Sunday, June 18, 2017


Greetings good citizen, as the population crisis worsens [yet another 'silent epidemic' our betters choose to ignore, like climate change, homelessness, poverty, prostitution and the failure of the education system to teach anyone ANYTHING, which is to point out the 'stupid epidemic' has reached crisis proportions The average schmuck knows something's off but can't quite put their finger on it...] but our feckless media keeps harping on how THEIR man, El Trumpo either colluded with or is ignoring and attack by a 'foreign nation' [more so because declaring war on yet another idea (cyber-terrorism) would raise more question than it would answer.]

It is truly disturbing to contemplate the fact that this world is run by COLLEGE EDUCATED MORONS! People so ignorant they would STARVE TO DEATH IN A FIELD OF WILD EDIBLES BECAUSE THEY WERE TOO STUPID TO KNOW WHAT THEY WERE LOOKING AT!

'Parents' are a rarity these days with most of the younger generation being raised by their grandparents (or they were 'latch-key' kids charged with raising themselves in the total absence of 'adult supervision'.

Again, 'lack of supervision' turned what was an 'adequate' educational system into a warehouse operation for parentless children [a job where the teacher's 'primary responsibility' was taking attendance and preventing the 'inmates' from wrecking the place.]

I'm sure some of them regret following the guidelines of, "it's not your job to teach them how to think, YOUR JOB is to teach them how to FOLLOW ORDERS!"

Since 'Morning in America' and the de facto creation of TWO AMERICAS (something that has ALWAYS been with us neither is 'new'...nope, that's not right. The 'TWO America's' theme marks the beginning of the royal 'counter-revolution' where our self-described 'royalty' declared war on those they have always viewed as 'peasants'.

They are winning because this war is being fought on an economic battlefield, one where the deck is stacked and criminals occupy the courts. Zero irony should be lost that this is headed for 'blood in the streets' and then the 'tide' will turn the wink of an eye...and the 'winners' will lose it all, pretty much instantly.

Sadly, the return of 'savagery' doesn't bode well for the victors. Those who want to 're-build' will be viewed as the new 'royal wannabes' and share the fate of the feckless. [Which is why A.S.P. is 'egalitarian'; it applies EQUALLY to ALL people!]

Naturally, there are those who don't WANT EQUALITY, they were raised to believe they are 'better' than the rest of us [mostly because they are 'direct descendants' of some long dead ASSHOLE.]

MOST people remain as ignorant of ASP as they are about WHERE FOOD COMES FROM. A decidedly BAD thing considering when the mindless mob tears the worthless head off of what passes for civilization, it will have no idea what to do next.

THis humble blog is a [feeble] attempt to fix that problem.

[No readers = no widespread support]

This is something YOU can help with. [Just saying, ya know?]

Between the multiple crises the feckless media routinely ignores...[they diligently report the RESULTS of Economic Warfare but NEVER acknowledge the CAUSE!

WTF, good citizen?

In the end it is our failure to hold the guilty responsible that is causing all of the anguish [never mind the carnage!]

Between 'failure to launch' [modern kids EVERYWHERE have had to 'lower their expectations' considerably in a world that increasingly doesn't 'need' them.] and the burgeoning 'gig' economy where it remains unknown when/where your next paycheck is coming from, making planning for the future impossible!

Um, the MORE FOR ME crowd is forcing its own extinction [when the bough breaks it's taking EVERYTHING with it!]

Like those who have no idea where food comes from [nor increasingly, how to prepare it!] The more for me crowd has ERASED 'the foundation upon which civilization rests', the FAMILY!

What do you suppose those 'rugged individualists' have to say about THAT?

There is no I in TEAM and there is no ME in Family, they're both about US!

Don't lose the forest in all those damn trees!

Happy Father's Day to all those lucky Daddy's out there! [My daughter made me breakfast this morning!] Your Family is your strength, don't let the feckless few destroy that in their 'MORE FOR ME' charge.

We have to share what there is equally!

Cherish that which is precious and deserving of your unbridled LOVE!

Thanks once again for letting me inside YOUR head,


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