Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Lose the Billionaires

Greetings good citizen, the thing we should all find curious is the narrative that breaks life down into a few successes mixed with a huge number of FAILURES.

IF we're all in this 'together', why are just a few rich? What makes them 'special'...and there is NO RATIONAL EXPLANATION!

Even THEY palm it off on LUCK...(when 'luck' has NOTHING to do with it, unless they consider themselves 'lucky' for not being murdered by their collaborators.)

Is it LUCK when the OWNERS of an enterprise get to pocket the 'profits', which are in fact, and I'm not 'parsing' here, the difference between what it costs to make and what it costs the end user AND BOTH FIGURES ARE ARBITRARY!

True fact good citizen, the cost of inputs is ZERO [as Mother Nature doesn't have a cash register] and labor is a PROFIT CENTER [Production 'cost', what the worker is paid] is inflated enormously so it becomes a 'price driver' when calculating the end price of 'finished goods'.

With both factors as a given we can only marvel over those who call themselves 'economists', what kind of 'voodoo' are they practicing...and the answer is whatever kind they're PAID to!

I frequently point to the owners of commerce and accuse them of being criminals, not just for claiming ownership of what belongs to us all but for literally STEALING the labor of those who produce.

Rule number one good citizen, YOUR MONEY IS FOR YOU [and YOU ALONE!] You 'earn/make' it, you spend/trade it for the things you don't have time to make for yourself and once the transaction is completed, NOBODY IS SUPPOSED TO GET IT! [spent is spent] THATS the CRIMINAL PART!

Taking 'spent money' and spending it again is the criminal part, you literally did NOTHING for it. YOU get to keep it because they spent it in YOUR STORE...now we're beginning to understand the LUCKY part of this deeply disturbing puzzle!

More 'problematic' is how this 'dilutes' the money supply, creating 'inflation' [too many dollars chasing too few goods!]

The (pseudo) Rich don't want this situation corrected, they would rather the rest of us wallow in squalor than sacrifice their 'privilege' of collecting and 'recycling' spent money. Nice work when you can get it and does anyone else smell a Royal Rat?

THis, of course, brings us to the 'essence of conservatism' and their carefully nurtured grudge against Taxes.

I know most of you already know this so I am baffled why none of you remember that TAXES = TRIBUTE?

It's 'free money' to those who have enslaved us! They don't [and never have] used it to 'fund government programs'!

How F'n THICK are you? All that money for guns and bombs but not a cent for healthcare? Are you SERIOUSLY THAT STUPID? What the government collects in taxes each year is but a tiny fraction of what it spends! [Hint, it's the SPENDING that keeps the (paper) economy going!]

I want you to relax for a moment and imagine a society run 'rationally' where money serves its singular purpose of 'regulating access to perishables'. [Mostly food, hospitality & fuel...clothing, beyond basics, also sneaks in there.]

EVERY Television channel is now 'commercial free' because advertising must be 'true' and nobody has the time or the inclination to listen to that much legalese about ANYTHING! Radio too, for the same reason. Instead of being 'advertiser supported', media outlets will preform the task they were created to do, inform AND entertain the listening/viewing public...with a clearly labeled content. If it's a 'dramatization' they won't be able to claim it was 'based on' true events. [Leaving the viewer confused as to what really happened and what was 'embellished'.]

Deceiving the public at ANY TIME defeats the purpose of their existence...(and is an exile offense.)

[That feature alone (removing commercials) should serve to put the strike on everybody's radar!] (Now that TV is 'pause-able' commercials have outlived their 'usefulness'.)

But wait, there's more! EVERYBODY WORKS [not necessarily 'good news' for the crowd that thinks 'working is for CHUMPS' but the New Sheriff is exiling anyone that 'exempts themselves' from the work requirement.

No cash means a serious drop in the crime rate...at first the 'hustlers' will wiggle and squirm, creating their own 'currency' but that's and exile offense so ANYONE caught with 'faux scrip' in their possession will be awarded with a one way trip to 'neverland', that place on the map from which no one EVER returns!

As the knuckle-draggers are culled from the herd, peace will begin to settle in. It's going to be rough at first. What SHOULD save a lot of innocent people from being exiled, 'leaders' will be targeted and exiled for their previous crimes. Gangs operate almost EXCLUSIVELY on Peer Pressure.

Won't stop the 'ambitious' (or the stupid) from taking advantage of the 'temporary void' but it will provide the opportunity for the smart ones to 'back away' and tell the usurpers 'Hey, Louie was my Uncle, you're nuthin, I don't take orders from you!

Just a little thought experiment that [like so many before it] went screaming off reservation because, push come to shove, EVERYTHING is RELATED. [They called Einstein a genius for sharing THAT observation, one worthy of Capt. Obvious!]

But genius, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.

Many things people consider genius are quite frankly just plain dumb.

Where were we? Picturing a New World free of 'predatory capitalism' and Funny (recycled) Money!

If we don't start removing the feckless from our midst we aren't going to live to see any of this. We are fighting on two fronts, the terminally stupid and the freakishly selfish BOTH want things to remain the same, if the rest of us want to live, something's got to give...and the title points to the 'first step'.

Thanks once again for letting me visit, Head. Same time tomorrow?


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