Saturday, April 8, 2017

Doin' alright

Greetings good citizen, how far 'down the pipe' are you looking when it comes to gauging the 'success' of your genetic legacy?

Once you've bred, it's up to the next generation if your line is to carry on. This is pretty much the viewpoint adopted by MOST of us anyway...some take it, er, 'further' [and this is often those who arrived here with, um, 'advantages' the rest of us can only envy...although we do get to laugh hysterically when it all goes horribly, publicly wrong!]

The 'hypocrisy' of preaching unity then turning the conversation to one YOU can understand is not lost. We live in the world of 'I' but at least tacitly understand the importance of getting along with others, it's the 'we' part that devils our attempts to survive this thing we mockingly call 'civilization'.

Certainly very little that is 'civil' about it but for lack of a better term, it is what it is.

I have already experienced at least one 'defection' [but I suspect this is the same individual that, like a moth to the flame, keeps coming back out of 'morbid curiosity' because their 'thinking parts' don't work so good.

With that in mind I apologize for the battles some of you are having with your conscience's [not that you have anything to feel guilty about, you do what you do using the best information available at the time and move on [hopefully.]

The land of 'I wish' can beat you to death if you dwell upon things you have no power to change.

But there are those who resent their parents for not being rich [just to give you an idea how deep the 'misuse' of money penetrates the human psyche...]

Indulge me for a moment as I clear some of the 'smoke' [lack of transparency] raised by changes most of you think/believe are 'unnecessary' [or 'impossible', which amounts to pretty much the same thing.]

First 'mental roadblock' some of you collided with was the outlawing of the employer/employee relationship. This is another 'failure to understand' that YOU [in ANY 'division of labor' construct] work for Society/the public.

The freakishly selfish like to call themselves 'job creators' when nothing could be further from the truth!

Again I point the 'finger of accusation' at our education system that leaves questions like this unanswered!

[To which they'd retort, 'stop sending us stupid kids and we wouldn't have this problem!' but swallowing its own tail is the horrendous amount of BS they feed our kids because the 'State board of Education' considers them 'facts'!] What most of you are unaware of is it's legal for them to 'propagandize' you/your kids. Can't be held responsible for filling the too stupid to know better head with nonsense, despite being/considering themselves 'educators' about a self-hoisting petard! Imagine waking up everyday to this and KNOWING the reason is YOU!

Confusion is a terrible thing. How frustrating is it that those who complain the loudest about our allegedly 'broken' education system are incapable of 'agreeing' on the facts, creating more 'confusion'?

But I digress...[funny how that term has been turning up in a lot of movies these days...]

There is only ONE 'job creator' and it's not even human! How many of you know who creates enough work to keep us all busy 24/7/365?

Bueller? Anyone? Bueller?

That's right, it's MOTHER NATURE! Survival is the mother of ALL work. [Paraphrased: you'll do it if you want to survive! Don't do it and you're gonna DIE!]

Vexing to the [feeble-minded] capitalist is the rather limited list of things humans need to survive [the fact they will fight caged animals to get these things is the capitalist's strength, shamefully enough!]

Not that a capitalist knows what 'shame' is, it's a totally foreign concept.

[Rewind] Since YOU [currently, albeit from behind a 'smokescreen'] work for 'the public' it would be the very same public you've always worked for and it is where your 'pay' would come from! [This straight-forward stuff here, do try to keep up!]

Here we encounter the argument of 'why pay' and there is only one answer to that...because we can't all be in the same place at the same time, ever.

Not on vacation, not at a concert, not even out to dinner (that you didn't personally cook!)

STOP! This is the [partial] 'short list' of things money is 'useful' for. It 'regulates' who can be where, when. Beyond this 'regulating function' money is absolutely useless.

One of the 'tollbooths' in, er, 'modern life' is the scoundrel's ability to enrich themselves by exploiting money's 'permanent nature'.

Huge amounts of cash flow through society as 'personal ease' has been 'commodified'. No irony should be lost that the 'owner' of the tollbooth makes off with the 'lion's share' of the take.

And if the people working for that self-centered nitwit can't live on what he pays them? It's not HIS problem, it's THEIRS!

[cue maniacal laughter...]

Nothing 'abnormal' about abolishing the self interested from exploiting people.

Makes you wonder how they got away with it for so long until you realize that thing we call 'government' is just 'window dressing', established to cover the thieves tracks...

We, as a species, really can't go on like this.

You can no longer see very far down the road but one thing is obvious, that tube has gotten a lot shorter...and we can no longer 'expand our way out' of this dilemma.

Gone are the days when 'growth is good'.

This is your wake-up call, good citizen.

Wake up NOW or the only direction left to go is DOWN! There is still plenty of UP remaining but you can't get there from here the way they're going about it!

This is yesterday's post that I couldn't finish due to computer problems...sorry for the hiccup...and as always, thank you for letting me inside your head,


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