Saturday, June 10, 2017

Call to the post

Greetings good citizen, as the current presidency crumbles before our astonished eyes [remember, The Donald was going to 'save us'...if that's what you took away from his rhetorical slogan of making Murika 'Great' again [regardless of for who or how, that part was always left to your 'imagination'.] We are left with the reality of the shambles that has been made of the process we use to reach compromise in this thing we call society.

As has been long lamented, the reality is there has always been 'two Americas', one for the privileged and the other place where the rest of us wake up in every day.

Lately we have seen how the other America operates and we all count ourselves as 'disappointed'. These are the people who muck it up for the rest of us! They are handed everything at birth and object to even the smallest amount of aid for the neediest that they, themselves create!

How sad is it this is neither 'new' or news.

While people still 'defend' their choice, I suspect it's the media that thinks El Trumpo still has 'a sizeable base', the frustrated people who voted against Hillary were NEVER 'with' Trump.

What's the 'take away' good citizen? I'd opine the system is broken [due to the machinations of money] and there is 'no way forward'.

La-la land has nothing in common with the land of the hopelessly ignorant just as you have zero in common with the thieves running this scam.

How do we stop these two diverging agendas?

YOU have to STOP 'going along with it'.

Let me know if that's too complicated for you. It's a lot to take in that short two letter word we pronounce 'no'.

IF we are ALL in this together, THERE IS NOTHING TO ARGUE ABOUT!

Equality is a small price to pay for peace and justice serves EVERYONE.

[The freakishly selfish have no interest in either, they stole it 'fair and square' [a phrase they use repeatedly] and refuse to simply 'give it back' despite it not being 'theirs' in the first place!

We're dealing with psychos who have 'sacrificed' their place in civil society because of their greed.

How unfortunate for the rest of us the 'just' are just as 'freakishly greedy'.

Stuff to do so today's post is a 'blunt'.

Thanks for letting me inside your head, I can't emphasize enough the importance of you comprehending this.


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