Friday, January 31, 2020


Greetings good citizen, gone from the human debate is 'hope for the future' and the terminally dumb believe it is just the negative attitude of 'concern trolls' (like me) who dwell on such things as inequity and scarcity, which they blithely pretend don't exist/matter.

The cognizant know today's title reflects yesterdays. The terminally dumb think death is the worst but living like a trapped animal and doing nothing but waiting for the end is far worse.

Desperation is a terrible thing and desperate people commit desperate acts, which the bobble heads angrily condemn because the existence of desperate people endangers the rest of us.

Criminals are desperate...but I'm not here to draw cartoons for morons, the cognizant know the danger the desperate present.

A Simple Plan removes 'desperation' from the human equation but unlike the hairbrained stipend idea popular with politicians, ASP goes one step further and brings the equation full circle by latching the provisions it makes to the vehicle of 'inclusion', the requisite need to participate in society that labor provides and makes it universal.

The 'control' of commerce has been 'the road to riches' for the feckless few and the road to war for the desperate many.

It is time to remove that club from the hand of those who use their false claims of ownership to reinforce their equally frivolous claims of superiority to prevent both equity and justice.

Justice, like sanity, is what the majority of the public BELIEVES it is, not whatever the 'owner' tells you it is.

Everybody is bothered when they receive a notice for jury duty but they know there is a 99% probability that they won't even be required to report because the current justice system abhors trial by jury.

Over sixty years I've been summoned almost every year since I bought a house but I have never been selected because the process is designed to provide the illusion of justice.

One of the downsides of ASP is the 'tweak' it makes to the justice system, the jury will replace the salaried and politically connected (nevermind mentally incompetent) judge.

If you get a jury duty notice you have to wonder which one of the people you've met has f'd up because the jury will consist of three people that know you and four who don't. One of the quickest ways out of jury duty is contending to the court that there is 'bad blood' between yourself and the defendant...and the defendant is entitled to eliminate anyone they think has a bias against them or what they did.

What keeps this process 'above boards' is the accused doesn't get to pick who of their co-workers/schoolmates/club mates are called. If you are one of the three randoms you just have to suck it up and be cool with the idea you will be 'paid' for your service.

Oh yeah, jury duty in the future won't be all you. If you draw the short straw at least you will be compensated for your time at your full pay.

Again, the legal system will be streamlined...considerably by the re-introduction of 'personal legal redress'.

Chances are 90% of the time you get selected for 'jury duty' it will be to hear the case for exiling somebody for a violation of social standards/obligations.

Chief among these violations will be 'fraud/misrepresentation'. Seems humans can't stop 'getting over' on one another. While constant offender likes to think they are just having fun at someone else's expense they had best stop it because it is the quickest way to find yourself on the outside looking in.

Life is tough enough without some asshole making it harder just because they can.

Speaking of assholes, let's return to the reason I waste my energy, humanity charging off the rails due to feckless criminals PRETENDING to be LEADERS!

Pussygrabber is going to walk not because he is 'innocent' but because right and wrong have been replaced by 'My Team and Your team'.

Right and wrong are meaningless when reduced to 'us vs them'.

Is your 'team' winning?

Guess what, being a fan doesn't make YOU 'part of the team'.

Worse, displaying support/loyalty for life's (perceived) winners only puts your comeuppance on hold temporarily.

You've heard it before and many of you have survived by pretending you support the 'winning side' despite things getting worse for you, personally.

What have you heard?

We're getting 'fat'.

The, er, obesity epidemic has primary cause. It is being driven by an overabundance of 'uselessness'.

There is NO SHORTAGE of shit that needs doing but there are too many things that go undone because they can't be done twice 'profitably' under fucktarded capitalism.

The people who shrug and tell you there is work out there even if it doesn't pay you enough to live on deserve to sent on a one way naked nature walk.

Job one is survival, personal and that is impossible if we can't get along.

What SHOULD BE troubling you bunky is why this issue isn't 'front and center' in the coming election?

Won't matter who or how you pay for healthcare or education if you're living outdoors and have to chase your next meal down with a stick.


We MUST stop following STUPID!

Have a nice weekend,


Thursday, January 30, 2020


Greetings good citizen, I'd like to report I had a 'refreshing' day off but my experience was a typical fiasco that most encounters with the nation's (for profit) healthcare system are. Nice to know I am the home of a 'perfect' asshole but did I need to starve for thirty six hours to prove what most of my readers readily know?

But I digress, none of this is about 'me', everything I post is about 'US'.

Which brings us to today's title and the defacto death of this 'alleged' exercise in self determination.

Who thinks Pussygrabber's defense team should be disbarred (along with the war criminal W's pick, John Roberts?)

This is what 'anything for a buck' gets you. Newsflash for the knotheaded, being Jewish doesn't by default make you 'liberal'...look at who they are defending...for money.

Central to the whole impeachment is the inherent conflict between 'justice' and the influence of money in the public square.

Democracy of the dollar dooms you to being a highly disposable minority investor.

I belabor the obvious when I point out that there is nothing YOU can DO about it...short of revolt.

Existing 'power structures' condemn preaching sedition because revolt literally means 'change' and they will resist change with every tool available...starting with money. Get 'uppity' and they will pauperize you. The first thing to 'disappear' will be your purchasing power.

YOU should be very concerned with this travesty pretending to be 'justice' unfolding on the bought and paid for privately owned stage known as the media.

Some of the richest people on the planet OWN media conglomerates.

Did you know the 'Oracle of Omaha' owned one? Today's headline reads he's selling his and who do you think will scrape up the money to buy it? Some f'n hedge fund...because there is NOTHING else to invest in.

The growing 'gig economy has only made the unemployment crisis deeper as more hours are spent in pursuit of dollars THAT AREN'T THERE!

Zero 'productivity' produces a dirt poor population while the f'n Stock Market WHICH HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH REALITY continues to climb 'inexplicably'. [Truth, the stock market is 'fueled' by STUPIDITY!]

We can readily see what centuries of poppy production has done for the Taliban dominated Afghans [all you f'n fruitcakes who think the 'pot economy' is going to 'save' capitalism are f'n 'high'...]

Chant the refrain children, how f'n DUMB are YOU?

South Park did an excellent send up of what happens when 'legalization' becomes the norm, everybody who wants pot will grow their own FOR FUCKIN' FREE!

Which is WHY it remains stubbornly criminalized.

Can YOU say 'Justice System'?

Exile the lot of 'em! They are the very definition of EVIL.

Alas, three things people hate, cameras, mirrors and the f'n TRUTH.

Don't blame the 'useful idiots' it's how they were raised and what they have been taught to believe that makes society as torn as it is.

If we don't rid ourselves of 'the bad apples' the whole thing is going to rot.

The 'sinking' of democracy worldwide is a call to action for those with two brain cells still in communication with one another.

Unfortunately, the desperate reality here is our tiny crew is outnumbered by the self-serving and they control the mindless masses with the media.

The 'real' fuckaree starts when the mindless mob 'awakens' and decides it's sick and tired of all the lies and navel gazing...but doesn't have a clue how to turn the situation around.

That's where A Simple Plan comes in.

A place for EVERYBODY and the path to leadership is set at your feet waiting for your talent to carry you as far as you mind allows.

NO INDIVIDUAL will be able to control the law because the law will exist beyond the individual's reach. Treachery will be an exile offense and exiles will continue until education catches up to preachers of inequity.

Um, the 'funny guy's' will be barred from pretending an almighty exists and it's name is DOG spelled backwards.

This is what we are dealing with, good citizen.

We CAN beat this but it starts with putting HUMANITY first! One middle finger extended to the sky and the other pointing at the ground because EVIL lives INSIDE all of us, the only thing they told us that was true.

Is there something not particularly cryptic about Evil, like Dog being Live spelled backwards. Is humanity's enemy a hater of life?

Give it up Dog, inquiring minds want to know!

So sayeth 'the perfect asshole'!

Until next time Head.


Tuesday, January 28, 2020


Greetings good citizen, we all endeavor to stay clean and sometimes we have to resort to cleaning places we don't think it is possible to clean.

In sharp contrast to personal maintenance, we have no ability to clean the political system of 'fouling'. We are told it is like the medical profession where doctors are admonished to 'heal themselves.'

So it is the justice system became 'self policing'.

Who sits in judgement of those charged with upholding justice?

Damn good question.

You'd think a mechanism would exist that allows those forced to live with the inaction and unaccountability of so called 'public servants' but no such safeguard exists.

Pussygrabber has been impeached and most of the nation believes nothing will come of it because abuse of power has become business as usual. Why hold Pussygrabber accountable when we did nothing to the war criminals Bush and Cheney?

Barry's problem/bad or is 'something' rotten in the surrounding swamps of D.C.?

In France that perceived rot caused the guillotine to be used in a FAILED attempt to 'cleanse' their system.

Seems once the bottom takes over they become clueless as to what needs fixing and how to go about it.

Ignorance is a fearsome and powerful thing. Seems the only way we know how to do it is the wrong way...why do you suppose that is?

Too few 'good' leaders or too many compromises?

Compromised 'equality' leads to slavery and no equality means justice is compromised from the start.

Money won't be 'fixed' even when society is drowning in corruption because the ignorant fail to see how it is part of 'the problem'.

Ignorance is a fearsome and powerful thing.

The answers, not that any of you are looking for any, exist in A Simple Plan that exiles the F-U, Pay Me crowd into the wilderness where they belong.

Can't share then YOU don't belong here.

So perhaps the first part of the exercise would be cleaning up your own act.

Society has no room and zero tolerance for the greedy and the selfish.

Where does that leave YOU, Head?


Monday, January 27, 2020


Greetings good citizen, as humanity stumbles along from crisis to crisis we have to ask what happened to LEADERSHIP in a world where 'the owners' are only interested in holding on to what doesn't belong to them in the first place via a 'legal lie'.

'Non authoritarian government' has become an oxymoron with 'factions' hiding under the cloak of 'national security' with zero oversight. Is there ANYONE we can trust to oversee the runaway security state that exempts itself from government scrutiny?

Did the Nazis 'win' by turning the planet into a gulag of secret organizations that operate 'above the law' (or public accountability?)

I am constantly pointing to 'Morning in America' and decrying it for what it was, a bloodless coup pulled off by the Robber Barons/Banksters of the corrupt Capitalist cabal. [Capitalism has succeeded where Alexander, Genghis Khan, Napoleon and Hitler all (allegedly) failed.]

What was the first step in pulling off a global coup d'etat? Muzzling the media. Over the past fifty years we have gone from a diverse network of media organizations to FOX NEWS and their wholly owned subsidiaries. [Never underestimate the power of the paycheck!]

What did this do to the ballot box? Turned it into eyewash...and the same muzzled media declared the planet 'divided'...what they didn't say is it was divided between the 'Haves' and the 'Have mores' so next to nothing was left for the rest of us.

What is the conservo-wacko's battle cry? Get off of my PLANET, Peasant!

Who is saying this foolishness? Throughout history there have been opportunists who deluded themselves into thinking expressing 'sympathy' with oppressors would win them 'favorable treatment' [even if it was only temporary.]

How's that for dumb/clueless?

Don't have time to parse the stupidity of believing it is 'your' planet in the first place but there are people who operate on the 'law of the jungle' concept where the only score that matters is who kills who.

The feckless have murdered millions using only an idea, are they mighty or is stupid fearsome?

Little of both.

IF you can tear your eyes away from the trainwreck for a moment there is the leadership void that NEEDS to be dealt with...(and it will be if the nitwits declare martial law.)

You don't care enough about yourself to interfere with the morons running your children's future off a cliff so what do you care what they do until your are interned in an extermination camp on 'suspicion of being jewish?'

Once 'gun rules is declared all 'rationality' goes out the window and the 'law of the jungle' kicks in.

How pathetic is it that I need to parse that with KILL OR BE KILLED?

Only 'WE' can save ourselves from the destruction that will be wrought by the people who think this planet is 'theirs' to do with as they please...

Chant the refrain, children!

Don't take any wooden nickles and understand what martial law really means. the ones with the guns make the rules and those rules don't have to make sense or be 'just'. The Gun means they can do whatever the fuck they want...if you don't like it, they will simply shoot you.

How f'n dumb are you?

Heads up, Head.


Sunday, January 26, 2020


Greetings good citizen, I have avoided this topic because there is no proof that the corona virus is a deliberate attempt to, er, eliminate a large portion of the 'surplus population' that only exists in the mind of the conservatives.

The use of biological agents is considered foolhardy because diseases don't discriminate...which leaves us with the question of how pervasive is the conservative mindset?

Pussygrabber the Moron reportedly addressed the annual 'Walk for life' convention and declared his dedication to the conservative cause of abolishing a woman's 'right to choose' to appeal to a cloister of fanatics.

Jury still out good citizen?

Isn't abortion murder?

Is that 'worse' than bringing a child into a world that offers them no future?

The 'refugee crisis' extends from pole to pole and from East to West and what is driving it 'stupid'?


Understand these are the same people (the cloister of fanatics referred to earlier) that believe in the existence of the surplus population which has lead to the creation of 'snowflakes'.

Do you know where 'snowflakes' comes from?


Complain about your (god given) lot in life and you are a 'snowflake'.

There is no such beastie as Spirit in the Sky, the reality here is the Evil that lurks in every morons heart.

The 'deciders' (who specialize in self-dealing, yeah, I'm looking at YOU Pussygrabber) created the mythical 'snowflake' as a handle their 'base' to grab on to and applied it to anyone that can't cope with the absence of opportunity the self-serving leave in their wake.

Conservatism is a mental disorder transmitted to the adherents of capitalism via rigid indoctrination and the demand not to question conservative dogma.

Aren't we 'drifting' here? What does ANYTHING FOR A BUCK 'capitalism' have to do with the Coronavirus?

Good reporting or more misdirection, it seems SOMEBODY traced the source of the new contagion to an unregulated market that caters to 'wild edibles' crowd.

Did I mention that humans are opportunists AND (extremely dumb) mimics?

It is dangerous in the extreme to allow the clueless to expose society to constant danger as they market the unusual to the unwitting/witless.

What's Pussygrabber's 'claim to fame'? He's slashed regulations across the board in a futile attempt to kickstart the corpse of capitalism.

Capitalism died drinking its own Kool-Aid.

The capitalists who came after are too dumb to realize the ideology is a failure and will NEVER work.

It is NOT and NEVER HAS been about 'Success: Personal'

We prosper or suffer as if we are to succeed 'as a species' we must first learn to live with one another 'as equals'.

If you don't think that is possible you are already on the 'wrong side' of the equation, the part that needs to be 'eliminated'.

If conservatism and its evil doctrine is the disease then humanity is the cure.

By definition liberalism is about tolerance and forebearance, literally 'live and let live' while conservatism is 'my way or the highway' which is only 'appealing' to the fascists/kings among us.

What's it all about, Alfie?

Nuthin go up top! Thinkin', don't know how and don't want to know...lead the way Adolph (as long as you're buying!)

Does your 'team' still win if your ideology is death to the heretics?

Can't move forward being led by the self-serving.

What good is a god that exists only to be worshiped and glorified?

No good at all.

Vote Republican? Chant the refrain.

Happy Sunday, Head.


Saturday, January 25, 2020


Greetings good citizen, here's a question that should be ever-present in everyone's mind but it's the sort of 'quid pro quo' that is so pervasive it goes unacknowledged.

What do you suppose that is?

Can YOU afford to trust ANYTHING that can be held for ransom to a paycheck?

Shitty quality in just about anything comes straight from the engineering departments of manufacturer's everywhere...and why? Because 'building to last' cuts the market for replacement parts and the service industry.

Did I mention capitalists are morons?

Well, when you are swindling the public you can't have 'Justice warriors' calling you out, can you?

Whistle blowers are treated the same way any 'snitch' is...and the hostage to the lobbyists government won't protect them because the lobbyists pay them not to.

Good thing all money is 'funny' right?

How dumb is it that you honestly BELIEVE somebody is keeping the global money supply in balance when 'banking irregularities' are everywhere you look?

The Stock Market is 100% bullshit but because the fake justice system ignores the blatant fraud you just go along with it.

This is a 'tipping point' event. You believe money is worth something because the legal system protects its 'value'.

Here's an 'education' for you to keep you from being 'cheated'.

In order for a 'trust instrument' to have ANY value that value MUST BE 'universal'.

A unit here must be identical in properties to a unit anywhere else on the f'n planet.

If Chicken is a dollar a pound in the USA then chicken HAS TO BE a dollar a pound EVERY-FUCKIN'-WHERE! Otherwise your monetary unit is 'fake'.

Wanna make a 'trade deal' that is where you have to start because money is paper with numbers on it backed with NOTHING.

The paper in your pocket is perpetually 'bleeding' value and that's because the system itself is a gigantic FRAUD that takes advantage of your CONFIDENCE!

It's why they call it a CON!

So what's it going to be? Will you continue to let them cheat you by installing the likes of Pussygrabber to 'lead' us/you if you're a Trumpster...or are you going to join the growing movement to bring the fraudsters to justice, starting with the posers who pretend to police us?

Fraud only works as long as you believe it.


Friday, January 24, 2020

Game Plan

Greetings good citizen, most of you have a sketch of an idea of how you expect life to go with various contingencies partially 'ready to go'.

But allow me a moment of your time to 'sidebar' if you please:

The self-absorbed media is reporting that only a third of the viewing public is following the impeachment hearings...and that this somehow translates to 'support' of the biggest dickhead in history! [only the media, right?]

Most people are ignoring the televised proceedings BECAUSE THEY DON'T EXPECT ANYTHING TO COME FROM THEM! That and we get paid to focus on other things during primetime working hours.

Understand, these are the same people who recognize the 'futility' of VOTING because it's all BULLSHIT!

Nothing weird about TRUMP using this now deeply rooted sentiment to paint himself as 'the underdog' when he was the 'media's darling' all along.

Would I be abusing your kindness to remind that EVERYBODY KNOWS the process is 'eyewash' has absolutely nothing to do with reality.

YOU can't change it because it is exactly the way the exploiters want it...and if you don't like it go live somewhere else!

Not exactly the compromise we are all told DEMOCRACY is, especially considering the only thing we decide is who will make decisions in our name without EVER consulting US.

Which, as everyone knows, is NOT Democracy.

Which segues back to the subject at hand, the Game Plan.

We all know SOME mentally challenged individuals who are warming up their Trump 2020 bandwagons based solely on idea of driving the 'Libs' mental because they are too dumb to appreciate the disaster that fascist evangelical conservatism will culminate in.

All they want is to see the libtards sputtering in disbelief as the conservative agenda is advanced with the 'implied support' of the majority.

Stupid, the arch believer in all things dumb is passionate about one thing, that the majority of people ARE STUPID and believe dumb things like you can't change the political process because there are too many 'stupid people' out there!

Proven fact that humans are not the most 'observant' creatures in the food chain, a sad demonstration of how 'success' can spoil a species...

Why go here?

Because it is our 'success' that has brought us to our knees. We are being 'manipulated' via the dumb into sacrificing our ability to choose.

Whosoever controls the media controls YOU.

Is the media in 'safe hands'?

Enjoy the weekend, Head.

Next post tomorrow when I get to it and not a minute sooner!


Thursday, January 23, 2020


Greetings good citizen, you are SO into YOU that you need to be reminded that you live in the 'World of I', that's how self-absorbed YOU are.

Newsflash (fortunately only to SOME of you) and that is the last thing you are is ALONE!

How much of your time is wasted plotting how to circumvent others rather than win them over to your, er, point of view?

What is perhaps the pinnacle of stupidity is how certain lines of 'political philosophy' are based on 'individualism'.

You SHARE [even if you just barely tolerate] this planet with Seven Billion 'others' that effectively dilute the piss out of your precious 'individuality'.

Most people get 'lost in thought' because they don't f'n go there very often and this 'self-centeredness' is the ultimate outcome of the individual's feeble grip ON REALITY!

So...who do you think is going to 'solve' this, er, crisis, The [FAKE] Democrats or the f'n [CLUELESS] Republican'ts?

How many of you see the problem displayed in that question? What are DemoRats and Republicunts? THEY ARE BOTH (allegedly) HUMAN!

It is possible our Royal Betters have given themselves a different name but if they have they are keeping it to themselves.

But I digress.

Riddle me this: What would it take to make you STOP 'wishing you were alone' and begin appreciating the kind of life the division of labor makes possible?

I got the first part...a fair Damn shake for starters.

It is dumb/foolish in the extreme to curse those who are only trying to 'get by' for blocking your imaginary progress on some imaginary ladder.

Stop choking on the Bullshit they feed you.

We NEED a New Deal f'n NOW!

Otherwise eating the rich will become more than a rhetorical statement.

Thinking Head, it's the Anti-Dope!


Wednesday, January 22, 2020


Greetings good citizen, this morning's headlines uses the flag humping Pussygrabber to attack Greta Thunberg in a shameless effort to divert attention from the disgrace that he is.

If not US Who and if not now, When?

Shame on you Media for using the Bandersnatch named Trump to criticize a youth with an eye on our species future.

Ever since public outrage became the target the media has abandoned any sense of propriety (or responsibility.)

What use (to a society) when its information source has adopted the attitude of 'We can't help it if they are stupid'?

Worse, if you don't like it, get your information elsewhere!

This is what has caused the general dissatisfaction in society, we know we are being LIED to yet there isn't anything we can DO about it?

Is that not the very definition of EVIL?

Back in the days when information was a common commodity pedaled by independent new outlets they couldn't afford the taint of unreliability but since advertisers started 'driving' the bottom line of news outlets honesty and reliability have been sacrificed on the alter of profits.

The truth doesn't matter. All that matters is what we tell you...and don't go fact checking our assertions, you'll hit a brick wall of misdirection.

Your confusion and disbelief are THEIR 'stock in Trade'.

You are being manipulated.

The suspension of Habeas Corpus reverses the presumption of innocence and the right to face your accuser.

This tactic was the emblem of Royalty, jailing anyone with the courage to defy 'the crown'...or the ring, pick one, there isn't really a difference.

A criminal is a criminal regardless of what they call themselves.

The 'absence' of Justice from society has once again reached epic proportions, as evidenced by the feckless's desire to sweep the impeachment proceedings under the rug with as little 'exposure' as possible.

Wait until November when the election results are announced and the Republicans actually gain seats in the Senate...nevermind numbnuts being re-appointed despite being beaten AGAIN!

The real litmus test will be if Moscow Mitch wins re-election (or if he steps aside and Lindsay Graham is chosen to replace him.)

There isn't an inch between Moscow or any of the other 'ultra-conservative' government running the planet to ruin.

And the public damn well knows it.

The public also knows the ballot box is fubar and totally worthless, THANKS TO THE MEDIA!

Left to you flailing consciousness is the question 'what are you going to do about it?'

They have made THEIR move and double dared you to pick up the gauntlet they have thrown in your face.

YOU just stand there, shivering with indecision, waiting for someone else to make the 'first move'...which would have happened already if you had the guts to let them know you had their backs...but you don't, do you, you snivelling coward?

Some of you resent the personal attacks...almost as much as you resent how History's Actors dare you to stop them.

Can't do nothing, Head. Act or be acted upon.

If not us, who and if not now, when?


Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Educate (d)

Greetings good citizen, life is 'educational'. Problem is most of the time it consists of learning what you have been 'taught' is self-serving nonsense.

There is a reason most people refer to one another as 'shithead' [because most of what you've got up top is a lie.]

Compound that with the disturbing tendency to believe 'dumb things' and we have the perfect storm of discord on our collective hands.

Not to go all 'zen' on you but if we rewind to 'the purpose of life' [which is where the lies start] it seems a 'satisfying answer' DOESN'T EXIST.

God exists precisely because he is 'mysterious'. The assertion being his/it's motives are both unknown and unknowable.

[How's that for hedging your self-serving bullshit?]

Increasingly it looks like humans are the 'abandoned tools' of some intergalactic mining operation. Our 'purpose' here ended a long time ago and mercifully we weren't (completely) exterminated when the job was done.

So the next question on the road to enlightenment would be a 'taking stock' question of 'what do you KNOW?'

Next to nothing is the unfortunate answer. Over the millennia of our existence on this rock we have only learned enough to be able to measure time and the growing season. (No 'true humans' prior to 200,000 yrs ago. The 'missing link' is still missing!)

Why haven't we discovered the shipwreck? Probably because there wasn't one. SOMEWHERE out there, hidden by the feckless is the evidence of our arrival.

It would be a crime against god to reveal that certain members of the human race are not 'of divine origin'. [Their empires are based on precisely that claim!]

Um, keep in mind that STUPID is the intentional belief in dumb things...and the 'simplest' explanation is also the likeliest.

Listen up and you might learn something. Who needs AI when you can have the 'real deal'? [Answer: Only the really, really dumb (also known as capitalists...who are too dumb to figure out that money is FAKE!)

Are you feeling me?

How unfortunate for would-be 'educators' that you have all been handed a time tested lie that was shoved down your throat and if you didn't 'accept it' you were killed for being a 'heretic'?

Yeah good citizen, comply or die IS a 'real thing'.

[If GOD is supposed to 'save and protect' you, WHERE THE FUCK IS S/HE/IT?]

If you can't accept these truths then how the hell can you be expected to throw off the yoke forced on you by the tyrants running this planet into the dust?

Fish or cut bait?

If you don't cut bait you won't catch any fish and you'll's that for a dilemma?

Worst part, you have to choose which lie you want to believe.


Monday, January 20, 2020

MLK day 2020

Greetings good citizen, among the collection of 'monday holidays' MLK day kicks off the years long holiday weekends despite being one of the least celebrated holidays.

This is not entirely due to racism, a large part of the blame is laid at commerce's feet. Thanks to the idiot drive to 'make a buck' many holidays go uncelebrated.

Zero irony that the word itself is a bastardization of the term 'holy day' (of obligation) and most holidays around the globe (now) have zero connection to religion.

Holy days still exist but our modern 'holidays' are more political/commercial hybrids to boost spending. Just as weather in the forecast drives shoppers to market to stock up, just in case.

More than a little disturbing that two of the dozen or so Monday Holidays are set aside to celebrate war [Memorial/Veterans day] although the latter was all but forgotten until the GWOT reminded us that commerce still calls the shots and [largely fake] support for veterans was used to cover the enormous waste of government funds.

Note I am mute on the 'human cost' of such blood adventures. How chilling is it that humans are raised to believe 'life is cheap'? [Which is to say nobody REALLY cares, which is why our 'fake kings' keep getting away with it.]

War is NOT a f'n Jobs Program!

Can't 'help the destitute' without handing them a gun and a uniform then sending them out to invade someplace for something the feckless wants for itself.

Now some of you think I digress and I'd respond that most of you don't think...pretty much all the time.

Look at the 'major holidays', we are down to Five, three if you work retail. New Years, for the sake of providing the 'false impression' that the human construct of 'time' isn't a dismal, endless march from the cradle to the grave. Memorial Day set aside to 'remember' those who died so you could be exploited by Capitalists. Then there is the nation's Birthday because way back then summer was the best time to travel in the colonies.

Haven't conducted a search but It is probably safe to say that most nations celebrate their founding. It's what builds 'national pride' [without which wars of conquest are almost impossible.]

Learning anything?

Didn't think so.

Then we have Labor Day [I'm skipping the 'sunday holidays' of Christmas and Easter because neither is celebrated for its founding reason but for its commercial thrust.]

After Labor Day comes Thanksgiving, an annual feast celebrating the Harvest regardless if it were bad or good.

With MLK day under our belts our attention drifts towards the 'long drought' and five months until we get another long weekend. Most of the planet celebrates May Day [which also went by Arbor Day] that was abandoned by the patriotic capitalists when the Soviets used May Day to display their military might. (besides, it fell too close to Memorial Day, the remembrance of CIVIL WAR dead.

Did I mention the people running things are fucked up?

Did you need me to remind you?

In fact if you look at it, most American Holidays are relatively recent but that is not the thrust of today's missive.

There are few things in (this) life that don't center on how YOU are being manipulated.

Truth is 'unimportant', the only thing that matters is Comply or Die.

Believe what they tell you to believe and do what they tell you to do and THEY will be just fine. You, not so much.

Just a tickle here but how many of you think/believe because YOU WERE TOLD IT WAS SO that the differences between the races all happened on THIS PLANET?

Chant the refrain, children.

Why don't we 'get along'? The answer is 'out there' somewhere. Worse, the story is likely more twisted than any of you can imagine...and that's saying something considering the tripe that gets green lit by those who own the media these days.

If we are to survive here we must heed the words of the late Dr. King and UNITE, despite history that is likely more ancient than you know.

That's the 'message' of today's post despite today's holiday actually representing fake 'atonement' and the likelihood that the commercial interests will snuff it out or marginalize it like they have all the other 'obsolete' holidays.

Unite while you still can.


Sunday, January 19, 2020


Greetings good citizen, after starting my morning with another esoteric article on climate change I once again encountered the lament of the post Morning in America era, what happened to 'us'.

I belabor the obvious when I state that EVERYTHING is 'for sale'...principal among the commodification of life is Justice, and humanity has always been expert in manipulating the 'excuse shirt' and shirking responsibility for outcomes they were paid to engineer but refuse to admit to.

Like today's title states, the people who are allegedly supposed to be responsible for the outcomes we are expected to live with are Temps because they are 'appointed' by people elected for a brief period.

Think about that for a minute..the people making this contentious clusterfuk are temporary appointees USUALLY with ZERO QUALIFICATIONS to 'supervise' the duties they are 'appointed' to manage the activities of.

How the hell do you 'fix' that and restore the process to 'accountability'?

In a word, responsibility.

The people trusted to execute the will of the public must be held accountable for their performance, not by the people who appoint them but by the public and the laws of the land.

The loophole here is anybody with 'cash' can buy off the prosecuting force. [That's why ASP criminalizes possession of physical money. YOUR MONEY IS FOR YOU!

Look at the War Criminal Dick Cheney and how KBR, a division of Halliburton ripped the nation off for trillions and nobody batted an eye thanks to the media induced coma of 'support our troops'.

This NEVER came up in public debate yet everyone in Washington knew.

When you can't trust the people in charge it's time to light this shitshack on fire!

War is NEVER a 'jobs program!' WTF good citizen?

Psssst, don't look now but that same war is still going on...and it costs Billions...a f'n DAY! [Good thing money is funny, right? Or should we be more thankful that the public is DUMB beyond belief...yeah, that includes YOU.]

So many elephants, so little time.

How fortunate for the criminals of this species that humans are easily intimidated? Abolishing money is only half of the equation, eliminating the employer/employee relationship is the second half.

Why is society a cesspool? Because THE POLICE WORK FOR THE POLITICIANS!

Never thought about that one, did ya Dopey?

The 'sales pitch' is the police work for YOU but you'd be hard pressed to find a gun toting moron willing to admit that. They are quick to tell you they work for the public but not you specifically...however if you tell them a powerful politician is your relative it will make them sweat because hassling a politically connected individual is the fastest way to become a person of interest in an Internal Affairs Investigation of 'conduct unbecoming.'

No more elected officials, no more intimidation and it also eliminates having your livelihood used against 'loser' you.

Is there a better time to shine a light on the flagrant lack of 'responsibility/accountability' in our unmoored political system than an election year?

Wouldn't it be preferable to have the jack-booted thugs take of their fake 'masks of respectability' and come the fuck out of the closet?

This pretending shit is unbecoming of a human being...but it helps THEM sleep at night, something a traitor should never be allowed to do.

Humanity IS a 'mob' and the thing that keeps mobsters 'honest' is the fact we all gotta sleep sometime.

Just a little something to think about, Head.


Saturday, January 18, 2020

Meat grinder

Greetings good citizen, King M of the 3 M consortium has returned from hiatus to lead the viewing public in guessing if there is any way to achieve a 'just' outcome.

To his credit, he's not shy about sharing his misgivings. He came right out in his first exchange with last night's panel and said he didn't expect Trump to be removed from office for his violation of the Constitution, totally ignoring the 'unfit for office' aspect of the Pussygrabber's penchant for dryhumping the Flag on camera.

So it was Speaker of the House Pelosi who made the intro slot last night and, as we all suspected, she wasn't interested in seeing 'justice' done. She says she was more interested in 'protecting the Constitution'...while NOBODY is doing anything about the suspension of Habeas or the abandonment of consumer anti-usury protections.

Probably didn't mean it this way but it came out looking like all she wanted to 'preserve' was a document that could be called 'the Constitution' would still exist, regardless of its contents beyond the opening statement of 'We the (important) People.'

The feckless use the Constitution for toilet paper and none of the pundits dare to admit it!

Who are the feckless? First definitive appearance in US history was President James Monroe and his policy of 'Manifest Destiny'.

These usurpers 'evolved' into the Robber Barons, whose most recent incarnation is the Banksters.

Congress has zero interest in bringing these criminals to justice...because these criminals fund their re-election campaigns.

Everybody KNOWS!

Our revolution is a 'string telephone' that leads straight to a meat grinder that will will shred the public into sausage and feed the end result to the survivors (until there are none.)

YOU are 'unrepresented' [you are just too dumb to figure it out for yourself.]

What do you expect from a bunch that is too dumb to figure out what 'middle class' is? [People who earn their living from their college degree, the non-degree'd are NOT 'middle class' but WORKING CLASS, which has become an emblem of Republican parlance.

Now that this has been explained to you, most of you will refuse to believe/admit it because working class is just a step above the homeless...

Considering how many people are living that nightmare, how f'n dumb do you have to think you are still being 'represented' by ANYONE?

Chant the refrain children!

So when the people claiming to be 'your' Revolutionaries come looking for a hand-out, pass 'em a bucket of what makes the grass grow green! Fill the string telephone right to the top with what they are pedalling, BULLSHIT!

NOBODY has your back...not even you ya stinkin' coward!

Now go back to sleep and try to ignore that grinding sound you can't seem to get out of your head now that you know where it's coming from (and who it is coming for...)


Friday, January 17, 2020


Greetings good citizen, who/what drives your agenda? don't have an agenda? What's that on your T-shirt and on the back of your car? Whoops, thought it was yours, shoulda known better. You're still waiting for someone to die so you can inherit a junker to call your own.

Um, bizarrely, most of you have causes you support that have little or nothing to do with 'well-being/personal' and that is simultaneously tragic and wasteful.

Don't suppose the people who are trying to save the Unicorns of the planet are doing so to divert your attention from the planet's real endangered species, do you?

Se habla 'collateral damage'?

Why is the narwhal 'endangered'? Because careless capitalists are decimating its food source to enrich themselves. EVERY endangered species ignores the tipping point caused by reckless human activity.

Your 'protest movement' may be 'raising awareness' but in the end there is NOBODY in charge of 'protecting the planet' and we can only ask WHY?

Climate change is just the tip of a much larger iceberg. If we fail to manage the planet's resources they will be exhausted before numbnut's (as yet unborn) progeny can buy it's first Lambo. Remember, unlike you, the rich don't have to wait before bearing children so we aren't talking a 'long time' here...maybe fifteen years and if we don't UNITE (f'n NOW) we will lose much more than is necessary.

Understand, if ALL humanity isn't on the same page nothing is going to stop because the feckless only think of themselves.

Wanna 'save the planet'? The best thing you can do is make common cause with your fellow humans...because whoever those other assholes are don't f'n care!

Yes good citizen, they walk among us, look like us but they aren't us.

If the almighty WE doesn't succeed in EXTERMINATING them, they ARE on schedule to exterminate US.

[STOP] The above statement points at 'aliens' but in reality the 'mental health' in question here is a class of humans who honestly believe they are superior to the rest of us and uses this to justify their reckless actions!

Understand: They don't value their 'humanity', it is meaningless to them. That's why 'successful capitalists' aren't human and have zero empathy or regard for the consequences of their actions.

'We', if humanity is to survive as a species, must unite and act to preserve the resources of this planet for the unborn to have something to inherit.

If our population remains 'unchecked' we will exterminate ourselves before the end of this century. Only rape victims will bring new life into the world and they will die abandoned because their mothers are unable to care for them.

And y'all think Cormack MacDonald was 'grim' ain't seen nothing yet.

IF a problem isn't attacked at its root, nothing will happen.

Why do all of these issues persist? Ya don't suppose ol' divide and conquer is being employed against you?

You 'tilt at windmills' Don Quixote...

Humans unite NOW, before it's too late.


Thursday, January 16, 2020


Greetings good citizen, a crippled and beleaguered political process is about to demonstrate what its idea of Justice is just as a biased and gerrymandered electoral college decided the last election.

If the system isn't FUBAR (especially the 'BEYOND ALL REPAIR' part) then nothing is.

Can't trust the participants to be impartial and you can't trust the law because it was written by the untrustworthy to protect their interests and their interests alone.

Understand; there is no 'win' here. We wouldn't even be here if the purpose of the entire exercise weren't to discredit the whole process.

Democracy, as it is practiced in the oldest Republic on the planet, is broken...starting with the 'secret ballot'.

Wait, forcing a public display of voting won't fix the problem either...because we don't vote 'FOR' anything, just which unrecognizable 'ideology' we, er, find least offensive.

The media has taken control of election outcomes and that is where the old 'system' broke down. Whoever is 'trusted' with the results gets to dictate what result is announced.

Yes Virginia, elections can be 'choreographed' too.

Our society wouldn't be as corrupt as it is if 'we' voted on matters of the laws we agree to abide by.

How many 'dumb' laws would there be if they had to pass muster with EVERYBODY?

What do law libraries large enough to fill a room indicate? Justice or selective criminality?

As I shared yesterday, the law (and by extension the legal system) should be simple and easy to easy a child can understand it.

What is 'job one' good citizen? [NO, whatever YOUR JOB is is not job one, you self-centered fuck!]

Job one is SURVIVAL, not just 'personal' but the survival of our species!

Humanity First!

All (future) 'law' is centered on that single fact...all else is futility. [See, 'simple'...that's why it's called 'A Simple Plan'.]

If we were to follow that 'simple logic' we wouldn't have slick holding the planet hostage to fossil fuels because they make THAT INDIVIDUAL 'rich'.

Either we ALL 'win' or we all lose, everything.

First premise of A.S.P. is EQUALITY.

All 'men' are created equal is fine prose but far from a statement of fact.

The correct phrase would read ALL HUMANS are equal under the Law but only those who possess 'demonstrable vision' shall become leaders. ASP is an example of 'demonstrable vision'.

For demonstrable foolishness see 'The wealth of Nations' and any other ideology that preaches greed on a finite planet is 'good'.

Free pubic education for jobs that don't exist is another example of 'foolishness'.

No lack of things that NEED doing, too bad the Capitalist isn't willing to pay for 'the whole job'.

Don't need to parse that for the cognizant and under ASP you will have to prove you are cognizant in order to participate in the decision making process.

But this is only reasonable, leadership based on 'popularity' has proven ruinous for humanity as a whole.

You're heart is in the right place but where is your head Mr. Yang? Do you really want to lead a country that you can 'buy'?

Again, that's not 'leadership' in a world infested with the 'more for me and survival of the fittest' mindset.

Only the foolish fail to see that is a recipe for the destruction of 'civil society'.

If you don't value 'civil society' your membership will be revoked and you will be sent to a place where you can make your own rules for as long as you live.

Again, the cognizant don't need that 'parsed' for them either.

But I digress, depending on how much media Kool Aid you've drank governs what 'outcome' you can expect from today's media circus.

Will Trump be convicted? Undoubtedly...will he be removed from office? NOPE. [A little too late to be worried about the effects this will have on the US presidency but that's because the 'axis of power' is preparing to shift Eastward, as has been the plan since Nixon.

YOU, good citizen, have been 'sold out' once again...and that is the 'bottom line'.


Wednesday, January 15, 2020


Greetings good citizen, depending on how you parse things the biological imperative can fairly be said to govern why we do what we do REGARDLESS OF GENDER! Males aren't the only ones obsessed with succeeding with the most desirable mates.

That said, the stage is being set to USE gender as the divisive issue in the upcoming contest for figurehead/meatpuppet.

Other nations have had female leaders without adverse consequences [it is a chimera of the media to suggest that a female leader makes a nation vulnerable] so it is exactly that, in our testosterone fueled, media drenched society which is behind the 'battle' in the ranks of the 'opposing party' and sudden 'concerns' around the electability of a female candidate against a guy a dime store mannequin could beat.

A dog could beat Trump (actually the whole lot of 'em) but that is neither here nor there.

The issue you have no avenue to address is the nature of the leadership humanity is being subjected to.

Worse, the 'job' has devolved from that of Chief Executive to Commander-in-Chief...which are two very different skill sets.

Trump ran as an opponent to American Adventurism but has yet to find a hornet's nest that he didn't personally kick, although it is debatable how much of this 'sabre rattling' is actually 'theater'.

You, good citizen, are constantly being 'fooled/goofed on.' [It's all one gigantic JOKE and YOU are sick and tired of being the 'butt' of those 'jokes'.]

I was just kidding....what's the matter with you? Can't you take a joke?

Poke you hard with a stick then claim they were only 'joking', yet even they aren't laughing.

It's ALL a 'joke' and most of us can take a joke but like Pussygrabber's defense there is more happening than meets the eye and none of it is funny except the part where YOU sit still for it!

Yup, the punchline is ever and always YOU.

Want to put an end to this 'fake pranking'?

End the process that purposefully cuts YOU out of the loop.

You are perfectly capable of deciding the laws you are willing to live with. The current 'joke' that passes for the Justice system is it's 99% self-serving bullshit. The 'Real Law' wouldn't fill a single page and be easy enough for a grade schooler to MEMORIZE!

Do unto others...there it is...three f'n words and DONE!

The 'library' is horseshit...just like what currently passes for 'Justice'.

So, good citizen, what does ANY of this have to do with SEX?

Same thing the 'electability' of a female has to do with the contest to be Meat-puppet-in-Chief.

You'd think 'competence' would be a bigger issue apart from what resides in your underwear, wouldn't you?

Society and our resultant civilization is beau coup f'd up because COMPETENCE isn't a factor in the competition for leadership.

Where is the FEMALE Republican running to become 'Decider-in-Chief'?

No shortage of female Republican's [Must be too busy intercepting young teens outside abortion clinics to run for office? Can't be two places at once and what's more important than saving God's Babies?]

[I do love my snark, even if it goes beyond the accepted limits of the empty-headed!]

[Reality check: The Electoral College is loaded with 'right to lifers'...]

Zero irony these morons will fight to save unwanted children from being aborted yet once they are born they are 'someone else's' problem. They, astonishingly, don't want their tax dollars going toward supporting people society has zero use for (Thanks to Capitalism!) {For the astonishingly stupid let me belabor the central point of capitalism: If it can't be done 'profitably' then it can't be done PERIOD! Why does this make no sense to conservo-WHACKOS?}

So we circle back to the other Elephant in the room, who gets to decide?

Sure isn't YOU!

How long will we allow 'gender politics' to lead us?

Are you 'voting your panties' come November?

Head, you got some soul searching to do.

This won't stop until you stop it and A Simple Plan is ready to go.

Get on board and let's ride into humanity's future. A future where we are all equal regardless of how we are plumbed!

Think, it's not hard to do if YOU don't complicate it.


Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Bern Notice.

Greetings good citizen, we are eleven months away from crunchtime and the candidates are being 'rotated' through the the winner's post as the media attempts to gauge who enjoys the more support for their candidacy...when a more disturbing truth plagues the process.

Everybody knows and those who don't are picking up the vibe being put down by those who do, casting 'uncertainty' over the entire charade.

Bernie folded like a paper cup for Hillary and it sure looks like the whole 'succession' is being staged by the same people nobody elected.

We had Hillary step aside for Obama, who 'ignored' the war criminals AND the Banksters as he pretended to 'heal' the country of the deep wounds inflicted by the Global war on an IDEA.

Turning the military loose on a civilian population is NEVER productive nor has it ever made anyone 'safer'. Even the MORONS who are willing to lay their lives on the line in exchange for funds to pursue careers that don't exist or citizenship in a country where they will always be second class (if they are lucky.)

But hey, that isn't the major malfunction of a public being herded along the chute of predatory capitalism.

The system is predicated on 'winners and losers'...a few 'win' while the majority lose...and as the population booms, the ratio shrinks, making your prospects for success ever dimmer and sending poverty (and its related symptoms) into uncharted territory.

Um, uncharted isn't quite accurate, we all know what rigged games lead to, they lead to ruin and devastation.

Homelessness, hunger and the resurgence of disease are all symptoms of larger failings and gross INCOMPETENCE!

Can't vote ANY of that away because the 'cause' of the problem will never see the ballot...worse, most of you pretend the cause doesn't exist or that it is the 'bedrock' of economics.

Again, I don't write these for the stupid [people who believe dumb things.]

But I like kicking the mule, not that it solves just allows me to vent my sadistic side.

OWNERSHIP is the primary cause of social discord and malfeasance...although some would rightly claim that malfeasance is a problem all by itself...we are such idiots when it comes to money and its usefulness.

Hamilton and Adam Smith are DEAD...and will not be missed, nor will their STUPIDITY!

It's all tied together even though we stray from the 'central topic' of the underlying 'unease' that accompanies election 2020.

So, the failed Obama presidency led to a resumption of the 'succession' and Bernie 'stepping aside' for Hillary only to be robbed of a win by the electoral college [and the kingmakers in the media.]

Now Hillary is out of the picture and we have another 'clown posse' on parade because they all think they can easily beat the clueless clown the process placed in the 'figurehead' position.

This act has proven fatal to the process.

While we have no alternative, nobody is able to muster any degree of excitement for the 'plants' being paraded as 'choices'.

We lost the 'illusion of choice' when the owners of the media installed Ronald Reagan as their 'spokesman' in the Oval Office, what began with a shadow of doubt was confirmed when the shill was inexplicably re-elected four years later.

And THAT is what 2020 has come to represent. Our collective 'bound hands' as the media tries to install a socialist to replace the clueless capitalist as the face of the failed 'owner class'.

If Bernie is elected it will be done to give socialism a black eye. Like Obama, he will inherit a badly broken economy that will be used to stymie him at every turn.

The cognizant can see it coming but they don't have a clue what to do about it because there is no script that explains what to do when voting becomes ineffective.

Central to ASP is the ELIMINATION of 'parties' and the subsequent 'partisanship' party politics leads to.

We are ALL humans...there are no divisions, only mutual survival.

No 'left' and no 'right' just the road forward and how to best survive it.

Those who would divide you are only thinking about themselves and what they will get from a humanity that has been taught to loathe itself.

Your hatred and distrust are learned from people whose primary aim is to exploit you...and that is TREASON...and the penalty for treason is banishment.

Trusting the feckless [who 'captured' the electoral process, ruining it] has led us to an endless cycle of failed leadership as the (pretend) government fails to do anything it was established to do.

2020 COULD BE a reckoning for the thieves of 1980. The System is broken and beyond 'repair'.

It is impossible to use the ballot box to fix the ballot box because it CAN'T BE TRUSTED!

And THAT is the central issue plaguing the media dominated 'process'.

The dog has raced to the end of its leash at full gallop...and it KNOWS what is coming next.

Think it's time for 'God's Chosen' to step down so mankind can move forward?

In order to advance one must first admit ignorance and have the desire/willingness to learn and grow!

The few only want 'stasis', which is ALWAYS fatal.

If Bernie wins it won't be an accident. Just as the 'lesson' taught by the nation's first black president was that ANYONE can be a 'puppet' and perhaps no one is more keely aware that his failure to prosecute the war criminals made him one as well.

These guys became cogs in the 'murder machine' to protect themselves from prosecution.

Any questions?


Monday, January 13, 2020


Greetings good citizen, your typical peer understands the need for most of us to 'follow', without obedience to authority we are no better than savages. We obey authority because we fear the consequences.

How unfortunate for the law abiding that the feckless need only step into the shadows to bend the co-operative to their will?

Why is no one screaming 'wolf' when we are obviously being herded by them?

Gradualism. YOU don't know what 'normal' looks like anymore. Fair is whatever they tell you it is.

NONE ARE SO BLIND AS THOSE WHO BELIEVE THEY ARE 'FREE' but are unable to articulate what that word means.

You ARE 'free', free to be preyed upon by those who insist 'freedom is your birthright'.

Yeah, good citizen, freedom isn't what you think it is. Report a crime and the cop sort of squints at you and smirks, "It's a free country, isn't it?"

Why isn't Pussygrabber a registered sex offender? Did you know criminals can't run for positions of public trust?

How did he get the job, considering he LOST the election by 3 million votes?

The criminals running things wanted that trillion dollar tax break so they could afford trust funds for their grandbabies, the 'very best' of humanity.

You suffer in relative squalor so the feckless can look down on you and believe you aren't worth the paper to wipe your backside with.

Again, if you can't live on your paycheck, it's not your employer's problem, it's yours!

Did you know rents are set in lockstep with mortgages yet both get you NOTHING?

How did this fraud get started?

Sort of goes back to the basic fact that all money is funny but so long as those who make the rules are also in charge of the consequences, you are screwed either way since Justice was never part of the equation.

Did you know the constitution was drafted behind locked doors with armed guards stationed all around?

What WERE they up to?

Washington himself joked if the public knew what they were doing they'd all hang for treason! [A joke repeated by none other than H.W. Bush in reference to his vice presidency of the Reagan Administration...a failed coup that is still underway.]

Ha-ha, right?

(Chant the refrain, children!)

Capitalism is an Imperial wet dream of making humans 'slaves' to money and you are living in the end result.

To FIX what's broken we need to dial back the basics of money, making it 'intangible' and non-transferrable. Money is only 'useful' TO THE INDIVIDUAL. Society doesn't need it yet there isn't a politician out there who will simultaneously deplore the conditions the 'non-privileged' suffer while begging 'poverty' that doesn't exist.

There is a deep criminal culture that keeps humanity pauperized...and those 'believers' have forfeited their membership in civil society.

It isn't even a tiny bit ironic that those responsible for this wear robes and uniforms and have taken on the 'responsibility' for the twisted 'justice system' that they ALONE 'manage'...with zero oversight.

Opportunistic mimics, what were we thinking? Apparently the opportunists didn't give a shit. THey quickly declared themselves EXPERTS then threatened to jail anyone who disagreed with them when the ONLY qualification to be a lawyer was the ability to READ...a skill set previously reserved for...the priesthood.

Just to stroke me, chant the refrain again. [maybe it will sink in and you'll get your fingers out of you backside and do something about it!

But that is just more fatalism bubbling to the surface...I fear the true response to the refrain of life...I'm too f'n dumb to care!

Work we must!


Sunday, January 12, 2020


Greetings good citizen, Even Pussygrabber got to weigh in on the Royals plan to depart the royal enclave to live independently and escape that 'bug under the glass' treatment individuals of 'perceived importance' are constantly subjected to.

The 'News Cycle' is a disease for which there is no cure. In that respect humans resemble squirrels with an endless appetite for 'news' fact a lack of news will frighten them so conditioned are we to receiving almost constant 'updates' of what can best be considered trivial matters.

Is it going to rain tomorrow or snow? Come tomorrow you won't need anyone to tell you what they GUESS is going to happen, it will be doing whatever it is going to do.

But you've been conditioned by nature to want to know.

Um, this is charging straight in the opposite direction I was aiming at and that is the desire to escape that fetishism of constantly being 'in the loop'.

It's what keeps you twaddling your cell phone every few minutes, so you don't 'miss' anything [the 'importance' of which is extremely 'debatable'.]

Intellectually you want to escape this steady diet of trivia but every once in a while a larger issue can be seen beneath the banality disguising it. It is ironic indeed that many secretly desire to be the focus of this ceaseless scrutiny...until it actually happens.

That's when you learn sympathy for Meghan and Harry.

But that's not the focus of this parable.

Most of you are aware that the mind can instantly recognize faces, it's survival conditioning instilled in every creature because the face is the part that EATS you...and is usually the last thing you see before you perish as something else's meal.

Well, 'paying attention' to the ceaseless chatter, both visual and audible, are also conditioned survival is also why the absence of that 'noise' is itself a 'signal' that triggers fear.

Why are we 'social' creatures? Because it lessened the likelihood that we'd be 'it'. It's the literal translation of 'safety in numbers'...but stupid doesn't get that.

What an advantage it would be if YOU could manipulate those signals...

The cognizant need no further parsing and the dim won't get it no matter how precisely you spell it out.

Are YOU a survivor?

Depends on what you make of today's post.

I apologize to those of you who leapt to the conclusion that I was quitting this.

Job's far from done and will likely outlive me...but that's mostly 'fatalism' speaking.

Later Head, if there is one.


Friday, January 10, 2020


Greetings good citizen, after yesterday's failure to craft a 'positive' post I will use today's post to bash your heads in with the force that keeps you nailed to your seat, drooling uncontrollably into your lap because you are helpless to stop yourself.

[Yes numbnuts, that force is also today's title.]

We (meaning ALL of us) are literally drowning in our own trash yet nothing is being done about it...because they have yet to engineer a way to 'reuse' waste without 'wasting' more energy than it is worth.

We shall soon have no choice in the matter because we haven't stopped wasting at a horrendous clip...and we won't, regardless.

We got us a HUGE sustainability problem on our hands and the ONLY solution to this crisis the MORONS running things can come up with is wholesale murder!

News? Everybody knows yet you still sit on your hands wondering who you 'like' in the upcoming presidential contest where a vote for Trump = a vote to off half the human race!

Be that as it may, still you sit, waiting for 'someone' to point at the exit sign that leads to your 'painless' salvation. [That's right, Head, nobody is interested in a solution that makes things worse then they already are.]

Problem is you are incapable of even imagining a 'painless' solution.

Nobody wants the job of sifting through somebody else's shit so the only 'reasonable' alternative is making you responsible for disposing of your own from the get-go. If you put it in the proper collection bins it won't have to be sorted again...

Although some of you think we have other problems to address first, like who owns this orbiting garbage dump, isn't all this their responsibility? I want to see my lease.

Three things people hate, camera's, mirrors and the 'truth'.

You have enough on your plate without adding more. Hell, you're barely getting by now, how the hell are you supposed to survive if you only have to work 20 hours a week?

How about we make housing and transportation FREE? [Sadly this means using public transit so that Ferrari is going to have to remain a 'dream' [until you can rent a couple of laps at the amusement park.]

Yeah, the future is going to be FUN, [if we survive the 'more for me' morons!]

Um, this is your cue, STUPID! I am pointing at the 'exit sign' you've been praying for! Wake the fuck up!

That puddle in your lap is disgusting! How can you stand sitting there like a mindless dolt? Get the fuck up and move out, the future is right through that door!

Which door? The only one with guards posted in front of it. The others lead to extinction.

Tink or twim, Head.


Thursday, January 9, 2020


Greetings good citizen, if humans have one thing going for them it is OPTIMISM! So much so that we have to pause and ponder who the bleak bastard was that came up with the expression, "Hope for the best but prepare for the worst!"

What caused the flash of lucidity we can only wonder...

Now, it's one thing to grin in the face of daunting odds and another thing to berate everyone around you for being 'negative'...when reality dictates there is ZERO reason for 'optimism'.

People who whistle a happy tune as they march towards doom are known as idiots while those who mutter 'it's a trap' under their breath go by the label 'survivor'.

Have you asked yourself what you have to be 'happy' about recently?

How did that work out for you?

How quickly did that musing fall back on 'God's Plan' and the words 'let go'?

It would blow your mind if you knew how many people actually believed in 'pre-destination'.

Who do you suppose thought up the idea that life is a carnival ride that you forgot you'd already ridden? [The 'implication' that a divine plan exists forms the justification for the 'opinion' that we are sleepwalking through a scripted reality.

Understand premise A is faulty, spirit in the sky is a figment of your imagination, placed there by those who are trying to manipulate you.

How unfortunate for us all that YOU are TOO DUMB to realize that.

Life is bleak at best but it is our HOPE that things will get better that drives us to carry on. 'Pre-destination' is for morons.

Hard to tell what's more absurd, God has a Plan or that God exists? Equally as absurd is evolution. Other species have existed just as they were for hundreds of millions of years yet we ignore this fact and think as briefly as 100,000 years ago we were more ape than man. This is not true.

But I belabor the obvious...

Today's objective was to pen an 'upbeat' piece and all I could come up with was mankind's tendency to view only the sunniest possible outcomes...with zero regard for the consequences.

Have we arrived full circle with 'let's pretend' yet? [Rhetorical question...]

There isn't one of you in possession of your facilities that isn't tired of being blamed for our collective 'fatalism'.

If we are supposed to be building a 'brighter future' for humanity, what's taking so long?

Oh, that's right! We left behind every circus freak the media pretends has a legitimate claim to happiness that is retarding mankind's journey to 'equality'.

Most of us believe the gender confused can shit themselves and like it.

Nobody is buying it yet the media pretends we are waiting with bated breath for the courts to solve the crisis.

Needless to say, the absurdities of life are overwhelming and forward motion isn't likely until we put an end to listening to morons.

Just a suggestion, why don't we start with the f'n popularity contest we call 'elections'?

Until we dump that bullshit we won't get anywhere as a species.

But that's just an opinion...can't we just 'hope for the best'?

Don't stick any of your appendages into electric sockets, Head.


Wednesday, January 8, 2020


Greetings good citizen, on the 8th day of the New Year we have ELephant in the Room day! Today's pachyderm is MAGIC and how all things magical have replaced our children's FUTURE.

Turns out too much 'let's pretend' is actually bad for you [as evidenced by the sky high suicide rate.]

Another 'epidemic' the media thinks you don't need to be made aware of, because it puts the lie to the fake economic reports they routinely pedal...which are also fabricated from whole cloth to keep the public 'pacified'.

What does the stock market have to do with the economy?

NOTHING! It's ALL 'jaw-boned'...except this deception makes the feckless rich beyond belief.

Media personalities (not the sharpest tools in the shed) hold their tongues because 'jawboning' is directly responsible for their outsized incomes as well.

Remember: Stupid is CHOOSING TO BELIEVE 'dumb' things.

Like 'Let's Pretend'.

Today's kids are only ever so slowly becoming aware that capitalism has stolen their future.

How do you keep the 'surplus population' distracted from the in your face problem of 'we don't NEED you?'

As it dawns on the kids who (hopefully, even eagerly at the time) have shoveled their future into the wood chipper of college debt pursuing jobs that NEVER existed that they are on the hook for 'educations' that only taught them what a suckers game their parents brought them into, that there are only two escape hatches. Either play let's pretend until they O.D. or run the gauntlet and try to make their heap 'scamming' like the Trumpster has, squandering millions in the process.

This disturbing realization just made itself apparent when my son's car croaked and instead of doing what I would have done in his shoes and buying a new one he revealed that he wasn't interested in a new car, all he wanted to do with his money was buy Magic Cards.

He doesn't yet see the 'bleakness' of this decision. We all wanted fast new cars so we could ESCAPE the No where-ville's we had been born in and get a start on our lives.

Kids today know their only 'salvation' will be either the announcement on their 13th birthday that someone left them a trust fund or they'd spend the rest of their natural days 'pretending' to be successful adults.

Trumps 'booming economy' is just an extension of the grinding poverty Reagan visited on America, which he dubbed 'Morning in America' and AM radio, led by a empty windbag from Cape Girardeau Missouri would convince the gullible that Patriotism was the currency of the nation and that the armed thugs were actually 'heroes' instead of what they really are, henchmen for thieves.

The stupid believe the dumb things the heartless teach them...because they don't know any better.

How sad is it to point out that 'truth' is probably rarer than Gold?

Worse, YOU are still trapped in participating in the endless game of 'let's pretend' the fucktards know what the fuck they are doing...while none of them acknowledge that FU, Pay me is creating a crisis for the ever-growing population...and despite all that the morons are still pursuing A.I.

Does that seem 'effective' or even 'grounded'?

Nope, I got mine, F-U!

Let's Pretend this is all going to work out okay...but you and I both know there isn't a chance in hell of that actually happening.

You dropped your kids in hell, now what the hell are YOU going to DO about it?

Pretend it's going to work out fine?

Double mindfuck, this whole thing wasn't even on your radar until I pointed to it.

You got some 'Splain'in to do Head.


Tuesday, January 7, 2020


Greetings good citizen, a growing consensus across humanity is accepting the fact that those who claim to speak for God are unscrupulous liars who are only in it for the MONEY, what does this mean for that aspect of your personality that forms the bulk of your inner 'moral compass'.

Take individuals like Pussygrabber who has completely abandoned the idea of right and wrong. [People like him defend their choice by insisting it helps them assess the situation more clearly when what they are really admitting is how it makes the reprehensible easier to swallow.]

Psychopaths are 'over achievers' BECAUSE they don't give a fuck about consequences.

Again I point to Pussygrabber and the 25th amendment and scream WTF! How much crazier does the flag humper need to be?

But the 'spiritual' among us whose lives are guided by forebearance for their benefactors/agents/proxies as much as by the quid pro quo they demand are, through their morning 'prayer meetings', actively preventing the amendment from being enacted.

So, good 'spiritual' are you? Do you believe in astrology, or any of the other 'new age' mysticism that promises to align your soul with the 'natural world'?

Nothing 'new' under the sun and so it is most 'new age' spirituality is actually ancient, updated for the here and now.

Most offer the 'anchor' of belief but the main objective behind religion is MONEY. The moonies and the krishnas made poverty part of oneness with nature so their followers were compelled to surrender their possessions so they could be 'free' to follow their 'new god' [poverty] by pursuing 'purity' through 'selflessness'.

Yup, stupidity truly is believing dumb things.

There is only ONE job...SURVIVAL. Work is your contribution to the survival of our species. God don't need your MONEY!

[How f'n DUMB are you?]

Zero irony that your spirit is the part of you that 'yearns' for meaning and purpose yet you are all failures as human beings!

Banksy has it right: BE KIND! (Therefore making yourself worthy of being LOVED.)

The truly dumb are blinking right now...what does Gegner mean all it takes is 'kindness' to be a complete human?

Politeness and civil behavior is where most individual's 'kindness' stops (bizarrely because our religions expect no more of us.) But being kind is much deeper than that. It starts with appreciating EVERYONE and EVERYTHING for what it is and not what it is worth to YOU. DON'T BE A DICK! (much easier said than done.) Accepted religion teaches that revenge is 'divine' and most of us agree, fewer things are more satisfying than watching your enemies suffer.

But THAT makes YOU a DICK.

And stupid has already insisted, "No it doesn't!" [and they're off!]

If you don't put your humanity FIRST you will revoke your membership in society.

Most of you would readily renounce their humanity and what does that make them?

UNTRUSTWORTHY! A treasonous traitor.

They don't need anybody but God and S/he/it will provide because you are 'faithful' to the people that taught you not to THINK!

Be Kind and not THE KIND that gets murdered for good reason.

As always Head, the choice is yours.


Monday, January 6, 2020


Greetings good citizen, we all know the 'order of succession' right? It goes President, Vice President...then Speaker of the House.

What better 'revenge' for the Middle East than to deliver the Trumpsters Nancy Pelosi to finish out Trump's term?

Um, can you imagine how embarrassing it would be to see how few people would riot over long standing succession policy?

Sure there might be a dozen boneheads willing to call for an 'emergency election' to prevent a Democrat from taking control (and firing wholesale) the Republican cabinet but the average Joe would just shrug, one meat puppet is the same as any other.

The same guarantee that keeps the Trumpster on the straight and narrow, (muttering 'yes master' under his boot-licking breath) will keep Nancy from going renegade on her fellow BILLIONAIRES! [How do you think she managed to become Speaker in the first place?]

Co-winky-dink? (Not in this lifetime!)

The question here isn't most qualified, it was a question of 'loyalty', so what do you Nancy a Democrat first or a BILLIONAIRE?

Chant the refrain, children! [How f'n DUMB are You?]

That suggested, it is 'unlikely' the Muslim league is capable of engineering a hit that takes out Trump and Pence at the same time.

The wildcard here is would they dare to make their move on US soil?

Hollywood has already prepared us for the bombing of a joint session with the series 'designated survivor'...where the under secretary for animal welfare is chosen to pick up the pieces after an attack 'decapitates' the 'official government'.

They actually have drills with proxies pretending to be the surviving cabinet members to ensure 'continuity' is maintained.

What 'continuity' would that be, good citizen?

Well, I'm sure you are thinking 'freedom' and that's precisely what the criminals who own this dump are thinking. YOUR freedom is all in your head, it's their 'freedom from prosecution' that they are concerned with...that and the prevention of some 'do-gooder' redistributing their stolen wealth...or ordering them to 'prove' they came by their wealth 'honestly'.

This 'succession' thing is truly 'over-engineered' but there is a lot at stake.

How fucking sad is it that it is also blocking mankind from surviving in peace?

I ask you to consider, while the nightmare are still fresh in your mind, what a world devoid of ownership and the fakery of Spirit in the Sky would look like.

Just people taking care of one another or do you honestly believe we'd murder everything that didn't succeed in killing us first?

Now there's a fence you've been sitting on for quite some time without admitting it.

Who is on the 'kill' side? The Spirit in the Sky crowd...who actually can't wait to meet the omnipotent one and receive their reward for their 'loyalty' to him...(via their treachery to the rest of the human race!)

This is what 'GOD FIRST' gets the rest of us...wholesale murder of the 'unbeliever'.

So a-hole, can I get an 'amen' [fuck you!]


[Did you know what the a-hole that asks if you've been 'saved' is actually doing? They are marking those that don't answer as enemies.] Onward christian assholes!

Sunday, January 5, 2020

World view

Greetings good citizen, today's topic is a weird one because some people don't think in terms of the larger world outside the world of I that most of us dwell in.

You have your hands full with your family, your children and navigating the stagnant quagmire known as the workplace as you make your way toward 'retirement' and those 'good times' you promised yourself when you first got a spare dollar to stash for that proverbial 'rainy day'.

In retrospect you should have taken that money and gone on a bender right then and there but now it's too late. The foundation for your dreams isn't enough to get you and your partner tispy nevermind make it to last call.

But that is most people's 'worldview'. You were raised to believe that you should keep out of other people's business. They would take care of themselves and that your biggest worry was taking care of YOU.

How many of you have finally realized we sink or swim TOGETHER?

This 'you do you' bullshit is intended specifically to prevent you from making 'common cause' with your fellow VICTIMS.

Works too, a little too well.

How do you suppose this new policy of 'comply or die' is going to play out IN YOUR BACKYARD?

If they are willing to murder the leaders of another nation in the name of PUBLIC SAFETY, what do you think they are going to do to you if you refuse to obey them?

That asshat Pompeo is telling us that any action taken by the US military will be 'legal' but no amount of validation makes murder legal/acceptable.

Under ASP he would be exiled for crimes against humanity.

'My way or the highway' ALWAYS goes too far!

Boil away the bullshit and what's left is blood for oil, plain and simple.

But you don't see that if you don't have a world view and what should your worldview be?

You can be convinced it is a huge mistake not to kill one another on sight...or you can join the my team is better than your team in some imaginary contest of champions where life's monsters beat the hell out of each other for bragging rights or you can take that rarest of worldviews, one which strives for equilibrium by treating all of its members as equals.

But people aren't equal, are they? You're no prize but you loads better than the scum who worship strange gods or have different color skin than you do, you know this because your god told you so!

Somehow a world striving for equality is anathema for most humans who believe they are members of the 'master race' and are the 'chosen' of the Divine.

How f'n twisted is that?

Ask Pompeo.

Worldview, if you don't have one get one because otherwise you are FLYING BLIND!

One last opinion to share. Are you ready for President Pence?

Pussygrabber has crossed the line that prohibits the assassination of State Officials (or do the feckless believe those rules only apply to the G-7 nations?

Gonna be a reckoning and I'll add Secretary Pompeo to Pussygrabber on the list of those likely to be found drowning in a pool of their own blood.



Saturday, January 4, 2020


Greetings good citizen, they typical individual deals with what appears to be in front of them never questioning what's behind the 'distraction'.

All of a sudden our assassinated Iranian general is reported as being targeted and executed in Baghdad...on Pussygrabber's orders.

What the fuck is wrong with Republicans that they think the solution to every problem lies in military action?

Riddle me this Trumpsters...what's the difference between ordering a drone attack and lobbing a nuke?


It takes more 'skill' to drop a target from a hundred yards but that doesn't make them any less dead than if you inject them from behind with a lethal toxin.

Murder is, after all, murder.

We are not 'at war' with Iran although they have every reason to despise the nation controlled BY the rapacious capitalists who have invaded and overthrown their government more than once in recent history.

Yet, despite these criminal actions the feckless give the capitalists a pass because the victims in this story aren't CHRISTIANS!

What's that got to do with it?

You tell me. I'll go first, God is a fraud.

What kind of a circus freak justifies killing another human being because of their religion?

Oh, now you're in denial! Nobody said you did it but the guy you voted for did.

WTF? Never your fault and there is nothing you will do to stop it, right?

These people are criminals and YOU let them get away with it!

When they set off a nuclear exchange as cover for their multiple crimes that murders billions will you just shrug and ask 'which one got the food?' (switching teams as needed?)

Did 'god' win? Did you?

If you don't look beyond the surface the results are the reward for your stupidity...which is caused by CHOOSING TO BELIEVE DUMB THINGS!

If you nod your head does it make a rattling sound because the pea sized excuse for a brain in there dried out and died due to lack of use?

The future is coming hard, afterwards will be too late...not that you have much chance of living through it, being 'sofa king' and all...(DUMB.)

This is the same thing as cops using their side arms to avoid chasing suspects then defending that choice by asking, if he wasn't guilty, why did he run...never arriving at the conclusion that YOU were pointing a f'n gun at them!

Murder is murder and when we let ANYONE get away with murder NONE OF US ARE SAFE!

One more time, slow and in English...


Got it?

I'll believe that when I see it.


Friday, January 3, 2020

Game changer...

Greetings good citizen, on the third day of the New Year we learn that an Iranian General was killed in a drone strike.

Left to our imaginations is where was this general physically when he happened into the path of a predator because if he was in Iran, the self-knighted 'World Police' just performed yet another 'extra-judicial murder' that NOBODY should be okay with.

But I DIGRESS. The true issue here is kicking the nuclear hornets nets until 'an incident' occurs that the f'n feckless will label 'unfortunate' when hundreds of thousands die because stupid refused to take a deep breath and count to ten.

Like this wasn't 'bad enough' now the headlines are warning us the the arms race is set to commence again due to the development of 'hyper-sonic' missiles capable of delivering nuclear payloads in seconds as opposed to minutes.

But it seems our 'betters' have given up on the idea of (The Public) 'surviving' a nuclear attack with the abandonment of civil defense programs worldwide.

Again, NOBODY held their alleged leaders accountable after the worst President ever brokered the collapse of the only viable nation that competed with the US nuclear stockpile.

Again, this wasn't done 'for us' but 'to us'.

Where's your 'Peace' now, Mr. Reagan? In a double irony Preznint Pussygrabber, who is an admirer of the leader of the former Soviet Union has done squat to rein in the nuclear ambitions that lead to this latest escalation of hostilities as the thieves preferred mode of operation comes under increasing attack as attempts to regulate growth are shrugged off and stupid capitalists pauperize the customer base to enrich themselves.


Like most things you read here, this is MY OPINION and it sure looks like the only people prepared to survive a nuclear holocaust are DELIBERATELY trying to fabricate another 'false flag' operation that will throw civilization in the trash bin so the Luddites can jump out of the closet and usher in another thousand years of ignorance, declaring it is God's will'.

If you don't agree they will brand YOU a heretic then murder you, 'justice done'.

Now that the 'fifteen minute window' provided by conventional ICBM's is 'disappearing', left unexplained is how glitchy/accurate the new whiz-bangs are. If they detonate on launch they are a threat to the launcher and if the guidance systems are unreliable...well, nuclear war is more 'horseshoes' where close is good enough...for THEIR purposes.

All they have to do is get to where they KNOW the nukes won't hit and they are home free.

Remember, in bizarre 'wartime reasoning', it is forbidden to wipe out the leadership of your foe because there won't be anybody to command the war machine to stand down...[talk about DUMB! Once A-hole is dead things pretty much correct themselves...but A-hole started this war to grab what they could and have no intention of dying...and they all 'agreed' to brand the logical course of action as 'barbaric' so the truly guilty can escape the consequences of their feckless actions.

Stupid is as stupid does.

How unfortunate for most of us that the 'stupid hat' fits better than it should?

I'll close today's missive/parable with this frightening thought I woke with this morning.

It occurred to me that since morality is currently anchored to the individual's 'goodness' [which is increasingly becoming an 'evolutionary handicap'.] As the term 'good' shifts ever further into oxymoron-dom that I should pen a guide to anchor morality where it originally came from, reason/logic.

Naturally, the question arose as to whether there is time to 'belabor the obvious'? [Not obvious to everybody but those people won't get it anyway. Their 'evolutionary race' has already been run and they lost.]

The only way to stop the destruction of civilization is to UNITE [Notice how the media is focused, almost maniacally, on convincing us we are divided...over the dumbest and picayune things!]

If we CAN'T unite then civilization is DOOMED.

You can only do so much and then you run out of TIME.

Fucktardo will patiently explain that this is how 'God Intended' it to be; turning a blind eye to the 'contemplative life' the spokesmen for Spirit in the Sky enjoy, facilitated by the division of labor about believing dumb things!

The original do as I say and not as I do M.F's...although rumor has that it they prefer each other so your mother is 'sort of' safe [because 'opportunists' are everywhere and it's not just men.]

Um, no need to explain to the cognizant that we have to revolt in order to unite. [If we don't reject the existing order it won't collapse.]

If we don't educate the public to the bullshit they are being fed, society, which draws its name from the base word 'social' which infers that to exist our species prospers best when it 'cooperates'...and this is why people are screwed up. Society is a cooperative venture, heavily reliant on 'teamwork' and we have the people who control the media relentlessly pounding on your 'INDIVIDUALITY'.

DIVIDED WE FAIL. (Divided there is no 'we'.)

