Thursday, June 15, 2017


Greetings good citizen, yesterday's assault on the Republican congressman's softball team practice [for charity, of course] is NOT 'new', we just haven't witnessed it in a long time. We've had people going 'postal' across the social spectrum but yesterday's pointedly 'political' attack marks a return to the public reaction to ineffective oversight and the persistent OVERREACH by those charged with keeping 'the peasants' in line.

Seems I'm unable to resist any SHARP STICK left in my vicinity because I'm pretty sure you know WHO I'm referring to when I call YOU a 'peasant'. Don't get your nose out of joint, I'm one too so just relax and face reality for a minute, k?

Nobody needs to set the table but it HELPS if we 'label the participants' [considering how many of you MISTAKENLY 'self-identify' as MIDDLE CLASS, only a few of you meet the parameters.] The rest of us are what we've always been, the proverbial HIRED HELP [quite literally a half-step removed from slavery.] {Capitalism was designed to make slaves 'self-sufficient', it's the only reason YOU get wages!}

Our natural tendency to swap labels is what directs anger away from the guilty OFTEN MISIDENTIFIED AS 'RICH' when the REAL TROUBLEMAKERS are THE PRIVILEGED, not the ONE PERCENT but their MINIONS, the FIVE PERCENT that populate the CORRIDORS OF POWER who are constantly trying to out-maneuver one another just to cultivate 'favor' with their 'patron'.

We have a lot of names for this scum, yesterday that name was TARGET but they are also known by their chosen titles, some the public provides and others, the truly dangerous ones, are 'appointed (to serve.)

It is an oversimplification to say there are 'two teams' and three 'players' but it's best to keep things simple so we don't get lost in the I thought he was talking about the other guys! morass.

One are the 'privileged' who are 'rich because they [literally] control MONEY...and if THAT DOESN'T ALARM you then you have a serious disconnect with reality!

These are People who literally measure their wealth by DECLARING I have DOUBLE whatever HE has. It's not 'numbers', it's just what you think it is, it's just what it looks like too, a figurative 'dick measuring' contest!

Then there are the people who 'defend/enforce' these frivolous claims...quite literally 'soldiers'. Understand, most of 'em have zero military experience but they are very good 'strategists', it's how they 'made their bones', by out maneuvering their competitors via strategic alliances across the 'jungle' they claim to be lords of.

If you're not one of the 'privileged' [and the jury is still out as to whether or not there is more than one 'organization/family' or if it's just one huge cluster fck with 'cousins' zealously defending their 'fifes', literal or contextual, ONE entity responsible for the misery of the rest of us is 'the privileged', so privileged BECAUSE THEY CONTROL both MONEY AND THE JUSTICE SYSTEM.

Everything below the Five Percent is 'superstitious peasants'. The 'smart ones' keep their mouths shut and their heads down because they know 'the score' 'comply or die' means you will do it an like it...or else.

Which is to finish that ancient threat, we can't MAKE YOU DO IT, we can only make you WISH THE FCK YOU DID!

The thing to remember is this too has a 'response' and that answer is 'you gotta sleep sometime' [and what you keep threatening to do to me I'm GOING to do to YOU the second you shut your eyes!]

That's no way to live and it accounts for why we live in a world that has THE ILLUSION of CHOICE and FREE WILL, where we 'PRETEND TO WORK and they PRETEND TO PAY US [with money that is increasingly worthless!]

What we are witnessing is nothing more than a 'return' to the State of Siege (mentality) that existed before our little 'experiment in democracy' swept the world.

EVERYBODY KNOWS it was A VERY FLAWED experiment from the start because what we have now was designed by the 'comply or die' crowd.

Well, most of us had no frickin' clue what the pundits/scumballs meant by 'Morning in America', now it is clear that the century long 'truce' between the rulers and the ruled is OVER.

Exile folks, if you love FREEDOM, we need to exile with extreme prejudice!

You'll be AMAZED at how much smoother things will run without the obstruction of 'faux justice' protecting the GUILTY!

But I digress...

The 'message' of today's offering is it's on folks, the [now ancient] war has resumed!

The 'blood in the streets' was a commonplace occurrence when the feckless ran things...well, brace yourself because you ain't seen nothing yet!

Kiss your life goodbye because YOU redefine the term 'pawn'...the expendable part varies with how closely related you are to any of the 'enforcers'.

I belabor the obvious when I opine this is no way to live. If you value your life and your family, you will join the billions of others and RESIST with every fiber of your being.

While today's NY Times editorial page exclaims we must NOT advocate 'violence' we have to be REALISTIC. The 'struggle against tyranny' has been going on since the beginning [of civilization] and the 'winners' will be the ones 'unafraid' of doing what needs doing (and sometimes this means killing.)

Exile [modern variety] is a death sentence BUT it is technically 'suicide' because those who are exiled will have chosen it rather than living by the rules of civil society.

Choosing to be 'privileged' is placing yourself ahead of your species [and that is precisely what the whackjobs developing AI in the face of a population crisis are doing!]

Why do we suffer from a shortage of intelligent people? Because the Privileged DON'T WANT PEOPLE THAT CAN THINK!

Think about it...

Thanks for letting me inside your mind, hope this clears up 'what & why' I'm crying about all the time.

YOU may not care...but by not caring you are choosing DEATH for everyone YOU that what you want?

And no, there IS something you can do about it...but it involves getting off your dead ass taking back what's yours!

Until next time,


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