Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Boiler Plate

Greetings good citizen, the 'frustration' with the political process is boiling over and it's happening for exactly the reason it ALWAYS happens. Block the path to peaceful resolution and you have a 'fight' on your hands.

Refusal to hear (nevermind act) on the grievances of your opponents invites (nay, PROVOKES) violence.

A 'hallmark' of conservatism is the 'unyielding' manner they tend to deal with, er, 'issues'. Conservative mentality dictates there are no problems, just obstructionists that don't understand their way is the best way.

[Did I mention we have a huge 'stupid problem' going on in the political sphere?]

Now conservatives are ALARMED that the cheese eating surrender monkeys they call 'Liberals', the same people they have stiff armed for decades are starting to get confrontational.

About time, it only took 'em forty years to wake up and smell the Ovaltine!

Trouble with 'Waking the Giant' is HE gets real nasty when things don't go HIS way.

Remember, there are only a handful of 'conservo-whackos', the Giant, the thing they have been poking with a sharp stick for the past forty years is ginormous, and he's strong enough to turn this place to rubble, literally overnight!

Again, I belabor the obvious. The conservative few, those who live by the 'My way or the Highway' credo have stiff armed the 'powerless' go along to get along crowd for time out of mind.

Every once in awhile [with the upcoming confrontation being less than 'accidental', this time they are pushing the buttons on purpose!] the public, often referred to as 'the silent majority' [not because they don't talk but because the media treats them like they are mutes.] rises up and slaps the vocal few around...and it works...[for a couple of days. Stupid really is as stupid does.]

So, to the 'title topic'.

What's the 'boiler plate' here?

Shit rolls downhill, they talk, you listen...don't ask questions because there is one answer and one answer only and that answer is 'What part of 'BECAUSE I SAID SO' DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND? [Me 'the Law', YOU NOT!]

The single biggest 'flaw' with the 'rule of law' is the belief that the law requires 'special knowledge' to understand it...it doesn't.

I know your 'heresy alarm' is clanging your poor head off its hinges but understand, laws the average person can't comprehend are USELESS. Worse, they are intended to confuse you so you'll give up and go along with whatever outcome they are trying to force out of the procedure.

The LAW means whatever the 'average person' thinks it means, not what some weasel wants you to believe it means!

The IMPORTANT thing to consider here is the destruction of the US economy, the 'relentless pursuit of excellence' the fuc*tards claimed was capitalism's 'destiny'...well where do you think that came from? The answer is four sentences above this and goes 'BECAUSE I SAID SO!'

Mother nature doesn't have a cash register, a person here eats roughly as much as a person anywhere else on the planet eats and lives in roughly the same kind of dwelling people here live in, actually, running water and electricity have little 'bearing' on the 'cost of labor' because ALL MONEY IS FUNNY!

We live in a BECAUSE I SAID SO world, good citizen and you'd damn well better 'go along to get along' or your wagon will remain empty for the rest of your decidedly unnatural days.

Worse, 'the trappers' will keep trapping us until they figure out it's a 'bad idea'. Then they will try eradicating us because they KNOW we're dangerous, perhaps one of the most dangerous things in the cosmos but it is our cleverness that makes us 'valuable'.

Push come to shove good citizen we are 'unmatchable'...and they know it.

That's why they keep the 'leash' as short as possible.

and THAT good citizen is BOILERPLATE!

When the apex traps the apex, the outcome will come down to numbers because skills are evenly matched. We are 'subjugated' because we let them have the upper hand.

Problem with that is they are too used to compliance and their ONLY trick is to tighten the leash...so when the leash snaps, watch out.

7/5, save the day!

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


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