Thursday, June 29, 2017

Walking on eggshells

Greetings good citizen, for all of the ridicule being heaped on the, er, 'captive media' today's front page of the NY Times had all the hallmarks of an organization walking on eggshells...

Can't be too pointed, the media is under attack on all fronts [mostly for its 'complicity' in creating and maintaining the current 'climate of fear'] the Goebbels among us are using to manipulate 'public opinion'.

Which is to opine that WWII didn't 'end', it simply went 'underground'. Everything we fought against in the SECOND 'war to end all wars' has come to pass.

[So long as MEN conspire to subjugate their (self-proclaimed) 'lessers' there will ALWAYS be WAR.]

So it is our (again self-proclaimed) 'betters' lost on the battlefield but easily conquered the corridors of power because they were full of 'like-minded' animals. [Remember yesterday's self-proclaimed Apex predators...any creature capable of considering its fellows 'inferior' is a danger to both itself and its fellows.]

Today's climate of fear was born of those who constantly fear discovery. If the rest of us ever wake up to the fact those running things consider us sheep to be led to slaughter whenever the situation warrants it [in their feeble estimation] their worthless lives would instantly be forfeit.

The tip off comes when suddenly EVERYTHING that couldn't bear scrutiny/debate became a matter of National Security, which translates directly into THEIR security.

Only rogues and scoundrels require the cloak of 'secrecy' to operate.

That's why we would do away with the 'closed doors' of elected politics where the guilty make decisions at arms length and protect themselves from discovery via 'proxies'.

One thing the average citizen should never doubt is just who is a 'citizen'.

Are YOU a citizen and if you think so then what makes you one? Most of you will give the WRONG answer, being HUMAN makes you a 'citizen', doesn't matter WHERE on the planet you were born.

Beginning to get the idea things have gone horribly wrong for an awfully long time?

Sure, once upon a time there were bad operators which drove wedges between tribes and resulted in the forming of 'nations' but past mistakes don't alter present conditions.

YOU are a 'human', a card carrying, unmistakable member of 'team humanity'.

WHat you should find disturbing is certain factions don't agree with this conclusion. They operate on the assumption that YOU are something less for any number of nebulous reasons.

Zero irony should be lost on the fact that those wearing 'tin badges' are foremost in their 'Us vs Them' mindset.

THis mindset has spread throughout civilization causing rifts across the social spectrum. Worse, it has had a very long time to fester.

Which brings me to the point. We may have survived this long 'in spite of ourselves' but that isn't going to last much longer.

A species incapable of accepting 'reality' is doomed from the start.

Don't ask why I'm staring at YOU. You know why.

The (self-proclaimed) 'Predators' among us have made common cause, if you remain outside the loop YOU [and YOUR CHILDREN] are going to become DOG FOOD! (if that...)

THis is what those currently 'mismanaging' society have cultivated and make no mistake they are doing it purposefully...[because to them we are ALL a threat! (to their superiority)]

THis is what happens when you're right and everyone else doesn't count! [Did I mention the race to be the richest is actually a mental illness?]

Today's front page is a striking reminder that YOU do this every moment of every day, often without thinking about it!

[The other reason I'm staring at YOU!]

You are already fighting this war whether you realize it or not!

If you are to stand even the slimmest possibility of SURVIVING, you need to wake the F up!

I've done what I could, the rest is up to you.

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


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