Greetings good citizen, I have been pointing to the situation in the political sphere for a long time and what do the fools do, they prove what I've been saying all along (compounding the urgent need to take action.)
What action you might ask? If we keep in mind fighting is never the answer then what's left? Protest? or should we scold them so roundly that the cease out of 'shame'...when we already know they, the feckless few, are absolutely shameless.
The biggest obstacle facing civilization and society worldwide is once the feckless have seized the 'high ground' [the legislature, courts and the banks] there is little you can do to them LEGALLY.
Which is why most 'solutions' lie outside the avenues of 'legal remedy'.
Today we were given our first glimpse of the Senate version of the, er, 'plan' to cut billions in taxes (on the ALREADY WEALTHY) and deny healthcare to hundreds of millions.
All because THE MORONS that claim to represent us don't know what money is or how to use it!
In a brighter future, your 'salary' will be your salary and it will be JUST FOR YOU! It WON'T be taxed and all SERVICES will be FREE [because the self-interested will no longer be allowed to hold commodities HOSTAGE in their infantile quest to be the RICHEST!
[IF a life where you can't compete with others to be the most selfish doesn't appeal to you the rest of society will GLADLY 'show YOU the DOOR!'
YOU do not DESERVE The benefits of civil society so you will be transported (free of charge) to a place where you can hoard and lord over everything you find to your hearts content! First a word of caution to the 'conqueror's among us, there will be other 'like-minded' individuals who will unfortunately redefine the term eat or be eaten! [So good luck lording over the likes of them!]
Under A Simple Plan there are no taxes, fines or prisons. Your money is for YOU and it's 'non-transferable'. you CAN'T give it to anyone else even if you WANT to.
There will be no 'charity' nor 'aid' because society itself will care for you from the cradle to the grave.
We could do it TODAY but the 'feckless few' are too busy clubbing their competition to death over table scraps to care about the 'fruitlessness' of their life goal.
Worse, they no longer care how many they impoverish, it's all about sucking up the money from where it pools...and if those pools exist in the 'underground economy' then let there be crime!
Yes good citizen, the cesspool your children are trying to wade into so they can start their lives EXISTS as another avenue for the feckless few to suck as much MONEY as they can out of the hapless they so recklessly exploit.
Ever wonder WHERE all the 'smack' [heroin] is coming from and how good is 'homeland security' if they can't stop it? What's the point in looking in YOUR underwear [perverts!] when the streets are swimming in toxic drugs?
Where is LAW ENFORCEMENT while this is happening? Crying they don't have the 'manpower'? Yet they have the manpower to bust your stones over an expired registration!
Or do we have this 'Protect & Serve' thing all wrong? [That's right, it is like the 'all men are created equal' BS, it doesn't apply to us, it only applies to the MASTERS!
Which is why there won't BE 'legislators' in our 'new society'. YOU will make the laws we must live under but remember, to be a law it must first pass muster with the H.A.E. and be voted by a 'supermajority' (90%) margin to become law...and that's 90% of EVERYBODY, no more of this couple of hundred deciding for the hundreds of millions!
Which is to say new laws will be RARE. Same rule applies to jettisoning old laws and the H.A.E CAN'T BE REPEALED! [even voting to repeal it is illegal...because I said so!]
If they EVER announce the H.A.E [Human Anti-Exploitation Law] is no more, it's time to revolt...because the very next words you'll hear is the 'resumption of OWNERSHIP as the 'law of the land' and the forfeiture of all of your rights as citizens of Division society.
Worse, all these things will be done out of 'fairness'.
It isn't 'fair' to stop the game now, Johnny was so close to winning!
What our feckless 'betters' fail to realize is ALL MONEY IS FUNNY...and more importantly, MONEY ONLY HAS VALUE TO THE INDIVIDUAL!
Doesn't matter if you have 'all the money in the world' if the only place you can spend it is 'the public store'. Having all the money in the world is also useless if you can't give it to anyone else, you can't hire servants much less buy slaves...or hire mercs to go and enslave some people for you...everyday occurrences now, which should really make you QUESTION THE WISDOM of allowing those currently in charge to hold on to their positions of authority!
The thing to understand is the cesspool we are forced to live in will keep on getting deeper and danker so long as you 'accept' its 'inevitability'.
We will NEVER get to vote on it nor will they suddenly 'come to their senses' and stop abusing the powers they have grabbed for themselves.
The 'plan' is quite simple, we go on strike 7/5 [henceforth the 'new' Independence Day] and we don't return to work until the criminals have been removed and replaced by responsible surrogates operating under the 'new rules'.
Will some of them have to be 'forcibly removed'? Absolutely, but more so because they are psychopaths than anything else.
Other 'touchstone' nobody mentions...'revolution' is scary. People don't like opening the door to the 'unknown' because of the danger that the 'new boss' will be worse than the 'devil they know'.
Worse, history is full of revolts and most of them don't work out very well, even the US revolution ended with the same 'royal wannabes' in charge.
Thus the necessary changes to monetary policy and the 'justice system' along with the revamping of the political process.
Um, read a disturbing 'review' of Michael Moore's 'Capitalism, a Love Story' where a Libby tears the round man a new one for not providing an 'alternative'...and rightly so! None of the so-called 'progressives' propose a single alteration to the current way of doing things...which is why ALL past revolutions have failed to produce improvements in the overall 'human condition'.
Rulers enjoy a 'good life' and most 'revolutionaries' simply want to replace them, they encourage revolt without proposing fixes to the corrupt system because they hope to exploit those very same 'weaknesses'...and they will crush opposition even more brutally than their predecessors did!
Mostly because the only people capable of funding revolution are the relatives of the oppressors!
No guns, no bombs, just bring this clambake to a screeching halt, that's ALL we have to do. That and overcome a certain amount of 'resistance' because you know they won't walk into exile by themselves [despite their proclamations they'd rather rule in hell than serve in heaven!]
So we'd declare the H.A.E. and eliminate 'wage slavery' [your wages are part of the owner's 'income stream', why they're rich and you're not!]
Then we make money 'non-transferable'. Your division pays you and you can buy whatever you want from the store that has EVERYTHING, (controlled access will replace outright bans) So you still won't be able to bop down to the store to buy a gram of plutonium just to see how long your gerbil glows in the dark but you can no longer be mugged either.
The COMPLETE elimination of cash makes it impossible to transfer funds between individuals so while it will still be possible to 'gamble' the act of placing another in your 'debt' is an exile how bad do you want to collect?
All corruption is also 'cash & carry' another reason cash needs to go bye-bye.
Can the accounts be 'hacked'? Sure, you can even muscle somebody in payroll to do it but if you get caught it's summary how bad do you want it?
Better, all accounts will be erased and reloaded on a nightly basis with the balance being based on your salary/transaction history so you'd best conspire to spend it quick or the money you force the hapless clerk to steal for you will vanish before you can spend it! [and the transaction record itself will raise a red flag, making YOU a target of the Uh-Oh squad!]
Oh, and you'd best buy something small because 'incongruous purchases' will trigger an investigation into 'where did that yacht come from?'
Can't BUY someplace to bug-out to either...all housing/land is held [and maintained] by the 'investing' in land is out. Deeds no longer exist except as 'curiosities'.
Gems? Good luck finding any!
Gold? Good luck selling it! [you can't find a buyer! You can 'trade it' and again we wish you luck while admonishing you to trade wisely! That hologram of the goods maybe all that exists!]
Then there is the other side of the 'your money is for you' concept...EVERYBODY works because the ONLY way to get money is to work for it...but you no longer work for Joe Greedhead, you work for the foundation of ALL Commerce, society itself! Morons like Ayn Rand were too STUPID to recognize the mother of Invention and the ultimate 'taskmaster' goes by another name, Mother Nature!
We do what we do not because of 'clever capitalists' but because SURVIVAL DICTATES THAT WE DO IT OR PERISH! [This is why going on STRIKE works!]
Boneheaded Randites believe A.) money is REAL and B.) that the, er, not a good catch-all phrase for it so we'll use 'industrious' create jobs for the (and they are only semi-right on this one) STUPID.
We all 'do what we do' because it needs doing...not everything, many things are in fact 'busywork', jobs that only serve to spy on the activities of others because the threat of revolt is CONSTANT.
Due to past history there WON'T BE another revolt until the public KNOWS what they are revolting FOR. They ALREADY KNOW what they are REVOLTING AGAINST! [A feckless 5% that is squeezing their children out of the genepool!]
A free home, a guaranteed job and a political/commercial environment free from corruption are just for starters, free healthcare [because it's their job to provide it there is no need for YOU to pay them too! {what a concept!} Same thing goes for utilities! They don't NEED your money, the owner was just ripping you off!
Sounds like a Bigger, Better Deal than you've got now. No cops 'per se', the Uh-oh squad will still be there and they are 'super cops' charged with defending civilization, not just the feckless few (and busting you, just for shits and giggles.) Most existing cops are sadists but these folk have bigger things to worry about.
I digress madly and it has been a while composing today's piece but today's 'legislative action' highlights the need for more than just disgust from the public.
The Bigger, Better Deal is on the table, all you have to do is pick it up and stiff arm the creeps that keep you begging [mostly for mercy] which you already know they don't have.
Thanks for letting me inside your head,
Sorry for taxing your time/attention span like this but there isn't a better way.
What action you might ask? If we keep in mind fighting is never the answer then what's left? Protest? or should we scold them so roundly that the cease out of 'shame'...when we already know they, the feckless few, are absolutely shameless.
The biggest obstacle facing civilization and society worldwide is once the feckless have seized the 'high ground' [the legislature, courts and the banks] there is little you can do to them LEGALLY.
Which is why most 'solutions' lie outside the avenues of 'legal remedy'.
Today we were given our first glimpse of the Senate version of the, er, 'plan' to cut billions in taxes (on the ALREADY WEALTHY) and deny healthcare to hundreds of millions.
All because THE MORONS that claim to represent us don't know what money is or how to use it!
In a brighter future, your 'salary' will be your salary and it will be JUST FOR YOU! It WON'T be taxed and all SERVICES will be FREE [because the self-interested will no longer be allowed to hold commodities HOSTAGE in their infantile quest to be the RICHEST!
[IF a life where you can't compete with others to be the most selfish doesn't appeal to you the rest of society will GLADLY 'show YOU the DOOR!'
YOU do not DESERVE The benefits of civil society so you will be transported (free of charge) to a place where you can hoard and lord over everything you find to your hearts content! First a word of caution to the 'conqueror's among us, there will be other 'like-minded' individuals who will unfortunately redefine the term eat or be eaten! [So good luck lording over the likes of them!]
Under A Simple Plan there are no taxes, fines or prisons. Your money is for YOU and it's 'non-transferable'. you CAN'T give it to anyone else even if you WANT to.
There will be no 'charity' nor 'aid' because society itself will care for you from the cradle to the grave.
We could do it TODAY but the 'feckless few' are too busy clubbing their competition to death over table scraps to care about the 'fruitlessness' of their life goal.
Worse, they no longer care how many they impoverish, it's all about sucking up the money from where it pools...and if those pools exist in the 'underground economy' then let there be crime!
Yes good citizen, the cesspool your children are trying to wade into so they can start their lives EXISTS as another avenue for the feckless few to suck as much MONEY as they can out of the hapless they so recklessly exploit.
Ever wonder WHERE all the 'smack' [heroin] is coming from and how good is 'homeland security' if they can't stop it? What's the point in looking in YOUR underwear [perverts!] when the streets are swimming in toxic drugs?
Where is LAW ENFORCEMENT while this is happening? Crying they don't have the 'manpower'? Yet they have the manpower to bust your stones over an expired registration!
Or do we have this 'Protect & Serve' thing all wrong? [That's right, it is like the 'all men are created equal' BS, it doesn't apply to us, it only applies to the MASTERS!
Which is why there won't BE 'legislators' in our 'new society'. YOU will make the laws we must live under but remember, to be a law it must first pass muster with the H.A.E. and be voted by a 'supermajority' (90%) margin to become law...and that's 90% of EVERYBODY, no more of this couple of hundred deciding for the hundreds of millions!
Which is to say new laws will be RARE. Same rule applies to jettisoning old laws and the H.A.E CAN'T BE REPEALED! [even voting to repeal it is illegal...because I said so!]
If they EVER announce the H.A.E [Human Anti-Exploitation Law] is no more, it's time to revolt...because the very next words you'll hear is the 'resumption of OWNERSHIP as the 'law of the land' and the forfeiture of all of your rights as citizens of Division society.
Worse, all these things will be done out of 'fairness'.
It isn't 'fair' to stop the game now, Johnny was so close to winning!
What our feckless 'betters' fail to realize is ALL MONEY IS FUNNY...and more importantly, MONEY ONLY HAS VALUE TO THE INDIVIDUAL!
Doesn't matter if you have 'all the money in the world' if the only place you can spend it is 'the public store'. Having all the money in the world is also useless if you can't give it to anyone else, you can't hire servants much less buy slaves...or hire mercs to go and enslave some people for you...everyday occurrences now, which should really make you QUESTION THE WISDOM of allowing those currently in charge to hold on to their positions of authority!
The thing to understand is the cesspool we are forced to live in will keep on getting deeper and danker so long as you 'accept' its 'inevitability'.
We will NEVER get to vote on it nor will they suddenly 'come to their senses' and stop abusing the powers they have grabbed for themselves.
The 'plan' is quite simple, we go on strike 7/5 [henceforth the 'new' Independence Day] and we don't return to work until the criminals have been removed and replaced by responsible surrogates operating under the 'new rules'.
Will some of them have to be 'forcibly removed'? Absolutely, but more so because they are psychopaths than anything else.
Other 'touchstone' nobody mentions...'revolution' is scary. People don't like opening the door to the 'unknown' because of the danger that the 'new boss' will be worse than the 'devil they know'.
Worse, history is full of revolts and most of them don't work out very well, even the US revolution ended with the same 'royal wannabes' in charge.
Thus the necessary changes to monetary policy and the 'justice system' along with the revamping of the political process.
Um, read a disturbing 'review' of Michael Moore's 'Capitalism, a Love Story' where a Libby tears the round man a new one for not providing an 'alternative'...and rightly so! None of the so-called 'progressives' propose a single alteration to the current way of doing things...which is why ALL past revolutions have failed to produce improvements in the overall 'human condition'.
Rulers enjoy a 'good life' and most 'revolutionaries' simply want to replace them, they encourage revolt without proposing fixes to the corrupt system because they hope to exploit those very same 'weaknesses'...and they will crush opposition even more brutally than their predecessors did!
Mostly because the only people capable of funding revolution are the relatives of the oppressors!
No guns, no bombs, just bring this clambake to a screeching halt, that's ALL we have to do. That and overcome a certain amount of 'resistance' because you know they won't walk into exile by themselves [despite their proclamations they'd rather rule in hell than serve in heaven!]
So we'd declare the H.A.E. and eliminate 'wage slavery' [your wages are part of the owner's 'income stream', why they're rich and you're not!]
Then we make money 'non-transferable'. Your division pays you and you can buy whatever you want from the store that has EVERYTHING, (controlled access will replace outright bans) So you still won't be able to bop down to the store to buy a gram of plutonium just to see how long your gerbil glows in the dark but you can no longer be mugged either.
The COMPLETE elimination of cash makes it impossible to transfer funds between individuals so while it will still be possible to 'gamble' the act of placing another in your 'debt' is an exile how bad do you want to collect?
All corruption is also 'cash & carry' another reason cash needs to go bye-bye.
Can the accounts be 'hacked'? Sure, you can even muscle somebody in payroll to do it but if you get caught it's summary how bad do you want it?
Better, all accounts will be erased and reloaded on a nightly basis with the balance being based on your salary/transaction history so you'd best conspire to spend it quick or the money you force the hapless clerk to steal for you will vanish before you can spend it! [and the transaction record itself will raise a red flag, making YOU a target of the Uh-Oh squad!]
Oh, and you'd best buy something small because 'incongruous purchases' will trigger an investigation into 'where did that yacht come from?'
Can't BUY someplace to bug-out to either...all housing/land is held [and maintained] by the 'investing' in land is out. Deeds no longer exist except as 'curiosities'.
Gems? Good luck finding any!
Gold? Good luck selling it! [you can't find a buyer! You can 'trade it' and again we wish you luck while admonishing you to trade wisely! That hologram of the goods maybe all that exists!]
Then there is the other side of the 'your money is for you' concept...EVERYBODY works because the ONLY way to get money is to work for it...but you no longer work for Joe Greedhead, you work for the foundation of ALL Commerce, society itself! Morons like Ayn Rand were too STUPID to recognize the mother of Invention and the ultimate 'taskmaster' goes by another name, Mother Nature!
We do what we do not because of 'clever capitalists' but because SURVIVAL DICTATES THAT WE DO IT OR PERISH! [This is why going on STRIKE works!]
Boneheaded Randites believe A.) money is REAL and B.) that the, er, not a good catch-all phrase for it so we'll use 'industrious' create jobs for the (and they are only semi-right on this one) STUPID.
We all 'do what we do' because it needs doing...not everything, many things are in fact 'busywork', jobs that only serve to spy on the activities of others because the threat of revolt is CONSTANT.
Due to past history there WON'T BE another revolt until the public KNOWS what they are revolting FOR. They ALREADY KNOW what they are REVOLTING AGAINST! [A feckless 5% that is squeezing their children out of the genepool!]
A free home, a guaranteed job and a political/commercial environment free from corruption are just for starters, free healthcare [because it's their job to provide it there is no need for YOU to pay them too! {what a concept!} Same thing goes for utilities! They don't NEED your money, the owner was just ripping you off!
Sounds like a Bigger, Better Deal than you've got now. No cops 'per se', the Uh-oh squad will still be there and they are 'super cops' charged with defending civilization, not just the feckless few (and busting you, just for shits and giggles.) Most existing cops are sadists but these folk have bigger things to worry about.
I digress madly and it has been a while composing today's piece but today's 'legislative action' highlights the need for more than just disgust from the public.
The Bigger, Better Deal is on the table, all you have to do is pick it up and stiff arm the creeps that keep you begging [mostly for mercy] which you already know they don't have.
Thanks for letting me inside your head,
Sorry for taxing your time/attention span like this but there isn't a better way.
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