Greetings good citizen, it's 'bad form' to call attention to the decided lack of mental acuity we encounter in our interactions with the general population. Worse, the people composing this symphony of codswallop aren't much brighter than the people who blindly ignore 90% of it.
What has you so distracted, Bunky?
The big questions? No, most of us fritter our days away fretting that others are getting over on us not because we are 'too trusting' but because we have been fooled many times before by people we thought we could trust.
You know what? Doesn't help that those suspicions are usually 'well founded'.
May be NOTHING going on but the 'threat' is enough to cause you 'unease'.
It is here that we encounter the 'human condition'.
As individuals we have zero reason to trust anyone...despite having a desperate need to...and when those we 'trust' prove worthy, do we show our gratitude? No...we continue to 'suspect' them.
Why is this? It's due to those running things greediness. It is your 'fear' that you won't get what's yours that is making you miserable. We all see those who get 'theirs' [and then some] so we know we aren't getting our (fair) share.
Fills us with disgust to think the nice things in life are reserved for the 'friends' of the 'right people'.
You sometimes wonder 'why me' [or why not me...depending on how you're fractured] as you walk down the road, watching the passersby. Funny how religion provides you with the 'pat answer'. That GOD [who is never around when YOU need him] has a plan for everyone and it's not up to us to question GOD'S PLAN...
As is currently making the rounds on the internet, a meme that is being attributed to Cormac MacDonald goes 'you'll never know the worse luck your bad luck has saved you from...'
For some of us it's easier to believe this is all 'scripted' that things will work out the way they will work out but this is a meme only the 'well off' indulge in. Those of us who wake up to the daily mouthful of the shit sandwich get through the day BELIEVING this isn't fate, destiny, pre-ordained, that we aren't doomed to live like this permanently! (or so we hope!)
What am I driving at? You are ALL AWARE that we live in a corrupt society and it is fear of being deprived that eats at our very sanity.
If life can be 'okay' for some of us, it should be okay for ALL of us...this is what THE LAW is SUPPOSED TO DO! It exists and is obeyed because it PROTECTS US.
When it DOESN'T it is the fault of those entrusted to enforce the laws.
Today's justice system is identical to our political system, it exists to provide the 'illusion of justice' just as politics provides us with the illusion of participation!
If YOU aren't AWARE [or to wrapped up in navel gazing...or too stupid to tell the difference!] The MISERY will NEVER STOP!
We've got this but you've got to stand up and demonstrate that you're not going to take it!
7/5/17 we strike, around the world.
Think about it.
Once again, pardon my dust! This is what happens when you 're-model'.
What has you so distracted, Bunky?
The big questions? No, most of us fritter our days away fretting that others are getting over on us not because we are 'too trusting' but because we have been fooled many times before by people we thought we could trust.
You know what? Doesn't help that those suspicions are usually 'well founded'.
May be NOTHING going on but the 'threat' is enough to cause you 'unease'.
It is here that we encounter the 'human condition'.
As individuals we have zero reason to trust anyone...despite having a desperate need to...and when those we 'trust' prove worthy, do we show our gratitude? No...we continue to 'suspect' them.
Why is this? It's due to those running things greediness. It is your 'fear' that you won't get what's yours that is making you miserable. We all see those who get 'theirs' [and then some] so we know we aren't getting our (fair) share.
Fills us with disgust to think the nice things in life are reserved for the 'friends' of the 'right people'.
You sometimes wonder 'why me' [or why not me...depending on how you're fractured] as you walk down the road, watching the passersby. Funny how religion provides you with the 'pat answer'. That GOD [who is never around when YOU need him] has a plan for everyone and it's not up to us to question GOD'S PLAN...
As is currently making the rounds on the internet, a meme that is being attributed to Cormac MacDonald goes 'you'll never know the worse luck your bad luck has saved you from...'
For some of us it's easier to believe this is all 'scripted' that things will work out the way they will work out but this is a meme only the 'well off' indulge in. Those of us who wake up to the daily mouthful of the shit sandwich get through the day BELIEVING this isn't fate, destiny, pre-ordained, that we aren't doomed to live like this permanently! (or so we hope!)
What am I driving at? You are ALL AWARE that we live in a corrupt society and it is fear of being deprived that eats at our very sanity.
If life can be 'okay' for some of us, it should be okay for ALL of us...this is what THE LAW is SUPPOSED TO DO! It exists and is obeyed because it PROTECTS US.
When it DOESN'T it is the fault of those entrusted to enforce the laws.
Today's justice system is identical to our political system, it exists to provide the 'illusion of justice' just as politics provides us with the illusion of participation!
If YOU aren't AWARE [or to wrapped up in navel gazing...or too stupid to tell the difference!] The MISERY will NEVER STOP!
We've got this but you've got to stand up and demonstrate that you're not going to take it!
7/5/17 we strike, around the world.
Think about it.
Once again, pardon my dust! This is what happens when you 're-model'.
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