Monday, June 19, 2017

Morning in America [sunset everywhere else]

Greetings good citizen, there is a whole generation that remains unaware that Morning in America ever took place, just as 30 years hence few will remember what 'Make Murika Great Agin' was all about.

Perhaps most memorable is how Morning in America kicked off the Right Wing Noise Machine, with Rush Limbaugh taking to the airwaves [for free!]

Broadcast station operators got free content but the rest of us paid with a stolen economy and legislators who were deaf to us. Those of you who didn't live through it don't remember the 'downsizing' of America and how all that pension money went 'poof' (right in their pockets) after the CEO liquidated the company and sold off the shell to their competitors.

The retirees? Well, the law told 'em to go fish! With a wave of the magic wand their pension became 'assets of the company' and the 'owner' pocketed them just as they did all of the profits.

Where was JUSTICE then? Same place it is now, it rests in the hands of the imaginary Spirit in the Sky, God will get even with them for you because GOD is watching their every move!

Don't worry, the judges and lawyers who did NOTHING to protect the contributors interests, GOD will get them too! Probably do the same thing any IMAGINARY entity would do to these miscreants...sic the ants on 'em!

As it ALWAYS happens [eventually] the miscreants corrupt the system and it breaks, leaving the marketplace 'unfettered' by those pesky consumer protections.

And THAT is what 'Morning in America' is all about! [A desperate ploy to 'save (predatory) capitalism' from itself.]

Roll over and play dead because NOBODY is coming to save you, the criminals are in charge of the asylum...meaning your best hope for survival is remaining as 'invisible' as possible during the current 'comply or die' environment.

UNDERSTAND: The 'coup' that brought us 'Morning in America' (sometimes referred to as 'The Republican Revolution', which is a misnomer, it was the One Percent's Revolution, they named it the Republican revolution because the ONLY thing more HATED than Republicans are the One Percent!)

By extension, Republicans are reviled for being the 'lapdogs' of the uber-wealthy. Since only 25% of the population has EVER self identified as being Republican, every Republican electoral victory is IMPOSSIBLE.

When did the impossible become possible? When the elections became 'super secret'.

Gone is a public mechanism to 'verify' election results. Just as JUSTICE left our society, shown the door by the self-interested who wasted no time lining their own pockets and purchasing off-shore fortresses to hide in once they had stolen as much as they dared.

Knowing full well once Justice comes looking for them there won't be anyplace to hide.

This, good citizen, is what our revolt is about, returning Justice as the guardian of the people [then ferreting out the self-interested and clawing back what they've stolen, ending with making them 'pay' for their crimes.]

The 'fight for justice' is NEVERENDING! It requires ETERNAL VIGILANCE and the strength of character only an INCLUSIVE SOCIETY can provide.

It is the WEASELS among us that strive to divide us [I'm looking at you privately owned and operated MEDIA!]

Who tells us (constantly) we're divided? The media. Why do they do this? To keep Justice at bay, if we can't UNITE Justice can't exist!

I listened to NPR last night and some ding-dong was droning on and on about philosophy and how all modern philosophy is based on GOD.

WTF, worse, he blamed the absence of God for the nihilism we see today!

Bad news boys & girls, there HAS NEVER BEEN A 'GOD'! Even evil gods can't be if there is a 'god-like' entity, the ONLY explanation is it's INSANE...and we have ZERO use/reason for/to worship a nutzo God!

Which is to point out philosophies based on the existence/nature of a 'supreme being' are 'bankrupt' right out of the box!

Didn't I see an editorial in today's NY times asking exactly that question: Is YOUR GOD dead?

God sure as shit hasn't saved you from the wicked among us...but that is explained away by the alms-takers as God 'testing' you. When it is really the alms-takers way of testing YOU to see if you took your anti-chump medication causing 'the well' to dry it has in most places.

Ironically faith [not only in God but in the 'institutions of man'] has reached critical lows because both are non-existent. What little there was got wiped away by 'Morning in America' a phenomenon that quickly spread around the world, usurping 'capitalist' governments everywhere despite what they 'claimed' to be.

Humanity is pretty stupid but not totally so, if it were it would be useless.

We have to embrace that kernel of smarts we were all born with and nurture it so we will be ready when the time comes to go forth among the stars [Where we will encounter creatures that believe they are gods, a whole different matter entirely!

But I digress, mission one is to survive those among US who imagine themselves to be GODS.

Welcome to your daily box of chocolates where you never know what you're going to encounter...

Thanks for letting me inside your head, now rise up and fight for your family!


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