Sunday, April 16, 2017


Greetings good citizen, how ironic is it that Evil is Live spelled backwards? This is nearly as disturbing as Santa being an anagram of Satan...

Wordplay isn't my intention. Here, on the 'holiest' day of the christian calendar, it's striking that we are celebrating the 'pseudo-death' of Christ [He 'metaphorically' sacrificed himself for our sins yet he still sits in judgment of them.]

If you've ever wondered why, [I'm tempted to say kids but it's not a phenomenon restricted to adolescents] are A.) gullible beyond belief and B.) fail to understand even the most basic of concepts...could this 'mind-fuck' be responsible?

Not only is it bizarre that the guy who divided himself, first in half then into three [who dreamt this baloney up?] DEMANDED a 'blood sacrifice' be paid to let his 'beloved creation' [flawed by 'original sin' (of knowledge, not sex!) into the 'paradise' of heaven. Makes you wonder what pissed 'god' off more, the discovery of the lie or the realization that the farce had to be maintained?

While we enjoy 'treating' our children, are we really doing them a favor by filling their heads with nonsense? What about the thinly disguised wordplay? Who is the sadist behind that?

[Rhetorical question, I really don't care enough to go looking because the likelihood whoever they pinned this on is a patsy is too high.]

I will repeat for the benefit of new readers that I have no truck with Spirit in the Sky [God as man has created, er, pick your pronoun...] under A Simple Plan you will be free to worship anything you like but it will be a crime to inflict YOUR beliefs upon others.

Religion is a personal thing, best treated as 'whatever it takes to get you through' but the operative word is YOU, not your imaginary 'super being' regardless of how benevolent [albeit misunderstood] YOU claim it is. So keep YOUR god to yourself!

Satan is widely reviled as a 'deceiver'...what does this say about those who claim to 'believe'?

How sad is it that confessions of faith are often defensive [because the 'superstitious peasants' among us are positively RABID when it comes to what they hold'Sacred' and have a terrible habit of killing (most viciously) those who call them on their 'beliefs'.] Take the war on Islam, want to see who these 'superstitious peasants' are? Just volunteer the idea that not all Muslims are terrorists and watch them crawl like insects out of the woodwork!

Just as our Live is Evil spelled backwards and Santa is an anagram for Satan...these people obviously don't spend [perhaps waste in more appropriate observation] time thinking about (much less questioning) what they are taught.

Um, yesterday I offered politics as the 'opiate of the masses' but religion also fits the bill considering it has become 'learned dogma' rather than rational discussion.

Yes good citizen, how unfortunate for the rest of us that the stupid can't be reasoned with because nothing go up top?

So we are faced with a decision...continue appeasing those who consistently get lost in thought because they never go there or expel them from the decision-making process?

We CANNOT advance as a species until this choice is made.

No pressure...take your time.

In fact let's leave it there until tomorrow.

Happy Beaster!


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