Thursday, June 8, 2017

Planet of origin

Greetings good citizen, um, from the fossil evidence it appears we have been here considerably shorter than originally believed [although now it seems nobody can explain the mysterious (modern) Homo sapien foot prints found in 2 million year old mud, also in equatorial Africa.]

Most agree 195,000 years is but a blink of the eye in evolutionary time.

Oldest Fossils of Homo Sapiens Found in Morocco, Altering History of Our Species
Newly discovered fossils indicate Homo sapiens were present in Africa 300,000 years ago, scientists reported. Until now, the earliest evidence dated back just 195,000 years.

Left to our imagination is how a creature that can't be found in the fossil record until 300,000 years ago rose to become the dominant lifeform on this planet so [relatively] quickly.

Chances are my comical 'guess' that we were abandoned here is likely half true. While I speculated our self-preservation minded ancestors weeded the, er, 'mentally challenged' from their midst it is more likely they rid themselves of their 'Dorsai' [ a sci-fi series produced by Gordon R Dickson between 1959 and 2007 about a fictional race of 'soldiers of fortune' who were...'exiled' until they were needed again.

Thus the 'expectation of blind obedience' coupled with a very aggressive, war-like nature (predominant among our contemporaries.) We have [since being abandoned] 'calmed down' (a little, teeny-tiny bit) but by and large we are still the combative savages that were dropped off here a couple of hundred thousand years ago.

We kill for sport and make war simply because we can...any questions?

Um, not to leave you on such a bleak note. We may be 'cast-offs', self-replicating killing machines but at our core we share the base values of our creators [scientists, not GODS]

While we are savage [often to the point where we shock even ourselves] we are also kind and caring and that noblest of all human traits, self sacrificing. [Don't get the wrong idea, mankind is NOT the only creature 'aware' of 'the greater good'. Other species self-sacrifice too.]

If there were a 'simple answer' our species wouldn't have gone 'wrong', that said, it didn't take much [a healthy dose of opportunism mixed in with a liberal dose of greed and topped off with a smidge of hubris/chutzpah and here we are, unable to undo the knot a few freakishly selfish have tied the rest of us up with.

Were it as simple as the three pillars [Equality, Justice and Peace] we wouldn't find ourselves where we are today, at war over NOTHING, suspecting everyone because of our own suspicious nature!

We wouldn't need a Human Anti-exploitation law because we wouldn't have let money get 'out of control', those criminals that used money to 'buy their way out of jail' would have been exiled [along with the crooked administrators they bribed!]

Seems as though all I do is complain [and some of you believe nothing good can come of complaining...but do I not also provide solutions?

Pointing to injustice ISN'T ENOUGH! You have to be able to fix it if you're going to 'bitch'!

Where we came from isn't important [although knowing would explain why we are as we are!] We are here and we have no way to leave, making this planet our 'prison'...but we don't need to live like prisoners, that part is important! [yet the few have elected themselves to be our 'jailers' and to that I'd say we need to correct their faulty logic!

Worse, this 'go along to get along' baloney has to go too! [there is little enough 'pie' and too many hungry mouths eager to eat it!]

Letting them use YOUR OWN GREED against you is what keeps you caged like an animal with no place to turn.

Help is but a smile away...but you have to be willing to return that welcoming smile!

Um, just pointing out that 'the evidence' points to this NOT being the 'planet of origin' [and if we knew what to look for evidence of 'terraforming' would be everywhere!]

Won't it be cool to finally learn what mosquitoes are for?

Did I mention a trip through my mind can be somewhat disorienting? I did but I'm not sure how many of you read the 'about me' intro on the sidebar...

At ease trooper, until tomorrow, thanks for letting me inside your gearbox!


[where I'm about as useful as a bag of hammers...]

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