Tuesday, April 4, 2017


Greetings good citizen, I am 'chary' of giving advice, the wise don't need it and fools won't heed it so it's largely a thankless proposition.

That said, I don't dispense advice, I technically don't even dispense that rarest of all commodities, truth, [although I do strive for 'truthiness', that 'relative truth' that makes things useful to know when measuring other things you've been fed [usually rectally.]

I often find myself in this 'reflective state' after perusing the headlines and asking 'why did the editors filling the public space [with hand selected BS] choose this particular tripe to distract the public with this morning?

Most of the time the answer is because it re-enforces the world-view they have been carefully cultivating since 'Morning in America' [One where most Americans have chosen to sleep-in] in as much as the day's headlines are a disturbing cross between OMG! Annie get your gun and despite everything, it's all gonna be alright so sit back relax and don't touch that dial [now remote, TV's don't come with dials anymore...heck, even radios don't have dials!]

Most of what you find on your hand-held is what the infamous 'they' think you 'expect to see', what they think you 'want to know'.

Then there's this stuff, which you don't consider nearly enough because this is Murika and we ain't having no 'social meltdown' while there are still red-blooded Murikans 'round!

Well, what 'survival advice' can you lift from people living it here and now? Our modern 'pioneers' are somewhat 'reverse Indians' in as much as they find themselves 'squatting' on someone else's land...and the Cavalry isn't coming to save their butts, it's going to lock them up for being 'vagrants'...

Hell of a thing, considering how this whole CF got started, ain't it?

Talk about 'elephants in the room' and 'slow-motion train wrecks'; here we have one going on right before our eyes and the media IGNORES IT...because they don't want to draw attention to what caused it.

Might spook 'the help' if you're picking up what they're laying down...

Elsewhere, in a related news item we have this disturbing 'looky that' news article where a company whose vehicles retail for six figures a copy have overtaken Murika's number 2 automaker in market cap!

Again, this is expected to be lost on the average slob...who may 'lust for' a Tesla but knows its price-tag rivals that of a house/condo and he couldn't afford to maintain it even if he was GIVEN one.

What's lost? The relatively small pool of buyers for a luxury item like a 'premium' electric car. The statement that they've sold 25,000 units so far this year is telling indeed.

CEO compensation is still 'way out of whack' with the rest of the economy and is unjustifiable...but YOU aren't expected to even READ that article...or think about it beyond the snicker your Chevy brain gets over beating Ford and thinking 'big deal'...

Again, it's not advice but you need to wake up and smell the offal, it's not Republican vs [non-existent] Democrat, it's the same as it EVER WAS, RICH vs POOR!

And guess what team YOU'RE ON, STUPID!

Buh and Duh!

Makes you wonder if they don't walk around going 'right foot, left foot, inhale-exhale' as they move down the hall towards the restroom...and whether or not they'll remember why they went when they get there...it's that bad!

On a parting note, I encountered a Trump voter in my travels and they defended their action by saying they couldn't vote for Hillary...which is perfectly understandable but why didn't he choose door number 3, vote for no-one?

It obviously didn't occur to them that this is something they should have done...because of the way things are set up all Trump needed to do to secure victory was vote for himself. Voting 'against him' isn't an option until he runs for re-election.

Does anyone else think we're doing this wrong and how do we head off a repeat of the last fiasco?

Apparently nobody is looking that far into the future, something I think you'll agree is more than a little worrisome.

anyhoo, thank you for letting me inside YOUR head...


PS: Hope that wasn't your best china I heard hitting the deck back there!


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