Greetings good citizen, WORDSMITHS are always weaving, often trying to inspire more so than make sense. Their own fascination with their ability to 'turn a phrase' produces surreal results such as today's title.
How the heck do you 'pursue' happiness? Doing the things you enjoy can make you 'happy'[ish] but that's about as good as it gets.
Are we so 'preoccupied' with the 'pursuit of happy' that we neglect the 'liberty' part of the prescription?
Good, bad or indifferent, life just 'is'...until it isn't. Funny it even occurred to them to include such a 'given'...probably did it for effect.
Perhaps it is that we are ignoring the comma? Life IS the 'freedom to pursue happiness'.
IS that what they were trying to convey, because once again we have 'prose' that has little to do with Reality, in fact most of us would opine it is at odds with our mundane existence.
Many have attempted to put 'the meaning of life' into words, some have produced beautiful nonsense while others are just epic fails,( so relative to the individual or the moment as to be useless.)
Not for nothing will they persist in attempting to 'explain' this existence which, in the end, only has meaning to the individual.
Much of what passes for 'patriotic claptrap' is precisely that...crap!
Part of the 'divided we are' strategy the One Percent is foisting upon us is intended to deflect responsibility and purposefully create an atmosphere where co-operation is viewed as impossible.
No irony should be lost on the fact that conservative 'rugged individualism' is the exact opposite of what civil society requires of its citizens.
UNITED [working together] we have defeated the 'tyranny of nature'...only to have human tyrants fill the subsequent void.
Perhaps this is what Jefferson meant when he opined that for liberty to be preserved it required periodic watering with the blood of tyrants.
What 'tyrants' was he referring to?
Do we have any 'tyrants' among us now, in our 'free and fair' political system?
Hands are pointing every which way...some at the 'injustice system' and other at the banking system and still others are pointing at he commerce system that shuts so many out.
Why is it we are [seemingly] powerless to address ANY of these woes and water the tree of liberty?
Bueller? Anyone? Bueller?
Of the three, life is the only 'given'. Liberty is something we enjoy a degree of [they don't tell us to do EVERYTHING...yet] and Happy, well, if what they show us on TV, that only MONEY makes you 'happy' then we are [again, the vast majority of us] are doomed to a life with just fleeting moments of 'happy' interrupting seemingly endless stretches of debilitating desperation as the keen awareness of our 'fears' dominates our existence.
Did I mention wordsmiths will continue to attempt to 'define' life for us, (even my feeble self?)
I think my, er, 'attempt' hits a lot closer to the mark of what the average person goes through than the more nebulous 'life, liberty and the pursuit of Happi'.
Understand, the 'popular version' was meant to be 'inspirational' [even if the feckless use it to defend their greed or to chide you for not 'settling' for their 'leavings' (usually their 'scat', they aren't known for 'generosity' by any stretch of the imagination.) No irony should be lost that their continued 'tolerance of your existence' is what THEY consider 'charity/generosity'.]
So there you stand, caught between the longing for love and the struggle for the legal tender [yet another 'more elegant' rendering of the same concept...] (Jackson Brown, hard to compete with talent like that!)
Not very accurate but beautiful all the same...let's not forget the poignant! It gets you right where you live.
Hard to imagine a greater tyranny than the pain/loss created by the epic mismanagement of our 'legal tender'. There's some tyrants long overdue to demonstrate their own personal version of The Funky Chicken from about a foot off the ground.
Cruel you say? They'd kill you than look at you and not give it a second thought.
Worse, they'd watch you starve to death while they pretend 'the money' needed to spare you 'doesn't exist'.
It's what they do every day, all day.
Think I'm exaggerating? People around the planet are dying from lack of basic medical attention, these guys know it but do NOTHING. [Worse, they found 'charities' that spend 99 cents of every dollar collected on 'administration'. Does any nitwit really believe cancer will be 'cured' by walking? Since most of the money collected goes toward collecting even MORE money [which does zero to advance the search for a cure] how do YOU define 'exercise in futility'?
People got to die. Until recently, we all did but research proceeds on the cure for death and WHO do you think is going to get their hands on THAT?
You don't suppose it would be the one group that least deserves it, do ya?
With that we'll have at it again tomorrow, thank YOU for letting me inside your head,
How the heck do you 'pursue' happiness? Doing the things you enjoy can make you 'happy'[ish] but that's about as good as it gets.
Are we so 'preoccupied' with the 'pursuit of happy' that we neglect the 'liberty' part of the prescription?
Good, bad or indifferent, life just 'is'...until it isn't. Funny it even occurred to them to include such a 'given'...probably did it for effect.
Perhaps it is that we are ignoring the comma? Life IS the 'freedom to pursue happiness'.
IS that what they were trying to convey, because once again we have 'prose' that has little to do with Reality, in fact most of us would opine it is at odds with our mundane existence.
Many have attempted to put 'the meaning of life' into words, some have produced beautiful nonsense while others are just epic fails,( so relative to the individual or the moment as to be useless.)
Not for nothing will they persist in attempting to 'explain' this existence which, in the end, only has meaning to the individual.
Much of what passes for 'patriotic claptrap' is precisely that...crap!
Part of the 'divided we are' strategy the One Percent is foisting upon us is intended to deflect responsibility and purposefully create an atmosphere where co-operation is viewed as impossible.
No irony should be lost on the fact that conservative 'rugged individualism' is the exact opposite of what civil society requires of its citizens.
UNITED [working together] we have defeated the 'tyranny of nature'...only to have human tyrants fill the subsequent void.
Perhaps this is what Jefferson meant when he opined that for liberty to be preserved it required periodic watering with the blood of tyrants.
What 'tyrants' was he referring to?
Do we have any 'tyrants' among us now, in our 'free and fair' political system?
Hands are pointing every which way...some at the 'injustice system' and other at the banking system and still others are pointing at he commerce system that shuts so many out.
Why is it we are [seemingly] powerless to address ANY of these woes and water the tree of liberty?
Bueller? Anyone? Bueller?
Of the three, life is the only 'given'. Liberty is something we enjoy a degree of [they don't tell us to do EVERYTHING...yet] and Happy, well, if what they show us on TV, that only MONEY makes you 'happy' then we are [again, the vast majority of us] are doomed to a life with just fleeting moments of 'happy' interrupting seemingly endless stretches of debilitating desperation as the keen awareness of our 'fears' dominates our existence.
Did I mention wordsmiths will continue to attempt to 'define' life for us, (even my feeble self?)
I think my, er, 'attempt' hits a lot closer to the mark of what the average person goes through than the more nebulous 'life, liberty and the pursuit of Happi'.
Understand, the 'popular version' was meant to be 'inspirational' [even if the feckless use it to defend their greed or to chide you for not 'settling' for their 'leavings' (usually their 'scat', they aren't known for 'generosity' by any stretch of the imagination.) No irony should be lost that their continued 'tolerance of your existence' is what THEY consider 'charity/generosity'.]
So there you stand, caught between the longing for love and the struggle for the legal tender [yet another 'more elegant' rendering of the same concept...] (Jackson Brown, hard to compete with talent like that!)
Not very accurate but beautiful all the same...let's not forget the poignant! It gets you right where you live.
Hard to imagine a greater tyranny than the pain/loss created by the epic mismanagement of our 'legal tender'. There's some tyrants long overdue to demonstrate their own personal version of The Funky Chicken from about a foot off the ground.
Cruel you say? They'd kill you than look at you and not give it a second thought.
Worse, they'd watch you starve to death while they pretend 'the money' needed to spare you 'doesn't exist'.
It's what they do every day, all day.
Think I'm exaggerating? People around the planet are dying from lack of basic medical attention, these guys know it but do NOTHING. [Worse, they found 'charities' that spend 99 cents of every dollar collected on 'administration'. Does any nitwit really believe cancer will be 'cured' by walking? Since most of the money collected goes toward collecting even MORE money [which does zero to advance the search for a cure] how do YOU define 'exercise in futility'?
People got to die. Until recently, we all did but research proceeds on the cure for death and WHO do you think is going to get their hands on THAT?
You don't suppose it would be the one group that least deserves it, do ya?
With that we'll have at it again tomorrow, thank YOU for letting me inside your head,
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