Friday, April 21, 2017


Greetings good citizen, constant reader is a student that educates themselves by interpreting what is going on around them. Hard to believe ANYBODY suffers from boredom with so many games being played by the self-interested yet boredom abounds [which only proves MOST OF YOU aren't paying attention...or have given up because you have correctly deduced there is nothing YOU can do about 99% of it.]

There is a whole generation out there that has NEVER stood [often for hours] in an 'unemployment line'. Ever wonder why they mail you your checks today?

That's question number one.

The answer is capitalism failed a long time ago, physical unemployment lines would prove how badly it has failed.

Now we have unbelievably rosy 'jobs reports' that have zero basis in reality, reports that in reality reflect monthly data that doesn't cover the WEEKLY numbers need to maintain 'static employment levels'.

So quiz question number two.

If you KNEW capitalism had failed, would you still 'support it'?

I belabor the obvious when I point out that capitalism has indeed failed, the question [really] is how long are YOU gonna keep going along with 'everything's dandy' lip sync contest considering YOUR KID'S FUTURE IS ON THE LINE?

As the nation's infrastructure [the electric, water and road networks that make civilization possible] continues to crumble, do you marvel that unemployment remains stubbornly high and grossly under-reported? [it certainly isn't due to a lack of things that need doing!]

It's how 'our self-professed betters' have chosen to deal with the planet-wide over population problem.

[Let's not forget 'the forever war', that figures fairly prominently in their calculations too.]

Even modestly 'Prosperous people' are the main cause of children...they ended Welfare because it was skewed towards 'rewarding' women with a lot of children.

Um, Third quiz question: Are the degrading conditions we suffer today the result of all our problems being considered/treated as nails because their only tool is a hammer?

You have to admit there is a serious degree of 'willful ignorance' in play regarding civilization's persistent problems. The 'privileged few just can't see the need to 'share' so they have adopted the, er, stance that poverty killed millions and poverty is 'natural' [while THEIR, er, 'abundance' ISN'T...but that's not up for consideration] so let' em breed themselves to death is their attitude.

Our fourth and final quiz question [I appreciate you already have enough on your plate with everything else going on in your life but we keep tripping on the If not NOW, WHEN and if not US, WHO questions?]

Given that what passes for our system of government is FUBAR, how do we repair the damage inflicted upon our society by the freakishly selfish?

There are NO TOOLS for the average citizen to use to correct an 'abusive government'...a major design fail but the paranoid founders didn't think their 'baby' needed fixing or that MEN both GOOD and TRUE [would eventually come along, probably from another dimension] and put things right!

Few would deny we are overdue for a revolution but our [anything but] 'free press' muzzles conversations on how the public can improve their circumstances.

As long as 'comply or die' are your only choices, the revolt is ON!

Rhetorical bonus do we remove the feckless from power?

This is a 'gimme' but you have to say it in your head so I know the message has been received.

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


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