Friday, June 30, 2017

One to get ready...

Greetings good citizen, the annual celebration of our independence from England is almost upon us and all that entails. Zero irony is lost on the question did we make the right choice? considering how few actually benefitted from 'regime change'?

Good intentions aside we have literally followed the path of revolutions across the planet resulting in The Who's observation in the refrain of their song 'we won't get fooled again'..."Meet the new boss, same as the old boss!"

Seems everybody's scholastic experience regarding the 'rationale' behind the American Revolution differs and it's difficult to say if this is due to teachers putting their own spin on history or kids not comprehending [fully] what they are being taught.

Back in the day our teachers were pretty straight-forward about the (required) American Revolution...despite allusions to the contrary, the US revolt was more about 'commerce' than overthrowing monarchy [which most people at the time thought they had 'tamed' considerably.]

While the post 'Morning in America' crowd likes to focus on the gaining the right to vote, few were granted this 'privilege' immediately after the original revolt succeeded.

In the beginning only FREE, WHITE LAND-OWNERS could vote.

It wasn't until the 'natives' started getting restless [because the 'free, white land-owners quickly demonstrated they were no different and in some cases worse than the monarch they had overthrown!] that voting rights were 'liberalized'...and that's where the original 'rift' between conservatives [who actually believe the non land owning 'riff-raff' shouldn't be allowed to vote!]

Another 'glossed over' fact regarding revolutionary times was the fact that a majority of the men who fought in the Revolution were 'indentured' meaning someone had paid their way to the New World and many of them had years of servitude to 'work off' BEFORE they could begin their lives as 'free(d) men'.

They were easier to recruit because they were told once they were free of British Rule, British law could no longer bind them...again, turns out that was a lie!

As it turns out many of the 'promises' made by the founders were in fact lies...

Which brings us to today and rule by the progeny of liars.

One cannot emphasize enough just how clueless and out of touch the 5% are [The uber-rich .01% AND THEIR HIRED GUNS]

Here we are, 6 days from the global general strike that no one thinks is going to happen and I ask you if you are 'prepared' but it's a rhetorical question because nobody is EVER ready for 'CHANGE'!

Once begun there is no turning back but like I asked in one of yesterday's bumps isn't it better to die on your feet [fighting for what you believe in] than to live on your knees knowing your efforts only serve to dig your grave deeper?

Those are your choices. I'm not pulling a 'fast one' here like the royal wannabes did with the indentured, once the corrupt capitalist regime falls YOU [and everyone else] will be DEBT FREE!

[It's yet another 'false premise' that civilization runs on debt, a meme created by those who profit off of, you guessed it, DEBT!

Life is [and always has] operated on NEED. We do what we MUST to survive and making the ungrateful unbearably wealthy isn't what any of us signed up for!

So it's one to get have 6 days, use them wisely!


Thursday, June 29, 2017

Walking on eggshells

Greetings good citizen, for all of the ridicule being heaped on the, er, 'captive media' today's front page of the NY Times had all the hallmarks of an organization walking on eggshells...

Can't be too pointed, the media is under attack on all fronts [mostly for its 'complicity' in creating and maintaining the current 'climate of fear'] the Goebbels among us are using to manipulate 'public opinion'.

Which is to opine that WWII didn't 'end', it simply went 'underground'. Everything we fought against in the SECOND 'war to end all wars' has come to pass.

[So long as MEN conspire to subjugate their (self-proclaimed) 'lessers' there will ALWAYS be WAR.]

So it is our (again self-proclaimed) 'betters' lost on the battlefield but easily conquered the corridors of power because they were full of 'like-minded' animals. [Remember yesterday's self-proclaimed Apex predators...any creature capable of considering its fellows 'inferior' is a danger to both itself and its fellows.]

Today's climate of fear was born of those who constantly fear discovery. If the rest of us ever wake up to the fact those running things consider us sheep to be led to slaughter whenever the situation warrants it [in their feeble estimation] their worthless lives would instantly be forfeit.

The tip off comes when suddenly EVERYTHING that couldn't bear scrutiny/debate became a matter of National Security, which translates directly into THEIR security.

Only rogues and scoundrels require the cloak of 'secrecy' to operate.

That's why we would do away with the 'closed doors' of elected politics where the guilty make decisions at arms length and protect themselves from discovery via 'proxies'.

One thing the average citizen should never doubt is just who is a 'citizen'.

Are YOU a citizen and if you think so then what makes you one? Most of you will give the WRONG answer, being HUMAN makes you a 'citizen', doesn't matter WHERE on the planet you were born.

Beginning to get the idea things have gone horribly wrong for an awfully long time?

Sure, once upon a time there were bad operators which drove wedges between tribes and resulted in the forming of 'nations' but past mistakes don't alter present conditions.

YOU are a 'human', a card carrying, unmistakable member of 'team humanity'.

WHat you should find disturbing is certain factions don't agree with this conclusion. They operate on the assumption that YOU are something less for any number of nebulous reasons.

Zero irony should be lost on the fact that those wearing 'tin badges' are foremost in their 'Us vs Them' mindset.

THis mindset has spread throughout civilization causing rifts across the social spectrum. Worse, it has had a very long time to fester.

Which brings me to the point. We may have survived this long 'in spite of ourselves' but that isn't going to last much longer.

A species incapable of accepting 'reality' is doomed from the start.

Don't ask why I'm staring at YOU. You know why.

The (self-proclaimed) 'Predators' among us have made common cause, if you remain outside the loop YOU [and YOUR CHILDREN] are going to become DOG FOOD! (if that...)

THis is what those currently 'mismanaging' society have cultivated and make no mistake they are doing it purposefully...[because to them we are ALL a threat! (to their superiority)]

THis is what happens when you're right and everyone else doesn't count! [Did I mention the race to be the richest is actually a mental illness?]

Today's front page is a striking reminder that YOU do this every moment of every day, often without thinking about it!

[The other reason I'm staring at YOU!]

You are already fighting this war whether you realize it or not!

If you are to stand even the slimmest possibility of SURVIVING, you need to wake the F up!

I've done what I could, the rest is up to you.

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Let's play 'what they don't know...'

Greetings good citizen, one particular media outlet is famous for its 'reality programing' and that's the Fox news/newscorp owned Discovery channel.

Most of you realize the shows are exactly that,'re only seeing half of what goes on in these 'reality stars' lives. But there are those who have trouble sorting entertainment from fact.

The underlying 'drumbeat' to the majority of these shows is the 'glorification of the rugged individual'. They don't need no store bought frou-frou! We go out in the woods and get what we need from Mother Nature!

Except when they actually do get sick or hurt themselves while attempting to 'pinch pennies' so the dollars will take care of themselves.

You all know the 'actors' are contractually obliged not to use their pay to ease their personal circumstances BUT when the show goes on hiatus, all bets are off.

During filming they live primitively [like the morons on Naked & Afraid] but if something occurs 'on the set' the show is obligated to rend medical assistance if only to keep the star whole so they don't have to start all over again with a new host, totally blowing the illusion they are carefully crafting.

What illusion is that? The illusion that living off the land is both easy and 'romantic'.

Shows like this make exile appear to be a 'walk in the park'. Anyone could do it!

First thing to share about Exile is you won't be headed to some lush, verdant forest just teaming with wildlife. You will be sent to a wasteland where the biggest 'animal' you'll encounter will have wings...and makes a buzzing noise when it flies. [you may see the occasional bird but even birds don't frequent where you'll be going.

Secondly, finding 'fuel' to make a fire with will be challenging to put it mildly. If you do manage to gather a stash you won't use it until you need it. Think I've made it clear you don't have to worry about 'cooking' anything. If you make a fire it will be to keep you warm because the 'high desert' gets mighty cold at night. (You'll be relieved of ALL man-made items prior to your release into this wilderness, that includes clothes.)

So, think you're ready to 'rough it' and live like a 'real man'?

Bad news baby, YOU ALREADY ARE! [Worse, you ain't ALONE!]

Conservatives PRIDE themselves on their 'rugged individualism' even if they get theirs 'out of a can' like that served up in handy weekly installments by the likes of NewsCorp. They mock the 'weak' [more commonly known as 'the working poor'] who can't make it in a world they see (on TV) as awash in abundance!

Never enters their squeanie little minds that if your job doesn't pay you enough to live on it's not your employer's problem, it's YOURS!

Same said cold hearted 'Christians' are also the ones telling anyone who will listen that food aid should be tied to drug testing! What should we do to the people that refuse to pay enough for a family to live on? Cut their taxes so they can pay their workers MORE?

You KNOW that isn't going to happen! [at least the pay their workers more part, conservo-whackos never met a tax cut they didn't like!]

THese are also [not coincidentally] the same simpletons that remain ignorant that their is a glut of surplus labor on the market [why do you think they finally semi-legalized marijuana?]

[Apologize for the doubled capitals, since the stroke I'm holding the shift key too long...]

IF the folks that vote 'conservative' while claiming to be 'independent' were to find themselves in the shoes of those they regularly spit on, they'd die.

Simple as that, They would be unable [too proud] to bring themselves to ask for help and would suffer the consequences of their own STUPIDITY rather than accept a 'permanent hand-out' because opportunity DOESN'T EXIST! The 'hand up' is also a myth! The 'hand-out' is as good as it's ever going to get!

Gonna take some MAJOR CHANGES to turn this funeral barge around...and until those changes are made we will continue to float down the Styx to our eventual Doom...[to which most of you pray happens sooner rather than later.]

Not much we can do about those who have ALREADY GIVEN UP but if you retain even the tiniest shred of hope, we need you on OUR TEAM!

The conservative brand doesn't have a team...especially when their motto is 'Devil take the hindmost!'

You get in trouble baby, YOu're on your own! [damnit!]

Just one last one...F'em all and the dumb ones twice!

That's 'rugged individualism' for ya! They don't NEED you [although they would panic if we didn't do all the 'heavy lifting' for them!]

If you were forced to live the way the 'reality stars' pretend to live you would be missing the modern conveniences of life before the first sunset yet you sit in front of the tube comparing actors to the 'low-lifes' the same media outlet regularly ridicules and thinking to yourself, 'if those boneheads only had half the ambition these rugged individuals have, we'd all be on 'Easy Street'!

Never once realising you're actually watching well compensated ACTORS!

First clue...nobody is chasing them off their 'squats'. THIS is NOT REALITY. If You don't pay your taxes the sheriff chases you off the land and puts it up for sale!

So we have to assume somebody else is paying the taxes and are tolerant enough so their 'Hippy' relatives can get 'back to nature' on property they weren't using anyway.

What's MY POINT?

It's all a self-serving ILLUSION! A chimera created WITH CAMERAS to lend credence to conservative mythology.

Ever wonder WHY we're divided? Because STUPID has zero clue what they're watching! To them it's REAL so they believe the LIES the media tells about the disadvantaged being 'too lazy' to help themselves!

Think for just a long would forest's last if we had to suddenly go back to relying on wood for cooking and heating? [Only the rich could afford coal]

Secondly, if we ALL had to venture into the woods and kill our next meal how long would it take for the countryside to be 'hunted out' [of everything, including pets and horses]

That's reality baby! Thank your lucky stars for Piggley-Wiggly and supermarkets across the land...where if you don't work the land then at least YOU don't STARVE!

Let's conclude this session with a bit of folk wisdom my friend Chuck shared with me...Civilization is only 9 meals deep, on the third day there will be Chaos!

STRIKE, 7/5! [Truckers take notice!]

It's either that or put on your waders and pray for a big wave so you drown quick...

Until next time,


Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Our world vs Theirs

Greetings good citizen, one of the most vexing factors facing the public today is the 'irrelevance' of the 'news cycle'.

What do you suppose is driving the 'refugee crisis'?

Bueller? Anyone? Bueller?

Constant reader knows ONE of the TWO principal drivers is 'over-population', how many of you were clever enough to figure out the second, which is capitalism itself?

The title points to two worlds and the first order of business is to provide the reader with 'understanding'. We aren't talking about 'clearly defined' anything here, we never are. The world is a 'fuzzy' place and 'in-betweens' are everywhere on every spectrum [and most of the 'confused' should be considered armed, dangerous and avoided at all costs!]

If we just look at the 'poles' (where our 'true' subjects congregate.) 'They' in today's example are the 5% (the freakishly selfish and their bought & paid for 'enablers'.)

At the opposite 'pole' are you, the 'seekers' that realize all isn't as it seems so you are constantly on the lookout for 'signs' that things are headed 'horribly wrong'.

Even YOU aren't sure you'll recognize a 'trigger event' in time but you're keeping your eyes open so you won't be blindsided.

In the middle of these poles are the wretched who have resigned themselves to whatever 'fate' pours down on them. Their ONLY defense is 'luck' and fate will provide it in that oddly fickle way fate does things.

But I digress, we were talking about the 'two worlds', one that the media reports on which few of us recognize [yes good citizen, even those on total 'autopilot' regularly ask themselves "what does THIS have to do with anything?" because the stories the media runs are 'made up' to divert attention from the real issues...thus the 'sudden preoccupation' with 'fake news'.] because the More for Me capitalists prohibit stories about the problem their beloved 'operating system is causing across the planet.

You'll see news of people 'running from social turmoil and political strife' pretty much everywhere around the world but what you won't find in the Corporate owned media LLC is the TRUTH. Automation has reduced the number of job opportunities so radically that people are traveling to the places the media tells them the streets are paved with gold...all you have to do to personally prosper is get there!

Wait, the media tells us these people are fleeing 'religious persecution' but NO good citizen. They are fleeing the economic wasteland created by the people who claimed what belongs to us all for themselves!

I don't usually announce my [frequent] charges 'off the reservation' but here we go. [For those of you who think I'm crazy as a bed bug and my 'ideas' are a waste of time, this is your 'fair warning'. Read beyond this point at your own peril!

Perhaps 20 years ago when I was first starting out as a writer [the journey is life-long] I encountered a 'writing challenge' that went, if you could eliminate one word from the human lexicon, what would it be? and why would you do away with it [justify/explain your choice.]

I don't think the brain behind that challenge expected my response because it started a firestorm!

I responded that the 'concept' I would remove from the human lexicon was OWN.

Because resources are 'common' and it is of the utmost importance that they be SHARED while ownership is a 'selfish' is the very foundation of hooray for me and F-U!

You can imagine the responses, the 'narrow minded' went WILD!

The world would be cuckoo if we failed to protect ownership...but think about the world now and what's causing all the 'cuckoo'? [hint: it's mine and YOU HAVE TO PAY ME or you can't have any!]

Understand good citizen, this is from the same PSYCHOPATH that threatened to take a dump in my bed because 'I didn't 'own it'...

First, we have a special place for people that shit their beds, we call them NURSING HOMES! Secondly, lack of respect (often the driving force behind ownership claims) is justifiably met with 'deadly force'.

In our current criminal world YOU are held responsible for acting to protect yourself from the criminally disrespectful [those who put their needs ahead of others, often for commercial reasons.]

Under A Simple Plan we would convert from an ownership based society to a 'registered user' based system that tracked who was supposed to have what, when.

Humanities number one 'fault' is opportunism and the self-important never met a system they didn't want/relish 'abusing' [early & often...for no more reason than 'because I could'.]

This, from the very same people that would defend THEIR ownership with YOUR life!

It all boils down to 'the golden rule' of 'do unto others' [How pathetic the 'playful' among us have added the 'and then split' onto what are otherwise 'words to live by'.

These are people that won't be around long. Those who don't respect the value of others will be sent to a place where nothing has value, if it wasn't dead when it got there, it soon will be.

Back to the Res, all of you!

You are indeed 'wise' to be keeping watch for signs of that which is sure to come. The 'More for Me' crowd is nearing their 'end game'.

Few appreciate just how sick these, er, 'animals' are. {They foolishly consider themselves 'apex predators'}

You are right to fear them because they do indeed have access to the tools to destroy what they claim to 'own' and to the psychos among us, that is precisely how THEY define 'ownership' them you can only 'own' that which you have the power to destroy!

Now think about who has their finger on the button that should never be pushed.

we'll drop it here as I've already pushed you beyond your limits for one day!

Thank You for letting me inside your head,


PS: here it's all about the learning, my goal is to 'enlighten' not 'dictate'.

Monday, June 26, 2017

Out of Touch

Greetings good citizen, as conservatives struggle for credibility [because every time they attempt (but never succeed) at turning their rhetoric into action it only proves how moronic they are!

Take the current episode of 'Mac & Myer for hire' playing out on the world stage. What do you suppose is going to be left after they finish lobbing all of those hand grenades at our soon to be former allies?

We have become the nation people the world over 'love to hate'; not that the idea of the UGLY AMERICAN is 'new'. How sad is it those who best deserve this label/embarrassment remain clueless as to why this is so? [A conundrum, shrouded in an enigma...]

How sad is it good citizen only the feeble minded blindly 'love' America when the rest of us are ashamed to admit/or admit but distance ourselves from the shit-show playing out on the world stage.

Once the planet's only remaining 'Super-Power' we have sank to become the planet's laughing stock!

[Not that those laughing at us have it much better, at least their nations don't have the 'delusions of grandeur' the typical American is fed constantly by their clueless media.]

Which is to point out/opine that the global victory of conservatism is a disaster for our's like being taken over by the Super Stupid.

[Or the super irresponsible, not that it's an improvement by any stretch of the imagination.]

We don't know how things 'should be' we just know what we DON'T LIKE! [and it's our way or no way!]

I mean there's STUPID [those who believe money is something more than a medium of exchange, not that they have ANY frigging clue what they are exchanging] and there's MORONIC, the severe lack of mental horsepower to process the FACT that money is 'a means to an end' and not a 'fixed entity'.

If they HATE taxes [and there isn't a conservo-whacko ALIVE that doesn't believe in their core that TAXES are at the root of every social ill, must be nice to be so simple, if only they weren't so stupid!]

Then isn't the 'ANSWER' to ELIMINATE TAXES? [like A Simple Plan does?]

Again we [the common people, 'peasants' by their way of thinking] aren't supposed to be bright enough to figure out that giving TAX CUTS to people that ALREADY HAVE MORE MONEY THAN THEY CAN SPEND does NOTHING to 'revive' a failing economy.

As the global economy continues its slow motion implosion the 'freakishly clueless' will continue to attempt to fix what isn't broken by pouring gasoline on the problem.

Again we're supposed to be too stupid to figure out that bandaging the economic wounds the clueless create is more profitable than actually fixing them.

Worse, prosperity isn't for peasants...they have zero interest in your enjoying an 'easier' existence.

Think they aren't aware of the problems they create? It's all 'good fun' for them. They (sadly) have nothing better to do than make the peasants miserable.

And that's a big part of the problem right there.

We REALLY need to weed the feckless from the yesterday!

For those who start a majority of their proclamations with the phrase 'I don't know' need to realize that if you 'don't know' STFU! because you have nothing constructive to add and your ignorance does more harm than good!

People who don't know are correct, they don't!

So they shouldn't be 'fishing' or worse, burdening those who do with their 'don't like' lists which often have nothing to do with nothing...just like their empty little heads!

It seems the larger our population gets, the more out of touch we become...and it's not because we don't talk, we (if anything) talk too much, the problem is we don't say anything! [worth paying attention to.]

The [near totally] IGNORANT shout their displeasure the loudest...reading is totally silent but the ignorant can't write (effectively) to save their lives.

So MORONS shout, usually at Town Halls and other public gatherings...doesn't stop them from taking dumps on social media but the ignorant are conspicuous by their obvious lack of intelligence.

The confused have nothing to say one way or the other so they, perhaps damnably, remain silent when they should be voicing their support for the rational among us who recognize how the system works and provide workable solutions.

The criminals among us have taken great pains to establish the system and use the ignorant to discourage 'tampering'.

[The STUPID will PARROT any LIE they are fed.]

Honestly good citizen, between ignorance and self-importance it is a marvel we aren't extinct already...

If you're NOT part of the solution, you're PART OF THE PROBLEM!

Do YOUR part, if you DON'T KNOW, SHUT UP, if you do, Spread the word and help put a stop to the spread of ignorant nonsense!

Thanks once again for letting ME inside YOUR head,


Sunday, June 25, 2017

On the turning away...

Greetings good citizen, as 'profits before people' capitalism rapes the world leaving a handful of winners and ARMIES of losers in its wake, people are seeking moral guidance hoping it will restore sanity

I suspect most of you already see the problem (capitalism is insane...and you have to be insane to pursue it.)

The 'more for me, my way or the highway' crowd needs to be pulled off their high horse and shown the door. {along with their 'ENABLERS' in the legal community.}

In as much as people have long turned to God when the nutjobs running things became too much to bear, the 'answer' is not in the divine and it's pat message that God will (eventually) avenge you.

God is NEVER coming to 'save' you. The message is if you want JUSTICE you have to mete it out YOURSELF.

The fact that people are flocking back to god proves we possess an onboard 'moral compass' that tells us what is 'right' and what is (decidedly) F-U pay me, just as an example.

Adam Smith was a socio-path and all of his 'admirers' remain blissfully ignorant of just what they are buying into. How sad is it many of them still don't.

Given how few college graduates can name the operating system that makes their lives a living hell we can only marvel that these same people realize the answer lies in God...pathetically, a god that ignores the cause of their plight and a god that only tells us to 'love one another' (without condemning those who love money and use unbridled cruelty to get it.)

If you are to be 'avenged', avenge YOURSELF!

Continuing to allow the self important FEW to claim WHAT BELONGS TO US ALL for THEMSELVES is BLASPHEMY!

It offends us all and that, good citizen, is the very definition of offending 'Spirit in the Sky' [That entity you keep praying will hop on down from on high and tell the feckless to 'knock it off'.]

The 'moral question facing us all is the one of 'Ruling in Hell vs. Serving in Heaven'.

Take a critical look at the 'beyond our reach' Public Servants and guess which choice THEY MADE?

YOU, 'the governed' get what you 'consent' to...and remember, because you do nothing you are by default 'consenting' to be 'ruled'.

Protest? To who? Press your case and take it to the you're 'breaking the law' and will be branded a 'malcontent' (soon to be 're-branded' as terrorist!)

Got a complaint, keep it to yourself. THEY ALREADY KNOW what's bugging you, problem is they don't CARE.

UNTIL you SHUT THE CRACKER FACTORY DOWN, the madness will continue!

As difficult as it is to accept, the FUTURE really is UP TO YOU!

I have laid out the 'alternative' to the madness that puts YOU at the end of the food chain and the abominable idea that your 'personal greed' benefits anyone besides yourself! It doesn't. Adam Smith was proven wrong in HIS lifetime, why do morons continue to tout his faulty precepts...madly enough, without having the mental horsepower to realize they are doing it!?

[How's that for a self-answering, rhetorical question?]

We need to SHARE this world and the quicker we end the 'reign' of the self-interested, the better off we'll all be.

Stay tuned, 7/5 should be Mighty Interesting

Will you 'pray to God' or will you actually stand up for what's (morally) right?

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Saturday, June 24, 2017

Kabuki Theater

Greetings good citizen, let the play begin! Now that a totally unsavory healthcare proposal has been drafted by our CLUELESS elected officials, the 'distancing' begins as NOT ME 'publicly' insists they can't vote for the replacement health care bill while knowing full well nobody is going to remember how they voted six years from now when they stand for re-election.

Obamacare [actually Romneycare but a-hole conservo whackos like to pin EVERYTHING on Liberals!] is a masterpiece of Capitalist F-U Pay me. WHich is to say the abandoned plan WASN'T single payer nor was it 'free' like it would be under A Simple Plan. Once the 'profit motive' was removed from medicine. [Under the specialization scheme, why money exists in the first place, society pays medical professionals to do what they do so there is ZERO NEED for YOU to pay them too! There are no 'share/stake owners, no dividends for 'investors'. We'd just have the best healthcare available because that's the standard.

Paying all outdoors for substandard care [which is part of the reason why healthcare is so expensive, corners are cut to boost 'profits' not improve care.] If the scheme is capitalist, we're doing it wrong so Sparky reaps the most from his 'investment' the meantime Sparky declares to everyone that will listen that he's a candidate for Sainthood because of all of the MONEY he 'contributes' to 'healthcare'.

How long do you think it would take for Sparky to bleed out if we pumped him full of warfarin and cut all of HIS Corners off?

Again we must question the wisdom of those running this 'shit show' of a civilization. In ancient times people 'supported' the Royals by paying 'Tribute' (all 'free-men' were obliged...under penalty of death or forced servitude, to give the royals part of their 'produce'...and naturally, since the freeman resented the power of the crown, they would meet their 'obligation' with the poorest part of their harvest.

Thus were 'taxes' invented. By forcing the free men to pay their tribute in cash, the crown was able to 'shop' like the wealthy merchant class and not end up with a treasury full of garbage.

LISTEN UP STUPID: MOTHER NATURE DOES NOT HAVE A CASH REGISTER! Royals used to claim their 'job' was DEFENSE...but that was a dubious distinction because those soldiers didn't work the fields or care for the animals that put food on their table so they were resented.

Because there is little difference between marauders and soldiers, they both 'stole' your produce and killed anyone that complained about it.

Thus did we land where we are to this very day. Now the 'factory farm' [heavily subsidized I might point out] produces barely edible food using every shortcut imaginable [tasty and nutritious are two separate things...just as another term that shouldn't exist, edible garbage points to the yawning gulf between tasty, healthy and PROFITABLE!

Beginning to see a 'theme' emerging here? Haven't we returned to the question of whether or not you'd dare drive a car that had just been serviced by a college graduate?

Well, they are cutting health care to 'return' tax money to people THAT ALREADY HAVE MORE MONEY THAN THEY CAN SPEND!

It doesn't matter if we ask ourselves WHAT'S WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE, IT'S NOT THEM, IT'S THEIR BACKERS!

Do I need to remind you who PRECISELY is responsible for Citizen's United?

The One Dollar = One vote [that IS Citizen's United] was brought to us by the VERY SAME PEOPLE that brought us MORNING IN AMERICA!

Money has taken an insane turn and the idiots running the country don't have the MENTAL HORSEPOWER to put an end to it!

To understand the 'depth' of the problem you need to comprehend the reason behind why 'counterfeiting' is dangerous. Left to their own devices, the greedy would print money without end, eventually making it ALL 'worthless'.

What most of you zombies fail to comprehend is once money is rendered 'worthless', the things we do for money STOP GETTING DONE!

It's a STRIKE but in the worst possible way!

With an overloaded [with cash] economy you can no longer secure what you need AT ANY PRICE because money itself has no worth!

People don't DARE sell what they have because the cost to replace it keeps escalating!

Did I mention we're doing this wrong?

If you read yesterday's post you also know A Simple Plan contains the fix for this situation.

I have digressed wildly [as usual] from today's title where our bought & paid for, er, 'elected officials' cry Crocodile Tears over their feigned reluctance to endorse terrible public policy on the very people that elected them but the people that got them elected paid for the shiity deal everybody else got.

Seriously good citizen, politicians should kill themselves [rather than wait for us to do it for them!]

Perhaps it's because they don't believe they will EVER be confronted by an angry mob bent on HANGING THEM from the nearest light post!

Not putting ideas in anyone's head, just repeating what has happened countless times throughout history when public figures made 'poor choices'.

Payback's a bitch, eh?

Okay, time to head out so you need to get back to the Res or you'll miss headcount!

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Friday, June 23, 2017

Front & Center

Greetings good citizen, I have been pointing to the situation in the political sphere for a long time and what do the fools do, they prove what I've been saying all along (compounding the urgent need to take action.)

What action you might ask? If we keep in mind fighting is never the answer then what's left? Protest? or should we scold them so roundly that the cease out of 'shame'...when we already know they, the feckless few, are absolutely shameless.

The biggest obstacle facing civilization and society worldwide is once the feckless have seized the 'high ground' [the legislature, courts and the banks] there is little you can do to them LEGALLY.

Which is why most 'solutions' lie outside the avenues of 'legal remedy'.

Today we were given our first glimpse of the Senate version of the, er, 'plan' to cut billions in taxes (on the ALREADY WEALTHY) and deny healthcare to hundreds of millions.

All because THE MORONS that claim to represent us don't know what money is or how to use it!

In a brighter future, your 'salary' will be your salary and it will be JUST FOR YOU! It WON'T be taxed and all SERVICES will be FREE [because the self-interested will no longer be allowed to hold commodities HOSTAGE in their infantile quest to be the RICHEST!

[IF a life where you can't compete with others to be the most selfish doesn't appeal to you the rest of society will GLADLY 'show YOU the DOOR!'

YOU do not DESERVE The benefits of civil society so you will be transported (free of charge) to a place where you can hoard and lord over everything you find to your hearts content! First a word of caution to the 'conqueror's among us, there will be other 'like-minded' individuals who will unfortunately redefine the term eat or be eaten! [So good luck lording over the likes of them!]

Under A Simple Plan there are no taxes, fines or prisons. Your money is for YOU and it's 'non-transferable'. you CAN'T give it to anyone else even if you WANT to.

There will be no 'charity' nor 'aid' because society itself will care for you from the cradle to the grave.

We could do it TODAY but the 'feckless few' are too busy clubbing their competition to death over table scraps to care about the 'fruitlessness' of their life goal.

Worse, they no longer care how many they impoverish, it's all about sucking up the money from where it pools...and if those pools exist in the 'underground economy' then let there be crime!

Yes good citizen, the cesspool your children are trying to wade into so they can start their lives EXISTS as another avenue for the feckless few to suck as much MONEY as they can out of the hapless they so recklessly exploit.

Ever wonder WHERE all the 'smack' [heroin] is coming from and how good is 'homeland security' if they can't stop it? What's the point in looking in YOUR underwear [perverts!] when the streets are swimming in toxic drugs?

Where is LAW ENFORCEMENT while this is happening? Crying they don't have the 'manpower'? Yet they have the manpower to bust your stones over an expired registration!


Or do we have this 'Protect & Serve' thing all wrong? [That's right, it is like the 'all men are created equal' BS, it doesn't apply to us, it only applies to the MASTERS!

Which is why there won't BE 'legislators' in our 'new society'. YOU will make the laws we must live under but remember, to be a law it must first pass muster with the H.A.E. and be voted by a 'supermajority' (90%) margin to become law...and that's 90% of EVERYBODY, no more of this couple of hundred deciding for the hundreds of millions!

Which is to say new laws will be RARE. Same rule applies to jettisoning old laws and the H.A.E CAN'T BE REPEALED! [even voting to repeal it is illegal...because I said so!]

If they EVER announce the H.A.E [Human Anti-Exploitation Law] is no more, it's time to revolt...because the very next words you'll hear is the 'resumption of OWNERSHIP as the 'law of the land' and the forfeiture of all of your rights as citizens of Division society.

Worse, all these things will be done out of 'fairness'.

It isn't 'fair' to stop the game now, Johnny was so close to winning!

What our feckless 'betters' fail to realize is ALL MONEY IS FUNNY...and more importantly, MONEY ONLY HAS VALUE TO THE INDIVIDUAL!

Doesn't matter if you have 'all the money in the world' if the only place you can spend it is 'the public store'. Having all the money in the world is also useless if you can't give it to anyone else, you can't hire servants much less buy slaves...or hire mercs to go and enslave some people for you...everyday occurrences now, which should really make you QUESTION THE WISDOM of allowing those currently in charge to hold on to their positions of authority!

The thing to understand is the cesspool we are forced to live in will keep on getting deeper and danker so long as you 'accept' its 'inevitability'.

We will NEVER get to vote on it nor will they suddenly 'come to their senses' and stop abusing the powers they have grabbed for themselves.

The 'plan' is quite simple, we go on strike 7/5 [henceforth the 'new' Independence Day] and we don't return to work until the criminals have been removed and replaced by responsible surrogates operating under the 'new rules'.

Will some of them have to be 'forcibly removed'? Absolutely, but more so because they are psychopaths than anything else.

Other 'touchstone' nobody mentions...'revolution' is scary. People don't like opening the door to the 'unknown' because of the danger that the 'new boss' will be worse than the 'devil they know'.

Worse, history is full of revolts and most of them don't work out very well, even the US revolution ended with the same 'royal wannabes' in charge.

Thus the necessary changes to monetary policy and the 'justice system' along with the revamping of the political process.

Um, read a disturbing 'review' of Michael Moore's 'Capitalism, a Love Story' where a Libby tears the round man a new one for not providing an 'alternative'...and rightly so! None of the so-called 'progressives' propose a single alteration to the current way of doing things...which is why ALL past revolutions have failed to produce improvements in the overall 'human condition'.

Rulers enjoy a 'good life' and most 'revolutionaries' simply want to replace them, they encourage revolt without proposing fixes to the corrupt system because they hope to exploit those very same 'weaknesses'...and they will crush opposition even more brutally than their predecessors did!

Mostly because the only people capable of funding revolution are the relatives of the oppressors!

No guns, no bombs, just bring this clambake to a screeching halt, that's ALL we have to do. That and overcome a certain amount of 'resistance' because you know they won't walk into exile by themselves [despite their proclamations they'd rather rule in hell than serve in heaven!]

So we'd declare the H.A.E. and eliminate 'wage slavery' [your wages are part of the owner's 'income stream', why they're rich and you're not!]

Then we make money 'non-transferable'. Your division pays you and you can buy whatever you want from the store that has EVERYTHING, (controlled access will replace outright bans) So you still won't be able to bop down to the store to buy a gram of plutonium just to see how long your gerbil glows in the dark but you can no longer be mugged either.

The COMPLETE elimination of cash makes it impossible to transfer funds between individuals so while it will still be possible to 'gamble' the act of placing another in your 'debt' is an exile how bad do you want to collect?

All corruption is also 'cash & carry' another reason cash needs to go bye-bye.

Can the accounts be 'hacked'? Sure, you can even muscle somebody in payroll to do it but if you get caught it's summary how bad do you want it?

Better, all accounts will be erased and reloaded on a nightly basis with the balance being based on your salary/transaction history so you'd best conspire to spend it quick or the money you force the hapless clerk to steal for you will vanish before you can spend it! [and the transaction record itself will raise a red flag, making YOU a target of the Uh-Oh squad!]

Oh, and you'd best buy something small because 'incongruous purchases' will trigger an investigation into 'where did that yacht come from?'

Can't BUY someplace to bug-out to either...all housing/land is held [and maintained] by the 'investing' in land is out. Deeds no longer exist except as 'curiosities'.

Gems? Good luck finding any!

Gold? Good luck selling it! [you can't find a buyer! You can 'trade it' and again we wish you luck while admonishing you to trade wisely! That hologram of the goods maybe all that exists!]

Then there is the other side of the 'your money is for you' concept...EVERYBODY works because the ONLY way to get money is to work for it...but you no longer work for Joe Greedhead, you work for the foundation of ALL Commerce, society itself! Morons like Ayn Rand were too STUPID to recognize the mother of Invention and the ultimate 'taskmaster' goes by another name, Mother Nature!

We do what we do not because of 'clever capitalists' but because SURVIVAL DICTATES THAT WE DO IT OR PERISH! [This is why going on STRIKE works!]

Boneheaded Randites believe A.) money is REAL and B.) that the, er, not a good catch-all phrase for it so we'll use 'industrious' create jobs for the (and they are only semi-right on this one) STUPID.

We all 'do what we do' because it needs doing...not everything, many things are in fact 'busywork', jobs that only serve to spy on the activities of others because the threat of revolt is CONSTANT.

Due to past history there WON'T BE another revolt until the public KNOWS what they are revolting FOR. They ALREADY KNOW what they are REVOLTING AGAINST! [A feckless 5% that is squeezing their children out of the genepool!]

A free home, a guaranteed job and a political/commercial environment free from corruption are just for starters, free healthcare [because it's their job to provide it there is no need for YOU to pay them too! {what a concept!} Same thing goes for utilities! They don't NEED your money, the owner was just ripping you off!

Sounds like a Bigger, Better Deal than you've got now. No cops 'per se', the Uh-oh squad will still be there and they are 'super cops' charged with defending civilization, not just the feckless few (and busting you, just for shits and giggles.) Most existing cops are sadists but these folk have bigger things to worry about.

I digress madly and it has been a while composing today's piece but today's 'legislative action' highlights the need for more than just disgust from the public.

The Bigger, Better Deal is on the table, all you have to do is pick it up and stiff arm the creeps that keep you begging [mostly for mercy] which you already know they don't have.

Thanks for letting me inside your head,

Sorry for taxing your time/attention span like this but there isn't a better way.


Thursday, June 22, 2017

Chicken *hit II

Greetings good citizen, don't often repeat themes so quickly but it appears 'denial' is being reinforced with yet another stolen election.

Or perhaps not...chances are more people than my humble self realize they have NOTHING IN COMMON with the clowns posing as representatives of the 'opposition party'.

People who send out e-mails declaring 'our revolution' that can't be replied to [it won't be OUR anything if there is no 'dialog' and the major malfunction with the current political climate in this country is it's a monologue, they talk you listen and all decisions are made because they said so.

What am I prattling about? After a huge fundraising success it turns out the democrat running for congress was defeated by the republican in a georgia run-off election.

In a decidedly disturbing development I'm sure most of you have noticed during the past few election cycles it has been PARTY raising funds for candidates that don't represent YOU.

Like team sports, you support your local team [even if they stink] because that's what 'team spirit' is about.

This new 'cross-country patriotism weirdness' is just an exercise in sucking all the oxygen out of the process.

Rethugs HAD to 'cross pollinate' because their party has so few supporters [the few they have are rich, criminals but rich!]

Ironically, once the shiftless took over the process, REAL democrats were 'weeded out' and those recruited to replace them have to swear to support the 'party platform' they have NO HAND IN CREATING or fund themselves.

Don't know if you've looked lately but the people calling themselves the 'progressives' stand for NOTHING. They exist to 'oppose' (actually pretend to oppose) the conservative agenda. When their backers tell 'em to get behind an initiative, like that giveaway to the insurance companies, they jump on board if they want to hold their seat in an economy that doesn't have any use for them [and face it, those congressional jobs pay better than anything in the private sector.]

But no, the pundits are claiming the democrats are all 'boo-hoo' over their loss for the seat in Georgia where they swamped their opponent money-wise but the fiction that they oppose the conservative agenda is just that, fiction.

Under A Simple Plan 'legislators' go away because they don't actually DO anything...just as police in the future are more likely to be mowing lawns and painting houses...because THEY DON'T ACTUALLY DO ANYTHING!

The, er, baffling thing about modern society is most people believe their 'job' is making money. It's NOT. Their job has NEVER CHANGED. What was the original job you might ask?

Bueller? Anyone? Bueller?

Try SURVIVAL! It was and always has been JOB NUMBER ONE!

The (twisted) FREAKS that want YOU to make money for THEM don't give a crap if you survive...well they DO but only because you make them money. HOW you live? Not their problem, it's YOURS!

Live in poverty, retire to poverty and die in poverty and you know what the freaks will say? It's YOUR OWN DAMN FAULT BECAUSE you wouldn't LOOK OUT FOR YOURSELF!

There would be plenty to go around but the 'SADISTS' among us aren't interested in sharing...if you want it bad enough, you'll demonstrate the 'initiative' to take it for yourself.

Isn't that the theme behind today's omnipresent and not so coincidentally labeled 'psycho-drama's'?

We live in a universe that strives for 'balance'. Doing evil just to make your circumstances 'easier' rewards you with a karmic debt that will choke King GOD isn't going to 'pay you back', the Universe will.

But I digress..although not by much. In the end it all ties back into 'the purpose of life' and that purpose is to 'teach'. Life exists to 'teach' us how to appreciate existence and each other.

[Thus is the 'war' thing completely wrong!]

Yet we keep falling into the trap the lesser beings set for us and we still aren't smart enough to refuse to do it.

Some view life as being 'born to die' they 'live in the moment' learning nothing because they don't believe they will be back.

Death is merely a 'rest' between lessons. You've been here before and you'll be back again too (especially if you keep on refusing to learn!)

I am not Napoleon or Hitler nor do I seek global 'domination' (or even a place in the history books.) I consider myself a 'teacher' and have set myself to the task of 'enlightening' those who seek something more satisfying than this 'me, me, me' existence.

I do not demand your fealty nor do I insist I am 'right'. I merely offer 'alternatives' for you to consider.

I don't deal in 'right or wrong' because both are 'self-evident', I AM selling REAL.

If you choose to delude yourself, that's your business.

and probably why these pieces keep 'screaming off the reservation' [personal shorthand for the realm of normal expectations.]

I needn't remind constant reader that this life is very much the same as those 'dependents' living on the reservation, relying on their keepers for everything they need...or can't you see that?

Some parts of the reservation are just nicer than others but we ALL live on the Res!

Lots to think about and the mind is like a know the rest.

Thanks once again for letting me inside YOUR head!


Wednesday, June 21, 2017

A matter of Trust

Greetings good citizen, civilization relies on varying degrees of 'trust', the whole ball of wax operates on the 'assumption' that things will get done when they need to get done and nobody will walk off with the goods before the install crew shows up.

For the most part, that's how it goes.

Watches and wallets are another story but that ties back into how 'Wrong' we handle the little things.

The world we live in operates on Trust, principle among these articles of faith is that money will have 'value'. Just got a 'bulletin' from the prepper yahoo's patiently explaining how to hide gold so when money went to shit you'd still have your 'wealth'.

Naturally, they were the ones 'selling' gold. Why do they think we're stupid? Probably because you CAN'T trust them.

Just for the record, NOTHING will get you KILLED FASTER than holding a 'Gold Stash'. If you have GOLD, GET RID OF IT!

That's right, diamonds and gems, trash them too (but only if you want to live.)

You would be far better off 'investing in 'lead' [preferably copper jacketed.] Nobody's going to take your FOOD if you have enough lead to defend it with.

That said there are 'limits'. Unless you're a veritable Annie Oakley [sharpshooter, for those too young to understand the reference] if you find yourself facing more than a handful of opponents the 'he who laughs and runs away' rule applies. You can always get more food, there is no 'reset button' or 'extra lives' in the game we call 'life'.

But I digress.

Another saying I'm quite fond of is 'the conventions that prevent us from killing one another on sight are wearing dangerously thin.'

That means precisely what it says...the I won't kill you if you don't kill me 'treaty' is tenuous at best even on good days, sometimes it's 'kill 'em all and let God sort 'em out!

So when someone points out our inborn 'hostility' they aren't just whistling Dixie. We are all 'wired' to fight on a moments notice.

[Zero irony is lost on the fact that this 'natural phenomenon' forms the 'logic' the 'barely sentient' adhere to of 'the strong survive and the weak die' more commonly known as 'the law of the jungle'.

Part of mankind's survival and rising to the top of the food chain is its conscious decision to IGNORE this 'law' and retain its 'weak' [but rich in knowledge/wisdom] elders.

Understand, the 'stupid problem' predates pretty much all other social issues. It is so prevalent we no longer even try to deal with it and there can be no progress until it is addressed.

Part of the reason we're even in this mess is 'low IQ'. [Not that the ones who did this to us are much brighter.] It's more a 'stubbornness thing'.

Why we refuse to play that card when the shiftless among us refuse to do their share puzzles even the most intelligent among us, who long ago decided it was easier (and quicker) to just do it themselves than to fight about it.

Worse, we let stupid/stubborn beat us over the head with our reluctance to fight (usually accompanied by a sigh of disgust as we roll up our sleeves to do it ourselves...again.)

Some would be quick to brand that as evidence of stupidity but like many things facing civilization, we walk a fine line here.

Um, since the title talks about Trust you shouldn't be surprised we arrived at 'stupid', because one is often conflated with the other.

Trust me...

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Boiler Plate

Greetings good citizen, the 'frustration' with the political process is boiling over and it's happening for exactly the reason it ALWAYS happens. Block the path to peaceful resolution and you have a 'fight' on your hands.

Refusal to hear (nevermind act) on the grievances of your opponents invites (nay, PROVOKES) violence.

A 'hallmark' of conservatism is the 'unyielding' manner they tend to deal with, er, 'issues'. Conservative mentality dictates there are no problems, just obstructionists that don't understand their way is the best way.

[Did I mention we have a huge 'stupid problem' going on in the political sphere?]

Now conservatives are ALARMED that the cheese eating surrender monkeys they call 'Liberals', the same people they have stiff armed for decades are starting to get confrontational.

About time, it only took 'em forty years to wake up and smell the Ovaltine!

Trouble with 'Waking the Giant' is HE gets real nasty when things don't go HIS way.

Remember, there are only a handful of 'conservo-whackos', the Giant, the thing they have been poking with a sharp stick for the past forty years is ginormous, and he's strong enough to turn this place to rubble, literally overnight!

Again, I belabor the obvious. The conservative few, those who live by the 'My way or the Highway' credo have stiff armed the 'powerless' go along to get along crowd for time out of mind.

Every once in awhile [with the upcoming confrontation being less than 'accidental', this time they are pushing the buttons on purpose!] the public, often referred to as 'the silent majority' [not because they don't talk but because the media treats them like they are mutes.] rises up and slaps the vocal few around...and it works...[for a couple of days. Stupid really is as stupid does.]

So, to the 'title topic'.

What's the 'boiler plate' here?

Shit rolls downhill, they talk, you listen...don't ask questions because there is one answer and one answer only and that answer is 'What part of 'BECAUSE I SAID SO' DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND? [Me 'the Law', YOU NOT!]

The single biggest 'flaw' with the 'rule of law' is the belief that the law requires 'special knowledge' to understand doesn't.

I know your 'heresy alarm' is clanging your poor head off its hinges but understand, laws the average person can't comprehend are USELESS. Worse, they are intended to confuse you so you'll give up and go along with whatever outcome they are trying to force out of the procedure.

The LAW means whatever the 'average person' thinks it means, not what some weasel wants you to believe it means!

The IMPORTANT thing to consider here is the destruction of the US economy, the 'relentless pursuit of excellence' the fuc*tards claimed was capitalism's 'destiny'...well where do you think that came from? The answer is four sentences above this and goes 'BECAUSE I SAID SO!'

Mother nature doesn't have a cash register, a person here eats roughly as much as a person anywhere else on the planet eats and lives in roughly the same kind of dwelling people here live in, actually, running water and electricity have little 'bearing' on the 'cost of labor' because ALL MONEY IS FUNNY!

We live in a BECAUSE I SAID SO world, good citizen and you'd damn well better 'go along to get along' or your wagon will remain empty for the rest of your decidedly unnatural days.

Worse, 'the trappers' will keep trapping us until they figure out it's a 'bad idea'. Then they will try eradicating us because they KNOW we're dangerous, perhaps one of the most dangerous things in the cosmos but it is our cleverness that makes us 'valuable'.

Push come to shove good citizen we are 'unmatchable'...and they know it.

That's why they keep the 'leash' as short as possible.

and THAT good citizen is BOILERPLATE!

When the apex traps the apex, the outcome will come down to numbers because skills are evenly matched. We are 'subjugated' because we let them have the upper hand.

Problem with that is they are too used to compliance and their ONLY trick is to tighten the when the leash snaps, watch out.

7/5, save the day!

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Monday, June 19, 2017

Morning in America [sunset everywhere else]

Greetings good citizen, there is a whole generation that remains unaware that Morning in America ever took place, just as 30 years hence few will remember what 'Make Murika Great Agin' was all about.

Perhaps most memorable is how Morning in America kicked off the Right Wing Noise Machine, with Rush Limbaugh taking to the airwaves [for free!]

Broadcast station operators got free content but the rest of us paid with a stolen economy and legislators who were deaf to us. Those of you who didn't live through it don't remember the 'downsizing' of America and how all that pension money went 'poof' (right in their pockets) after the CEO liquidated the company and sold off the shell to their competitors.

The retirees? Well, the law told 'em to go fish! With a wave of the magic wand their pension became 'assets of the company' and the 'owner' pocketed them just as they did all of the profits.

Where was JUSTICE then? Same place it is now, it rests in the hands of the imaginary Spirit in the Sky, God will get even with them for you because GOD is watching their every move!

Don't worry, the judges and lawyers who did NOTHING to protect the contributors interests, GOD will get them too! Probably do the same thing any IMAGINARY entity would do to these miscreants...sic the ants on 'em!

As it ALWAYS happens [eventually] the miscreants corrupt the system and it breaks, leaving the marketplace 'unfettered' by those pesky consumer protections.

And THAT is what 'Morning in America' is all about! [A desperate ploy to 'save (predatory) capitalism' from itself.]

Roll over and play dead because NOBODY is coming to save you, the criminals are in charge of the asylum...meaning your best hope for survival is remaining as 'invisible' as possible during the current 'comply or die' environment.

UNDERSTAND: The 'coup' that brought us 'Morning in America' (sometimes referred to as 'The Republican Revolution', which is a misnomer, it was the One Percent's Revolution, they named it the Republican revolution because the ONLY thing more HATED than Republicans are the One Percent!)

By extension, Republicans are reviled for being the 'lapdogs' of the uber-wealthy. Since only 25% of the population has EVER self identified as being Republican, every Republican electoral victory is IMPOSSIBLE.

When did the impossible become possible? When the elections became 'super secret'.

Gone is a public mechanism to 'verify' election results. Just as JUSTICE left our society, shown the door by the self-interested who wasted no time lining their own pockets and purchasing off-shore fortresses to hide in once they had stolen as much as they dared.

Knowing full well once Justice comes looking for them there won't be anyplace to hide.

This, good citizen, is what our revolt is about, returning Justice as the guardian of the people [then ferreting out the self-interested and clawing back what they've stolen, ending with making them 'pay' for their crimes.]

The 'fight for justice' is NEVERENDING! It requires ETERNAL VIGILANCE and the strength of character only an INCLUSIVE SOCIETY can provide.

It is the WEASELS among us that strive to divide us [I'm looking at you privately owned and operated MEDIA!]

Who tells us (constantly) we're divided? The media. Why do they do this? To keep Justice at bay, if we can't UNITE Justice can't exist!

I listened to NPR last night and some ding-dong was droning on and on about philosophy and how all modern philosophy is based on GOD.

WTF, worse, he blamed the absence of God for the nihilism we see today!

Bad news boys & girls, there HAS NEVER BEEN A 'GOD'! Even evil gods can't be if there is a 'god-like' entity, the ONLY explanation is it's INSANE...and we have ZERO use/reason for/to worship a nutzo God!

Which is to point out philosophies based on the existence/nature of a 'supreme being' are 'bankrupt' right out of the box!

Didn't I see an editorial in today's NY times asking exactly that question: Is YOUR GOD dead?

God sure as shit hasn't saved you from the wicked among us...but that is explained away by the alms-takers as God 'testing' you. When it is really the alms-takers way of testing YOU to see if you took your anti-chump medication causing 'the well' to dry it has in most places.

Ironically faith [not only in God but in the 'institutions of man'] has reached critical lows because both are non-existent. What little there was got wiped away by 'Morning in America' a phenomenon that quickly spread around the world, usurping 'capitalist' governments everywhere despite what they 'claimed' to be.

Humanity is pretty stupid but not totally so, if it were it would be useless.

We have to embrace that kernel of smarts we were all born with and nurture it so we will be ready when the time comes to go forth among the stars [Where we will encounter creatures that believe they are gods, a whole different matter entirely!

But I digress, mission one is to survive those among US who imagine themselves to be GODS.

Welcome to your daily box of chocolates where you never know what you're going to encounter...

Thanks for letting me inside your head, now rise up and fight for your family!


Sunday, June 18, 2017


Greetings good citizen, as the population crisis worsens [yet another 'silent epidemic' our betters choose to ignore, like climate change, homelessness, poverty, prostitution and the failure of the education system to teach anyone ANYTHING, which is to point out the 'stupid epidemic' has reached crisis proportions The average schmuck knows something's off but can't quite put their finger on it...] but our feckless media keeps harping on how THEIR man, El Trumpo either colluded with or is ignoring and attack by a 'foreign nation' [more so because declaring war on yet another idea (cyber-terrorism) would raise more question than it would answer.]

It is truly disturbing to contemplate the fact that this world is run by COLLEGE EDUCATED MORONS! People so ignorant they would STARVE TO DEATH IN A FIELD OF WILD EDIBLES BECAUSE THEY WERE TOO STUPID TO KNOW WHAT THEY WERE LOOKING AT!

'Parents' are a rarity these days with most of the younger generation being raised by their grandparents (or they were 'latch-key' kids charged with raising themselves in the total absence of 'adult supervision'.

Again, 'lack of supervision' turned what was an 'adequate' educational system into a warehouse operation for parentless children [a job where the teacher's 'primary responsibility' was taking attendance and preventing the 'inmates' from wrecking the place.]

I'm sure some of them regret following the guidelines of, "it's not your job to teach them how to think, YOUR JOB is to teach them how to FOLLOW ORDERS!"

Since 'Morning in America' and the de facto creation of TWO AMERICAS (something that has ALWAYS been with us neither is 'new'...nope, that's not right. The 'TWO America's' theme marks the beginning of the royal 'counter-revolution' where our self-described 'royalty' declared war on those they have always viewed as 'peasants'.

They are winning because this war is being fought on an economic battlefield, one where the deck is stacked and criminals occupy the courts. Zero irony should be lost that this is headed for 'blood in the streets' and then the 'tide' will turn the wink of an eye...and the 'winners' will lose it all, pretty much instantly.

Sadly, the return of 'savagery' doesn't bode well for the victors. Those who want to 're-build' will be viewed as the new 'royal wannabes' and share the fate of the feckless. [Which is why A.S.P. is 'egalitarian'; it applies EQUALLY to ALL people!]

Naturally, there are those who don't WANT EQUALITY, they were raised to believe they are 'better' than the rest of us [mostly because they are 'direct descendants' of some long dead ASSHOLE.]

MOST people remain as ignorant of ASP as they are about WHERE FOOD COMES FROM. A decidedly BAD thing considering when the mindless mob tears the worthless head off of what passes for civilization, it will have no idea what to do next.

THis humble blog is a [feeble] attempt to fix that problem.

[No readers = no widespread support]

This is something YOU can help with. [Just saying, ya know?]

Between the multiple crises the feckless media routinely ignores...[they diligently report the RESULTS of Economic Warfare but NEVER acknowledge the CAUSE!

WTF, good citizen?

In the end it is our failure to hold the guilty responsible that is causing all of the anguish [never mind the carnage!]

Between 'failure to launch' [modern kids EVERYWHERE have had to 'lower their expectations' considerably in a world that increasingly doesn't 'need' them.] and the burgeoning 'gig' economy where it remains unknown when/where your next paycheck is coming from, making planning for the future impossible!

Um, the MORE FOR ME crowd is forcing its own extinction [when the bough breaks it's taking EVERYTHING with it!]

Like those who have no idea where food comes from [nor increasingly, how to prepare it!] The more for me crowd has ERASED 'the foundation upon which civilization rests', the FAMILY!

What do you suppose those 'rugged individualists' have to say about THAT?

There is no I in TEAM and there is no ME in Family, they're both about US!

Don't lose the forest in all those damn trees!

Happy Father's Day to all those lucky Daddy's out there! [My daughter made me breakfast this morning!] Your Family is your strength, don't let the feckless few destroy that in their 'MORE FOR ME' charge.

We have to share what there is equally!

Cherish that which is precious and deserving of your unbridled LOVE!

Thanks once again for letting me inside YOUR head,


Saturday, June 17, 2017

Chicken & *hit

Greetings good citizen, since NOBODY thinks there is going to be another election the pundits instead concentrate on the 'rearview mirror' and keep replaying the last election like there was something that should have been done but they didn't know it at the time.

The prevailing theory is if more people had VOTED things might have turned out differently.

Two problems with that...first, we don't get to vote on the important things like making war or the rules regarding money, we only get to vote for who is going to sell the rest of us out to the highest bidder.

So voting [the way we currently do it] IS POINTLESS.

If your choices were being hung by your nether region until dead or be flogged to death with a bullwhip, which would you choose? Would it make a difference if Tom did it or would you prefer to be killed by his sister Jill? Now THAT'S what gives the vote 'meaning'...

Why vote if nothing (of consequence) changes?

Everybody knows yet the pundits won't stop rubbing our noses in it.

What are they REALLY saying? All of this is OUR FAULT.

YOU don't get to decide scat and all of this is YOUR FAULT? It's how the predator brain works...

So once again I point to the blackboard like I'm standing in front of an ARMY OF MORONS and repeat what EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU ALREADY KNOWS!


GIVEN a 'broken system', does ANYONE honestly believe we can 'vote for change' and it will actually HAPPEN?

Ironically the stupidest morons believe that might work...the question is how do these morons keep getting their own TV shows?

Worse, save the very gullible, just WHO do the people who greenlight these BS artists think they are fooling?

People can be 'conditioned' to accept 'wrong' as 'normal' but like I pointed out, it screws them up so they can't make sense of anything.

[Sound like anyone YOU know? How sad is it it sounds like MOST PEOPLE you know!]

We have a broken system that is creating broken people...which is WHY nobody is willing to do anything about it. Most are too CHICKEN and the rest are too stupid!

Talk about a pickle! If we don't save ourselves from the self-interested the end result will be extinction...or worse, a reboot of the same crap with different (self-appointed) 'leaders' whose only 'claim to fame' will be surviving a shitstorm they did absolutely nothing to prevent!

IF this is the case, extinction can't happen fast enough. However, the 'idiocy' we see everywhere is too 'deliberate' meaning things aren't as hopeless as they appear on the surface.

We CAN turn the Titanic around and save her from a premature grave but you have to get off your dead buttocks and DO NOTHING!

You have to DO NOTHING like it's your JOB!

You also need to prevent others from doing ANYTHING! [only a total strike will work.]

TRUE REFORM was led by the TRANSPORTATION WORKERS! A tortured species turns it's anxious eyes to you Truckers! [longshore folk and dock workers of the rail and airline industries!]

ONLY YOU can halt the CRAZY TRAIN as it heads over a cliff.

I said it once and now I'll repeat the offer, follow me if you want to live! Follow orders and your loved ones will perish [along with that pension you so zealously protect! [fool!] It isn't worth the paper it's printed on!

Just as the people you defy aren't worth the powder to blow them to hell!

YOU WILL NEVER get to VOTE for 'free housing', guaranteed employment or responsible government! You will NEVER get to vote for either EQUALITY OR JUSTICE, how does that make you feel?

Understand, a world without justice isn't worth living in.

To which the wicked will gladly remove you from this world THAT THEY CLAIM FOR THEMSELVES! [Your 'happiness' is meaningless to them, all they want from you is BLIND OBEDIENCE...

So what's it going to be? Should we put it to a vote? Will they let you choose?

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head!


Friday, June 16, 2017


Greetings good citizen, woke up this morning to a robo call...a Robo call that identified itself as Linda. Linda was anxious to tell me that this was my final warning and I needed to call 1(800 eat shit) right away to learn what I could about my Social Security account being 'suspended'...

Dunno what came after that, I was laughing too hard and my hearing is getting worse...

Conversely, it was a bit, er, 'disturbing' the thieves among us think we're that STUPID?


If we were to go 'full paranoid' I could ponder the possibility that my scribbling here pee'd in some patriotic capitalist's corn flakes and he's just letting me know I'd better watch my step because there's a lot worse out there than 'wage slavery'...

However this was so inane I'm pretty it was kids preying on the old and addled.

Which leads us to a different question...just how far 'gone' is civilization?

Well, if this morning's call is any indication we are in 'no immediate danger' of having to outwit a hostile A.I. anytime soon if this morning's call is an example of the nitwits trying to create one [garbage in = garbage out]

Perhaps more aptly said as Stupid is as Stupid does...

If we broaden our scope we'd find evidence everywhere that collapse is occurring all around us, every day and on every level. Failure is a constant but 'need' drives us to continue doing what needs doing...because the alternative is unbearable.


How many of you have put the pieces together? How many of you KNOW WHY I am calling for a 'STRIKE'?

THe answer lies in the above statement of FACT: it also contains the reason why you have been 'enslaved' (in the most diabolical of ways possible!) A 'master' is obliged to 'care for' his 'property' but make that property an 'independent contractor' and suddenly its WELFARE is no longer the master's concern/problem...if the slave performs poorly or quits all he needs do is hire another one!

Isn't 'capitalism' [being held hostage to a paycheck you can't live on] Wonderful?

Worse, there isn't a THING you can do about it except 'join' the winning team, work for yourself [good luck finding customers who can pay] and like the old tune says "if you ever hear the noise you can be 'self employed' and have to work at nothin' all day."

Also in the 'nothing new here' pile. All 'viable' income streams are already spoken for so again we arrive at the ancient truism, 'it's not WHAT you know but Who...'

This is everywhere you look and it's getting more brazen all the time!

But I preach to the choir, don't I?

Still, with all these facts hiding in plain sight...why is it nobody is working for change? We're dead on the political front and the media squelches and grassroot protests nevermind a justice system that does everything in its power to keep protest out of sight.

Perhaps that's the problem...its power...when ALL PoWER comes from US!

The simple act of 'uniting' is power projected in the most powerful way possible.

A STRIKE is the ultimate 'show of force' because what needs doin' needs doin regardless...because the consequences of not doing it are unbearable.

THAT'S why the STRIKE is our invincible weapon!


Come on 7/5!

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


Thursday, June 15, 2017


Greetings good citizen, yesterday's assault on the Republican congressman's softball team practice [for charity, of course] is NOT 'new', we just haven't witnessed it in a long time. We've had people going 'postal' across the social spectrum but yesterday's pointedly 'political' attack marks a return to the public reaction to ineffective oversight and the persistent OVERREACH by those charged with keeping 'the peasants' in line.

Seems I'm unable to resist any SHARP STICK left in my vicinity because I'm pretty sure you know WHO I'm referring to when I call YOU a 'peasant'. Don't get your nose out of joint, I'm one too so just relax and face reality for a minute, k?

Nobody needs to set the table but it HELPS if we 'label the participants' [considering how many of you MISTAKENLY 'self-identify' as MIDDLE CLASS, only a few of you meet the parameters.] The rest of us are what we've always been, the proverbial HIRED HELP [quite literally a half-step removed from slavery.] {Capitalism was designed to make slaves 'self-sufficient', it's the only reason YOU get wages!}

Our natural tendency to swap labels is what directs anger away from the guilty OFTEN MISIDENTIFIED AS 'RICH' when the REAL TROUBLEMAKERS are THE PRIVILEGED, not the ONE PERCENT but their MINIONS, the FIVE PERCENT that populate the CORRIDORS OF POWER who are constantly trying to out-maneuver one another just to cultivate 'favor' with their 'patron'.

We have a lot of names for this scum, yesterday that name was TARGET but they are also known by their chosen titles, some the public provides and others, the truly dangerous ones, are 'appointed (to serve.)

It is an oversimplification to say there are 'two teams' and three 'players' but it's best to keep things simple so we don't get lost in the I thought he was talking about the other guys! morass.

One are the 'privileged' who are 'rich because they [literally] control MONEY...and if THAT DOESN'T ALARM you then you have a serious disconnect with reality!

These are People who literally measure their wealth by DECLARING I have DOUBLE whatever HE has. It's not 'numbers', it's just what you think it is, it's just what it looks like too, a figurative 'dick measuring' contest!

Then there are the people who 'defend/enforce' these frivolous claims...quite literally 'soldiers'. Understand, most of 'em have zero military experience but they are very good 'strategists', it's how they 'made their bones', by out maneuvering their competitors via strategic alliances across the 'jungle' they claim to be lords of.

If you're not one of the 'privileged' [and the jury is still out as to whether or not there is more than one 'organization/family' or if it's just one huge cluster fck with 'cousins' zealously defending their 'fifes', literal or contextual, ONE entity responsible for the misery of the rest of us is 'the privileged', so privileged BECAUSE THEY CONTROL both MONEY AND THE JUSTICE SYSTEM.

Everything below the Five Percent is 'superstitious peasants'. The 'smart ones' keep their mouths shut and their heads down because they know 'the score' 'comply or die' means you will do it an like it...or else.

Which is to finish that ancient threat, we can't MAKE YOU DO IT, we can only make you WISH THE FCK YOU DID!

The thing to remember is this too has a 'response' and that answer is 'you gotta sleep sometime' [and what you keep threatening to do to me I'm GOING to do to YOU the second you shut your eyes!]

That's no way to live and it accounts for why we live in a world that has THE ILLUSION of CHOICE and FREE WILL, where we 'PRETEND TO WORK and they PRETEND TO PAY US [with money that is increasingly worthless!]

What we are witnessing is nothing more than a 'return' to the State of Siege (mentality) that existed before our little 'experiment in democracy' swept the world.

EVERYBODY KNOWS it was A VERY FLAWED experiment from the start because what we have now was designed by the 'comply or die' crowd.

Well, most of us had no frickin' clue what the pundits/scumballs meant by 'Morning in America', now it is clear that the century long 'truce' between the rulers and the ruled is OVER.

Exile folks, if you love FREEDOM, we need to exile with extreme prejudice!

You'll be AMAZED at how much smoother things will run without the obstruction of 'faux justice' protecting the GUILTY!

But I digress...

The 'message' of today's offering is it's on folks, the [now ancient] war has resumed!

The 'blood in the streets' was a commonplace occurrence when the feckless ran things...well, brace yourself because you ain't seen nothing yet!

Kiss your life goodbye because YOU redefine the term 'pawn'...the expendable part varies with how closely related you are to any of the 'enforcers'.

I belabor the obvious when I opine this is no way to live. If you value your life and your family, you will join the billions of others and RESIST with every fiber of your being.

While today's NY Times editorial page exclaims we must NOT advocate 'violence' we have to be REALISTIC. The 'struggle against tyranny' has been going on since the beginning [of civilization] and the 'winners' will be the ones 'unafraid' of doing what needs doing (and sometimes this means killing.)

Exile [modern variety] is a death sentence BUT it is technically 'suicide' because those who are exiled will have chosen it rather than living by the rules of civil society.

Choosing to be 'privileged' is placing yourself ahead of your species [and that is precisely what the whackjobs developing AI in the face of a population crisis are doing!]

Why do we suffer from a shortage of intelligent people? Because the Privileged DON'T WANT PEOPLE THAT CAN THINK!

Think about it...

Thanks for letting me inside your mind, hope this clears up 'what & why' I'm crying about all the time.

YOU may not care...but by not caring you are choosing DEATH for everyone YOU that what you want?

And no, there IS something you can do about it...but it involves getting off your dead ass taking back what's yours!

Until next time,


Wednesday, June 14, 2017

That river in Egypt...

Greetings good citizen, every thief knows never admit wrongdoing even if you're caught red-handed. Whatever the situation always DENY!

Well, extenuating circumstances provide a 'reasonable (ish)' explanation for just about any action so, given enough time to grasp at straws, you can pretty much lie your way out of anything. [If you don't like lying, the alternative is 'justifying your actions' with the 'because I could' defense.]

Or the other clever ploy of claiming 'you have no proof' [Which is where the 'innocent until PROVEN guilty' defense comes from.]

What you can't DENY is the end result. It can be proven that SOMETHING HAPPENED and the accused had a hand in it, the 'doubt' enters when the suspect denies their responsibility.

Isn't 'fair' [but it often happens] that the circumstances dictate the outcome regardless of the evidence. [Mind you, this only happens when YOU screw one of THEM over!] Why this aspect of 'justice' is often, er, 'ignored' if the suspect is 'connected' (has the funds to bribe others to look away) remains one of the principle reasons the opportunists among us justify their actions.

That said, lies require other lies to plug the holes that would cause the original lie to be exposed, thus do we encounter the slippery slopes along the banks of De-Ni-al.

In order for the lies to 'hold' the questions must cease...and unanswered questions means justice wasn't served.

The question to YOU, my opportunist friend, is could you live/survive in a world/society centered on Justice?

As far as ANY of us knows, EVERYTHING is WRONG until somebody else gets away with it [now do you see/recognize the downside of living amidst the hopelessly STUPID?]

For every argument there is a 'counter-argument'...EVERYTHING, ad infinitum! [This is the basis of Lawyerdom, the ability to successfully argue ANY issue to it's ultimate conclusion and win [not justice] but 'THE DESIRED OUTCOME!'

When pressed, lawyers will shift the focus from 'justice' to 'the quality of justice' (arguing, when it suits them, that there is no such thing as 'absolute justice'.)

Take a look at the performance put on [under oath no less, you can bet that whole shit show started off with a VOW to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth!] by the US Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who proceeded to refuse to answer, often citing 'executive privilege' (a power apparently 'borrowed' from the man he was defending, Donald Trump.) and where did his 'testimony' end? On the banks of that mighty river we all call Denial!

The feckless will NEVER ADMIT their crimes because they justify them using the 'If I didn't do it someone else would have' argument. You also know how to parse that statement, 'I only did what any other person in my position would have done' [despite knowing full well I was screwing millions out of what they justly deserved in the process.]

But no, the kid in a candy store excuse works every time so long as the argument remains focused on the idea that the kid didn't know any better!

Back to the question, do you have what it takes to live in a world where JUSTICE reigns?

Understand you are born with a highly attuned sense of 'right & wrong' [a sense that gets warped beyond recognition by the multiple injustices you are exposed to before you reach puberty...but that in-born ability is NEVER wiped out. [It is possible to 'condition' someone into accepting wrong as 'normal' but it breaks them and makes them incapable of comprehending even the most basic of concepts.]

The ability to ignore wrongdoing is a highly developed trait that is cultivated in us from birth. We can detect wrongdoing when others do it almost instantly...but we have the uncanny ability to 'overlook it' when we indulge our 'baser instincts'.

Gegner is NOT a 'headshrinker' but any discussion about why our society is 'like it is' [and why it is 'salvageable'] involves shedding light upon the issues not only facing individuals but society as a whole...we sit still for this crap when we should be busting those who claim to serve 'justice' with frightening regularity.

If forced to do their job [no, not hand out more tickets, that's meaningless busywork that solves NOTHING!] they'd all QUIT!

Our 'politicians' are supposed to 'police themselves' but since there is NOTHING we can do about it if they don''s become that 'wink is as good as a nod to a blind horse' situation, they pretend not to see the cesspool they are standing in and wax wealthy because of it.

Which leads to the other 'legal problem' we face regarding the properties of 'legal tender'.

The corruption WON'T STOP until we outlaw 'hard, untraceable money'. [Beginning to sound like a broken record here, isn't it?]

90% of all of the lying and cheating is done to get their greedy hands on the 'grease that makes the world go round'...but it don't, not really.

The world runs on sweat and human goodness. Without either, nothing would get done.

And that's where this one ends.

Thank you for letting me inside [while you still can!]


Tuesday, June 13, 2017

You're Fired!

Greetings good citizen, Mr. Make Murika Great Again promised to meet that goal by 'shaking up American politics' and 'getting things done.'

Well, this latest incarnation of The Decider has only accomplished partnering with a foreign government to further his own business interests, [hardly treason but considerably less than promised.]

Somehow taking a hatchet to government regulations, (many were poor substitutes for the legislation THEY replaced {e:g Dodd-Frank is a poor substitute for Glass-Stegal} is hardly 'Greatness' nor progress.) AND THAT'S ALL HE'S done. His 'apologists' say it's a 'great start' (if you overlook the carnage)

How much more proof do YOU need that the 'for profit' commercial model has run off the rails?

Civilization is tottering on its foundation while the feckless few party like it's 1999!

Is this really 'the best we can do'?

Short answer is no...but the longer answer doesn't end well.

To pull off a 'save' we need to make a dramatic U-turn that has the very real probability of sparking a 'civil war'.

The 25% of us that should be 'institutionalized' will be used to make war on the 'reformers'.

The feckless don't care, they make no secret of the fact they think these people should be put down at birth (empathy being very low on their list if it exists at all.)

That said, since they relish inflicting pain and misery on their victims, they do possess 'empathy'...empathy stood on its head but it's still empathy!

Not that having empathy means they AREN'T sociopaths.

Empathy and sympathy are two very different emotions.

Relishing someone else's pain makes you a Sadist, just as personally relishing/believing you DESERVE pain makes you a masochist.

[The above is off topic, I insert it only for the edification of anyone confused by the complex issue of sociopathy and its outcomes.]

Squaring the circle, the discussion touched on sociopathy and it's practitioners when I asked the rhetorical question 'is this the best we can do'?

We live in a society run by sociopaths, who get away with their outlandish behavior because normal people FEAR sociopaths...which might be better described as people who refuse to recognize 'limits'.

Understand, when a sociopath sets their mind to it they will stop at NOTHING to achieve the desired outcome...often murdering anyone that gets/stands in their path.

'Life' is like this but we don't teach our young that they may be required to stand up to the 'feckless' and subdue them using any means possible [even assassination] to prevent them from usurping 'the greater good'.

Obviously our progenitors lacked the 'intestinal fortitude' to stand up to the 'self-important' and some of them made the ultimate sacrifice for their cowardice.

How sad is it that 'justifiable homicide' is a two-edged sword?

Worse, every generation or two the 'tree of Liberty' needs to be watered with the blood of patriots. [Until the scoundrels are banished from our midst...and lasts until the next one comes along.]

Every generation produces a crop of the 'self-important', those who quickly become infamous for their 'my way or the highway' attitude.

It is civilization's 'function' to winnow these miscreants from our midst and remove them from society. When a civilization fails at this task the civilization itself pays the ultimate price!

Why do you suppose the title of this piece is YOU'RE fired?

Fail at the task of making civilization 'safe' for our species and YOU [and by extension, yours] will perish although you don't need me to point out there are some fates WORSE THAN DEATH!

Taking the 'long way home' here good citizen but few appreciate what they're up against, people who figure if you don't have the BALLS to kill them they are going to kill you because YOU don't matter!

We're living that 'the world is your oyster kid, all ya gotta do is crack it open' shit, writ large!

Problem is it's not YOUR Oyster, it's theirs and if YOU don't like it, tough!

If we are to have JUSTICE it's up to YOU to MAKE IT HAPPEN!

You can't have a civilization where only a few 'prosper'. That's not a 'society' it's a prison camp!

Time to tell the feckless 'YOU'RE FIRED!' and set this train [the LOVE TRAIN] back on track!

Alone, you're doomed but TOGETHER, we're INVINCIBLE!

Thanks once again for letting me inside YOUR head,


Monday, June 12, 2017

One hand clapping

Greetings good citizen, today's headlines indicate trouble for a political system everybody knows is monopolized by MONEY. Neither side can afford to displease 'the money' so neither side can champion the majority [although El Trumpo rode precisely that wave to (electoral) victory. He made 'campaign promises' that he KNEW 'the money' would never back him up on but it was what the people wanted to hear...and he was enough of an 'outsider' that the STUPID believed him!]

So, by Imperial Decree, Today's Times headlined the conflict in these terms: The democrats 'want it all' while those running the party want to 'win'.

WTF is THAT supposed to mean?

We all KNOW what it will take to WIN and that is policies that restore Equality and Justice while punishing the corrupt, it's what GOVERNMENTS are supposed to do!

But let one branch of COMMERCE (the media) put a LOCK on TRUTH and you get what THEY WANT YOU TO HEAR, that 'government regulation' is BAD FOR BUSINESS while the average stiff today is still alive thanks to those REGULATIONS!

There are two sides to politics, one side is 'negotiation' and if you control the process LIKE MONEY DOES then 'politics' descends into 'pacifying the peasants'. Mostly by telling them to take it and like it, it's this or NOTHING! ['negotiations ended']

So, by Imperial order, the media PRETENDS there are still 'two opposing parties' and it is the 'conflict between them' that creates the 'gridlock of inaction' the freakishly selfish WANTS THE PUBLIC TO BELIEVE is the end result of 'self rule'.

HOW do we put a stop to fiction playing out before our dumbfounded eyes? WE END CASH NOW!

Make money electronic and traceable and corruption goes Poof! [Reinforce this with constant supervision because the cheaters will attack at the 'weakest point'] and we'll be corruption free overnight.

To add spice to this little drama of ridding ourselves of the freakishly selfish, we 'incentivise' the discovery of wrongdoing! [Look at what it did for 'for profit prisons' under capitalism!]

Liars everywhere got reduced sentences for providing 'false evidence' to keep those cells FULL.

Now, if you don't believe something's WRONG with a, er, nation/justice system that even allows THAT kind of, my friend have a bad case of cranium up your rectum!

Reminder: For Profit prisons came AFTER 'Morning in America'...where being 'unpatriotic' was first turned onto a 'criminal act'.

First ones to be publicly hung, the ones with flags on their lapels!


Country first is how the Nazis rose to power, pretending the 'greater good' served the 'Fatherland' [and the morons that ran it of course!]

Speak out against atrocity and your patriotism is instantly suspect! Showing your allegiance to humanity ahead of your country is just plain 'shameful'! [Sound like any Party you know?]

In a 'sidebar' did you see the article where they want legislation to make ISP's edit out [ban where they find it] 'hate speech'?

Since the tendency in our species is 'inspect to reject', what are the chances this blog will go 'poof' long before cash does?

Then where will you be?

Um, save your favorite posts before they disappear and thanks for letting me inside your head [while you could.] The next sound you hear will be that of the aforementioned hand...
