Greetings good citizen, capitalism, the thing you know little about and understand even less is like drinking from a poisoned well. It gets inside you and apparently the 'poison' eats your brain because you can't see an alternative to drinking the poisoned well water.
It's ALMOST right, it's failures in the justice system and laws governing the use of the medium of exchange that foster poverty and exclusion.
The system [our figurative 'well'] operates on the premise that EVERYONE works and contributes and everyone gets to draw from the well.
Chiseler threw a wrench into the works and started protesting what HE did was 'more valuable' than what others did, (ignoring the fact its the 'mundane stuff' that needs doing the most!) and since his brother-in-law's step-father invented the wheel, HE shouldn't be subjected to the same sort of treatment the 'less noble' peasants are expected to put up with.
Sort of a 'tip of the iceberg' thing but I'm just throwing out one example...and soon EVERYBODY had a 'claim to fame' and a reason why THEY shouldn't have to do what was expected of everybody else.
The other problem 'poisoning' the well is OWNERSHIP.
Nobody wants your dirty underwear but, contrarily, nobody OWNS land or letting 'some' use this as their 'income stream' is in fact a criminal enterprise.
But the system of commerce [poisoned well] permits this criminal behavior despite NOBODY having a bill of sale from Spirit in the Sky granting them the exclusive right to 'sell' what belongs to us a handsome profit no less.
Nope, the original '[good] idea was that EVERYBODY contributes and NOBODY 'Skates'...but then the opportunists started punching holes in an already crowded labor market and you have what we have today, a BADLY BROKEN ECONOMY where MOST don't work at all and a FEW work too much while just a handful fills their pockets at EVERYONE'S expense!
A few tweaks and we could 'correct' ALL of the 'problems' nobody in authority seems particularly interested in addressing...
The H.A.E. [Human Anti-Exploitation Law] that prohibits the legalized slavery an 'employment contract' provides camouflage for (but accomplishes oh, so much more!) Who would we work for if we no longer worked for an employer?
Who do your current employers work for now?
Where would we get the money to 'replace' our 'owner class'? Same place THEY get it [the answer is Thin Air]
HUGE difference. YOU [nor anyone else] would be paid in ANYTHING TANGIABLE because YOUR MONEY IS FOR YOU!
Since all crime is cash & carry, the ability of individuals to 'trade for money' between each other would be prohibited.
Money is only useful TO THE INDIVIDUAL and forms the primary basis for CORRUPTION [How sad is it the feckless state uses it for coercion as well?]
Oh, another 'side-effect' of the 'your money is for you' policy, all pretense of TAXATION ends! [along with the practice of cash fines. so you'd no longer be able to commit crimes and walk away after you paid the fine...[Society does NOT need 'taxes' to operate any more than Mother Nature has a cash register! WTF people!]
Making life considerably more 'civil'.
Then we come to the most vexing part of the equation, how 'shelter' is held hostage by the banking industry!
Bad enough rents are locked to the prevailing mortgage payment in a given area, doesn't matter if ANYBODY can afford it [homelessness off the charts anyone?] but banks alternate between demands only a Rockefeller could meet to giving mortgages to anyone who can fog a mirror when it suits them, consequences be damned.
Do you think 'banking' should be an internal function of your labor group/specialty?
One thing is for certain, where you hang your hat should be a 'gimme', convenient to your (primary) place of work [primary because working multiple gigs will be the rule rather than the exception...if you're talented enough...mostly due to the new 20 hour work 'week'.]
Yup, one of the things that keeps the poisoned well constantly crashing is because people can 'get by' on very little indeed.
The system is divorced from reality. We have DESTROYED 'the economy' due to the relentless pursuit of profits, monetary profits instead of what commerce is INTENDED TO ACCOMPLISH, provide society as a whole with the goods and services it needs and desires!
ROBOTS don't buy what they make!
As you 'process' this information it should be dawning on you that we have been PLAYED FOR CHUMPS for a VERY LONG TIME!
But we all know what the game is, don't we, it's 'comply or die'.
Reducing the work-week allows more people to 'participate' in society, that long neglected aspect of 'social development' [Does anyone else see the gaping holes in what passes for the 'educational system'? Our current education system completely neglects the importance of the individual's role in society!
A failure of this magnitude is unforgivable...but most school systems don't teach 'civics' anymore either. Anyone else notice how civics became a casualty of 'Morning in America' and 'cowboy politics'?
We have become a nation of 'navel gazers' that can't see beyond our own reflection!
If we are to survive, this must be corrected but like something you can all relate to, 'TERM LIMITS' those in control of the political arean have zero interest in SOCIAL UNITY!
Did I mention the WELL is POISONED...Don't Drink the WATER!
The toughest problem with attempting to 'repair' civilization is there are many moving parts and the average person only has so much 'attention span'. Some of you are up to the task but the vast majority aren't.
This is the 'downside' of specialization...makes you wonder if we weren't 'engineered' this way?
While it is obvious to anyone with two brain cells still in communication with one another that THIS ISN'T the 'planet of origin' the presence of mind to even ponder this fact escapes most of's 'significance' eludes them.
You don't go to war with the army you wish you had, you go with the army you've got!
Thanks for letting me inside YOUR head,
It's ALMOST right, it's failures in the justice system and laws governing the use of the medium of exchange that foster poverty and exclusion.
The system [our figurative 'well'] operates on the premise that EVERYONE works and contributes and everyone gets to draw from the well.
Chiseler threw a wrench into the works and started protesting what HE did was 'more valuable' than what others did, (ignoring the fact its the 'mundane stuff' that needs doing the most!) and since his brother-in-law's step-father invented the wheel, HE shouldn't be subjected to the same sort of treatment the 'less noble' peasants are expected to put up with.
Sort of a 'tip of the iceberg' thing but I'm just throwing out one example...and soon EVERYBODY had a 'claim to fame' and a reason why THEY shouldn't have to do what was expected of everybody else.
The other problem 'poisoning' the well is OWNERSHIP.
Nobody wants your dirty underwear but, contrarily, nobody OWNS land or letting 'some' use this as their 'income stream' is in fact a criminal enterprise.
But the system of commerce [poisoned well] permits this criminal behavior despite NOBODY having a bill of sale from Spirit in the Sky granting them the exclusive right to 'sell' what belongs to us a handsome profit no less.
Nope, the original '[good] idea was that EVERYBODY contributes and NOBODY 'Skates'...but then the opportunists started punching holes in an already crowded labor market and you have what we have today, a BADLY BROKEN ECONOMY where MOST don't work at all and a FEW work too much while just a handful fills their pockets at EVERYONE'S expense!
A few tweaks and we could 'correct' ALL of the 'problems' nobody in authority seems particularly interested in addressing...
The H.A.E. [Human Anti-Exploitation Law] that prohibits the legalized slavery an 'employment contract' provides camouflage for (but accomplishes oh, so much more!) Who would we work for if we no longer worked for an employer?
Who do your current employers work for now?
Where would we get the money to 'replace' our 'owner class'? Same place THEY get it [the answer is Thin Air]
HUGE difference. YOU [nor anyone else] would be paid in ANYTHING TANGIABLE because YOUR MONEY IS FOR YOU!
Since all crime is cash & carry, the ability of individuals to 'trade for money' between each other would be prohibited.
Money is only useful TO THE INDIVIDUAL and forms the primary basis for CORRUPTION [How sad is it the feckless state uses it for coercion as well?]
Oh, another 'side-effect' of the 'your money is for you' policy, all pretense of TAXATION ends! [along with the practice of cash fines. so you'd no longer be able to commit crimes and walk away after you paid the fine...[Society does NOT need 'taxes' to operate any more than Mother Nature has a cash register! WTF people!]
Making life considerably more 'civil'.
Then we come to the most vexing part of the equation, how 'shelter' is held hostage by the banking industry!
Bad enough rents are locked to the prevailing mortgage payment in a given area, doesn't matter if ANYBODY can afford it [homelessness off the charts anyone?] but banks alternate between demands only a Rockefeller could meet to giving mortgages to anyone who can fog a mirror when it suits them, consequences be damned.
Do you think 'banking' should be an internal function of your labor group/specialty?
One thing is for certain, where you hang your hat should be a 'gimme', convenient to your (primary) place of work [primary because working multiple gigs will be the rule rather than the exception...if you're talented enough...mostly due to the new 20 hour work 'week'.]
Yup, one of the things that keeps the poisoned well constantly crashing is because people can 'get by' on very little indeed.
The system is divorced from reality. We have DESTROYED 'the economy' due to the relentless pursuit of profits, monetary profits instead of what commerce is INTENDED TO ACCOMPLISH, provide society as a whole with the goods and services it needs and desires!
ROBOTS don't buy what they make!
As you 'process' this information it should be dawning on you that we have been PLAYED FOR CHUMPS for a VERY LONG TIME!
But we all know what the game is, don't we, it's 'comply or die'.
Reducing the work-week allows more people to 'participate' in society, that long neglected aspect of 'social development' [Does anyone else see the gaping holes in what passes for the 'educational system'? Our current education system completely neglects the importance of the individual's role in society!
A failure of this magnitude is unforgivable...but most school systems don't teach 'civics' anymore either. Anyone else notice how civics became a casualty of 'Morning in America' and 'cowboy politics'?
We have become a nation of 'navel gazers' that can't see beyond our own reflection!
If we are to survive, this must be corrected but like something you can all relate to, 'TERM LIMITS' those in control of the political arean have zero interest in SOCIAL UNITY!
Did I mention the WELL is POISONED...Don't Drink the WATER!
The toughest problem with attempting to 'repair' civilization is there are many moving parts and the average person only has so much 'attention span'. Some of you are up to the task but the vast majority aren't.
This is the 'downside' of specialization...makes you wonder if we weren't 'engineered' this way?
While it is obvious to anyone with two brain cells still in communication with one another that THIS ISN'T the 'planet of origin' the presence of mind to even ponder this fact escapes most of's 'significance' eludes them.
You don't go to war with the army you wish you had, you go with the army you've got!
Thanks for letting me inside YOUR head,
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