Thursday, April 6, 2017

Nowhere to run

Greetings good citizen, today's headlines tells us what we already know, that the 'difference of opinion' between those who make decisions in our name without EVER consulting us and those of us forced to live with those decisions is ginormous...

Worse, the system that supports this 'gulf' is also beyond repair.

'If it ain't broke, don't fix it' is the point of view taken by those the system serves ; it is obvious peaceful transition/negotiation isn't even on the horizon, nevermind the table [or the room.]

Yesterday, I laid the 'cornerstone' of a new way of doing things, the Human Anti-Exploitation Law, which outlaws the employer/employee relationship...among a plethora of other 'legally protected but decidedly unethical' practices [Just a teaser at this point but this law will be the law all other laws have to measure up to! [meaning most of the existing 'legal library' will be tossed out as 'inadmissible'.]

How can you 'own' what we all need to share? [This is the elephant in the room regarding our broken educational system, not 'stupid kids', it's stupid educators!]

But I digress and there is no need to address this now, more important issues press.

For example: the war for the future [disguised as the GWOT(surprise!) a war that is threatening our species with extinction!]

Well, not ALL of us. Those holding the upper hand now PLAN ON surviving it...and they're gonna take enough beaten down, kool-aid drinkers with them so they don't have to do ALL of their own 'heavy-lifting'.

The rest of us, it's win or die!

Understand...those leading us down the path to slaughter don't intend to lose so it's up to us to devise a 'game plan' of what to do when they fail to exterminate us!

Right now, do nothing and there is a 90% certainty level that you're going to be judged as 'redundant'. If you're not 'drop dead gorgeous' or as dumb as a box of rocks and can pull a plow all day without the aid of a tractor, you're going to be turned into COMPOST.

They WANT stupid and the less questions you ask, the more likely it is that you'll get to live. [Assuming your own stupidity doesn't do you in, karma is strange that way.]

Well, what if you're NOT stupid?

Do you have enough 'presence of mind' to fight extermination at the hands of the freakishly selfish?

There is no 'forward' without a goal and it is mighty reckless to even entertain the idea of overthrowing the idiots currently in charge only to replace them with people just like them...because that's what will happen if you don't have a CLEAR IDEA how to make the future different!

Let's begin with 'differences'. We all start out as a 'clean slate', the belief that 'your kind' is the best kind is an idea your parents put there to give you confidence.

Take a good look around you at what happens when that confidence isn't given a very terse 'reality check'. Your parents love you and want you to be the best you can be but reality is you are no more DESERVING than any other lifeform on the planet.

Because YOU are 'sentient', you have dominion over life that isn't capable of 'reason' [sort of chokes me to use these terms because our humanity has been severely 'squelched' by the 'freakishly selfish' among us. Those raised to believe they are 'better than us'.]

It goes without saying others are 'sentient' too and it is these people you must not, er, 'mess with' [pretend to be 'better than'] because all you have done is proven that you are not trustworthy.

This is why treason carries not only the death penalty but the most brutal death permitted by law.

Ironically, people haven't changed. The [current] legal community has 'redefined' treason to be a crime against the nation but humans understand that treason is alive, well and regularly committed against the 'vulnerable'.

Ironically, these feelings of betrayal are driving the sense of 'wrongness' in our society and that is feeding the breakdown of 'social cohesion'. Be mindful that the only thing preventing us from killing one another on sight is social cohesion!

Untrustworthiness is a poison we must eradicate from our genepool just as those who value their own cleverness more than their humanity [or their membership in society] routinely disregard the welfare of others in favor of their own.

The first 'tool' to prevent becoming someone else's 'dupe' is the H.A.E. Law and instead of executing the 'untrustworthy' we will 'exile' them [but first we have to foil their plans to exterminate us...]

We have NUMBERS in our favor...but our numbers are hampered by the handicap of stupidity. Kids don't understand that things aren't supposed to be this way, it is up to us to lead them to a 'life worth living'.

Is the life you live now, this hand to mouth existence, fit that definition?

The exploiter/betrayers have made YOU into their 'slave to money'. This is no world to rise an innocent child into.

If we were to compile a list of 'what's been tried' a partial list would go like this 1.) Strong-arm tactics [by order of his Imperial majesty] but that failed miserably. 2.) Spirit in the Sky [Who are YOU to argue with God...but no 'god' turned up to make good on these empty threats, resulting in the current 'epic fail'.] 3.) By committee/a.k.a. Democracy or 'the illusion of self-rule'...which is crumbling before our eyes because the monarchs of old never really left.

So, the 'salvation of our species' rests in a true 'rule of law'. One where the law is placed beyond the reach of the 'self-interested' via the implementation of 'direct democracy' [where the people who must live under the laws vote directly on the law rather than letting the self-interested [re-write and then] decide for them.]

So the Human Anti-Exploitation Law will usher in what has, to date, only been given lip service to because the untrustworthy have exploited our trust in them for far too long.

A Simple Plan really is Simple...but it comes from a direction most of you haven't given 'a lot' [if any] thought to because you've been raised to believe that the life of misery you've been living is 'as good as it gets'.

It can and will get A LOT better but 'baby steps' have to understand it before you're willing to fight for it!

I know I'm taxing your attention span so I'll drop it here and pick it up again tomorrow!

Until then, thank you for letting ne inside your head!


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