Wednesday, April 19, 2017


Greetings good citizen, most of us can't 'make sense' of the financial markets because they don't. No, you're not stupid. It's all about 'slight of hand' coupled with a healthy dollop of 'more for me' and backed up with 'because I said so!'

Don't try this at home...heck, even THEY don't try this with their spouses, different game entirely! The financial playing field is so 'unnatural' that it is believed to consist mostly of 'anti-matter' [because much of it doesn't!]

What 'triggered' this, the curious among you might be asking yourself? As 'globalized capitalism' crashes and burns, taking civilization along with it, that now ancient chestnut has come rushing forward to claim its rightful spot as humanity's number one concern...

Which one is that? Terrorists? Plague? Islam?

Nope, even older than ALL of those...something that dates back to the very first single cell creatures, a question they faced that they weren't even aware of. What question could that be? Is that YOU god? Nope, didn't know and didn't care.

Bueller? Anyone? Bueller?

The answer is How will I live?

It's a question each and every [living organism] faces every single moment of their existence. [Yet most of you are 'worried' about the less likely events like being killed by psychopaths created by our out of control media [becoming a daily thing yet nobody is pointing a finger at the culprit.]

How sad is it one of the 'shows' feeding this bonfire bills itself as a 'reality show'?

Humans are mimics, monkey see INEVITABLY turns into Monkey DO! How many times do you think one guy says to his partner, "check this out! I saw this on COPS last week!"

Is policing out of control? Thank the same *guy that employs Bill O'Rielly, the same group that made Rush Limbaugh a household icon because his bloviating was distributed to AM radio stations for FREE! [*Yeah, we're looking at YOU, Rupert!]

Rush was omnipresent not because he was 'good' or wholesome...but because station OWNERS could generate revenue using FREE content...and what content it was. It's the primary reason behind our [media supported] 'divided nation.'

But I digress...capitalism is responsible for many decidedly negative outcomes and Rush is only a flyspeck on the mountain of dung created by the 'freakishly selfish'.

Um, I am constantly ragging on Stupid but if YOU keep doing what STUPID TELLS YOU TO DO, YOU are gonna suffer 'stupid's fate!'

If YOU don't start paying attention to what's going on you're gonna be late to the 'somebody save us' party! If you miss this opportunity you won't get a second gonna die.

Right here and now you do what 'stupid' tells you to do [because stupid pays you] but how will you survive when your 'hand to mouth' paycheck suddenly goes 'poof' and Stupid just looks at you and shrugs, saying 'Not MY Problem.'

Tiny bit of 'intestinal fortitude' and stupid would have been long gone on the Exile bus but no, you couldn't 'afford' to miss a day's pay.

Now you're gonna go the rest of your [brief] life with NO PAY because Stupid folded up his tent and moved to Richistan, leaving you 'on your own'.

UNITED we stand...divided we kill one another, that's the road of 'rugged individualism' f'n El Rushbo preaches. That's where your 'conservative values' leads [and leaves] you.

So, are YOU bad enough to 'fight off' the other 7 billion of us? Eat your Wheaties and take on the world! Well, the world is a lot tougher than you know and chances are the 'meek' already have the drop on go ahead and give 'em an excuse to blow your sorry ass to kingdom come.

It's understandable that you'd 'gravitate' towards the 'smart minority' rather than the [apparently dumb because they put up with it] majority and that would be a huge error on your part because the 'average' individual has it going on!

Sure, they put up with it because NOBODY has even tried to unite them...but 'circumstances' are conspiring to 'undo' what the feckless few have sought to achieve.

I'd opine we're already past the 'sweet spot' where most of us 'bought' the divided tripe. Now we're pretty sure we're being 'told what to believe'.

Gonna be some major changes regardless of how the short-term works out, they've moved the bar too far to go backwards now.

We won't be 'put to sleep' again, not this generation anyway.

My generation is dying off, the generation behind mine is responsible for most of this nonsense [but in their defense they were raised to believe the 'greed is good' tripe that El Rushbo taught.]

Bad actors all around if you ask me but My Son blames the Boomers for 'wrecking' the future without once considering the problem goes much further back than a single generation.

The problems facing humanity pre-date civilization. They are solvable but the 'will to solve them' doesn't exist.

The rich want to remain rich, which means the poor will continue to fight over table scraps until there aren't any and helter skelter ensues.

Mis-management, plain and simple.

Do you want to live in a world where 'A few are Rich'? or do you want to live where we all share what there is equally [and hatred ends.]

The CHOICE [as always] IS YOURS!

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


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