces aren't solvable using the current system.

Hill-Billy studiously avoided making campaign promises but she was never a 'real candidate', she knew getting sent to the Oval Office was actually a death sentence as some unhinged conservo-whacko would eventually succeed in exploiting a 'window of vulnerability.'

Why all this 'political talk' all of a sudden? Because like it or not they haven't pulled the plug on the old system yet and we still find ourselves 'hamstrung' with a broken system we are powerless to fix, thanks to worthless MONEY!

Funny how we keep returning to 'what are we gonna do about it?' and the only thing we hear in response is crickets chirping.

Do NOTHING and accept 'more of the same'.

Or we could 'REALLY do nothing' and save our species.

No irony should be lost that the solution set involves the exact same thing, the difference is 'co-operation'.

Do what they want/pay you [but not hardly enough] to do and everything remains in a steady rate of decline. Defy them and everything changes almost immediately. Defiance is the one thing that drives them MENTAL because if you DARE to stand up to them the likelihood they will be PROSECUTED FOR THEIR CRIMES INCREASES GEOMETRICALLY!

I was watching an (ironically Fox news) special about the aftermath of WWII yesterday and not once did they mention that the primary cause of WWII was 'capitalism'. [Predatory capitalism to be precise. Where did you think the meme 'Business is War' came from?]

WWII is/was nothing less the 'globalization' via military adventure. [Capitalism was originally 'adopted' at the point of a gun, it was thus believed it would take 'more of the same' to achieve Capitalist Utopia. A world where the elite ruled the resources of the planet for their sake [The 'slaver mentality' has never departed from those who bend us to their will.] They would boldly take out the 'trash' [with 'trash' being what we earlier defined as 'superstitious peasants' that has historically been referred to as 'the unwashed rabble'.

Again, no irony should be lost on the labels hung by those who created the problem in the first place!

Hitler's Master Race had little to do with 'genetic superiority' [although it was thought you could breed a more docile 'servant class', nobody had tried before.]

It was the children of the point of a gun rulers that figured out MONEY would take them where they wanted to go ['Global economic domination'] without ever firing a shot!

Figuratively speaking, WWIII has already been fought and the One Percent won! What we're living with today are 'the consequences of our own collective STUPIDITY!'

Practically speaking, the war has been over since 1980 and the world-wide victory of pseudo conservatism.

That's how long the (capitalist, corporate owned media) has been pining for a world THAT NEVER EXISTED (They don't call 'em 'conservo-whackos' for nuthin!)

We are in the midst of a war NONE OF US are equipped to fight.

If we wait until they start exterminating us we will be too weak to fight (starvation is a powerful weapon.)

The really sick part of all this is some of you are rubbing your hands together, muttering to yourself 'What's taking them so long?'

All you can think about are the possibilities and opportunities a world with less people holds.

Totally WRONG way of looking at the situation if you remember who you're dealing with here.

SLAVERS...(and a disobedient slave is a dead slave.)

Consider your position well.

I can point these FACTS out to you until the cows come home but if you don't embrace them the conclusion is already apparent.


Thanks for letting me inside YOUR head,


Saturday, April 22, 2017

Like we NEED a reason...

Greetings good citizen, I have long subscribed to the opinion that the only reason there hasn't been a 'follow-up' revolution is because [until recently] there hasn't been anything [compelling] to revolt FOR.

This, naturally, leads to my elaborating on my 'comments'. 'Until recently', people WILL revolt if they feel their 'way of life' is threatened, perhaps somewhat ironic it is the lifestyle they were born into that is threatening them with extinction, leading to the conundrum that they KNOW they can't go on like this but they have no idea what else to do! [The fact that the future looks like the Zombie Apocalypse, where the survivors of the collapse eat one another until they too die of 'industrial disease'...makes the situation 'compelling'.]

How frightening are those words they keep repeating to themselves 'Where will the money come from?'

The roads remain barely passable and bridges teeter on the brink of collapse because 'the taxpayer' can't afford to replace them.

Same reason there aren't more jobs and the list of stuff that NEEDS DOING continues to stretch towards the horizon.

Capitalism makes no sense! [Have to add that POLITICIANS ARE F'N CLUELESS (or at least pretend to be.)]

But the 'foundation' of capitalism [ownership, in case you didn't know and, admit it, most of you thought it was F-U pay me]... is 'unassailable.'

There are your two biggest obstacles to freedom. Can't replace the current system because those in power need to 'preserve' what they have stolen er, built and the F-U pay me system that allows then to hold what they have laid claim to 'hostage'. [more clearly defined as making YOU pay for what's FREE to them, ain't capitalism wonderful?]

I watched Mahar [of 3M fame...Mahar, Maddow & Moore the three liberal horseman?] and he had a woman on pimping her new book about how MEN are on the 'endangered species' list.

Initial reaction is BS but look a little closer and the old 'conventions' are dying. Bank enough sperm and you don't need any testosterone junkies prancing around, pounding on their chests yelling ME TARZAN, YOU hired help!

Just one more way the 'freakishly selfish' are using the most 'mis-managed' instrument in our civilization to THEIR ADVANTAGE. If you ladies, especially you attractive ones, want to have a family...better 'save it' for the rich guy cause comrade loser [that well-endowed hunk you've been banging] is gonna be an anchor around your neck before the kids are out of diapers.

See where this is headed? Wanna know what all the 'angst' is about? Grammy and Grampy won't. [become grandparents because Jr and his sister Ug don't stand a chance in the 'breeding competition.']

Reality sucks, doesn't it?

Well, wake up and smell the Eugenics/breeding program! [Selective breeding program, not for improvement of the race but for the perpetuation of the freakishly selfish! In this respect MONEY is most dangerously ABUSED!]

The one YOU didn't know you were part of.

It's ALWAYS been a competition but never has the playing field been more purposefully tilted.

Failure to launch is a plague upon our society at a time when we, as a species, need to radically curb population growth.

Again, the 'exploiters' are doing this but I think you'll agree they are doing it the way they do everything else, the WRONG WAY!

Animals don't HAVE money so using it as a measuring stick is DUMB BEYOND BELIEF. [Worse, beating your chest and claiming 'the strong survive and the weak shall die' isn't something you apply to YOUR OWN SPECIES! WTF is WRONG with the 'freakishly selfish' (besides being STUPID beyond reckoning?)

If 'the adults' don't step in and put a stop to this recklessness there won't be anything to 'save'...our species will perish [and given what we've gone through thus far, more than a few of you would say 'good riddance'.]

There is the Gauntlet. They WON'T stop until we MAKE THEM STOP and we won't stop them until we have a clear idea WHAT NEEDS TO CHANGE!

Listen closely because there will be a quiz later:

Equality, because without equality there can be no JUSTICE!

Justice, because without Justice there can be no PEACE!

Peace because without peace there can be no PROSPERITY!

Those are 'the three pillars of civilization' you know what the three capitalist pillars are? MORE. FOR. ME. [Followed by a hearty F-U, pay Me!]

The 'man' with the Golden Gun* needs to be shown the nearest pier and be made to take a one way walk beyond its end.

We can no longer tolerate the petty desires of the freakishly selfish to dominate us.

Fail in this challenge and we will fail as a species.

Need a 'better reason'?

Thank you for letting ME inside your [over-crowded and more than a little confused] head,


* We [whether you admit it or not] live in a world ruled by guns, those with the guns ALSO used the guns to take 'the gold' for themselves. People are easily 'cozened' [convinced] that it is in their best interests to do as their told and not ask questions, which is how we came to be at this unlikely juncture in history.

What we do [or fail to do] next will decide how history remembers us.

Do you care? [Do you love your children because they are depending on YOU!]

Friday, April 21, 2017


Greetings good citizen, constant reader is a student that educates themselves by interpreting what is going on around them. Hard to believe ANYBODY suffers from boredom with so many games being played by the self-interested yet boredom abounds [which only proves MOST OF YOU aren't paying attention...or have given up because you have correctly deduced there is nothing YOU can do about 99% of it.]

There is a whole generation out there that has NEVER stood [often for hours] in an 'unemployment line'. Ever wonder why they mail you your checks today?

That's question number one.

The answer is capitalism failed a long time ago, physical unemployment lines would prove how badly it has failed.

Now we have unbelievably rosy 'jobs reports' that have zero basis in reality, reports that in reality reflect monthly data that doesn't cover the WEEKLY numbers need to maintain 'static employment levels'.

So quiz question number two.

If you KNEW capitalism had failed, would you still 'support it'?

I belabor the obvious when I point out that capitalism has indeed failed, the question [really] is how long are YOU gonna keep going along with 'everything's dandy' lip sync contest considering YOUR KID'S FUTURE IS ON THE LINE?

As the nation's infrastructure [the electric, water and road networks that make civilization possible] continues to crumble, do you marvel that unemployment remains stubbornly high and grossly under-reported? [it certainly isn't due to a lack of things that need doing!]

It's how 'our self-professed betters' have chosen to deal with the planet-wide over population problem.

[Let's not forget 'the forever war', that figures fairly prominently in their calculations too.]

Even modestly 'Prosperous people' are the main cause of children...they ended Welfare because it was skewed towards 'rewarding' women with a lot of children.

Um, Third quiz question: Are the degrading conditions we suffer today the result of all our problems being considered/treated as nails because their only tool is a hammer?

You have to admit there is a serious degree of 'willful ignorance' in play regarding civilization's persistent problems. The 'privileged few just can't see the need to 'share' so they have adopted the, er, stance that poverty killed millions and poverty is 'natural' [while THEIR, er, 'abundance' ISN'T...but that's not up for consideration] so let' em breed themselves to death is their attitude.

Our fourth and final quiz question [I appreciate you already have enough on your plate with everything else going on in your life but we keep tripping on the If not NOW, WHEN and if not US, WHO questions?]

Given that what passes for our system of government is FUBAR, how do we repair the damage inflicted upon our society by the freakishly selfish?

There are NO TOOLS for the average citizen to use to correct an 'abusive government'...a major design fail but the paranoid founders didn't think their 'baby' needed fixing or that MEN both GOOD and TRUE [would eventually come along, probably from another dimension] and put things right!

Few would deny we are overdue for a revolution but our [anything but] 'free press' muzzles conversations on how the public can improve their circumstances.

As long as 'comply or die' are your only choices, the revolt is ON!

Rhetorical bonus do we remove the feckless from power?

This is a 'gimme' but you have to say it in your head so I know the message has been received.

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Thursday, April 20, 2017

The Collapse proceeds apace

Greetings good citizen, even the most stalwart patriot acknowledges that our society (or what passes for it) is in 'trouble'.

Depending on where you sit 'politically' [fiscally conservative but socially liberal is the lie the most often on the lips of those who cowardly refuse to engage in any discussion of 'politics' (less commonly known as the process that facilitates our species LIVING TOGETHER.)]

How bizarre that the feeble minded honestly believe there's nothing wrong with society that the return of public executions wouldn't cure...

Which is in itself a sign that collapse is nigh! [The Romans tried to bail themselves out with 'spectacles' and only succeeded in digging the hole deeper.

Have you even considered what a cascading systemic collapse would entail? If you haven't let's just say that after being 'educated' on the topic you'll likely start rooting for something 'quick & decisive' like a nuclear strike...where 'the lucky ones' buy it at 'ground zero'.

Well, let's look at the numbers, shall we? The current 'ratio' of police to civilians remains roughly at a thousand to one [see why politicians are always railing about 'law & order'? Considering the stunts they regularly pull that's a mighty thin 'safety net'...but the ratio is still ten times more cops than the number of politicians they need to 'protect & serve'.

Ever wonder who keeps passing military grade weapons to local police forces? It's the 'shitting their pants' politicians! THEY KNOW when the shit hits the fan, most of 'em (and what passes for their 'protection') are toast!

[So they are hoping 'militarizing' the local PD will give them that 'extra edge' their peers in Washington enjoy as their party policies push what passes for society off the edge of a mighty high cliff.]

It will take weeks to hit the 'bottom', that's the first thing you need to mentally prepare yourself for. It will start with convoys of supplies being given 'police escorts' through, er, 'depressed areas'.

When police protection [even with our new 'amped up' police forces] proves insufficient, they'll escalate to military escorts...which will also get progressively more, er, 'robust'. [start with vehicles filled with soldiers but when the desperadoes start taking those out wholesale with IED's they will 'graduate' to armor and permanent armed forces stationed along the supply route, short though they may be.

With this much 'focus' being placed on protecting the now seriously dwarfed 'agents of the law', what do you suppose is going to happen to YOU and YOURS?

Simple logic here, the cops can't be in two places at once! You're being 'taxed' for them but here is reality, the cops exist to protect THEM, not YOU.

Guess who is stuck in the countryside with ravaging marauders?

Right in one, damn you're good at this, are you sure you haven't played before?

Why is it you never seem to make the connection that they HARASS you but turn a blind eye when it's one of THEM?

Sort of brings us back to the 'neck deep in stupid' observation and THAT is the SECOND 'crisis' YOU are going to be faced with. Comrade IDIOT will 'deputize' himself and his little buddies...and the 'reign of terror' will begin in earnest!

[Whatever chicken little figures 'ought to be the law' WILL BE THE LAW because numbnuts is a PATRIOT and ANYONE that doesn't blindly accept that he's trying to 'SAVE 'MURIKA!' [all by his lonesome, no less] is an evil no good so and so. [Buckwheat may curse in his head but it's not 'proper' for 'a defender of the free world' to cuss out loud!] and making him do so will put him in such a 'mental state' that he will be 'truly sorry' for killin' all those innocent people [but they witnessed him drop an f-bomb so they HAD TO DIE!]

[Hardly a handful of difference between stupid and crazy, is there?]

Can't call the cops, they're busy protecting their employers [your self-serving politicians!] so you do the only thing you can do, you 'bug out', except you aren't the only ones out there, wandering in unfamiliar woods, looking for [relative] safety.

Did you find 'shelter'...if it's less than ten minutes after the crisis you must assume somebody beat you to it. Worse, if you do go 'clean it out' [evict whoever got there before you] expect the same thing to happen to you...regardless of how well you 'fortify' the weakness you exploited to evict the original occupant. There is NOTHING you can do that can't be done!]

IF you can't succeed in joining with your fellow refugees for mutual protection [here's where karma pays you back for refusing to publicly condemn the conservo-whackos!] you'd best start planning for the afterlife because it's the ONLY thing you have left to look forward to.

This is just HALF of the picture. If you decide you're better off headed towards the now heavily guarded supply routes, prepare for nightmare scenario #2.

Life on the other side of the Blue Wall will also be one of terror. Not only are the politicians terrified but the guys that have made legends of themselves busting adventurous teens are also shitting their pants. It's one thing serving in the military but this is another animal altogether, it was NEVER supposed to come to this.

WHich is to say these boys are out of their element and something else you didn't think was possible...more 'trigger happy' than ever.

What YOU need to understand is: Judges used to let them walk because they knew this day was near. Do you think they're going to hold Sparky accountable now that that day is here?

The law is the Law is the law...that doesn't change, the people 'enforcing' the law...they are all over the map and guess who comes first in their squeeny little heads?

Yachtzee again, boy you're good at this!

Hooray for me and F-you! Even when their backs are against the wall they WON'T change their tune...which happens to be that infamous 'one note song'....fuh, fuh, fuh, fuh...

Which is to say life behind the 'security perimeter' will be just as harrowing and uncertain as life outside.

On the inside you'll have to deal with those who pretend to be the law [why do these morons think a blue shirt and a badge makes them 'legal' when everybody knows they don't give any shit what the law says anymore than the people they routinely bust?] and on the outside you'll be forced to deal with those who don't give a crap what the law says, this is happening!

The 'self-deputized, self-righteous AND self-serving' is a horrible proposition to be faced with. That's why under A Simple Plan the entire justice system is comprised of citizens just like you. The people that 'agree' to live under the laws they themselves make and vote upon. That is the ONLY SOURCE of JUSTICE! [All others are 'self-serving'.]

But this is were expecting something else?

As the 'security forces' are depleted due to overwhelming odds against them you will know that you have 'chosen poorly' and would do well to start planning for the afterlife. Once the Blue Line shrinks to a 'less than effective' fighting force, they are going to hand you 'mock guns' and put you 'on patrol', a civilian guard of 'expendables'.

And YOU (stupidly) thought you would be SAFE! [You'd have been better off taking your chances with 'the animals in the woods!']

Those of you with less than optimal intestinal fortitude may consider a 'quicker exit', something that will be 'surprisingly common' among those who can't find a reason to go on. Not even a lame one like morbid curiosity...'I want to see how this turns out.'

You WILL eventually hit F-it and check out, either by your own hand or you'll finally flip off that a-hole that has been itching to shoot you since the first time you laid eyes on him! [You can't say how you know this, you just do...]

You won't know what his problem is either way but he's your ticket off the 'crazy train'.

Funny thing about this existence, NOBODY is getting out much can you take before YOU hit 'tilt'?

Probably not a generally accepted opinion but I think we'd agree that suicide is a lot more 'popular' than it used to be considering how widespread 'despair' has become. Hope is but a tiny flicker on the distant horizon while despair is omnipresent, thanks to the predatory exploiters that make it their pleasure to rob your life of meaning.

Again, probably unpopular to point out that we outnumber them a hundred million to one.

If you won't stand up for yourself you had best have the 'forethought' to choose wisely.

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


Wednesday, April 19, 2017


Greetings good citizen, most of us can't 'make sense' of the financial markets because they don't. No, you're not stupid. It's all about 'slight of hand' coupled with a healthy dollop of 'more for me' and backed up with 'because I said so!'

Don't try this at home...heck, even THEY don't try this with their spouses, different game entirely! The financial playing field is so 'unnatural' that it is believed to consist mostly of 'anti-matter' [because much of it doesn't!]

What 'triggered' this, the curious among you might be asking yourself? As 'globalized capitalism' crashes and burns, taking civilization along with it, that now ancient chestnut has come rushing forward to claim its rightful spot as humanity's number one concern...

Which one is that? Terrorists? Plague? Islam?

Nope, even older than ALL of those...something that dates back to the very first single cell creatures, a question they faced that they weren't even aware of. What question could that be? Is that YOU god? Nope, didn't know and didn't care.

Bueller? Anyone? Bueller?

The answer is How will I live?

It's a question each and every [living organism] faces every single moment of their existence. [Yet most of you are 'worried' about the less likely events like being killed by psychopaths created by our out of control media [becoming a daily thing yet nobody is pointing a finger at the culprit.]

How sad is it one of the 'shows' feeding this bonfire bills itself as a 'reality show'?

Humans are mimics, monkey see INEVITABLY turns into Monkey DO! How many times do you think one guy says to his partner, "check this out! I saw this on COPS last week!"

Is policing out of control? Thank the same *guy that employs Bill O'Rielly, the same group that made Rush Limbaugh a household icon because his bloviating was distributed to AM radio stations for FREE! [*Yeah, we're looking at YOU, Rupert!]

Rush was omnipresent not because he was 'good' or wholesome...but because station OWNERS could generate revenue using FREE content...and what content it was. It's the primary reason behind our [media supported] 'divided nation.'

But I digress...capitalism is responsible for many decidedly negative outcomes and Rush is only a flyspeck on the mountain of dung created by the 'freakishly selfish'.

Um, I am constantly ragging on Stupid but if YOU keep doing what STUPID TELLS YOU TO DO, YOU are gonna suffer 'stupid's fate!'

If YOU don't start paying attention to what's going on you're gonna be late to the 'somebody save us' party! If you miss this opportunity you won't get a second gonna die.

Right here and now you do what 'stupid' tells you to do [because stupid pays you] but how will you survive when your 'hand to mouth' paycheck suddenly goes 'poof' and Stupid just looks at you and shrugs, saying 'Not MY Problem.'

Tiny bit of 'intestinal fortitude' and stupid would have been long gone on the Exile bus but no, you couldn't 'afford' to miss a day's pay.

Now you're gonna go the rest of your [brief] life with NO PAY because Stupid folded up his tent and moved to Richistan, leaving you 'on your own'.

UNITED we stand...divided we kill one another, that's the road of 'rugged individualism' f'n El Rushbo preaches. That's where your 'conservative values' leads [and leaves] you.

So, are YOU bad enough to 'fight off' the other 7 billion of us? Eat your Wheaties and take on the world! Well, the world is a lot tougher than you know and chances are the 'meek' already have the drop on go ahead and give 'em an excuse to blow your sorry ass to kingdom come.

It's understandable that you'd 'gravitate' towards the 'smart minority' rather than the [apparently dumb because they put up with it] majority and that would be a huge error on your part because the 'average' individual has it going on!

Sure, they put up with it because NOBODY has even tried to unite them...but 'circumstances' are conspiring to 'undo' what the feckless few have sought to achieve.

I'd opine we're already past the 'sweet spot' where most of us 'bought' the divided tripe. Now we're pretty sure we're being 'told what to believe'.

Gonna be some major changes regardless of how the short-term works out, they've moved the bar too far to go backwards now.

We won't be 'put to sleep' again, not this generation anyway.

My generation is dying off, the generation behind mine is responsible for most of this nonsense [but in their defense they were raised to believe the 'greed is good' tripe that El Rushbo taught.]

Bad actors all around if you ask me but My Son blames the Boomers for 'wrecking' the future without once considering the problem goes much further back than a single generation.

The problems facing humanity pre-date civilization. They are solvable but the 'will to solve them' doesn't exist.

The rich want to remain rich, which means the poor will continue to fight over table scraps until there aren't any and helter skelter ensues.

Mis-management, plain and simple.

Do you want to live in a world where 'A few are Rich'? or do you want to live where we all share what there is equally [and hatred ends.]

The CHOICE [as always] IS YOURS!

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Legal Problem(s)

Greetings good citizen, I personally ignore a wide slice of what passes for 'entertainment' coming from the corporate owned media and one category I ardently avoid is the BS 'Police Procedural' category.

Bad enough our entire 'justice system' is a sham but to have the entertainment industry provide the public with a completely inaccurate picture of how it works does NOBODY a favor.

But wait, just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, there's that staple of Fox News' stable of 'reality shows' COPS...billed by Fox as the longest running show, ever.

What do you suppose is wrong with the people who are tasked with 'entertaining' us that they are so FIXATED on our BADLY BROKEN justice system?

I happened to be surfing last night and landed on TV's 'longest running reality show' when another matter caused me to abandon the remote to do something else.

I saw maybe five minutes of the program that was airing and what I saw had me frothing at the mouth!

Why?The behavior displayed by these 'volunteer entertainers' [while not scripted, the 'featured' P.D.'s have to provide footage that gives the viewer a 'positive image' of the law enforcement community...which must comprise the bulk of the show's viewers.] WOULD get them EXILED!

Probably just me but I watched the episode the whole time thinking the wrong people are in cuffs!

So it is that viewers [likely other cops] are routinely treated to the 'meat & potatoes' of law enforcement, busts for minor possession that they 'parlay' into fodder for FOR PROFIT PRISONS!

Seriously good citizen, the jobs situation is WAY OUT OF CONTROL!

When we consider what's driving the 'epidemic' of poverty and crime the real victims are the people being preyed upon by a system that has NO OTHER USE FOR THEM!

In this our legislators [and their 'appointees'] are both culpable and responsible.

Without oversight, the feckless have created a 'fantasy land' where 'Justice' prevails as the victims of our criminal social system are routinely jailed for pursuing the only jobs available to them.

Yet another hobby horse I used to flog regularly comes trotting out of the closet after long years of neglect.


WHO 'makes' the desperate?

THOSE WHO DENY THEM WHAT THEY ARE ENTITLED TO! [A job, a home, a place in the community and regular meals are what EVERY HUMAN NEEDS! Yet your 'inner Libbie' says they don't need any of those things, they just WANT them! Well, those who can't distinguish between 'want & need' will become successful candidates for EXILE!]

[Let's NOT get into a contest of WHO deserves WHAT, according to warped Libertarian sensibilities none of us deserves anything we can't PAY FOR, a truly twisted bit of logic considering ALL MONEY IS FUNNY!]

Not to keep beating a dead horse but the question remains...HOW DO THEY KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH THIS CRAP?

And the answer, just as obviously is BECAUSE YOU LET THEM DO IT!

They [those who pretend to govern in our name] WON'T STOP UNTIL YOU STOP THEM!

How do we stop the minions of the belly-crawlers?

We shut this place down tight!

Nothing moves and nothing happens until we clean this mess up!

Trouble is most of you haven't got a clue where to begin so when the feckless few rally you to go out and 'take back our country', you're gonna find yourself attacking people just like you, who want the 'madness' to end.

Word to the wise, if somebody knocks on your door and says there is going to be a meeting down the street, it's not 'US'. It's them and depending on how well armed they are you may not go yeah, yeah and ignore them.

That's why we 'strike' don't go anywhere and you don't DO anything [except stopping 'strike-breakers'.]

IF they are [and sometimes they only think this] well-armed and demand that you might have to go but if they tell you that you have to take part in a raid, tell 'em to f-off.

First three days, no violence [probably no capitulation either.]

On the FOURTH day it's flat tires and broken windows.

On the seventh day the 'lynchings' begin. If you aren't a part of the solution then you're part of the problem...and defying the strike comes at a heavy price.


Yeah, people are going to die if caregivers don't show up but if we leave things the way they are, the infirm are 'better off dead.'

For that reason you may want to make it a point to bid any loved ones farewell this Independence Day [7/4]

Verily, there's no easy way to be free and we have given the feckless a free hand for far too long.

Understand good citizen, a world without Justice isn't worth living in...and Fox's 'Cops' shows us precisely what kind of world we're living in!

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Monday, April 17, 2017


Greetings good citizen, it's 'bad form' to call attention to the decided lack of mental acuity we encounter in our interactions with the general population. Worse, the people composing this symphony of codswallop aren't much brighter than the people who blindly ignore 90% of it.

What has you so distracted, Bunky?

The big questions? No, most of us fritter our days away fretting that others are getting over on us not because we are 'too trusting' but because we have been fooled many times before by people we thought we could trust.

You know what? Doesn't help that those suspicions are usually 'well founded'.

May be NOTHING going on but the 'threat' is enough to cause you 'unease'.

It is here that we encounter the 'human condition'.

As individuals we have zero reason to trust anyone...despite having a desperate need to...and when those we 'trust' prove worthy, do we show our gratitude? No...we continue to 'suspect' them.

Why is this? It's due to those running things greediness. It is your 'fear' that you won't get what's yours that is making you miserable. We all see those who get 'theirs' [and then some] so we know we aren't getting our (fair) share.

Fills us with disgust to think the nice things in life are reserved for the 'friends' of the 'right people'.

You sometimes wonder 'why me' [or why not me...depending on how you're fractured] as you walk down the road, watching the passersby. Funny how religion provides you with the 'pat answer'. That GOD [who is never around when YOU need him] has a plan for everyone and it's not up to us to question GOD'S PLAN...

As is currently making the rounds on the internet, a meme that is being attributed to Cormac MacDonald goes 'you'll never know the worse luck your bad luck has saved you from...'

For some of us it's easier to believe this is all 'scripted' that things will work out the way they will work out but this is a meme only the 'well off' indulge in. Those of us who wake up to the daily mouthful of the shit sandwich get through the day BELIEVING this isn't fate, destiny, pre-ordained, that we aren't doomed to live like this permanently! (or so we hope!)

What am I driving at? You are ALL AWARE that we live in a corrupt society and it is fear of being deprived that eats at our very sanity.

If life can be 'okay' for some of us, it should be okay for ALL of us...this is what THE LAW is SUPPOSED TO DO! It exists and is obeyed because it PROTECTS US.

When it DOESN'T it is the fault of those entrusted to enforce the laws.

Today's justice system is identical to our political system, it exists to provide the 'illusion of justice' just as politics provides us with the illusion of participation!

If YOU aren't AWARE [or to wrapped up in navel gazing...or too stupid to tell the difference!] The MISERY will NEVER STOP!

We've got this but you've got to stand up and demonstrate that you're not going to take it!

7/5/17 we strike, around the world.

Think about it.

Once again, pardon my dust! This is what happens when you 're-model'.


Sunday, April 16, 2017


Greetings good citizen, how ironic is it that Evil is Live spelled backwards? This is nearly as disturbing as Santa being an anagram of Satan...

Wordplay isn't my intention. Here, on the 'holiest' day of the christian calendar, it's striking that we are celebrating the 'pseudo-death' of Christ [He 'metaphorically' sacrificed himself for our sins yet he still sits in judgment of them.]

If you've ever wondered why, [I'm tempted to say kids but it's not a phenomenon restricted to adolescents] are A.) gullible beyond belief and B.) fail to understand even the most basic of concepts...could this 'mind-fuck' be responsible?

Not only is it bizarre that the guy who divided himself, first in half then into three [who dreamt this baloney up?] DEMANDED a 'blood sacrifice' be paid to let his 'beloved creation' [flawed by 'original sin' (of knowledge, not sex!) into the 'paradise' of heaven. Makes you wonder what pissed 'god' off more, the discovery of the lie or the realization that the farce had to be maintained?

While we enjoy 'treating' our children, are we really doing them a favor by filling their heads with nonsense? What about the thinly disguised wordplay? Who is the sadist behind that?

[Rhetorical question, I really don't care enough to go looking because the likelihood whoever they pinned this on is a patsy is too high.]

I will repeat for the benefit of new readers that I have no truck with Spirit in the Sky [God as man has created, er, pick your pronoun...] under A Simple Plan you will be free to worship anything you like but it will be a crime to inflict YOUR beliefs upon others.

Religion is a personal thing, best treated as 'whatever it takes to get you through' but the operative word is YOU, not your imaginary 'super being' regardless of how benevolent [albeit misunderstood] YOU claim it is. So keep YOUR god to yourself!

Satan is widely reviled as a 'deceiver'...what does this say about those who claim to 'believe'?

How sad is it that confessions of faith are often defensive [because the 'superstitious peasants' among us are positively RABID when it comes to what they hold'Sacred' and have a terrible habit of killing (most viciously) those who call them on their 'beliefs'.] Take the war on Islam, want to see who these 'superstitious peasants' are? Just volunteer the idea that not all Muslims are terrorists and watch them crawl like insects out of the woodwork!

Just as our Live is Evil spelled backwards and Santa is an anagram for Satan...these people obviously don't spend [perhaps waste in more appropriate observation] time thinking about (much less questioning) what they are taught.

Um, yesterday I offered politics as the 'opiate of the masses' but religion also fits the bill considering it has become 'learned dogma' rather than rational discussion.

Yes good citizen, how unfortunate for the rest of us that the stupid can't be reasoned with because nothing go up top?

So we are faced with a decision...continue appeasing those who consistently get lost in thought because they never go there or expel them from the decision-making process?

We CANNOT advance as a species until this choice is made.

No pressure...take your time.

In fact let's leave it there until tomorrow.

Happy Beaster!


Saturday, April 15, 2017


Greetings good citizen, divided as the media tells us we are, I'm confident we can ALL agree on the basics. For people who were tyrants themselves, the founders babbled quite a bit about 'liberty' [which literally translates to 'freedom from tyranny'.]

The missing piece of the puzzle appears to be that, like Today's 'Libertarians' the only 'liberty' they were interested in was liberty personal, the rest of us could go twist in the wind.

Not exactly the most stable building block upon which to found a nation but 'stupid' doesn't care if the idea was workable...and it appears there was no shortage of morons back then either.

[No, this isn't the part we can all agree on...some of you are ardent defenders of the 'Greatest generation', not that you'd know the difference from one to the next.]

No, what we can ALL agree upon is this planet, our one and only home, must be shared and preserved for future generations. [Only the truly moronic will try to hang a D or an R from that statement...although a truly moronic R knows no limits to their inability to comprehend even the simplest of concepts.] let's assume my political opinions aren't up for debate here either, no need to 'agree' because all mainstream politics are garbage, as Lenin opined, 'the opiate of the masses!'

Since market share and profitability have absolutely NOTHING to do with survival, both should be banished from the economic lexicon.

Pretty sure even the dimmest of you can agree that this [life] isn't about who can accumulate the most JUNK, it's about survival!

It is also apparent that we are approaching the limits of this planet's 'carrying capacity'. If we don't conserve, there won't be a future to preserve.

The ONLY future political conservatives [Republicans] are interested in are the one where they remain wealthy, the rest of us are a waste of perfectly good butt-wipe.

As a species we can no longer tolerate the 'hooray for me and F the rest' attitude of the freakishly selfish! [We aren't talking welfare recipients here Einstein, we're talking about the people who 'manufacture' welfare recipients, the One Percent.]

* Physics: it takes a whole bunch of poor people to make a single rich person! (pretty sure we can all agree on that one too...although in light of the fact that all money is funny means all it really takes to make a rich person is a keyboard and a 'pliable' justice system...
You old fashioned types still think you need a printing press but the bulk of today's trillions are electronic...another, er, 'benefit' of the 'electronic age'.)

Still wanna play 'my pile is bigger than yours'?

Which is to belabor the obvious, until JUSTICE is restored we can no longer afford to let the self-interested have unbridled access to the planet's resources.

Millions have died due to the rapacious appetites of the 'freakishly selfish'.

Justice is a simple thing, we merely need to place the law beyond the reach of those who place their own interests ahead of everyone else's.

Thus do I propose 'direct Democracy'. Our apparent 'inability' to get even the simplest legislation passed is due to the self-interested's capacity to block that legislation [or get it repealed.]

We will NEVER have/enjoy the 'rule of law' so long as only the feckless few have ACCESS to the law.

Two edged sword time here...not only do they 'control' what is and isn't 'the law' but they ALSO control the courts. THEY 'appointed' the judges that decide what the law means...which is why the guilty often walk free even when they're dripping with innocent blood.

So the 'courts' will consist ENTIRELY of people not 'specializing' in the 'practice of law'...and the professional practice of Law shall be PROHIBITED!

Can't Lawyer up because they no longer exist.

The Law is the domain of those who must live under 'special understanding' required.

If those living under the law don't understand the law then justice is impossible.

None of this has to be difficult. It's all fairly simple in fact.

But that's not what the 'experts' would have you believe.

UNDERSTAND 'experts' MUST HAVE PERFECT KNOWLEDGE. Without this all you have is opinion...and we all have our opinions, doesn't make us right, it only serves to divide us.

The above is just the 'tip' of the proverbial iceberg, a thumbnail sketch, a basic outline of the task before our species.

Nothing happens without a plan...and if YOU remain ignorant that such a plan exists...oh well.

Thank you for letting me inside your head,


Friday, April 14, 2017

Life, Liberty and the pursuit of (relative) Happiness

Greetings good citizen, WORDSMITHS are always weaving, often trying to inspire more so than make sense. Their own fascination with their ability to 'turn a phrase' produces surreal results such as today's title.

How the heck do you 'pursue' happiness? Doing the things you enjoy can make you 'happy'[ish] but that's about as good as it gets.

Are we so 'preoccupied' with the 'pursuit of happy' that we neglect the 'liberty' part of the prescription?

Good, bad or indifferent, life just 'is'...until it isn't. Funny it even occurred to them to include such a 'given'...probably did it for effect.

Perhaps it is that we are ignoring the comma? Life IS the 'freedom to pursue happiness'.

IS that what they were trying to convey, because once again we have 'prose' that has little to do with Reality, in fact most of us would opine it is at odds with our mundane existence.

Many have attempted to put 'the meaning of life' into words, some have produced beautiful nonsense while others are just epic fails,( so relative to the individual or the moment as to be useless.)

Not for nothing will they persist in attempting to 'explain' this existence which, in the end, only has meaning to the individual.

Much of what passes for 'patriotic claptrap' is precisely that...crap!

Part of the 'divided we are' strategy the One Percent is foisting upon us is intended to deflect responsibility and purposefully create an atmosphere where co-operation is viewed as impossible.

No irony should be lost on the fact that conservative 'rugged individualism' is the exact opposite of what civil society requires of its citizens.

UNITED [working together] we have defeated the 'tyranny of nature'...only to have human tyrants fill the subsequent void.

Perhaps this is what Jefferson meant when he opined that for liberty to be preserved it required periodic watering with the blood of tyrants.

What 'tyrants' was he referring to?

Do we have any 'tyrants' among us now, in our 'free and fair' political system?

Hands are pointing every which way...some at the 'injustice system' and other at the banking system and still others are pointing at he commerce system that shuts so many out.

Why is it we are [seemingly] powerless to address ANY of these woes and water the tree of liberty?

Bueller? Anyone? Bueller?

Of the three, life is the only 'given'. Liberty is something we enjoy a degree of [they don't tell us to do EVERYTHING...yet] and Happy, well, if what they show us on TV, that only MONEY makes you 'happy' then we are [again, the vast majority of us] are doomed to a life with just fleeting moments of 'happy' interrupting seemingly endless stretches of debilitating desperation as the keen awareness of our 'fears' dominates our existence.

Did I mention wordsmiths will continue to attempt to 'define' life for us, (even my feeble self?)

I think my, er, 'attempt' hits a lot closer to the mark of what the average person goes through than the more nebulous 'life, liberty and the pursuit of Happi'.

Understand, the 'popular version' was meant to be 'inspirational' [even if the feckless use it to defend their greed or to chide you for not 'settling' for their 'leavings' (usually their 'scat', they aren't known for 'generosity' by any stretch of the imagination.) No irony should be lost that their continued 'tolerance of your existence' is what THEY consider 'charity/generosity'.]

So there you stand, caught between the longing for love and the struggle for the legal tender [yet another 'more elegant' rendering of the same concept...] (Jackson Brown, hard to compete with talent like that!)

Not very accurate but beautiful all the same...let's not forget the poignant! It gets you right where you live.

Hard to imagine a greater tyranny than the pain/loss created by the epic mismanagement of our 'legal tender'. There's some tyrants long overdue to demonstrate their own personal version of The Funky Chicken from about a foot off the ground.

Cruel you say? They'd kill you than look at you and not give it a second thought.

Worse, they'd watch you starve to death while they pretend 'the money' needed to spare you 'doesn't exist'.

It's what they do every day, all day.

Think I'm exaggerating? People around the planet are dying from lack of basic medical attention, these guys know it but do NOTHING. [Worse, they found 'charities' that spend 99 cents of every dollar collected on 'administration'. Does any nitwit really believe cancer will be 'cured' by walking? Since most of the money collected goes toward collecting even MORE money [which does zero to advance the search for a cure] how do YOU define 'exercise in futility'?

People got to die. Until recently, we all did but research proceeds on the cure for death and WHO do you think is going to get their hands on THAT?

You don't suppose it would be the one group that least deserves it, do ya?

With that we'll have at it again tomorrow, thank YOU for letting me inside your head,


Thursday, April 13, 2017

Thumbnail sketch

Greetings good citizen, if you lack 'mental horsepower' you're gonna turn away from this post fairly quickly. Why am I warning you? Because the weak minded dislike having their beliefs much so that they would rather kill those that challenge those beliefs than consider their own folly.

This Nation, now the oldest republic on the planet, was founded [allegedly, there is zero proof of this] with Liberty and Justice for all. [Says so in 'the pledge' if you won't take my word for it.]

Naturally, that was then and this is now. Back then a vast majority of the population was 'illiterate', they didn't know the 'definition' of the words the founders used, just that 'freedom' [which they also didn't understand] was key. They didn't know liberty means freedom from tyranny just as they remain ignorant today that the dictionary definition of freedom is 'a state of being free'...not a particularly useful term because we live in a 'debt-driven' commerce model.

You work because you owe.

In the interests of reality/fairness, if you didn't owe chances are you'd work harder than you do now because you'd be obliged to do EVERYTHING [even the tasks you suck at] yourself.

Depending on what you personally detest, it would define the misery that would be your life.

There's a whole laundry list of things you'd have to do personally if you weren't a 'wage slave' but, and this is a mighty big but...once we decided to 'specialize'...NOWHERE in that game plan is there a provision for 'owners'.

Resources are FREE from nature. The nonsensical belief that I own the land and everything on it dates back to the kings [who pretended to be god on earth...or, at the very least, 'god's chosen'.]

Funny how nobody buys that load of manure anymore but the owner thing persists...

We went from having 'royals' to 'every man a king' and we can see how THAT worked out. The 'merchants' among us quickly started dictating what was necessary to be a 'proper king' and it all went downhill from there.

How unfortunate the average Rube is a 'slave to fashion' and the dictates [reinforced by ridicule] of 'society'?

We have sort of 'backed into' the 'liberty' part of the puzzle but how curious is it that most of you don't know what the word means?

If you actually DID value Liberty you wouldn't be so easily 'bullied' by the dictates of 'fashion'.

Ever wonder why [given how the world as we have come to know it is the product of 'conservatism'] that almost everyone you know professes 'conservative sympathies'?

Most of you don't waste time wondering where this rabbit hole goes, nor do you ponder the fate of the people that brought us 'The New Deal' after the conservatives crashed the global economy in 1929.

Funny how no sooner did they obtain the keys again did they crash it three more times...and they're getting ready to do it again!

All you can do is shake your head and marvel over how stupid people must be to vote Republican, given all they've done since Nixon.

When the truth is much more frightening...the political process was 'financialized' after their first attempt to install an 'Imperial President' and repeal The New Deal failed in 1962.

Since that time there hasn't been a candidate for political office that didn't have to pass a 'sniff test' [as Rummy himself called it] before receiving the 'party endorsement'.

The average voter doesn't spend much time thinking about this crucial factor but if you aren't 'palatable' to the monied classes, you might as well tote your plastic milk crate down to the town square and hope your Radio Shack bull horn has enough juice in it to last until you have blurted out your 'stump speech' [something along the lines of 'wake up America, the political process has been hijacked!' (everybody knows but NOBODY knows WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT!)]

If YOU don't have the endorsement of the One Percent, you're goose is cooked...because there seems to be an endless stream of 'political science majors' willing to whore themselves out to the highest bidder for a paycheck followed by a payday (but only if they please their 'overlords'.)

UNDERSTAND: most of you 'accept' this as 'the way it is' [no matter how frustrated you are with the way things are going, you CAN'T change it because THEY DON'T HAVE TO LISTEN TO YOU! Especially if you aren't willing to make them pay attention!]

My idea is as follows. 4th of July weekend...we ALL take Wednesday off, a one day strike/warning shot. The following week we take Monday and Tuesday off. A two day strike bound to stir things up somewhat. Hot heads will fire people that didn't have time coming to them but it should be their last act as self-important managers/owners. We go 'back to work Wednesday and if we are locked out/fired, the REAL strike is on! The following week it's three days off and the week after that it's four.

At this point the firings will get out of hand...and people will reach a boiling point but the 'alternative' is 'more of the same'.

The economy is ALREADY badly crippled without lifting a finger. It will only take a tiny shove to push things over the edge.

Are you with me?

Find out on the 5th.

Thank you for letting me inside your head,


Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Solution set

Greetings good citizen. I opined here, back after the coronation of El Trumpo, that this 'tactic' of crowning a 'political outsider' as our latest 'leader' was a move intended to provide cover for yet another cataclysmic event, known world-wide as The Unthinkable.

They NEED to do something about the population problem and keeping us alive isn't one of the options they're considering.

I suspect this recent move of a naval battle group to the waters off the Korean peninsula is just the first of many more to come. Do not discount the implications of the 'out of the blue' retaliatory attack on Syria and the position this puts Assad's ally, the Russians in.

Nice how they like to put multiple options on the table to confuse the public and keep you guessing which nation is the 'bad actor' when you know damn well it's the One Percent...a decidedly 'global' club.

War is ever and always an exercise in 'comply or die' and the coming nuclear conflict is the criminal act of a select few...whose identites could be known IF our 'free press' wasn't OWNED by someone that had a vested interest in your never finding out the truth!

That's what we're up against, good citizen, this is the danger of having a 'for profit' mass media system.

Something the founders knew but like the rest of the edifice they saddled us with, they believed 'fear of god' would never go out of fashion, a fairly stupid justification when they themselves didn't believe either!

Assuming the 'threat' posed by a nation with maybe a handful of nuclear weapons is genuine, what would be the 'logical' solution here?

Oppression world-wide thrives because of the 'prohibition' against 'regime change' via 'assassination'...if they murder you by putting a bullet between your eyes from a half mile away, it's not 'assassination'...because YOU aren't a 'global leader'.

If they take the trouble to send a sniper after you, they will label you a terrorist and make any further investigation into your death illegal and the whole affair gets swept under the 'national security' carpet.

We COULD demand that our elected officials do EVERYTHING above boards but like I said, the people that make the laws don't want to 'pay the price' for their underhanded dealings so we have what we have today, world-wide...a cabal that operates 'above the law'.

Just want to take a sec to point out that this would be prohibited under the Human Anti-Exploitation Law, violations of which are an exile/death offense.

Since EVERYBODY has a vested interest in TRANSPARENCY [and there is NOTHING to BRIBE anyone with, see where I'm going with this?]

By NECESSITY people entrusted with authority must be prohibited from using the 'cloak of secrecy' AT ANY TIME!

But I digress...a little.

My point is that the coming war, like all preceding it IS A CRIMINAL ACT!

Worse, since the primary purpose of such an atrocity is 'selective population reduction' [the public will never know the surgical precision of this strike because the affected regions will remain 'off-limits' for at least a generation, insuring the guilty won't be held accountable for their crimes.]

Then there's the 'shooting war' that follows, imagine the casualties caused by fighting in 'hot' areas?

Who will be held responsible for this blatant attempt to 'save capitalism' ? [a.k.a. legalized slavery]

Depends on who wins.

Understand, be mindful that the 'secondary purpose' of an all out cataclysm is to diffuse the bubbling resentment created by 'political disenfranchisement'. Your supposed to be too caught up in the war effort to be asking yourself 'why did this happen?'

It might also be good to remember that under 'martial law' not only are your 'rights' suspended [for the alleged 'greater good] but so is the entire political process.

YOU won't get to 'elect' anybody else.

Who thought THIS was a good idea?

We can't think of anyone except...the people who routinely deny being in charge...[hint: the One Percent!]

Living under the muzzle of an automatic weapon will 'rankle' [get under your skin], add in how much of what they do will be just to remind you of who is in charge and you'll be positively chafing for 'regime change'!

The 'hope' is you'll be to preoccupied with regaining your freedom that you'll forget to hunt down who was responsible for the whole mess in the first place.

That's when you'll first hear the 'whispering' starts with 'I've got an idea' and it turns into the rebuke : that's NOT how we do things!

And the next thing you know, you're right back where it all started, playing 'comply or die' all over again!

This is WHY you must revolt as soon as Martial Law is declared! Wait too long and people [who were raised to believe the lie that a B list actor was the greatest president of all time!] won't remember when we weren't under martial law...and the dark ages will remain with us for another 500 years.

Understand, we don't have 500 years to 'throw away'...

If YOU don't act our species is doomed.

If that isn't something to consider then what's it all about?

Thank you for letting me inside your head,


Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Repression, the bleeding edge of tyranny.

Greetings good citizen, considering the 'course' war takes [with an abrupt attack by the 'repressed' followed by an all out effort to 'eradicate' the attackers (as brutally as possible) via a well armed (but moronic) fighting force is the equivalent of trying to kill a fly with a bazooka.

It all starts with 'tyranny'. Some ONE decides to take control of a resource and those denied continued access 'resist'.

What happens after that can only be described as 'insanity' [especially these days when the 'war machine' has gone 'multi-national' so the 'effort' no longer enriches the manufacturing sectors of either combatant.]

Modern warfare has nothing to do with profit, it's all about COMPLY OR DIE!

The price tag for the 60 missiles fired into Syria was nearly a hundred million dollars but not 1 US manufacturing job will return because of it.

That's because the 'military-industrial complex' vends to ALL sides now because, what do ya know, 'war is good business'...(and those factories are expensive.)

Besides, the 'real point' here is 'COMPLY OR DIE'.

The One Percent [not all but a majority of them] have made it their mission to take the words of John Jay to heart.

How many of you need a reminder of the quote that made John Jay, er, 'notorious' [famous but not necessarily in a 'good way'.]

He said "Let those who OWN the land, rule the land!"

Now the repetition of 'comply or die' makes sense, doesn't it?

Maybe not, the people who regularly cheer 'nationalist aggression' [regardless of the cause] have thinking parts that they have NEVER USED...and they aren't likely to either.

These 'My country, right or wrong' types are enamored with the 'bravado' of war [just as long as Panzers don't turn up on their street it's all good!]

With this as a given, how many of you are, er, concerned that ALL of the presidential candidates in the last election ran not as our 'national leader' (and by extension, the leader of the 'free world') but rather as 'Commander-in-Chief'?

Did W's war set the stage for electoral politics for the foreseeable future?

It sure shone a spotlight on what the 'Party of the One Percent' stands for...the John Jay's of this WORLD.

Make no mistake about it good citizen, what's happening in the US is reflected around the globe.

Why does no one else find it curious that the monarchies of old just stepped aside and let 'democracy' take over?

I suspect 'the reason' is quite clear some two hundred years later [but you need your thinking parts to be in working order...wanting to understand isn't enough.]

ONE PEOPLE, ONE WORLD and the HUMAN ANTI-EXPLOITATION LAW to protect us ALL. If our species is to survive we must first remove those who would prey upon the rest of us!

Wake up and smell the naplam!

Can't put it any more bluntly. IF [because many of you obviously DON'T] YOU LOVE YOUR CHILDREN you will ACT!

[Now play mickey the dunce...I dare ya to say 'and do what?']

One word, starts with S...6's what pitchers strive to throw...rhymes with 'like'

But no...none of you love your kids more than your miserable lives...

Oh well.

So 'united we stand' is 'lost on you', eh?

I tried.


P.S. After thought: War is NEVER EVER about Freedom, human rights or liberty. It is always about COMPLY OR DIE. Look to your politicians and be afraid, be very afraid.

Monday, April 10, 2017

Law & Order

Greetings good citizen, Still doling out the guide to liberty here as current events continue to log our civilization's death spiral.

Acts of war that cause mainstream reporters of corporate America to wax poetic about their overlords military might only create confusion among the teeming masses who no longer think for themselves largely because they are tired of learning afterwards they were wrong.

Yes, good citizen, people who are constantly told/taught to doubt themselves eventually accept they will reach the 'wrong conclusion' and this extends to other areas of life, like the laws and its interpretation.

Yes, good citizen. You, who have heard 'you're wrong' all your life, regularly get told what is and what isn't 'the law'.

Do you think you're 'qualified' to even understand the law?

How ironic the 'official answer' is YES but step into any courtroom and you're told to sit down, shut up and keep your OPINIONS to yourself!

Without a LAW DEGREE [and often, even when you have one, your still told what you think doesn't matter]...such are today's courts.

Newsflash good citizen, THE LAW and the interpretation of it are EVERYBODY'S domain.

IF YOU must live under the law, you MUST be able to understand the law...

How ironic, good citizen, that corporate criminality is often 'forgiven' when the criminal claims ignorance.

How much of that 'fine' do you think goes straight into the judge's pocket?

We live in a society run/controlled by CRIMINALS who ARE the LAW!

Can't catch a break? [Are you even remotely confused as to WHY?]

This 'realization' brings us full circle to the question of 'what do you expect ME to do about it?'

By yourself, not a damn thing. En masse, same answer but different tactic.

Understand, the 'system' exists because YOU LET IT.

You accept that you have no control over the laws you're expected to live under and that has been the problem THROUGHOUT THE AGES!

Humanity CAN'T PROSPER under a 'double standard'...yet you sit there and count your imaginary chickens in your 'castle in the sky'.

Definitely something very wrong with your head, it's only a small comfort that YOU aren't responsible for it, the grifters are.

We have NEVER enjoyed the 'rule of law' because it has always been the 'rule of man'. There isn't a law on the books that hasn't been 'sidestepped' at one point or the other to protect the guilty from justice.

Sometimes [rare but it happens] the guilty only broke the law to bring an even worse offender to stories anyway.

Our culture often turns its outlaws into heroes...which has some deeply disturbing implications if you take the time to think about it.

Shift mental gears with me as we travel once again into the future and the world as it might be.

The laws are simple and few. 'legislature' doesn't exist and neither does war [the ultimate crime.] There are no police and no judges, there is also very little 'crime'. This is partly due to education and mostly due to the outlawing of cash and all of its substitutes. [99% of crime is 'cash and carry', no cash, no customers!]

No police? who investigates crime and criminal activity?

There IS a thing I call the 'uh-oh squad'. YOU are the 'patrolman on the beat' who calls the uh-oh squad when you encounter a 'situation'.

Many of the crimes will be 'obvious' and in most instances there will be very few wild goose chases. How obvious? You'll find dead people that didn't just 'drop in their shoes'...murder tends to be obvious that way.

You'll encounter a shady individual who wants to know if you're 'interested' in 'trading' for [fill-in-the blank]

Since there is no cash, trades are the only way two individuals can 'exchange' personal items...problem is if you don't know the individual you risk accepting stolen property, an exile offense.

Often these crazy/shady people will be looking to trade for gold...your gold for their [likely] stolen item that you'd have to part with some of your credits to obtain.

Gold is useless to the individual as it will be to those who want to trade for that as it may we can change governments but we will still have a surplus of stupid to deal with.

Make all currently 'illegal' substances obtainable, throw in 'quality control' and safe-dose packaging and you'll still have opportunists seeking to 'enhance' their personal situation at YOUR expense...and it WILL get THEM exiled.

Friends don't ask friends to get involved in shady dealings. [Note the punctuation there, end of story, no exceptions.]

Worse, you can't 'legislate' responsibility. Where there's a will, there's a way. Making behavior you 'don't like' illegal serves no one. [Yet the 'self-important' pull stunts like this all the time!]

So no more 'speeding tickets', no more 'illegal substance' busts.

No more cops harassing otherwise innocent people for doing what everybody else is doing.

Seriously, the 'blue wall' goes bye-bye.

Besides, truth be told, it doesn't exist to 'protect you''s there to protect THEM [the REAL criminals!]

No irony should be lost on the fact that our current legal system EXISTS to protect the guilty from prosecution!

Who makes the laws? YOU do? How? You propose a new law and it is 'tested' against the Human Anti- Exploitation Law, if it passes, it is put to the public for a vote. If the public agrees, your 'idea' becomes law.

Who will 'fight' for your law? NOBODY, if it's a 'good idea' others will see it for themselves.

Leadership is charged with keeping 'frivolous' laws from being put to a vote. As our current society demonstrates, a majority of the people are easily fool into thinking they are voting for one thing when it really just opens the door to something altogether unanticipated.

The Law belongs to us all...and anyone that tells you otherwise is handing you a bag of crap they want you to rub all over yourself.

Again, they can't help it if you're stupid, don't be that idiot!

Thanks for letting me inside your head,
