Sunday, January 5, 2020

World view

Greetings good citizen, today's topic is a weird one because some people don't think in terms of the larger world outside the world of I that most of us dwell in.

You have your hands full with your family, your children and navigating the stagnant quagmire known as the workplace as you make your way toward 'retirement' and those 'good times' you promised yourself when you first got a spare dollar to stash for that proverbial 'rainy day'.

In retrospect you should have taken that money and gone on a bender right then and there but now it's too late. The foundation for your dreams isn't enough to get you and your partner tispy nevermind make it to last call.

But that is most people's 'worldview'. You were raised to believe that you should keep out of other people's business. They would take care of themselves and that your biggest worry was taking care of YOU.

How many of you have finally realized we sink or swim TOGETHER?

This 'you do you' bullshit is intended specifically to prevent you from making 'common cause' with your fellow VICTIMS.

Works too, a little too well.

How do you suppose this new policy of 'comply or die' is going to play out IN YOUR BACKYARD?

If they are willing to murder the leaders of another nation in the name of PUBLIC SAFETY, what do you think they are going to do to you if you refuse to obey them?

That asshat Pompeo is telling us that any action taken by the US military will be 'legal' but no amount of validation makes murder legal/acceptable.

Under ASP he would be exiled for crimes against humanity.

'My way or the highway' ALWAYS goes too far!

Boil away the bullshit and what's left is blood for oil, plain and simple.

But you don't see that if you don't have a world view and what should your worldview be?

You can be convinced it is a huge mistake not to kill one another on sight...or you can join the my team is better than your team in some imaginary contest of champions where life's monsters beat the hell out of each other for bragging rights or you can take that rarest of worldviews, one which strives for equilibrium by treating all of its members as equals.

But people aren't equal, are they? You're no prize but you loads better than the scum who worship strange gods or have different color skin than you do, you know this because your god told you so!

Somehow a world striving for equality is anathema for most humans who believe they are members of the 'master race' and are the 'chosen' of the Divine.

How f'n twisted is that?

Ask Pompeo.

Worldview, if you don't have one get one because otherwise you are FLYING BLIND!

One last opinion to share. Are you ready for President Pence?

Pussygrabber has crossed the line that prohibits the assassination of State Officials (or do the feckless believe those rules only apply to the G-7 nations?

Gonna be a reckoning and I'll add Secretary Pompeo to Pussygrabber on the list of those likely to be found drowning in a pool of their own blood.




  1. In retrospect you should have taken that money and gone on a bender right then and there but now it's too late. The foundation for your dreams isn't enough to get you and your partner tispy nevermind make it to last call.

  2. Stop the madness BEFORE it's too late!

  3. Somehow a world striving for equality is anathema for most humans who believe they are members of the 'master race' and are the 'chosen' of the Divine.

    How f'n twisted is that?

    Ask Pompeo.

  4. How many of you have finally realized we sink or swim TOGETHER?

    Why is this news to you?


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...